June Bulletin

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June 2022

Antioxidants: Protect & Perfect



and Advanced Nutrition Programme™ Promotions

JUNE 2020


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According to analysts Mintel, antioxidants are the most popular skincare ingredient ever. In fact, cosmetics using the word ‘antioxidant’ were estimated at $3.9billion, of which skincare takes lead with $2.2 billion1. Antioxidants have long been known for their health benefits, but their contribution to skincare is vital for healthyskin. We take a deep look into antioxidants? What do they do and why are they so important for skin health?


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©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material.

JUNE 2020 3

What is an antioxidant? In order to understand the essential role that antioxidants play in skin health, it is important to first have an understanding of free radicals and for that we need to do a little chemistry lesson.


Everything in the universe is made up of matter and matter is made up of atoms. Atoms have a nucleus in their centre containing positively charged protons and neutrons. Orbiting the nucleus are electrons which are negatively charged.

nucleus An atom is stable when there are the same amount of protons as electrons and this makes for a happy atom. Free radicals are atoms where at least one electron in the outer orbit has been knocked off. These atoms become very unhappy and desperately want to become stable, so they steal an electron from a neighbouring atom.

This sets off a chain reaction of instability which results in damage to the DNA of our cells, weakens the cell membrane, alters collagen, fractures elastin and can even cause skin cancer. A great example of free radical damage is rusting and only recently has it been realised that biological systems can be ‘rusted’ by free radicals.

We generate free radicals naturally (every time we breathe) and actually need a degree of them for our natural energy production and as an important mechanism for defence against infection. However, overexposure to UV light, intense exercise, pollution, smoke, poor diet etc. result in uncontrolled oxidation and cellular damage. One puff of cigarette smoke contains over 3 trillion free radicals. This is where antioxidants in the form of vitamins and nutrients play a vital role. They neutralise free radicals by supplying the missing electron, thereby preventing damage and protecting the cell.

Antioxidants in Skincare When it comes to skincare, it’s important to remember that antioxidants work most effectively when used both orally and topically to protect against free radical damage. “To get great skin, you need to make sure you’re consuming high levels of antioxidants. Eating the right foods will help, but you should also be taking them in supplement form”, says Lorraine Perretta, Head of Nutrition for the Advanced Nutrition Programme™ “Antioxidants work in synergy, so it’s not a good idea to take just one in isolation – for example taking a vitamin C supplement on its own won’t give you the breadth of protection you need.” Just as oral antioxidants shouldn’t be taken in isolation, the same can be said for those that are applied topically. Dr Des Fernandes, a leading aesthetic surgeon and founder of Environ® Skin Care, recommends using a combination of several which all work in synergy. “When we supply the skin with high levels of vitamin C, we find that levels of vitamin A in the skin increase, this may be because vitamin C helps preserve vitamin A. We also find that levels of vitamin E rise. This is one of the reasons I believe that a brigade of antioxidants is so essential rather than the simple replacement of vitamin A or E" he concludes.

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JUNE 2020


There are several types of antioxidants found in vitamins and nutrients, each has its own unique benefits. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Vitamin C is water soluble and found abundantly in nature. The human body cannot produce vitamin C, therefore it can only be obtained through diets. As well as stimulating collagen production in the dermis, topical and oral applications of vitamin C have also been found to improve the appearance of photoaged skin2. Vitamin C is an essential part of the antioxidant brigade to protect against free radical damage from the atmosphere and from ultraviolet light. This is why antioxidants work well when added to sunscreens as they quench free radicals generated by UV exposure. Furthermore, vitamin C in particular can also be used after sunburn. Another remarkable attribute for vitamin C is that it also reconditions vitamin E, once it’s been “used up” in the body, and allows it to be rejuvenated and become an antioxidant again.

60% and 33% respectively1. Lutein also protects skin against blue light, which is essential for preventing pigmentation and also for protecting eyesight.

Astaxanthin Did you know astaxanthin is the reason flamingos have their pink colour? A naturally-occurring carotenoid, astaxanthin is found in the algae flamingos eat. It gives plants their reddish colour in certain types of seafood, including salmon, lobster, crabs, trout and shrimp. Astaxanthin is most commonly known for its anti-ageing properties. A recent study found that astaxanthin can improve skin condition at all layers such as the stratum corneum, epidermis, basal layer and dermis when combining oral supplementation and topical treatments3. Astaxanthin, is often hailed as nature’s most powerful antioxidant, as most antioxidants can handle only one free radical at a time, but astaxanthin can handle up to 19 or more4.

Resveratrol Resveratrol is a bioflavonoid antioxidant and is an essential part of the anti-ageing process. It is found in red grapes, red wine, dark berries, such as blueberries and bilberries. Topical applications for resveratrol have been shown to accelerate wound healing with greater epithelial growth, more collagen, more elastin and improved skin architecture. Resveratrol also protects against UVB and UVA rays. It rejuvenates the DNA of cells and protects DNA from free radical damage5.

Lutein & Lycopene Lutein and lycopene are both antioxidant carotenoid complexes that give plants their pigments. They are responsible for the vibrant orange, yellow and red colours in fruit and vegetables. As with all antioxidants, they both help to deactivate free radicals. In a study by the Institute of Experimental Dermatology, a sample group was given an antioxidant supplement containing the phytonutrients lycopene, lutein, betacarotene and selenium. After 10 weeks, skin density had increased by 7% and thickness had increased by 14%. Scaling and roughness decreased by

©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material.

JUNE 2020 5

Green Tea Green tea is often referred to as a superfood, as it is richer in antioxidants than other tea. It is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and unlike regular teas, it doesn’t undergo processing, therefore retains its colour and nutritional content. The health benefits of green tea derive from its abundance of polyphenols. Polyphenols play a critical role in neutralising free radicals, suppressing inflammation and supporting cell signalling in the body6. Green tea has been shown to have DNA-protective effects even during exposure to environmental contaminants such as cigarette smoke7. Green tea is effective both topically and orally.

Vitamin A (Betacarotene) Although it is not commonly known as an antioxidant, vitamin A has strong antioxidant characteristics. Betacarotene is a pre-cursor to vitamin A and as with all carotenoids, beta carotene is an antioxidant. Unlike other carotenoids, such as lycopene and lutein, betacarotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body. As an antioxidant, Betacarotene prevents premature skin ageing by reducing oxygen damage caused by UV light, pollution and other external stressors. Betacarotene is an important defence against infrared rays that produce huge amounts of free radicals.

Key take outs Antioxidants are crucial for skin health. Skin is under constant attack from free radical damage and the best way to protect it is by both topical and oral applications of antioxidants. Antioxidants work in synergy and at different cellular levels. No single antioxidant is superior to another so it’s important to combine as many together as possible. Fundamentally, encouraging clients to address their diets and supplement with the right antioxidant rich vitamins and nutrients to support their topical skincare regime will have them on the right path to skin protection and perfection.

1 Source: Cosmetic Design. Survey carried out by US market researcher Packaged Facts. https://bit.ly/2khQFUV. 2 Pandel R, Poljšak B, Godic A, Dahmane R. Skin Photoaging and the Role of Antioxidants in Its Prevention. ISRN Dermatology. 2013;2013:930164. doi:10.1155/2013/930164. 3 Cosmetic benefits of astaxanthin on humans subjects* Kumi Tominaga, Nobuko Hongo, Mariko Karato and Eiji Yamashita* The Journal of the Polish Biochemical Society - Vol. 59, No 1/2012 43–47. 4 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/02/10/cysewkidiscloses-astaxanthin-benefits.aspx. 5 Juhasz, B., et al, Resveratrol: a multifunctional cytoprotective molecule. Curr Pharm Biotechnol, 2010.11(8):p.810-8 6 Afzal M, Safere AM, Menon M. 7 Al-awaida W, Akash M, Aburubaiha Z et al. Chinese green tea consumption reduces oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue damage in smoke exposed rats. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2014;17 (10): 740-6. Ho

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Anti-Ageing with Dr Gaby

Every month our medical director Dr Gaby Prinsloo shares her insights and expertise on health, wellbeing and anti-ageing topics. This month: is all fat bad?


or many years we’ve been told that eating fat is bad, and we should avoid it at all costs. But is this really true?

Scientific evidence no longer supports low-fat recommendations for everyone. High-quality, healthy fats are essential for weight management, decreasing inflammation, and for healthy hormones, brain, heart and skin. They make us feel good, look better and live longer. Healthy appetite and weight Fats help us to manage our appetite and our weight. They keep us full for longer, so we don’t need to eat as much or as often. Fats are absorbed more slowly than high sugar foods, keeping our blood sugar stable. This reduces cravings, keeps our hormones stable, and reduces inflammation. Hormones Good fats are a key component of sex hormones. Without them, your body will not make the proper balance of hormones that keep you feeling great and looking young. To function properly, a woman’s body must have enough of the two major sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, while men need enough testosterone. Both progesterone and testosterone tend to decrease with age. To optimise the production of these hormones, the body needs the right nutrients to make them, including healthy fats. A healthy heart The impact of fat on the health of our heart and cardiovascular system is currently hotly debated, although current research suggests that cholesterol and saturated fat are not as bad for us as we once thought. What is bad for our hearts is inflammation and surges in blood sugar, both caused by excess refined carbohydrates. Omega 3 fats are particularly beneficial, decreasing inflammation, lowering blood pressure and protecting against several heart conditions.

When people don’t consume enough fat, they might feel tired, spacey, lethargic or forgetful.

Eating good fat, especially omega 3s, is essential for the health and function of the brain. It is also important for brain development in infants. When people don’t consume enough fat, they might feel tired, spacey, lethargic or forgetful. Studies even show that people who consume more omega 3s may have a lower risk of developing dementia. Radiant skin Eating fat, especially omega 3s, also improves our skin. Omega 3s form an integral part of the cell membranes throughout the body, including in the skin. This keeps the cells healthy and functioning optimally, and also allows them to stay hydrated. Omega 3s improve skin barrier health and sebum formation, and are also important antiinflammatories, improving all inflammatory skin conditions and slowing age-related changes in the skin. Eating fat also increases the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, which are necessary for healthy skin and healthy collagen production, improving elasticity and decreasing wrinkles. What fat should we eat? Most importantly we should all follow a balanced diet consisting of nutrient rich foods. Exactly what this looks like will be different for each individual. While we should include some healthy saturated fat in our diet, there is conflicting evidence on exactly how much. So, focus on eating unsaturated fats such as avocados, extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, whole eggs, raw nuts and seeds, and make sure to include some every day. It is particularly important to consume omega 3s, as they are essential fats, meaning they can’t be made by the body. Good food sources include oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines, which we should include in our diets 2 to 3 times a week. It is also very beneficial to take a good quality omega supplement daily.

A healthy brain

Always avoid heavy processed fats and oils in fast food, fried products, processed meats and sugary baked foods, as well as all partially hydrogenated oils and trans fats (it is a good practice to read food labels). These increase heart disease, strokes and diabetes, as well as increasing inflammation.

Around 60% of your brain is made of fat, 25% of which is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), one of the omega 3 fats. Many nerve cells are surrounded by a fatty layer of insulation, called myelin, which helps signals move faster. When this myelin layer breaks down, communication between brain cells slows.

Don’t be afraid of fats. They are essential for physical and emotional wellbeing, healthy ageing and beautiful skin. But be smart about which fats you eat. Choose healthy fats and focus on good quality. And as always, if you have any medical conditions or are unsure about what to eat, consult your health care practitioner.

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JUNE 2020


Flawless + Clear

Skin Confidence Duo Take your clients on a journey to skin confidence with our award-winning Skin Accumax™ ten-year anniversary offer. Purchase Skin Accumax™ 180, receive a complimentary Skin Clear Biome™ 30-day supply* for life-changing results. Digital Assets Available: •

Web page banners

Client email template

Product images

Social Posts

*Offer available with purchase of Skin Accumax™ 180. Available while stocks last until 30th June 2022. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.



JUNE 2022 8

Supporting Our Partners

During the past 12-18 months we have been working behind the scenes at the iiaa on many different exciting projects. Most recently have had the launch of the HUB allowing salons to order when they want and access account information 24/7- with more to come! As a business we have rebuilt our business processes and teams to better suit the needs of our salons, ensuring we can be more present, connected and offer the best support to our salons.

We have evolved as a business but in order for us to continue to evolve we want to know more about YOU- We would love to hear from you! What do you find is the most valuable support you currently receive from your KIT contact or Business development manager - What things would you like to see more of, or like us to introduce? We have created an email address for you to send your feedback to: salonsupport@iiaa.eu

Your iiaa sales contacts You can contact all via- telephone, mobile, teams, zoom, whatsapp, booking calendar



















At the iiaa we are all committed to giving you the very best support, empowering you to achieve the best results for your clients and your business. ©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material.

JUNE 2020




RECEIVE 15ML OF FOCUS CARE YOUTH+® SERIÉNCE™ NIGHT SERUM FREE with the purchase of either a Cosmetic Roll-CIT® or a Cosmetic Focus-CIT®.

A complimentary tent card will be included in every order. Digital Assets Available: • • •

Web page banner Client email template Social Posts

Ts & Cs apply. While stocks last.

PLEASE VISIT©iiaa WWW.THEHUB.IIAA.EU TO PLACE YOUR ORDER Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MARKETING MATERIAL


JUNE 2020


Did you know you can download the iiaa HUB app? You can save the iiaa HUB app to your desktop or mobile home screen for ease of use. Simply follow the instructions below to get set up.

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JUNE 2022 11

DESKTOP (Only available on Google Chrome)

1. Click the arrow in the right top corner of the screen to open the my account drop-down menu. 2. Once done click the ‘ADD TO HOME SCREEN’ option (see blue arrow). 3. You will then be asked to confirm that you wish to install the App. Click yes and the HUB will open in a new screen, with an App icon added to your desktop.

MOBILE (Apple) 1. Click the arrow at the bottom of the screen when on the website in your browser (see blue arrow). 2. Once clicked scroll down and click ‘Add to home screen. 3. Click the link and an App icon will then be added to your phone’s desktop.

MOBILE (Android) 1. Click my account icon in the top right of the screen when on the website in your browser (see blue arrow). 2. A drop-down menu will appear which will include an ‘ADD TO HOME SCREEN’ option. 3. Click the link and an App icon will then be added to your phone’s desktop. OR you can download it from Google Play by clicking HERE.

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JUNE 2022 12

Alongside the iiaa HUB, we are delighted to launch our new charitable foundation. The iiaa Charitable Foundation is a way for us to give back as a business, and to encourage and enable our network to do the same. The Foundation works in harmony with the iiaa HUB, fundraising to support the vital work of our two, carefully chosen charity partners. These charities work on projects and causes close to our hearts as a company, undertaking incredible work supporting people and planet alike.

When you join the iiaa HUB, you can opt-in to a monthly donation which goes directly to The iiaa Charitable Foundation. At the iiaa, we are pledging to match the amount donated like-for-like: if you donate £50k, we will donate an additional £50k. The total amount raised will be split equally between our two chosen charity partners, helping to provide invaluable funds for their vital work.


The Katie Piper Foundation


The Katie Piper Foundation is dedicated to rehabilitation and restoration services for adult burns survivors and those living with severe trauma scarring. Their vision is a world where scars do not limit a person's function, social inclusion or sense of wellbeing.

WildAid’s mission is to end the illegal wildlife trade. The charity works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products and to increase local support for conservation efforts. WildAid works with governments to protect fragile marine reserves, to enhance public and political will for anti-poaching efforts, and to reduce climate change impacts.

JOURNEY TO OUR GOAL: Don't forget to donate to the Charitable Foundation to support these incredible charities.



©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material.


JUNE 2022 13

Educator insight

Holly Phillips From our education team

To book a training workshop, email education@iiaa.eu or call 020 8450 2020 ext 261

Education is one our key pillars at the iiaa. Over the next few months, we are putting the focus on our passionate and inspiring team behind our training programme, with our new Meet The Educator feature. This month, we meet Holly Phillips. What first attracted you to the beauty industry? Being hands on and working with people What was your first job within the industry? I started at a local beauty salon near home. Learning the ropes, making teas and answering the phone. Tell us more about your job role now. What does an average day entail? I get to work in a fantastic team in a one of the best offices in London, the views are breathtaking. My average day includes: meetings on new exciting product launches, hosting live zoom training sessions and practical sessions with trainees. The day goes by super quickly, as we are also on hand to answer technical queries to help our professionals. Who was / is your industry inspiration? Dr. Des Fernandes the creator of Environ skincare. He really is a true leader in what he does. He has helped shape the industry and has pioneered skin science. We love Des! What is the best thing about your job and/or working in the industry? Every day you meet someone new and get to educate them on how to create long-term healthy skin. I love being able to give them the tools to make a physical change to the skin! Real life results, not fads. What has been your biggest achievement to date? Having my dream job! I have been working in the beauty industry since I was 18 years old. I always wanted to become an Educator for skincare ever since I was sent off to London to do my first Environ training from the salon I used to work in. I was in awe and wanted to become an Educator, as I was so passionate about the brand this was an easy transition. I even moved to London for my dream career, it's been so rewarding. Do you have any skincare secrets? A healthy gut – the rest will follow!

Do you have any predictions for beauty trends that will shape the market during 2022? I feel that people are starting to understand more about gut health and the microbiome. It controls every aspect of the human body, including your skin. A happy gut = healthy skin! I am sure we will see the rise in Probiotics. Do you have a motto you live by? It's ok to make mistakes – learn from this, move on and keep growing. Why should clients invest in regular education? Knowledge is power! Our brands are constantly updating so messaging can change. It's always good to keep up with the changes and evolve with the science. We always need to know more than our clients! Never leave any page left unturned. What is your favourite course to teach and why? Environ Core because I love wowing new therapists with the amazing science and technologies behind the brand. I love being able to completely convert someone into an Environ addict! What is the biggest skin concern you see salons/clinics tackling in 2022? I believe we will start to see the damaging effects of blue light on the skin. Since Covid the whole world has been more virtual resulting in more prolonged exposure to blue light which can penetrate deeper than UVA and cause ageing and pigmentation. We need special ingredients to help combat the effects of blue light. How has your skin changed since using iiaa brands? I started using Environ skincare when I was 18 years old and it has completely maintained my skin for the better. Eight years later my skin is looking healthy and I have that Environ ‘glow’ from the daily usage of vitamin A and increase in cellular turnover. It has really protected and prevented my skin from UV damage.

What is your must-have Environ product/treatment and why? I couldn’t live without my Derma Lac Lotion! Head to toe hydration and brightening. What is your must-have Advanced Nutrition Programme product and why? Skin Youth Biome all the way! It keeps every aspect of my body healthy and I love the flatter stomach I get with the improved digestion benefits!

Watch Holly's Story

TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR TRAINING WORKSHOPS OR TO BOOK A COURSE EMAIL EDUCATION@IIAA.EU OR CALL 020 8450 2020 EXT 261 FOR AN UPDATED LIST OF OUR WORKSHOPS SEE HERE ©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material.

JUNE 2022 14

press highlights & social buzz Blogger Kathryn’s Loves featured a review of Skin Collagen Synergy on her blog, highlighting that taking the supplement system consistently ensures ‘radiant, lit from within glow.’ Source: kathrynsloves.com

Content creator James Atkinson called Advanced Nutrition Programme ‘a game changer.’ Source: Instagram/james_r_ atkinson

Following her skin consultation and facial, freelance writer and content creator Grace Day featured Environ Radiance+ range as part of her current skincare routine. Source: Instagram/ thatgracegirl

TV personality Susannah Constantine shared her love for Skin Accumax via her Instagram, calling it ‘powerful’. Source: Instagram/ susannahconstantine

Beauty expert Alessandra Steinherr featured Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Purifying Anti-Pollution Masque as part of her Sunday Facial. Source: Instagram/ alexsteinherr

Celebrity makeup artist Alice Theobald shared Environ Focus Care Comfort+ VitaEnriched Colostrum Gel as part of her night time routine. Source: Instagram/ wonderlandhairandmakeup

www.iiaa.eu | Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @iiaaLtd. ©iiaa Ltd. For professional use only, not for redistribution. No aspect of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose, including photography of any of the pages for posting on social channels, websites or printed material. Please note skin health products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Printed on recyclable, sustainably sourced paper. Carbon balanced by Cambridge Printing Solutions in accordance with their environmentally responsible print programme. TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR IIAA STOCKISTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND DECEMBER OCCASIONALLY BE UPDATED. FOR THE LATEST VERSION PLEASE VISIT WWW.IIAA.EU

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