Impressions Spring 2022, Issue 23

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2022: Tell Them That! ITISWRITTEN.COM SPRING 2022 Changing Your Future Opposite sides of the same theological coin 24 06 Minnesota and Beyond God at work in the North Star State 16PAGE
04 President’s Page 08 Mission Report 10 Escrito Está 20 My Place With Jesus 22 Community Connection 27 Staff Highlight 30 Devotional aspects 06 Minnesota and Beyond God at work in the North Star State 24 notes 12 Partnership Highlight 14 Resources 26 Impressed 28 Planned Giving 29 Tributes & Memorials 31 Broadcast Schedule Changing Your Future Opposite sides of the same theological coin Tell Them That! 2022:
In some of the most secular cities in the country, we found that evangelism, combined with hard work and prayer, still works. cover feature 16

EDITOR John Bradshaw

® impressions magazine
Copyright © 2022 by It Is Written. All rights reserved. It Is Written, Escrito Está, My Place With Jesus, and SALT are registered trademarks and/or service marks of It Is Written, Inc. Except otherwise noted, scripture taken from the New King James Version ® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Cover photo: Ben Dalusong, Jr. connect with us BUSINESS HOURS M – Th, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT SUBSCRIPTIONS It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006 423-362-5800 SOCIAL MEDIA DESIGNED TO SHARE magazine is designed to be shared with your friends, family, and neighbors. When you are done reading it, please pass it on. calendar 1 — 7 Evangelism Baja California, Mexico R 7 Cedar Ridge Church Georgetown, TN E •7 — 14, •12 — 14 SALT Training Troy, MI D W 20 — 21 Gulf States Camp Meeting Purvis, MS J 19 — 29 Mission Trip Dominican Republic W 29 — JUN 4 Texas Staff Camp Meeting Clifton, TX D 3 — 4 KY-TN Camp Meeting Portland, TN J 6 — 10 Summer SALT Collegedale, TN D •10 — 18, •11 — 14 Michigan Camp Meeting Cedar Lake, MI W J 14 — 18 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting, Caldwell, ID R 17 — 18 Upper Columbia Camp Meeting, Spokane, WA J 19 — 22 CALLED Convention Lexington, KY E J W D 2 — 9 Evangelism Bogotá, Colombia R 8 — 10 Oklahoma Camp Meeting Wewoka, OK J 13 — 16 Evangelism Glendale, CA R 16 Cedar Ridge Church Georgetown, TN J 21 — 23 Soquel Camp Meeting Soquel, CA J 23 — 30 Evangelism Mexico City, Mexico R 25 — AUG 8 Mission Trip Vieques, Puerto Rico E May June July J John Bradshaw PRESIDENT E Eric Flickinger ASSOCIATE SPEAKER R Robert Costa SPEAKER/DIRECTOR, ESCRITO ESTÁ W Wes Peppers EVANGELISM DIRECTOR D Douglas Na’a SALT DIRECTOR speaker key SPRING 2022 3
Ariel Warren

I Have no Hands But Yours

When vandals broke the hands off a statue of Jesus outside a church in San Diego, the pastor placed a sign at the base of the statue which said, “I have no hands but yours.” The hands were never replaced, so to this day the statue presents Jesus as having no hands. The message of the original, handwritten sign has been incorporated into the statue itself. Jesus is seen to proclaim, “I have no hands but yours.”

Every believer is called to be the hands of Jesus. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are labourers together with God.” It Is Written exists for this very reason—to share Jesus with others, to lift Him up and tell the world of a risen Savior who is soon to return to this world.

Poet Annie Johnson Flint wrote, “Christ has no hands but our hands, to do His work today; He has no feet but our feet, to lead men in his way; He has no tongue but our tongues, to tell men how He died; He has no help but our help, to bring them to His side.”

Thank you for joining with It Is Written. We live in urgent, vital times. Jesus still says, “I have no hands but yours.”

“Christ has no hands but our hands, to do His work today.”
President’s Page
John Bradshaw PRESIDENT
4 It Is Written impressions


Hosted by Eric Flickinger, Sabbath School features scholars and specials guests who discuss the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides. This quarter, Dr. Greg King, Dean of the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University, joins as one of the guests to discuss Genesis.

Watch now on It Is Written TV


(pictured below) is the associate speaker for It Is Written. Eric’s passion for teaching the Bible has been experienced by thousands across North America and around the globe.

When you think of Minnesota, what comes to your mind? Norwegians? Well, nearly 17 percent of Minnesotans claim Norwegian ancestry. So…go Vikings!

How about Honeycrisp apples? They were, after all, invented at the University of Minnesota.

Or perhaps lakes? The state boasts more than 10,000 of them (11,842, if you want to be exact).

Or maybe shopping? The Mall of America is the largest shopping mall in the United States, covering 5.6 million square feet.

While attractions like these may abound on websites that seek to draw travelers and businesses to the North Star State, there’s something bigger happening in Minnesota.

In short, God is at work.

Minnesota Beyo and

For over two years, It Is Written worked side-by-side with churches across the state of Minnesota to share Jesus and His message of salvation with the people in their communities. More than 60 churches were actively involved in praying, offering Bible studies, conducting seminars, offering healthy lifestyle cooking schools, giving ESL classes, distributing Christian literature, operating food banks, and ultimately, holding public evangelistic meetings.

Faith expresses her love for Jesus through baptism.

Jack Philips, It Is Written’s outreach coordinator, moved to Minnesota in 2020 to begin working with churches to train their members how to share their faith in Jesus. He trained around 200 church members to follow up requests for Bible studies, which was fortunate because more than 90 requests for Bible studies came in during the training. Luis Luciano, the associate evangelism coordinator, also helped with the training.

Were lives changed as a result of their efforts?

Matt, a doctoral candidate who works at the Mayo Clinic, came to the Which Way, America? Bible prophecy seminar that was held in Rochester, Minnesota, last October. Each night, he would sit in the second row and take copious amounts of notes on everything he was hearing. He would then go home and compare what he heard at the seminar to what he found in his Bible. As the seminar



drew to a close, Matt made a decision to take a stand for Jesus and be baptized.

Sisters Hannah and Faith had been studying the Bible since they were very young, but they hadn’t felt quite ready to move forward with the step of baptism until they came to the evangelistic meetings. But once they saw how Jesus shone through the pages of the Bible, they chose to let their baptism be a powerful statement to others of how He was working in their lives.

Their stories are not singular. Justin Lyons, the president of the Minnesota conference, shared that there were around 400 baptisms during 2021, which was up significantly from the 232 that took place the year before. When asked about one of the most significant things to come out of their partnership with It Is Written, he stated, “It’s powerful to see people being trained in how to find and give Bible studies, and to see the culture of an evangelism cycle instilled in their churches. If we can keep repeating that message until it becomes real in every church, that is by far the best long-term outcome.”

If the stories that came out of Minnesota in 2021 are any indication of what the future holds, we can expect to hear many more stories of God working in the lives of people across the state.

Is the gospel changing lives in Minnesota and beyond?

Yah, sure, you betcha!

“It’s powerful to see people being trained in how to find and give Bible studies, and to see the culture of an evangelism cycle instilled in their churches.”
SPRING 2022 7
Left: Matt takes a public stand for his faith in Jesus. Above: Seminar attendees graduate from the It Is Written Bible school after completing all 25 Bible study guides.

Need: 20–30 people

Cost: $1,600/person*

Call to register.

Where God Can Work Through You in 2022

Disciples of Christ know the commission: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Christ’s life shows us that “preaching” means to seek and save. To reach Peter, Christ essentially went to work with him. By catching heaps of fish, He caught the fisherman’s attention. Jesus ate at people’s homes, played with children, and helped the sick and needy. He listened to stories as much as He told them. He connected with people by working together on practical problems, and then counseled them spiritually. Nowadays, His hands are yours. We can be missionaries on our home turf, but we shouldn’t overlook the tremendous opportunity to spread the gospel beyond our comfort zone. God wants to reach others through you, anywhere, while growing your spiritual journey. We invite you to join us on a life-changing trip to do just that.

The following trips all need speakers, medical professionals, and help with children’s programming and construction.

Dominican Republic

May 19 – 29, 2022

Join the team on this island with people as warm as its beaches, who have endured natural disasters that created gaping holes of need. We will be running a medical clinic as well as teaming up with the local conference for evangelism. Come spread the gospel and assist with practical projects that will be a testimony of hope to others. We’d love to have you!

Vieques, Puerto Rico

July 25 – August 8, 2022

Need: 20–30 people

Cost: $1,600/person*

Register by: June 16, 2022

Widely known as the “island of enchantment” for its beauty, Puerto Rico has many islands within it, including the small island of Vieques. It’s one of the poorest areas and has very limited medical care. Along with our crucial need for medical professionals, we need help with evangelistic meetings, children’s programs, and healthy lifestyle talks.

Mission Report 8 It Is Written impressions

Need: 30–50 people

Cost: $1,850/person*

Register by: July 8, 2022

Addis Ababa & Negele Arsi, Ethiopia

August 11 – 28, 2022

Join Pastor John Bradshaw to help conduct an evangelistic series in Addis Ababa or Wes Peppers, who will carry out a series in Negele Arsi. Rich with history, Ethiopia is Africa’s oldest country. It currently has the second highest population behind Nigeria, though it is one of the poorest countries in the continent. Dr. Jacob Prabhakar will complete eye surgeries, and medical professionals of all kinds are needed for a massive medical clinic.

Navajo Nation

September 4 – 6 and 9 – 17, 2022

Sept. 4–6: 20–25 medical professionals

Sept. 9–17: 20–30 people

Cost: $850/person* (See note)

Register by: August 1, 2022

Eyes India for

The Navajo Nation is the largest Native American reservation in the United States, covering an area mostly in Arizona and New Mexico. Despite addiction, spiritual misunderstandings, and a high poverty rate, the people are warm and resilient. Join us as we prayerfully seek to share a message of hope, preparing nightly evangelistic meetings and medical care to reach people spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.

*Trip cost does not include airfare. For the Navajo Nation trip, participants can stay at the church for no cost or in a hotel at their own expense.

In January, the Eyes for India team held their annual Barabanki eye camp, which resumed for the first time since 2020 due to the pandemic. During the event, patients underwent free cataract surgeries, sponsored by It Is Written donors. We thank God that Dr. Jacob Prabhakar and his ministry team were able to give 2,628 people the precious gift of sight! Learn more about this project at

You can support Eyes for India!

Perfect for your small group, school, or birthday, our Eyes for India kit has everything you need to make your fundraiser a success. Watch a video from John Bradshaw, read more about the project, and even send donations in coded envelopes to keep track of how much you've raised. The kit is free; only pay for shipping.

Call 888-664-5573 or visit to order.

more at or by calling
. SPRING 2022 9

Not a A Battle,

During the last week of January, Pastor Robert Costa visited Costa Rica, located in Central America, to hold a series of evangelistic meetings entitled “Don’t Give Up, There’s Still Hope.” Costa Rica is a small country, smaller than West Virginia, also known as the ecological paradise of Central America. Religiously speaking, it is the only nation in the North American continent that has Catholicism as its state religion. The law requires the state to

yet accepted Jesus as their personal savior. Pastor Robert Costa’s meetings were aired through three television networks, as well as 15 radio stations reaching both Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

contribute to the Catholic Church’s maintenance. Nevertheless, people in Costa Rica are free to practice their own religion. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been working diligently through various radio and television networks to air programs that teach about the love of Jesus and His soon coming.

In preparation for the meetings, local church members were asked to pray for their relatives and friends who had not

During the meetings, a series of small incidents took place. One afternoon, a thief climbed up the roof of one of the television stations. He ripped out the cables, intending to sell the copper in them, which sells at a very good price. Thankfully, the signal was restored just in time for the meetings. Another day, as people were arriving at the auditorium where the meetings were being held, the central wooden panel that decorated the platform mysteriously flew about 15 meters above the seats, destroying two TV monitors. There was no wind. Thankfully, no one was injured, and the program continued. This was a serious reminder that evangelism is no picnic—it’s a battle. Satan tried to put up a fight, but God’s great news of everlasting salvation continued to draw people to the meetings.

The event concluded with over 3,500 baptisms performed in churches, homes, rivers, and bathtubs. Pastor Robert Costa had the joy of baptizing a family of four

Satan tried to put up a fight…
10 It Is Written impressions
Escrito Está


who had been faithful followers of the halfhour Escrito Está television programs that are broadcast by TBN-Enlace. When the family found out that Pastor Costa would be in the area, they attended and asked to be baptized. Among attendees were business people, senators, and even an actress/journalist, showing that the gospel can reach all social groups.

Local pastors from Nicaragua also reported on the effort local church members were making in order to share the meetings with their communities. Some small churches started streaming the sermons on the streets using their computers, so bystanders could stop and listen. One church used the back of an 18-wheeler truck as a screen projector! In remote villages, some traveled two to four hours on horseback with their cell phones, to share the message with others. We received multiple pictures of entire families tuning in from their cell phones, turning their homes into small churches.

From Honduras, we also learned that the president’s sister has been listening to the daily devotionals, Una Mejor Manera de Vivir. She is currently enrolled in Bible studies. Another beautiful testimony comes from a

public school where 20 teachers gather each day to watch the daily devotional before the start of classes. This after a young girl began sharing the devotionals with her mother who works as a teacher. The mom became so impressed by the message that she showed it to the school principal, who then allowed the videos to be shared with others.

We are very thankful to see what God is doing in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and many other corners of the world, where the gospel is spreading in unimaginable ways. Thank you for your support of Escrito Está, which allows for miracles like these to be shared.

The audience listens to Pastor Robert Costa as he preaches in Costa Rica. Pastor Robert Costa baptizes meeting attendees. CAROLINA BONILLA is the administrative assistant for Escrito Está. Born in Ecuador, Carolina has a passion for reaching the Spanishspeaking community with the gospel.
SPRING 2022 11

Debbi and I met a couple of years ago at an It Is Written Partnership event, and we bonded right away with our love for leopard print. We both had leopard print on our dresses and shoes! Even though we live in separate states, I still felt a closeness to her through the inspirational messages she would post on social media platforms or email. It’s what we need more of these days—to be lifted up to God and all His glory. To be affirmed that He will “supply every need.” Here is a devotional she wrote I believe will do just that.



Springtime in the mountains is a delightful reminder of how our God truly supplies our every need. The emergence of the color palette is sublime. Beginning with the snowdrop flowers, life emerges with a tender quietness. The lightening of the grass to a bright shade of green and the changing blue color of the sky refreshes the mind. The pastel

forsythia shrub brings a vitality of life to the slowly disappearing blanket of snow covering the ground. The squirrels playing chase on the trunk of the oak trees, birds singing their tunes while building their nests, and the woodland animals emerging from burrows is a story told of how our creator supplies the needs, but the creature works to fulfill the goal.

The springs of the mountain come to life as the winter thaw slowly melts. The deer, fox, raccoon, opossum, duck, and occasionally a cougar inspect flowers, bushes, or trees in hope to find a reward or home. The bees begin their task of pollinating the blossom for the development of the fruit. A doe places her fawn on our porch for safety; we watch in awe through the window as she lifts her tiny head at each sound. The well-orchestrated book of nature is on display for us to observe how God supplies our every need.

The Word of God tells us in Philippians 4:19 (ESV), “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” This promise is for all of God’s creatures. Grand are the lessons of nature displayed for us to observe and learn of how important work is, in order to produce the fruit of labor for us and for God.

The world is growing darker and many people are uncertain about the future. Looking to our God brings us hope—the hope of eternal life. Isaiah 58:11 tells us, “And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.”

What a beautiful promise to know that Jehovah will guide us. The daily toil of labor and working for the Lord will bring a harvest of fruit for the heavenly kingdom.

Like the springs that return to a flow after the coldness of winter, there is a renewing of life. We are to keep the fountains flowing for Christ. Ours is the hope in our Lord Jesus, and we have the responsibility to proclaim His name to all the world. He has given us the Word, privilege of prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us in our daily lives and witnessing. Together, let us spread the gospel to each generation until we see the Lord returning in the clouds. The smallest deed can benefit the harvest. Every day is a new beginning, an opportunity to be the example of a son or daughter of the King. Flourish your God-given gifts, your unique colors, and let your will be one with Christ’s, that all you do may be for the glory of God.

The well-orchestrated book of nature is on display for us to observe how God supplies our every need.
SPRING 2022 13
DEBBI ROMANO is an It Is Written Partner who lives in Virginia with her husband and two daughters. Jocelyn, left, and Debbi pictured at a Partnership event.



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• Attract a crowd, keep them coming, and baptize them

• Conduct a successful series even on a tight budget

• Keep newly baptized members enthusiastically involved

Book • US $7.99


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SPRING 2022 15

Tell Them That! 2022:

An age-old question continues to rise year after year: Does evangelism still work? In more than 30 churches across Oregon and Washington, the answer is a resounding “yes!” In February, the It Is Written evangelism team ventured to some of the most secular cities in the United States, partnering with the Oregon Conference to share the everlasting gospel during the month-long Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Pastors John Bradshaw, president, and Wes Peppers, evangelism director, co-preached in Portland, Oregon. SALT director Douglas Na’a spoke in the capital city of Salem, while associate speaker Eric Flickinger taught in Vancouver, Washington. Over two dozen churches livestreamed the Portland series to their locations. More than 2,000 people pre-registered for the series, and hundreds attended, experiencing a transformation attributed only to God’s marvelous grace.

In the summer of 2021, Pastor John spoke at the Oregon camp meeting on the explosive potential of soul-winning for every believer who surrenders their life to God. He described how God’s Spirit would immensely bless every church when they actively share Christ in their communities. Following Pastor John’s meetings, the It Is Written team held numerous in-person and online training sessions for church leaders, pastors, and laypeople. Evangelism is hard work. It is not something to be taken lightly, nor does it happen in a vacuum. It is the mission of every church and disciple of Christ. Oregon Conference churches stepped up to the task! Congregations large and small went to work utilizing the resources It Is Written provided to make an eternal impact all across the conference.

Cover Feature

When opening night finally arrived, people flooded into the various locations to hear the powerful, Bible-based messages. Pastor John preached words of life that both gave intelligent answers to the mi nd and spoke directly to the heart. Each speaker gave messages filled with heaven’s power and freshly presented hope to all who were open to receiving it. Scott Michael Bennett and Marion Peppers provided heavenly music during the series that warmed attendees’ hearts to receive the topics of truth. Attendees from far and near texted in Bible questions answered during each evening’s program. A similar sentiment consistently rang from community attendees: “This is the most Christ-centered, Bible-based study series I have ever attended.” In Vancouver, the entire series was organized by the church’s youth. Now that they have participated in the It Is Written series, they plan to preach their own series in the near future!

Transformational Testimonies


Lori* is a church member who met Gail at a knitting club in their local apartment complex. They became fast friends, and Lori invited Gail to attend church. They began Bible studies, and Lori asked Gail to attend Revelation Today: The Great Reset. They came every night together, and Gail responded to the invitation to give her life to Jesus. Lori had at one point expressed a consideration and need to be re-baptized. After responding to an altar call, Gail went to the back of the church and encouraged Lori to come forward. Taking her by the hand, she brought Lori to the front to connect her with Jesus. They were baptized together as sisters in Christ on March 5 and are now rejoicing in their new friendship with Jesus and each other! When you invite someone in your life to follow Jesus, you gain friends for eternity, both for yourself and Him. This is a reminder to us all that we just have to ask—whether it be to church, a Bible study, or an evangelistic series!

“This is the most Christcentered, Bible-based study series I have ever attended.”
SPRING 2022 17

until Revelation Today: The Great Reset.

His wife, Hanna, told him about the meetings, but Ted was adamant that he would not go. He finally agreed to drive Hanna to the meetings, who told him that she would only attend if he went with her. Ted reluctantly agreed. On the first night, the greeter welcomed them warmly:

“We are so glad you are here!” Ted replied, “Well, I’m not glad to be here at all!” Night after night, he gave this response, but each meeting riveted him. He sat in the pew, leaning forward with intense interest, eyes widened and hardly ever blinking. Gradually, his heart began to soften, and he broke down in tears when we visited him at his home. “I want to give my life to Jesus through baptism,” Ted said. “These meetings are the truth, and I have lived too long in opposition to God and His ways.” We prayed together, and Ted gave his life to Jesus. He was baptized on the final Sabbath of the meetings. His family was thrilled as their decades of prayers were answered, and Ted became a new man in Christ!

“These meetings are the truth, and I have lived too long in opposition to God and His ways.”
18 It Is Written impressions


Renae was invited to attend a lifestyle program by a local church member while living in Virginia several years ago. Following the program, the couple who asked her gave a second invitation to do Bible studies. Renae truly enjoyed the studies and began to keep the Sabbath. She also discovered It Is Written TV and watched the weekly program for almost ten years! However, she drifted away from the truth for a season when she moved to Portland to be near her sons. Four years ago, she became convicted once again about the Sabbath and requested from her employer to be free from work on that day. She saw an ad on Facebook advertising for Revelation Today: The Great Reset. Upon exploring it, she was amazed to learn that Pastor John Bradshaw would be speaking live in Portland. She registered right away and attended every night despite working a daytime security job! Renae found the whole picture of Jesus and Bible truth during the series. She loves Jesus with all her heart and was also baptized. She is ecstatic to have found a loving church family close to her home and has already made many friends. A church member sat beside her the first night, prayed with her, and took her number. This intentional effort is a testimony to the power of personal evangelism!

These are just a few of the hundreds of stories across the Oregon Conference of lives transformed by Revelation Today: The Great Reset. More people attended this series who had previously watched It Is Written TV than any other series we have ever conducted; this is a testimony to the growing effectiveness of our media programs and It Is Written TV. Evangelism still works when we combine multiple means of outreach and use God’s method of reaching lost people.

When the truths of the Bible are proclaimed publicly, Christ is uplifted, and prophecy points to a message of hope and urgency to accept Jesus as Lord and coming king. Hearts are opened and transformed by the love of God in a providential way. There is a synergy that comes which cannot be replaced by any other form of ministry. Revelation Today: The Great Reset demonstrated this tangibly at the many participating locations. More than 150 decided to follow Jesus through baptism, with more who are continuing to study! People today are hungry for God’s Word. It Is Written continues cutting-edge evangelism, assisting the church with its mission to carry the gospel to the world.

There is nothing more thrilling to witness than people who give themselves to Jesus and become a part of God’s church. However, some continue to spread the false idea that “evangelism doesn’t work.” To those people, the response is, “Tell them that.” Tell Gail that. Tell Lori. Mention it to Ted or Renae or the countless others who came to Jesus through Revelation Today: The Great Reset. They will tell you it is what led them to the most profound journey with Jesus they have ever experienced. Evangelism still works!

*All names have been changed.

WES PEPPERS is the evangelism director for It Is Written. He schedules and oversees all of the ministry’s evangelism projects online and around the world. Wes is married to Marion, and they have two children.

Renae found the whole picture of Jesus and Bible truth during the series.
SPRING 2022 19

John 8:12

n the third day of creation, God filled the earth with countless varieties of trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers. God designed that both plants and animals would benefit from each other. Both people and animals breathe out carbon dioxide, which is used by plants to create the energy they need in order to grow. In return, plants produce oxygen, something all animals—including humans—require to survive. Our world is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14)!

I became fascinated with plants when I realized something had to be done with a special plant my husband had given me. I have to admit I hadn’t taken especially good care of this plant. Now I was going to have to take some drastic measures. I was a little fearful of the outcome! I really didn’t want this plant to die. Plants really only require a few simple things in order to survive and remain healthy. They desire proper soil and adequate sunshine and water. They want a routine boost of fertilizer and loving care and attention. Sounds pretty simple, right? The needs of plants and Christians are alike in many ways. Jesus made this comparison in the parable of the sower (Mark 4:3–8; 13–20).

Lessons From A Plant

Seeds need proper soil to grow healthy and strong. If our hearts are stony or crowded with the weeds of this world, it’s impossible for God’s Word to take root. It is important that we cultivate the soil of our hearts with God’s Word.

Plants always bend in the direction of a source of light. This is why plants need to be rotated so as not to become lopsided. If a plant doesn’t receive enough sun, it becomes pale, sickly, and then dies. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the light of the world—the giver of life (John 8:12).

When we turn toward Jesus, we will grow strong and in an upward direction.

The best time to water plants is in the morning. This allows the plant to absorb water before the heat of the day. If we arm ourselves with the Word of God before we face each day, we will be strong in His might and able to withstand the darts of the devil (Ephesians 6:10–18).

“I am the light of the world.”
Continued on next page. Like us on Facebook!

The Sower Word Search

Search down, forward, and on the diagonal to find the hidden words.

After a wilted plant receives water, it perks right back up! Jesus invites us to come to Him and receive the Living Water. This water is the Holy Spirit (John 7:37–39) who strengthens us (Romans 8:26) and brings to us the power of God (Acts 1:8). Regular fertilizer encourages a plant to bloom or produce fruit. Do you remember how the song goes? “Read your Bible, pray every day and you’ll…,”? That’s right, you will “grow, grow, grow!” When you make it your practice to read your Bible, and pray every day, you will become more like Jesus and produce the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23).

My plant didn’t die! Instead, it grew stronger than ever. I also have several new plants which grew from the trimmings I made. I hope that next time you look at a plant you will remember to read your Bible, pray every day, and grow in the direction of Jesus.

choked Fell fruit good ground grow root seed sower stony thorns trials word wayside
For answers: Scan the QR code or go to answers
SPRING 2022 21
MELISSA BRADSHAW is the children’s ministries director at It Is Written. Melissa and her husband, John Bradshaw, have two children and live in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area.

Divine Appointments in Dodge Center

In preparation for Eric Flickinger’s Which Way, America? meetings held last fall in southeast Minnesota, I moved to the area in 2020 and began working with local churches. The Dodge Center church went all in, sending Bible study invitations through the mail, conducting Facebook advertising, handing out fliers, and inviting everyone they met to study the Bible with them and come to the series. Many church members, like Denzil, had divine appointments as they followed up with Bible study interests. A business executive, Denzil had spoken at evangelistic series around the globe and had taught others about sharing Jesus. Now for the first time, he was leading someone individually through a series of Bible studies. He connected with Malcolm, who had watched the It Is Written Hope Awakens series in 2020. The two began studying the Bible each week through the pandemic outside on a park bench. Soon, Malcolm was connected with a local church and baptized. What a celebration that was! Refreshed by the experience, Denzil grew even more motivated to continue studying with others.

During the same time, Paul purchased a satellite dish to receive lots of channels to watch. He was disappointed to learn that he was only able to get one station: 3ABN. Paul watched It Is Written and other Christian programs for two years, and then showed up at the Dodge Center church asking to be baptized. Denzil and the pastor met with Paul to clear him for baptism, and were impressed that Paul knew so much about the Bible! During a new believers class, Paul always had an experience to share of how he was witnessing to others.

One day, Paul was driving along and saw a man roofing a house. He pulled into the driveway and struck up a conversation with the roofer, Brandon, hiring him to do his house, too. When Brandon showed up at Paul’s home, Paul began to do what he always does: witness. Paul told Brandon about Jesus and invited him to church.

Brandon went to church that weekend and heard Donna, Denzil’s wife, giving a sermon. At the end, she asked if there was anyone who wanted to study the Bible. She watched as Brandon nodded his head yes.

Community Connection 22 It Is Written impressions

As soon as she was done, Donna rushed over to Denzil and sent him to connect with Brandon.

Brandon started studying with Paul and Denzil each week, and soon Brandon’s son joined in. Donna connected with the group and began studying with Brandon’s daughter. She found the experience joyful as she built a relationship with this young lady.

Denzil followed up on another lead and after several attempts, finally found EJ

attending church and speaking with his new friend Brandon, EJ felt the weight lift, and he began to smile. EJ had not spent much time smiling recently. When he returned to work the following week, he was so happy that his coworkers asked him what had happened. He told them he went to church!

Brandon and his son were baptized together at the end of the Which Way, America? series in Dodge Center. It was

home near the beginning of the series. He invited EJ to a meeting where Eric would be livestreamed. Unfortunately, EJ fell sick with COVID-19 before the meetings and was unable to attend. After the meetings, Denzil reconnected with EJ and his girlfriend, and they began to study the Bible together. During one of their studies, Donna was doing a health presentation at the church, so Denzil invited EJ. While touring the church, EJ and his girlfriend asked if they could come to church, and what time it started on Sunday. When Denzil told them they worshiped together on Saturday, they discovered that EJ’s sister also kept the Sabbath and went to church on Saturday!

EJ had felt as though he was carrying a weight on his shoulders when he came to church the following Sabbath. After

an incredible moment to see these two make this decision together. Brandon has now partnered with Paul, and Denzil is studying with EJ.

As each church member ministers to others, it’s amazing to see how God blesses those connections to draw more people to Him. And along the way, their lives are impacted too. “I am experiencing a deeper relationship with Jesus than ever before through this,” Denzil said. “There is nothing better than sharing Jesus and seeing others grow with him.”

JACK PHILLIPS is married to Crystal. As outreach coordinator for It Is Written, Jack has held Bible studies and taught Bible workers across the country and around the world.
SPRING 2022 23
“There is nothing better than sharing Jesus and seeing others grow with him.”

When I walked into the radio station where I worked at the time, I saw what seemed to be an unusual photograph on the front page of the newspaper being read by our receptionist. I thought it might have been a picture of a swan taken at a nearby city lake. Having slept most of the day after working an overnight shift, I had not heard the latest news.

The photo was in fact a picture of the space shuttle Challenger 1 breaking up high above the Kennedy Space Center. The shocking tragedy was made worse by revelations it would never have happened if clear warnings had been heeded. Potential problems with O-rings in the shuttle’s right rocket booster had been made known. The accident was 100% avoidable.


Opposite Sides of the Same Theological Coin

Your Future

That knowledge today is cold comfort. The seven astronauts who perished cannot be brought back. While the knowledge gained from this devastating experience was used to prevent further losses, the past cannot be changed.

Quoting the poet Agathon, Aristotle once wrote, “Even God cannot change the past.” It is true—He does not. Though he had ample opportunity to change his mind, when a desperate teenager shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the wheels of war were set in motion. World War I 2 gave rise to World War II, out of which developed the Cold War. How might the world be different today if one young man had acted differently? Yet what’s done is done. Many years and millions of deaths later, the bitter facts of 100-plus years of conflict remain unchanged.

Yet while Agathon’s observation is correct enough, the God who does not change the past has done much to change the future. The Bible states that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The consequences of sin are grave, Paul writing later in the same book that “the wages of sin is death,” (Romans 6:23). Yet in spite of the enormous cost of our

Feature 24 It Is Written impressions
While the past cannot be altered, the future most definitely can.

past transgressions—“Christ died for our sins,” according to 1 Corinthians 15:3—God is willing to forgive our sins, grant us salvation, spare us from eternal death, and give us a glorious future.

Through the prophet Isaiah, God wrote, “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake; and I will not remember your sins,” (Isaiah 43:25). David wrote, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us,” (Psalm 103:12). And Isaiah 55:7 says, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon,” (Isaiah 55:7).

If truly received into the heart, the assurance that God forgives sin will bring with it the presence and power of Jesus, and the promise of a renewed, transformed life.

No doubt, a misrepresentation of the forgiving grace of God could lead a person to carelessness: “If God is only going to forgive me anyway, then what does it matter if…” At the other end of the spectrum are those who attempt to contribute to their salvation: “I believe God will forgive me, as long as I…” Both approaches are damaging, unbiblical, and self-centered. Cheap grace is an acknowledgment of God’s goodness absent a change of heart, while salvation by works takes the work of salvation out of the hands of Christ. The grace of Jesus is minimized as the works of the individual are seen to merit God’s mercy. Cheap grace and salvation by works are merely opposite sides of the same theological coin. When salvation becomes dependent on an act of the sinner, it matters not what that act is. Surrender of one’s life to the will of God is not regarded as necessary.

While the past cannot be altered, the future most definitely can. In place of death, God offers life. In place of regret, God offers satisfaction. In place of doubt, God offers confidence. All are received through faith in Jesus. Surrender to Christ cannot change the past, but radically reimagines the life ahead. No longer an impediment to future spiritual security, your past becomes part of a testimony to what God is able to do in the life of a sinner.

Claim the future Jesus offers you. Faith in Jesus—faith that His death was for you, faith that He forgives sin and grants everlasting life—will turn God’s promises into reality in your life. Jesus is coming back soon. Your past need not keep you from a bright and glorious future!

2 Watch a program about the start of World War I at
® SPRING 2022 25
1 Learn more about the Challenger explosion at

Impressed by the Holy Spirit, lives are forever changed

During COVID and the time when churches closed in America, we turned to TBN. It is during this time that we first watched It Is Written and came to appreciate your program and you. We love your blend of history and God’s Word. There must be times when you question whether your ministry is impacting lives. We are here to assure you that you are producing programming and teaching the Word that leads us into a deeper gratitude and love for our precious Lord Jesus Christ.

—Willis, Michigan

I think “The Trail of Tears” is one of the best programs John Bradshaw has done. Thank you. I just ordered it on DVD.

—Phoenix, Arizona

First listened to It Is Written in 1960 on a black & white TV in Saskatchewan, Canada. Always wonderful programs. Thank you. —Canada

Thank you. The program It Is Written has been a tremendous blessing. Thank you for such soul-stirring edification. You are greatly appreciated. —Trenton, Georgia

Your message each day means the world to me. I live alone but am blessed with good health so I can reach out to others and share Christ’s love. I just turned 84 and walk with my dog (Rocky) twice a day. Keep up your good work. The world needs God’s love and direction and your words “stir the pot.” —Grand Island, Florida

Have watched Pastor Bradshaw on TV for many years. His messages are of much encouragement. How well he explains the Bible! He leaves nothing out. The book of Revelation and Daniel is really not hard at all to understand because of how simple he relates it. May the Good Lord keep blessing his ministry! —Unknown

Do you have a story about how God has touched your life through the work of It Is Written? Tell us!

Simply email

Thank you for everything you do! Watching this program has brought me so much closer to Jesus. God bless all of you!
—Mohawk, Tennessee

Mike Lukens


After spending most of his career as a CFO in faith-based health care, Mike is well equipped to be our new Manager/Treasurer.

Mike joined It Is Written in January, and his work includes oversight of finances, operations, and the ministry staff, as well as helping to guide strategic planning. He replaces Charles Reel, who departed last fall to serve in the Oklahoma Conference.

“I have had a deep interest in being a part of evangelism and ministry work for many years,” said Mike. His family moved to Collegedale last August—before the job was even available! He joined them in November, while still working remotely for his previous job. Later, God led him to It Is Written. “We made the decision to move in faith, and God opened the doors,” Mike said.

In his new position, Mike works closely with John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “We’re blessed to have Mike on our team,” John said. “He brings a wealth of experience to his role, and we immediately saw the way he can impact an organization with not only his technical skills but also his managerial expertise. I believe God knew just who we needed at this time and brought that very person to It Is Written.”

Mike sees both challenges and opportunities in managing an organization. Since It Is Written is donor funded, he recognizes the importance of being mindful of how those funds are used. “Through careful planning, diligent stewardship, and efficient management of the operations of the ministry, we are able to more effectively deliver God’s message to His people and bring Him glory,” he said.

Mike is blessed to do God’s work with a talented team. “I feel humbled and grateful for the chance to help grow God’s kingdom,” he said.

And we are grateful to have him here. Welcome, Mike! Read more from Mike in the devotional on page 30.

Get to know Mike:

What is your favorite meal? I can’t pick just one meal! I love Thai, Greek, and Italian food the best.

What was your first job? My first job out of college was as a staff accountant for a CPA firm in California.

What is one thing that most of your coworkers don’t know about you? A few months after my son was born, I broke my femur while snowmobiling in Utah. What could have been a disaster God used for good. I was blessed to be able to work from home while recovering and spent a lot of quality time with my newborn son.

Staff Highlight SPRING 2022 27

Baton the

Meet Our New Planned Giving Director, Monica Edwards

It Is Written welcomes Monica Edwards as our new Planned Giving and Trust Services director. She comes to It Is Written from Wells Fargo, where she worked for nine years in estate settlement. Prior to that, she had her own practice as an estate planning attorney.

Monica is well-suited to lead the Planned Giving team. “We’re truly blessed to have Monica on our team,” said John Bradshaw, It Is Written president. “Not only does she come to It Is Written with real expertise and many years of experience, but Monica also has a real heart for ministry.”

Monica’s journey to Christ began in 2013. Her brother’s death opened her heart to God, and she began studying the Bible on her own. Her many questions were answered when she was given a DVD set on Bible truth. She dove in, listening to as many preachers as she could, including John Bradshaw of It Is Written! Five months after receiving the DVD set, Monica was baptized into the church. As she grew in her faith, she became convicted that she should use the gifts God had given her for ministry.

After finding some property in our area, Monica asked God what job he had for her. She found a trust services officer job on our website, but wrestled with the decision to apply. The day after Monica submitted her application, Olan Thomas, former director, called her to set up an interview!

“All these things showed me that God’s hands are in this,” Monica said. She initially started as a rep in August, before agreeing to become the new director in January following Olan’s retirement to part-time consultant last fall.

During his 13 years as director, Olan strove to increase the department’s efficiency and service. “Yes, we have to talk dollars and cents, but it’s really about reaching hearts for God,” he said. “If we can just connect with people, God will provide the plans.” Olan feels confident that Monica is the right person to continue this work.

Monica is grateful to be part of the ministry team and looks forward to educating supporters on their estate planning options. Contact the Planned Giving and Trust Services team today to find out how you can further God’s work and benefit financially.

Planned Giving
CASSIE MATCHIM HERNANDEZ is the marketing assistant for It Is Written. Cassie is happily married to Chris, and they live in Collegedale, Tennessee.

Tributes & Memorials

If you would like to give a donation in memory of someone, please visit or use the enclosed envelope to mail your donation.


Acevedo, Leonardo by Laura Acevedo

Anderson, Deborah by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Anderson

Anderson, Jose E. by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Anderson

Arakaki, Shigenobu by Mr. and Mrs. Cresente G. Valido

Barring, Sammy Cornelius by Essie White

Bigbee, Freddie L. by Jessie Abrahams

DeHart, Jerry by Kay A. DeHart

Glidden, Arnold and Ona Lee by Connie Ross

Habenicht, Donald by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weakley

Hardy Jr., Alfred David by Ella L. Smith

Holmes, Charles by Rita Vital

Jonakin, R. Mitchell by Karon Jonakin

Knecht, Reta Mae by Shirley J. Bennett

Myers, L. by Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Seemann

Pinette, J. Arlene by LoNita Fattic

Rusher, Patricia E. by Kathryn Dockerty

Sherrard, Amy by Rital Vital

Shterev, George by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stivers, Mrs. Nancy England, and Dennitza Vassileva

Smith, Pastor Paul by Rita Vital

Sowers, Ann by Faye McColpin, and Jack E. Powers

Steffanson, Richard T. by Diane L. Steffanson

Streeter, Ed by Rita Vital

Taylor, Jeff by Kathye Taylor

Theiss, Karl and Cilly by Christiane Theiss

Velez, Felix by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Anderson

Warlick, Kathleen by Kathy Das

Weber, Allene by Rita Vital

Whidden, Charles by Rita Vital

IN HONOR OF Baker, Nancy by Butch Baker

Harris, Joyce by Lemonte Harris

Kreutner, James by Monetta Kreutner

Marks, Phyllis W. by Patrice Williams

Maybrook, Jonathan by Marla Maybrook

Pike, Diane by Ron Wright

Richard, Jacquelyn Faye by Caral D. Richard

Stump, Robert H. by Kami Stump

Tagalog, Mr. and Mrs. Marvel by Mr. and Mrs. Jerald P. Alido Jr.

Ukatu, Ma Napaye by Nyeah Ukatu

Underwood, Vickie by Rodney Worley

To see the complete list of tributes and memorials, please visit

Remember someone special with your love gift to It Is Written.

Your memorial or honorary gifts help share the gospel with the world. Unless you request otherwise, your name will be listed on the Tributes web page and may be printed in Impressions. If you wish, we will send a gift acknowledgment card to your desired recipient. Please be sure to include the recipient’s name and address.

SPRING 2022 29

Lighting the Path

Imagine walking in the dark with only a small candle to illuminate the path right in front of you. The light is just enough to show where to place your next step. In much the same way, God endeavors to guide us in our decision-making—not by allowing us to see far into the future, but by giving us the next step so that we place our dependence on Him day by day. There have been many moments in my life where I asked God to show me the best path forward. I wrestled with questions such as what job to take, where to live, or how best to raise my family. Only through daily study of the Bible, and earnest prayer, did I find the strength and peace I craved. God taught me about His desire to lead me through the small decisions of

life. Each of these decisions alone seems insignificant, but when added together, they lead to big change.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). God is faithful to light our steps if we put our trust and hope in Him. However, He knows that we may not completely depend upon Him if given too much foresight about the future. He asks that we lean upon His gracious loving arms, and through His promises in the Bible, we can have the assurance that our next step is blessed by Him.

MIKE LUKENS serves as the Manager/ Treasurer for It Is Written. He started in January 2022, after serving as a finance leader in the healthcare industry for over 15 years. He lives in Ooltewah, Tennessee, with his wife and son.
Devotional 30 It Is Written impressions
1 Camp Hope 8 Emotional Intelligence: What Is It? 15 Controlling Your Blood Pressure 22 Upon This Rock 29 Who Was Desmond Doss? 5 Great Characters of the Bible: Job 12 Danger on the Doorstep 19 A Father’s Love 26 Great Chapters of the Bible: Matthew 5 3 Health Care God’s Way 10 Ancient Wisdom, Present Power 17 Healing Foods of the Bible 24 Anti-Aging Secrets of the Bible 31 Are Ghosts Real? 2022 3ABN Amazing Facts TV Better Life Broadcasting Network Blue Mountain Television Good News TV Hope Channel TBN Total Living Network WDEF (Chattanooga) WHMB (Indianapolis) 3ABN Radio Network LifeTalk Radio Network Radio 74 Network Strong Tower Radio Network WSJL – “Elijah Radio” 88.1 FM (AL) WHNJ – 95.7 FM (FL) Find It Is Written on these channels: Radio TV May Jun Jul Airdates may vary. Consult your local station's schedule for details. ® Watch It Is Written 24/7 on: or SPRING 2022 31
one-week summer intensive is specifically designed for busy people looking for evangelism training in a short period of time. During Summer SALT, you will learn how to…
Share your faith
Implement evangelism at your church
Effectively reach your community
Win souls for God!
SALT will be held June 6–10, 2022, on the campus of Southern Adventist University. Our complete 16-week SALT program runs August 22–December 15, 2022. Summer SALT is back this year! REGISTER TODAY: 423-236-2034 • S
It Is Written School of Evangelism NONPR OFIT ORG. U. S. POST AG E P AID COLLEGE PRESS ® P.O. Box 6 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0006

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