Wisconsin Independent Agent | February 2022 Magazine

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ultimate THE


See how the IIAW excels beyond the basics on pages 4-5.

This issue was brought to you by our Exclusive Supporting Company Members:


“I love spending hours trying to quote online.”

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ufginsurance.com/online © 2021 United Fire & Casualty Company. All rights reserved.





In addition to the traditional benefits you expect from an insurance association, the IIAW excels beyond the basics. See how we provide the ultimate membership.



INSURANCE BARTENDER.........................................................5

The Ultimate Membership: How We’re Different From Other Associations

RISKY BUSINESS.............................................................................8 The Importance of An Operations Review

PERSONAL LINES............................................................................12-13

INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENTS OF WISCONSIN 725 John Nolen Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53713 Phone: (608) 256-4429 Fax: (608) 256-0170 www.iiaw.com

2021-2022 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President:

Marc Petersen | American Advantage - Petersen Group, New Berlin


Nick Arnoldy | Marshfield Insurance Agency, Inc., Marshfield


Michael Ansay | Ansay & Associates, Port Washington

Chairman of the Board:

Darrel Zaleski | Spectrum Insurance Group, Eau Claire

State National Director:

Steve Leitch | Leitch Insurance, River Falls

2021-2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Matt Frank | Robertson Ryan & Associates, Milwaukee Mike Harrison | R&R Insurance Services, Inc., Waukesha Aaron Marsh | Marsh Insurance Services, Inc., Rice Lake

False Advertising, Unfair Trade Practices & Puffery

Dan Lau | Robertson Ryan & Associates, Milwaukee

AGENCY OPERATIONS................................................................16-17

Brad Reitzner | M3 Insurance Solutions, Madison

How to Build a Community in the Work-from-Home World

COMMERCIAL LINES....................................................................19-20 How COVID-19 Brought Last-Mile Delivery to Commercial Auto Industry’s Doorstep

MEMBERS IN THE NEWS..............................................................22-23

Andrea Nelson | Unisource Insurance Associates, LLC, Wauwatosa Joanne Lukas Szymaszek | Johnson Insurance Services, LLC, Racine Chad Tisonik | HNI Risk Services, LLC, New Berlin

IIAW Staff Matt Banaszynski | Chief Executive Officer 608.256.4429 • matt@iiaw.com

GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS.............................................................26-27

Mallory Cornell | Vice President and Director of Risk Management 608.210.2975 • mallory@iiaw.com

AGENCY MANAGEMENT...........................................................28-29

Kim Kramp | Accounting Supervisor 608.210.2976 • kim@iiaw.com

Economic Study Calls for Elimination of State Income Tax

Is Your Agency Healthy?

COMMENTARY FROM COUNSEL...........................................32-33 Hold the Phone: Final 911 Compliance Regulations Effective January 2022

FOOD FOR THOUGHT....................................................................35

ADVERTISERS INDEX Berkshire Hathaway GUARD....................25 Erickson Larsen...............................................29 IMT........................................................................36 Penn National...................................................15 Robertson Ryan & Associates..................27 UFG.......................................................................2 Vizance................................................................21 West Bend.........................................................18 Western National...........................................31

Trisha Ours | Director of Insurance Services 608.210.2973 • trisha@iiaw.com Evan Leitch | Agency Solutions Advisor 608.210.2971 • evan@iiaw.com Kaylyn Staudt | Marketing and Communications Coordinator 608.210.2977 • kaylyn@iiaw.com Jeff Thiel | Director of Agency Success 608.256.4429 • jeff@iiaw.com Ian Tisonik | Agency Solutions Coordinator 608.256.4429 • ian@iiaw.com Andrea Michelz | Membership Engagement Coordinator 608.210.2972 • andrea@iiaw.com Diana Banaszynski | Education & Events Coordinator 608.256.4429 • diana@iiaw.com Wisconsin Independent Agent is the official magazine of the Independent Insurance Agents of Wisconsin (IIAW) and is published monthly by IIAW 725 John Nolen Drive, Madison WI 53713. Phone: 608.256-4429. IIAW does not necessarily endorse any of the companies advertising in publication or the views of the writers. IIAW reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject advertising that does not meet IIAW qualifications or which may detract from its business, professional or ethical standards. © 2021 For information on advertising, contact Kaylyn Staudt, 608.210.2977 or kaylyn@iiaw.com.


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The IIAW excels beyond other insurance associations by providing one-on-one consultative services with our experienced team in these areas:








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THE ULTIMATE MEMBERSHIP: HOW WE’RE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER ASSOCIATIONS Many years ago, while I was on the Advisory Board for the University of Wisconsin’s Center for Professional and Executive Development (CPED), I participated in their strategic planning session. There was much I learned that day, but the one thing stood out to me more than anything else was a quote by Walt Disney. When we walked into the board meeting to take our seats there was a quote on a presentation that read, “To be successful you must be unique, you must be so different that if people want what you have, they must come to you to get it.” - Walt Disney That quote stuck with me and become part of what motivated me to create the Association’s consultative services division and hire experienced individuals who shared the same passion to help independent agencies succeed. We’re unique, not because of the consultative services we offer, but because of our people and how their work is motivated by a desire to help our members and their clients. You have seen us routinely feature our employees in our publications, and it’s because we are proud of them and the work they do. We also feature them because we want you to feel comfortable in reaching out to the IIAW team for assistance. Our Association has worked hard to put together a team of experienced professionals to assist our members. We excel beyond other associations by providing one-on-one consultative services with our experienced team in the following areas: 1. Agency Technology 2. Legal Services 3. Human Resources 4. Procedures & Workflows 5. Perpetuation Planning

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Strategic Industry Insights Customer Experience/Journey Agency Accounting Marketing and Communications And more

While we charge a fee for these consultative services for our clients outside of Wisconsin, IIAW members have access to these services at no additional cost - it’s included in their membership! No other insurance association offers their members one-on-one consultative services in the above-mentioned categories, let alone includes it as a part of their membership. Our staff, collectively, has over 100 years of independent insurance agency experience. We understand the challenges you face and the opportunities that present themselves because we have either lived through it ourselves or we have helped others like you. In fact, other insurance associations across the country are turning to us to help them with handling aspects of their operations and to assist them in the creation (replication) of our successful consultative services. All of this is made possible by our team’s shared vision to be unique, not just in the products and services we offer, but in the process and way that we deliver it. Connect, call or email me today to learn more about how our one-onone consultative services can help you and your agency achieve new heights.

Matt Banaszynski Chief Executive Officer, IIAW P: 608-256-4429 E: matt@iiaw.com W: iiaw.com

Matt’s Mixology The Ultimate Cold Buster Drink (non-alcoholic) This drink may sound kind of weird and gross, but it’s totally worth it, if it helps you avoid getting sick by boosting your immunity. February can be a month that brings a lot of sickness into households, so I decided to break from my normal, alcoholic recipes and provide you with one that I have found as a go-to remedy for speedy healing throughout the winter months.



2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

1. Mix all the ingredients together and take as a shot, or

juice from two lemons

1 tsp. freshly grated ginger

1 clove crushed garlic

1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper

combine in a 16 oz. glass and top off with filtered water. 2. Drink twice daily. Recipe & Photo Courtesy of Betsylife.com wisconsin INDEPENDENT AGENT

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THE IMPORTANCE OF AN OPERATIONS REVIEW As an approved auditor for Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, I have had the opportunity, nay, privilege, to work with independent agencies across the United States conducting Operational Improvement Reviews. While this process is a consideration for premium credits for policyholders, more importantly it is an opportunity to receive an independent review of how your agency is operating and mitigating E&O exposures.

6. Prioritize opportunities for financial and operational improvements – especially helpful for those of us who succumb to the excitement of “shiny things”.

If you have not participated in an Operational Improvement Review, you may wonder what it involves and why it is important. The Operational Review is a critical process for highlighting inconsistencies in workflows, addressing common obstacles for staff, identifying operational inefficiencies and improving the customer experience. While the process approved through Swiss Re focuses primarily on E&O exposures, a full operational review can capture so much information for the agency.

4. Review an unbiased explanation of the customer’s experience in working with your agency.

Here is my (personal) list of Top 10 Reasons to Conduct an Operational Review: 10. Allowing an independent partner to provide feedback can be difficult, rewarding and helpful all at the same time! (Remember, it’s about opportunities but it’s also a chance to celebrate!) 9. An opportunity to pause, check and adjust: something we don’t inherently do for ourselves or our business. 8. Learn quick tips to become more efficient! 7. An opportunity to ask questions about how other agencies might handle certain obstacles or decisions (confidentially of course – agency names are always protected!)

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5. Discuss the agency’s future. Are you in a position to be successful in obtaining your mission and objectives? (and do you have a clear mission and objectives!)

3. Deep dive into the workflows and look for opportunities to utilize technology, employee skills or create efficiencies. 2. LISTEN to employee feedback and obstacles and frustrating roadblocks and ACT accordingly with the help of a professional. 1. Reinforce that the agency leadership is dedicated to improving operations for its employees and its customers. Before you decide to review your agency operations, discuss with your team what your goals are for the process. Is it to successfully onboard new employees as the agency grows? Is it to find ways to utilize technology to help the agency work more efficiently? Is it simply a “checkup” to make sure things are running as well as it seems? Whatever your reason…good luck and have fun. It’s a great time to be an independent insurance agent!

> Mallory Cornell, Vice President, IIAW


Our Agency Operational Evaluation will customize a report with personalized recommendations and resources based on your current opportunities and needs. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at the IIAW by calling us at 608-256-4429 or by email at info@iiaw.com.

Agency Operational Evaluation

Our evaluation leads you to the exact resources you’ll need to achieve your business goals. Scan the QR code in the bottom corner of this page to take the evaluation.

Insurance for Your Agency

An IIAW membership entitles you to exclusive products and consultative services. We offer E&O, Data breach, EPLI and Association Health Plan for Wisconsin independent insurance agents.

A Voice in the Capitol

The IIAW and InsurPac, our state and national Political Action Committees, ensure our industry is present and heard in Wisconsin and Washington D.C.

Agency Consulting

We offer technology and operational consulting that meets the needs of your agency.

Education & Events

That’s Not All!

The IIAW is your leader in insurance CE, prelicensing and employee training. Join us and other agents at our annual convention and other events throughout the year.

An IIAW membership maps out benefits to navigate your agency toward success. Members receive access to Trusted Choice for a full suite of tools and resources for your agency to use in its own marketing. Plus, members receive our publications and marketing guides through our knowledge center. iiaw.com/memberbenefits



FOR WISCONSIN EMPLOYERS Offering specialized safety and claims resources for employers of all types and sizes With over $35 million of written premium in Wisconsin, SFM’s position as a leading monoline workers’ compensation carrier continues to grow as we find new ways to serve the state’s employers and independent insurance agents.

“We insure employers in a broad range of industries, from the smallest of small businesses to large, complex corporations and everything in between,” said Vice President of Regional Business Nick Marino. “We’re proud to have developed a reputation as a leader in workers’ compensation insurance in Wisconsin.”

SFM Mutual Insurance Company headquarters in Bloomington, MN 10 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


Your work comp experts Despite Wisconsin’s continued softening work comp rate environment, SFM continues to experience growth in Wisconsin. Marino credits the 90+% premium retention and 98% policyholder retention to industry-leading claims management and loss prevention expertise. “Workers’ compensation is all we do, so we have to offer a superior policyholder and agent experience,” Marino said. We help employers contain their overall claim costs through in-house medical bill review, an in-house special investigations team and our partnership with proven PPO networks that deliver best cost outcomes for our policyholders. We also take a team-based approach to underwriting, claims management, loss prevention, medical case management, and premium audit. “Our team is 100% based in Wisconsin – and it makes a difference,” said Marino, who has been leading the Wisconsin team for nearly 16 years. We also serve Wisconsin employers through our involvement in several industry and trade organizations. We’re active in the Wisconsin Insurance Alliance, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Wisconsin Assisted Living Association, Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association and the Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau Governing Board and Rating Committee.

Specialists in health care, trucking and manufacturing SFM writes businesses across a wide range of industries, and we offer specialized services for health care, trucking and manufacturing business. •

Health and senior care: We serve health care employers of all types and sizes including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, group homes, home health agencies and hospitals. Statistics show health care workers are at high risk for injuries due to moving and lifting patients, so we have two Wisconsin-based loss prevention representatives certified in safe patient handling to help employers prevent these types of injuries. Trucking: We also serve trucking industry employers of all sizes including local, intermediate and long haul. Trucking can be a hazardous industry, so our safety team has compiled an array of best practices and safety resources specific to our trucking industry customers. Manufacturing: For manufacturing customers, we offer expertise in ergonomics to prevent injuries. We have a loss prevention representative certified in ergonomics, and we use artificial intelligence technology to help our customers pinpoint injury risks and correct them.

Separate pool initiatives benefit agents and employers In January, SFM became one of the five servicing carriers for the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Insurance Pool, further expanding our ability to serve Wisconsin employers. “We’re pleased that the state of Wisconsin has placed its faith in us to serve employers in the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Pool,” Marino said. SFM’s current contract as a servicing carrier for the pool runs through 2027. In a separate, unrelated initiative, SFM launched a campaign in 2020 to our contracted agents to depopulate the Wisconsin Worker’s Compensation Insurance Pool in select class codes for policies ranging in premium from $1,000 to $25,000. It’s a win-win for employers and agents, with employers getting dividends up to 10% and agents getting a higher commission rate of 8%. Since starting the initiative, we’ve written 530 accounts totaling $2.6 million in premium out of the pool.

Regional carrier with national reach We also recognize that many employers need coverage in multiple states, so we are now licensed in 34 states. Our primary focus continues to be the upper Midwest, but we recognize that many of our customers have collateral operations and remote employees across the country.

Work with SFM You can learn more about SFM and how to partner with us at sfmic.com/agents. If you already work with us, you can also reach out to your SFM underwriter for more details. SFM is excited to be a growing presence in Wisconsin, and we look forward to seeing continued growth together with our agency partners.

“Our team is 100% based in

WISCONSIN — and it makes a difference.” - SFM Vice President of Regional Business Nick Marino


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FALSE ADVERTISING, UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES AND PUFFERY 4:59 a.m. That’s when my blood began to boil. That’s when I woke up this morning with my iPod Mini earbuds delivering me a radio commercial for Gabi, an online insurance quoting service that claims to be able to provide 40 or more insurance quotes for auto and home.

agent. We don’t replace the insurance company, we just help you shop. Our product is a free tool that helps you compare auto and home insurance rates across top providers and finds you the cheapest rate for YOUR EXACT COVERAGE.” [EMPHASIS added] According to the “Gabi Personal Insurance Agency” YouTube channel:

According to their web site, users “Save on average $961 per year.” Their YouTube channel cites savings by some users of close to $2,500.

“Americans overpay for car insurance by over 37 billion dollars a year.”

I found the following statements on their web site:

“Gabi came back with some quotes for the EXACT SAME car insurance.” [EMPHASIS added]

“Gabi uses the account credentials to your current insurance account (or a PDF of your policy declarations page) to learn about your current coverage details, so you don’t have to input them manually. We use those details to get you APPLES-TO-APPLES comparisons for the SAME COVERAGE from other insurance providers to find the best rate. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can manually enter your information and select coverages to get a quote.” [EMPHASIS added] “Gabi is an online insurance broker and 12 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


And, according to a user:

Hanno Fichtner, Founder & CEO of Gabi says that Gabi: “…ANALYZES your existing policy and finds you the best rate for the SAME COVERAGE.” [EMPHASIS added] A YouTube review from” Common Cents Mike” includes these statements: “They’re gonna do an ‘apples to apples’ comparison of your existing policy by one of two ways….”

“You can give them access to your online information or you can provide a copy of your declarations page and “…they have all the information they need to do an ‘apples to apples’ comparison for your policy.” These types of quoting services are all over the internet and are a complete waste of time. More important, they are dangerous to consumers. They mislead the public into believing that the only difference between insurance policies or insurers is the price. I’ve blogged before that I believe these types of advertisements and claims violate the Unfair Trade Practices of most states. For example, according to the law in my state:

“(2) Such statement either deceived, or had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of potential consumers; “(3) The deception is material, in that it is likely to influence the consumer’s purchasing decision; “(4) The product is in interstate commerce; and “(5) The plaintiff has been or is likely to be injured as a result of the statement at issue.”

I believe that statements that insurance quotes are based on an “apples to apples” “False Information and Advertising comparison for the “same” or “exact” Generally. Making, publishing, disseminating, coverage go far beyond simple bloviated circulating or placing before the public, or puffery and constitute fair trade laws. causing, directly or indirectly to be made, They endanger the financial well being of published disseminated, circulated, or placed consumers. before the public…an advertisement, announcement or statement containing Insurance policies are legal contracts. Many any assertion, representation or statement are dozens of pages long. You cannot make with respect to the business of insurance… an “apples to apples” coverage comparison THAT IS UNTRUE, DECEPTIVE OR with only a Declarations page. This also does MISLEADING….” [EMPHASIS added] not tell you anything about the insurer’s claims service. Exaggerated advertising or false meritorious claims are often considered by courts to Insurance is not a commodity differentiated be “puffery” and not civilly actionable. only by price. In a 50+ year career as a P&C Statements like “Better Ingredients. Better insurance professional, I’ve seen so many Pizza.” In the Pizza Hut, Inc v. Papa John’s people buy cut-rate auto insurance and then International, Inc., 227 F.3d 489 (5th Cir. 2000) suffer uncovered losses. case have generally not been considered false advertising or violations of fair trade Is it time that insurance regulators put a stop laws. In this case, the court referenced the to this kind of destructive misinformation? Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1125) and opined Does anyone care? Is anyone listening? that: “A prima facie case of false advertising under section 43(a) of the Act requires the plaintiff to establish: “(1) A false or misleading statement of fact about a product;

Copyright 2016-2022 by InsuranceCommentary.com. Reprinted with permission.

>B ill Wilson, CPCU, ARM, AIM, AAM Founder & CEO of InsuranceCommentary.com


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Searching for Wisconsin insurance prelicensing? wisconsin insurance prelicensing

The IIAW offers in-person and live, online licensing options for Wisconsin insurance professionals.

Upcoming classes: Property & Casualty - March 14-17 Life & Health - April 4-7

Visit iiaw.com/education for details.

In 1919, A group of Pennsylvania farmers founded Penn National Insurance to provide affordable workers’ compensation insurance. Today, Penn National Insurance sells property-casualty insurance in 11 states by partnering with more than 1,200 independent agency operations. In 2012, we affiliated with Wisconsin-based, Partners Mutual Insurance Company. As one company, we bring the personal attention and local focus of a regional carrier, along with the quality of products and services of national carriers. Interested in partnering with a thriving insurance carrier with superior customer experience? We are looking for select commercial-lines agencies in Wisconsin. Contact: Vicki Lentz 262-432-3420 vlentz@pnat.com

Contact: Clayton Zogata 715-383-5454 czogata@pnat.com

We help people feel secure and make life better when bad things happen

• Strong financial performance and A.M. Best Financial Strength Rating of A• Expanded Commercial Lines products and services with competitive pricing and comprehensive coverages to help our agents grow profitably • Comprehensive Personal Lines product offerings, including Homeowners Equipment Breakdown and additional protection plans • State-of-the-art quoting, processing and self-service tools, making it easier and faster to meet your customers’ needs • Local, experienced underwriting, claims and management staff

An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ©2021 Penn National Insurance

Policies issued for domiciled businesses and individuals in Wisconsin and Iowa are underwritten under our affiliate, Partners Mutual Insurance Company.


| FEBRUARY 2022 | 15


HOW TO BUILD COMMUNITY IN THE WORK-FROM-HOME WORLD It seems like just yesterday that highly visible companies like Twitter and Google announced they were moving to a fully remote work environment. What began as an experiment quickly transformed work as we knew it, as many companies moved to a remote model and discovered that employees completed more work in the same – or less – time. More recently, however, these same companies have announced hybrid return-to-work plans. Even IBM, who gained nearly $2 billion selling off office real estate after implementing remote work, is also bringing workers back to the office. Why? Well, it turns out, many employees missed coming into the office to see people, solve problems, and connect. Loneliness and isolation continue to be top concerns amongst remote workers, as well as lack of career progression. It’s possible the hybrid model could actually exacerbate these feelings, as it will become hard to find an effective balance between one person on a call and three people in a room. So, for those of us who will continue to hire remote workers or work 100% remotely, this underscores the ongoing importance of finding ways to build and maintain a sense of community and belonging. Creating connection isn’t a one-time event. It’s something that you have to regularly plan and cultivate so that it becomes a foundational part 16 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


of your workplace culture. When we were all in the office, opportunities to connect presented themselves naturally. Now we have to create them, and here are a few things you can do to get started: Create parity during meetings When you hold a meeting, set rules or use tools that limit digital and physical side conversations. If in-person meeting attendees are talking, make sure those who are remote can hear the conversation and that they’re involved. Conversely, ask people who are remote not to spend meeting time using side chat tools. If everyone is remote, ask attendees not to multitask. Encourage video participation When people can “see” each other, there’s less multitasking and more tuning in to what everyone else is saying. Additionally, it gives people a chance to see and ask about each other’s work environment, give a compliment, or generate casual conversation. Create cross-team conversation Schedule regular roundtables with a group of employees to get informal feedback and ask for input.

Consider meeting with people a layer below your direct reports. For managers and employees alike, gaining a glimpse into different parts of the organization creates opportunities to meet a variety of people and to learn, understand, and empathize with their challenges. Be creative At WAHVE, we schedule regular non-meeting meetings. The agenda of these meetings is to socialize – about our lives, our families, our pets, or anything that’s on our minds. The only thing off-limits is discussion about work. Need other ideas? Host a virtual lunch break. Schedule some friendly competition – such as remote Bingo or trivia. Share pictures. Create a collaborative music playlist. Ask team members to take turns each week presenting a topic of their choice for 5 minutes to the rest of the team. You’ll be amazed by what you learn about the presenters.

Start icebreaker conversations Start your team meetings with an icebreaker that everyone has to answer, such as: Would you rather do this or that? What is your favorite…? What is your secret superpower? What are you looking forward to this week? The possibilities are endless – and fun. Creating community takes a little ingenuity and effort, but it will benefit your organization AND your employees’ well being and career growth. Simply put, spending intentional time building connective tissue between employees addresses isolation, generates creativity, and will enhances each worker’s experience within your company.

It shouldn’t take your customer’s roof disappearing in a matter of seconds to find out who you can count on.


And that’s the Silver Lining®.


HOW COVID-19 BROUGHT LAST-MILE DELIVERY TO THE COMMERCIAL AUTO INDUSTRY’S DOORSTEP In 2020, global retail e-commerce sales amounted to $4.3 trillion, a number that is expected to increase to $6.4 trillion by 2024, according to Statista.com. Online shopping has been growing in significance for years and is currently one of the most popular online activities in the world. In addition to this growth, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the e-commerce market has been dramatic, resulting in significant corollary changes in the commercial auto market. The transportation industry played a major role in ensuring both essential and non-essential goods were being delivered during the coronavirus pandemic, with one segment of the industry, last-mile delivery, emerging as a crucial element in the delivery process. “During the past decade there has been a shift in consumer buying habits toward more online and same-day delivery options,” says Mike Miller, commercial lines business leader, Progressive Insurance. “These shifts were accelerated during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and we expect many of the habits to remain at these higher levels, which is driving continued demand for more last-mile delivery.”

delivery segment into a rapidly growing one, which has ultimately changed the dynamic of that segment in the insurance industry and the transportation segment,” says Mark Gallagher, vice president, national transportation practice leader, Risk Placement Services (RPS). Nearly 42% of businesses that had never delivered before offered delivery services for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic, according to financial services company Rewards Network. Yet, even with an increase in the need for more immediate delivery options for everything from household goods to groceries to pre-made food, insurance carriers were reluctant to write and quote this line of business. “While demand surged for last-mile delivery services during the pandemic, few carriers were willing to write coverage for this class of business, which includes many independent contractors using their own vehicles,” Gallagher says. “Right now, there’s not a lot of carriers that provide last-mile delivery insurance coverage like the trucking segment, which has a lot of carriers providing coverage,” Gallagher says.

“Amazon, in particular, has altered the last-mile wisconsin INDEPENDENT AGENT

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“There’s just more data available in trucking. However, last-mile delivery has grown so rapidly and so quickly over the last few years that we will see more companies dive in.” “Carriers are a little bit more hesitant to jump into a segment that they don’t have a lot of data on or know how to successfully be profitable in writing that type of business,” he adds. “We are working on refining our underwriting to be able to accept more last-mile delivery coverage in the future,” says Emmanuel Viant, head of Bristol West® commercial auto product, Farmers Insurance. “This segment has seen a lot of changes in the past few years as customers want their goods faster and faster. They also want to know where their goods are every step of the way, which means more local warehouses are needed, as well as tools like real-time delivery tracking.” Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, many transportation companies reformulated from operating as long-haul transportation companies into last-mile delivery. “Some companies are emerging into the lastmile delivery segment as a way to get more products out to their customers,” Gallagher says. “As people work and live at home much more now, getting products delivered to a home, not only household goods but also food deliveries, has presented emerging opportunities and emerging risks.” For restaurants and cafes, the change in business model from in-house dining to delivery service led to increased risks for the business—risks that challenged the safeguarding of both the business and its employees. If a business didn’t offer a delivery service before the pandemic, it was more than 20 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


likely that their business insurance policy didn’t cover any delivery service risks. Yet, as many small businesses shifted to using employees to make deliveries, it was crucial to add hired and non-owned auto insurance to ensure they were protected. “It’s imperative that business owners understand the increased risk they are opening themselves up to when venturing into delivery, especially if employees are using personal vehicles to make those deliveries,” says Lindsay Guerrant, small commercial product strategy lead, Liberty Mutual. “Commercial auto losses and claim frequency jumped right back up just a few months into the pandemic, as small businesses resumed operations,” Viant says. “Severity is now trending up as costs continue to rise. With the boom of e-commerce during the pandemic, the last-mile delivery segment has grown significantly as trucking carriers look for independent drivers to deliver goods from their warehouse to the customer’s home.” “Post pandemic, we expect last-mile delivery to become more competitive as shippers drive costs down; consumers enjoy the convenience of fast, home delivery, and expect it for no or low costs,” Miller says. “The best shippers will utilize insurance products that reward them for good driving habits and disciplined driver hiring practices and standards. Insurance will continue to be a major expense item and managing it well will be a competitive imperative.”

> Chris Boggs, Executive Director Risk Management and Education, Big I Virtual University


Find out why agency owners choose us! • • • • • • • •

Broad Leadership Team that is 100% focused on the insurance business Flexible deal structures including the ability to retain some ownership Strong focus on culture, associate engagement, and client satisfaction Proven ability to drive double-digit organic growth Recruiting & mentoring program to develop those new to the industry Shareholder program for top performers Ability to maintain leadership with regional and practice group support Committed to serving our communities

Call us for a confidential conversation Tom Schaetz 419.450.0317


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News Members in the


Merrill, WI (1/6/22) - Rising Insurance Star Executives, an organization dedicated to growing, recognizing and advancing the best young professional talent in the insurance industry, recognized Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. (a stock insurer) 1, as a 2021 Elite 50 Internship award winner and as having the Leading Virtual Platform. “Giving our interns real business projects and objectives to work on provides them with the experience they need to be ready for employment immediately following graduation,” said Angela Bailey, vice president – HR operations. “In fact, over the past seven years, the Church Mutual family of companies has hired an average of almost five former interns per year into full-time roles.” “Providing a great internship experience definitely supports our efforts to recruit and retain the best talent,” according to Kayla Gabler, Church Mutual’s talent specialist. Elite 50 Internship award winners are featured in a special publication aimed to help college students choose the best internship programs in the insurance industry. Nominations are scored in 10 categories and reviewed by a panel of RISE Advisory Board members who vote on the highest scored programs. You can view the complete list of winners at riseprofessionals.com. 22 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


ABOUT CHURCH MUTUAL Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I., founded in 1897, offers specialized insurance for religious organizations of all denominations, public and private K-12 schools, colleges and universities, senior living facilities, secular and non-secular camps and conference centers, and nonprofit and human services organizations throughout the United States. Church Mutual markets most lines of commercial property and liability insurance, including multi-peril, workers’ compensation and commercial auto insurance. In addition to insurance, Church Mutual provides a spectrum of value-added solutions that benefit its customers. Church Mutual holds the following honors: • A.M. Best Company “A” (excellent) rating • Wisconsin 75 Top Private Company by Deloitte US, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 • Wisconsin 75 Distinguished Performer: Innovation by Deloitte US 2019 • 2021 Gallup Culture Transformation Award recipient • 2020 Women and Diversity Award recipient from the American Property Casualty Insurance Association • Futuremakers Partner by Wisconsin Technical College System • Celent Model Insurer for innovation and emerging technologies • Award in Innovation for entrepreneurialism and innovation by National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies • 2018-2019 Employer of the Year by Northcentral Technical College


West Des Moines, IA (1/14/22) - IMT Insurance, a leading provider of personal and commercial insurance products in the Midwest, recently announced its list of 2021 Giving Project recipients.

In December of 2021, the IMT Giving Project gifted 32 monetary donations, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 and totaling $52,000, to programs and organizations located in the states IMT does business. The company’s Care Council, an employee-managed community engagement committee, identified giving and volunteer opportunities focused on human services, health, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The recipients spanned all six of IMT’s writing states which fostered further support for existing partnerships and opened new charitable giving doors. The result is an expanded giving footprint that allows IMT to influence meaningful, impactful change throughout the Midwest. This is the second year IMT has executed the Giving Project.

our common purpose of caring for our family of employees, agents, and customers while staring down risk,” said Ben Salzmann, Acuity President and CEO. “Growth enables us to provide peace of mind for even more customers, serve our agents, and create even more career opportunities for our people.”

IMT Insurance is honored to partner with the 2021 Giving Project recipients. Their extraordinary contributions and enduring commitment to our communities reflect IMT’s slogan, “Be Worry Free!”

Acuity achieved strong, profitable growth across all 29 states in which it does business, fueled by gains in both personal and commercial lines. In personal lines, the company set new records for both renewal and annual policy retention. In commercial lines, Acuity issued over 31,000 new policies and 103,000 quotes, both of which are all-time records.

ABOUT IMT INSURANCE​- IMT Insurance offers personal and commercial insurance products for your auto, home, and business through Independent Agency locations throughout a six-state territory – Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Learn more at imtins.com.


Sheboygan, WI (1/19/22) - Acuity announced that in 2021 the company achieved its highest growth rate in 8 years as well as the highest dollar increase in written premium in its 96-year history. Acuity also surpassed both the $3 billion surplus and $6 billion asset milestones (GAAP) and reached nearly $2 billion in written premium in 2021.

Acuity grew 12.2% in 2021 and achieved the largest revenue increase in its history with $217 million in top-line growth. The insurer has grown seven-fold over the past 22 years and has more than doubled its top-line revenue in just the past 9 years. With Acuity’s expansion came increased job opportunity: the insurer hired 144 employees in 2021 and plans to hire 130 in 2022.

Acuity Insurance, headquartered in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, insures over 125,000 businesses, including 300,000 commercial vehicles, and nearly a half million homes and private passenger autos across 29 states. Rated A+ by A.M. Best and S&P, Acuity employs over 1,500 people.

ARE YOU AN IIAW EXCLUSIVE SUPPORTING COMPANY MEMBER? Send your press releases to kaylyn@iiaw.com for a chance to be featured in our Members in the News section.

“Acuity’s continued profitable growth provides the resources and stability we need to fulfill wisconsin INDEPENDENT AGENT

| FEBRUARY 2022 | 23



Later this month, the IIAW will be sending out monthly newsletters with content curated just for you and your job role. Make sure that you’re on our list to receive our communications! Visit the link below, select your interest area and you’ll receive your curated newsletter each month.

NEWSLETTERS TAILORED TO YOU & YOUR ROLE: PERSONAL LINES If your role focuses on personal lines, you won’t want to miss these emails!

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EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Our Employee Benefits newsletter will target agents and focus on health insurance, life insurance, retirement plans and more. If this sounds like your role, sign up today.

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We distinguish our Workers’ Compensation coverage by providing value-added services before, during, and after a claim. Upfront loss control measures Responsive claims handling Facilitation of quality medical care (when an accident does occur) We’ve been successfully protecting our policyholders and their employees since 1983.

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| FEBRUARY 2022 | 25


ECONOMIC STUDY CALLS FOR ELIMINATION OF STATE INCOME TAX A new academic study by University of WisconsinMadison Professor of Economics, Noah Williams, who is also with the nonpartisan Center for Research On the Wisconsin Economy (CROWE), suggests that eliminating Wisconsin’s state personal income tax would help bolster the economy and state workforce. The study’s findings are garnering support from a variety of statewide and national reform groups including, the Institute for Reforming Government (IRG), Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), and Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI). The study, “Fundamental State Tax Reform: Eliminating the Income Tax in Wisconsin,” details the positive economic impact that would occur in the state if lawmakers completely eliminated the state’s personal income tax and replaced a substantial portion of the revenue with a 3 percent increase in the state sales tax. Wisconsin’s current state sales tax rate is 5 percent. When you also include any local sales taxes, the average state and local rate is around 5.43 percent which is the 8th lowest rate in the country. The study indicates that increasing the state sales tax by 3 percent would still remain lower or on par with state and local sales taxes levied in neighboring states and communities (Chicago - 10.25 percent, Rockford - 8.75 percent, Duluth- 8.875 percent, Minneapolis - 8.025 percent, Dubuque - 7 percent, IL - 8.82 percent, IA - 6.94 percent). According to the analysis, such a shift would result in a significant middle class and small business tax cut amounting to a $3.5 billion tax savings statewide which translates into an annual average of $1,700 per household. If 26 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


Wisconsin would eliminate the personal state income tax, it would become the 10th state in the nation without a personal income tax on wages and would be the only such state in the Midwest, potentially giving a significant boost to businesses and making the state a more attractive destination for job seekers. According to Professor Williams, the founding Director of CROWE, such a fundamental tax reform would have the opportunity to substantially improve economic outcomes in Wisconsin leading to increases in output, employment, consumption, and after-tax income. This increased economic activity is predicted to grow the Wisconsin economy by $28 billion with an additional 175,000 people employed. Wisconsin’s top income tax rate is 7.65 percent which puts Wisconsin in the top 10 states for highest top rate in the country. Many who support the plan argue that this is a small business tax - nearly 9 out of 10 employers accounting for 50.9 percent of all employment in Wisconsin pays individual income taxes, and almost 75 percent of them pay at the highest rate. Add in the federal income tax and many of these small businesses are paying 47.7 percent - nearly half of all their income - to the government coffers. In addition, supporters argue that middle class families, who are already losing money due to runaway inflation, are hit hard by Wisconsin’s income taxes. They pay the highest effective tax rate meaning they pay a higher percentage of wages in taxes than higher earners. According to the CROWE study, households making between $36,551 and $126,449 pay higher real-world income tax rates than what is called for by law, with a

family of four earning $50,000 paying nearly 10% to state income taxes. That’s because of the technical aspects of state tax credits and the state standard deduction, and how they impact the amount owed as the credits are phased out with higher earnings. According to Professor Williams’ report, take home pay will increase by 9.4 percent (7.2 percent after the modified sales tax is considered). Wisconsin would be the only state in the Midwest to have no income tax, giving the state a significant competitive advantage and providing a pathway to compete with states like Florida and Texas that have no personal income tax. Williams argues that this economic incentive will help fuel more people moving to Wisconsin and help turn the corner on the state’s workforce shortage. According to Professor Wiliams, eliminating the income tax will lead to higher employment, increased private sector investment, and lower cost of capital. Some have said that eliminating the state income tax is a reform that would be a game changer for the state of Wisconsin. More take home pay, higher employment, higher GDP growth are all things that can make Wisconsin a more competitive and attractive place to live and work. Williams also notes in his report that the vast majority of employers

in Wisconsin, almost 90 percent, are pass-through entities which means they actually file taxes as individuals. On average, a pass-through employer in Wisconsin has under 13 workers. Eliminating the income tax would put more money into workers’ paychecks, while also helping employers put capital into the company to grow and expand. While enactment of this magnitude of tax reform is unlikely under Wisconsin’s current political landscape, the CROWE study sets the stage for further debate and possible action by a Republican governor and legislature, should that happen in next year’s midterm elections. Learn more on the report to eliminate Wisconsin’s personal state income tax at https://bit.ly/Feb22GovAffairs.

>M isha Lee IIAW Lobbyist

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| FEBRUARY 2022 | 27


IS YOUR AGENCY HEALTHY? It’s a new year. Time to get your annual checkup, refresh those goals and get to work. You know what I’m talking about. While it looks a bit different for everyone it follows a common theme for most of us. This annual ritual may include dusting off that gym membership, delivery of that new Peloton bike, compiling an ambitious reading list using the countless recommendations of others, finalizing travel plans or being intentional about time spent with family. You may choose to give up all alcohol consumption and adopt a diet or a new way of eating. There is no evidence of any holiday sweets, and the fridge is filled with salads, lean meats and fresh fruits. What does this process look like when it comes to your agency? Are you as intentional about planning for success in that part of your life? Unfortunately, for many planning for success in their agency can be overlooked. There is a reason we have a common saying encouraging all to work on their business not just in their business. Here are some ways to make sure that your agency is off to a strong and healthy start in the new year. Business Plan If your agency has a business plan – dust it off and read it again. Review the goals that you set for your agency. Take time to reflect on the goals that you set for last year and how you performed as a team. Identify the areas where you excelled and the areas you missed. Use that reflection to set new goals for the coming year. Make sure the goals that you set are SMART goals. 28 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


(Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and have a defined Timeframe. Some of the best goals are the ones that are developed together so consider involving your team in the process. A goal that has buy in is much more likely to be obtained. Review Policies & Agreements Make sure that the written policies match the practice inside your agency. It is easy to make changes as your agency grows and changes – especially over the past two years. Take time to update the policies that are in place to ensure that they algin with your current practices. In almost every agency adjustment were made to accommodate remote work, flexible hours and time off due to illness and quarantine requirement. Do your written policies reflect these changes? Keeping these policies up to date will protect you and your agency. You should also review your operational policies and update them with any changes. This will help with training and consistency in practice inside your agency. Lastly, take a moment to review the agreements that you have in place with your staff. Have you protected your agency by putting non-compete, non-piracy agreements in place? If not, you need to work with a HR professional to get the appropriate agreements in place. Corporate Agreements These are the agreements that were developed many, many years ago and often times these agreements have never been revisited again. These documents include by-Laws, Operating Agreements, Shareholder Agreements and are

designed to outline how decisions will be made in the organization. Too often these agreements are completely out of date, incomplete, or poorly written which can put the agency in a bad position if they are not reviewed and updated as the agency grows and changes. The average age of agency owners is 56 which means that over half of the agency owners are at or nearing retirement age. It is important to review these documents as you prepare for the sale of the agency or upcoming transition of ownership. For those agencies that have no agreements in place, consider putting an agreement in place that accurately reflects your wishes. Should an unfortunate life event trigger a transition of ownership, you want to be sure that the agreements are up to date and do not include out of date information like an agency price that was set in 1950 or omit key details like how the agency will be valued. A quick review of these documents can save you a great deal of stress and turmoil during an already challenging time. Get an Agency Checkup Take the time to get the ultimate agency checkup- a valuation. Your agency may be your largest asset, and if it isn’t – it is certainly among your top 5 largest assets. In your line of work knowing the value of assets is imperative to

protecting those assets. But for some reason when it comes to your own agency, we put off knowing the value or worse yet assume the value is a simple multiple of revenue. Knowing your agency’s value is the best investment in your business as it will uncover far more than a value. It will highlight what is driving your agency’s value, areas that you are excelling and areas of risk that need your attention. It will highlight the key benchmarks that you should consider and opportunities for you to maximize your agency’s value over time. For anyone planning to grow their agency, transition ownership in the next 5 years - or both - knowing your agency’s baseline value is essential. Just like your personal health checkup, your agency’s value cannot be determined by one metric - that would be like only taking your temperature to determine your personal health. For more information about planning for your agency visit www.agency-focus.com or schedule a time to talk at https://agency-focus.com/services/ ola/services/introductory-conversation.

> Carey Wallace, Business Consultant, AgencyFocus


| FEBRUARY 2022 | 29


iiaw.com/insurcon 30 | FEBRUARY 2022 |



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HOLD THE PHONE: FINAL 911 COMPLIANCE REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2022 An important deadline that may affect your agency and its clients has arrived. January 6, 2022 marks the final compliance deadline for a series of regulations adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to implement Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act—two federal laws that strengthen emergency calling. Like many laws, these new requirements are named, in part, after a tragic situation and aimed at avoiding similar problems in the future. What Are The New Laws? Kari’s Law requires organizations that use Multi-Line Telephone Systems (MLTS) to provide callers with direct dial access to 911 call centers without requiring entry of a prefix to connect to an outside line. Congress passed Kari’s Law in memory of Kari Hunt, a young mother who was murdered by her estranged husband in a Texas motel room. Her 9-year-old daughter tried to call 911 four times from the motel phone but was unable to reach a 911 dispatch center because she did not know she had to dial 9 before dialing 911. Ray Baum’s Act expands on Kari’s Law to require a “dispatchable location” to be transmitted when a 911 call is made from a MLTS. Ray Baum is both an acronym, Repack Airwaves Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern Services, and the name of a lawyer, politician, and lobbyist who worked closely with the FCC on various telecommunication issues.

32 | FEBRUARY 2022 |


Together, Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act make it easier for people to contact 911 emergency services and for first responders to locate and help people. Through a phased compliance program, the FCC has committed to widespread enforcement of its implementing regulations with penalties for organizations that fail to comply. With the recent passing of the final compliance deadline, organizations should not delay understanding their responsibilities and potential exposure for non-compliance. Is your business covered? Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act apply to any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, importing, selling, leasing, installing, managing, or operating a MLTS and any MLTS that is manufactured, imported, offered for first sale or lease, first sold or leased, or installed after February 16, 2020. The FCC’s implementing regulations define a MLTS as “a system comprised of common control units, telephone sets, control hardware and software and adjunct systems, including network and premises-based systems, such as Centrex and VoIP, as well as PBX, Hybrid, and Key Telephone Systems… and includes systems owned or leased by governmental agencies and non-profit entities, as well as for profit businesses.” Stated another way, it is a phone or other calling system with more than one line.

As a result, the regulations apply to traditional multi-line telephones, as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and cloudbased systems like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Nextiva, Vonage, Dialpad and more. Practically, this means any businesses using multi-line phone systems, whether they are landlines, VoIP or in the cloud, installed on or after February 16, 2020, are covered. As a result, most large enterprises, and many small- to mid-size businesses, may be covered, especially considering that many businesses converted to VoIP and cloudbased systems during the pandemic.

where the call is from, such as a suite or apartment number, or similar information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling party. By January 6, 2022, businesses were required to ensure their on-premises, nonfixed device (e.g., a cordless office phone) or an off-premises device (e.g., devices used by remote workers) associated with a MLTS provides an automated dispatchable location, when technically feasible, or meet an alternative outlined in the regulations. Consequences of non-compliance.

What are the phased compliance requirements? The FCC adopted a series of regulations for 911 calls made from MLTS, pursuant to Kari’s Law, the conveyance of dispatchable locations with 911 calls, pursuant to Ray Baum’s Act, and the consolidation of the FCC’s 911 rules. With the disruption of the covid-19 pandemic, many of these requirements and deadlines may have slipped by impacted businesses. By February 16, 2020, businesses were required to: (i) configure their MLTS to allow for direct 911 dialing (i.e., dialing 911 without a prefix, such as the number 9); and (ii) send a notification of a 911 call to a central company location like a front desk or security office. By January 6, 2021, businesses were required to configure their on-premises, fixed telephone (e.g., a wired desk phone) associated with a MLTS to send an automated “dispatchable location” to dispatch centers when a 911 call is made. A “dispatchable location” means a validated street address for the person making the call, as well as information that helps to identify

The consequences of non-compliance are severe. First, of course, there is a real safety risk to people arising from non-compliance because businesses run the risk of endangering employees, customers, visitors, and others if emergency calling is ineffective. There is also a significant financial risk, with non-compliant businesses facing potential fines of up to $10,000 per violation, daily fines for continued non-compliance, and/or litigation costs should a tragedy occur. Businesses should work with internal information technology personnel and external consultants to ensure compliance with the FCC’s implementing regulations as soon as possible. Questions regarding the applicability of the new law should be directed to competent counsel.

>J osh Johanningmeier IIAW General Counsel


| FEBRUARY 2022 | 33








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