Infinity Gaming Magazine October 2023

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The views and opinions expressed in all external articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Infinity Gaming Magazine Any content provided by our feature writers or authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.

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A note from the editor

ain, Betconstruct, Gamomat, Pragmatic Play, Pilot Games, Bragg, SA Gaming, SimplePlay, Ultraplay and IGT.

On judging, we will announce our lineup of judges for the 2024 IGA Awards in the coming week or so but if you are interested to become a judge and see how open and transparent the IGA Award is we do have a couple of spots open so let our team know.


The Latest Edition of the Infinity Gaming Magazine

Welcome to the latest edition of the Infinity Gaming Magazine and as we enter the Autumn in the northern hemisphere that means event season for so many of us and it does not stop till Spring now, so take it easy and let’s look what’s in the latest edition of the MAGAZINE.

As you all know the categories and nominations are open for the 2024 International Gaming Awards (IGA) and close on the 18th October, so do not wait enter as soon as possible. I am told we are up 15% on last year’s nominations already so do not miss your chance to win the famous gold star.

To this we want to thank our sponsors for helping us make the IGA what it is, the most respected awards event in the gaming industry, the wonderful Digit-

Now on to the magazine, we have some super article by our resident writer the super Lynn Pearce on iGaming marketing along an in-depth look into the increase in hacker attacks, also how the industry is working with AI and the future for that.

And that is not all we have Brigid Simmonds the Chair from the Betting & Gaming Council discussing the last four years of the organisation along with intriguing reviews on products from Gamomat, Betconstruct and UltraPlay.

Enjoy the magazine and will catch you in the next edition with more updates on the IGA and everything gaming.

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“To Infinity and Beyond!”
Regards, Lana
The Editor in-Chief
Lana Thompson - Editor in-Chief

Unveiling the GAMOMAT Deluxe Series

GAMOMAT prides itself on its pioneering dedication to innovation within the slot gaming industry. As the business celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, one of the leading independent software developers is firmly focused on continuing to create engaging and exciting content. To mark the milestone in an appropriate manner worthy of this achievement, the company has launched its exclusive Deluxe Series - a special collection of its most iconic games, each reimagined without compromising the original essence that made them so popular in the first place.

The Deluxe Series takes GAMOMAT’s classics and elevates them to heightened levels with enhanced graphics, captivating new animations, and rich soundscapes. Each game in the series represents the pinnacle of gameplay experience, designed to offer players more than just a trip down memory lane. From the moment players launch one of these resplendent gems, they will immediately appreciate how seamlessly the games studio has blended traditional appeal with state-of-the-art visual and auditory enhancements. It’s not just about paying homage to the classics; it’s about redefining them for a new era of gaming.

In September the Deluxe Series kicked off with revamped versions of Fancy Fruits Deluxe and Royal Seven XXL Deluxe. These were not just randomly picked; they are selections rooted in the company’s history and the players’ passion for them. Whether it’s the tasty allure of Fancy Fruits or the regal majesty of Royal Seven XXL, both games retain their original charm while offering an immersive, fresh experience.

This is only the beginning for the Deluxe Series as GAMOMAT will continue to evolve the concept for the foreseeable future. As the end of the year approaches, the company plans to launch Ramses Book Deluxe, celebrating a decade since this Egyptianinspired game first captivated players. This will be followed in time by Crystal Ball Deluxe, another notable addition to the series. And they go even further – with the additions of titles like La Dolce Vita Deluxe and Roman Legion Deluxe. The future for the Deluxe Series is incredibly exciting.

GAMOMAT’s 15th-anniversary celebration transcends mere reflection on past achievements. Dietmar Hermjohannes, Founder and Managing Director of GAMOMAT Development GmbH, encapsulated this sentiment perfectly: “Honouring our anniversary

isn’t just about reflecting on key moments from our past; it’s our opportunity to reimagine timeless classics. We’re enjoying the reaction from our industry peers as they immerse themselves in the enhanced editions of our legendary games.”

In essence, the Deluxe Series is more than just a product; it’s an extension of the company philosophy. It captures the spirit of GAMOMAT - a company never content with the ordinary, always looking to entertain and relentlessly committed to delivering unparalleled gaming experiences.

The Deluxe Series is a gift to both the players and the industry - a shining example of how to pay tribute to the past while embracing the future.

So, as players engage with these classic games in their new deluxe domain, they will know that they are part of a grand celebration that marks an important milestone. Be sure to follow company news for details on future releases, as the Deluxe Series is certain to continue redefining gaming experiences.



Companies across the globe will be hit by cybercrime attacks totally around $10.5 trillion by 2025.

Leading industry research and publishing companyCybersecurity Ventures lists cybercrime as ‘the greatest transfer of economic wealth in history.” The amount of stolen wealth via cybercrime has already jumped from $3 trillion in 2015, meaning criminals are reaping an additional 15 per cent more cash every year.

But then, it’s not surprising when you consider how poor detection rates are. Back in 2020, the World Economic Forum’s 2020 Global Risk Report reported that only 0.05 per cent of cybercrimes were solved, for instance.

Cybercrimeis listed as encompasses online theft and embezzlement as well as data hacking and destruction. One of the most popular methods of cybercrime is the Ransomware attack. This is when malicious software inserted into an organisation’s computer network. It happens during phishing attacks where an employee downloads the malware. The malware then encrypts any computers it can access, making them impossible to open. The individual or gang behind the attack will

them contact the organisation offering to decrypt the computers for a ransom (and which is usually paid in cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin).

Data watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), reported 706 ransomware incidents last year. In 2021 the figure was 694. More ransomware attacks are becoming of a ‘double extortion’ nature. This is when the attacker will also take data and threaten it to sell it on the dark web or make it available for general public consumption.

Most people in the gambling world will already be aware that this summer two Vegas casinos were subject to ransomware attacks – in less than a month.

MGM Resorts were first to be hit when room keys at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas started malfunctioning and certain gambling areas were instantly shut down. The latter resulted in daily revenue loss of 15 per cent (or up to $8m). The hotel’s booking system also went haywire, cancelling reservations for some guests and making it impossible to check in for others. Payment systems related to the hotel and entertainment stopped working and MGM accounts all went offline. Guests couldn’t access the company’s website either. The problems are believed to have gone on for a couple of weeks.


A fortnight after the MGM attack, Caesars Palace in Last Vegas suffered similar shutdowns. This was believed to be another BlackCat ransomware attack by the same individual or group who’d earlier targeted MGM. The breach occurred after an attack on an outsourced IT support provider. In this instance, sensitive client data – such as drivers licence and social security numbers – was accessed via the group’s loyalty programme database.

In an effort to prevent guests’ data from being sold on, Caesars executives paid their cyber attacker a significant sum of money – believed to be around $15m. The original demand is thought to have been around £30m. This flies in the face of guidance issued by the US government’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) which warned sanctions could be applied to companies who paid hackers demands.

But a group spokesman for Caesars admitted: “We have taken steps to ensure that the stolen data is deleted by the unauthorised actor, although we cannot guarantee this result. We are monitoring the web and have not seen any evidence that the data has been further

shared, published, or otherwise misused.”

This year wasn’t the first time the gambling industry itself has been hit by cyberhackers in such a major fashion.

Back in 2020hackers accessed the personal data of millions of MGM guests, and placed the data for sale on the dark web. It included, names, addresses and passport numbers. Together with email addresses and phone numbers, it put guests at risk of identity theft and money from their own private bank accounts being stolen. And, as celebrities, company CEOs and government officials, many of those guests were indeed high earners and lucrative for hackers in their own right.

The start of the pandemic and global lockdowns, 2020 was a record year for cyberattacks. With much of the world forced to communicate online, cyber pickings were potentially huge. It was the year the gambling app Clubillion unwittingly handed over names, winning track, IP addresses, private messages, phone numbers, and email addresses after it was hacked via a technical glitch. Not only did it break GDPR rules, but

it left its customers around the globe vulnerable to further cyber-attacks and thefts.

In the same year, a ransomware attack shut down SBTech’s platform for a whole week. It hit hundreds of sports betting and online casino services who used it to run their operations. The lost income ran into millions – for which the company had to provide compensation.

One of the most insidious hacking attacks occurred on the Skybetting and Gaming network. That was when the private data of around 120,000 people suffering from a gambling addition got into the wrong hands. The hacker used what he or she had gleaned to attempt to entice those individuals back into gambling. This was by sending them false promotional links, such as offering free spins. It caused emotional and mental stress to many who were trying to wean themselves off their addiction. It also meant Skybetting had to pay compensation and attempt to win back the trust of thousands of customers.

A study by SecurityScorecard ranked online gambling third in terms of the likelihood of experiencing a cyberattack.


The energy sector was first and financial services came in second place. In fact, Security magazine reported a massive leap of 167 per cent in targeted cyberattacks between 2020 and 2021.

Attacks, of course, aren’t just restricted to the gambling industry. Other entertainment sectors have been targeted. So too has healthcare, finance, media, hospitality and retail organisations.

The health sector is the most vulnerable to cyberattacks, due to its often-critical nature, in the case of the NHS its vast resources, and the sensitive nature of the data it holds.

Last summer the NHS111 service suffered a ransomware attack, resulting in the government declaring a ‘major incident.’ The online advice service was shut down and with it, the clinical management systems for hundreds of GP surgeries, mental health services and care homes. The care of more than 40 million patients was directly affected by the shut-down, in the sense that records could not be accessed and consequently the correct care given.

The NHS attack was similar to one suffered by a German hospital two years earlier. Then, the Düsseldorf University Hospital systems were taken offline, denying other health services access to data and patients receiving property care. It also meant that the Hospital could no longer accept new admissions to its accident and emergency department. Patients were re-routed to another nearby hospital 19 miles away. The delay caused one elderly woman to suffer an aneurysm and die. The ransomware attack was believed to be the first, on record, which had directly resulted in death.

Coming back to the NHS attack, nine months after the event many doctors were still faced with using out of date information for particular patients or worse, none at all. They were also reverting to using pen and paper for keeping patient records.

A nasty cyber-attack on a mental health service in Finland back in 2020 caused trauma and anxiety to thousands of patients. It also resulted in the giant health care company going out of business. The system, Vastaamo, which contained

mental health records, including names, addresses, social security numbers, email addresses and therapist notes on individual private sessions got into a hacker’s hands. These were for patients suffering from debilitating conditions such as anxiety, PTSD and depression.

The hacker contacted Vastaamo bosses and asked them for €450,000 – otherwise he or she would leak the personal data of 36,000 patients online. The company refused to pay the ransom, resulting in patients receiving an email demanding €200 within 24 hours or €500 if later. To ensure the recipient understood the intent of the hacker, the email outlined the patient’s name, social security number and where they had received their treatment. At the same time, the hacker put clinical notes of 2000 patients on the dark web. These could be downloaded and viewed by anyone with access to the platform. Some patients paid the hacker, many didn’t. No-one knows what happened to the data. If it was sold on then cybercrime analysts say it could be the largest compromise of patient data that has ever occurred in the healthcare industry.

Cyber Attacks continued

Even governments aren’t immune from ransomware attacks. Take the case of Costa Rica, for instance. The government there were forced to declare a national emergency after a security incident in April 2022. The ransomware attack hit the finance ministry, other government institutions and private import-export firms. The Russian-based Conti ransomware gang claimed responsibility and asked for $10 million. This was later doubled to $20 million when the government refused to pay. In the end the hackers got away with less than $1 million.

As we write, officials in Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh are reporting a malware attack. The hackers have prevented the city’s tram service from operating. Other transport ventures which were similarly affected by the same gang are Englishbased travel operators Brighton & Hove Buses, West Yorkshire Metro, Oxford Bus Company, and Travel South Yorkshire. The

pro-Russian hacking group, NoName are believed to be behind the attacks, posting responsibility for them on the site X (formerly known as Twitter). No mention has yet been made of any financial demands.

Cybercrime will no doubt get even more sophisticated as time goes on, especially with the help of artificial intelligence. But all is not lost. In addition to purchasing strong ‘cyber fighting’ software –and remembering to update it regularly

- organisations and small to mediumsized businesses can take other steps to reduce the risk of being victim to a ransomware and other cyberattack.

They can, for instance, reduce the number of data transfers that employee engage in ie when they swap info between a work computer and personal device eg laptop or phone. Password protection is another big area in which its important to concentrate. Using complex passwords with numbers and characters is better than using straightforward words. Investing in data monitoring tools is crucial to ensure there are no leaks. These too must be checked regularly.

As far as the gambling industry is concerned there are two major worries for the future. The first is, of course, security of data but the second is legal implications. According to the

American Bar Associationlegal ramifications will be many, due to the very private and valuable information on individuals that online gambling companies hold.

The big cybersecurity challenges facing the industry in the future include financial fraud and money laundering, insider threats by employees with access to sensitive data, data breaches and system disruptions. To minimise these online threats, gambling companies can conduct regular security assessments and penetration testing. The former

should help identify any vulnerabilities in the system and, at the same time, highlight any irregularities, while the latter allows the company to evaluate the effectiveness of it is current online security measures.

Employees can also be trained to spot potentialcybersecurity threats and to implement best practice in relation to protecting data and keeping systems secure. At the same time, creating adetailed incident response plan ensures that if the worst does happen then the security teams can act immediately to attempt to minimise damage and recover quicker from system failures or a data breach.

Finally, good relations with other partners in the gambling industry and law enforcement teams is essential. This aids information sharing about emerging threats and teams can work together to develop good countermeasures. A security-first outlook is essential for an industry where the stakes can seem just a bit too high to contemplate.

Cyber Attacks continued

Japan Launches Crackdown on Illegal Online Gambling

Japan is taking strong action to address the growing problem of online gambling addiction and associated debt. The government, through its National Police Agency (NPA), is implementing a major crackdown on illegal online gambling activities. The NPA is expanding the national anonymous crime reporting system and increasing rewards for tipsters. These efforts aim to protect the Japanese population from the harmful effects of illegal gambling.

Recognizing the effectiveness of anonymous crime reporting, Japan’s NPA is expanding its national system, which will start on October 1. In the past year, over 27,000 tips have been filed, resulting in 45 arrests and payouts totaling 530,000 yen ($3,600) to informants primarily involved in drugrelated offenses. To further incentivize reporting, rewards for tipsters will increase from 100,000 yen ($680) to 1 million yen ($6,800) starting from October 1, 2023.

These increased rewards will apply to individuals who report crimes that lead to the dismantling of illegal organizations engaged in various activities, including illegal gambling, drugs, human trafficking, and prostitution. The objective is to strengthen the fight

against these criminal enterprises and protect the Japanese population from their harmful effects.

Despite lobbying for the legalization of online gambling, Japan’s government remains opposed to the practice. The authorities emphasize the need to curb the negative impacts associated with online gambling and have only allowed a few exceptions. This commitment to maintaining order and protecting citizens has become even more important due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has worsened the issue of online gambling addiction.

Recent high-profile arrests have revealed the extent of illegal online gambling operations in Japan. Two individuals, Yoshiaki Maeda and Shinya Tokita, both aged 42, have been apprehended for their alleged involvement in facilitating habitual gambling among Japanese customers of overseas online casinos. Acting as intermediaries, the suspects orchestrated the transfer of funds on behalf of 18 Japanese customers between July 2021 and July 2022.

Their illicit activities involved the establishment of an online payment service in 2020, which enabled discreet money transfers from Japan to three

specific online casinos. By allowing customers to place bets using mobile devices, they managed to evade law enforcement scrutiny. Authorities estimate that Maeda and Tokita oversaw deposits totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, earning over $14 million in commissions from the casinos before their operation was shut down in July 2022.

While arrests have been made, it is uncertain whether prosecutors have formally charged the suspects. If convicted, according to Japan’s laws, they could face a prison sentence of up to five years. The extensive customer data, consisting of approximately 42,000 names, seized during the investigation, will play a crucial role in further unraveling the network of illegal online gambling activities in Japan.

The expansion of Japan’s national anonymous crime reporting system by the NPA aims to combat various criminal activities, including robberies and child prostitution. By encouraging the submission of tips through online platforms or phone calls, the NPA hopes to gather valuable information that will aid in the dismantling of these illegal organizations.


iGaming Marketing Redefined The Role of Big Data

Lynn is an accomplished CMO with over 15+ years of experience in the igaming industry. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated expertise in strategic planning, creative direction, branding, procurement, resource allocation, and staff mentoring. With her deep understanding of the industry and consumer preferences, she has created content strategies that attract, engage, and retain customers.

Lynn’s ability to negotiate, manage, and maintain successful partnerships has helped her create lasting relationships that drive revenue and create value for all parties. She has a keen focus on maximizing revenue potential while effectively managing expenses and consistently driving top-line growth for the companies she has worked for.

In the high-stakes realm of iGaming, where player experiences can make or break success, staying ahead of the curve is not merely a choice; it’s a necessity to utilize Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and AI marketing automation. In this everevolving landscape, where digital strategies must adapt and innovate swiftly, these tools have become the

cornerstones of not just marketing but also the entire player journey, redefining the rules of engagement.

The iGaming industry is a dynamic and competitive landscape. Success hinges on not only attracting players but also keeping them engaged and loyal. This quest for excellence has led marketers to explore innovative ways

to understand, engage, and delight their audiences.

Big Data is the backbone of iGaming marketing. It encompasses the vast volume of player data generated by online casinos, sports betting platforms, and mobile gaming apps. Every click, every bet, every interaction is recorded, providing a treasure trove of insights into player behaviors, preferences, and trends.

By meticulously analyzing individual gaming habits, platforms can suggest tailored game recommendations, bonuses, and promotions. Imagine a player who frequently enjoys Egyptian-themed slot games; with Big Data, the platform can spotlight similar titles, significantly boosting player engagement and loyalty. In an industry susceptible to fraudulent activities, Big Data plays a pivotal role in fraud detection and prevention.


Predictive Analytics takes data analysis a step further by forecasting future trends and player behavior based on historical data.

Player retention, a critical metric in iGaming, can be substantially improved with predictive analytics. By identifying players at risk of churning, marketers can implement proactive retention strategies. For instance, if a player’s activity drops significantly, the system can trigger targeted offers to re-engage them.

Moreover, in the realm of sports betting, odds can change rapidly based on various factors. Predictive analytics continuously monitors these variables and adjusts odds in real-time, optimizing profitability for the platform.

AI-driven Marketing Automation is the engine powering many innovations in iGaming marketing. From chatbots offering instant customer support to automated marketing

Chatbots have revolutionized customer engagement. They provide 24/7 support, answering common queries, assisting with account issues, and even offering personalized game suggestions.

Dynamic pricing, another AI application, ensures that odds remain competitive and responsive to market dynamics in sports betting. AI algorithms continuously monitor these variables, making real-time adjustments to optimize profitability.

AI can analyze player data to deliver tailored content recommendations, whether it’s suggesting relevant offers and news updates, or in-game promotions.

Marketing automation plays a significant role in modern marketing strategies, and the technologies of Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and

AI-driven Automation can greatly enhance marketing automation efforts in the iGaming industry.

Here’s how:

1. Personalization at Scale: Marketing automation relies on delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. Big Data and Predictive Analytics enable you to create highly personalized marketing campaigns based on player behavior and preferences. Automation tools can then deliver these personalized messages efficiently and at scale.

2. Behavioral Triggers: With Big Data and Predictive Analytics, you can set up automation triggers based on specific player actions. For example, if a player abandons a game or makes a large deposit, an automated email or in-app message can be triggered with a personalized offer to re-engage or reward the player.

campaigns, AI is the secret sauce.



3. Segmentation: Automation platforms can use Big Data to segment your player base more effectively. This segmentation allows you to create targeted campaigns for different player groups, whether they’re high rollers, sports bettors, or slot enthusiasts.

4. A/B Testing and Optimization: Automation tools can help streamline A/B testing processes. You can use AI to analyze test results quickly and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies.

5. Lead Nurturing: For player acquisition, marketing automation can be used to nurture leads. When potential players sign up but don’t make a deposit or complete registration, automated email sequences can encourage them to take the next step.

6. Analytics and Reporting: Marketing automation platforms often come with robust analytics capabilities. Integrating Big Data and Predictive Analytics can provide deeper insights into campaign performance, allowing you to refine

your strategies over time.

7. Compliance Management: Automation tools can assist with compliance by ensuring that marketing campaigns adhere to regulatory requirements. This is particularly important in the iGaming industry, which is subject to various regulations.

8. Content Personalization: AI can analyze player data to deliver tailored content recommendations. Whether it’s suggesting relevant offers or in-game promotions, AI ensures that every interaction is meaningful.

Incorporating these technologies into your marketing automation strategy not only streamlines your marketing efforts but also makes them more effective by delivering highly personalized and timely messages to your players.

While all these technologies offer immense potential, they also come with challenges, especially in the highly regulated iGaming sector. Data privacy, security, and compliance with evolving regulations are

paramount concerns.

Data security is crucial when handling vast amounts of player data. Robust measures like encryption, access controls, and regular audits are essential.

Compliance with regulations is equally vital. AI can assist in automating compliance tasks, ensuring marketing campaigns adhere to all legal requirements.

Ethical considerations are also paramount. Responsible and transparent use of player data is imperative, fostering trust and safeguarding the player experience.

As the iGaming landscape continues to evolve, those embracing these innovations are best positioned to thrive in this dynamic and highly competitive sector. The power of Big Data, Predictive Analytics, and AI is reshaping iGaming marketing, delivering tailored and enjoyable experiences to players and driving industry growth.

19 INFINITY GAMING iGaming Marketing Redefined

Betting Surrogates Concerns Pakistan Government

The infiltration of surrogate betting firms in Pakistan is concerning the government forcing it to take swift action. These companies, known as surrogates, have entered the Pakistani market by using slightly modified names. Their goals include sponsoring sports teams, advertising through various media outlets, and engaging in corruption.

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has issued a strong warning, urging relevant parties to sever ties and terminate agreements with these surrogate firms. The ministry believes that these operations, often from hostile countries, aim to undermine Pakistan’s moral fabric, promote corruption in the national team, and facilitate the illegal flow of funds out of the country.

Surrogate firms have aggressively promoted their services through various media channels in Pakistan, including digital, electronic, social, and print media. This extensive advertising normalizes gambling and poses a significant threat to the nation’s integrity.

It is crucial for all media platforms to refrain from promoting these surrogate firms and support the government’s efforts to eliminate them.

Even the prestigious Pakistan Super League (PSL) has been influenced by surrogate betting firms. The interim government has discovered that several gambling, betting, and casino firms, allegedly acting as sponsors for PSL teams and advertising through media houses, have connections to these surrogates. As a response, the government has banned these firms from participating in the league.

The impact of surrogate betting firms extends beyond sports. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting warns that these firms jeopardize the integrity of Pakistan’s sporting events and pose an economic threat. By operating covertly and facilitating the movement of untaxed money out of the country, these surrogates contribute to economic instability and hinder the nation’s financial security.

To effectively address this issue, stakeholders must promptly terminate

agreements with surrogate betting firms. Sports organizations, media outlets, and advertising platforms must understand the gravity of their association with these entities and take immediate action to sever ties.

While the concept of surrogacy in the business world is not new, the implications associated with surrogate betting firms are significant. These firms act as intermediaries for larger enterprises, using modified names to deceive. By engaging in sponsorship and advertising contracts with media outlets and sports organizations, they exploit trust and tarnish the integrity of these institutions.

Surrogate betting firms are not limited to Pakistan alone. Hostile countries hide behind these entities to manipulate the moral fabric of nations and spread corruption. The government’s decision to ban these firms from operating in Pakistan is necessary to protect the nation’s integrity and citizens from the detrimental effects of surrogate betting.


Artificial Intelligence within the gambling industry

No industry is exempt from the future influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). And, of course, many are already embracing it to great effect – the UK gambling industry being one of them.

But then, with an estimated worth of around £14.3 billion - 32.8 per cent (£5.4 billion) of which is down to online betting – this profitable sector was always going to be a target for the application of intelligent machines.

Casinos and sportsbooks have been using intelligent machines to learn, reason and write strategies for some time now. The result, in many cases, has been more accurate betting predictions, a more customised playing experience and even a boost to ‘safer gambling’ concerns targeted to those most at risk of addiction. Even the chatbot that answers online customer questions is a product of AI. And, on that note, so too is Apple’s Siri, and

Alexa. In this sense, many of us have been using AI for years.

For every enthusiast of the new technology however, a naysayer isn’t far behind. Concerns that AI will lead to job losses, aid and abet criminal activity and ruin games such as Poker (where the ability to read human expressions count), can’t be ruled out either.

It is also worth noting that there is no regulatory body for AI at the moment

(except in countries such as Italy, where the writing app ChatGPT was briefly banned, but has since been allowed once more). The Italian authorities were initially concerned about the app’s data collection methods and lack of age limits. There are no such concerns here in the UK, however, where the current government is keen to position itself as a global leader in AI technology, to the extent it has organised an AI safety summit in London in November.


Privacy concerns put another question mark over the advanced technology, as does its ‘all-knowing’ nature. And, in fact, knowledge is the reason there is no regulation right now – legislators don’t really know what they’re dealing with. It’s this notion that the technology is running away from us, that triggers fears of humans becoming subservient to it. And redundant.

Advocates of the technology, such as Steve Bright, VP of Data Science at OPTX, insists AI is here to stay. He admits it will make certain routine tasks redundant, but not necessarily people. That’s because these individuals can upskill and spend their time being more customer-centric. Calculators took away the necessity to learn times

tables by rote, after all. OPTX is using technology in Casinos to recommend games and odds, as well as predict outcomes.

“They [the technology] are not going to be right all the time because the underlying data is not going be completely right with things like ChatGPT, either,” said Bright.

“It’s based on text that’s on the internet… what we bring is taking data that’s in this different format from all these disparate sources, and putting them in a unified format, which then allows you to do some of this cool AI stuff. The AI is incredibly nuanced and very, very difficult, but also very, very valuable.”

Bright points out that “the operator still sets the odds at the end of the day.” In the future though he hopes AI will help him predict the best locations in the casino to put certain slot machines, or which theme on a gaming machine will prove the best money-spinner.

A recent survey of bookmakers around the world by Sportradar revealed 71 per cent of operators believed AI and machine learning technologies would prove to be “game changers” for the betting industry. Now with their own AI company, Vaix, they produced a recent White Paper titled ‘Don’t get left behind: How AI-powered sportsbooks are shaping the sports betting industry’ highlighting the fact it all comes down to the notion of ‘personalisation.’ By

Artificial Intelligence Article

detecting patterns in player behaviour, AI technology could use theinformation to target messages, bonuses andbets better than ever before. Home pages on screens, for instance, can be tailored to show only the type of games historically likes playing. The idea being that the more interested the gambler, the more likely he or she is to return and place more bets.

Operators too will be able to make better predictions because, using algorithms on historical data, the AI analyses the likelihood of event reoccurring ie a football team winning or a racehorse crossing the line first. And, because the operator becomes more profitable, he or she is able to offer better odds to customers.

The murkier side of gambling could be improved using AI too. Such initiatives are already underway to identify prob-

lem gamblers and provide them with a safety net. In doing so it can detect problem patterns early and stop them spiralling out of control.

And then there is the ability of machines to detect fraud quickly, by flagging up suspicious online behaviour. Match fixing and even insider trading in financial circles would be easier to spot too.

Of course, powerful technology can also be used for more questionable,and even sinister, practices. By identifying problem gamblers AI could put more temptation in that vulnerable individual’s way. Or, it could help crooked syndicates exploit casinos and other gambling enterprises should the former have more advanced AI technology.

AI poker bots have changed the nature of the game in recent years. These on-

line AI players can’t be intimidated, nor their expressions read. They also have unlimited endurance. They also have the ability to analyse human decisions and predict how you’ll probably make your next move. Who could forget the chess computer Deep Blue beating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov back in 1997?

AI can certainly predict. It can also help streamline dull data process and analyse results quickly. One area in which it certainly isn’t proficient though is in mimicking human nature. A lack of emotional ability means they’ll always be on the backfoot when it comes to engaging with the customer on a ‘human’ level, along the lines of ‘it takes one, to know one.’ In other words, AI can help, but it really can’t replace.

Artificial Intelligence Article
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NFL and Players Union Redefine Betting Rules

The NFL and NFL Players Association have announced a major change to their gambling policies. These changes will have a significant impact on professional sports and will redefine the consequences for players who engage in betting. Get ready for a game-changing shift in the NFL’s stance on gambling!

One of the most important changes is the reduction in penalties for betting on non-NFL sports. Previously, players faced a six-game suspension for placing non-NFL sports bets while at team facilities. However, under the new rules, the punishment has been reduced to a two-game suspension for first-time violations. This shows a more compassionate approach by the league towards players who bet on sports outside of the NFL.

But this doesn’t mean the NFL is softening its position on gambling. On the contrary, the consequences for specific gambling-related offenses have become more severe. Any player found guilty of providing inside information or helping others with their bets will now face an indefinite suspension. This sends a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated. Addition -

ally, anyone caught trying to manipulate games for financial gain will be permanently banned, showing the league’s unwavering commitment to maintaining the integrity of the sport.

What about bets made on a player’s own team? The updated policies address this too. Previously, players faced a six-game suspension for such actions, regardless of the sport. However, the new rules now impose a minimum two-year suspension for first-time violations. This highlights the seriousness with which the league views these types of wagers. The NFL leaves no doubt—players must prioritize the integrity of the game over their personal financial interests.

The workplace has also come under scrutiny. Making non-NFL sports bets from the workplace will now result in a two-game suspension for first-time offenders. This rule reinforces the NFL’s commitment to ensuring that players stay focused on their professional responsibilities and refrain from engaging in distracting gambling activities while on the job.

But the NFL’s updated gambling policies don’t just affect individual

players. They also cover team facilities. Making NFL-related bets from these premises will result in a minimum one-year suspension for first-time offenders, leaving no question about the league’s determination to maintain a gambling-free environment within their facilities.

In an unexpected development, Lions wide receiver Jameson Williams and Titans lineman Nicholas Petit-Frere will be reinstated after Week 4. This decision shows the league’s willingness to give players who have violated the previous gambling policies a second chance, provided they show remorse and a genuine commitment to change.

The NFL and NFL Players Association’s agreement on these new gambling policies represents a significant change in the league’s approach to sports betting. With reduced penalties for non-NFL sports bets, increased consequences for specific gambling offenses, and a strong emphasis on bets made on a player’s own team, the NFL is making it clear that it is dedicated to preserving the integrity of the sport.


THE STORY OF City of Dreams Mediterranean

Melco Resorts & Entertainment has extended its global portfolio of premium integrated resort properties to Europe with the company’srecently opened City of Dreams Mediterranean in the Republic of Cyprus. When Melco decided to expand to Europe by developing an integrated resort in Cyprus, most people in the industry knew little or nothing about the island nation. They had no idea of its location, nor did they understand what it had to offer or had any sense of its potential.

Mr. Lawrence Ho, the company’s Chairman and CEO, however, had seen the country’s limitless possibilities when he visited the island 16 years ago. Cyprus’ hospitality, as well as its culture, sunshine, beaches and clear blue watershad left a great impression on him.

So, when the chance arose, he grasped the opportunity to bring the company’s award-winning City of Dreams brand to Cyprus.

City of Dreams was first introduced to the industry at the very peak of the 2008 financial crisis, when Melco was the only company that continued to develop in Macau. At the time, the building of such a heavily themed integrated resort was perceived by the industry as a risky proposi-

tion. Melco, however, had seen enormous potential in a high-spending, qualityconscious consumer,which it identifies as Premium Mass, and decided to “build beyond gaming”— to create a different destination, a next-generation integrated resort focused on style and quality, and filled with the finest entertainment and experiences.

Through City of Dreams, Melco has reinvented premium accommodation, entertainment and retail. To highlight its success, the brand has since garnered many international accolades, including coveted Forbes Five-Star achievements and MICHELIN star awards.

And now, the brand makes its first venture onto European soil with City of Dreams Mediterranean, marking the beginning of a new era for tourism in Cyprus when it publicly opened in Limassol on 10 July 2023.

According to Mr. Grant Johnson, City of Dreams Mediterranean’s Property General Manager, the integrated resort is set tobe a game changer.

“The launch of City of Dreams Mediterranean marks a major milestone for Cyprus, its tourism industry, and the economy. In embarking on this project,

Melco’s vision was to create a point of reference for the region and beyond. Our goal is to create a destination for all seasons, to attract thousands of new visitors annually to Cyprus, while contributing towards the diversification of the country’s tourism industry. With the integrated resort highlighting possibilities beyond gaming, the Company places great emphasis on creating the conditions for City of Dreams Mediterranean to become a catalyst for the development of alternative forms of tourism in Cyprus. It is a premium resort for sophisticated travellers and families which will raise the bar not only in entertainment and premium tourism but also in international business and conference tourism.”

Beyond the sun, sea, and Cyprus’ advanced tourism infrastructure, Melco’s decision to pursue the project was based on a thorough analysis and evaluation of factors which could influence the company’s long-term growth. One main driver was the country’s geographic location.

Drawing on its strong position as a destination with established transport links to Europe, the Middle East and Asia, the company believes Cyprus has all the prerequisites to enhance its reputa-


-tion as a regional and global premium “must-visit” global tourist destination and emerge as a genuine point of reference for premium tourism.

The government also afforded the company with a solid platform to launch the project through a clear tourism vision, robust legislation, and transparency. Melco also had a reliable local partner - CNS Group -a significant factor, given the company has always sought strong local partnerships in all its investments.

With an investment total exceeding €600 million, the iconic City of Dreams Mediterranean is the largest development projects of its kind ever undertaken in Cyprus and the first integrated resort in Europe.

Right before its official opening, City of Dreams Mediterranean was honoured

by The European Property Awards 2023 for achievements in three categories, including Best Hotel Architecture Europe, Best Sustainable Commercial Development Europe and Best New Hotel Construction & Design Cyprus.

Located on the outskirts of the cosmopolitan port city of Limassol, and just 30 to 40 minutes from both the Republic’s airports, the pyramid-like City of Dreams Mediterranean comprises 500 stylish guest rooms and suites, including the largest Presidential Suite on the island.

Designed by LTW Designworks, based on Melco’s international luxury standards and specifically customised for Cyprus, the rooms are furnished with a soft, welcoming palette of colours with distinctive Mediterranean influences. Eachroom features private balconies with unparalleled views overlooking the

Akrotiri Salt Lake, the Troodos Mountain range and the famed Lady’s Mile Beach – considered one of the finest beaches in Cyprus.

The first-of-its-kind development in Europe incorporates a 7,500 sqm casino – the grandest in the region (slightly larger in size than a FIFA World Cup football pitch) – packed with the world’s most exciting table games, a designated Poker area, 1,000 state-of-the-art slot machines, private salons, and live entertainment.

In addition to the majestic open gaming floor designed by Westar, the VIP member’s only Platinum Club offers guests another level of sophisticated luxury and distinctive service. With 8,000 sqm of indoor and outdoor event space, including the biggest expo centre in Cyprus,


the resort can accommodate functions of all sizes, from intimate family gatherings and bespoke weddings to largescale conferences, concerts, and events of international standing.

The resort’s outstanding MICE facilities also comprise a Grand Ballroom seating 870 guests, or up to 1,100 for a cocktail reception, state-of-the-art meeting rooms, a Roman-style Amphitheatre seating around 200 people, and an Event Lawn which can accommodate up to 2,000 standing or 1,000 banquetstyle.

City of Dreams Mediterranean offers an array of exceptional culinary experiences across eight innovative restaurants and bars. Led by Executive Chef Olivier Belliard, cuisine includes Pan-Asian fusion by Amber Dragon; local and international delights by Aura;Anaïs, the island’s first French Gastro Club;authentic Mediterranean flavours by Oléa, and more. With open kitchen designs, interactive cooking demonstrations, pizza and sushi stations, guests can enjoy a gastronomic journey like no other.

Families can spend time in Cyprus’ largest resort pool complex, featuring lagoon-style pools, water slides and

splash fountains; an Adventure Park with zip line, extreme ropes, and trampoline zone, and the adrenaline-pumping Waverider. The Kid’s City children’s club has numerous creative and engaging activities for those aged 4-12yrs. Benefiting from Cypriot sunshine throughout the year, there is plenty to explore on-island, so the dedicated City of Dreams Mediterranean concierge team is on hand to arrange excursions to suit all tastes and abilities.

The resort’s Renu Spa & Fitness offers a rejuvenating programme of treatments, a luxurious indoor pool, and fully equipped fitness centre. The property also includes a designer shopping promenade, and a world-class entertainment programme featuring guest DJs, renowned performers, and legendary acts from around the globe.

The resort is constructed with the highest sustainability standards, including from materials used, its high-tech water reuse system to the energy-saving optimisation of the building’s orientation and shading. For these achievements, City of Dreams Mediterranean was recognised with an ‘Excellent rating’ by BREEAM, the world’s leading method of assessment for sustainability of infra-

structure projects for its design phase, becoming the first building in Cyprus to receivethe distinction.

The development’sexterior features Mediterranean elements with native plant species, mirroring the character of its surrounding environment and supporting the landscape’s ecology.

Additionally, 130,000 trees and indigenous flora species have been planted, creating a holiday oasis for guests and at the same time reducing carbon emissions. The approach to the landscape design is to convey the resort’s modern character and luxuries without impinging upon the area’s abundance of natural assets.

“Creating this beautiful 500-room resort is only the start of our journey. Attracting, entertaining, and looking after the discerning guests we welcome to Cyprus takes talent, resources, and collaboration. So, the opportunities will continue to grow. And growth is at the heart ourreason for being here,” said Mr. Johnson.


Venue Announced for the 17th IGA Awards

The charity focused International Gaming Awards (IGA), the biggest celebration in the iGaming and casino industry, the industry ‘Oscars’, will return to the Savoy Hotel in London for 2024, a place where history and iconic elegance mingles with new-world sophistication. A destination for generations, and a world-famous name, celebrated for sublime service, and graced by stars. Long regarded as one of the best luxury hotels in London, The Savoy offers exceptional views of iconic city landmarks including the London Eye.

The prestigious awards event takes places on the 5 February 2024 at the historic Savoy Hotel in London. The sparkling event will unite industry professionals from all around the world. It focuses on highlighting the achievements and innovations of the gaming industry across various sectors.

The International Gaming Awards have focused attention on the high -

est achievements in the worldwide gaming industry in order to motivate and inspire those who make our industry and to educate and develop the tastes of those who we entertain. With a focus on creativity, innovation and social responsibility as opposed

2023 -

The International Gaming Awards as always will raise money and awareness for Care International charity. For more information about how to donate visit: Our Charities on the website.

These charities rely on donations from individuals and business to do their work they do not receive government funding, and the IGA and BGC are proud to support them.

to commercial success alone, outstanding work can be recognised and rewarded.

The International Gaming Awards is not only the chance to celebrate achievements, but will act as a window on to some of the very best work in the industry.

Nominations Open till 18 October

There is no fee to take part in the International Gaming Awards nomination process; all we ask is that your entry be accompanied by a donation to our chosen charities.

Event sponsors and partners have been confirmed as Betconstruct, Digitain, UltraPlay, Pilot Games, Odds Group, Gamomat, Bragg, Pragmatic Play, SA Gaming, SimplePlay and IGT.



When the BGC was established in 2019, it had a clear mission statement, to raise standards and drive big changes across the UK betting and gaming industry. That mission has remained the same, despite coinciding with a period of significant change and upheaval for our members, which are the bedrock of a truly world leading industry.

That upheaval came first in the form of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which closed businesses and sports venues across the country, with far reaching affects. The BGC was quick to act, announcing a 10 point action plan for our members. These were primarily focused on driving up standards, including increasing safer gambling messaging which sign posts to help available, more interventions and an increased determination to promote the range of safer gambling tools our members offer.

When land-based betting venues reopened, along with racecourses and other sports venues, they faced a new threat. While battling to get back to a pre-pandemic new normal, war in Ukraine contributed to spiraling costs and growing inflation.

Casinos are a pillar of the leisure and tourism industry, supporting 10,000 jobs and catering to 16 million customer visits every year, while contributing £300 million annually in taxes. But the economic headwinds in recent years have been harsh. In 2005 there were 160 casinos in the UK – now there


are 118, with three of those closing in recent months.

Meanwhile high street bookmakers support 42,000 jobs, contribute £800 million in tax and £60 million in business rates to local councils. But they too have battled the same tough economic conditions. There were 8,355 bookmakers at the beginning of 2019, a figure which dropped to 6,345 last year, a reduction of 24 per cent.

Throughout this period, the White Paper loomed large. The BGC worked closely with Government to secure a set of proportionate, balanced and evidenceled reforms that present a genuinely once in a generation moment for change. After many delays, in April, that White Paper was published.

It delivers on a range of areas the BGC had campaigned for and all of which centred on driving up standards to protect the minority who struggle with their betting while not unduly interfering with those who bet safely.

Those included establishing an Ombudsman to improve consumer redress, enhanced spending checks online so swift interventions can take place and a mandatory levy to fund Research, Education and Treatment to help tackle gambling related harm and problem gambling.

It also included much needed modernisation proposals for our land-based members, particularly casinos, to help them weather this economic storm.

There are currently eight separate consultations underway, involving 60 work streams.

It is vital we get those consultations right. All told, the sector supports 110,000 livelihoods, generates £7.1 billion for the economy and raises £4.2 billion in taxes every year. That should

come as no surprise when you consider that each month around 22.5 million adults have a bet, whether it’s buying a lottery ticket, playing bingo, visiting land-based betting venues like casinos, bingo halls and bookmakers or having a wager on sports like football and horse racing online.

The overwhelming majority of those who do enjoy a bet do so safely, with the current problem gambling rate in England at 0.4 per cent of the adult population, according to the most recent NHS Health Survey.

Despite the seismic change endured by the sector since the BGC was created, I am proud to say, that core conviction has remained. The BGC has enacted or established over 80 measures and initiatives which drive up standards, from the latest edition to the Industry Group for Responsible Gambling which drives improved standards for digital advertis-

ing, to the Whistle to Whistle ad ban for TV commercials during live sports.

We have also raised contributions to Research, Education and Treatment to tackle gambling related harm and problem gambling to record amounts, committing £110m over four years. We see Safer Gambling Week go from strength to strength, while all our members, large and small, online or land-based, are doing far more to promote safer gambling messaging wherever their customers are.

Back in 2019 it would have been impossible to predict the last few years of change, so I will not attempt to foretell the next few years. But I can guarantee this, the BGC’s core mission statement will remain unchanged as we continue to raise standards and drive the big changes that will cement our member’s position as the global leaders they truly are.


BetConstruct’s Pioneering Initiatives: Multi-Wallet, B.F.T.H. Arena Awards, and Spettacolare Promotion

In the fast-paced iGaming world, BetConstruct is a trailblazer, driving innovation and setting new industry standards. In this article, we will explore three creative developments from BetConstruct that are poised to redefine the landscape of crypto gaming and create profit-making opportunities for businesses and players alike.

1. Multi-Wallet Solution: Streamlining Transactions and Enhancing Convenience

BetConstruct has introduced a gamechanging innovation, the Multi-Wallet Solution. This advancement simplifies transactions for both players and op -

erators. It allows players to seamlessly access and use funds from various wallets, cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, all with a single tap.

T he compatibility with popular crypto wallets like Metamask makes this even more impressive. Players can effortlessly integrate their preferred crypto wallets into the gaming experience, making transactions smoother.

B etConstruct has modestly adjusted pricing to reflect the immense value of the Multi-Wallet Solution, a mere 25% increase. This increase is more than justified, considering the comprehensive suite of services, support,

and functionality this solution brings. The cost to access this technology is a reasonable 2023 FTN for existing operators, an investment poised to drive significant business growth.

2 . B.F.T.H. Arena Best FTN Game Awards: Shaping the Future of Crypto Gaming

T he crypto gaming industry is on the cusp of a revolution, and BetConstruct is at the forefront with the B.F.T.H. Arena Best FTN Game Awards. This platform invites creators to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of crypto gaming.

Participants can infuse motifs from re -


-nowned products like Mr. First, Akneye, Bahamut, or FTN into their creations. Whether you’re interested in crafting top-rated slot games, Bahamut-based games, DeCa games, or you have a flair for game design, this competition offers an enticing prize pool of 3,333,000 FTN.

Applications are accepted from September 1st to November 1st, and the final results will be revealed at the Harmony event in December, audited for fairness by an international firm. Esteemed companies like PopOK Gaming, Pragmatic Play, Evolution, and Pascal Gaming have already joined this exciting journey.

3. Spettacolare BC FTN Promotion: Unlocking Financial Opportunities

The Spettacolare BC FTN promotion, valid until January 1st, 2024, presents a golden opportunity for businesses to

diversify their revenue streams. Partners can unlock additional income by converting 50% of their monthly deposits into FTN. The potential earnings are substantial and vary depending on the monthly deposit amount.

Partners collaborating with Sportsbook, Creedroomz, Pascal Gaming, and PopOK Gaming can also benefit from a generous 50% discount on the Gross Gaming Revenue generated in FTN. This not only boosts profitability but also enhances market positioning.

BetConstruct offers every B2B partner a credit of 10,000 FTN on their balance as a token of appreciation. This serves as a fantastic starting point for exploring the numerous possibilities that FTN offers.

Additionally, partners receive a substantial 1.5% cashback on all FTN wallet deposits, adding an extra layer of

excitement and rewards for players. Moreover, partners have the flexibility to choose between up to 20,000 FTN cashback or a 50% bonus conversion, catering to their business strategy and player preferences.

BetConstruct goes the extra mile by covering network fees for deposits made through FTN, ensuring seamless and hassle-free transactions for all stakeholders.

BetConstruct’s dedication to innovation in the crypto-gaming industry is evident through these three initiatives. These developments are not only about innovation but also about the tremendous potential that arises from the convergence of crypto and gaming.

The future of gaming is here, and it’s more exciting and accessible than ever before.


Florida’s Sports Betting Defines Server Based Question

The continuing legal dispute in Florida over sports betting has two companies challenging the Seminole Tribe over the activity. West Flagler Associates and Bonita-Fort Myers Corp. have filed a lawsuit claiming that the arrangement giving the Seminole Tribe authority over wagers placed anywhere in the state is not real. The validity of the 2021 compact under federal law is at stake, increasing the need to determine the legality of off-reservation sports betting.

The companies argue that the compact violates a 2018 constitutional amendment that requires voter approval for expansions of casino-style gambling. They want the state Supreme Court to review the situation. Isadore Havenick, one of the owners of the companies, is also a plaintiff in the case.

The compact, signed by Governor Ron DeSantis and Seminole Tribe Chairman Marcellus Osceola, Jr. in 2021 and later approved by state lawmakers, allows the Seminoles to accept sports wagers from mobile devices anywhere in Florida via servers on tribal land. However, the lawsuit claims that DeSantis and lawmakers tried to avoid the need for a statewide vote by saying the sportsbetting plan is on tribal land.

This legal battle could cause further delays in online sports betting in Florida. If the court does not grant

the petition, the challenge argues that off-reservation in-person and mobile sports betting will be implemented without voter approval. This raises concerns about expanding casino gambling without enough democratic oversight.

The lawsuit accuses DeSantis and the Legislature of going beyond their authority by allowing sports betting off tribal land without voter approval. It says that the constitutional amendment gives exclusive authority to Florida voters to decide on new gambling. However, the court’s decision does not resolve whether the compact violates the Florida constitutional amendment.

sized that state courts should address questions about the compact’s compliance with the Florida constitutional amendment.

Attorney Daniel Wallach believes that there is a greater than 50 percent chance that the Seminole Tribe will eventually be able to offer online sports betting. However, the outcome of the legal proceedings could also set a precedent for expanded gaming outside of Indian lands.

Along with challenging the compact in state courts, the companies are seeking a review by the U.S. Supreme Court, claiming a violation of the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The lawsuit argues that the federal appellate rulings have created an “urgent” situation that requires a state Supreme Court review. The Seminoles briefly introduced the Hard Rock SportsBook mobile app but stopped accepting wagers and deposits after Friedrich’s ruling.

Initially, U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled against the compact in 2021. However, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia overturned the ruling, saying that whether it is legal for a patron to place bets from non-tribal land within Florida is a question for the state’s courts. In a decision on June 30, a federal appeals court panel empha -

While the Seminole Tribe and the state celebrate a significant victory with the federal appeals court decision, concerns about whether the compact violates the Florida constitutional amendment remain unresolved and subject to the consideration of state courts. The amendment does have an exception for gambling on tribal lands, but the challenge raises concerns about expanding casino gambling without proper voter approval.


launching your igaming venture with ultraplay

The iGaming industry is a realm teeming with possibilities for entrepreneurs who are ready to venture into this dynamic and potentially lucrative domain. However, to navigate this multifaceted industry successfully, careful planning, strategic thinking, and the right tools are imperative. Fortunately, UltraPlay’s turnkey solution serves as the gateway to kickstarting a thriving iGaming business and realizing your entrepreneurial dreams.

Founded in 2010, UltraPlay has established itself as a multi-awarded betting provider operating at the forefront of the iGaming industry. Over the past decade, the company has consistently delivered a comprehensive turnkey platform solution to operators worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional or a newcomer, UltraPlay simplifies the complex process of launching and managing your online gaming platform, ensuring a smooth and successful journey ahead.

One pivotal aspect of achieving success in iGaming is the seamless

integration of a turnkey solution into your iGaming business. This integration not only expedites your entry into the market but also offers a slew of advantages:

1. Efficient Time-to-Market

The traditional development of an online gambling platform can be a time-consuming and resourceintensive endeavor. A turnkey solution significantly reduces the time needed for development and testing, enabling operators to swiftly enter the market. In an industry where speed can make a substantial difference, this agility is invaluable.

2. Cost-Effective Solution

Building an iGaming platform from scratch involves substantial upfront costs and ongoing expenses. With a turnkey solution, operators benefit from cost savings on development, infrastructure, and software maintenance. This cost-effectiveness frees up resources that can be channeled into other critical areas, such as marketing and customer acquisition.

3. Robust Technology Infrastructure

At the core of UltraPlay’s turnkey solution lies a robust and technologically advanced framework. This infrastructure is meticulously designed to meet the ever-evolving demands of the iGaming audience and the industry as a whole. As a result, you can rest assured that your gaming platform will not only handle substantial user loads but also provide players with a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. This commitment to excellence in user experience is fundamental to creating player loyalty and, ultimately, boosting your bottom line.

4. Diverse Product Offerings

The iGaming industry is multifaceted, offering various forms of gambling, including sports betting, esports, casino games, and more. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution covers this diversity comprehensively. Operators can seamlessly integrate different gaming products into their platform, catering to a wide range of player preferences. This versatility enhances player engagement and retention rates.


5. Customization for Brand Identity

UltraPlay’s turnkey solution empowers operators to tailor every aspect of their gaming platform to align with their unique brand identity. From website design to user interface, you have the flexibility to create a platform that resonates with your target audience, building trust and familiarity among players.

6. Data-Driven Insights

In the highly competitive iGaming landscape, data is a valuable asset. UltraPlay’s platform includes a suite of analytics and management tools that provide invaluable insights into player behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions about your iGaming business. By leveraging datadriven strategies, you can fine-tune your operations, optimize marketing efforts, and continually enhance the player experience.

7. Comprehensive Support

Successful integration and operation of an iGaming platform require ongoing support and maintenance. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution includes dedicated support services, ensuring that operators have access to assistance when needed. This support encompasses technical troubleshooting, regulatory compliance, and updates to keep the platform current and secure.

8. Regulatory Compliance and Licensing

Navigating the regulatory landscape in the iGaming industry is complex and varies from region to region. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution includes expert guidance on regulatory compliance and can assist operators in obtaining the necessary licenses to operate legally in their target markets. This ensures that your iGaming business is not only successful but also operates within the boundaries of the law.

9. Scalability for Growth

As your iGaming business grows, scalability becomes a critical factor. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution is designed to accommodate your expansion needs seamlessly. Whether you’re adding new gaming products, increasing user capacity, or entering new markets, the platform can scale to meet your evolving requirements.

cess. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution includes marketing tools and strategies to help operators attract and retain players. From targeted promotions to affiliate marketing programs, you can leverage a range of resources to grow your player base.

In essence, UltraPlay’s turnkey solution serves as your launchpad into the vast and ever-expanding universe of iGaming. When you partner with our experienced team, you gain access to a wealth of industry knowledge and expertise. We are committed to helping you not only establish a presence but also become a prominent and respected name within the iGaming community.


Risk Management and Fraud Prevention

In the iGaming industry, risk management and fraud prevention are paramount. UltraPlay’s platform includes robust tools for monitoring and mitigating risks, as well as identifying and preventing fraudulent activities. This ensures a secure and trustworthy gaming environment for both operators and players.

11. Marketing and Player Acquisition

Effectively marketing your iGaming platform is essential for suc-

The iGaming industry presents boundless opportunities for those who are prepared to navigate its complexities with the right partner. UltraPlay’s turnkey solution offers the ideal foundation for aspiring iGaming entrepreneurs. With a focus on technology, personalization, and data-driven decision-making, we empower you to embark on a successful and rewarding journey in the world of iGaming. Let us be your trusted partner in realizing your vision and making a lasting impact in this exciting and dynamic industry.


London’s Oldest VIP Casino May Close

Crockfords Casino based in Mayfair in London and owned by Genting UK could be the next high-end casino to close its doors following the announcement by the company that it has entered into a 30-day consultation period with staff over the future of the site valued in the exclusive area of London at £80 million.

The casino is the oldest in the capital and attracts high-end value customers but since the Covid pandemic the venue has struggled to bring back its customers and with the introduction of the government’s “tourist tax” (the cancelation of VAT-free shopping for tourists in 2021) it seems like another exclusive VIP club in London is set to close.

Crockfords located at 50 St James Place was established in 1828 by William Crockford a fishmonger at the time and went on to be one of the country’s wealthiest men.

It attracted the aristocracy and rich and became the exclusive place for the elite in society. However like the Ritz Club and the Clermont club in recent times which were forced to close, Crockfords looks like going the same way with dwindling numbers of high rollers prefer other destinations to spend their money.

With stronger rules on credit facilities hurting VIP clubs and even the new White Paper helping more mass market casinos with greater numbers of slot machines which VIP casinos

do not relay on it has spelled the possible end of another high end venue. The President of Genting UK Paul Willcock said: ‘Crockfords in Mayfair has been affected by a combination of factors that have put London at a competitive disadvantage compared to other international markets.

‘We will explore all options during the consultation period and no decision will be made until the views of our staff have been heard.

‘We highly value our employees and we are committed to our duty of care to them. None of our other casinos are affected in any way by this process and we will not be commenting further whilst this consultation is under way.’


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