The IGU Council Meeting, Durban The first IGU Executive Committee and
tions under development, approval of phase
Coordination Committee meetings of 2016
two of the Building for the Future project and
were held in beautiful Durban, South Africa,
the endorsement of the new Vice Chair of the
5-7 April. iGas, the South African host, worked
Coordination Committee, Dr Munseok Baek,
tirelessly to create an outstanding environment
after the resignation of Dr Gi Chul Jung from
around the meetings. Particularly through their
the position.
Chief Operating Officer, Mike de Pontes, the
sent to the members in advance of the meeting
programmes were excellently carried out.
for inputs to the meeting agenda. One sugges
As described in a previous edition of the
tion was received suggesting regular updates
magazine (International Gas, October 2015 –
on all flagship conferences, not only the World
March 2016, pages 46-47), the Executive
Gas Conference as has been the tradition. This
Committee (EXC) meetings have been restruc
was reflected in the meeting and will be a
tured in order to allow for greater member
standard agenda item going forward.
engagement, networking, and knowledge x New IGU policy positions under development were important items on the agenda for the Executive Committee meeting.
To engage the EXC members, a request was
organisation of both professional and social
In the meeting, the Executive Committee
transfer. The restructured agenda divided the
engaged broadly in the discussions. The mem
EXC meeting into two parts, the first focusing
bers also asked for time on their own without
on administrative issues, the second on dis
the management team present in order to dis
cussion and debate. Important agenda items
cuss the need for a strategic communication
were the discussion of three IGU policy posi
and outreach director.
40 T h e I G U C o u n c i l M e e t i n g , D u r b a n