Horrific grave scene of the one indulging in sins during Ramadan

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Terrible Grab Scene That Of The Sins Even During Ramadan Lives Out From: Shaykh-e-Tareeqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami, 'Allamah Abu Bilal Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi    

One day, Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen, Sayyiduna 'Ali ۥ ۥ   ۥ       ! " to a cemetery in Kufa to visit graves. He #$   %   ' saw a newly prepared grave and cherished learn to & desire what's inside. So he #$   %   ' begged Allah (! )! $ with humility "Ya Allah (! )! $ ! & Show me the status of the deceased in his grave." His request was granted immediately. The veil between him and the deceased was immediately lifted. What he saw was a terrible scene. The deceased was burning and screaming for help from Sayyiduna Ali ۥ ۥ     ۥ     ! ".

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O Ali, I'm drowning in the fire, and burn in the fire!

The terrible scene in the grave and the cries of the deceased made Sayyiduna Ali ۥ ۥ       %   ۥ     ! " very sad. He #$  ' raised his hands to the court of the merciful & Allah ( ! )! $ and began in the utmost humility for forgiveness for the deceased to ask. A voice of Ghayb heard "O Ali ( ۥ ۥ   ۥ       ! ")! Do not put yourself to him, since he has not respected the Ramadan. Nevertheless, he fasted, he has not ceased from sinning even during Ramadan. He fasted during the day, but at night he lived sinful. This. words Sayidduna Ali ۥ ۥ   ۥ       ! " was listening even sadder He prostrated himself and began to cry (With tears in his eyes) he said: "Ya Allah ( ! )! $ , please accept my prayer, this man called me for help in great hope, Oh Creator! Please do not disappoint me in front of him, have mercy on him and forgive this helpless man. Sayyiduna Ali ۥ ۥ   ۥ       ! " continued his prayer continued for judgment of Allah ( ! )! $. Then he heard a voice, "O Ali ( ۥ ۥ   ۥ       ! ")! We have forgiven him for thy troubled heart's sake. The man was then released from his punishment." (Anees-ul-Wa'izeen, p.25)

Kyun na Mushkil-Kusha Kahoon tum ko

Tum Nay bigri mayri banayi hay

Those people, but fasting in the blessed month of Ramadan not follow nevertheless from sinning guard, such as: play cards, chess, board games, mobile games, iPad, video games, watching of movies and dramas, listening to music, shave beard or cut www.dawateislami.net

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