Sun yay

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sun-yay produt design graduation project

design problem : to design a new tools to help improve the quality of experience of immunization patient, as an innovative medium to help socialize the immunization program.

design process this is the general illustration of the design process of this project. though at some point some other aspect are incorporated in order to broaden the knowledge of the problem and to enrich the ideation process, it is still in accordance with the step of this design process.

data research


field research

design problem


problem validation



solution formulation problem analysis

data research

design concept


design alternatives


design decision


user testing


final design



data research the research is based on the general assumption about the importance of child immunization, and the better way of socializing it, as there is still some refusal to participate at some places. by studying primarily on the policy and the actual implementation of immunization program.

insight 1.

immunization is a key medium to help increase the body immunity by giving a weakened antigen to the patient.


basic immunization is one of the most important immunization program, to help prevent the infant from getting infected by the deadly disease. and Indonesia government had set the target to increase the coverage rate of the basic immunization program from 86,8% to 93% in it is important to assess the hurdle of achiving this target.

3. based on the research done by the Ministry of Health of Indonesia, there are two main reason which prevent the parents from participating the program : a. didn’t get permission from the family b. hesitate to see their infant caught a fever after getting the vaccine 4. this two main reason could be could be analyzed further, and is the result of two main factor : a. different view on the immunization b. the understanding of the work of vaccine in immunization process


field research the field research is done by interviewing the stakeholder, both patient and health workers, and by studying the process and procedure of the immunization itself. while also taking into account the tools and facility in which the progam is taking its place.

patient interview

immunization procedure counter registration

physical check-up health check-up

vaccine injection vaccine explanation

briefing of possible side effect

vaccine injection sterilization of injection area

- the most irritating thing when joining the program is to hear the baby crying, which made the parents feel sorry and helpless. - to help calm their infant, the parents usually try to hold and cuddle them. - communication and empathy of the health workers, who give the vaccine, are the important thing which the parents really paid attention to.

sterilization of injection area

- vaccine is the most important material in immunization program, as the success of immunization often depends on its condition. so storing it in the ideal temperature is often given the special attention. - flexibility to utilize the limited space and tools is the key factor on how many public health facility can conduct the immunization program with all of its limitation.








a. a baby crying after vaccine injection b. drop-vaccine immunization c. patients waiting by standing at limited space of the public health center (Puskesmas) d. health worker calming the baby before giving the vaccine e. health worker measuring the baby height f. cooling box as vaccine storage


design problem based on the data and insight gathered from literature and field study, the aspect of the problem is then limited to : a. immunization practice b. tools & equipment of immunization c. space of immunization d. the mobility aspect of immunization tools & equipment

data analysis - eventough there are many limitation in the space and tools availability in the implementation of immunization program, the flexibility of the health workers in conducting the program is proving to be the solution amidst these limitation. for example, by making an efficient scheduling of room usage in the public health center, they are able to perform the program, altough there are no special room for immunization. eventough this could still be improved by designing a more space efficient and function compact tools & equipment of immunization. - as one of the main target of immunization program is to increase its participation rate, the socialization of immunization plays an important role. the health department of Bandung for example, is doing its socialization through radio program. and at some occasion like National Immunization Week (PIN), the government is doing a television commercial, as a medium of socialization. and considering how immunization check up is often done by health volunteer, and how the personal aspect plays important role in doing so, it is important to view the immunization program from the personal perspective of the parents.


problem validation based on the general assumption and the data analyisis done before, the research is then focused on the socialization aspect of immunization. as the flexibility of the health workers in conducting the program is proven to be effective within the infrastructure limitation. while there is still some urgency to find a better way of socializing the program. especially to those who still refuse to participate in it.

on the National Immunization Week (PIN) organized by ministry of health last year, the commitee distributed the baloon and snacks for the children participating the event. as one of the medium to promote the program, by making the children happy. but unfortunately, the official PIN baloon was limited, and the commitee used the regular baloon instead. while not all the participating children can enjoy the snacks, as some are still unable to chew it. which we then conclude as an opportunity for design to intervene.


problem analysis based on the previous data analysis and problem validation, it is then decided that one way to formulate a new way to socialize the immunization program is by enhancing its patient experience. especially, on how we can help the baby to cry less. as it is often made the parents uncomfortable.

helping the baby cry less

distracting the baby

1. 2. 3.

- as one of the way to help the baby to cry less is by distracting his/her attention, this aspect could be explored to develop a product that could enhance the patient experience

what can be given - Topical Anesthethics - sugar water what can be done - positioning the infant correctly - breastfeeding how to act - self conditioning - distracting the baby

- and as the baby sense is still at its development phase, this distraction aspect is a good opportunity to train/check his/her sense development.


design concept based on the problem analysis done before, the 3 keywords for the design concept is consisted of : Distractive (able to distract the crying baby) Promotional (the satisfied parents could help promote the immunization program to their neighbours) Educative (the distraction feature is adjusted with regards to baby sense development)

baby sense development

design alternatives 1.

Immunization Reminder-Toys Design

the design of toy which distract the crying baby, that can also serve as a reminder of immunization schedule with technology embededd. 2.

based on the graphic, we could see which sense is developed early than the other. which then deteremine the feature to embedded in the design. is the product feature is adjusted to the current baby sense capability, or it is intended more as a stimulus to help train their sense capability?

Educative Toys Design

the design of a toy which distract the crying baby. which feature are set to drive the sense development of the baby. 3.

Development Toys Design

the design of a toy which distract the crying baby. which feature are adjusted to the current sense capability of the baby.


design decision the design alternatives is then compared to determine the most suitable one to represent the keywords distractive

1. immunization reminder toys design


2. educative toys design 3. development toys design




product scenario

image board

and after comparing the design alternatives, the development toys design is chosen based on the priority to enhance the patient experience, by making the baby cry less. and after studying the baby sense development phase, the product feature scenario decided as the basis for the product design exploration. baby age 1 month

vaccine given Hepatitis B, BCG, Polio

stimulus developed color contrast

2 month

DPT-HB 1, Polio 2


3 month

DPT-HB 2, Polio 3

color variation

4 month

DPT-HB 3, Polio 4


5 month


eye-hand coordination

material study as the user is baby, than safety is a top priority in deciding which material to use. High Density Polyethelene (HDPE) plastic is chosen because it is light and easy to clean and relatively safe for childern to use.


design sketches as one of the two main reason people didnt’t participate in the immunization program is because they don’t really understand how the vaccine works, it is then considered to incorporate the educative aspect in the product design.

bacteria inspired shape

by mimicking the shape of bacteria that is weakened by the vaccine in the immunization program, the product design is hoped to serve as a communication medium for the health workers to better explain the disease they want to prevent, and the way the vaccine works against them


user testing after studying the characteristic and the possibility of material exploration, the design is developed, mainly based on the inspiration gathered from the image board and the bacteria shape.

model study & user testing

product multifunctionality

- as the immunization patient age who came to the public health center are varied, the management of the availability of the product must be considered. - the dimension and constrait of use is the main factor when designing for infant. - the storing, packaging and the scenario of product distribution must be considered, especially if this project were to be scalaed.

after doing the model study and get the feedback from user testing, gathering patient insight and scenario of its use, the design is then revised and developed. and to add the value of the product, the multifunctionality aspect is added. which in this case, is to be used as a stationary. in the hope to extend life length of the product itself.


final design the final design is consisted of 5 design. and the scenario for product usage is that the baby would be given the toys, to anticipate their crying, each time they participate in the basic immunization program which they must attend atleast 5 times until they aged 12 month.

unfortunately because of the time limitation and the difficulty to produce the product with the ideal and safe material for the baby, the final product is yet to be tested to the user. as the design is still produced as a prototype made by using 3d printing technique.


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