IIM News - Series 3 number 8 - July 2015

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SERIES 3 NUMBER 8 | JULY 2015 www.iimacau.org.mo

COMMEMORATIVE EXHIBITION OF MSAR’S 15TH ANNIVERSARY and Festivities” (IIM, May 2015), produced under the coordination of Gonçalo César de Sá, was also presented, in what constitutes a profusely illustrated guidebook about the many feasts and festivities included in the cultural calendar of the SAR. Entitled “Macau – A Success Story”, the exhibition which has the sponsorship of Macau Foundation, will be a roving one for a long time by cities of Portugal and a tour of Brazilian towns from October on. Another version of this exhibition was also inaugurated in Toronto (Canada) on June 27, with the presence of several guests of honor and wide press coverage. The Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade of Ontario, Michael Chan, also sent in a congratulatory message with best

The “Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau” in Lisbon was the venue, on the afternoon of June 30, of a commemorative exhibition of MSAR’s 15th Anniversary, organized by the International Institute of Macau (IIM). There were displayed over 50 photos, with different aspects of Macau, from heritage to physical development, from people to festivities, which comprise this exhibit, open to the public until the last week of August. With a packed auditorium, three new DVDs on Macau were show, made by Sergio Perez, Silvie Lai and James Jacinto and by the Government Tourist Bureau of Macau, which got long applauses. A book “Macau – Feasts


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