the leading electrical & electronics monthly
VOLUME 10 z ISSUE NO. 5 z JANUARY 2019 z PGS. 104
ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-
Widening the Horizon The month gone by... Electrical Fire Safety Conclave
E3, Connecting ASEAN
30 November, 2018
14-16 December, 2018
Tech-IT 2018
12th T&D Industry Conclave
13-14 December, 2018
21 December, 2018
4 - 6 February 2019, BEC, Mumbai
January 2019
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Substation Thermal Image
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January 2019
Images for illustration purpose only.
Transformer Thermal Image
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January 2019
From the President’s Desk
Dear Friends, $V WKH 1HZ \HDU KDV DOUHDG\ EHJXQ , ZLVK \RX D YHU\ KDSS\ DQG IXOĂ&#x20AC;OOLQJ 1HZ Year! It is time to take stock of the year gone by, indulge in retrospection and do some serious introspection. It is also time to think and plan ahead and how not to get daunted by the daunting challenges ahead. We have had an extremely busy 2018 calendar starting and ending with premier IEEMA events â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ELECRAMAâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;T&D CONCLAVEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. This year both these events surpassed their earlier land marks and scaled new heights. /HW PH DOVR EULHĂ \ JR WKURXJK HYHQWV ZH KDG LQ 'HFHPEHU 7(&+ ,7 LQ 'HOKL saw more than 200 delegates and had 23 presentations in a two day conference ZLWK Ă&#x20AC;YH VHVVLRQV FRYHULQJ VXEMHFWV UHODWHG WR &7V DQG 37V (1(5*,6( (032:(5 (DVW PRUH SRSXODUO\ NQRZQ E\ LWV DEEUHYLDWHG IRUP E3) was organized at Kolkata as a conference cum exhibition. Mr. R. K. Shah, 3DVW &KDLUPDQ (5 VXPPHG LW XS YHU\ QLFHO\ ZKHQ KH VDLG WKDW WKLV HGLWLRQ RI E3 effectively graduated from being a regional event into a mainstream IEEMA event. E3, is the brainchild of Mr. Shah and it echoed the brilliant brain of its distinguished parent. The event led by Mr. Siddharth Bhutoria and so ably supported by a team of dedicated and committed secretariat, scored pretty KLJK RQ H[KLELWRU¡V VDWLVIDFWLRQ LQGH[ DV FRPSDUHG WR LWV SUHYLRXV HGLWLRQ '%60 'RPHVWLF %X\HU 6HOOHU 0HHW DQG +5 FRQQHFW ZHUH QRWDEOH KLJKOLJKWV +LVWRULHV SUHVHQWHG E\ VWXGHQWV RI $VDQVDO (QJLQHHULQJ &ROOHJH UHFHLYHG DOO round accolades. 1200 DBSM meetings has given us the idea of holding at 5 more such events in different parts of India in the coming year. )ULHQGV WKH HYHQW DKHDG LQ Ă&#x20AC;UVW ZHHN RI )HEUXDU\ LV 'LVWULEX(/(& DQG %XLOG(/(& VFKHGXOHG IURP )HEUDXU\ DW %RPED\ ([KLELWLRQ &HQWUH LQ 0XPEDL :KLOH GLVWUEX(/(& LV ,QGLD¡V RQO\ H[SRVLWLRQ RQ 3RZHU 'LVWULEXWLRQ VKRZFDVLQJ SURGXFWV technologies and services from 220V till 33kV in traditional electrical equipment like transformers, cables, capacitors, switchgears, meters, insulators, conductors and new age technologies in distribution automation & control systems, energy HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQF\ GHPDQG UHVSRQVH DGYDQFHG PHWHULQJ FRPPXQLFDWLRQV WHFKQRORJLHV F\EHU VHFXULW\ HOHFWULFDO Ă&#x20AC;UH VDIHW\ DQG PRUH 'LVWULEX(/(& LV D XQLTXHO\ GHVLJQHG FRQFHSW WR EULQJ 8WLOLW\ &RQVXPHU HOHFWULFDO 2SHUDWLRQDO 7HFKQRORJ\ 27 DQG ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ ,7 RQ the same platform to empower Stakeholders. I call upon my fellow industry colleagues to participate whole heartedly in DistribuELEC and BuildELEC. 'HDU )ULHQGV 3OHDVH FRQWLQXH ZLWK \RXU FRPPXQLFDWLRQ DQG UHVSRQVHV WKH\ are extremely valuable for increasing my grasp and understanding of many complex issues. All suggestions, advices and criticisms are welcome. To me they are all constructive. 2QFH DJDLQ D YHU\ +DSS\ 1HZ <HDU
Harish Agarwal
January 2019
Dear Members, Beginning of the year is a good time to take stock of what happened in the year gone by. What happened which was right and what could have been better so as to plan for the coming year. Activity wise it has been a busy year for IEEMA which saw among many SURJDPPHV )ROORZLQJ IHZ ZKLFK GHVHUYHV VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F PHQWLRQ DUH RXU Ă DJVKLS event ELECRAMA 2018 which witnessed the presence of whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who of the entire electrical fraternity across the world. The 13th edition of ELECRAMA UHFRUGHG PRUH WKDQ IRRWIDOOV DQG RYHU H[KLELWRUV VKRZFDVHG their products and services at the biggest platform of electrical and electronics manufacturers. $QRWKHU PDMRU IRFXV DUHD RI ,((0$ LV (OHFWULFDO )LUH 6DIHW\ DFURVV WKH HQWLUH spectrum of Electrical products being used in the, Residential, Commercial ,QGXVWULDO VHJPHQWV :H FRQGXFWHG WZR ZRUNVKRS RQ (OHFWULFDO Ă&#x20AC;UH safety conducted in Mumbai and Chennai which was a huge hit among the stakeholders and more such workshops are planned for the betterment of the entire society. Our 8th International Conference on Cables and Wires held in Delhi on August ZLWQHVVHG WKH SUHVHQFH RI PRUH WKDQ GHOHJDWHV ZLWK SDSHUV SUHVHQWHG :KLOH RXU WK ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 75$)27(&+ &RQIHUHQFH ZKLFK ZDV KHOG RQ WK WK 2FWREHU LV RQH RI WKH ORQJHVW UXQQLQJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH on Transformers in India and has gained worldwide recognition for the state of the art information on Transformer Engineering and technology insights it provides to its participants. Recently, IEEMA ERC organized the second Edition of E3 in Kolkata which was quite a successful event. There were two new additions this time namely, '%60 'RPHVWLF %X\HU 6HOOHU 0HHW DQG +5 &RQQHFW ZKLFK ZDV D ELJ KLW Simultaneously in Delhi we conducted the 4th International conference on ,QVWUXPHQW 7UDQVIRUPHUV 7(&+ ,7 RQ 'HFHPEHU 7KH WZR GD\ FRQIHUHQFH KDG VHVVLRQV RQ YDULRXV VXEMHFWV UHODWHG WR &7V DQG 37V DQG covered 23 presentations. The year ended with 12th IEEMA T&D Conclave held on December 21 in Delhi and was attended by more than 330 delegates. But thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all, the new year ZLOO EHJLQ ZLWK 'LVWULEX(/(& DQG %XLOG(/(& VFKHGXOHG IURP )HEUXDU\ at BEC, Mumbai. I invite our members, industry friends to visit and witness the innovations and Next Gen technology displayed there. :LVK \RX D KDSS\ DQG 3URVSHURXV 1HZ <HDU
Sunil Misra
January 2019
Rs.____________ / US $ 120 or payment advice to our Account No.11751 “Bank of India”, Worli Branch, Pankaj Mansion, Dr A.B.Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 is enclosed
January 2019
January 2019
the leading electrical & electronics monthly
Volume 10 Issue No. 5 January 2019 CIN U99999MH1970GAP014629 2IĂ&#x20AC;FLDO 2UJDQ RI ,QGLDQ (OHFWULFDO (OHFWURQLFV 0DQXIDFWXUHUV¡ $VVRFLDWLRQ Member: Audit Bureau of Circulation & The Indian Newspaper Society
From the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Desk 7
Samvaad 16
Cover Story ,((0$ Ă DJV RII ( &RQQHFWLQJ $6($1 Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Association(IEEMA) organized its third edition of ENERGISE EMPOWER EAST (E3), a three day mega exhibition to showcase on how the Eastern region of our Country is on Energisation and empowerment Mode.
Feature DistribuELEC
showcase convergence of OT and IT directly at consumer dwellings to make key utilization centers i.e. buildings -industrial, commercial and residential, more efficient and safe
Expert Speak IT application in Distribution Sector improve its SHUIRUPDQFH
IEEMA presents its third edition of DistribuELEC 2019 which is a uniquely designed concept to bring Utility, Consumer, Electrical Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) on same platform to Empower all Stakeholders. A new idea called buildELEC 2019 is also being launched as a concurrent exhibition with distribuELEC to
The growth of a Country depends upon the certain basic pillar of infrastructure and one of such basic infrastructure is availability of quality and reliable power in the country. The country needs 24x7 uninterrupted power supply to all the consumers along with transparency in the operation of sector and consumer participation. Distribution utilities facing various challenges dealing with retail consumers with varied expectation and at the same time different paying capacity.
Earthing is done as per IS3043 since several decades. Section 3 of IS3043 explains about the earth fault protection requirement in a consumer installation. Both these concepts do not bring EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W WR WKH XVHU EXW GLYHUW WKH subject of safety to an undesired GLUHFWLRQ $OPRVW HYHU\ ´Ă&#x20AC;UH GXH WR short circuitâ&#x20AC;? is due to the above concept followed all over the FRXQWU\ 8WLOLWLHV VDIHW\ RIĂ&#x20AC;FHUV safety auditors, designers â&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;Ś etc.
January 2019
Tech Space 'XDO 5ROH RI &976 In (+9 *ULG 1HWZRUN The abbreviation CVT gives a doubt as to, whether it is Constant Voltage Transformer or a Capacitor Voltage Transformer? The Powersector Protection & Control / Communication Engineers or Personnel should not get confused at all. They should expand this abbreviation as “Capacitor Voltage Transformer’’ only. An EHV CVT is a versatile out – door equipment which is used in lieu of a (PT) Potential Transformer and a CC (Coupling Capacitor). Thus, it is cost effective too.
IEEMA event
Special report
12th IEEMA T&D Conclave
Tech IT
IEEMA event (OHFWULFDO )LUH 6DIHW\ Conclave IEEMA organised its second edition of “Electrical Fire Safety Conclave” on Friday, 30th November at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai. The conclave emphasised on various aspects of electrical risk management, improper maintenance and ignorance of the safety precautions during their use ZKLFK OHDGV WR ÀUH DFFLGHQW GXH WR lack of awareness or knowledge. The Conclave was inaugurated by Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu Shri Banwarilal Purohit.
The 12th IEEMA T&D Conclave held on December 21, 2018 at Hotel Vivanta by Taj, Delhi was attended by more than 330 delegates. This is the 12th edition of the conclave and since its beginning in 2007, the conclave hosted numerous eminent personalities and speakers who have been an inspiration for the society.
The 4th International conference on Instrument Transformers, TECH-IT 2018, was held on 13-14 December 2018 at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Gurgaon, NCR. The theme of the conference was ‘Smart Instrument Transformers – Now & NextGen’. The conference was inaugurated by Mr. Rajesh Bansal, Head Network Operations, BSES Rajdhani Ltd,
Ministry Update 58
+LJKHU HQHUJ\ ELOOV EUHDNLQJ WKH QRUP 9 States achieve 100 % household HOHFWULÀFDWLRQ XQGHU 6DXEKDJ\D total 16 states have 100 % KRXVHKROG HOHFWULÀFDWLRQ QRZ 0RUH than 2 crore electricity connections released under Saubhagya and SHU FHQW YLOODJH HOHFWULÀFDWLRQ achieved under DDUGJY Energy GHÀFLW UHGXFHG WR DOPRVW ]HUR DQG India emerges as net exporter of electricity to Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
January 2019
3RZHU 6FHQDULR Global Scenario Indian Scenario
IEEMA Database Basic Prices & Indices Production Statistics
,QWHUQDWLRQDO 1HZV Malaysia sees soft power sector growth in 2018
1DWLRQDO 1HZV &($ VWXG\ Ă&#x20AC;QGV QHZ VLWHV for thermal power plants of 428.9GW
Advisory Committee Founder Chairman Mr R G Keswani
&RUSRUDWH 1HZV EPCOS India Pvt. Ltd renamed as TDK India Pvt. Ltd Rays Power Infra Private Limited closes INR 200 crore mezzanine funding from DMI Finance Private Limited
IEEMA Activities 96
(5'$ 1HZV 100
Editorial Board
Index to Advertisers 102
Sparks Sans Shocks
Members Mr Sunil Misra Mr Naveen Kumar Mr. Vikram Gandotra Mr. Mustafa Wajid Mr. Purnendu Chaubey Mr. Mithul Thakkar Mr. A.S. Subramaniyan Advertisements ,QFKDUJH Mr Gautam Sakhalkar Statistics & Data ,QFKDUJH Mr Ninad Ranade
Chairman Mr Harish Agarwal
Sub Editor Ms Shalini Singh
Circulation ,QFKDUJH Ms Chitra Tamhankar 'HVLJQHG E\ 5HĂ HFWLRQV 3URFHVVHG DW India Printing Works
5HJG 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH 0XPEDL 501, Kakad Chambers, 132, Dr A Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018. Phones: +91(0) 22 24930532 / 6528 Fax: +91(0) 22 2493 2705 Email: &RUSRUDWH 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH 1HZ 'HOKL 5LVK\DPRRN %XLOGLQJ )LUVW Ă RRU 85 A, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110001.Phones: +91 (0) 11-23363013, 14, 16 Fax: +91 (0) 11-23363015 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH %HQJDOXUX 204, Swiss Complex, 33, Race Course Road, Bengaluru 560 001. Phones: +91 (0) 80 2220 1316 / 1318 Fax: +91 (0) 80 220 1317 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH .RONDWD 503 A, Oswal Chambers, 2, Church Lane, Kolkata 700 001. Phones: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Fax: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Email: :HEVLWH $UWLFOHV Technical data presented and views expressed by authors of articles are their own and IEEMA does not assume any responsibility for the same. IEEMA Journal owns copyright for original articles published in IEEMA Journal. 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV *XZDKDWL $VVDP - Nilankha Chaliha Email: Mobile: +91 9706389965 /XFNQRZ 8 3 DQG 8WWDUDNKDQG Ajuj Kumar Chaturvedi Email: Mobile: +91 9839603195 &KDQGLJDUK 3XQMDE +DU\DQD
Bharti Bisht Email: Mobile: +91 9888208880 -DLSXU 5DMDVWKDQ
Devesh Vyas Email: Mobile: +91 8955093854 %KXEDQHVKZDU 2GLVKD
Smruti Ranjan Samantaray Email: Mobile: +91 9437189920 +\GHUDEDG $QGKUD 3UDGHVK
Jesse A Inaparthi Email: Mobile: +91 9949235153 6ULQDJDU -DPPX .DVKPLU
Mohammad Irfan Parray Email: Mobile: +91 9858455509
)RU VXEVFULSWLRQ TXHULHV ZULWH WR FKLWUD WDPKDQNDU#LHHPD RUJ Edited, Printed and published by Mr Sunil Kumar Misra on behalf of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Association, and Printed at India Printing Works, India Printing House, 42, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 and Published at 501, Kakad Chambers,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.
January 2019