IEEMA Journal June 2021

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the leading electrical & electronics monthly

VOLUME 12 z ISSUE NO. 10 z JUNE 2021 z PGS. 84

ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-

Digitalisation: A new era in power sector “Digitalisation, Decentralisation and Decarbonisation are the three key trends that will define the future of the Power Sector.”

See Inside Special Feature : IEEMA - Facilitating Growth for its Members Innovation : IIT-BHU Develops Prototype for Hydrogen Fuel Reader's Corner : Books for Electric Power T&D Engineering International Exhibitions : Upcoming Power Sector Exhibitions

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June 2021




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the leading electrical & electronics monthly

Volume 12 Issue No. 10 June 2021 CIN U99999MH1970GAP014629 2IÀFLDO 2UJDQ RI ,QGLDQ (OHFWULFDO (OHFWURQLFV 0DQXIDFWXUHUV· $VVRFLDWLRQ Member: Audit Bureau of Circulation & The Indian Newspaper Society



From the President’s Desk

Samvaad 12

ELECRAMA Chairman Message 14

Digitalisation: A new era in power sector

Innovation Dr Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay, Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engg. IIT(BHU) and his team have come up with a membrane reformer prototype for producing ultra-pure hydrogen from methanol.



Special Feature IEEMA facilitating growth for its Members

IEEMA Facilitating Growth for its Members


Cover Story Digitalisation: A new era in power sector Digital technologies are everywhere, affecting the way we live, work, travel and play. Digitalisation is helping improve the safety, productivity, accessibility and sustainability of energy systems around the world. Over the coming decades, digital technologies are set to make energy systems around the world more FRQQHFWHG LQWHOOLJHQW HIÀFLHQW reliable and sustainable.

IEEMA SME division, as part of its initiative to seek opportunity for IEEMA members, began reaching out to domestic institutions. Indian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association ,((0$ FRQGXFWV ÀUVW HYHU YLUWXDO buyers and seller meet named as e-Connect with the aim to boost the export.

Guest Article Flywheel Energy Storage System

Flywheel Energy Storage System

(QHUJ\ VWRUDJH V\VWHPV (66 ÀQG several applications in Electrical systems when there are imbalances between demand and supply. The uses of these systems add in the improvement of stability and quality of electrical networks. Due to the increase in the generation of Renewable Energy, there is a lot of supply intermittency which can be mitigated with the use of these systems.

For suggestions and feedback please write to us on


June 2021

From the President’s Desk

Dear Friends, I hope you are safe and taking good care of yourself and your families! Digitalization holds great promise for the energy & power industry. Innovative companies that approach digitalization strategically, balancing the short and longer term objectives of the business, will gain a significant competitive advantage, improving their ability to adapt and thrive. IEEMA recently conducted a webinar on Impact of resurgence of Covid-19 Re-inventing the industry for Economic Growth- “Digitise or bust” where Padma Shri Awardee and Chairman of Manipal Global Education Mr. TV Mohandas Pai stressed on the growing importance of Digitalisation. He said, “Covid-19 has exposed even the most established industries to the chasms in their assumptions and force them to Tech and Digital intelligence-driven resilience. Digitalisation is an ongoing process with newer, more powerful dimensions.” Digital solutions have become powerful tools to manage the complexity of the current business environment. Rapid advances in sensors, control systems, industrial software and artificial intelligence are opening new ways of driving efficiency gains from existing operations and enabling new, more flexible and competitive business models with extensive opportunities for growth. In order to mitigate the impact of this price rise and to provide immediate relief to electrical equipment manufacturing industry, IEEMA requests the Hon’ble Commerce Minister and Hon’ble Finance Minister, Government of

June 2021

India to reduce prevailing percentage of basic customs duty on raw materials. Now, this is the time to explore and expand the marketing possibilities worldwide by participating in global virtual exhibitions and also work on R & D. IEEMA shall facilitate members to enhance their knowledge and learning skills by organising webinars on different topics in coming weeks. I appreciate IEEMA Members for their generous contribution to the society in various forms towards Covid-19 pandemic. Stay Healthy !

Anil Saboo



Dear Members, Dear Members,

It is good to take stock from time to time about efforts made and major milestones achieved as it helps in understanding for future course. In the last 14 months, IEEMA responded swiftly to the changed Cover environment and started virtual meetings, trainings, seminars and even exhibitions. It is interesting to note that since 18th March,’21, IEEMA organised 1400 virtual meetings out of which there were more than 100 sessions with the Government and utilities, far more than what used to happen during the non-virtual days. These efforts yielded 1.9 crores of revenue for IEEMA in the virtual space and is indicative of value offered on the virtual space. Let us see IEEMA’s performance in the last seven years or so. We added new exhibitions and concurrent initiatives, prominent being, DistribuELEC, Buildelec, Etechnext, Energise Empower East- E3, Digielec Bharat. World Utility Summit and Intelect, successful international conferences with our MoU partner IEEE. These initiatives have helped IEEMA members find new markets during non-Elecrama years. These initiatives coupled with better management of resources has resulted in reversing the deficit in non-Elecrama years from an operational loss of 2.3 crore in 2014-15 to a surplus of 83 lakhs in 2018-19 with increased activities and value to membership. More so the turnover of IEEMA increased in Elecrama year from 58.78 crore in 2013-14 to 88.71 crore in 2019-20 and the surplus being 9.73 cr to 26.32 cr in the corresponding years.


IEEMA’s PAN India presence has been enhanced with the additional 8 State Heads for state level engagements, Regional and State Chapters have been formed and are now instutionlised. This is paying rich dividends to industry by way of deeper engagement. The list of IEEMA members which was 785 on 31st March 2014 stands at 919 as on 31st March 2021. It is interesting to note that the government engagement through constructive dialogue has been significant with IEEMA being recognised as the first point of reference for anything pertaining to Power and Electrical Equipments. Interactions with Ministers and Secretaries in GoI on various subjects have been regular.

Other important initiatives include setting up of SME Clinique, eConnect – Virtual Buyer-Seller meet platform, NSIC support to SME Pavilion in ELECRAMA and IEEMA participation in Overseas exhibitions under the MAI Scheme of Ministry of Commerce.

Various issues regarding IEEMA membership are taken up with Ministries,Central and State Government Utilities and also with other arms of the government with high rate of success. Trust has been established by demonstration of sincerity of effort and data backed recommendations and today IEEMA enjoys the status of a trusted partner to the government in matters of public policy.

New Product Division were established in IEEMA to serve industry better for Distribution Transformer, LV Switchgear, Railway Business, Power Electronics, Test & Measurement Equipment & Monitoring solutions, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy & Storage, EV & Charging Infrastructure and lastly revival of Elevators division. A new conference, Trafotech-DT has been successfully established.

The longest battle was fought in terms of restricting Chinese import in electrical equipments which had earlier dented our member’s interest significantly. IEEMA had taken a position in November 2013 that indiscriminate import of Chinese goods, particularly intelligent devices are not in the strategic interest of the country. As it happens with any new thought the idea was initially ignored however through rigorous

June 2021


campaign with media involving Economic Times, Time of India, Business Today, Business Standard and others, IEEMA was able to reach the ears of those who matter including the National Security Advisor, Minister for Power and Minister for Commerce and Industry. Government took note and set up a committee under the Central Electricity Authority. IEEMA as member of the committee. played a key role in preparing the report on this subject. However, after the report was submitted it again took a lot of effort for government orders to follow to restrict not only imports but also bidding in Public procurement from prior reference countries. Appropriate orders have been issued by the Department of Expenditure,Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Power. IEEMA also played key role in the extensive exercise for Make in India orders which has benefitted the Indian Electrical Equipment Industry via Public Procurement (preference to Make in India) Orders of the Ministry of Power. During Covid IEEMA was able to get much needed relief from the government to improve liquidity of our members through timely payment of utilities and reduction in earnest money deposit through Bank Guarantee, Waiver off Minimum Demand Charges on Electricity, Permission for online inspections by utilities for dispatch of materials; Invocation of Force Majeure Clause due to Covid lockdown; Return of BG to the proportion of work done, Reduction in percentage of Performance Bank Guarantee from 5-10% to 3%; Bid Security declaration replacing Bid Security / EMD. Am mentioning few effort of IEEMA in the recent years on successful Policy advocacy which includes, increase in validity of BEE Certificates for Distribution Transformers for all star ratings, Outstanding Payments by Utilities have been brought down with specific interventions, Rejection of attempt to impose Minimum Import Price on Steel, Mitigating adverse impact of GST in IPDS Projects of REC by implementation of Equitable Contract Price, Removal of Pre-import conditions for duty free imports under Advance License etc. Lowering of the GST rate on Wires & Cables, LT Switchgears, Switch Boards, Panels and Insulator Fittings from 28% to 18% and keeping a Uniform Rate of 18% GST across all Electrical Products; Rejection of attempt to impose Safeguards Duty on Imports of Non-Alloy Ingots of Unwrought Aluminium; Cyber Security of Critical Power Control Equipment Installed in the Country;

June 2021

Increased recognition of CPRI test certification in some foreign utilities; Acceptance of IEEMA recommendations in CEA guidelines for procurement and National Capital Goods Policy, Removal of GST impact on in-transition projects. Removal of Inverted Duty Structure on Cable Terminal and Connectors. Restoration of IGST Refund. Basic customs duty of most of the finished electrical equipment (206) increased to peak rate of 10%, which were 5% -7.5% earlier. Government of India promoted Conductors and Power Transformers abroad under Brand Indian Engineering program, Inclusion of many products, under earlier focus Product Scheme, Galvanized Transmission Line Towers; Aluminium Conductors; Switchgears; Capacitors etc. Excise duty imposed earlier on electric motors, shafts, sleeve, chamber, impeller, and washer required for manufacturing of Centrifugal Pump was reduced from 12.5% to 6%. Percentage of interest to be paid on delayed payment under Custons, earlier Central Excise and services Tax were rationalisation at a uniform rate of 15 %. CENVAT Credit Rules 2004 amended to enable companies with multiple manufacturing units to maintain a common warehouse for inputs and also transfer unutilised CENVAT Credit to other manufacturing units. Removal of inverted duties on Insulators & Insulated Cables. Imposition of BIS standardisation for capacitors and cables to protect these against sub standard imports, BIS adopted IS 12615:2011 as Mandatory Standard for Energy Efficient Motors, IEEMA has laid emphasis on Social Media engagements, IEEMA Journal,Weekly updates Policy updates are available digitally to promote the industry cause. Important short video interactions with members and other stakeholders via like Just a Minute, Vidyut pe charcha, Lockdown Diaries have provided regular and diverse engagements and enhanced reach with stakeholders. Hope this sample list inspires reason enough for you to continuously engage and contribute actively as proud member of IEEMA family.

Sunil Misra





In Depth Furan analysis – A tool for assessing life expectancy of Power Transformers The useful life of equipment of AC and DC sub stations has been as declared as 25 years through WKH QRWLÀFDWLRQ LVVXHG E\ WKH Central Electricity Authority, vide *RYW RI ,QGLD·V QRWLÀFDWLRQ QR L-1/236/2018/CERC - Dated 7th Mar. 2019, however as regards Power Transformers it is assumed to be 35 years.

Furan Analysis A tool for assessing life expectancy of Power Transformers




In Focus

Expert Speak

Event and Eventualities

Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Testing practices in Power Sector

Failure of LV & HV bushings in cable boxes- Good practices to be followed to eliminate the same.

Case Studies On Transformer’s Abnormal Situation (Part-5)

In the advent of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Testing (CMDT) practices in Power Sector, number and duration of interruptions due to fault has been considerably reduced. As such the CMDT has proved itself as an essential tool of proactive maintenance. The upcoming IoT technology has enhanced the performance of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Testing methodology.

Distribution transformers are generally terminated with cables either on one side (LV) or both sides(LV& HV). The connections from windings are brought out of the tank through either porcelain bushings( mainly in 11/22/33 KV class) & epoxy/ porcelain in LV windings.

Failure of LV & HV bushings in cable boxes Good practices to be followed to eliminate the same



On Transformer’s Abnormal Situation (Part-5)

Last Few Months the Case Studies RQ 7UDQVIRUPHU·V $EQRUPDO situation is getting published under the section of EVENT and EVENTUAL series.



Power Scenario Global Scenario Indian Scenario


IEEMA Database Basic Prices & Indices Production Statistics


June 2021



Reader’s Corner Books for Electric Power T&D Engineering A list of reference books is prepared for the use of practicing electric power transmission and distribution engineers, consultants and research professionals. Except transformers (that will be handled in a separate list) all other topics normally required by power engineers are covered in this list.


IEEMA Activities 74

International News Genex to start construction at $602 mln Australian pumpedhydro project EEX market leader in Japan SRZHU IXWXUHV DIWHU ÀUVW \HDU Elon Musk says Tesla eyeing Russia as a potential production hub


National News Power sector CPSUs set up over 200 COVID care centres PLI scheme on battery production to make India major hub, cut China dependence PLI scheme on battery production to make India major hub, cut China dependence


Corporate News Tata Power extends support to public hospitals in Mulshi, Pune HPL Electric bags orders worth Rs 372 crore for electrical products PGCIL board approves investments worth Rs 2,202 crore


Advertiser’s Index 82

Sparks Sans Shocks

Editorial Board Advisory Committee Founder Chairman Mr R G Keswani

Chairman Mr Anil Saboo

Members Mr Sunil Misra Mr. Krishna Kumar Mr. A Naveen Kumar Mr. Vipul Ray Mr. Sanjay Abhyankar Mr. Sandeep Zanzariya Mr. Ashish Tondon Ms. Sonal Gariba

Sub Editor Ms Shalini Singh

Circulation Incharge Ms Chitra Tamhankar Statistics & Data Incharge Mr Ninad Ranade

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