Issue 03

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I l lM

ua g sa z t i r n e a t e



© 2017 Byanca Young. All rights reserved.

Illustrate Magazine

A cullmination of the talent and artistry in the Vancouver School of Arts and Academics' community and beyond. Issue 02 December 2017 Vancouver, Washington Editor: Byanca Young Advisors: Abby Harris and Crystal Zeller Illustrate Magazine does not claim ownership of the user submitted content and to the full extent permitted by law, shall have no obligation or liability of any kind, including without limitation errors, omissions, or damages, with respect to the user submitted content. All user submitted content was published with the permission of the creator of the content. All rights to the user submitted content remains with the creator of the content. 3

A r t Club Every Tuesday Enrichment A In the VA room (201)


Editor’s Note: These past couple of months have brought about the end of semester, and with that a resounding busi ness as we move into Spring. As the sun begins to shine, and the days get longer, let's find time to create, and be inspired by the beauty we are bless ed to be surrounded by. Please enjoy the third issue of Illustrate Maga zine.







Inside This Issue



TABOO34 An Installation

Unsensored (Invite only) - Monday 12/6 - Open House 5:30-6:30pm 208 W 31st St. Vancouver WA 98660






Hailey Burdick What did you do? I first sketched out a picture on a piece of paper and when I looked at it closer I thought it’d look good as a water color painting and I transferred it from regular printer paper onto water color paper and I let my brush do the rest.


What did you do? I made a watercolor painting of different pine trees. How did you do it? I used different shades of green watercolor and used three techniques for pine trees. Top to bottom, bottom to top, and the dot tech10niques.


Gretel Larrabee


Featured artist M z A b b y H a r r i s




Abby Davis Harris spent her childhood between Georgia and Hawaii eventually landing in The Pacific Northwest. With the guidance of her artist and photographer father, she learned to document her inner and outer worlds. Abby attended a new school each year of her public school life, using her sketchbook as a continual companion. To this day, Abby keeps a visual journal that helps connect her innate creativity to her current artistic practice.


As an adult, Abby has taught visual art for 20 years. Her students enjoy the freedom to create without fear of right or wrong. With gentle guidance, emphasis is placed on the process over product in Miz Harris’ classroom.



Abby Davis Harris’ art focuses on intuitive portraiture. Many of the paintings, done in ink, are an interpretation of a character, or a relationsh between two people. The use of ink allows Ab to both control the pigment while using water to 18 promote the intuitive flow of color.

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What did you do? The first of a comic series. How did you do it? Digital art.

Aaron Pyles


Samantha Steib On the cover 22

ber 23

What did you do? These three photos are all from different series to “” is from a shoot I did in the middl semester, which one of my photos was nomina out on Mrs.Harris’s wall and shown in Barnes & second photo “lionel.light” was a photo challeng I only chose one photo to submit and it had to i manipulation of light and mirrors. This last phot flower” was apart of a series from last year wh white flowers as the manipulated object. I chos three photos because I’m proud of both series them all. They especially challenged me in pho they’re all facial close ups, and challenged me 24 the best angle for each model.

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How did you do it? The photos “” and “white.flower” took a day to shoot, but a few days to edit. The series “” took about 25 min of preparation since I had to glue each gold flake to the models face. The photo “lionel.light” took one class period and after careful selection, I picked that photo to edit.


Why did you do it? They were all mandatory series, but I had a great time shooting them all. Editing is the best since you get to see the change from the before to the after. Locations, models, other relevant info: The model in “” is Olivia Sherman, taken at Sacajawea Elementary School. The model in “lionel.light” is Lionel Theodore, taken in VSAA. The model in “white.flower” is Bella Williams, taken at VSAA 28

Trillian Vieira Block


Corner 30




Taylor Jones

TABOO An Installation

Unsensored (Invite only) - Monday 12/6 - Open House 5:30-6:30pm 208 W 31st St. Vancouver WA 98660

Jason Bernheim

Byanca Young

er Jane Green


In proper society there are certain topics left undiscussed in order to avoid uncomfortableness, topics often vital to society and one’s own wellbeing. In Taboo we sought to address some of these topics, and in bringing them to light, spark much needed conversations, seeking reform and change. Women’s health, particularly that in regard to menstruation, is an ‘activity’ saved for dark corners and the restroom, as though it were a choice that we as women should be ashamed of. Products are heavily taxed as though they weren’t a necessity, leaving many women without the proper care that they need, and leaving many homeless women without something as essential as clothing and a toothbrush. Talking more on this issue and bringing it to light may inspire many to perhaps donate or as is our main goal with this installation, make this a less taboo topic. 35




OliviaDissapate Rankin

What did you do? I made an art piece using both physical art methods and digital art. How did you do it? First, I drew an image out on a piece of paper with pencil. Then I inked over the pencil with a thin micron pen and erased the pencil marks. After that, I scanned the coloring page into my iPad with CamScanner. With the Brushes app, I was able to trace the image I made and use layers to color the image and add texture. Why did you do it? I had an assignment in VA to create a coloring page using the prompt “surrealist adventure� I made my coloring page, but then 39 wanted to color it myself.

What’s in the ga




t Modernism

Alisa Ledbetter41

Post Modern “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work ( and theft ) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.” -Jim Jarmusch 42


Byanca Young 43


Anne Bias 45


Ashley Jones What did you do? I did an urban sketch, a quick sketch of what I see around me, in analogous colors. Why did you do it? I did it for a warm up in VA but also because I enjoy roughly sketching out what I see, and I enjoy the range of colors you can use.


Illustrate Magazine


Š 2017 Byanca Young. All rights reserved.

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