Ů? â€ŤŮˆ Ů? ؏‏ ‍ ع‏4Ů Ů?
40 Ruhani Elaj
Forty Spiritual Cures This booklet was written by Shaykh-e-Tariqat Amir-eAhl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami ‘Allamah Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi     in Urdu. The Translation Majlis has translated this booklet into English. If you find any mistake in the translation or composing, please inform Translation Majlis on the following postal or email address with the intention of earning reward [Sawab].
Translation Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami) Alami Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madina, Mahalla Saudagran, Old Sabzi Mandi, Baab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91 translation@dawateislami.net
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Forty Spiritual Cures Please read this booklet completely. Upon seeing virtues of the grand names of Allah , your heart will rejoice "#  ! .
C Excellence of ᚢalÄ t-‘Alan-NabÄŤ Read ᚢalÄ t in abundance upon me, no doubt, your recitation of ᚢalÄ t upon me will be a means of forgiveness for your sins. (JÄ mi’-uᚣ-ᚢaghÄŤr, pp. 87, ḤadÄŤĹĄ 1406, DÄ r-ul-Kutub-ul-‘IlmiyyaÄĽ, Beirut)
ŮŽ Ů? Ů° ŮŽ Ů° ŮŽ Ů? Ů‘Ů° Ů‘ŮŽ ŮŽ ‍ا ŘŞ َؚا Ů… َّمد‏ ‍ؾل‏ 1
ŮŽ ŮŽ ŰĄ Ů‘Ů? ŮŽ ŮŽŰĄ ‍الب Ů? ۥيب‏ â€ŤŘľŮ„ŮˆŘ§â€Ź
Forty Spiritual Cures
Forty Spiritual Cures Read ᚢalÄ t-‘Alan-NabÄŤ once at the beginning and once at the end of every invocation. If cure is not apparently noticed, consider it as a result of your own heedlessness. Do not make complaints and keep the will of Allah in mind.
Ů? Ů‘Ů° ‍Ů?ه ŮŽŮˆâ€Ź Ů‘ŮŽ ‍ا‏ â€ŤŘ ŰĄŮŠ Ů?م‏ Ů? ‍الع‏
Whoever invokes this 7 times after every ᚢalÄ ÄĽ, will remain secured from the evil of ShayášÄ n and he will die with ÄŞmÄ n [faith] intact,   "#  ! .
Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŮ…Ů„Ů?Ůƒâ€Ź
A poor or destitute person who invokes this 90 times every day will get rid of poverty,   "#  ! . 2
Forty Spiritual Cures
Ů? ‍يَـا Ů‚ Ů?Ů‘ŘŻ ŰĄŮˆ Ů?س‏
Whoever invokes this repeatedly during journey, will not suffer fatigue,   "#  ! .
Ů?‍يَـا ŮŽŘł ŮŽ)م‏
Reciting this 111 times and then performing Dam on
an ill person will provide him relief,   "#  ! .
‍يَـا Ů?Ů… َه ŰĄŮŠ Ů?Ů… Ů?ن‏
If a grieved person recites this twenty nine (29) times
daily, his grief will be removed,   "#  ! .
‍يَـا Ů?Ů… َه ŰĄŮŠ Ů?Ů… Ů?ن‏
The one who invokes this 29 times every day will remain protected from every calamity and affliction,   "#
 ! . 3
Forty Spiritual Cures
ŮŽ ‍يَـا Řš Ů?ز ŰĄŮŠ Ů?ز‏
Invoke this 41 times before going to a ruler or officer etc. that ruler/officer will be compassionate,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ŮŽŮ? ŮŽ Ů?Ů‘â€ŤŮƒâ€Ź ‍ب‏ Ů? ‍يـا مت‏
Invoke this 21 times every day. If you have frightful nightmares, you will not be scared in your dreams,   "#
 ! . (Duration of remedy: Until cured).
ŮŽ ŮŽŮ? ŮŽ Ů?Ů‘â€ŤŮƒâ€Ź ‍ب‏ Ů? ‍يـا مت‏
When one invokes this 10 times before making relation with wife; he will become father of a pious son,   "#  ! . 4
Forty Spiritual Cures
Ů? ‍يَـا بَاعŮ?،‏
Whoever invokes this 10 times every Friday, will be granted a son,   "#  ! .
Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŮ‚ َّه‏ ‍اع‏
If somebody invokes 100 times when afflicted by a calamity, the difficulty will be eased,   "#  ! .
Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŮˆ َّه‏ ‍اب‏
Whoever invokes this 7 times every day, will become MustajÄ b-ud-Da’wÄ t (i.e. each of his Duâ€™Ä will be accepted),   "#  ! . 5
Forty Spiritual Cures
Ů? ‍يَـا َ٠َّت‏ ‍اŘ‏
Whoever invokes this 70 times every day after ᚢalÄ tul-Fajr with both hands placed on his chest, the rust and dirt of his heart will be removed,   "#  ! .
Ů? ‍يَـا َ٠َّت‏ ‍اŘ‏
14. Ů? Ů‘ŮŽ ŮŽ
Whoever invokes ‍ يَا ٠تاŘ‏7 times every day (at any time), his heart will become enlightened,   "#  ! .
Ů? ŮŽ ‍ يَـا بَا Ů?Řł Ů?ء‏$‍يَـا قابŮ?؜‏
Whoever invokes this 30 times every day, will gain victory over his enemy,   "#  ! . 6
Forty Spiritual Cures
ď€ â€ŤŮŠŮŽŮ€Ř§ َعا٠Ů?Ů?ؚ‏
Whoever invokes this 20 times every day, his desire will be fulfilled,   "#  ! .
Ů? ŰĄ ‍يَـا بَ Ů?ؾ‏ ‍ي‏
Whoever invokes this 7 times every day at the time of ‘Aᚣr (i.e. anytime from the onset of ‘Aᚣr timings until sunset), will remain protected from sudden death,   "#  ! .
‍يَـا ŮŽŘł Ů?Ů… ŰĄŮŠ Ů?ؚ‏
Whoever invokes this 100 times every day without talking in between and then makes Duâ€™Ä , whatever he asks for will be granted,   "#  ! . 7
Forty Spiritual Cures
‍يَـا ŮŽŘŮƒ ŰĄŮ?ŮŠ Ů?م‏
Whoever invokes this 80 times after each of the five daily ᚢalÄ ÄĽ every day, will never be reliant on anybody,   "#  ! .
Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŘŹŮ„ Ů? ۥيل‏
Whoever invokes this 10 times and performs Dam on his wealth and assets, will remain protected from theft,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ‍يَـا Ř´ Ů?ه ŰĄŮŠ Ů?د‏
Whoever invokes this 21 times in the morning (before sunrise) with one hand on the forehead of a disobedient child, whilst facing towards the sky, that child will become pious,   "#  ! . 8
Forty Spiritual Cures
Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŮˆŮƒ ŰĄŮ?يل‏
Whoever invokes this 7 times at the time of ‘Aᚣr, will get refuge from calamities,   "#  ! .
‍يَـا ŮŽŘŮ€ Ů?Ů… ŰĄŮŠ Ů?د‏
If somebody cannot get rid of the habit of using obscene language, invoke this 90 times and perform Dam onto an empty glass or saucer. As and when required, the person should drink only from that glass or saucer, this habit will cease,   "#  ! . (The glass upon which Dam has been performed once can be used for years for this purpose).
Forty Spiritual Cures
ŰĄŮ? ŮŽ ŰĄ Ů? ‍م‏ ‍ؾ‏ ‍يـا‏
Anyone who recites this one thousand (1000) times every Thursday night (i.e. night falling between Thursday and Friday) will be secured from the torment of the grave and the Day of Judgement,   "#  ! .
ŰĄŮ? ŮŽ ŰĄ ‍م‏ ‍ي‏ Ů? ‍يـا‏
Invoke this 7 times and perform Dam on yourself; whether you have gas, abdominal pain or pain anywhere in the body, or if there is fear of loss of a limb or organ, this invocation will provide relief,   "#   ! . (Duration of remedy: Until cured – perform daily at least once). 10
Forty Spiritual Cures
ŰĄŮ? ŮŽ Ů? ‍يَـا Ů?Ů… Ů?Ů… ŰĄŮŠâ€Źď€ $‍ي‏ ŰĄ ‍م‏ ď€ â€ŤŘŞâ€Ź Ů? ‍يـا‏
Invoke this 7 times every day and perform Dam on yourself, magic will not affect,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ŮŽ ‍؏ Ů?د‏ Ů? ‍يـا ŮˆŘ§â€Ź
Whoever invokes this with every morsel whilst eating, that food will become Nōr (light) for him in his stomach and it will remove disease,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ŮŽ ‍؏ Ů?د‏ Ů? ‍يـا ما‏
Whoever invokes this 10 times, performs Dam onto a beverage etc. and then drinks it, will not become ill,   "#  ! . 11
Forty Spiritual Cures
â€ŤŘ Ů?د‏ Ů? ‍يَـا ŮŽŮˆŘ§â€Ź
Whoever feels afraid when in solitude should invoke this 1001 times when alone, fear will die out from his heart,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ‍يَـا قاد Ů?Ů?ع‏
Whoever makes it a habit to invoke this whilst washing each limb during Wu�ō, enemy will not be able to abduct him,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ‍يَـا قاد Ů?Ů?ع‏
31. ŮŽ
ŮŽ Invoke ‍ يـا قاد Ů?Ů?ع‏41 times at times of difficulty, it will be
resolved,   "#  ! . 12
Forty Spiritual Cures
ŰĄ ‍يَـا Ů?Ů…Ů‚ ŮŽŘŞ Ů?ŘŻ Ů?ع‏
Whoever invokes this 20 times every day, will remain under the shade of blessings,   "#  ! .
ŰĄ ‍يَـا Ů?Ů…Ů‚ ŮŽŘŞ Ů?ŘŻ Ů?ع‏
Whoever invokes this 20 times upon waking up from sleep, the help of Allah will back up him in his affairs,   "#  ! .
Ů? Ů‘ŮŽ ŮŽ ŮŽ ‍يـا Ř§ŮˆŮ„â€Ź
Whoever invokes this 100 times every day, his wife will love him,   "#  ! .
Forty Spiritual Cures
‍ يَـا Ů?Ů… ŰĄŘš Ů?ء ۥي‏$‍يَـا َمان Ů?Ů?ؚ‏
If the wife is upset then the husband, and if the husband is upset then the wife, should invoke this 20 times before going to sleep whilst sitting on the bedding they will reconcile,   "#   ! . (Duration of remedy: Until cured).
ŮŽ ‍يَـا ظاهŮ? Ů?ع‏
Write this on the wall of your home, the wall will remain intact,   "#  ! .
Ů? Ů? ‍يَـا َعؤ ŰĄŮˆŮ â€Ź
One who wants to get relieved an oppressed person from the pursuit of an oppressor should invoke this 10 times and then speak to the oppressor, that oppressor will accept his recommendation,   "#  ! . 14
Forty Spiritual Cures
Ů‘Ů? ‍يَـا َغ‏ ‍ن‏ Ů?
If suffering from pain in the spine, the knees, the joints, or anywhere in the body, continue to invoke this whilst walking around, whilst sitting and whist standing the pain will be relieved,   "#  ! .
Ů? Ů? ‍يَـا Ů?Ů… ۥغ‏ ‍ن‏
By reciting this once, performing Dam on the hands, and then wiping them over any area of pain, relief will be obtained,   "#  ! .
ŮŽ ‍يَـا نا٠Ů?Ů?ؚ‏
Whoever invokes this 20 times before starting any work, that work will be completed according to his wishes,   "#  ! . 15