IEEMA Journal November 2018

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the leading electrical & electronics monthly

VOLUME 10 z ISSUE NO. 3 z NOVEMBER 2018 z PGS. 136

ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-

TRAFOTECH 10th International Conference on Transformers for Future Power Networks 4th-5th October 2018, New Delhi

Inauguration of TRAFOTECH-2018

History of TRAFOTECH Unveiled Longest living Transformers on display at TRAFOTECH-2018

Spurious and Substandard Electrical Products ucts Denting the Industry 4th - 6th February 2019, Mumbai, India

November 2018


Keep your electricity flowing & business growing

Uninterrupted power supply is the goal of every power transmission and distribution company, but many problems lie in the path of achieving it. These problems can lead to unnecessary shutdowns, and can cause huge monetary and man-hour losses. To help power companies achieve highest efficiency, FLIR brings a wide range of thermal imaging cameras and T&M products.

FLIR’s wide range of products for predictive and preventive maintenance

Substation Thermal Image

These products help in detecting hot spots from a safe distance, avoiding unwanted shutdowns, identifying hazardous SF6 gas leakage, monitoring high voltage electrical substations continuously from remote location, etc.

For more information, call us at +91-11-4560 3555 or write to us at FLIR Systems India Pvt. Ltd. 1111, D Mall, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New Delhi – 110034 | Fax: +91-11-4721 2006 |





November 2018

Images for illustration purpose only.

Transformer Thermal Image

Use the right cable wires, avoid disaster fires Electrical cables play a vital role in the safe delivery of power in an electrical network. Keeping in mind the health & fire safety aspects of cabling, one should pay more attention to the type of cables being installed for different uses. The performance of a fire system depends heavily on the cabling.

Understanding the types of cables and their applications Flame Retardant Cables

Fire Resistant (FR) Cables

Fire Resistant Low Smoke Cables

Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cables

Fire Survival (FS) Cables

Standard Installation conditions

Non - Hazardous Industry

Chemical or Refinery

Theatres, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Airports etc.

Fire Alarm Systems, Elevators, Fire Fighting Systems, Metro Lighting Systems, Mines etc

Cost of human life is much more than the cost of a cable. Support all cables with a strong backbone of ‘Copper’ to complete the life span.

November 2018


From the President’s Desk

Dear Friends, It has been a period of hyper activity at IEEMA for last 45 days. It started with annual conference and AGM. “Kal Aaj aur Kalâ€? during annual conference was an event full of insights from some very experienced, knowledgeable and erudite personalities. We also had a landmark “Trafotechâ€? with more than 400 participants and had national and international experts presenting papers on diverse aspects of “Transformer technologyâ€?. While the conference focussed on future of transformers, to close the loop , there was an exhibition where all aspects of history of transformers including published literature was painstakingly complied. Director Operations (PGCIL) and Secretary Power were fascinated and spent substantial time going through the exhibits. IEEMA engaged with Ministry of Power and Ministry of Commerce on Government of India initiative in creating e-market place for all government procurements. We were invited for an interactive session with MoP, MoC, CEO GeM where team IEEMA led Mr RK Chugh, Vice President, IEEMA very effectively communicated sellers’ concerns, enthusiasm and perspective. IEEMA can use this platform to pursue our long standing desire for an pan-India standardised technical and commercial terms. While last six weeks were marked with hyper activity, the pace is unlikely to abate for next six weeks as well. Most notable events ahead are T&D conclave and E3 Exhibition cum Conference. T&D Conclave is now more than a decade old with last version witnessing almost 400 participants and 36 co-hosts has evolved into a unique platform. Friends, the woes that besiege our industry are many. At this conference we meet so many personalities who inspire us to think out of box, innovate and learn how people with more intractable challenges have made things work for them. It has become a look -forward- to-day with an opportunity to unlearn and relearn things and network with stakeholders straddling across product divisions. E3 will showcase, how East is on energisation and empowerment mode. The conference focuses on variety of subjects. Today when the monster of reverse bidding is gnawing away at our vitals, there is need to enhance awareness RI 3ULFH YV 9DOXH SURSRVLWLRQ ZKLFK LV WKH Ă€UVW WKHPH RI WKLV &RQIHUHQFH 7KH two days conference will have three more subjects 1) Electrical Fire Safety 2) Enhancing our Global footprint and 3) future of electricity. Apart from Conference, we shall have a three day exhibition. We are assembling stakeholders from utilities, and contractors and Consultants from t and d , building VHJPHQW UDLOZD\ HOHFWULĂ€FDWLRQ PLQLQJ DQG VWHHO SODQWV :H DUH FRYHULQJ WKH Eastern India, North east, ASEAN Countries, Afghanistan and countries which Eastern India shares borders with like Bangladesh and Nepal. The North East


November 2018

From the President’s Desk

and ASEAN Countries have become particularly important in the context of India’s look East policy and recent MoU with Myanmar for operationalising SITTWE post to bolster NE connectivity. No other regional block can match ASEAN in improving the living conditions of such a broad swathe of humanity. The progress in last 50 years since the formation of ASEAN countries and the concomitant peace and prosperity for its more than half a billion inhabitants is a lesson for rest of the world. Last but not the least, Instrument Transformer division is holding the 4th edition of Tech-IT Conference on 13-14 December in Gurgaon. We expect more than 250 delegates attending this conference Let us connect and participate whole heartedly to take this to next level

Harish Agarwal

November 2018



Dear Members, Energy generation and consumption chain has witnessed very large transformations due to urbanization, industrialization, transportation & lifestyle changes. The increased awareness of the environmental impact and the carbon footprint of all energy sources, including electric power production, have also given impetus to the growth and adopting of renewable as well as alternative energy. The government has pledged to cut its carbon emissions by 33-35% from 2005 levels to 2030. It has also pledged that, by 2030, 40% of the country’s electricity needs would come from non-fossil fuel thus India Inc is gearing up for this big change. With more emphasis on Renewable energy sources like wind, hydro and solar, the need of hour is to have a grid that is highly adaptive. Here Smartgrid comes into the picture. The potential gain of smart grid includes improved reliability and power quality, reduction in peak demand, reduction in transmission congestion FRVWV SRWHQWLDO IRU LQFUHDVHG HQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQF\ HQYLURQPHQWDO EHQHÀWV JDLQHG by increased asset utilization, increased security, ability to accommodate more renewable energy and ease of repair in response to malicious attacks. Another area of focus is Power quality, Micro grids, Industry 4.0, Energy Storage to name a few. Talking about government’s ambitious plan of all vehicles to be electric by 2030. By any measure, India’s electric vehicle (EV) aspirations are steep from where we stand today, but they have sparked remarkable interest and action in policy, industry and research arenas. A push to mandate all vehicles sold by 2030 to be electric seems to have tempered, but high EV penetration scenarios remain likely. While costs and consumer choice remain fundamental factors, there are three additional key issues for realising any growth: (1) manufacturing; (2) grid capabilities; (3) charging infrastructure. Amidst all the new developments, IEEMA members will have to play a big role so that Country’s need can be catered. But the question here is, Are we ready for the new era? Do we have the latest infrastructure for this big change? Are we spending enough on our research and development activities? Do we have skilled and trained manpower to cater to the needs of the industry? And lastly How would the current industry ecosystem change as a result of the HOHFWULÀFDWLRQ GULYH E\ WKH *RYHUQPHQW" We at IEEMA are engaged with membership and the Policy makers to bridge WKH JDSV DQG ÀQG QHZ EXVLQHVV RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU RXU PHPEHUV LQ WKHVH changing times . It becomes so very important hence, for our members to take advantage of deliberations at IEEMA Product Divisions and various committees to push the interest of industry and that of our country together, to arrive at these new frontiers.

Sunil Misra


November 2018

November 2018



the leading electrical & electronics monthly

Volume 10 Issue No. 3 November 2018 CIN U99999MH1970GAP014629 2IÀFLDO 2UJDQ RI ,QGLDQ (OHFWULFDO (OHFWURQLFV 0DQXIDFWXUHUV· $VVRFLDWLRQ Member: Audit Bureau of Circulation & The Indian Newspaper Society



From the President’s Desk 8

Samvaad 20

Interview distribuELEC 2019: Transforming distribution into SMART distribution networks Mr Sunil Singhvi, Chairman, distribuELEC 2018


Cover Story 10th International Conference on Transformers for Future Power Networks IEEMA Transformer Divisions organised the 10th International TRAFOTECH Conference on 4th -5th October at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on Transformers for Future Power Networks. TRAFOTECH Conference, held once in 4 years, is one of the longest running International Conference on Transformers in India has gained worldwide recognition for the state of the art information on Transformer Engineering and technology insights it provides to its participants. The Conference was supported by Central Electricity Authority.





International Presence

Expert Speak


Possibility of 400Kv Auto Transformer with Neutral End Tapping for Better Reliability


Advertorial The evolution of the high-current contact solution Stäubli Electrical Connectors presents the latest MULTILAM design


Analysis Numerical Investigation of DC Biasing Effect on Magnetic Structures in Solar Transformer & Coupling Transformer Research on the mechanism of the DC biased problem contributes WR VLJQLÀFDQW GHYHORSPHQWV LQ transformer design and several papers published in the area of modeling of transformers subjected to DC excitation.

In Indian Power transmission, the most of high voltage transformers are interconnecting transformer of 400/220/33kV 3phase or 765/400/33kV 1phase. The 765kV auto transformer is having tap winding on the neutral side, while in 400kV auto transformer taps are provided on 220kV side of 400kV winding.

November 2018




,Q 'HSWK Criticality index based on HIIHFWLYH LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ ofDGA When a Transformer is subjected to a fault, the generated energy breaks the molecular bonds of oil. As a result, several byproduct gases like Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4), Acetylene (C2H2), Ethane (C2H4) and Ethylene (C2H6) are generated and dissolved into the oil.




In Focus



Smart Coolers for Future Power Transforers

+RZ WKH FRVW RI SRZHU generation minimized by 0RGLĂ€HG 6FKHPH IRU 02'

Variable Shunt Reactor: 'HVLJQ $QG 'HYHORSPHQW In today’s energy system, reactive power and unpredicted active power generation are concern areas. Here, the gapped iron core shunt reactors play an important and vital role for reactive power compensation in case of long transmission lines and cables. Frequent switching of shunt reactors in and out is also needed based on load variations.


Insight STAR rated distribution transformers – Challenges

At present there is a strong need for users/utilities about awareness of coolers failure adverse effects on Power Transformer. The paper shares various case histories of cooler failures leading to tripping of Generator Transformer (GTs) and subsequent tripping of Power Plants.


Guest Column

In this paper, an attempt is made to understand the effects of environmental factors such as UV radiation, moisture and temperature on representative samples of cable jackets/outer sheaths made of HDPE, PVC, XLPE and PVC base FRLS. An accelerated weathering WHVW XVLQJ 89 Ă RUHVFHQW

Quick reference guide in check list format for cause RI ÀUH DQG SUHYHQW ÀUH in electrical installations in resident buildings and Industrial Plants as SHU %ULWLVK 6WDQGDUGV %67671:2008 and IEC Standards 60

November 2018

The merit order dispatch (MOD)is a way of ranking available sources of electrical generation, based on ascending order of variable cost together with amount of energy that will be generated. In a centralized management, the ranking is so that those with the ORZHVW PDUJLQDO FRVWV DUH WKH ÀUVW ones to be brought online to meet demand, and the plants with the highest marginal costs are the last to be brought on line.



,Q WKH ÀHOG RU DW ZRUN SODFH ZRUNLQJ around electrical network may be safe when working staff properly identify the causes of hazards and take necessary steps to control/ prevent any electrical hazards.





%,6 8SGDWH








Power Scenario

(GLWRULDO %RDUG $GYLVRU\ &RPPLWWHH Founder Chairman Mr R G Keswani Members Mr Sunil Misra Mr Naveen Kumar Mr. Vikram Gandotra Mr. Mustafa Wajid Mr. Purnendu Chaubey Mr. Mithul Thakkar $GYHUWLVHPHQWV Incharge Mr Gautam Sakhalkar Statistics & Data Incharge Mr Ninad Ranade

Global Scenario Indian Scenario

IEEMA Database


,Q WKH ÀHOG RU DW ZRUN SODFH ZRUNLQJ around electrical network may be safe when working staff properly identify the causes of hazards and take necessary steps to control/ prevent any electrical hazards.



National News

International Presence


International Presence



Circulation Incharge Ms Chitra Tamhankar Designed by: 5HĂ HFWLRQV Processed at: India Printing Works

&RUSRUDWH 2IĂ€FH 1HZ 'HOKL 5LVK\DPRRN %XLOGLQJ )LUVW Ă RRU 85 A, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110001.Phones: +91 (0) 11-23363013, 14, 16 Fax: +91 (0) 11-23363015 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ€FH %HQJDOXUX 204, Swiss Complex, 33, Race Course Road, Bengaluru 560 001. Phones: +91 (0) 80 2220 1316 / 1318 Fax: +91 (0) 80 220 1317 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ€FH .RONDWD 503 A, Oswal Chambers, 2, Church Lane, Kolkata 700 001. Phones: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Fax: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Email: Website:


Articles: Technical data presented and views expressed by authors of articles are their own and IEEMA does not assume any responsibility for the same. IEEMA Journal owns copyright for original articles published in IEEMA Journal.


5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV Guwahati (Assam) - Nilankha Chaliha Email: Mobile: +91 9706389965

,((0$ $FWLYLWLHV 127


Product Showcase



Sub Editor Ms Shalini Singh

5HJG 2IĂ€FH 0XPEDL 501, Kakad Chambers, 132, Dr A Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018. Phones: +91(0) 22 24930532 / 6528 Fax: +91(0) 22 2493 2705 Email:

116 Basic Prices & Indices Production Statistics

Chairman Mr Harish Agarwal

/XFNQRZ 8 3 DQG 8WWDUDNKDQG Ajuj Kumar Chaturvedi Email: Mobile: +91 9839603195 Chandigarh (Punjab & Haryana) Bharti Bisht Email: Mobile: +91 9888208880 -DLSXU 5DMDVWKDQ

Devesh Vyas Email: Mobile: +91 8955093854 %KXEDQHVKZDU 2GLVKD

Smruti Ranjan Samantaray Email: Mobile: +91 9437189920 Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) Jesse A Inaparthi Email: Mobile: +91 9949235153 Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir) Mohammad Irfan Parray Email: Mobile: +91 9858455509

)RU VXEVFULSWLRQ TXHULHV ZULWH WR Edited, Printed and published by Mr Sunil Kumar Misra on behalf of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association, and Printed at India Printing Works, India Printing House, 42, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 and Published at 501, Kakad Chambers,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.


November 2018

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