IGBIS Weekly Newsletter. Issue 130, Week 4, October 2017.

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IGB International School’s Weekly Newsletter - Issue 130. Week 4. October 2017.

Grade 6-8 House Splash Event (Wednesday 25th October)

Message from Head of School Mrs. Anne Fowles Head of School 2 News from Elementary School Mr. Simon Millward Elementary School Principal 2 News from Secondary School Mr. Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal 3 I





Secondary School Council News ~ Pg. 3 Grade 6-8 House Splash Event

~ Pg. 4

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Un Yamada’s “People Without Seasons” Performance ~ Pg. 5 Grade 11 visit to Art Expo Malaysia

~ Pg. 5

Positive Education Programme

~ Pg. 7

Flying Phoenix

~ Pg. 8

IGBIS ISTA Theatre Festival - “Something in the Air”

10 & 11 November 2017 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

~ Pg. 8

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Message from Head of School Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members, A cross section of our leadership team and board members are currently attending the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) conference in Bangkok. This conference is an excellent means for us to meet colleagues from other schools in our region, attend workshops and keep up to date with global trends pertinent to IGBIS.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our parents coming into school with their children next week to take part in threeway conferences with teachers to discuss children’s progress at school this year. If you have not yet signed up to meet with teachers, please do so as soon as possible.

Anne Fowles Head of School

From the Elementary Principal Watch this space for further exciting updates.

Dates for your diaries: Please note the PYP parenting workshop (31st Oct) has been cancelled due to the rescheduling of the 3-Way conferences. • Monday 30th October: 3-Way Conferences 3.00 - 4.30pm • Tuesday 31st October: Early closure: 12.00: 3-Way Conferences 1.00- 7.00pm • Friday 3rd November: Kopitiam 8.40am: after the ES assembly. PVO room • Friday 3rd November: IGBIS Golden Ticket Social 7.30pm • Thursday 9th November: IGBIS Sports Day Since coming back from our October break the Grade 5 teachers have gone straight into setting up new learning experiences and initiatives for their Grade 5 students. This week they started thinking and having conversations regarding the PYP Exhibition PYPX, in short. Every year, Grade 5 students engage in this ultimate learning experience, characteristic of the PYP. The IBPYP Exhibition is a learning journey like no other, as it celebrates the children’s learning across the entire Primary Years Programme, empowers self-directed and self-managed inquiry and, most importantly, promotes taking meaningful Action.

Simon Millward

Elementary School Principal

The Action component of the PYPX creates a perfect opportunity for our learners to reflect and, as they grow, positively impact themselves, their families, the community and also help facilitate change for the world. To help establish communication about the Exhibition, our PYP Coordinator, Ms. Aga and Grade 5 homeroom teachers, Ms. Lisa and Mr. Hudson held brainstorming sessions within which learners shared their initial thinking about the Exhibition - What is it like? Why do we engage in it? How do we participate? What are the roles and responsibilities? To continue this discussion and build on their ideas, we invited Grade 5 families to join us in an information session on the key features of the Exhibition process. The Grade 5 students compared their initial and new thinking and had Grade 4 visit them to share their new ideas with them and tell them what their current understanding of the Exhibition experience and process is. The IBPYP Exhibition transforms the learning community over 6-7 weeks of student independent inquiry connecting to a global or local issue of great significance. As learners engage with their research, form new understandings and feel empowered to take meaningful Action, Grade 5 teachers, Exhibition mentors across all three IB programmes and the PYP pedagogical leadership team support and facilitate the process to make sure learners grow from it and feel successful sharing their learning and Actions taken on PYPX day, April 25th, 2018.


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News from Secondary School A highlight for me this week was seeing our AMP programme in action on Wednesday. Often when we think of school the first things that springs to mind are the traditional academic disciplines. These are without a doubt central to an outstanding education. However, we also know that educating our students today requires much more. Our Assemblies, Meetings, & Pastoral (AMP) programme helps us to accomplish this.

completing their Extended Essay, a thesis that is comparable to the research they will undertake in university. These activities or events may not come about from the traditional disciplines of education, but they are ways that we prepare our students for the future - helping them to develop the social, emotional and cognitive skills necessary to be successful. They are also what makes learning exciting!

While our younger secondary students were involved in our House Splash event (see the article in this newsletter) on Wednesday, Mr Fowles and Mr Wetherell were leading our Grade 9 students through the first lesson of our Positive Education initiative, a wellness programme designed to help students be more mindful of their health and well-being. While all of this was happening, Mr Clark was working with Grade 10 students to follow their own passions in their Personal Projects, and Mr Mitchell was working with the Grade 11 students as they embarked on their journey of researching universities of interest for their life post-IGBIS. Finally, On Wednesday our Grade 12 students were in the final stages of

Next week we look forward to hosting parents and students at our Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday. Also, I hope to see parents next Friday at the Kopitiam for secondary parents at 8:00. Sincerely yours,

Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal

Secondary Student Council News Tien Xzi Ho and the Secondary StuCo Executive Team of 2016-17

.............................................................................................. On October 11th, the transition from the Secondary Student Council of 2016-17 to 2017-18 began. Remarks about being on the Executive Team were given by Abdallah Salam and Hwei Linn Khoo, and speeches were given by the new Executive Team; Serene Salam and Pei Hua Chin. I, Tien Xzi Ho was a part of the 2016-17 Executive Team and will continue to be a part of that team this school year. From the 2016-17 Secondary StuCo Executive Team, we would just like to say how grateful we are for the past year. It was

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wonderful to see Secondary Students come to school dressed in their pyjamas or as a teacher. We could see all of the spirit within our school come to life. We are also very proud of the amount of progress that we have made, and the base that we have built for the next Student Council team. Going into this year, I am very excited to see what our new student council will accomplish. We already have projects that are in place, and I am excited to see which new ones we will take on to improve school life. Not only are we hoping that we will see a growth in school spirit, but also to see that students are enjoying their time at school even more. Cheers.

Impacting Lives


Grade 6-8 House Splash Event Emily Heys Grade 7 & 8 Coordinator ............................................................................................... On Wednesday 25th October in AMP time, the Grade 6-8 Students participated in this year’s Splash Event. Students played an allin game for warm up in the shallow end then each House broke into 4 teams to complete different challenges. We had students simulating rescuing each other with kickboards, diving deep


into the pool to collect sunken images of their house logos from the bottom and items all over the deep end that needed to be recovered by our students. All students who participated had an awesome time and contributed to their team’s total house points. 1st - Ignis 2nd - Terra 3rd - Aqua 4th - Aer

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Un Yamada’s “People Without Seasons” Dance Performance Hannah, Alex & Alyssa Grade 11

............................................................................................... Last Sunday the Grade 11 Theatre class viewed a performance of Un Yamada’s People Without Seasons. None of us knew what to expect, as we lowered ourselves into the soft and plush chairs of KLPAC’s main theatre. Once the show started, we were overcome with a plethora of raw energy and emotion.

Seeing two cultures come together was a spectacle unlike any other. The five Japanese dancers and 11 Malaysian dancers each added their own personal touch to the piece whether it was a hand gesture, musical talent or the intention put into each movement or expression. A piece as outstanding and unparalleled as this is surely going to remain with us forever.

People Without Seasons depicts the cyclic nature of village life and the villagers’ expectation to break out of its continuous loop. Using contemporary dance techniques combined with elements of Japanese Butoh theatre, the cast created high levels of tension and enchanting moments of fluidity. Utilising elements from a Malaysian village created an uncanny setting, inviting us to be at the heart of the performance - all whilst conveying the message of a community working together to build something bigger for themselves, but still competing against each other in this “dogeat-dog” world. Un Yamada often leaves audiences questioning society. It was extraordinary - the way ordinary movements were made unique. Yamada and her crew clearly had a vision of how best to delineate this common topic in a brand new, engaging way. Exciting classics such as Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony combined with choreographed chaos on stage created a unique performance.

Grade 11 visit to Art Expo Malaysia Kitty Lim, Maryam Humaira, Momone Matsumura and Vanessa Veldkamp Grade 11

............................................................. Art Expo Malaysia’s aim is to increase awareness and appreciation for art. They have done this by promoting art to a wide community while keeping the admission free throughout the 11 years Art Expo has been running in Malaysia. The director and partner of Art Expo Malaysia believe that art has no boundaries and that it is a source of inspiration as it moves people to be more cultured and courageous. The partner of Art Expo had said that “Art brings people together. This is why art is so important”, which is one of the sole reasons why he and the director started the Art Expo 11 years ago.

opportunity to be inspired by the different medium pieces such as sculptures, drawings, paintings, and mix-media pieces.

This is our 3rd year attending the Art Expo Plus Malaysia. It took place in the MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre (MECC). The Grade 9 - 12 students were accompanied by Ms Kelly, Ms Jade and Mr Clark. Other than the main purpose of observing the pieces that were exhibited, the students used this trip as an

Unlike last year, this year’s artists planned the layout of their exhibition and it incorporated more interactive aspects to the layout. For instance, we had to go into a dark cubicle to observe a piece that was centred around LED lighting. This made the experience more exciting because it acted as inspiration for the

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DP students and how we could possibly plan our exhibition. The artworks this year were more abstract and there were more 3D works. Artists used their own techniques and expressed personality which allowed a larger range of art to be exhibited. Maryam Humaira Ahmad Amer

(Irina Fabrizius and Marina Fabrizius, Quadrat White Turquoise Blue Dark, 200cm x 200cm, Oil on Canvas)

(Boonhlue Yangsauy, Crayfish Lady, 2017, Oil on Canvas, 200 x 180 cm)

Out of all the pieces I saw at the exhibition, it was this particular painting that became my favourite, entirely because of its simplicity. Created by the German twins, Irina and Marina Fabrizius, Quadrat White Turquoise Blue Dark is an oil painting that reminded me of the minimalist style that was used as an aesthetic sense in the 1960s. The painting has represented the minimalist style with the incorporation of a hard-edged geometric form and the use of rigid planes of colour pigment; in this case cool hues. Also, the painting depicts a fluorescent blue square that resembles LED lighting. In particular, the way the ‘light rays’ seem to effortlessly fade out into the darker background reminded me of the stage setup for the English rock band, The 1975, designed by Tobias G. Rylander. When I first saw the painting, my initial thought was that the piece was a photograph due to the glossy finish on the canvas and the smooth application of paint, but when I took a closer look at the piece, I realized it was indeed an oil painting and noticed how the artist’s brushstrokes were very smooth. The piece portrays hope: the contrast from the square contour in the brightest of white against the solid dark shade of navy blue of the background and centre, there is a sense of light projecting into the darkness. The colours don’t only contrast each other, but it shows a balance between light and dark, that could usually be perceived as good and evil. Though to most people this painting will be nothing more than “just a square”, to me, it embodies the beauty in the simple features of the minimalistic style.

cone around her neck. Looking more carefully at the vibrant chandelier, it seems to be that the candles are electric as the flames of the candles don’t seem to have the golden flame that candles usually have, instead the flame is very uniform and doesn’t have a flickering effect. This adds to the weird vibe in the painting as the lady is wearing a cone with lobsters crawling inside it and her left eye seems ready to pop out from her face. It doesn’t help that it seems like the lady is in a dark room with only the chandelier as light. Momone Matsumura

Vanessa Veldkamp The artwork that caught my attention during the Art Expo the most was the Crayfish Lady by Boonhlue Yangsauy. A portrait where smooth brush strokes throughout the painting beautifies the lady in the painting, especially as it emphasises her fair and glowing skin, making the lady seem very unearthly and dreamlike. Her cropped auburn hair looks as if it almost blends into the background as her face is mainly illuminated by the vibrant bluishlime green chandelier. The eyes of the lady are very eye-catching due to the illumination of the glass of the chandelier that reflects on her face. It emphasizes the well hidden fear and curiosity of the lady as she stares up at the last lobster hanging from the chandelier. Her left eye almost bulges out of it’s socket as she seems to almost dare it to fall and join the other lobsters on the


(Brett Lethbridge, Gold Fish, Acrylic on Canvas) “Gold Fish” is an acrylic painting created by Brett Lethbridge. Most of his artworks that were exhibited were mainly about red cloth, and this was the only work that had a different approach. The fish are abstracted and drawn with simple shapes and thick outlines. Because he used warm colours in the painting, it doesn’t seem as if the fish are in the water. Warm toned colours add more energy and movement than cold colours such as blue; likewise, the highlights in the eyes express the power the fish embody. The mood of this painting is calm and relaxed, due to the use of warm

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colors such as red and orange. The semi-circles the fish make, and the use of the same patterns are more organised than in nature. It adds enjoyment to the overall picture. When I think of a goldfish, I would visualise a fish being alone in a fishbowl or aquarium. Initially, I didn’t realise it was a goldfish as I have never seen them as such, with many goldfish gathering. Goldfish and most animals have a habit of moving around as a group to survive in the harsh environment. I think this artwork shows us the beauty and big power of animals’ vitality. Kitty Lim

(Katy Lim, Violet Twilight, 2016, Oil on Canvas, 140 x 220 cm)

“Violet Twilight” by a Vietnamese Artist, Katy Lim drew my attention. The landscape painting depicts a scene of a sun peeking out of the horizon. Its brightness illuminates the whole park and lake, which creates a glorious twilight scene. The oil paint provides smooth and pigmented qualities to the painting. The use of warm colours such as red, maroon, and yellow enhance the neutral shades of the scenery, making it seem naturalistic to real life. The brush strokes are bold, visible dabs of heavy-bodied and thickly applied paint. Layers of paint create the rough texture on the surface, bringing the piece to life and adding energy through the swiftness of the strokes. The composition of the painting focuses on the landscape, making the viewers observe the painting as a whole, not just the minimal objects. However, the bright yellow colour emphasises the sun, making it the focal point in this painting. It draws the attention away from the trees and plants, but it leads us to the reflection on the lake due to the similar colours being used. This piece gives an earthy quality and warmer feeling with the use of the warm colours, composition and the brush strokes. The clashing colours of maroon, red, yellow and blue represents a soothing atmosphere. It was one of the main reasons why the painting drew my attention at first glance.

Positive Education Programme Peter Fowles MYP Individuals & Societies Teacher ............................................................................................... On Wednesday morning the Grade 9 students participated in the first part of our Positive Education Programme. This programme is part of a Wellness Programme that all of Upper Secondary can participate in. It highlights the importance of students’ physical and mental health, and gives them the tools to help them succeed both within school and outside of it. The fun exercises had students using teamwork and problem solving skills to accomplish the set tasks.

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Flying Phoenix Tim Bartle Athletics Director ............................................................................................... IGBIS sent our biggest ever sports team to Nexus International School for the KLISS Cross Country Championships on Friday 6th October. 80 students ranging from grades 2 to 11 persevered through the undulating jungle course in very hot and humid conditions. Our elementary competitors completed the 1.5km course whilst secondary students challenged themselves against the 3km course. All our students were once again great ambassadors for the school, cheering on not only our team but also offering support and encouragement to participants from the other schools. With a sea of red and grey lining the early stages of the race, we were certainly the loudest and proudest school at the event! A special shout out to Antonia Thomsen of Grade 3 who ran an amazing race in the U9 Girls event. She started strongly and then


maintained a steady pace throughout the entire race emerging from the jungle trail in first place claiming the title of KLISS Cross Country Champion! Congratulations to our other top 10 finishers on the day: Isabel van der Sluis, Zi Xuan Lee, Aya Hasegawa, Mathilda Thomsen, Kitty Lim and Hugo Nootebos. U11 Basketball Our U11 Basketball teams hosted the KLISS Bowl Competition on Wednesday 11th October. Our teams have been working hard at training to improve their dribbling, passing and shooting under the guidance of coaches Mr Aherne and Ms Snooks. The boys finished with three wins and one loss and placed second overall. Their only loss was a narrow two point defeat that was conceded in the final few seconds of the game. The girls played some exciting attacking basketball on their way to four straight wins, taking out the KLISS Bowl Championship for 2017! Congratulations to all players who proudly represented the Phoenix at this tournament.

U11 Boys Basketball

U11 Girls Basketball

Round 1: IGBIS 8 - ISP 5

Round 1: IGBIS 16 - ISP 4

Round 2: IGBIS 8 - Taylors Puchong 2

Round 2: IGBIS 18 - Tenby 8

Round 3: IGBIS 14 - Taylors KL 16

Round 3: IGBIS 14 vs Taylors KL 12

Round 4: IGBIS 8 - BSKL 6

Round 4: IGBIS 12 vs BSKL 10

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IGBIS ISTA Theatre Festival - “Something in the Air� Jon Suffolk Performing Arts Teacher ...............................................................................................

Parents have been emailed a link to the google form to enrol their children into the festival. There are only 20 places available so it will be on a first in basis. A waiting list will be created if necessary.

As you should know by now IGBIS will be hosting a Middle School Theatre Festival in March next year. A great deal of the festival logistical organisation is well under way and now is the time to consider enrolling your child for this outstanding opportunity.

All the relevant information is at the top of the form for parents to consider. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me at jon.suffolk@igbis.edu.my

New Operating Hours for Uniform Shop In order to better accommodate the needs of parents, the Uniform Shop has revised its opening hours. The shop will now open on Tuesday and Friday mornings, coinciding with the weekly Elementary School Assembly, as well as Tuesday afternoons. Details of opening times are listed below. However, please take note that the Uniform Shop will be closed for stocktake on 31 October.

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In addition to the listed times below, in January 2018 the shop will be open on Friday afternoons, from 2:45-3:45. As the Uniform Shop is once again fully stocked with uniforms, we ask that parents who have loaned uniforms from the shop to please return them as they are now able to purchase uniforms for their children in their required sizes. For further information, please contact Susie at susie.tee@igbis.edu.my.

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