IGU Magazine October 2016

Page 137

Greetings from Pål Rasmussen, Secretary General of IGU Norway has been the

and has not at any time tried to influence

proud host of the IGU

internal processes in IGU.

Secretariat and home

A commemorative brochure has been pre­

to the Union’s head­

pared for the Council meeting in Amsterdam

quarters for nine

that gives an overview of developments, achieve­

years during which

ments and initiatives that have been imple­

we have experienced

mented during the Norwegian term, which has

major changes and

covered four Presidencies. I am proud to hand

corresponding chal­

over to Spain in two weeks’ time and let me use

lenges in the business

this oppor­tunity to thank those who have served

environment of the

alongside us during the Norwegian term:

gas industry. IGU has

◆ Council and Executive Committee members;

had to respond to

◆ The four Presidents and their teams;

these challenges to

◆ Members of the Coordination Committee

ensure its relevance to members and fulfil its role as the global voice of gas. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I am sure that the future development of the Union will be in good hands when Spain becomes the host of the Secretariat on November 1. Numerous initiatives have started and been implemented, and many of these

and technical committees; ◆ The Regional Coordinators and members of the Wise Persons Group; ◆ All secondees who have served and are serving in Norway and the companies supporting them; ◆ All colleagues who have served and are currently serving in Norway; ◆ And last but not least all our members. The Union is here to support the develop­

now need to be taken from a strategic level to

ment of global gas markets and the global gas

a tactical one. I wish Luis Bertrán Rafecas and

industry, through internal and external activi­

his team all the best as they prepare to take

ties. The battle of preferred energy sources is

over for the next six years.

taking place now, and IGU needs to be present

The Norwegian term as host of the IGU

in the relevant arenas where the decisions for

Secretariat would not have been possible

the energy future are being made. I am con­

without the strong support of Statoil, and I

vinced that natural gas is not a bridging or

would like all members to be aware of this.

transition fuel, but an integral part of a long-

Statoil has been the largest contributor to IGU

term sustainable energy mix. I wish IGU every

in the Union’s history, through the provision of

success in its future development.

office facilities, personnel and back office

All the best from Norway,

services over a period of nine years. But also very important in my view, Statoil has kept a

Pål Rasmussen

distance to ensure its own and IGU’s integrity,

Secretary General of IGU

G r e e t i n g s f r o m P å l R a s m u s s e n , S e c r e t a r y G e n e r a l o f I G U   135

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Articles inside

Events and Acknowledgements

pages 162-164

Presenting IGU’s new Members

pages 154-160

Publications available from IGU

page 161

Message from the incoming Secretary General

page 153

Highlights from the Norwegian Secretariat

pages 138-149

Q&A with Pål Rasmussen and Luis Bertrán Rafecas

pages 150-152

Greetings from Eldar Sætre, President and CEO of Statoil ASA

page 136

A brief history of the IGU

pages 126-135

Greetings from Pål Rasmussen, Secretary General of IGU

page 137

LNG approaching critical mass as a globalising force for natural gas

pages 112-125

Harnessing customer feedback for outstanding customer experience

pages 106-111

Repair of deep water pipelines by new remote welding technology

pages 98-105

Power generation in GPRS of compressor stations

pages 80-91

Surprise: Global gas price convergence has been happening since 2005

pages 92-97

The IGU webcast series, expanding global gas advocacy

pages 78-79

Committees and Task Forces: Progress

pages 76-77

News from organisations affiliated to IGU

pages 60-75

Natural gas as the fuel of the future: how will technology influence this transition?

pages 58-59

Update on the 27th World Gas Conference

pages 56-57

Reports from the Regional Coordinators

pages 50-55

IGU Members and Organisation

pages 16-25

News from the Presidency and Secretariat

pages 26-39

The IGU Council Meeting, Durban

pages 42-45

Building for the Future

pages 40-41

G20 Natural Gas Day successfully held in Beijing

pages 46-49

Message from the President and the Secretary General

pages 12-15
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