North Ridgeville 2024

Page 12


Being a part of a t&am means being a partof som&thing bigger.At Riddell, that connadlon between factoryfloor and football fields around the world Is what drives us. It's why we're here. We make football helmets.

At Riddell, we are also a part of something bigger. When we send a helmet down the line, we know that helmet ls going to an athlete to protect them on the field, while they're playing th& gam& we all love.

Comejoin ourteam.

APPLYNOW! Reach out if you are interested in working with our great team!
Pediatric Dentistry for Today’s Smiles Get to know more about Dr. George on our website!

This is an Image Builders Marketing Inc.™ Trademark Publication.

Copyright © 2024, All rights reserved. Image Builders Marketing, Inc. 440-346-4482

Additional copies are available at North Ridgeville City Hall 7307 Avon Belden Rd. and Lorain Public Library SystemNorth Ridgeville Branch 35700 Bainbridge Rd. View the book online at

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2 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
inclusion does not constitute an endorsement
recommendation. 2024-2025 COMMUNITY GUIDE North Ridgeville On the Cover: Top clockwise: • South Central Park • North Ridgeville Branch Library • North Ridgeville Fire Station #1 • Lorain County Metro Parks, Sandy Ridge Reservation • Old Town Hall • North Ridgeville Police Station ribbon cutting ceremony • Gateway sign, City of North Ridgeville • North Ridgeville Academic Center • Ranger Strong, North Ridgeville City Schools Above: Mayor Kevin Corcoran and Superintendent Roxann RamseyCaserio at the 2024 State of the City luncheon. Left: Aerial view of Ranger Way Photos: The City of North Ridgeville 4 MAYOR’S MESSAGE 5 CITY OVERVIEW 9 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE 10 EDUCATION 13 BUSINESS & COMMUNITY LEADERS 16 HEALTH & WELLNESS 18 HOMES & REAL ESTATE 20 SENIOR LIVING 22 PARKS & RECREATION 24 COMMUNITY INFORMATION 29 DINING GUIDE 31 PLACES OF WORSHIP 32 ADVERTISER INDEX Contents

Van's Tire started out in the Wadsworth community over 30 years ago Joshua Baughman took over the Wadsworth location in September of 2013, and updated the name to Van's Auto Service & Tire Pros He opened the North Ridgeville location in September of 2016 and since then, 11 more locations have been added to the Van's family of stores in Northeast and Central Ohio.

Van's specializes in personalized auto service and tire sales, taking great pride in making sure that each customer walks away happy and well taken care of. We provide a digital vehicle inspection with every visit that includes pictures, which is helpful in giving an honest and transparent assessment of each vehicle. We are a full service shop that handles oil changes, brakes, alignments, suspension work, engine and transmission repair

Stop by or call us Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 6:00pm and Saturdays from 7:30am to 3:00pm Or visit us at!


WADSWORTH 185 Broad St (330) 336-6630

IBERIA 3596 State Rt 309 (419) 468-1777 MANSFIELD 801 Lexington Ave (419) 529-0865

MEDINA 1451 Medina Road (330) 239-2371

NORWALK 2874 State Rt 61 (419) 677-0655

BROOK PARK 14671 Snow Rd (216) 898-5800

SHEFFIELD 5207 Detroit Rd (440)517-1587

WOOSTER 210 S Buckeye St (330) 262-6800 PARMA 7701 Day Drive (440) 663-3600

AKRON - ELLET 682 Canton Rd (330) 784-7740

AKRON - EAST MARKET 1725 E Market St (330) 784-5454

AKRON - WATERLOO RD. 449 E Waterloo Rd (330) 724-7400 3 w
v a n s t i r e p r o s . c o m
37775 Center Ridge Road
Ridgeville location at
Center Ridge Rd.

I am incredibly proud of all we have accomplished in the last few years, building for our future in the city of North Ridgeville.

Safety is always a top priority, and this year we were able to open a new police station to better serve our community and provide the modern facilities needed to support our men and women in law enforcement.

We are working hard to keep our city in tip-top shape, from ditch cleaning that keeps the water flowing to new gateway and facility signs that show our civic pride. Other projects in the works in 2024 include new roundabouts, bridge replacements and park improvements. We know that investing in our infrastructure and amenities makes North Ridgeville an attractive place to live and work.

We are building success in our economic development efforts, seeing more and more new businesses calling North Ridgeville home. These include restaurants, retail and other small businesses serving our residents, as well as manufacturers bringing new employment opportunities to the area.

Of course, our schools are another important part of the community. With voters’ support, the North Ridgeville City School District has embarked upon a several years-long process to design and construct a new high school, with the goal of providing quality facilities to match the excellent quality of education offered by the school district.

We are on the move in North Ridgeville! Stay connected with us to keep up to date on the latest news and information. Visit our website at, sign up for our monthly e-newsletter and follow us on social media. Every Friday I post a video with timely news and highlights of what’s happening in our city. Also, I invite you to stop by City Hall for one of my monthly Coffee and Conversations where I share updates and answer your questions. Finally, I would like to thank those business and community partners for their support and for making this publication possible. We hope you enjoy the 2024 North Ridgeville Community Guide.


4 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 MAYOR’S WELCOME
4 North Ridgeville Community Guide
| 2024-2025
Mayor Kevin Corcoran

Building for Our Future

North Ridgeville has been one of the fastest growing communities in Northeast Ohio over the last two decades. While the pace of development has slowed since 2020, the city continues to plan, adapt and leverage opportunities that come with growth. Here are some of the ways North Ridgeville is building for its future.

Building Confidence

The new North Ridgeville Police Station became fully operational this year on March 18. The department’s 41 full-time officers and eight civilian employees are now based out of the facility at 7070 Ranger Way. The police

station was constructed between Fire Station #1 and the Public Works Department. Geography was an important consideration, according to Police Chief Mike Freeman. “Our new location puts us at the door step of the North Ridgeville Academic Center and High School.”

Construction of the new 21,458 square foot police station began in early 2023. Safety and security were high priorities in the planning process for the facility. “This building has important safety features including the design of the jail and interview rooms, controlled access, security cameras, radio improvements and system redundancy,” said Freeman.

“Better technology and equipment upgrades will create greater efficiency in our operations which will give us the ability to solve more crimes.”

The campus-style development allows all operations, equipment and records to be housed in one place. The

» Continued on page 6

Building for Our Future

» Continued from page 5

new 7,800 square foot pre-engineered metal storage building is being used for evidence processing, training, found property, gear storage and the kennel.

The community helped to celebrate the opening of the new station at a ribbon cutting on April 27. The event offered attendees an insider tour of the new building, and included police and SWAT vehicles, K9

demonstrations, food trucks and other fun family activities.

Building a Foundation

After a 15-month, community-driven planning process, North Ridgeville City Council adopted the new Ridgeville Ready 2024 Master Plan on April 15.

Tailor Welded Blanks Valley City, OH

6 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 CITY OVERVIEW
to R: Residents get a guided tour of the new North Ridgeville Police Station jail; weight/workout room; police dispatch room.
Proud to be the #1 manufacturer of Tailor Welded Blanks in the United States. Scan the QR code to watch our recruitment video, view open positions and to learn how we work with the top automotive manufacturers in the world. We are hiring positions in engineering, maintenance, material handling, accounting, production, and more! We Are Hiring! Apply Today!

The plan sets forth a vision for the city over the next ten to 15 years. According to Planning and Development Director Kim Lieber, the plan is a tool to prepare for and manage change. “It includes goals and recommendations for each of the topic areas, with a focus on land use, housing and economic development. It was important to create an actionable plan and to be able to measure our progress,” said Lieber.

“Our master plan is a policy document and guide for decision-makers,” said Mayor Kevin Corcoran. The plan will serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and more.

Corcoran emphasized that the ideas and recommendations in the plan were reflective of input from residents, businesses and other stakeholders. “We obtained a lot of feedback throughout the process, from our steering committee, focus group participants and interested residents who attended our public engagement events.”

This is not a plan that will sit on the shelf, as implementation has already begun, according to Lieber. “We are busy working on transportation plans and traffic studies, zoning code updates, infrastructure projects and communication improvements, all recommendations of the plan.”

One transportation study now underway is the North Ridgeville Active Transportation Plan. The city, in partnership with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) and North Ridgeville Heart and Sole, is working on a plan to improve connectivity and safety in the community, specifically focusing on non-motorized means of travel. The goal is to develop an interconnected trail and sidewalk network that links residents and workers to local and regional assets. The planning process also includes an updated Safe Routes to School strategy for the North Ridgeville City Schools.

“We heard through the master plan process that residents want to be able to walk and bike to more places. In areas without sidewalks, safety is a critical consideration,” said

Lieber. “The plan will prioritize future capital improvements for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and help us as we seek funding.”

More information about the Active Transportation Plan is available on the city’s website. Lieber shared that the planning process is expected to wrap up in the fall and that

» Continued on page 8

Bogner Life Celebration Center is now open adjacent to the Funeral Home for fully catered events including after-funeral luncheons and Celebration of Life services. Call 440-327-2955 for further information. 7 36625 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville
North Ridgeville Police Station Ribbon Cutting

Building for Our Future

future public input opportunities will be available.

Building Pride

As an expression of civic pride, the city has made recent investments in new gateway signs, facility signs, streetscape banners and landscaping enhancements at city properties.

“We’ve received a lot of positive feedback on our new gateway signs,” said Corcoran. “I think it is important to lead by example. We want homeowners and business owners to keep their properties looking nice as a positive reflection of our city. We need to do the same.”

One notable new installation is the stretch of red, white and blue banners along Bainbridge Road.

“We began this banner program to

» Continued from page 7

recognize the great sacrifice that our military members make in serving our country,” said Corcoran.

Local families were able to purchase streetscape banners through the Hometown Heroes Project, which were installed near the new North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial at South Central Park. In celebration of the opening of the memorial this year, banners will be hung for two years before being returned to families.

“The Veterans Memorial is a special place to pay tribute to our community’s veterans,” said Corcoran. “I think the banners add to the hometown feel, seeing the faces of our North Ridgeville service members, past and present.” Corcoran added that given the strong interest,

At First Federal Lakewood, it does. Whether you choose us for your mortgage, your checking and savings accounts, or to be your trusted partner for your business banking and loans, you’re choosing to join thousands of people who understand that banking with First Federal Lakewood is the best way to #BankLocal.

8 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
What if the dollars you deposit at your bank helped North Ridgeville’s residents, businesses and economy? North Ridgeville 33701 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeville, OH 44039 (440) 327-1311
Hometown Heroes Project
he hoped to continue and
upon the banner program in future years. North Ridgeville! Scott Hughes Vice President - Sales 440-823-1908 Alex Kaldy Drellishak Regional Sales Manager 440-263-2263 Want to be in the next Community Guide? Become an advertiser! Thank You

Helping Members Grow Their Business

North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce works closely with our business partners, our city, and our schools. Our chamber is a vital part of the success of all the businesses in North Ridgeville. Our very successful Annual Golf Event held at Red Tail Golf Club is on August 27, 2024. This event is our largest fundraiser and provides funds for our Scholarship Program. Discover the Ridge, held in May, and Holiday on the Ridge, held in December, are our annual community events drawing thousands of visitors to North Ridgeville from all over northeast Ohio.

Thank you to all our member businesses for their continued support that creates our evergrowing North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce community. For more info, visit us online at

Progress Through Partnerships

48th Annual Golf Event

August 27, 2024

Red Tail Golf Club 4400 Lear Nagle Rd., Avon

10 a.m. Shot gun start

$190/per golfer

$175/early bird

During our 36th year, we remain committed to our mission of promoting and supporting the success and growth of the Lorain County business community. This past year saw the dawn of a new economic development organization, ONE Lorain County, and the Chamber is committed to supporting its economic development strategy, which is designed to attract and build upon Lorain County’s past success. The Chamber looks forward to partnering with ONE Lorain County and all those focused on growing Lorain County’s economy. This kind of “Progress through Partnerships” will allow us to continue to build bridges within our municipalities and support the work that is taking place locally, regionally as well as statewide.  Lorain County stands out as THE location that can provide a workforce that stands ready for future investment. As Ohio continues to win economic investment, we need to ensure that Lorain County receives our fair share of new projects. 9
Front Row: John Bryan, Board Chair Philip Amos, Chamber President Anthony Gallo, Sharon Pearson, Tracy Green. Back Row: Lisa Hutson, Jeremy Damstra, Chris Mead, Dr. Gil Palmer, Ed Skimin, Darryl Tucker.
440-328-2550 Progress through Partnerships
Congratulations to the Pasenows of KLM Home Decor for being selected as the 2023 North Ridgeville Business of the Year. Pictured (L-R) Jason Pasenow, Elysia Pasenow, and Chamber President Chris Hibsman.
Contact Marjorie Snyder - 440-327-3737 NRCHAMBER.COM

Pathways to the Future

The North Ridgeville City School District (NRCS) continues to see an increase in enrollment as the city population grows. Since 2015, over 600 students have been added to the district with nearly 4,900 currently enrolled. With the growing enrollment, new facilities are on the horizon. After the successful passage of the bond issue in November 2023, the early stages of design are underway for a new high school and maintenance/transportation facility.

As a district, our main vision is to empower students to design their preferred future. Along with the core classes of math, English, science, and history, there’s a wide range of electives to appeal to individual students. With pathways leading to employment, enlistment, enrollment, and entrepreneurship, each student is able to choose courses which best suit their strengths, interests, and direction to their goal.

For those who are interested in

enrollment, the district offers a variety of Advanced Placement and College Credit Plus courses designed to prepare graduates for collegiate success. Through partnerships with Lorain County Community College, 237 students earned over 1,998 hours of college credit by participating in College Credit Plus classes last year. The district is proud to have the only fully accredited STEAM school in Lorain County and one of only 70 in the state of Ohio. Ranger High-Tech Academy houses students in grades three through eight. Students can also continue on this pathway with STEAM classes offered through high school. These students have the opportunity to experience hands-on, collaborative project-based learning. All High-Tech graduating seniors in 2023 earned an

Associate degree along with their high school diploma.

NRCS offers 77 different extracurricular activities with nearly 800 student athletes. There is also programming for students to succeed in the arts, such as band, choir, art, and drama. The district aims to help students find their passion through a myriad of school sponsored organizations, including the antibullying club, key club, robotics club, and student council.

Inclusivity has always been a priority for the district. This year, NRCS again hosted the Unified Basketball Tournament which included five local schools competing in a round-robin tournament. Young entrepreneurs at the high school have created two successful businesses. Able Not Label designs and

10 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 EDUCATION
Capable Confections entrepreneurs Seventh-grade students, with the help of a professional songwriter, wrote and recorded their own song.
Follow us us on Social Media on Social Media ABOUT NRCS 34620 Bainbridge Road North Ridgeville, OH 44039 (440) 327-4444 NRCS net North Ridgeville City
Empowering students to design their preferred future. North Ridgeville City Schools @NRCSrangers @NRCSrangers

creates custom clothing. In June 2023, they opened a storefront for more space to create and sell merchandise. Capable Confections opened in February 2024 where students make and sell sweet treats like mini cupcakes, chocolatecovered pretzels, and chocolate covered Oreos. Students with diverse abilities learn essential life skills like cooking, production, marketing, and sales. Both businesses are successful and create new and wonderful opportunities for students. NRCS is also home to The Sparkle Squad, which is an inclusive spirit team that cheers at games and

In the world of highly selective college admissions, Lake Ridge Academy in North Ridgeville has positioned itself as a school that gets results. “With colleges going testoptional, students need an outstanding essay to be competitive,” explains Rhett Rybarczyk, Director of College Counseling. Students enroll in an extensive college essay writing

different school events.

NRCS continues to grow and evolve in order to create the best educational experiences for our students. The highquality academic programming and wide variety of extracurricular activities allow students to choose their own path. The North Ridgeville City School District is dedicated to empowering students to design their preferred future.

Students took advantage of the 60-degree November day and "Raked a Difference" for members of the North Ridgeville community.

program that includes review by faculty mentors. This, in addition to info sessions, parent meetings, and a robust schedule of college visits, is why 75% of students are admitted to their first-choice college.

Lake Ridge Academy offers a highly personalized college counseling experience with intentionally small classes. Ava Orcutt,

Lake Ridge Academy Gets Results

a senior attending Wellesley College next year, explains, “As a first-generation college student, I benefited greatly from Lake Ridge. Mr. Rybarczyk and my teachers have been supportive every step of the way.” Schedule a tour to learn more about how we prepare students for college and beyond. 11
NRHS students of Able Not Label cut the ribbon at the grand opening of their storefront on June 29, 2023. 11
North Ridgeville City Schools published authors

Easy Start ... Easy Transfer.

Lorain County Community College makes it easy to earn free college credit while in high school and then transfer credits to a four-year university.

When Garrett Rafn was a freshman at Avon Lake High School, he already knew he wanted to be a doctor. To get a head start, Garrett began taking Lorain County Community College classes through College Credit Plus his sophomore year.

By the time Garrett graduated from high school, he had earned 58 college credits and transferred every one of

“Graduating debt-free is something that I never would have believed I could do. And it’s because of LCCC and getting my start there.”

-- Garrett Rafn

them to Cleveland State University. Two years later Garrett earned his Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Premedicine with a minor in biology. And he graduated from Cleveland State University debt-free.

College Credit Plus has helped students like Garrett, and their families, save $44 million in tuition costs over

the last 10 years. And LCCC’s Transfer Center makes it easy to align those courses with a career pathway and transfer credits to any Ohio public fouryear college or university.

Learn more about College Credit Plus at Learn more about our Transfer Center at

You can SAVE an average of $74,000 on your bachelor’s or master’s degree through LCCC’s University Partnership. Our college and university partners deliver more than 100 bachelor’s and master’s degrees right on the LCCC campus. • 440-366-4949

12 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 EDUCATION

Business & Community Leaders Ridgev

Roxanne Ramsey-Caserio, Superintendent, North Ridgeville City Schools Kevin Corcoran, Mayor, City of North Ridgeville Dr. Marcia Ballinger, Ph.D., President, Lorain County Community College Martin DeVries, Regional Branch Manager, First Federal Lakewood Dr. George Boukas, Owner, Thriving Smiles Pediatric Dentistry Stephanie Wiersma, CEO, Lorain County Health & Dentistry Garry Gibbs, Director, Lorain County Visitors Bureau Kim Lieber, Director of Planning & Development, City of North Ridgeville Hugo Aceves, General Manager, Fiesta Jalapeńos Alex Martinez, Owner, Fiesta Jalapeńos Kevin Crow, Pastor, Harvest Ridge Church Robin Crow, Pastor, Harvest Ridge Church Drew Dixon, Director of Distribution & Strategy, Riddell 13
Rick Brown, Director of Manufacturing Operations, Riddell

Riddell Leads Football into the Future

Whether it’s Friday Night Lights or tuning into games on Saturdays & Sundays, Ohioans love our football.

But, you might not know that football runs through our neighborhood in North Ridgeville at Riddell’s ~350,000 square foot production facility located at 7501 Performance Lane. A centerpiece of Northeast Ohio for decades and situated in North Ridgeville since 2017, hundreds of dedicated teammates at Riddell are working to improve athlete protection for football players here in Ohio and around the world. This facility produces new helmets for youth through the NFL, custom shoulder pads for the elite, and distributes a variety of products, including collectible helmets.

The biggest activity at Riddell’s North Ridgeville location is equipment reconditioning, which is the refurbishment and recertification of football helmets and maintenance of shoulder pads and athletic gear. Whether you’re a team or a parent of a young athlete, annual reconditioning advances player protection and prolongs the effective life of the equipment.

Any good team starts with strong leadership, and Riddell’s got it with Rick Brown and Drew Dixon on the management team. Each brings unique career experiences to their work, but they both share a love of football, which is core to Riddell’s DNA.

As Director of Manufacturing Operations, Rick employs

his knowledge across industries to Riddell as he oversees all manufacturing activities, operations, and maintenance of the plant. Rick is valued for his team building and focus on process improvement, endearing him to colleagues. He also believes in the work, “My favorite aspect of working for Riddell is the ability to supply a product that is easy to get behind and support. If you choose to wear a Riddell football helmet, you’re getting the very best.”

A North Ridgeville resident, Drew Dixon, Director of Distribution and Strategy, is proud that Riddell chose our city. Drew remembers Riddell’s open house event with over 5,000 people getting a firsthand look at the facility. “It was exciting to see how the community was interested to learn about what we do. North Ridgeville has fully embraced Riddell.” As a former collegiate player, Drew enjoys blending his passion for football with his career.

Speaking of careers, Riddell has several manufacturing, operations, and office-based positions available and is actively recruiting. Joining the Riddell team also means employment stability, a competitive benefits program, and football every day.

Riddell is hiring! Call now at 440.353.8664


Rick Brown: Cleveland Browns, The Ohio State Buckeyes, and Akron Zips

Drew Dixon: Pittsburgh Steelers and Case Western Spartans

14 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 14 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
Drew Dixon, Director of Distribution & Strategy Rick Brown, Director of Manufacturing Operations


Martinez & Hugo Aceves

Fiesta Jalapeńos

Alex Martinez is the owner of Fiesta Jalapeńos and Fiesta Habaneros in Avon. Alex is a proud army veteran, husband, and father of two beautiful children. Alex has been in the restaurant business for over 12 years, taking over this location in 2020. He has made many renovations to the restaurant, including adding on a beautiful, four-seasons patio!

FMartin DeVries First Federal Lakewood

irst Federal Lakewood is the largest depositor-owned bank headquartered in Ohio. And, as a mutual bank, we’re focused on making decisions that benefit our customers, our community and our employees - not shareholders,” states Martin DeVries, Regional Branch Manager.

Hugo Aceves is the general manager of Fiesta Jalapeńos. He has over 16 years of restaurant experience. He is also a proud husband and father of 2 children. Hugo takes pride in providing exceptional, friendly service. Both Alex and Hugo want to make sure everyone who enters their doors feels like family. Their upbeat atmosphere, friendly staff, and receptive service makes Fiesta Jalapeńos the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a wonderful meal. All food and margaritas are made from 100% fresh, quality ingredients and are prepared from scratch daily. Come enjoy a margarita on the nicest patio in North Ridgeville!

Dr. George Boukas Doing Dentistry Differently

Dr. George Boukas is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, and spent two years at St. Christopher’s Hospital in Philadelphia, PA where he completed training specifically focused on children’s dentistry. He and his committed team have specialized experience and a deep understanding of how to care for young patients in dentistry, spanning from infancy to teenage years.

They’re focused on leveraging their strength to benefit the communities they serve by reinvesting deposits from customers right back into the local community. Which means for North Ridgeville customers, deposits stay close to home and may help make possible a mortgage loan for a neighbor over on Lorain Road or help a business owner right here on Center Ridge Road secure financing.

“I invite you to visit our North Ridgeville branch,” says Martin. “As a local community bank, we work hard to offer our customers a wide variety of products and customer service that is second to none. We welcome the opportunity to be your trusted financial partner.”

PHarvest Ridge Church

astors Kevin and Robin Crow moved to North Ridgeville in 1992 to start what would become Harvest Ridge Church.

They gathered a core group that began meeting on May 2, 1992, in Liberty Elementary School. After several location changes, a permanent facility was constructed at 35600 Lorain Road.

For 31 years, the church has experienced consistent growth. Each weekend, hundreds of people gather to worship. From the beginning, one major focus has been a place for children and youth to learn about God and grow in their faith. The many young families that participate each weekend are evidence that this goal is being met.

Recognizing that each child is unique, they believe in customizing dental care to suit individual needs and offer a wide range of services to ensure your child’s oral health. At Thriving Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, the team emphasizes a fun, cozy, and educational atmosphere during visits, aiming to nurture healthy smiles for life. This is where it all begins! Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment.

The church is also known for HarvestPalooza, a yearly party thrown by the church for the community. Every Labor Day weekend, South Central Park is filled on Sunday night with kids’ games, bounce houses, live music, free food, and a fireworks show. The event is free!

Harvest Ridge also has monthly feeding programs, recovery programs and a quality Preschool, as well as many other ministries and outreaches. 15
33725 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville • 440-327-1431
Hugo Aceves, General Manager and Alex Martinez, Owner
33701 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville • 440-327-1311
Martin DeVries, Regional Branch Manager Kevin and Robin Crow
35600 Lorain Rd., North Ridgeville • 440-327-0024 15
Kevin and Robin Crow, Pastors
33701 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville • 440-327-1311
Dr. George Boukas, Owner

Stephanie Wiersma, CEO

Lorain County Health & Dentistry

Lorain County Health & Dentistry (LCH&D) is an independent, non-profit Community Health Center operating since 2002, under the direction of CEO Stephanie Wiersma. With a mission to improve the community’s health, particularly for those most in need, LCH&D provides primary and preventive health care of the highest quality to persons of all ages, at seven locations in Lorain, Elyria, Oberlin and North Ridgeville. Services include adult & family medicine, pediatrics, optometry, OB/women’s health, general dentistry, integrated behavioral health, podiatry and pharmacy. Lorain County Health & Dentistry accepts insurance including Medicaid and Medicare, and discounts fees for qualifying insured and uninsured patients. The health center works closely with community partners to expand its reach into the most vulnerable neighborhoods.

Ms. Wiersma is active in the local community and at the state level with the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers.

North Ridgeville Heart & Sole is a communitybased group working to improve the physical, social, and mental well-being of those who live, work, and visit the community. Initiatives include indoor walking, produce pickup programs, Girls in Gear, and improvements to the built environment through crosswalks and trail enhancements.

Looking for easy and affordable recipes? Check out the recipe corner on New recipes are available monthly and free to download!

Heart & Sole is funded and powered by the United Way of Greater Lorain County and facilitated by Lorain County Public Health. The collaboration includes partners from local businesses, agencies, and organizations. Visit to learn more about upcoming events.

Stephanie Wiersma, CEO
1205 Broadway Ave., Lorain • 440-240-1655 Providing high quality and affordable medical, dental, eye care, behavioral health services and pharmacy services regardless of ability to pay Serving all ages at seven convenient locations in Lorain, Elyria, Oberlin and North Ridgeville! (440) 240-1655 Medicaid, Medicare & Commercial insurances accepted; Sliding fee discount for qualifying patients. Scan me! Connect to our phone, website and social media. Ask about an annual Covid Vaccine

Impact on Chronic Disease Making an

Chronic diseases are conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention, limit activities of daily living, or both. Chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. In Lorain County, according to the Public Health Community Health Assessment (2022), heart disease and diabetes are among the top 10 causes of death, with heart disease being at the very top.

Many risk factors for chronic diseases are non-modifiable, such as age, gender, genetics, and sometimes ethnicity. However, a short list of modifiable behaviors, including tobacco use, poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use, create significant risks for chronic disease.

At Lorain County Health & Dentistry (LCH&D), our providers use a team-based approach to help patients identify things that are within their control to make the biggest impact on their health outcomes. Through education, and by helping patients to set functional lifestyle goals, we assist them in achieving optimal wellness.

Whether indoors or out, golf is a great way to improve your physical and mental health.

It is a low-impact aerobic exercise that can improve blood circulation, increase heart rate, and lower blood pressure. Swinging the club and putting engage various muscle groups, promoting cardiovascular health and aiding in weight management. On a course or a range, the satisfaction of perfecting your swing can reduce stress levels and enhance your mood, as well as focus your attention and sharpen your coordination.

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or new to the sport, golf offers an inclusive and accessible way to improve your overall physical and mental health. For a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, such as driving ranges, batting cages, indoor golf, and minigolf, visit SportsVille on Center Ridge Rd., or find info online at

Each month, we pull data from our electronic health records system to track Blood Pressure (BP) measurements of patients who have a diagnosis of Hypertension. Throughout 2023, these patients had a BP below 140/90 during their most recent visit 85% of the time – a tremendous achievement! For our patients with Diabetes, last year, 76% had a hemoglobin A1C considered controlled. On both measures, LCH&D consistently performs above the State and National Benchmarks.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Million Hearts (Hypertension Control) Champion” since 2017, Lorain County Health & Dentistry is ranked in the Top 1% for Heart Health among Community Health Centers nationally. We are also a proud recipient of the 2023 National Quality Leader Gold Badge, placing LCH&D in the Top 10% among Community Health Centers nationwide for overall excellence in clinical quality. We work hard to make and keep our community healthy. It is our privilege to do so. For more information, visit us online at 17
HealthyLi ng
Get Coverage Your Way INSURANCE Health • Medicare • Life Supplemental • Small Business Frank Huebler 37500 Center Ridge Rd. l 440-327-3040 l Golf Driving Range - Indoor Golf - Miniature Golf - Batting Cages

Hello The Allure of Retro Design

Curb Appeal

Looking to improve your home's curb appeal? Landscape curbing is a permanent bed edge solution that keeps grass and weeds out of landscape beds and retains ground cover. The process utilizes custom-molded concrete that is mixed on-site and placed along the edge of landscape beds. The finishes applied to the curbing are all done by hand and their vast selection of colors, stamps, and styles makes the curbing custom to your home or business.

Doug Gorski, owner of Cleveland CurbScapes, is a North Ridgeville native and current resident. He is honored to have his business based in the city. Together, Doug and his team have an extensive background in concrete formulation and landscape design. They take great pride in customer satisfaction and attention to detail. For more information on landscape curbing or Cleveland CurbScapes, visit or call Doug at 440-225-0402.

In the ever-evolving world of home design, one trend that stands out is the resurgence of retro-style appliances. This phenomenon isn't just about revisiting the past; it's about redefining it. Today's homeowners are increasingly drawn to appliances that offer the nostalgic charm of yesteryear, coupled with the advanced functionality of the present.

The 1950s and 1960s were iconic in shaping appliance design. Bold colors, curvaceous forms, and distinctive styles marked these early appliance eras. Today, modern appliances that embody these design elements bring a piece of history into our homes. They remind us of a simpler time, often evoking memories of our grandparents' kitchens or the classic American diner vibe.

Refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers blend in seamlessly with the vintage kitchen aesthetic while offering efficient and modern technology. These appliances serve as a testament to the fact that you don't have to sacrifice modern functionality for a retro look. They perfectly encapsulate the idea of bringing the best of the past into the present, making them not just appliances but centerpieces of kitchen design.

If you’re ready to update your appliances, Stewart’s TV & Appliance has you covered! Visit us online at or call 440-365-7321 and we’ll help you find your ideal appliances!

18 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 HOMES & REAL ESTATE Keep Grass Out and Mulch In! 440-225-0402

Heat pump inverter technology is revolutionizing the way we heat and cool our homes by offering greater efficiency and energy savings. Unlike traditional HVAC systems that operate at a fixed speed, heat pump inverters control compressor speed to modulate the heating and cooling output based on real-time demand.

By adjusting the compressor speed according to the heating or cooling requirements of the space, heat pump

Enhancing Efficiency with Technology

inverters can deliver precise temperature control while consuming significantly less energy. This results in reduced electricity bills and a smaller carbon footprint, making them an environmentally friendly choice for homeowners.

One of the key advantages of heat pump inverter technology is its ability to maintain a consistent temperature without the energy spikes associated with traditional systems. This not only enhances comfort but also prolongs the lifespan of the equipment by reducing wear and tear.

Heat pump inverters also operate more quietly than conventional systems, providing a peaceful indoor environment. Their smart features,

such as programmable settings and remote control capabilities, offer added convenience and flexibility to users.

Heat pump inverter technology represents a significant advancement in HVAC systems, offering efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solutions for modern homes. Its ability to optimize performance while minimizing energy consumption makes it a compelling choice for those looking to upgrade their heating and cooling systems.

For more information on this revolutionary technology, or HVAC and plumbing needs, contact Raymond Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning at 440-244-5584, or visit www. 19
Sales & Service for Residential & Commercial Heating Cooling Plumbing Backflow Testing 24/7 Heating & Cooling Services! 440-244-5584 1351 Broadway l Lorain

Partnerships are Key

If you were to visit the Senior Center, you would most definitely encounter a group of vital and vibrant individuals engaged in programs ranging from cardio drumming to lunch and learns on estate planning, a healthy cooking demonstration, chair yoga and trivia − to name a few. Essential social services such as Meals-OnWheels (MOW) and transportation are available to residents age 60 or older. Individuals as young as 55 can participate in programs and events. The combination of programs and services generates a variety of opportunities to reduce social isolation, engage in healthy living practices and allow adults to live independently in their homes longer.

Health and wellness are core tenets of programming. In addition to seven fitness classes, a partnership with Central State University Extension, brought evidence-based programs Eat Smart, Move More and Diabetes Empowerment to the center. To kick-off Healthy Aging Month, the office held its first annual

health fair in partnership with Mercy Health and North Ridgeville Heart & Sole with more than 35 vendors in attendance. Throughout the month, expanded opportunities for individuals to focus on the pillars of healthy aging were offered. Participants found their sense of adventure through walking tours of Cleveland neighborhoods and trying out the disc golf course in South Central Park. Activities Coordinator Stacey Allen implemented guided nature walks at various locations during warm weather months, an offering that is unique to the North Ridgeville Senior Center.

On the “fun” side of the ledger, numerous National Days are recognized, such as National Ice Cream Sundae Day, National Hamburger Day and National Grilled Cheese Day. In 2023, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day culminated in a chocolate chip cookie bake-off. The annual June carnival was a success and the center even held its first annual turkey bowling event, which will be repeated this year.

Partnerships are a critical component of

the center’s ability to offer a vast array of programming. Through a partnership with resident volunteers from the Community Garden, 1,122 pounds of fresh produce was donated in 2023, which in turn was used in meals served at the senior center, distributed to MOW clients and senior center participants, increasing access to fresh, local produce. Through AARP, the office facilitated free tax preparation services, resulting in 143 returns filed. The office continues to partner with North Ridgeville Heart & Sole, the North Ridgeville City Schools, Lorain County Public Library North Ridgeville Branch, the Chamber of Commerce, Lorain County Public Health and various civic groups that provide support in the form of donations and sponsorships.

If you would like to know more about the center or get involved, please call our office at 440-490-2056, visit our webpage at or follow our office on Facebook at NorthRidgevilleSeniorCenter. Diverse care solutions, tailored just for you. At Northridge Health Center, our goal is to provide you or your loved one with quality comprehensive care to ensure the best clinical outcomes in a warm, loving, home-like environment.

Please contact us today for more information or to schedule a tour.

20 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 SENIOR LIVING
• 39 Years in the Community • Proud member of the North Ridgeville Community • Long and short-term care • Physical, occupational, and speech therapy • Wound care
• Respite care • Pain management • Post-stroke acute recovery care • Daily activities for all residents • Free transportation to appointments
beyond every single day. 35990 Westminister Ave., North Ridgeville 440.327.8511 • Utilities • Heavy Continental Breakfast (M-F) • Evening Meal 7 days a Week • Housekeeping Services • Transportation to Doctors, Dentists, Shopping, and Fun Events 35900 Westminister Avenue, North Ridgeville 440.327.1155 Please Contact Us for More Information and to Schedule A Tour! e Northridge Senior Apartments Senior Living for Independent Adults 55+ 1&2 Bedroom Apartments Garages Available • Activities • Emergency Response & Fire Protection • Quick Turnaround for Immediate Needs ALL-INCLUSIVE PRICING INCLUDES: When you're here, you're family!
We genuinely care about our residents and each other and are willing


North Ridgeville Parks and Recreation serves a diverse and growing community that relies on our local public park system to maintain both physical and mental health throughout the year. Learn more about the features and amenities you’ll find at each of our community parks.

South Central Park

7565 Avon Belden Road

South Central Park, the crown jewel of the City, encompasses 30 acres of naturalistic park land that has all the amenities any resident can ask for: a state-of-the-art splash pad, 1.2 mile multi-purpose trail, rentable pavilions & gazebo, playground, basketball, ga-ga ball pit, tennis and pickleball courts, outdoor fitness equipment and a 9-hole disc golf course. The current playground that has served our community since 1997 will be replaced this year. The Department is working on sending out a Request for Proposals with the hopes of securing a firm to build

a new state-of-the-art playground for our residents.

Shady Drive Complex

37077 Shady Drive

As you make your way through our City, be sure to stop out to the Shady Drive Complex, located off of Sugar Ridge Road. Shady Drive is a 30-acre park that has 13 baseball-softball diamonds, five pieces of outdoor fitness equipment, two concession stands, an indoor batting cage, playground, pavilion, multipurpose field and the North Ridgeville Heart & Sole Fitness Trail, which is a 6-foot wide, three-quarter mile trail.

Root Road Park

8949 Root Road

Root Road Park is 12 acres and home to the North Ridgeville Amateur Soccer League. It has a state of the art playground, concession stand, pavilion and restrooms. The existing gravel

parking lot will be paved this year. Providing the park with over 200 delineated spots that will make the park more attractive and safer for users.

Frontier Park

5463 Mills Creek Lane

Frontier Park is 13 acres of open

green space with restrooms, concessions and a pavilion.

Find more information about our park facilities and recreation programming at Thank you for making North Ridgeville Parks and Recreation your summer recreation destination!

Disc Golf

In 2020, Frank Nehls, an avid disc golf player and resident of North Ridgeville, approached the Parks & Recreation Department about installing a disc golf course in South Central Park. It was determined during the planning phase that a 9-hole course would fit the park and the needs of the community. The Parks & Recreation Department put together a sponsorship package to raise the money to purchase disc golf baskets. With the help of local businesses and a grant through the Disc Golf Association, over $4,000 was raised.

The course traverses throughout the 30-acre park and is over 2,115 ft. long. It can be found on the UDisc app by searching South Central Park Disc Golf Course. It has been open to players for over two years and has been a tremendous asset to the park system. Without the hard work and determination of Frank Nehls, the course wouldn’t have been possible.

22 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
Lake Ridge Academy kids help clean up South Central Park. The North Ridgeville Pacers completed an undefeated season by winning the High School Intramural Basketball Championship.
Disabled Veteran Owned 7900 Root Rd., Suite G • N. Ridgeville 440-327-2333 Since 1991 American Made Sewn Goods with warehouse pricing Screen Printing, Embroidery, Custom Sewing 10% O First Time Order »
Cleveland Stash Dash

Parks & Facilities Guide

The City of North Ridgeville is home to four community parks and over 113 acres of park land. Parks range in size and provide a mix of features and amenities to meet a variety of needs. The list below highlights four types of parks found throughout the City, along with facilities operated and maintained by the Parks & Recreation Department.

All parks are open dawn to dusk. Lighted facilities are open until 11:00 p.m. (Restrictions may apply)

Veterans Memorial Update

We are happy to announce that the North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial was revealed to the public on Memorial Day 2024. The site is taking shape as construction started last fall. The first phase which included the drainage is complete. The water source/fountain, including plaques of North Ridgeville KIA, will be completed by late spring. The flags have been placed along with the cement, pavers, and conflict stones. Pavers can still be ordered by emailing Mark Steinbrunner at

The final phase of the project will be the placement of benches, trees, and other landscaping features. On Memorial Day, the city agreed to have the annual parade end at the Memorial site. Our opening included the traditional Memorial Day festivities and a flyover by military aircraft. Please stay tuned for further details, or find more info online at and on Facebook at North Ridgeville Veterans Memorial. 23
Facility Location Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd. Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd.
Batting Cage 37077 Shady Dr.
Stands 1 & 2 37077 Shady Dr. Concession Stand 8949 Root Rd. Concession Stand 5463 Mills Creek Lane Concession Stand Basketball Courts Play Structures MultiPurpose Field Disc Golf Pickleball Soccer Fields Jogging/ Walking Trails Tennis Courts Baseball/Softball Fields Restrooms Splash Pad Batting Cage Gazebo Fishing Fitness Area Pavilions 23 Parks Location Acres Amenities South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd. 28.98 Root Road Park 8949 Root Rd. 12.32 Frontier Park 5463 Mills Creek Lane 12.54 Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr. 59.39

Important Phone Numbers

City of North Ridgeville

7307 Avon Belden Rd. North Ridgeville, OH 44039 440-490-2042

Mayor Kevin Corcoran









Fire Department (non-emergency)


French Creek Wastewater

Treatment Plant 440-934-5251

Income Tax (R.I.T.A. Customer Service) 1-800-860-7482



Mayor’s Court 440-490-2074

Parks & Recreation


Planning & Development


Police (non-emergency) 440-490-2001

Public Utilities


North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025

Public Works/Service 440-490-2094

Senior Center 440-490-2056


Assistant Clerk of Council Fijabi Gallam, MMC 440-490-2045

At-Large/President Jason Jacobs 440-452-5851

At-Large Martin E. DeVries 440-387-3895

At-Large Georgia Awig 440-724-7246


Ward One

Holly A. Swenk 440-310-4129

Ward Two Eric Shaffer 216-339-6354

Ward Three Bruce F. Abens 440-316-7091

Ward Four Clifford Winkel 440-253-9474


North Ridgeville City Schools 34620 Bainbridge Rd. North Ridgeville, OH 44039 440-327-4444

Administration Superintendent Roxann Ramsey-Caserio

Assistant Superintendent David Pritt

North Ridgeville High School  440-327-1992

North Ridgeville Academic Center

440-353-1180 (grades 5-8) 440-353-1131 (grades 3-4)

Ranger High-Tech Academy (STEM) 440-353-1178

Liberty Elementary School  440-327-6767

Early Childhood Learning Community 440-353-1184


Lorain County JVS 15181 OH-58, Oberlin 440-774-1051


Lake Ridge Academy 37501 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville 440-327-1175

St. Peter School 35749 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville 440-327-3212


Lorain County Community College (LCCC) 1005 N. Abbe Rd., Elyria 1-800-995-5222

LCCC/University Partnership Ridge Campus 32121 Lorain Rd., North Ridgeville 440-366-4800

Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) Westshore Campus 31001 Clemens Rd., Westlake 216-987-6000


Cleveland ClinicAvon Hospital 33300 Cleveland Clinic Blvd., Avon 440-695-5000

Mercy Allen Hospital 200 W. Lorain St., Oberlin 440-775-1211

Mercy HealthLorain Hospital 3700 Kolbe Rd., Lorain 440-960-4000

Southwest General Health Center 18697 Bagley Rd., Middleburg Hts. 440-816-8000

UH Avon Health Center 1997 Healthway Dr., Avon 440-988-6800

UH Elyria Medical Center 630 East River Rd., Elyria 440-329-7500

UH North Ridgeville Health Center

32800 Lorain Rd., North Ridgeville 440-406-5600

» Continued on page 26 25

Important Phone Numbers

UH St. John Medical Center

29000 Center Ridge Rd., Westlake 440-835-8000


North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce

36097 Westminister Ave., North Ridgeville 440-327-3737

North Ridgeville Branch Library

35700 Bainbridge Rd., North Ridgeville 440-327-8326

North Ridgeville Community Care 34015 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville 440-353-9716

North Ridgeville Post Office 34760 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville 440-327-8806; 800-275-8777

Friendship Animal Protective League of Lorain County 8303 Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria 440-322-4321

Lorain County Auditor (property values and tax calculations)

226 Middle Ave., Elyria 440-329-5207

Preserving Our History

The North Ridgeville Historical Society was founded in 1977, with our first museum (1977-1986) located in the historic Samuel Cahoon mansion owned by the Beckett Corporation.

In 1989 the City of North Ridgeville provided space on the first floor of Old Town Hall for our museum, which we maintained for nearly 35 years until the building was closed recently for emergency repairs and other improvements. Our collection is now temporarily housed in a safe protective storage location.

In 1988 we acquired the 1859 one-room school on Jaycox Rd., and restored the building, opening for public tours in 2001 – now open from May to October.

In 47 years our countless active, valuable members and volunteers have attended and participated in monthly meetings, programs, and other events; served as committee members, chairmen, officers, and board members; contributed many hours staffing our open houses, special tours (school classes, Boy and Girl Scout groups, etc.), Corn Festivals, parade units, fundraisers, and many special events like the 2010 North Ridgeville Bicentennial.

Recent activities have included producing and selling collectible medallions featuring over 15 historic North Ridgeville buildings or landmarks, publishing and selling several books on North Ridgeville history, researching the history and genealogy of local families, creating an archive of photos and scrapbooks of memories of hundreds of North Ridgeville military veterans of all major wars, and producing a video about them, and providing historical photos and information via Facebook and our website to tens of thousands of “viewers” and followers. Find us online at

26 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 COMMUNITY INFORMATION N th Ridgeville Convenient Sunoco 32505 Center Ridge Rd., North Ridgeville • 440-327-7093 • Food • Beverages • Deli • Gasoline Owned & Operated by the Zimmerly Family » Continued from page 25

Lorain County Board of Elections

1985 North Ridge Rd., Lorain 440-326-5900

Lorain County Chamber of Commerce

226 Middle Ave., 5th Floor, Elyria 440-328-2550

Lorain County Clerk of Courts 621 Broadway Ave., Lorain 226 Middle Ave., Elyria 440-329-5127

Lorain County Collection Center (hazardous waste/shredding)

540 S. Abbe Rd., Elyria 440-329-5440

Lorain County Job & Family Services

42485 N. Ridge Rd., Elyria 844-640-6446

Lorain County Metro Parks 12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange 440-458-5121

The North Ridgeville Branch of the Lorain Public Library System has recently completed a renovation to enhance the patron experience. The footprint of the building has not changed, but the interior configuration has changed to include more square footage of meeting room space and private study, an expanded collection of books, a designated teen area and a Create Space. There is now a centralized service desk, rather than both an information desk and a circulation desk, and additional electrical outlets throughout the seating areas for patron mobile devices. The entire interior has new carpet, paint and furniture. Funding for the renovation was made possible due in part to the North Ridgeville residents’ passage of the 2019 levy. The library’s five-year levy renewal was on the ballot again in March of 2024, and will account for over 85 percent of the operating costs of that branch. For branch information, visit us online at

Lorain County Public Health 9880 South Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria 440-322-6367

Lorain County Treasurer (property tax payments) 226 Middle Ave., Elyria 440-329-5787

Lorain County Veterans Service Commission 1230 N. Abbe Rd., Elyria 440-284-4625

Lorain County Visitors Bureau 226 Middle Ave., 5th Floor, Elyria 440-406-3119

Mental Health, Addiction & Recovery Services Board of Lorain County 1173 N. Ridge Rd. East, Lorain 440-233-2020

Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles 605 Chestnut Commons, Elyria 440-322-0723

Ohio Means Jobs-Lorain County 42495 N. Ridge Rd., Elyria 440-324-5244

VFW Post 9871 6805 Lear Nagle Rd., North Ridgeville 440-327-4068

General (440) 329-5207

Auditor Snodgrass (440) 329-5170

Appraisal (440) 329-5488

Board of Revision (440) 329-5374

Homestead (440) 329-5222

Licenses - Dog, Vendor, Junk Yard, Cigarette (440) 329-5717 27
J. Craig Snodgrass, CPA, CGFM Lorain County Auditor 226 Middle Avenue, 2nd Floor • Elyria, Ohio 44035 •
Real Estate (440) 329-5212 Special Assessments
Tax Exemption
329-5739 Tax Map
329-5272 Owner Occupancy
329-5203 Weights & Measures
329-5657 YOUR LORAIN COUNTY AUTO TITLE & PASSPORT OFFICES OFFER “PHOTO TO FINISH” PASSPORT SERVICES WITH NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! Elyria – 226 Middle Avenue, Elyria OH 44035 Lorain – 621 Broadway Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 440-329-5127 OR GO TO LORAINCOUNTYOHIO.GOV/CLERK Tom Orlando Lorain County Clerk of Courts • niaroL C o u n ty Clerk of Court of C o m m o n saelP • Ohio
(440) 329-5210

A Vital Resource

North Ridgeville Community Care is a vital resource for residents experiencing food insecurity and financial hardship. Our supplemental pantry is stocked with a diverse array of nutritious foods and our household essentials program offers many items to meet the basic needs of individuals and families. The center also serves as a community hub for information and resources, connecting community members to additional assistance programs and services. Our devoted staff and volunteers are dedicated to providing these programs and services with the preservation of human dignity and respect. Through collaboration with local businesses, organizations, and generous donors, we continue to serve North Ridgeville, striving to alleviate hunger. We are truly honored to be a part of a community that cares. For more information visit us online at

Something For Everyone

The Lorain County Visitors Bureau proudly serves as the marketing department for Lorain County, Ohio. It plays a pivotal role in promoting a wide range of local events and activities annually, from the Discover Aviation Airplane & Car Show to the Corn Festival held in North Ridgeville. The Bureau works closely with the Main Street organizations in Lorain County as well as other community organizations and government entities to foster a supportive network that maximizes the impact of tourism on the local economy. Garry Gibbs, a lifelong resident of Lorain County serves as director of the Lorain County Visitors Bureau. He has a dedication and passion for promoting Lorain County as a must-visit destination and has truly made a positive impact. Gibbs says, “Tourism in Lorain County is poised for a booming future, and the Lorain County Visitors Bureau is prepared to capitalize on this opportunity.” Whether you’re a music lover, a foodie, a history buff, or an outdoor enthusiast, there is an event for you in Lorain County. From the annual Lorain International Festival celebrating the county’s various cultures to the second largest fair in Ohio; the 178th Anniversary of Lorain County Fair showcasing agricultural heritage, there is no shortage of fun and entertainment to be had. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the county’s natural beauty through hiking, biking, kayaking, and birdwatching activities supported by the Lorain County Metro Parks. For more information on lodging, events, and activities, visit

28 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025 COMMUNITY INFORMATION

Dining Guide

83 & Chestnut Pub and Eatery

9001 Avon Belden Rd. 440-219-4955

Angelina’s Pizza

34887 Lorain Rd. 440-412-4124

Arby’s 34011 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-0885

Between the Bun 34445 Center Ridge Rd. 440-281-8885

Biggby Coffee 35065 Center Ridge Rd. 440-281-8923

Bistro 83 36033 Westminister Ave. 440-353-2828


Bullfrog’s Sports Cafe 33137 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-3764 (temporarily closed)

Burger King 32533 Lorain Rd. 440-328-4614

C Mulligan’s Pub 6450 Pitts Blvd. 440-327-9108

China King 33125 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-0444

Chipotle Mexican Grill 32223 Lorain Rd. 440-353-0240

34712 Center Ridge Rd. 440-517-3945

City Diner 34900 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-3898

Culver’s 32574 Lorain Rd. 440-219-4205

Dairy Grove 35455 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-9901

Dairy Queen 32936 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-4411

Domino’s Pizza 35108 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-0227

Dunkin’ 32323 Lorain Rd. 216-759-7053

Fiesta Jalapeños 33725 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-1431

Foundry Kitchen & Bar 525 Broad St., Elyria 440-281-9181

FujiSan 35085 Center Ridge Rd. (coming soon)

Game Day Tavern 39140 Center Ridge Rd. 440-657-5030

Gehring’s Tavern 423 MainSt., Grafton 440-926-2621

Gourmé Family Restaurant 32775 Lorain Rd. 440-327-8152

Hop Brothers Brewing 32650 Lorain Rd. 440-281-9353 29
» Continued on page 30 Gehring’s
Wed.-Sat. 5 p.m.-10 p.m. Call 440.963.7443 for reservations. 5581 Liberty Ave., Vermilion contempor y cuisine, fine wines, worldly be s 525 Broad St., Elyria • 440-281-9181 Dine in - Pickup Winning Pizza Award Scratch Kitchen $5 Bourbon Thursdays Home of the 30633 Westminister Ave. | North Ridgeville, OH 44039 | 440.353.2828 Bistro 83 was announced as Cleveland Magazine’s 2023 Best of Lorain County winners for Best Seafood and Best Happy Hour! We also won Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence for the 4th year in a row! Your Premier Bistro and Wine Bar on the Westside
Bistro 83


Little Caesars Pizza 35145 Center Ridge Rd. 440-281-9386

Little Hong Kong 34137 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-7633

Lone Tree Tavern 33009 Lorain Rd. 440-309-4978

Marco’s Pizza

32521 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-8008

Master Pizza

34263 Center Ridge Rd. 440-219-0900

McDonald’s 32528 Lorain Rd. 440-327-4261

35900 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-0505

Mr. Hero 34258 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-3145

Mrs. Scott’s Sweets 34161 Center Ridge Rd. 440-315-8102

Niko’s Gyros To-Go 34167 Center Ridge Rd. 440-309-4044

Nino’s Italian Restaurant 32652 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-9580

Panera Bread 32305 Lorain Rd. 440-327-2500

Pickett’s Place on the Ridge 37863 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-5445

Pizza Hut

Smash Pizza Kitchen 7054 Avon Belden Rd. 440-731-3011

Smoothie King 34250 Center Ridge Rd. 440-657-5054

Starbucks 32435 Cook Rd. 937-595-2191

Subway 34299 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-5773

Taco Bell 32350 Lorain Rd. 440-353-3617

Tacos del Pueblo 34173 Center Ridge Rd. 440-281-9246

34210 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-2288

Pizza Pan 33009 Lorain Rd. 440-309-4999

Ridgeville Nutrition 35075 Center Ridge Rd. 440-503-5327

Scooter’s Coffee 34522 Center Ridge Rd. 440-412-3088

The Treat Shoppe & Bakery 35522 Center Ridge Rd., Unit B 440-732-1391

The Wine Vault 5581 Liberty Ave., Vermilion 440-963-7443

Wendy’s 34323 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-2113

30 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
Fiesta Jalapeños
Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate list for this publication.
Find us on 9001 Avon Belden Road M-F 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Sat- 9 a.m. - 2 a.m. Sun 10 a.m. - 2 a.m. 440-219-4955 Amazing Food! Great selection of Draft Beers! 423 Main St., Grafton 440-926-2621 Dry Aged Steaks and Happy Hour Specials! 34263 Center Ridge Rd. 440-219-0900 Sunday-Saturday: 9:00 am-9:00 pm Master Pizza » Continued from page 29
Foundry Kitchen & Bar

Cathedral of Life

5375 Jaycox Rd. 440-327-7774

Cornerstone Bible Fellowship 36300 Center Ridge Rd. 440-353-3530

Faith Baptist Temple 34361 Lorain Rd. 440-327-8563

Fields United Methodist Church 34077 Lorain Rd. 440-327-8753

First Congregational United Church of Christ 36363 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-2921

Gateway Church 5400 Lear Nagle Rd. 440-327-0228

Grace Baptist Church 38079 Center Ridge Rd. 440-396-7000

Harvest Ridge Church 35600 Lorain Rd. 440-327-0024

Holy Love Ministries 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd. 440-327-8006

Harvest Ridge Church, located at 35600 Lorain Road, has been actively involved in the community since 1992. Over the last 32 years, pastors Kevin and Robin Crow have seen countless marriages restored, addictions broken, and lives transformed by the hope found in Jesus Christ. The ripple effect has been felt across North Ridgeville through the many community outreaches fueled by Harvest Ridge, which include food distributions, hot meals, support groups, Relief Aid, and Vacation Bible School. Since many families call Harvest Ridge “home” there is an emphasis on a children’s ministry being a safe, ageappropriate, and fun place for children to connect with God and build lasting relationships with their peers. Every Labor Day Sunday Harvest Ridge throws a party for the city of North Ridgeville; HarvestPalooza. This FREE event takes place at South Central Park with games, food, and showstopping fireworks. To connect with Harvest Ridge or to view service times and events visit


Hope For The Soul Ministries 34881 Center Ridge Rd. 440-452-7376

Journey of Faith Lutheran Church 33406 Liberty Pkwy. 440-327-0147

New Community Baptist Church 37501 Center Ridge Rd. 440-933-8230

North Ridgeville Church of Christ 36364 Chestnut Ridge Rd. 440-327-2777

Northridge Christian Life Church 8877 Avon Belden Rd. 440-353-0758

Real World Church & Outreach Ministries 35136 Center Ridge Rd. 440-610-7623

River Church 6000 Lear Nagle Rd. 440-327-4761

St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church 5500 Lear Nagle Rd. 440-327-1978

St. Peter Catholic Church 35777 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-2201

Starting Line Church 8820 Bender Rd. 216-359-7330

Shepherd of the Ridge Lutheran Church 34555 Center Ridge Rd. 440-327-7321

Sugar Ridge Baptist Church 36600 Sugar Ridge Rd. 440-327-9465 Service Times: Sundays – 9:00 & 11:00 am Wednesday – 7:00 pm 31
available at all services. 35600 Lorain Rd. l N. Ridgeville l 440-327-0024 “A place f o r t h e family.” w h o l e
Children’s Ministries

Ad Index

Scott Hughes and Alex Kaldy-Drellishak are the driving force and friendly faces behind Image Builders Marketing.

Vice President of Sales, Scott Hughes, thrives on promoting businesses in his hometown and beyond. Celebrating his 17th year with IBM, he is passionate about the power of print advertising. “Magazines like our community guides are a great advertising medium because you read them for business, recreation, entertainment, and information. The publication is a reference guide, an information directory, and a visitor’s magazine - a great marketing tool!”

Alex Kaldy Drellishak started with Image Builders in 2020 after spending 14 years as an intervention specialist. She works with clients throughout Lorain, Medina, and Cuyahoga counties, and truly enjoys helping them showcase their businesses to the local community. She resides in North Ridgeville, with her 7-month-old son, Mason, and husband, Matt. She looks forward to developing relationships with current and prospective clients, focusing on meeting their needs and establishing lasting relationships.

32 North Ridgeville Community Guide | 2024-2025
9780 Beechwood Dr., North Royalton • 440-346-4482
Meet Your
Image Builders Marketing
Local Sales Team!
Scott Hughes, Vice-President, Sales
83 Chestnut Pub & Eatery l Restaurant & Pub p 30 Bistro 83 l Restaurant & Wine Bar p 29 Bogner Family Funeral Home l Funeral/Memorial/Cremation Services p 7 Carter Lumber l Lumber/Building Materials p 18 Cleveland CurbScapes
Fiesta Jalapenos l Restaurant p
Back Cover First Federal Lakewood l Bank/Financial Services p 8, 15 Foundry Kitchen & Bar l Restaurant & Bar p 29 Gehring’s Tavern l Restaurant & Bar p 30 Harvest Ridge Church l Church p 15, 31 HealthMarkets Insurance Agency l Insurance p 17 Iler Networking & Computing l Networking & Computer Service/Sales p 14, 25 Image Builders Marketing l Community Magazine Publisher p 8, 32 Lake Ridge Academy l School/Private p 11, Inside Back Cover Lawrence Community Management Group l Real Estate/Property Management p 28 Lorain County Auditor l Assessments/Appraisals/Licenses/Taxes p 27 Lorain County Chamber of Commerce l Chamber of Commerce p 9 Lorain County Clerk of Courts l Auto Titles/Passports p 27 Lorain County Community College l School/Career & Technical p 12 Lorain County Health & Dentistry l Medical/Dental Clinic p 16, 17 Lorain County Visitors Bureau l Tourism & Visitors Information p 21 Lorain Public Library System l Library p 27 Master Pizza l Pizza Restaurant p 30 North Ridgeville Chamber of Commerce l Chamber of Commerce p 9 North Ridgeville Convenient Sunoco l Food/Beverage/Gasoline p 26 North Ridgeville City Schools l Schools/Public p 10 Northridge Health Center l Skilled Nursing/Rehabilitation p 20 Raymond Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning l Plumbing/Heating/Air Conditioning p 19 Riddell l Manufacturer/ Employment Opportunities p 14, Inside Front Cover Sportsville l Recreation/Sports Park p 17 Stewart’s TV & Appliance l Appliances/Televisions p 18 The Northridge Senior Apartments l Senior Living p 20 The Wine Vault l Restaurant & Wine Bar p 29 Thriving
Pediatric Dentistry l Pediatric Dentist/Dental
p 1, 15 TWB Company l Manufacturer/Employment Opportunities p 6 Van’s Auto Service & Tire Pros l Auto Service & Tire Shop p 3 Versaflex l Custom Bags & Embroidery p 22
Alex Kaldy Drellishak, Regional Sales Manager
l Landscape Curbing
Be Known. Be Remarkable. Be You. | 440.327.1175 37501 Center Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Now Accepting EdChoice ! 33725 Center Ridge Rd. North Ridgeville 440-327-1431 Daily Food & Drink Specials Open 7 days a week Mon. - Thurs. 11:00 am - 10:00 pm Fri. 11:00 am - 10:30 pm Sat. 12:00 pm - 10:30 pm Sun. 12:00 pm - 9:30 pm Beautiful Four Season Patio PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID CLEVELAND, OH PERMIT NO. 498 *****ECRWSSEDDM***** Postal Customer We have been family owned for over 15 years and support the local community and schools. Fresh food is cooked daily with pride and we serve some of the best margaritas in Ohio! @fiestajala /FiestaJalapeñosMexicanRestaurant

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