7 Incredible Nutrient-Rich Foods Necessary for Good Health

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7 Incredible Nutrient-Rich Foods Necessary for Good Health

Nutrition is the most important factor for healthy living. We eat a lot of things in our daily diet that tastes good and delicious. But how many have nutritional benefits matters a lot for promoting health and strong living. There are many foods available in this world that have best taste and also have incredible health benefits. The basic requirement of a healthy living is to incorporate nutrient-rich foods in your daily diet. Healthy foods are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients and are low in sugar and bad fats. Here are some best nutrient rich foods that are essential to include in your daily diet to maintain healthy and fit lifestyle.

1. Fruits and Vegetables

It is always recommended to eat at least 4-5 portions of a type of fruit and vegetable in a day. Fruits and vegetables are nutrient rich foods and generally counts in low calorie foods. Add one fruit and leafy vegetable in your daily diet. You can have chopped fruits and raw leafy vegetables, dried fruits or can also consume fresh fruit juices. The best way is to consume fruits and vegetables without any processing, to have maximum benefits.

2. Beans and Lentils Consumption

Beans and lentils form the healthiest component of our daily diet. These are low in calories and rich source of fibre, iron, vitamins, proteins and many other minerals. It is recommended to have lentils daily in your diet. The health promoting properties of lentils may help in reducing the risk of heart diseases and controls cholesterol, blood pressure and weight management. Many different types of lentils and beans are available which all carry multiple health benefits so it is necessary to consume all types of legumes for the healthier body.

3. Dried Fruits and Nuts

Nuts and dry fruits are very nutritious foods and are packed with large amounts of beneficial nutrients, protein and fibre necessary for the body. Different dry fruits and nuts possess multiple nutrient-rich minerals and eating them daily improves your heart and brain health. Although the dry fruits and nuts have many health benefits but they possess sugar and high calories also so it is advised to consume these in small quantities to avoid weight gain. Dry fruits like almonds, cashews, Apricots, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, and pistachios and many others are great source of useful nutrients and contribute in improving overall health of the body.

4. Use of Herbs and Spices

Incorporating different types of nutrient-rich herbs and spices provides essential healthpromoting nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and many more. Spices and herbs possess such properties which highly contribute in boosting immune system of body.

5. Whole Grain Foods

It is beneficial to consume whole grain and higher fibre food varieties instead of refined grains. For example, better to choose whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, oats instead of white bread and rice. Many research and studies show that consuming whole grain foods reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Hence the consumption of different whole grain foods is essential for the overall growth of the body and better health.

6. Different Varieties of Protein Rich Foods

Incorporate different varieties of protein packed foods in your diet is vital for best health growth. There are many types of foods that are rich in proteins like seafood, meat, eggs, peas, nuts, beans and lentils, etc. If you are a non-vegetarian, consuming seafood is very good for health as it provide good source of protein, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. These foods and nutrient-rich sources will definitely contribute in better growth of your health and body. Incorporating them in your diet in the balanced portion will define maximum health benefits for our body.

7. Intake Calcium Content Regularly

Include low fat or fat free dairy products in your daily diet to provide enough calcium to the body necessary for strengthening bones and teeth. Drink fat free or low-fat milk and other dairy products to reduce saturated fat. It is essential to take enough calcium supplements based on your age and gender for the proper functioning of the body.

Thus, these are some incredible foods that are high in nutrients and provide best health benefits. Just make small changes in your daily diet and incorporate these 7 nutrient rich foods for best health growth. Everything is easily available at local and online grocery stores. Just make a list of best and nutritious food items and avail incredible health benefits.

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