Science Fiction
X-Men Days of Future Past X-men days of franchise past. Marvel mutants where always my favorite but after the Last Stand I had lost hope. The Last Stand was so bad they had to create a new genre of rebooting Transformers 4: Age of movies to fix the problem, the Extinction “preboot”. It worked, great Lets reflect on the summer movie. Are you ready for a bunch of of sci-fi films. These are films loud noises and confusion! that I saw this summer and had Do you like Robots, Dinosaurs, opinions about. SUVs and America? Can you handle 3 hours of plot less chaos? Yeah, me neither. The Amazing Spider Man 2
It’s September, and that means studios will be flooding the theaters with romantic comedies and horror movies for the next few months. It will be some time before I go spend 30 dollars to sit in a dark room filled with popcorn farts.
The amazing might be an over statement. More like the mediocre Spiderman. The story had way to many characters and there were interactions that didn’t need to be there that slowed down the pacing of the movie... Also there was a dub step monster that was pretty cool.
Guardians of the Galaxy Not since Star Wars have I seen such a fun 70s science fiction movie. The best way to describe GOTG to the uninitiated, it’s Star Wars but everyone is Han Solo. I’m still humming the soundtrack. For further reviews check out @andrewchisholm