IGBIS Weekly Newsletter. Issue 157, Week 2, June, 2018.

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IGB International School’s Weekly Newsletter - Issue 157. Week 2. June 2018.

The MYP Showcase

June 7th, 2018

Grade 4 Beliefs Field Trip | Pg. 6 + Music Notes | Pg. 7 + Elementary Transition Day | Pg. 8 + Putting the MYP into Action | Pg. 9 + Our Departing Teachers | Pg. 10 Follow us on


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Message from Head of School Dear IGBIS Parents and Community Members, We had some wonderful performances at school this week with the MYP Production, Instrumental Music Programme concerts and the Grade 5 Completion Ceremony. Next week is a short week with school concluding at lunchtime on Wednesday after the Elementary School and Secondary School Final Assemblies. These will include end of year awards and recognitions. We look forward to our families joining in the assemblies and the final farewell as we wave to our students when they leave for their summer vacation. Cars will be diverted to come up past the reception area on their way out of the school. Staff will still be in school on Thursday for end of year procedures and farewells. We recognise the fantastic contributions that our staff have made this year and wish them a well deserved vacation.

Anne Fowles Head of School


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News from Elementary School It has been a busy week as we near the end of the school year. There have been many performances through the week. We started with the Music Academy concert on Tuesday and again on Thursday as our budding musicians were risk takers, took to the stage and performed in front of their peers. I would like to extend my thanks to not only the instrumental teachers, but to Mr. Suffolk who over the last 4 years has coordinated and built a great programme that we are seeing student talent being nurtured and developed. Your tireless enthusiasm and attention to detail will be missed Mr. Suffolk, as you embark on your new adventure. On Monday we had our student transition time. The Grade 5 students spent a day in the secondary school as Grade 6 students. Every student also moved ‘up’ to experience life in their new grade area and the feedback from students and teachers was very positive. Mr. Chris also worked with the leaving students helping them with ideas and strategies to cope with, for many, moving country and school. On Tuesday the Grade 5 students invited younger grades to their Malaysian learning stations where they learned many things about Malaysia. The displays and work that went into this was significant and I am sure those who visited learned a lot. On Wednesday we had a wonderful Grade 5 celebration/farewell/ completion assembly. The musical numbers arranged by Ms. Susan were wonderful and the ‘time machine’ segment was very amusing. On Thursday the Grade 5 students had a maths day where they were engaged in many hands on maths challenges, thank you to all the teachers who helped organise this, especially Ms. Blakeway, our Maths Coordinator. As we near the end of the school year it is tinged with sadness as we have to say goodbye to some leaving students and teachers as well. We wish all of our leaving students good luck as many of them move to new countries and new schools. I would like to offer my special thanks to the teachers who are destined for new adventures, Ms. Susan, Ms. Tamara, Ms. Yolaine, Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Amanda, Ms. Sissi and Mr. Chris: you have made a difference to many students at IGBIS and I am sure you will be remembered in years to come.

Simon Millward

Elementary School Principal


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News from Secondary School Dear Parents, It has been an amazing week in the secondary school, and a lot of fun as we approach the final week of the school year. Our Student Ambassadors have put on a show this week, facilitating activities in homeroom and organising dress up days—all on the theme of Phoenix Positivity and our sense of spirit at IGBIS. They have done a wonderful job, and are another example of the strong student leadership we have at IGBIS. Student leadership in the secondary school can also be seen in this newsletter, as you read about our new student lounge. My congratulations to Student Council for the completion of a long term project, which will in turn have an impact into the years to come. I look forward to seeing students enjoying their new learning lounge. We also celebrated the Visual and Performing Arts this week, with the Music and Drama Showcase on Thursday, the Grade 10 Drama performance on Friday, and the Visual Arts Exhibition taking place all week. Both events highlight the creative side of our students, an essential element of the IGBIS education. Finally, we welcomed Grade 5 in their visit to the secondary school. We are very excited to have them join us next year, and I am looking forward to seeing how they will build on the skills they have developed during the PYP Exhibition. Looking forward, the last three days of school will be equally busy. On Monday we will have normal lessons, with an assembly to conclude the week of Phoenix Positivity. On Tuesday, Grades 6-8 will be out on service trips, Grade 9 will be working on their Personal Projects, and Grades 10 & 11 will be attending a ToK workshop. Finally, we will say goodbye for the year with our traditional secondary school end of year and awards assembly. This is also a time where we will honour all of our leaving teachers, who have had such an important impact at IGBIS. I am very grateful for their efforts, and know how much the IGBIS community has appreciated them as well. All parents are welcome to attend the celebration of the achievements of the year. The assembly will begin at 10:30: I hope to see you there. Sincerely yours,

Michael Arcidiacono Secondary School Principal

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Grade 4 Beliefs Field Trip Stephani Wafzig and Kari Twedt Grade 4 Teachers

........................................................................... As part of our unit on Beliefs and Values, last week Grade 4 Students explored various places of worship around Kuala Lumpur including The National Mosque, Sri MahaMariamman Temple, GuanDi Temple and St. Mary's Cathedral. We were particularly interested in learning all we could about the different religious practices, symbols and beliefs. Students developed a greater understanding about the similarities and differences of various religions and were able to make connections to their own beliefs. As our classroom is quite diverse in our own religious backgrounds, many students were happy to explain aspects of their religion with their classmates. The children showed respect, appreciation and curiosity as they learned about their classmates.


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Music Notes Ms Susan Bal-Short Elementary Music Teacher

........................................................................... As the academic year comes swiftly to a close, so does the Music Academy for 2017/2018. Final performances happened this week on Tuesday and Thursday where many students had an opportunity to sing, or play an instrument in front of our school community. In his welcome to the Tuesday performance, Mr. Jon Suffolk mentioned the growth of the academy over the past year and particularly mentioned the many learners now studying Voice. Let’s hope this enthusiasm continues in the coming year as well. We’d like to especially thank, Ms. Irma, Ms, Iko and Mr Yu Chee, our tutors, for the time and work they have put in to foster our learners’ love of music-making and singing this year.

>>>More photos at page 13

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Elementary Transition Day Monday was a day of experiencing new things for all the students in Elementary School. Grade 5 students spent the day learning about what it means to be a Secondary School student, experiencing—among other things— design, science and I&S classes; all new things for these soon-to-be MYP students. Each student had a Grade 6 buddy accompany them throughout the day and show them the ropes. Special thanks to Ms Sheena Kelly for organising such a huge day for Grade 5. Younger elementary students also moved to their new classrooms and got a taste for what life would be like in the next grade level. Cutting, painting, drawing, talking, and even a paper snowball fight, were just some of the things students tried out in their new classrooms. Many students went home that night excited about what is in store for them come August.


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Putting the MYP into Action Phil Clark Middle Years Programme Coordinator

........................................................................... This week saw the final stage of a year-long project for Secondary School Student Council, a project that has brought together many aspects of learning across the curriculum, a project that has really put the MYP into action. At the end of last academic year Secondary School Student Council presented a proposal to our Head of School and Secondary Principal to turn an empty corridor area into an attractive, multi-purpose learning lounge. The proposal was received with interest and the students were asked to create a more detailed proposal within a specific budget. Student Council members worked on this project during Semester One and presented an illustrated, itemised proposal that came in under budget. The proposal was approved, the order submitted and this week the fixtures and furnishings arrived. Students worked through their lunchtimes all week to unwrap the soft furnishings and assemble the flat-packed furniture. Artwork is currently being printed and will be displayed on the walls in large frames in the new-look learning lounge. Throughout this year-long project, students had to apply their art and design skills to create detailed design projections for the space. They used their math skills when planning the budget and measuring the furnishings for the space. They used their language, communication, problem-solving and collaboration skills to communicate with each other and to present their proposal to the school management team. For many Secondary School Student Council members, this was their first opportunity to assemble furniture, applying product design skills to a real-life situation. It has been a long project, but it was very rewarding to see a previously dull and empty space, transformed into an attractive lounge that the students designed and assembled themselves. It is a great example of students taking action to improve things for others. Congratulations to Secondary School Student Council for putting the MYP into action and creating a fantastic new learning lounge for everyone to enjoy.

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Our Departing Teachers Last week we introduced the new teachers who will be arriving for the 201819 school year. While we are delighted to welcome our new staff, it is with a heavy heart that we farewell some of our current staff. We wish the following staff members all the very best in their future endeavours.

Amanda Clark—Whole School Teacher Librarian—is moving to Beijing, China, to work at Innova Academy, where she will take a position as Elementary School Principal.

Gustav Helman—Whole School Languages Coordinator—is moving to Tokyo, Japan to take the post of DP Coordinator in a new school.

Jade Saba—MYP & PYP Visual Art Teacher—will be spending time in Australia and New Zealand. She is moving to be closer to family.

“I have really enjoyed my four years here at IGB International School and am hoping that somewhere, sometime, I will see many of you again.”

Lesley Dean—Chemistry Teacher—is heading back to New Zealand, to family, holidays, to start a new company, then on to another short-term contract.

Lucy Ashdown—ESOL and Learning Support Teacher—is moving to Xi'an, China. She has a position as MYP Language Acquisition and ESOL support, and Head of ESOL in the high school of an international school there.

Jon Suffolk—MYP Performing Arts/IB Theatre Teacher, IGBIS Instrumental Music Academy Coordinator—is returning to Sydney, Australia. Emily Heys—Grade 7&8 Coordinator, Psychology and I&S Teacher, Yearbook Coordinator—is moving to International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC), Vietnam. “IGBIS was my first international school and I am ready for a new adventure. I will be working in a much bigger school. I'll especially miss the IGBIS students. I am grateful for my time here at IGBIS and Malaysia. I will miss roti canai.”


“I will be working part-time as a casual relief teach in schools across Sydney, traveling and spending time with family and friends. I am proud of the Performing Arts programmes that I have been a part of establishing with my colleagues during my four years at IGBIS.”

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Mary Boyd—Diploma Coordinator, Career-related Programme Coordinator and High School Diploma Coordinator— is off to Tokyo in Japan. There she will be undertaking a similar position as the one she held here: Diploma Coordinator and High School Diploma Coordinator.

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and creativity has been an inspiration to me. I wish IGBIS well and all my friends and colleagues and the students all the very best for the coming year.”

Peter Fowles—PHE and Individuals & Societies teacher—is heading to New Zealand, and his home in the Bay of Islands. “I’m going to reconnect with family and friends, and to enjoy small building and tree projects. Having the opportunity to teach is a privilege and I will miss the positive joy of being with students and colleagues.”

Phil Clark—MYP Coordinator—is heading to Innova Academy in Beijing, China. There he will help establish another new school as Middle School Assistant Principal.

Silvana Evans—MYP/DP Spanish and MYP English Language Acquisition; and Gabriel Evans— MYP Design Technology and DP Design Technology and Theory of Knowledge—are moving to the International School of Indiana, USA. They are moving to be closer to their home and family in Chile.

“It isn't often that we have the opportunity to be a part of establishing a new school and community. I am very proud of all we have achieved in four years at IGBIS and am very excited to have the chance to do it all again in Beijing.”

Susan Bal-Short—Elementary School Music teacher—is retiring from full-time teaching and planning to return to Perth, Western Australia at the end of this year. “I have been living in Malaysia for ten years with my husband. Now it is time to return to our sons in Perth and take on grandparent duties for a while. Our first grandchild is due at the end of June. In the future, we plan to be global nomads and spend most of the year travelling to new destinations where we can enjoy our passion for dancing Tango and catching up with long-lost friends and family (and maybe a bit of part-time or private teaching) before we really settle down somewhere. “It has been indeed a pleasure to work at IGBIS this year. The students have been so engaged and excited about coming to music each week and have grown in confidence and enthusiasm for all things musical and artistic. It has been so fulfilling to see them grow and enjoy the growing process in a creative way. Thanks to my wonderful co-workers in the Performing Arts—Jon Suffolk and Hadewych Dujardin—it has been a great little team working with you both. Your professionalism, knowledge

Sheena Kelly—Visual Arts Teacher, Head of Arts, Grade Level Coordinator—is moving to Uptown School in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, “I am going to be an IB Visual Arts Teacher. I am moving to be closer to family and friends in Ireland. Malaysia feels like a second home for me, and I very much hope to return to Malaysia and IGBIS in the future. It has been amazing to watch the school grow, particularly the art department. We started Day One with two reams of paper, two packets of pencils and a small group of eager students, and now the department is thriving. I have felt very privileged to be a small part of the creative journey of our students. Thank you.”

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Sissi Wang—PYP Chinese; and Chris Klesch—Early Years to Grade 8 Counsellor—are moving back to Washington, USA to be closer to their family after two years at IGBIS.

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Our Departing Teachers

Stephanie Wafzig—Grade 4 Teacher—is moving to the International School of the Peninsula , Palo Alto, California, USA to teach Grade 5.

Tim Bartle—PHE Teacher and Athletics Coordinator—is moving to The International School Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. “A brand new adventure awaits. I'm looking forward to further developing my teaching in an exciting new location. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time at IGBIS and take with me many treasured memories. Thank you to the IGBIS community for supporting me in my role as Athletics Coordinator. Go Phoenix!”

Tamara Snooks—Early Years Teacher and Early Years Coordinator—is moving to Singapore to teach at UWCSEA, Dover Campus where she will be a K2 teacher (Kindergarten) and the K2 Curriculum Coordinator. “I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the IGBIS community and would like to thank everyone for making me and my family feel welcome on our first overseas posting.”

Yolaine Johanson—Elementary Teacher and Language Coordinator—is moving to Jakarta Intercultural School, Indonesia. “It is time for a change. I like to move countries every 4 to 5 years. I have just finished my fourth year here. I will be teaching Grade 5 in my new school. It is a well established school with over 2500 students, so it will be a bit different. “I have loved being part of IGBIS from the outset; starting a new school is both extremely hard work and very rewarding. The staff and students at IGBIS are fantastic and I will remember them fondly.”


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PVO News Julie Arcidiacono Community and Events Coordinator

.................................................................................................................... As the end of the 2017-2018 year approaches, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our IGBIS community for their constant support and involvement. It has been a pleasure to work with our growing group of dedicated parents, and I hope to have been of good service to you in return. If you have a moment, please visit the PVO website and look back at all we have accomplished this past year. Certainly much to be proud of!

In August, we will hit the ground running. We will begin our next academic year with another Uniform Drive during the first week of school, on Friday 10 August. If you are leaving at the end of this semester and would like to donate uniforms after school is over, please feel free to drop them off at Reception. We will also welcome new families during our New Parents Coffee on Friday, 17 August. During this event, parents will also have the opportunity to mingle with new and returning staff members, as well as volunteer to become parent representatives for their children’s grade levels. PVO meetings will begin as of September, and we will set the agenda for yet another fun-packed and busy year.

>>>From page 7

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IGB International School Jalan Sierramas Utama, Sierramas, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Owned by Detik Harapan Sdn. Bhd. (790342-W)

Get a hands-on experience building and programming robots. We will be using Lego robots (Wedo, EV3), as well a few other toys and bits & pieces to create robots that will do whatever you tell them to do. Build a soccer playing robot to score a goal or a robot that can solve a Rubik’s cube. Let your imagination and creativity run wild in this fun week-long robot experience.

Teacher: Geoffrey Derry

Robotics (Grade 3 to 10)

This course introduces students to football (soccer), touch rugby, tennis, badminton, and athletics. Students will learn the basics of each sport and play games and team building activities. The emphasis is on having fun, whilst developing confidence, independence and teamwork. A fun swim activity is also included in the programme, subject to assistant availability.

Teacher: Kevin Lawson

Junior Sports Programme (Kindergarten to Grade 5)

We use a lot of technology at IGBIS. Get ahead (or refresh your skills) on lots of the technology, apps and techniques we use at school. Explore how to get the most out of Google Docs, Sheets, Drawings and Slides. Explore not just how to make a movie, but how to make a good movie. We will also be looking at ways to become smarter with technology. You might even learn how to make your very own computer game.

Teacher: Geoffrey Derry

This course encourages students to develop lifelong language skills. The class will aim to develop proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Since this is a Mother Tongue class, there will be an emphasis on grammatical aspects of the language. The class will use authentic materials such as videos, newspaper articles, blogs, etc.

Teacher: Rashid Amin

IT Tools at IGBIS (Grade 5 to 11)

Fee: RM800 (one week) | RM1500 (two weeks)

Conversational Malay (Grade 9 to 11)

16th July - 27th July 2018

@ bit.ly/igbissummerschool Open to all students

Register Now

Students will communicate and present their work in English using a variety of different methods. This programme is designed so students develop a high level of confidence in using English authentically at school to communicate and share their learning to a high standard.

In English Language Learning students will engage with and use the English language in a way that is relevant and purposeful. The activities are designed around a series of thought-provoking and challenging English learning activities that stimulate conversation, collaboration and problem solving in groups using critical thinking. Activities include designing and building pinhole cameras and explaining how they work, critically examining and responding to modern English texts and movies, bridge building and testing, and exploring how things fly.

Teacher: Sean McDermott

English Language Learning (Grade 6 to 11)

The course runs for two weeks, however each week has different outcomes, therefore children may choose to do one week or two.

Art Camp allows students to explore creatively whilst building on drawing, painting and craft techniques. Artwork is created from both imagination and inspiration from other artists. Working in a specialised art studio, students build a portfolio of individual artwork over the week and also work together to make a collaborative artwork.

Teacher: Elli Lawson

Art Camp (Kindergarten to Grade 5)

Designed by adiyati.ibrahim@igbis.edu.my, Marketing Dept. Background image & icons by freepik.com


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