IGBIS Weekly Newsletter. Issue 153, Week 1, May, 2017.

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IGB International School’s Weekly Newsletter - Issue 153. Week 1. May 2018.

Early Years Field Trip to KLPAC | Pg. 4

Global Goals MUN Experience | Pg. 5

Student-Led Conference (28 April 2018) We are a CIS Accredited School | Pg. 3 + Performing Arts News | Pg. 6 Follow us on


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Message from Head of School Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members, IGB International School is awarded International Accreditation with the Council of International Schools! We were delighted to receive notification that IGBIS has been granted full international accreditation with the prestigious Council of International Schools (CIS). This is fantastic news for the school and a credit to the work of the board, the staff, parents and students in creating a world class school. As the only authorised four programme IB school in Malaysia also accredited by CIS, IGBIS is truly at the forefront of international education in Malaysia! This Friday and Saturday, IGBIS is hosting the Malaysian Special Olympics National Competition. Many of our staff and students will be supporting this event and an invitation has been sent to our parent community.

A reminder that school will be closed on May 9 for the General Election. however the IB Diploma examinations will continue as planned and IGBIS teaching staff will supervise the examinations. We have heard rumours that depending on the outcome of the election, May 10 may also be declared a holiday. Parents will be advised by SMS and email if there is any change to the normal school day. IB Diploma examinations will still take place at school regardless.

Anne Fowles Head of School

News from Elementary School Last Saturday, 28th April we held the annual Student Led Conference where students become the teachers for the day and guide their families around their classes sharing their growth over the course of the year. This year there was a difference as we arranged one of our Open Days at the same time. This meant that prospective families were able to see in action what an IB education is all about. The atmosphere at the school was calm, dynamic and buzzing with activity. All in all it was a very enjoyable day. On Friday 4th May the Kindergarten classes went to see a live performance at the theatre of ‘Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus’. This complemented their How we Express Ourselves unit as they inquire into how an audience can be engaged through performance. We look forward to seeing how this trip impacted their thoughts and actions. On Wednesday 9th May, the public holiday that has been called will not affect the published dates of the rotating timetable. Thursday 10th May will be Day 2.

Dates for your diaries: • Tuesday 8th May: PYP Art assembly, Lvl 2 Art Exhibition Hall • Wednesday 9th May: Public holiday • Friday 11th May: Kopitiam 8.40am PVO room

Simon Millward

Elementary School Principal


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News from Secondary School Our Student-Led Conferences last weekend kicked off a very busy week in the Secondary School. I enjoyed getting to see so many parents learning new skills as they were taught by their children, and great discussions took place about student learning at IGBIS. This big event led into the next with our DP exams taking place all week. It has been a busy time for our Grade 12 students as they have made it through their first full week of exams. Two more weeks to go! Lastly, we have been gearing up for our final big event of the week - the Special Olympics Malaysia National Games. Over 50 secondary students will be involved in volunteering. The athletic competitions begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, if you can make it! Sincerely yours,

Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal

CIS Accreditation

We are thrilled to announce that the Council of International Schools (CIS) has now awarded full international accreditation to IGB International School. This is a wonderful achievement for such a young school and shows the world that we are a school that shares a desire to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens; and that we display a commitment to high quality international education. We join a community that includes 738+ schools and 583 colleges and universities representing 116 countries. Among other requirements, to gain accreditation, evaluators from CIS spent a week the school earlier in the year. They interviewed staff, students and parents alike, sat in on classes and investigated how IGBIS operates. The CIS website states that to achieve CIS accreditation, member schools must “…infuse their programmes and offerings with international and intercultural perspective so that students can move forward with the attitudes and understanding that will provide them with a solid base wherever their studies or work may take them.” We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who played a role in helping us to achieve accreditation, from staff (both teachers and administration), the Board, parents, and especially our wonderful students.

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives


Early Years Field Trip to KLPAC Tamara Snooks and Mike Dziobkowski Early Years Teachers

.................................................................................................................... Students in Early Years took the morning out of school on Monday and visited Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC). The class has been investigating how stories inform, provoke and


engage us. The students had fun walking through the unique building at KLPAC, climbing (so many) stairs and exploring many of the drama studios. They played some games with some of the KLPAC drama teachers and enjoyed acting out their perspective on the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children loved everything about the field trip, from telling stories through drama to the bus ride to and from KLPAC.

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives

Global Goals MUN Experience Gareth Woo Grade 9

.................................................................................................................... On the 23rd of February, I was selected from among 4000 participants to participate in the Global Goals MUN Conference. The event took place on the 13th to 16th of April at the Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, and I truly had a spectacular experience. When the event first started I was nervous and afraid. Most of the participants were over 20 years of age. I was the youngest participant there, so it was nerve-racking mixing with people who seemed extremely professional. I initially thought I wouldn’t be able to make friends given the age difference; however, I was wrong. Everyone at the conference was incredibly friendly and was willing to talk to me. Participants came from all around the world. It was fun to associate with these people, learning all about their countries, background and cultures. The first day consisted of a Youth Forum Session, in which the chairs of every council gave us a run through of every agenda to be discussed over the course of the event. It was extremely informative and it gave us delegates a new perspective on the issue at hand. Day 2 was filled with debate where we went to our councils to debate several pertinent issues. The last day started with a ‘Grand Symposium’ which consisted of every activist sharing their opinions on other issues relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They shared their solutions and provided us with the opportunity to learn more while asking as many questions as we liked. It was really fun and informative. Debate was fascinating at the Global Goals MUN Conference. Everyone in my council, the Zero Hunger Forum, had tons of ideas to bring into council. I managed to contribute a lot in council. I even managed to get an award at this MUN for the Best Delegate. It was definitely surprising and I was especially glad to be able to represent IGBIS and receive this award. I would like to thank the school, especially Mrs Fowles, Mr Ngatai and Ms Greta for sponsoring me to attend this eye-opening event. This couldn't have happened without their assistance and I’m truly grateful to IGBIS for helping me throughout the event.

Igniting Minds

Impacting Lives


Performing Arts News Jon Suffolk

MYP Performing Arts Showcase And Visual Arts Exhibition

Performing Arts Teacher

.................................................................................................................... Finale Series - Music Academy Concerts The Finale Series Music Academy Concerts will be held on the following dates: • Tuesday 5th June - voice (Ms Irma) and piano/strings (Ms Iko) • Thursday 7th June - piano (Ms Puisim), guitar (Mr Adil), piano (Mr Yew Chee) The concerts will commence at 1:45pm each day in the Drama Studio.

On Thursday 7th June, from 11am in the Theatre, MYP students will showcase performances they have rehearsed, devised and created during their Music and Drama classes this year. The performances are a result of their inquiry into many different performing arts genres and will highlight their skill development and awareness of different musical and theatrical traditions. From 28th May - 8th June, the MYP Visual Arts Exhibition will also be on show for students and parents to come along and observe visual arts work covering many different genres, techniques and use of a variety of media. We look forward to many of the IGBIS community attending and supporting these events.

The concerts give the students the opportunity to develop performance confidence and experience and will be the culmination of an excellent year for the Music Academy. I look forward to hearing students who are part of the Music Academy perform.


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@ bit.ly/igbissummerschool Open to all students Fee: RM800 (one week) | RM1500 (two weeks)

16th July - 27th July 2018 Conversational Malay (Grade 9 to 11)

IT Tools at IGBIS (Grade 5 to 11)

This course encourages students to develop lifelong language skills. The class will aim to develop proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Since this is a Mother Tongue class, there will be an emphasis on grammatical aspects of the language. The class will use authentic materials such as videos, newspaper articles, blogs, etc.

We use a lot of technology at IGBIS. Get ahead (or refresh your skills) on lots of the technology, apps and techniques we use at school. Explore how to get the most out of Google Docs, Sheets, Drawings and Slides. Explore not just how to make a movie, but how to make a good movie. We will also be looking at ways to become smarter with technology. You might even learn how to make your very own computer game.

Teacher: Rashid Amin

Teacher: Geoffrey Derry

Robotics (Grade 3 to 10)

Junior Sports Programme (Kindergarten to Grade 5)

Teacher: Geoffrey Derry Get a hands-on experience building and programming robots. We will be using Lego robots (Wedo, EV3), as well a few other toys and bits & pieces to create robots that will do whatever you tell them to do. Build a soccer playing robot to score a goal or a robot that can solve a Rubik’s cube. Let your imagination and creativity run wild in this fun week-long robot experience.

Teacher: Kevin Lawson

This course introduces students to football (soccer), touch rugby, tennis, badminton, and athletics. Students will learn the basics of each sport and play games and team building activities. The emphasis is on having fun, whilst developing confidence, independence and teamwork. A fun swim activity is also included in the programme, subject to assistant availability.

Art Camp (Kindergarten to Grade 5) Teacher: Elli Lawson

Art Camp allows students to explore creatively whilst building on drawing, painting and craft techniques. Artwork is created from both imagination and inspiration from other artists. Working in a specialised art studio, students build a portfolio of individual artwork over the week and also work together to make a collaborative artwork. The course runs for two weeks, however each week has different outcomes, therefore children may choose to do one week or two.

English Language Learning (Grade 6 to 11) Teacher: Sean McDermott

In English Language Learning students will engage with and use the English language in a way that is relevant and purposeful. The activities are designed around a series of thought-provoking and challenging English learning activities that stimulate conversation, collaboration and problem solving in groups using critical thinking. Activities include designing and building pinhole cameras and explaining how they work, critically examining and responding to modern English texts and movies, bridge building and testing, and exploring how things fly. Students will communicate and present their work in English using a variety of different methods. This programme is designed so students develop a high level of confidence in using English authentically at school to communicate and share their learning to a high standard.

Designed by adiyati.ibrahim@igbis.edu.my, Marketing Dept. Background image & icons by freepik.com

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IGB International School Jalan Sierramas Utama, Sierramas, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Owned by Detik Harapan Sdn. Bhd. (790342-W)

Igniting Minds

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