Building for the Future By Pål Rasmussen
While Phase I of the Building for the Future
By engaging Rodney we fulfilled one of the
project is now well underway, we have
key recommendations from IGU’s Building
moved to Phase II. We are currently taking
for the Future Phase II.
a strategic review of the IGU’s event
With the appointment of an Events
portfolio, looking at different ways in which
Director, we also launched Phase III of the
it can be optimised. All three IGU conferences
Building for the Future initiative that will
are globally recognised within the gas
assess potential changes to the governance
industry and have a long history. They are
and organisation of IGU. In recent years IGU
hence one of IGU’s best opportunities to
has responded to the changes of our industry
profile our organisation and work. In order
with new strategic initiatives. A successful
to do this it is, however, necessary to
completion of these new initiatives requires
optimise the events with regard to the
a realistic assessment of how IGU should
strategic policies, branding/positioning,
develop and change to best do this. In April
conference programme, commercial model
2016, the IGU Management Team was asked
and organisational model.
by the Executive Committee in Durban to
We got the approval for Phase II from
accelerate the changes in IGU’s governance.
the Council in Cartagena, Colombia, and
As a consequence we are also now working
there has already been good progress.
to refine the IGU staff goals and objectives
Over the last six months a number of the
and identify strategies for achieving those
identified elements have been implemented.
goals. We are establishing guiding principles
For most of our events we have now agreed
on which changes to the organisation should
with the individual NOC to establish Steering
be based and defining and analysing at a
Committees. These will make it possible for
high level alternative governance models for
IGU to be more involved, gain experience
IGU. Last, but by no means least, we are out
and obtain better control over the planning
lining changes in key accountabilities relative
and running of each event. Only this way
to the current model. Luis Bertrán Rafecas,
can IGU establish a clear branding and role
Deputy Secretary General, is leading this
accountability and create strong alignment
effort with a target of delivering preliminary
to the IGU Vision and Mission for each
findings and recommendation at the October
IGU event.
meeting of the IGU Council in Amsterdam.
With the new Steering Committees IGU
For me, it has been a pleasure to drive
will have stronger involvement and this
forward the Building for the Future project,
requires both more resources and expertise.
and to see the implementation of the
As of 1 August we have therefore appointed
different parts of project. I would like to take
an IGU Events Director, Rodney Cox. The
this opportunity to thank everyone that has
appointment of an Events Director is aimed
been involved Phase I and Phase II, and also
at strengthening IGU’s brand by ensuring
those who are supporting IGU in maturing
consistently high quality conference events.
Phase III.
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