the leading electrical & electronics monthly
VOLUME 11 z ISSUE NO. 11 z JULY 2020 z PGS. 86
ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-
Indian Electrical Industry is
AatmD Nirbhar Exports
Industry 4.0
Vocall foor Locaal
Make in India
Cyber Security
See Inside COVID-19 Stay Safe
In depth Perspective Expert View Solution
Special Features on Cyber Security
- Cyber Security Vulnerability of AMI System and its Mitigation - Cyberthreat Landscape - A peep into the evolving “Chameleon” - Cyber Security Challenges for Utilities with the Introduction of AMI - Cyber Security Imperatives for INDIA’s Electricity Infrastructure
From From the the President’s President’s Desk Desk
Dear Friends, I have been writing to you for 3 months (and still counting) on the most unprecedented interruption in our businesses and lives, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We have largely survived the crisis so far, though with a few scars to remind us of it for a long time. I think we can all take a deep breath and IHHO SURXG RI RXUVHOYHV VLQFH ZH DUH WKH Ă€UVW JHQHUDWLRQ WR EH WHVWHG LQ VXFK D manner (not even WWII nor did the wars fought after our independence cause such an interruption in economic activity). How we rebuild, recover and prosper again will be the legacy we leave behind for our future generations. Keeping this in mind, I am addressing you focusing on all the positives we can and should now look forward to, in the coming months and years. We are ‘Essential’ : The fact that electricity is indispensable was always known, but the pandemic has proved how true this is. Electricity powers the growth of the nation, and sustains every activity – from keeping our homes in comfort, to powering all commercial establishments, to providing vital support to hospitals, to powering our airports, to running our railways, and driving our entire manufacturing value chains. It is no surprise that we were deemed as an essential service during the lockdown, which helped our utilities maintain their operation and maintenance uninterruptedly. We can all feel proud that we have – each one of us have – contributed in some way to the nation’s electrical infrastructure. We now know how critical the nature of our work is, how vital the growth of our industry is, how important it is to upgrade our innovation and technology. We are – like doctors and armed forces – an important and essential service provider to the nation V-shaped recovery : While the pundits are yet to come to a consensus on the timeline for full recovery, it is true that the T&D sector has relatively been less affected by the Pandemic. Our transmission operators and distribution XWLOLWLHV GLG VHH D GLS LQ WKH RYHUDOO GHPDQG DQG VHYHUH VWUDLQV RQ FDVKĂ RZ EXW WKH VLWXDWLRQ LV UHFRYHULQJ IDVW DV we speak (power consumption is near normal and expected to be fully normal by July 2020). As manufacturing activity improves, this will further normalize the situation for the T&D sector. Of course, other than T&D, the sectors RI RXU LQGXVWU\ WKDW KDYH VLJQLĂ€FDQW VWDNHV LQ WKH JURZWK RI WKH PDQXIDFWXULQJ VHFWRU ZLOO WDNH VRPH PRUH WLPH to recover, but the overall situation is positive, especially when compared to general industry. Many sites have resumed construction activities, while tenders that were extended during the lockdown are all coming up for bidding as we speak. Seeds of the future are being sown : I will begin with a quote by Barack Obama – “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.â€? I was reminded of this as we heard the Hon. Power Minister, Mr. R.K. Singh address us at Elecrama in January 2020 and subsequently when we invited him to our meeting last month . He came across as a person of vision and purpose. We also expressed our desire from the Industrial Electrical and Electronic Mfg. industry to him, and saw him take copious notes. We are seeing many of the changes that we sought, begin to take shape. The Electricity Amendment Act, Make in India and cyber security etc , will have the most profound positive implications on our Industry for the next decade. It will help us shed the cobwebs of the past, and discard the crutches we used to navigate ourselves – it will enable our industry to make rapid strides in Technology and help us compete with the best in the world. Recently IEEMA along with IMC had a fruitful discussion with the Principal Economic Adviser Mr Sanjeev Sanyal where he mentioned that “the global order will be reset at many levels — social, economic, geopolitical, supply chain and technologicalâ€?. The Principal Economic Advisor also said India would use the opportunity to implement “large scale reformsâ€? in the economy. I wish you all the very best – and remember – we will be judged by the future generations on how we recovered, rebuilt, and prospered, defeating this unprecedented crisis.
R K Chugh
December 2019 July 2020
Samvaad... Dear Members, Indian electrical equipment industry has the capacity, ability and cost competitiveness to effectively service and meet the need of not only Indian industry but also enhance its exports. For the last 6-7 years,Indian industry has been sitting on 30 to 40 percent of RYHU FDSDFLW\ ,((0$ KDV FRQVLVWHQWO\ HQGHDYRXUHG WR ÀQG QHZ PDUNHWV IRU LWV members through ELECRAMA, RBSM and Overseas missions, which have made Indian export of Indian electrical equipment grow not only in developing countries but also in developed world. 7KH WRS ÀYH H[SRUWLQJ GHVWLQDWLRQ IURP ,QGLD DUH 86$ 1LJHULD %DQJODGHVK *HUPDQ\ DQG 8$( The industry has also shown leadership in innovation particularly when challenged. Case in point is the 1200 KV transmission line in Bina, Madhya Pradesh. There is a high import from China and two reason for this high import of electrical equipment from China. Firstly Chinese offering very low prices and exploiting the public procurement system which is based on L1, in the SURFHVV JLYLQJ ORZ TXDOLW\ PDWHULDO 6HFRQGO\ ,QGLDQ EXVLQHVVHV ÀQGLQJ WKHVH ORZ SULFHV DQ HDV\ RSWLRQV Chinese are able to offer inordinately low prices because the in China the State continues to be a major economic player. The hand of the State is directly or indirectly present in every enterprise. Pricing is strategic in nature and may not be driven by market consideration alone, sometimes these consideration could be long term goals of the Party which has no opposition and no room for dissent . Given the fact that India has a long standing border dispute at multiple points and China indulges in posturing every six months at the border, is reason enough for Indian industry to think seriously about minimising our dependency of raw materials and intermediates . The People’s Republic of China today sit atop a huge pile of FDSLWDO DQG LV GHÀQLWHO\ D ÀQDQFLDO HFRQRPLF DQG PLOLWDU\ VXSHUSRZHU The asymmetry between the two nations economically and militarily is obvious and with the given situation if they UHIXVH WR H[SRUW PDWHULDOV WR XV RU GLVUXSWLRQ LV FDXVHG E\ D FRQà LFW WKH HOHFWULFDO HTXLSPHQW LQGXVWU\ PD\ KDYH WR ÀQG DOWHUQDWLYH DQG WKH VRRQHU WKH\ GR WKH EHWWHU LW LV 7KH DOWHUQDWLYHV PD\ EH D ELW H[SHQVLYH EXW VDIHU DQG more reliable. 7KH LQLWLDWLYHV RI *RYHUQPHQW RI ,QGLD LQ WHUPV RI 0DNH LQ ,QGLD DQG $WPD 1LUEKDU %KDUDW DUH FRPPHQGDEOH DQG very welcome. IEEMA and its membership has to respond to the clarion call given by the Prime Minister to shun the easy options and to accept the challenge. The solution will not be easy and will not happen overnight. The solution will only emerge with the commitment and resolve of the Indian industry. Indian electrical industry in the past has demonstrated entrepreneurship, innovation, brilliance in manufacturing and IEEMA is sure that the present challenge will be accepted with resolve and commitment. ,((0$ LV FRPPLWWHG WR IXUWKHU WKH LQWHUHVW RI RXU ,QGXVWU\ DQG WKDW RI WKH 1DWLRQ
Sunil Misra
July 2020