Reports from the Regional Coordinators In this issue we bring you updates from IGU’s
◆ For Africa, gas is the future.
Regional Coordinators for Africa and the Middle
◆ IGU has a major role to play in this part of
East; Latin America and the Caribbean; and
the world.
from Russia, the Black Sea and Caspian Area.
In IGU we are very excited about these two conclusions. It puts more responsibility on the
Update on developments in Africa and
shoulders of the USA triennium.
the Middle East By Khaled Abubakr
East and West Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Many investment decisions are pending in East
Last April, South Africa hosted the Executive
Africa, mainly due to the impact of low gas
Committee meetings in Durban (for a full report
prices and the high cost of E&P and LNG
see pages 40-42). This was a major milestone to
projects, slowing down most development
bring the gas world to Africa and Africa to the
processes. However, West Africa has witnessed
gas world.
more progress in development, floating storage
The meetings, and the workshop that Khaled Abubakr.
and regasification and utilisation of Gas.
followed, were very interesting and confirmed a different dimension and role for gas to enhance
North Africa and East Mediterranean
quality of life and fuel ambitious economic
Both Algeria and Egypt’s markets are getting
growth. The level of participation and speakers
more dependent on gas as a prime source of
from governments and different International
energy to spur on their economic growth.
and financial organisations confirmed two major conclusions: v The FSRU Höegh Gallant, seen here on station at Ain Sokhna, was the first of Egypt’s floating storage and regasification vessels.
48 R e p o r t s f r o m t h e R e g i o n a l C o o r d i n a t o r s
In Egypt, huge progress has been made in developing ENI’s newly discovered Zohr gas dep