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July 2013 / Edition 714 / www.impactoevangelistico.net

The magazine that edifies your life


july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia


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raise the Lord

state that the life of Jews in Babylon was a very sad picture. They were on the sides of the rivers of Babylon and wept there because one of the things that tortured their minds and their hearts were the memories ofGod’s glory in Jerusalem. God used the memory for people to long for those glory days. They wept and even hung their music instruments; they could not sing or play instruments since they were spiritually inactive. There were disparate reasons for them to feel sad and joyless, but the principal one was that they were in a strange land;it was a land of captivity. The Babylonians said, “Sing some songs of Zion.” God’s people answered: “We cannot sing.” Why not? When the harps and everything they needed was there. Actually, they couldn’t do it because the main thing was missing, freedom was missing. And if there isn’t freedom, they cannot sing. God wants free people, He wants to give them life, and wants them to experiment the glory of His power. We need freedom to praise and glorify the name of God. Why don’t many feel free? Because they some


were caught by their sin, their pride, their vanity, their selfishness andby anon-confessed sin that is hiddenin their hearts. Many come to the temple and stay on the atrium; they don’t enter into the saintly place because in order to enter you must be clean Rev. Gustavo Martínez from all defilement, in communion International President of W.M.M. and harmony with the Scriptures. Those who stay pray by memory and make a mechanical prayer; therefore, we need freedom to praise they are not wors- and glorify the name of God. hiping and praising Whydon’t many people feel God. But those who free? Because they were caught enter the saintly pla- by their sin, their pride, their ce, those are in clo- vanity, their selfishness and se communion with by anon-confessed sin that is God. hidden in their hearts. We have many reasons to praise Him. He has saved, healed and blessed us, but we also have to worship and love Him with deep love, from the heart and have to be in love with God to feel the desire of being in the most holy place, where we lift our hands and worship Him in spirit and in truth. Not for what He has given us, but for what He is. He is God and we are his creatures; therefore, we must praise Him. God bless you u


july 2013




Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz July 2013 / Edition N° 714 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Impacto Evangelístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644 Teléfono (787) 761-8806; 761-8805; 761-8903

INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF W.M.M. INC Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice-president Rev. Jorge Álvarez Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Rubén Concepción Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Germany Honduras Argentina India Aruba England Australia St. Andres Island (Col.) Austria Saint Martin Island Belgium Island of Mauritius Belize Rodrigues Island Bolivia Canaries Islands (Spain) Bonaire Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.) Brasil Israel Cameroon Italy Canadá Jamaica Chile Japan Colombia Kuwait Congo Madagascar Costa Rica Malaysa Curacao México Dinamarca Myanmar Ecuador Nicaragua El Salvador Nigeria Spain Panamá United States Paraguay The Philippines Peru France Portugal Gabón Puerto Rico Ghana Dominican Republic Guatemala Sweden Equatorial Guinea Switzerland French Guiana Surinam Guyana Inglesa Trinidad and Tobago Haití Uruguay Holland Venezuela Legal deposit made on the National Library of Peru Nº 2011-02530 Christian Pentecostal Church-Worldwide Missionary Movement: Av. 28 de Julio 1781 - Lima 13 - Peru Printout: Quad/Graphics Perú S.A. Av. Los Frutales 344 - Lima 03 - Peru

The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a religious non-profit organization duly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in the federal capital, Washington DC, with headquarters in both cities and in every state of the United States and other countries where we have established missionary Works. n Important The offerings and donations in cash, equipment, real estate and bequests by will, in the benefit of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc.’s Work, are deductible from the income tax, and receipts issued by the WMM are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the Federal Government of the United States of America and of the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico. n Visit our website Obtain uplifting information about God’s Work and keep up with the latest news. A customized access from anywhere in the world: www.impactoevangelistico.net n If you wish Write to us at our postal address: Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. P.O. Box 363644 San Juan, P.R. 009363644 n Copyright © 2009 Impacto Evangelístic Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc. (World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc.) All content of this magazine and each subsequent edition are duly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC USA. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction in any form and translation into other languages without prior permission of the Director are prohibited. Under international copyright agreements, they are crimes punishable by law. n Doctrinal Statement The Worldwide Missionary Movement

adheres to the fundamental doctrines of Scripture, such as: • The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21. • The Adorable Godhead in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:16-17, 17: 1-5; 28:19, John 17: 5, 24, 26, 16:32, 14:16, 23, 18:5, 6, 2 Peter 1:17,18; Revelation 5. • Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47, John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, 3:5-7. • The New Birth: John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9. • Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1; Titus 3:7. • Water Baptism by Inmersion, as commanded by Christ: Mattew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, subsequent to salvation, speaking in tongues according to: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 2:4. • Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16, 17, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, 15 • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15, 16, 1 John 2:6. • Ministry and Evangelization: Mark 16:15-20, Romans 10:15. • El Diezmo y el Sostenimiento de la Obra: Genesis 14:20, 28:22, Leviticus 27:30, Numbers 18:21-26, Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23, 1 Corinthians 15:5152, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Titus 2:13, Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Kingdom: Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:5-10, Zechariah 9:10, Revelation 19:20, 20:3-10. • New Heavens and New Earth: Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1.


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Homosexuality in countries allowing marriage between same sex is an increasingly kindled debate.

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Impacto Evangelistic Magazine

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The increasing tendency to reclaim different rights has led to different scenarios where the fundamental rights of some people are denied.

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Now a familiar hymn, this chant, by the English composer Helen HowarthLemmel, is widely used by the followers of Christ around the world.

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Ezequias Garcia is living proof of the greatness of the divine power. God protected him when a soldier, confused, shot him with a lethal weapon.

48 49


The death of Hugo Chรกvez produced singular moments before and after it occurred. The former president discovered the most human side of himself when the end was approaching.


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Smith Wigglesworth, an avid traveler, is an example of faith in God.

62 63 Events in: Asia, India, Arco Iris, San Juan de los Morros, Argentina, West Palm Beach, Grenoble, Kuwait and Ayacucho.



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Reflections: The Bible is full of stories, mysteries, and unique passages. Let us find out some curious facts and know even more about the Sacred Book.

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Arguments against gay

Homosexuality in countries allowing marriage between same sex is an act condemned by the Bible that is also considered “infamous�, as well as an increasingly kindled debate.

july 2013



the expression think tank is on trend when referring to the organizations and institutions that investigate social problems in order to find their causes and possible solutions. They could be defined as the laboratories where strategies -that could help other entities needing these vital results- are developed. Therefore, think tanks have become indispensable for any group that wants to have a strong social presence and influence. For this reason, the major political parties have created their own think tanks, to make their ideology more significant and important in society. It means that within this group remains the “grey matter” that studies problems and provides (or sells) its findings to those in need of them. Certainly, potential customers are not only found in the field of politics, but in the field of general ideas, covering then a wide spectrum, such as the cultural, military and management fields; beliefs in general; artistic and esthetic trends; economics; etc. It is clear that any think tank is made up of a group of people considered as experts in their fields, hence the credit that their job has in advance. Evidently, the profound ideological change in the field of morality that has taken place mainly in western countries a few years ago, has been studied by powerful think tanks that have developed significant definitions that justify this change.


One of these profound changes is related to the notion of marriage, which a little time ago referred only to the union of a man and a woman. In order to support rationally the possibility that it should also include the notion of union between two men or women, it was necessary first to get rid of the idea that such union was counter-nature, perverse or inappropriate. This way, the expression “sexual orientation” was made up to include the homosexual tendency. Notice that this expression is morally neutral, which is very 8

Impacto evangelístico


important for getting the desired effect in order to eliminate any negative connotation that might denigrate homosexuality. The election of the term “orientation” is not by chance as it indicates a tendency or disposition inherent to the individual that must be related to his/her basic human rights. Similarly, this term implies the idea of a direction towards which an individual is advancing. It also states clearly that there are many options available and that

individual’s choice is just as valid as any other one. This idea of “option” fits perfectly to that of “orientation”. The think tank that created the expression “sexual orientation” hits the bullseye. This idea has even been adopted by major institutions, from the Council of Europe, that made it its own, to many governments and western parliaments, that embraced at least its spirit though not its words. The problem with using euphemisms

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main report

This way, those that deceive the public funds, avoiding their tax responsibilities and stealing shamelessly the others could reflect that what they do is due to their “ethics orientation”, being this as explainable and honorable as any other reasoning. Does it sound crazy? Well, it is only necessary to meet the appropriate conditions and to have a think tank in between to witness one day the exaltation of the “ethics orientation” in our legal and social system: the danger of creating a fooling first definition is to open

g and artifices to change the reality is that this weapon may be easily turned against its user. In the same way that the term “sexual orientation” has been created to approve what would be reprehensible, other expressions facilitating the transition from the “reprehensible” to the “acceptable” could be created. For instance, is it possible to talk about “ethics orientation” with a person who does not share the criteria of what is honest and dishonest? Thus, if it is possible to use “sexually” an inclusive term, it is reasonable to think that other terms can be also used to cover different moral notions in the field of ethics.

the option of making other definitions equally foolish. Therefore, an Islamist who uses terrorism as a weapon to introduce his beliefs can explain that his action is a “doctrinal orientation” and not terrorism. The prophet said: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

[ii], because think tanks already existed when he wrote these words, maybe not as sophisticated as today, but their effects were as lethal as those of today since their mission was the subversion of ideas. Similarly, this woe against them: “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!” [ii], is the same woe that hangs

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LEVITICUS 18 forbidden immoral actions 1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the Lord your God. 3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. 4 Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. 5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the Lord. 6 None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the Lord. 7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 8 The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. 9 The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. 10 The nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or of thy daughter’s daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness. 11 The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s sister: she is thy father’s near kinswoman. 13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister: for she is thy mother’s near kinswoman. 14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. 15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son’s wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. 16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness. 2


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17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a wo-

man and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. 18 Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time. 19 Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness. 20 Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord. 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. 24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) 28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. 29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. 30 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the Lord your God u

g over the heads of those who nowadays invent deceiving stratagems to twist things. ARGUMENTS AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE

There are many arguments against gay marriage. It is not for the sake of it that millions of people all over the world are condemning this tendency in countries like France, Croatia, and Colombia. The legalization of gay marriage lessens the value of heterosexual marriage as fake money lessens the value of real

money. Many people think that gay marriage does not affect them at all. It is like: “It does not concern me that there are people exchanging 100 € fake bills; I am an honest person and I would never use it; in fact, I almost never see any 100 € bills.” However, it is clear that the existence of fake money concerns everybody because it lessens our trust on bills. It is the same reasoning with the spreading of the idea of a fake marriage as if it were a true marriage. The legalization of gay marriage is an offense to the people living together

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NO-ONE IS BORN GAY two researches of scientific experts on the subject agree that homosexual condition is not genetic, but that it is rather an acquired behavior. Their statement is based on the study of identical, univiteline twins sharing the same genetic code. This means that if one of the twins is gay, the other one would be gay, too. The first of the researches, which was made by Dr. Neil Whitehead, a scientist that works for the New Zealand government, the United Nations (UN) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), states precisely this matter: if homosexuality is caused by genetics and raising conditions and one twin is


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main report

gay, the co-twin should also be gay. The results of his research state, “if an identical twin has same-sex attraction, the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women.” In that way, Whitehead states that homosexuality cannot be generated by genetic factors since univiteline twins are genetically identical. The scientist assures, “No-one is born gay.” He adds that the predominant causes of homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors, a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other u

g with other ones, but without having sexual relationships. Two old women living together, three brothers within the same house, four friends sharing an apartment for six years; they have a relationship based on affection, compromise and coexistence, similarly to that of an homosexual couple. However, these people do not have the same legal advantages as gay couples since they do not have any sex. Gay marriage is actually rewarding the performers of a certain type of sex, giving them some privileges over other affective and stable relationships. There is a clear difference regarding common marriage, which is the one that rewards the complementary and stable relationship between a man and a woman and that is open to the birth and raise of children. The legalization of gay marriage provokes a descent in life quality. Homosexuals have a lesser life expectancy and they are more prone to psychological conflicts and suicide tendencies. Many gay people live their homosexuality in suffering. Their own publications show the high rate of incidence in affective disorders and conduct pathologies existing in the homosexual community. Nevertheless, few homosexuals decide to marry. Therefore, the objective of the gay movement is to destroy heterosexual marriage. This was recognized by many gay leaders in Spain and the rest of the world. That is the truth u

MORE ARGUMENTS marriage is founded in the complementary union between a man and a woman, whose relationship is enriched by the radical diversity of their own natures. Men and women create a new reality from that complementary diversity, i.e. the family. From the beginnings of mankind, this reality has been protected by civilized societies through the institution of marriage. Marriage refers to the stable relationship between a man and a woman who complement each other from their diversity for the transmission and care of life. This institution benefits both the development of people and society. Marriage is not owned by any religion. It existed before Christianity and it was legislated by the romans before the Christian era.

The term marriage comes from the latin “matri munus” that means “the profession of mother”. Reality shows us that every physical, psychological and affective connection expresses this diversity. Furthermore, it is not a counter-sense matter, but a mutual complement one. We are not dealing with a private fact or religious option, but with a reality that has its roots on the nature of mankind itself that concerns men and women. This fact becomes the origin of every society based on this diversity and reciprocity. These aspects referring to sexual diversity as the birth of life were taken into account as a legislative source when defining the essence and purpose of marriage. The protection and maintenance of marriage as an institution does not mean discrimination u

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The dangers of homosexuality

Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination (Leviticus 18:22). The Bible is unequivocal about the negative nature of homosexuality. Among the main passages against this sexual inclination, the Scriptures present in Leviticus 18-20 precepts that every Christian must meet: Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination (18:22). If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them (20:13).

Similarly, Romans 1:26-27 states: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10, also warns: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Around the world thousands of people have risen against gay marriage through mass marches. The most recent was held last May 26 – a week after the entry into force of the law allowing gay marriage in France – when about 300 000 people, according to official sources, demonstrated in Paris against this law. Croatia




Gay marriage and civil unions in the world

Europe and America are the continents where there is greater legalization of same-sex unions.

Island Canadá

Gay Marriage Entire country Some jurisdictions Civil Unions


Mexico Mexico D.F Quintana Roo Oaxaca



1 8 10 11 7 3 4 SLOVAKIA




Ecuador 6

1 Germany 2 Andorra 3 Slovenia 4 Hungary 5 Ireland 6 Israel 7 Liechtenstein 8 Luxembourg 9 United Kingdom 10 Czech Republic 11 Switzerland

Brazil in 14 states In the United States it is legal in 9 states and the District of Columbia. Massachusetts Connecticut Lowa Vermont N. Hampshine Washington Maryland Maine District of Columbia NJ California Hawaii Oregon


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Uruguay Argentina

Netherlands was the first country to legalize gay marriage in 2011


Norway Finland Sweden Denmark Netherlands Holland Belgium France Spain Portugal South Africa

Austria New Zeland

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them” Genesis 1:27.

Does being gay harm anyone?

Since behaviors always have contexts and rarely have no effect on someone else, it is obvious that homosexual behavior is ultimately harmful. It is highly promiscuous and related to health risks. Facts prove false the idea that homosexual activities alone do not harm anyone.


Of deadly sexually transmitted diseases occur among gay people.


Of the highest rates of alcohol consumption and overweight occur among lesbians, which may place this population at greater risk than heterosexual women of developing breast cancer.


Of the gay community suffers from HIV infection, according to estimates.


Life expectancy for gay men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.


Of homosexuals are more likely to suffer from depression and engage in substance abuse than the rest of the population.

It is estimated that


of the population is gay.

Información de http://carm.org/

Adoption by same-sex couples.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind…” 1 Corinthians 6:9.

Some jurisdictions.

By country.

Countries where gay family formation is possible through the recognition of gay unions and weddings. Noway (2009)

Groelandia (2009)


Island (2006)

Canada (1999)

United Kingdom (2006)


Belgium (2006)

United States Mexico Mexico city (2010) Coahulla


District of Columbia (1995) New Jersey (1998) New Yorkville (2002) Indiana (2006) Maine (2007) California Connecticut (2008) Illinois (2004) Oregon Vermont (2009) Florida (2010) Guam (2010)

Spain (2005) Andorra (2005)

Finland (2009) Sweden (2002) Denmark(2006)

Netherlands (2001)


Slovenia (2011)

Israel (2005)


Brazil (2010) Australia Uruguay (2009) Argentina (2010)

Adoption by same-sex couples in the world

South Africa (2002)


First Latin American country that authorized the adoption of children by gay couples in 2009.

Western Australia Capital Territory New South Wales

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years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Human rights and

od’s rights

The increasing tendency to reclaim different rights has led to different scenarios where the fundamental rights of some people are denied through the promotion of abortion or gay marriage, forgetting the true God’s will.

Wenceslao Calvo

in 1789, the French National Assembly adopted the Declaration of Human and Civic Rights, through which the rights of every person were legally recognized. It served for the foundation of democratic constitutions which would later lead to other European nations, until the United Nations Charter which is one the foundational documents of the UN and which was signed in June 26th, 1945. On the other side of the Atlantic Sea, the United States of America promulgated the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which similarly considered the human rights, at same time of the declaration of the French National Assembly. These rights were appearing and specified in the course of time, so that it was necessary to detail them according to the groups they were directed to. From that variety emerged the rights of children, soldiers, women, consumer, worker, student, homosexuals, emi-


Impacto evangelistic


grant, and even animals, among others. These increase in the amount of rights, which main objective was to defend the above mentioned groups from arbitrary acts and abuses, created a general way of thinking that let very little space for responsibility. This generated a dangerous unbalance where there are plenty of rights but lack of responsibilities, a proper tendency of human nature. These increasing tendency even generated the appearance of some rights that were actually the denial of the fundamental rights of the others, such the right to abortion, or the adulteration of capital notions, such as the right of marriage between people of the same sex. Therefore, something that started as a reaction against the clear abuse of the powerful over the weak ended, as a reaction, in the perversion of the concept of right itself. However, within the list of rights to


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Impacto evangelistic

be taken into account and among the beneficiary of them, nobody talks about someone who has certain rights. Furthermore, we are referring to the source of all human rights, correctly understood. It is necessary to pay attention in order to not to alter the course. Here is a list of some of these rights: 1. God has the right to be acknowledged. A creature must acknowledge its Creator and it is good to thank that action since we did not create ourselves, but that our existence is a gift of God. 2. God has the right to be worshiped and served. Worshipping is more than an acknowledgement since it concerns submission and offering of the heart. It is the most important devotion that concerns all the faces of personality. The service is the consequence of that devotion. 3. God has the right to be loved. There are people who deserve respect and consideration, which means love, due to their position and work, as well as their parents. Similarly, the Father by excellence deserves the love of everyone who receives his benevolence. 4. God has the right to be obeyed. It is not an option that may be given or


denied to him, but our unavoidable obligation. 5. God has the right of sovereignty. Since He is the author of all things, his sovereignty is absolute, being also able to use them at his convenience and wherever He wants. There is no other more sovereignty available since all the creatures are basically finite and limited humans. 6. God has the right to govern. It comes from his sovereignty and He did not renounce to it, being his purpose the creation of his domain over other nations and kingdoms. 7. God has the right to judge. While being the source and lover of justice He detest injustice and supports good. Therefore, it is reasonable to count the good and the bad. 8. God has the right to legislate. For this reason, He promulgates laws to live according to them as they are the expression of his justice. 9. God has the right to save. Thanks to this right everyone coming to see Jesus Christ regretful and faithful is pardoned and saved. Human rights remain inalienable, as well as the rights of God. As well as human rights are inherent to everyone, the rights of God are also inherent to Him. If the denial of legitimate human rights is an aggression against people’s dignity, any denial of the rights of God is an aggression against his honor and glory. If the transgression of human rights should be punished for being a violation of something natural, then the transgression of the rights of God must be punished for being the violation of something sacred. The main characteristic of the prophets was that they preached zealously the rights of God while being subsidiaries of the same human rights, and they certainly proclaimed their contempt regarding government leaders and the people. This had to pay with persecutions and event their lives. Let’s follow their steps through this generation that refuses the rights of God u

years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

When the law creates


The sentence of the Constitutional Court of Spain gave green light to marriage between persons of the same sex in the Iberian Peninsula. The aberration is based on a nonsensical and creepy argument: interpretative evolution. my faith in the Constitutional Court of Spain ended up more than damaged after several sentences along its path. I thought that this body (I don’t dare to call it judicial because it isn’t) could not get any lower. I was wrong. It has exceeded the disgrace with the sentence about marriage between two persons of the same sex. Some will consider that it is legally possible and others are convinced that there cannot be gay marriage in the same way that you cannot call a cat to a dog. However -whatever one may think- what the Constitutional Court of Spain has perpetrated a few months ago is frightening. The CC recognizes that Article 32 of the Constitution includes the marriage model which is between men and women. However, despite this clear statement, it trampled the Constitution making use of what it calls “interpretive evolution.” This legal argument is utterly unacceptable. The mission of a court is to apply the law and don’t try to distort it and violate it by appealing to uncertain legal formulas. If the Constitution says that marriage is a union between a man and a woman, marriage between persons of the same sex is openly unconstitutional. So, due to this undeniable reality, the way to legalize gay marriage would

involve the prior reform of the Constitution. Thus, it constitutes a grave injustice that a group of judges violates the Constitution by appealing to a supposed social evolution which, first, no one can prove or calibrate, and, second, it could never be an argument for breaking the law. The CC has not only consecrated the absurd principle that a dog can be a cat, but has also opened the door to greater injustices committed by a despot or a pressure group no matter how small it is. If tomorrow a significant percentage of the Spanish population were Muslim and a political party, due to its demands, decides to legalize polygamy, the CC would have to accept it. The same would happen if a sector of the Spanish population admitted to be racist, or if it were supporter of executing –obviously in a merciful way- those suffering from mental or incurable illness or if it considered as positive the religious persecution. It would be suffice in all of those cases if a ruling party supported the meanness and a CC designated by that same ruling party consecrated it by appealing to “interpretative evolution” With its sentence, the Constitutional Court has opened the door to the greatest aberrations sustained in a crazy and creepy argument. It can be proud of throwing us to the abyss u


César Vidal Manzanares

july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

The day when

hávez talked to God

The death of Hugo Chávez produced singular moments before and after it occurred. The former president discovered the most human side of himself when the end was approaching. Adriana Schettini

someone’s death —anyone’s death, and no matter how sick the person has been— always leaves me speechless. If the person who dies is a public figure, my reaction, like the reaction of millions of people, is to turn on the T.V. and to zap from one news channel to another; from one news program to the next one; from a newsflash to a talk show about what happened. I could say that it is a television pilgrimage in search of information. But I think, at least in my case, that that frenetic zapping is a lot more: it is the desire of someone else’s words to take me out of the astonishment caused by the reality of death. That was what I did last night since the decease of Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez was spread. A lot of images of Chávez, testimonies, reviews of his public career, connections from Venezuela and from the embassy in Buenos Aires, sections of speeches and interviews… All that and more was seen on T.V. regarding the day’s news. Among all that material, there was a brief fragment of an address performed by Chávez which affected me deeply,


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as in April 2012, when the Venezuelan leader pronounced those words and the T.V. broadcast them. I remember very well that, in that time, the echo of what he said remained in my memory for many days. Yesterday, that archive material hit me again as if I have never seen it or heard it before. I am talking about Chávez’ speech during a mass celebrated in his home state, Barinas. In honor of the truth, it was not a speech, but a pleading. An urgent pleading made by a man facing his end, not anymore as a philosophical concept which we avoid thinking of, but a concrete possibility. It was the pleading of a man who wanted to continue living, like everyone else: The powerful and the normal, the rich and the poor, the healthy and the sick. In those days, according to the media, Chávez was receiving radiation therapy after being submitted, 39 days before, to a second operation in his fight against cancer. “Give me your crown, Christ —Chávez pled in that mass—. Give it to me, so that I bleed; Give me your cross, 100 crosses, and I will carry them

for you. But give me life, because I still have things to do for my people and my country. Don’t take me yet. Give me your cross, give me your thorns, give me your saber; I’m willing to carry them, but alive, Christ my Lord”. Then, he added: “And I’m telling God: if what I’ve lived hasn’t been enough and I have to go through this, so be it; but give me life, even if it’s life on fire, painful life, it doesn’t matter”. “Life on fire, painful life, it doesn’t matter”, Chávez negotiated with God. It moved me to listen to him. Yes, Hugo Chávez —powerful, loved by some and hated by others, known by the whole world, charismatic, wordy— was telling God that he accepted, with pleasure, the torment of living

with cancer if that was the price to continue on this planet. Beyond the ideologies, the politics and the power, Hugo Chávez seemed to me to be the human condition synthesis: we want to live and to live well; we reject the pain, the restrictions, the difficulties and, however, when we perceive the risk of the end, we beg for one more day of life without any conditions; we even thank for a “painful life”, “life on fire”. In that occasion, Hugo Chávez left me thinking of the value of naked life. And yesterday, that television archive led me to the same reflection: The need of blessing the life we have, no matter what conditions that life is in, and during the time we are granted u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Centuries The emperors in the

of persecution Part 1

The persecution of Christians had one goal: to strengthen the decadent Roman state in order to restore the national religion that had taught the people to consider the emperor as a god.

Samuel Vila (*)

the toman empire tolerated the religions of the conquered peoples as long as these did not try to proselytize, hence Judaism was regarded as a lawful religion, because it did not seek to convert non-Jewish people. The New Testament shows us that there were converts among the Greeks, who disappointed of pagan religions approached the Jewish synagogues to learn about the God of Israel. Some of these converts are mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, and it seems that several of them received Christianity to mark the miracle of Pentecost. But Judaism was not a proselytizing religion, nor was it aggressive regarding pagan religions. Pious Jews were considered –and are still considered– as the chosen people, and they did not want to share their fortune with the people of other nations. So, in any case, these were the ones who came to them and urged Jews to teach them their religion. Instead, Christianity was the opposite. Jesus said: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The mission of the Church has been, is


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and will always be a missionary work. And it really was, particularly in those early centuries when the first disciples, inflamed by the truth they saw in the person of Christ, or those who had heard from the apostles and disciples that had witnessed the presence of the Son of God in the world, could not remain silent and endeavored in every way to fulfill the orders of the Master and Overlord. Therefore Christianity, which used every means possible to win adherents, was considered an illicit religion. Besides, Christians’ determination to separate themselves from the world, led them to being regarded as atheists and enemies of the gods and humanity. And the fact that they held evening meetings and kept fraternal relations with each other, only contributed to them being accused of libertines. Everything bad was attributed to them and these rumors among the people made them subject of unjustified hatred. Famine, fires, earthquakes, military setbacks and outbreaks, everything was a reason for the mob


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to rise against them, holding them responsible for such disasters, because they believed that only Christians could have provoked the wrath of the gods. For this reason, the persecutions of Christians cannot be solely attributed to the emperors’ persecution decrees, during the “persecutions” period. From the year 68, when Nero burnt Rome and blamed the Christians, until the conversion of Constantine in 321, the Empire had some depraved governors, as well as others that were well-intentioned and thoughtful; but even these, interested in the rehabilitation of the decaying state, insisted on the persecutions against Christians. The predominant thought among them was that in order to rehabilitate and strengthen the state, it was necessary to restore the national religion that had taught the people to consider the emperor as a god. Some other times, even within the rule of a benevolent emperor, there were outbreaks of persecution at the initiative of the agitated people, or some fanatic and cruel solicitor. As we have seen, many times the persecutions were started by the mob accusing them of all sorts of crimes, such as: immorality, for the love they showed between each other, calling themselves brothers, as even after twenty centuries the world can scarcely comprehend the reality of Christian love without sexual attraction; and cannibalism, for the symbol of communion, since people even said that they sacrificed children and ate their flesh and drank their blood. Furthermore, due to the frequency with which Christians appealed and referred to God’s judgment, and prevented people that the Almighty would punish the sinners in the world, they were called the “enemies of the human race”, because they believed that the second coming of Christ, bringing such judgment to the earth, was imminent. To get an idea of the course of Christianity during the first three centuries, and to locate the events referred to in the following chapters, here is a list of the Roman emperors and their attitude toward Christianity. Vespasian (69-81): He was the father of Titus, the general who destroyed the city of Jerusalem. This emperor did not persecute Christians. Domitian (81-96): He was kind to the Christians at the beginning of his reign, but at


the end of his life he pursued them violently, starting with his own family. Eusebio tells us that “fearing that the Jews revolted and that a descendant of their kings push them to do so, the king ordered to seek the descendants of David. His spies told him that two grandsons of Jude, the brother of the Lord, were alive, and so he had them taken before him. He asked if they were indeed descendants of David. Their answer was affirmative, and so he asked for their livelihoods. They told him that they had no money, that they owned a field together which they cultivated, producing just enough to live and pay taxes; and while doing so, they showed him their work-hardened hands. Domitian finally asked them what the reign of Christ was and when it would happen. Judas grandchildren told him that the reign of Christ was not temporary nor worldly, but angelic and celestial. That it would be established at the end of the world, when Christ appeared surrounded with glory to judge the living and the dead, and give every man according to their work. When Domitian heard such claims, which he considered a harmless fixation, amidst playful mockery he ordered to set them free.” However, he gradually became despotic and cruel, especially after the failure of his campaign against the Dacians. He called himself “Dominis et deus” (Lord and God), hence the name of Domitian, and began to persecute Christians and Jews who refused to render him such honors. He banished the apostle John to Patmos, and finally ordered to kill his own nephew Clement and banished him with his wife Domitilia to the Pandataria island, although he had previously designated them as his heirs and successors. Nerva (96-98): This emperor, who had a very short reign, was just and merciful to all his subjects and also to the Jews, who, having been banished by his predecessors were allowed to return to their homes, restoring their property. He forbade that accusations from slaves and freed slaves against their masters were taken into consideration, and even threatened to kill those who accused their masters converted to Christianity. This resulted in a comforting break for Christians, although it was shortlived. Trajan (98-117): Influenced by Tacitus and Pliny, he upheld religion as a political measu-

re, even when he opposed to the specific persecution of Christians, but allowing their martyrdom if they were accused and did not bet, simply to punish their stubbornness. Pliny, governor of Bithynia, wrote to the Emperor explaining how Christians celebrated their cult, meeting on the Day of the Sun (Sunday) to sing hymns in praise of Jesus Christ, to take part in innocent delicacies (the Communion) and swear not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to cheat, etc.., and asked him how he should proceed with such sectarians. Trajan answered, “Christians should not be seek, but those who are and are charged and convicted must be punished.” “Oh wicked and contradictory sentence!” exclaimed a few years later the Christian jurist Tertullian, “not to seek them, then they are innocent! Punish them, then they are guilty! It seems mercy, but is cruelty; it seems forgiveness, but is torment...; if they are convicted, why not to seek them? If not to seek them, why not to absolve them?” These are the contradictions that since primitive times, the “religious intolerance that does not want to have such name” has fallen into. According to the acts of the martyrs, Trajan, encouraged by his victories, even lost this diminishing spirit of tolerance. But the public conduct of Christians and their prompt willingness to suffer martyrdom refuted in a noticeable way the slanders to which they were subject, and persuade the more sensible minds in favor of Christian faith. For example, Justin, the philosopher of Antioch known by the name of Justin Martyr, in the apologeticus dedicated to the Emperor Antonio writes: “I who had embraced the doctrine of Plato, hearing that the Christians were attacked with slander, and seeing them strong and bold against death and other things that are considered terrible (torture), thought to myself: it is not possible that these men and women had given themselves over to the vices and pleasures as they were accused. Who that gives himself over to the pleasures of flesh, that is intemperate, or that has its delight in eating even human flesh, could willingly embrace death, which will snatch and deprive him of all his appetites? Would not he rather seek to live long in this life and thus to go unnoticed

by the judges, and much less spontaneously give himself away as a Christians so that he is deprived of life?” Certainly, the noble Christian philosopher and master from Rome, who in 155 had to give his live for Christ in the amphitheater with the persuasion and firmness we will see when referring to his martyrdom, was absolutely right. Hadrian (117-138): This emperor was a big fan of paganism. If during Trajan’s reign the Christian profession was unlawful, it was worse with his successor, who explicitly condemned it. As a result, several riots and killings were originated in many cities and were not contained by local authorities, to please the emperor or to gain popularity among the masses. However, such events did not last a long time, since when the Emperor passed through Athens, two Christian scholars, Quadratus and Aristides, presented brilliant apologies. These were more successful than Ignatius with Trajan, as Adriano published an imperial edict threatening with punishment to those who take part in those tumultuous demonstrations against Christians. Antoninus Pius (138-161): After Adriano came the two Antonines. Antoninus Pius was a human prince and philanthropist who did not allow a part of his subjects to be considered as outlaws. When, as a result of repeated public calamities, the populace began harassing Christians, he issued several orders to put a stop to such violence. Marcus Aurelius (161-180): Son-in-law of Antoninus Pius, he displayed more zeal than his father-in-law to keep the pagan worship. Christians were treated so rigorously in Asia Minor that Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, presented himself before the emperor and was able to advocate for the victims of popular fury. Marcus Aurelius’ name is attached to everything pious and noble among classical paganism. It could serve as an example to many Christians because of his habit of self-examination every night. Unfortunately, he did not understand the Gospel, which he despised, and his name appears among the persecutors of the new faith. It was during his days that Justin Martyr and Polycarp, whom we refer to in another chapter, suffered martyrdom u

* Taken from the book Evangelical Christianity over the centuries

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years Worlwide Missionar Movement

Jesus 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Turn your eyes upon

This chant, written by the English composer Helen Howarth Lemmel, is now a familiar hymn and widely used by the followers of Christ around the world. Johan Pérez Landeo Ilustración: Julio Limachi

first published in London in 1922, the song “Turn your eyes upon Jesus” praises the importance of living with focus on the teachings of the Son of God. It was written four years before, by British author Helen Howarth Lemmel, and it immediately became one of the favorite songs of the Christian community around the globe. Since, it has been included in most evangelical hymnbooks and has been translated into several languages over the past nine decades. Lemmel was born to a family of faith in the English village of Wardle, 274 kilometers from London, on November 14, 1863. Twelve years later, she moved to the United States. She first lived in the state of Mississippi for a brief period of time and then settled in the state of Wisconsin. Her singing ability was evident from an early age, so her parents always tried to enroll her with the best vocal coaches they could find in the US, which consolidated her wide artistic life that was forever linked to the Lord. In 1904, after establishing herself as a recognized sacred music singer, Helen Howarth Lemmel moved to the city of


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Seattle, where she worked as a musical critic for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for three years. Then, after interviewing the famous German singer Ernestine Schumann-Hein for her column, she decided to travel to Europe to perfect her talent. So, there, in the Old Continent, she studied music in Germany for four years, and after her return to the United States, she became a singing teacher in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Lemmel’s faith was vast as the sea so she also taught at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Her magnificent literary ability was another skill that caught the attention of the majority of her contemporaries. In this regard, her main biographers claim that she composed over five hundred hymns and poems mainly dedicated to the Creator. She also wrote a very successful book for children called “The Story of the Bible” and several musical pieces targeted for young audiences. Helen never ceased to vindicate Christianity. A familiar chant In 1918, when she was fifty-four years old, Lemmel composed the song “Turn your eyes upon Jesus;” it was after visiting


1 Oh soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s a light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free! Refrain Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace. 2 Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there; Over us sin no more hath dominion— For more than conquerors we are! His Word shall not fail you—He promised; Believe Him, and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dying, His perfect salvation to tell!

a missionary friend who gave her a gospel treatise by Christian author Lilias Trotter entitled “Focused”. In her memoirs, the author revealed that she had written the verses in the same week she read Trotter’s booklet, and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Later, in 1922, the text was published by the British National Sunday School Union in the hymnal “Songs Glad”. In early 1961, during the final stretch of her earthly existence, Helen Howarth Lemmel was established in Seattle, the largest city in the state of Washington, where she became an active member of the Baptist Church in Ballard. Clinging to the Scriptures, as in the words of her hymn, in the colophon of her biography, she turned her eyes upon the Son of God. And she did so until the day the Almighty took her on November 1, 1961, thirteen days before turning ninety-eight years old u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Ye shall know

hem by their fruits

Smith Wigglesworth, an avid traveler, is an example of faith in God. Considered a modern apostle, the British preacher gave his life to Christianity and to the work of evangelization. He is an inspiration to believers around the world until today. Roberts Liardon

smith wigglesworth is without a doubt one of the most anointed men of God who lived in modern times. Known as the “Apostle of Faith”, he was described as a man “full of the Holy Spirit”. He constantly lived and walked in the presence of the Lord, and his ministry involved miracles of a kind that had not been seen since the days of the apostles. People suffering from different conditions including the blind, deaf, amputees, deformed by disease, terminally ill, and patients with cancer or other illnesses, were all healed by the power of the Creator. Even dead people were resurrected. Smith was born on June 8, 1859 in the small and quiet village of Menston, Yorkshire County, England. During his first years, he lived in extreme poverty and illiteracy, but he always had a hunger for God, even though his parents were distant from Christ. This was due to the fact that his grandmother, a faithful follower of Jesus Christ, always made sure that Smith attended Christian meetings. So, when he was 8 years old, he joined the Methodist Church and had a clear understanding of the new birth in


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hero of faith

God. Then, he realized what the death and resurrection of Jesus meant to him and embraced Christianity wholeheartedly. AN EARLY CALL

He soon began working as the preacher who would later become. His first convert was his own mother Martha. Then, when he was thirteen, he moved with his family to the city of Bradford, where he joined the Methodist Church. Although he couldn’t read, it was around this time that Smith began to always carry a copy of the New Testament with him. Then in 1875, when he was about sixteen, the Salvation Army opened a mission in Bradford, and so Smith found there a powerful ally in his quest for people to know the Savior. At the meetings, he realized there was a great power behind prayer and fasting. At seventeen, Wigglesworth met a man of God at a factory, who took him as an apprentice and taught him the plumbing trade. He also told him what the Bible teaches about water baptism, and soon after Smith gladly g

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g Family of Smith Wigglesworth, his wife Polly and his five children: Alica, Seth, Harold, Ernest and George.


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obeyed and was baptized. During this time, he also learned more about the second coming of Christ. Eventually, in 1877, when he was eighteen, he decided that it was time to go his own way, and so he went to some plumber’s home and asked for a job. Although he was not hired at first, the man received Smith as he saw “something different” in him. Two years later, Smith moved to the city of Liverpool to give new momentum to his life. There, he began to minister the children of the city, who were ragged and hungry, and they came to him to hear the Gospel. Wigglesworth did his best to feed and clothe them with what he earned as a plumber. He also visited hospitals and ships, and prayed and fasted every Sunday, and asked God for those who were unconverted. He was frequently invited by the Salvation Army to speak at their meetings, and

hero of faith

he broke down and cried in front of the people quite often because of his concern for the salvation of souls. A 20TH CENTURY APOSTLE

It was also around this time that Smith Wigglesworth noticed with great interest how a young and affluent woman who attended a meeting of the Salvation Army fell to her knees and gave herself to the Creator. Her name was Mary Jane Featherstone, but everybody called her “Polly”. Over the years, a romance bloomed between them, which ended up in a happy marriage on May 2, 1882. She was twentytwo and he was twenty-three. Smith learned to read after he married Polly. During their thirty years of marriage, they had five children: Alicia, Seth, Harold, Ernest and George. In 1907, at age 48, he received the baptism

of the Holy Spirit and became a one-of-a-kind Christian; his temperament and his way of life changed radically. Smith Wigglesworth was called by God for the evangelistic ministry to go to the nations of the earth, and from then on he always worked completely independently of denominations, but still very close and with much love for the pastors and churches who opened their doors to him. The Lord led him to minister in large gatherings of healing and miracles, where he taught the multitudes about faith, preached the message of salvation, prayed for the sick, and challenged believers to go through the waters of baptism. Wigglesworth had a commanding presence that radiated authority. He was courteous and kind, but austere. He was full of compassion, love and faith in God, and challenged his listeners to have hunger and thirst for the presence

of the Almighty. He said: “Nothing in the world can fascinate us as much as being close to Jesus Christ.” He was particularly generous with the brothers, the churches and especially the poor. He held private dinners for people who were very poor, based on the words of Jesus in Luke 14: 13-14: “But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed.” During these dinners many people converted. His wife Polly died in 1913, but first she had to convince him that the Eternal Father was calling her, because he did not cease to pray for her not to die. It wasn’t until the Almighty talked to him that Wigglesworth let her go, but he missed her forever. Then, he traveled nonstop, preaching the Word of Christ until shortly before he died in 1947. For over three decades, the faith and miracles of Smith changed the face of Christianity. Under his ministry, several people were literally resurrected from death. Likewise, he emphasized purity and holiness - he used to say that “every day you have to reject everything that is not pure and holy.” As an avid traveler, Smith brought the word of the Lord to Sweden, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Ceylon, as well as several countries in Europe and various islands in the Pacific Ocean. Some of his sermons were transcribed for Pentecostal magazines and were also collected in two books: “Ever Increasing Faith” and “Faith That Prevails”. As a man of a doctrine tough as metal, he testified that God had healed him from appendicitis, and much of his missionary work focused on faith healing, which aroused the interest of the international press. His various biographies tell that he brought several people back from the dead, including his own wife Polly. Smith Wigglesworth died on March 12, 1947, at the age of 87, without suffering any kind of disease despite his advanced age and his hard missionary work. The fruit of his life and ministry still defy the Christian world until today, but his greatest legacy was the example of his faith in Jesus Christ, his love for the souls, and his insatiable quest for spreading the Gospel and its communion with the Holy Spirit. And although he never formed his own denomination or wrote a book, much less a systematic set of doctrines and theology, his simple belief in God still inspires believers around the world u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Bullets Saved from the

Ezequias Garcia is living proof of the greatness of the divine power. God protected him when a soldier, confused, shot him with a lethal weapon. Photos: Jesus Nimboma and personal file

ezequias garcia nuñez, a young soldier, was sneaking back to the barracks , trying not to be caught by his chiefs. He had left without permission after dinner and was returning from the nearby town of San Antonio after attending an evangelical worship. It was the middle of the night and only a few distant lights illuminated the security checkpoint he had to pass to enter the unit. All of a sudden, in the darkness, a male silhouette stood with difficulty from the ground.

You hit me and now you will pay - the man shouted as he stepped out of the shadows. The voice was menacing because that man had been beaten up until he fainted by some strangers who accused him of being a “snitch” and left him bleeding in a corner. Minutes later, and still in pain, he woke up and saw the young soldier who, coincidentally, was trying to pass the security checkpoint at the time, so he immediately pointed his light automatic rifle at him, a weapon that can fire bursts of up to 30 bullets in a row . What followed was a real hell. The bullets left the rifle in the direction of the young man’s body, so he dropped to the ground and heard the never-ending explosions in shock. When it all ended, he felt his body. It was odd but he had no pain and it seemed as if 34

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no bullet had touched him. He had been saved by the grace of God. THE ATTACKER WAS CONVERTED

The attacker walked slowly, thinking that the victim was dead, but he was tremendously surprised. That young man had no scratches; it seemed as if the bullets had passed through him without causing any damage. He was astonished, so he called the officer in charge and reported the incident. Ezequias was brought before the lieutenant who, while watching a baseball game, ironically said: - We finally got you, religious kid. Now you’ll see... But something else would happen that night. While waiting for the bus in the nearby town to return to the military unit, he watched some passages of the sports game in the bus stop’s TV. The lieutenant had not been able to watch these incidents because of a malfunction in the television signal. The defendant saw what happened and decided to report what he had seen at the bus stop, which proved that the young man could not have been on the beating. That saved him for a second time in one night.


The pastor EzequĂ­as GarcĂ­a along with his wife; testimony of a man who was saved from death by the Lord. july 2013


Pastor García and his family. On the side, he is on one of the several services to God, taking the Word all over the world.


Minutes later they inspected the site of the shooting. The marks of the bullets were there in the same place where he was laying. God had saved the young soldier from certain death. The soldier who shot him saw the bullet holes in the floor and wall, and convinced of the miracle, he went to church and gave himself to God after a few days. TEMPTATIONS

Ezequias Garcia Nuñez was born in Camaguey on October 15, 1964. He was the son of an evangelical pastor, and was the sixth of 12 children. His parents were pioneers of the Assemblies of God church in the 50s in Cuba. He was brought up as a believer, and his mother taught him to read the Bible from an early age. He was raised in the gospel throughout his childhood, but when he reached adolescence and began his student life, Cuba’s education system led him to a school plenty of worldly temptations. The teachers taught classes on Politics and the supposed advantages of the communist system on a daily basis. Those who dared to contradict this thought were punished. During his student days, Ezequias saw demon manipulation in many occasions: people 36

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his age smoking and drinking, and 12 year old girls having sex with other kids and then, weeks later, they were taken to have an abortion. He fell for all this, which created an internal struggle. His problem was not the Christian belief, but the temptations of the flesh. This is in fact a conflict experienced by many Christians, the lust of the flesh against the strength of spirit. Thus, due to his spiritual weakness, the enemy took the opportunity to cast doubt. And so, at age 13 or 14, he thought that when he reached 18, the prohibitions regarding going to the movies, watching television, going to the beach, having a non-Christian girlfriend, smoking or drinking would all end. The friendship between brothers, the worship and God’s presence were things he really liked about the Gospel, but at the same time, the world attracted him. This is why he joined the Army, with the idea of distancing himself from the yoke of his parents. He wanted no more scolding or orders. ENCOUNTER WITH GOD

To his surprise, the Army was actually worse. Ezequias came to an environment where they

were taught to steal, to lie and to be violent, which really shocked him. He was selected to go to a school of sergeants, and after six months of training, he was commissioned a full squad. So, as a leader, he could not make friends in order to keep authority, and he felt so lonely that he took refuge in the Word. Before joining the Army, he had a first experience with God when he attended the campaign of a guest pastor. There were no musicians so they called him because he played the trumpet since very young. However, he still tried to escape the worships. One night he could not leave, and the pastor’s message went straight to him; it answered all his concerns and did something in his heart that shook him. The guest pastor was David Vizcay. Subsequently, he was assigned to the special unit of heavy artillery, and when the BM21 special teams came from the Soviet Union, he was selected for a course. They picked him because he had no vices nor criminal record, but he rejected the offer. So, he became a thorn in the unit, and they did not stop until they brought him to trial. He was accused of something he never did, and they put marijuana leaves inside his Bible, because they could not charge him

otherwise. The person who reported him was influenced by his superiors. The judges did the research and reached a conclusion: “He is the son of a pastor. Although he does not share our beliefs, we cannot accuse him of anything if he does not have a history of such thing.” Then he was sent to the worst military unit where they take people who were in prison. It was there that he was saved from being shot to death. In this environment not everyone was bad; some were repentant and desperate. One of them tried to kill himself once, but Ezequias told him about the Word of God and saved him. During that time, his love of God grew stronger due to the fasting, prayer, vigil and perpetual consecration to the Word. When he returned home, there was a campaign where a pastor prophesied that his destiny was to serve God bringing the Lord’s Word. This prophecy was fulfilled. After working in Cuba, he traveled to Peru with his wife to accomplish this task. He then moved to the United States to pastor in the city of Gary, Indiana, and then in Massachusetts. Currently, he lives in Ocala, Florida, serving God’s orders u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

When the

rookdries up

“And Elijah...said unto Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word. And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, get thee hence...and hide thyself by the brook Cherith... and it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. So he went...and dwelt by the brook Cherith...And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land”. 1 Kings 17:1-7

Rev. Gustavo Martínez

the environment in which God placed the prophet Elijah, was a high-pressure, hostile and very difficult environment. But God, who knows the future and present of each person, knew it was necessary to pass through these stages. God uses all circumstances within His training plans in a man. He also uses people family, friends, etc.

rith, first to be delivered from the persecution of Ahab and second to teach him how to depend on God in their daily needs.

“And Elijah...said unto Ahab, as the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word”. (v.1).

went and did according unto the word of the Lord”.

God gives a message to the King Ahab. It was a very engaging message because he is not announcing victories, or messages to exalt or lift his mood and ego. This message aroused fury and anger in Ahab, so he felt powerless to attack the prophet, but then he ordered to search for the prophet everywhere. “And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, get thee hence...and hide thyself by the brook Cherith...and it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.” (vv.2-4). God

commands Elijah to hide by the brook Che38

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“So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord”. (v.5). Elijah was an obedient, submis-

sive and respectful man. He understood what the voice and the Word of God is, which must not be contradicted or postponed, but it must be obeyed. He obeyed, “he It’s difficult to do things as we are commanded. You can obey, but do it your way and not God’s way. Men of God should not be amazed by what at one point God can do with them in one place. This does not make them admirable. What makes people admirable is their behavior, simplicity, maturity, wisdom to act in difficult and adverse moments, their attitude to obey and serve God’s voice. This is where you know who is who. This is where as listeners and as individuals we have to measure their trajectory, and how it has been developed over time, how they have acted when there was

glory, admiration or when there is contempt, criticism or when going through a desert. This is where you know the quality of each prophet, preacher and man of God. Because in times of euphoria, when all is well, we all respond well. But we do not respond well “WHEN THE BROOK DRIES UP”. Think of what it could have mean to Elijah when God told him to go hide (to stop being recognized to please God). In the midst of proves, Elijah had the same arrangement as when he took the message to Ahab in the palace, he doesn’t look dejected or bitter. We see a serene and calm man, able to control the circumstances, serving God in the same way. God decided to see how Elijah will react “WHEN THE BROOK DRIES UP”. Job was a man who truly knew God. What was the attitude of this man before so much adversity? Job worshiped God and retained its integrity. He always talked about the goodness of God and did not sin. After leaving the crucible, he tells

God that he feels His glory. Job said: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee” (Job 42:5).

We know the proof that Job had to face; the difference was that he knew God. Job said: “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither” (Job 1:21). But his wife, who had no experience with God and was less spiritual, said: “Curse God, and die” (Job 2:9).A man of God doesn’t talk nonsense, does not sow discord, does not criticize and complain. God has the right to bless us, and he can decide not to bless us. We must accept the sovereignty of God as Job did. God sometimes puts us in the crucible for us to be pure gold, real men and women of God. God allows adversity into our lives, not to destroy us, but to have a wider knowledge, a strong and different personality. God wants men and women to do things according to His orders. God only wants true Christians to survive “WHEN THE BROOK DRIES UP”. Amen u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Is soul-hot

reaching a lost art?

“The Church has stopped somewhere between Calvary and Pentecost”, J. I. Brice. “Awakening is the inrush of the Spirit into a body that threatens to become a corpse”, D. M. Panton.

Why revival tarries? E. Leonard Ravenhill Chapter 7

centuries have passed since the Swiss reformer Oecolampadius formulated the phrase: “How much more would a few fervent men affect the ministry do than a multitude of lukewarm ones” Time has passed but it has not taken the sting, from this phrase; on the contrary, we need now more than never good and fervent preachers. Isaiah was one of them when he exclaimed: “Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am

a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips”. And also Paul was one of them,

expressing his feelings with another ‘woe’: “woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”

I believe that no one has expressed better the magnitude of the task of a gospel preacher than the English Richard Baxter Kidderminster, when he said: “The worst I wish you is that you had my ease instead of your labor… I take the labor of most of the town’s tradesmen to be a pleasure to the body, though I would not exchange it with the greatest prince. Their labor preserveth health; mine consumeth it. They work in ease; I in continual pain. They have hours 40

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and days of recreation; I have scarce time to eat and drink. Nobody molesteth them for their labor; the more I do, the more hatred and trouble I draw upon me” Baxter had a very New Testament soulculture idea about preacher’s work, since, as someone said about him: “He preached like a dying soul to men dying in their sins.” A group of preachers like him would save his generation from the open jaws of Hell. We can have a high percentage of church attendance, with a low level of spirituality. In the past we used to blame modernist preachers; today we blame the television even though I know both of them are to blame. We have allowed snack bar sermons -full of jokes- to replace the life or death message which must be sent to souls that are entering completely lost to eternity. This phrase is attributed to Lenin: “Nothing is more obstinate than facts.” Observe the truth of this phrase in Paul’s successes, and the failure of the adapta-

ble generation of Christians in our days. Paul was not just a citywide preacher but a citywide shaker. However, he had enough time to do personal work, to go door to door and to pray in the streets for the lost souls. The artists of yesterday are our evangelists of today. I know a famous evangelist who refused to deliver four sermons on special worships at $ 500 per each one of them. That is why it´s normal to listen to a modernist pastor say that these evangelists “cry in the pulpit only when the pay is enough”, but, woe, the truth is that they will cry like Judas when it’s too late! I am more convinced that tears are part of revival preaching. Preacher brothers, it is time to be ashamed of not having shame; it’s time to cry our lack of tears; it’s time to shallow our pride by recognizing that

we have lost our characteristic as servers; it’s time to whine for our lack of whines for souls; it’s time to hate us because we don’t correctly hate the monopoly of Satan that the world has become; it’s time to condemn our good behavior with the world, since the world has no motive to brand us fanatics. Imagine the neotestamentary Pentecost in our Church. Imagine you possess the supernatural power that had Peter, and because of you, because you have reprimanded a hypocrite, he dies, and soon after his wife dies like him. How would authorities of our days take that situation? Or imagine that, like Paul, you blind an opponent with a word. I’m pretty sure that he would sue you. Nevertheless, the simple contempt of the world that affects any kind of religious movement is more than what our sensitive characters are able to suffer. I appeal again, as at the beginning of this chapter, to a serious and worthy preaching. The devil wants us to spend our time with frivolities. Many of us who praise the “consecrated life” get entertained by catching mice while lions destroy the inheritance. I don’t know what happened while Paul was in Arabia. I couldn’t find it in the Bible. Nobody knows. It seems like he had a vision of the new heaven and new earth of the future, and especially of the Lord. We don’t know. But what we do know is that he shook Asia, he put Jews in trouble and faced the power of the Romans; in addition, he taught the teachers and brought jailers to their knees. This Paul and his companion Silas dynamited the walls of a Roman prison -with prayer- and put proud military heads under their orders. Paul, the slave of Jesus Christ, the most hardened soul that God could reach, touched whole provinces of three continents for God. He moved “the powers of the world to come”, he challenged Satan, he surpassed us in bearing suffering and contempt, as well as he surpassed us in prayers. Brothers, go down on your knees again to recover the apostolic piety and power. It’s enough of innocuous and lifeless sermons. Amen u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement


1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

High concepts on the

ork of God

“O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” Habakkuk 3:2.

Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

what is the work of god?

It’s all concerning the plan of God for the salvation of men. Our Lord sums it up saying: “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29).

Thus, the work of God is the largest and more transcendental company of all ages. It involves the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, angels, heaven, the earth, the man, all creation, the universe, time, space and eternity. Despite all this, the vast majority of humanity has a very poor idea of the true work of God: the prophets were killed, there was no room in the inn for Christ, he had nowhere to lay his head, he mounted a borrowed colt, he dined in a borrowed room, despised, rejected by men, and not estimated. On the contrary, he was crucified and buried in a borrowed tomb. There is no place in people’s hearts for the Word of God. It is disobeyed, rejected, denied, fought, considered as stupid or crazy. There is no time for the Lord’s Church. True followers and workers are regarded as fools, crazy, filthy, the scum of the world, 42

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the dregs of all. But the saddest part is that there are believers and even preachers who have no right, clear and high concepts of the Work of God and Christian ministry. We must have higher concepts about the Work of God in terms of intellectuality. The Work of God is the highest culture. It is wisdom, knowledge, revelation, and enlightenment. The man should not be praised for their human and earthly knowledge, but, as it is said in the book of Jeremiah:“But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord” (Jeremiah 9:24). The knowledge of God is the highest knowledge.“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3).

God’s will is that we may be able to

“comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge”(Ephesians 3:17-21).

This knowledge about God, Christ and His Word, has to be a progressive knowledge. Therefore, we must be “grown in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2

Peter 3:18). This progressive knowledge is necessary... “lest any man should beguiler you with enticing words… or though philosophy and vain deceit”

(Colossians 2:4, 8). And with all this, there are believers who say there is no need to study the Word of God, and what you have to do is open his mouth, etc.. They are spiritual moles who are always making mistakes and following deceptive prophecies and vain deceits. We must have higher concepts about the Work of God in terms of morality. The Work of God demands that the worker of the Lord keep the highest standards of mo-

rality and conduct. St. Paul writes: “Take heed unto thyself...” (1 Timothy 4:16). In 1 Timothy 3:1-7, we find a list of requirements and moral qualities of the worker of the Lord, it reads: “This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them

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which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.”

There are those who seek to hide themselves behind blameworthy and censured conduct of David, who was guilty of adultery and continued to be a king. They commit adultery, etc.. and want to remain as ministers. The priests who sinned in the Old Testament were expelled from the ministry by God. It is unfortunate and even shameful that there are so many cases of preachers whose lives are tainted by adultery, others who get divorced and remarry with astonishing ease, and without any fear of God and a flagrant violation of the Word of the Lord. The real worker of the Lord must have an irreproachable conduct, so that he won’t be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). We must have higher concepts about the Work of God in terms of economy. The worker of the Lord must not compromise their message by personal or economic advantages. There are those who recognize that they are not giving the true message of God to the people, but for the sake of salary they do not preach the message of God. Balak offered money to the prophet Balaam for the prophet to work for him, at his service. Balaam, the employee, accepted the offer (Numbers 22-24, Deuteronomy 23:4, 2 Peter 2:15, 16; Jude 1:11). At present, there are people like Balak who offer, and like Balaam they sell themselves, they are despicable. They both dishonor the work of God and Christian ministry. The real worker of the Lord cannot be a lover of filthy lucre, or be involve in business of life. He must have a sacrificed spirit for the work of God. He must be detached and have a generous heart. He must give everything to the Work of God as Barnabas did (2 Timothy 2:4, Acts 4:36, 37). The Lord’s faithful worker is also very careful in paying their debts, in order to always have a good reputation even among strangers. We must have higher concepts about the Work of God in terms of spirituality. The Work of God is a spiritual undertaking, and it requires a spiritual team for its realization. The Work of God is a spiritual war, and it requires spiritual weapons for 44

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the conquest. For this reason, the worker for God must be spiritual. Study the Chapter 8 of the Epistle to the Romans, to see the spiritual quality that the believer must have and especially the worker of God. Since the work of God is a spiritual undertaking, fleshly methods cannot be used, as they always produce fleshly results. The worker for God must be a spiritual person, who lives and walks in the Spirit (Ephesians 4:1, Galatians 5:16). The true worker for God and the believer in general must have the highest concepts of the Work of God in all aspects. The Work of God is so wonderful! That is why the Psalmist exclaimed: “His work is honourable and glorious…” (Psalm 111:3). We shall not remove brightness and beauty to the work of God because of our misconceptions about it. There is a married couple, television artists, presumably converted to the Gospel, who act on mundane television programs.

He plays the role of good looking young man and she plays the role of a prostitute, and at night they preach in pulpits. What a horrible mix! Long ago, the press reported that a woman said: “Months ago I had a dream, but it was more than a dream. It was a real revelation, and according to it, my next child would be the second Messiah who would come to this world.” These revelations are the result of mixing the Gospel with the world. It is the result of very low concepts of what the true gospel is and the true Work of God. These disclosures are an abomination to God. The only second messiah who will come is the antichrist. The antichrist is a result of the work of Satan. It is the work of Satan mixing the Gospel with the world and sin. These kinds of revelations are the result of this grotesque mixture of the Gospel with the world. Those are misconceptions of what the work of God really is.

In Puerto Rico, we also have people mixing the Gospel with worldliness, professional singers, presumably converted to Christ who sing hymns with salsa and other rhythms of the world, and the worst part is that there are people called “Christian” who sponsor such mixture, such mixers, and such low concepts of the Gospel and the Work of God. Truly, we are living in the last days, when it is clear and obvious that Satan is attacking the true Work of God with all the artillery of hell using all his assasins, but amidst all these attacks of Satan, we know that the words of the Master are true. He said: “Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”

(Matthew 16:18). My friend, do you want to belong to the true work of the Lord, and receive their eternal benefits? Ask God’s forgiveness for all your sins and accept Jesus Christ as their great Savior. Amen u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Scriptures The Holy

The Bible is full of stories, mysteries, and unique passages. Let us find out some curious facts and know even more about the Sacred Book. 1. - The first book to be printed was the Bible. Since then it has been published more times than any other publication of the history. 2. - The Bible was written long before paper and pencils were even invented. People who wrote it used long papyrus or parchment scrolls. 3. - Almost all the books of the Old Testament end with the word “Amen”. The exceptions are: Acts, James, and John. 4. - Did you know that the Bible starts with the book of Genesis, because it was the oldest book of the Bible. However, this is not right, as the oldest is the book of Job. According to specialists Moses wrote it while he was in the desert. 5. - The verse in the middle of the Bible is the Psalm 118:8. 6. - The largest name you can find in the Bible Maher-salal-hasbaz (Isaiah 8:1). 7. - The Bible contains around 3.566.480 letters, 773.693 words, 31.102 verses, and 1.189 chapters. 8. - Psalm 14 and Psalm 53 are the same. 9. - Did you know that the most poetic book of the Bible is the Psalm, most of the time recited with music, and that the book of the maxims is the Proverbs. 10. - The longest verse of the Bible can be found under Esther 8:9. 11.- Did you know that the book of Esther does not mention the word GOD in any of its chapters, even though the main topic deals 46

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with the protection provided by God to His people 12.- Moses stayed in the desert for 40 days; Goliath, the Philistine, provoked the people of Israel during 40 days; Jesus stayed in the desert 40 days before being tempted by Satan; Jesus appeared 40 days after resurrection; the embryo turns into a foetus in 40 days, and it takes the foetus 40 weeks to be born (9 months). 13. - How awesome God´s mathematics are! According to human mathematics every number multiplied by zero equals zero. But God´s mathematics tells us exactly the opposite in Isaiah 40:29: “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength”. 14. - There are many things that men have been discovering in the course of time, that were already mentioned in the Bible centuries ago: •Wind flows (Ecclesiastes 1:6). •Water flows (Ecclesiastes 1:7). •Behold even to the moon, and it shineth not (Job 25:5). •The water cycle (Job 36:27-28). •Moon cycle (Psalms 104:19). •Tides (Jeremiah 31:35). •Constellations (Job 9:9; Job 38:31-32). •And also things that men would eventually create: atom bomb (Zecharaiah 14:12), planes (Jeremiah 4:13). 15. - Three persons were not engendered by hu-

man conception or by intercourse: Adam, Eve and Jesus. 16. - The Bible mentions many current events, such as: •Trips and knowledge (Daniel 12:4). •Space race (Obadiah 1:4). •Mechanical transportation (Nahum 2:4). •Nuclear and missile wars (2 Peter 3:10-12). •Establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 (Ezekiel 36 and 37). •Mass media (Apocalypse 11:9). •Strikes and unemployment (Zecharaiah 8:10). •World´s rearmament (Joel 3:9, 10). 17. - Do you know why Peter 1:6-7 says that our faith has to be proved like gold is proved by fire? This has to do with the fact that gold was put by the artist in a big bowl exposed to fire on the bottom. The heat melted the gold and turned it into a liquid metal. By means of the heat the pollutants floated up to the surface. The artist removed them and stirred up the fire. This process took place repeatedly until the artist was able to see his face reflected on the surface of the liquid gold. 18. - Many promises can be read in the Bible, but around five of them can be considered as the most inspiring: John 14:1-3; John 14:23; John

6:37; Mathew 11:38, and Psalm 7:4. 19. - The word Bible derives from the Greek term “biblos” which means “Book”. Besides, nowadays when referring to the Bible we say “The Scriptures”, “The Holy Scriptures”, “Gospel”, “The Book of the Law”, “The Law of Jehovah”, “The Sacred Scriptures” “The Word of the Lord”, among others. 20. - The Bible was written in Hebrew (most of the OT), in Aramaic (the half of the book of Daniel, part of Ezra, and some isolated texts from other books), and in Greek (the whole New Testament). 21. - It could be assumed that the Apocalypse was the last book to be written because it is the last book of the Bible. However, the last book to be written in the Bible was John´s third epistle. 22. - The French author Voltaire (1694-1778), who was atheist, humanist, and rationalist, said once while holding a Bible in his hand: “In 100 years this book will be forgotten and eliminated…”. Short after his death, his private residence became the headquarters of the Biblic Society of Geneva, which turned into the biggest Swiss centre of distribution of the Bible, the end of which he had announced many years before u july 2013


years Worlwide Missionar Movement 1963 America 1963 Europe 1981 Oceania 1984 Africa 1989 Asia

Photos: Roberto Guerrero, special correspondent in Panama

the metropolitan area of Panama is connected to the district of Chilibre through a perfect highway. The Christian Camp of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama is located to the north, on the road to the province of Colon, in the heart of the rain forest. In the last decade, this place has become a retreat and conventions center for the Work, in a country with evangelical tradition. The camp was open on June 28, 2001 by Rev. Jose Soto Benavides, president of the Work in Panama and WMM international vice president, in a total area of 8 hectares donated by Pastor Reinaldo Diaz. “The land was donated in 1998”, recalls Rev. Alcides Ramea, the National Supervisor of the Work in Panama. Pastor Diaz, who was breeding chickens on an adjacent property at the time, promoted the idea of replicating the business to generate the capital required to set up a fund for the camp. “When we gathered the first 10 thousand dollars the construction of the camp began”, says Rev. Ramea. Three years later, the site was officially opened. “It was a great blessing from


Let’s stand up and

The Christian Camp of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama is a wonderful infrastructure at the service of the Work. The WMM continues to grow in this country every year, promoting new projects and spreading the message of the Lord.


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God”, says Rev. Elisha Obando, Assistant to the National Supervisor, who guided the team of journalists from Evangelistic Impact during their visit to the camp. “The Lord has been with us at all times. The plan of the Panama-Colon trans-isthmian highway initially passed through the center of the land donated, but when the engineers found out about the camp, they made a change to the design”, recounts Rev. Obando. The 8 hectares, which are located in the neighborhood of Villa Unida, in the

district of Chilibre, now house a temple for 800 people, 4 multi-purpose rooms to house about 1,500 people, administration offices, housing environments for pastors and officers, a clinic, a kitchen, a dining room, a multi-purpose court, parking, a garden center and an electric generator. The place is managed by Rev. Reinaldo Diaz.

Entry to the camp of MMM in Panama. It's located on a welcoming area on the way to Colón Province.


“We are going to expand the main wing of the temple and improve the accommoda-

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tion facilities”, reveals Rev. Ramea, presenting the future changes to the camp. The idea is also to improve the perimeter fence. In order to fund the facilities, a nationwide pro camp activity is carried out every year, and the proceeds allow to support and maintain the environments of the Work, which every year gathers a greater number of brothers in the women conventions, youth conventions and workers retreats. The environments are also rented to other missions, and different activities are carried out there, which allow to raise funds in order to improve the services of the camp. “There is a full commitment of the brothers to help supporting the camp; the Work has been able to accompany the growth it has had at the infrastructure level”, states Rev. Ramea. TIME TO BUILD

A countryside environment welcomes to the brothers of the Work who go to the camp for having spiritual retreats at different times of year. Down: Central Church of Levefre Park which will be expanded and the Arco Iris Temple which will be rebuild entirely.


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The Work in Panama has over 100 churches, and it carries out evangelical work in over 150 white fields. “We are present in all our provinces, but the goal is to be in every city; we want to have a church in every city in the country”, says Rev. Ramea. For the immediate future, there are plans to improve the construction of three of the most iconic churches in Panama: the Arco Iris Temple in the province of Colon, which will be rebuild entirely, starting in 2014. The plans have just been approved. The central church, which is the WMM headquarters in Panama, located in Levefre Park, will also be modified to accommodate a larger number of brothers in the temple. It will be expanded, and on the back, they are going to build environments to accommodate national and international officers, as well as special guests of the Work. The church of Bocas de Toro, the province where the Work first entered Panama, is planning the upcoming construction of a conventions center for 1,500 people. “The Work is growing every year, the Lord is with us, guiding our steps”, says Rev. Obando, and he’s not wrong u


8 hectares, which are located in the neighborhood of Villa Unida, in the district of Chilibre, now house a temple for 800 people, 4 multi-purpose rooms to house about 1,500 people, administration offices, housing environments for pastors and officers, a clinic, a kitchen, a dining room, a multi-purpose court, parking, a garden center and an electric generator. the

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Special cults together with the National Board of


The National Board gathered at the city of Bucaramanga for two days to discuss matters of the Work, and it was used to make amazing services with pastors and members of the WMM. on may



8th, 2013, the place in the Church of “La 17”, where Sister

churches of “La 17” and “La Concordia” in Bucaramanga, Colombia, carried out special services which most members of the National Board of Colombia attended to: Rev. Samuel David Mejía Ibáñez, National Supervisor; Rev. Joaquín Parra, Vice-President; Rev. Jorge Humberto Henao, Secretary y member of the International Board; Rev. Jorge Jurado, Treasurer; Rev. José Elí Quiroga, Board Member and Rev. Aris Solís, Board Member. The National Board gathered at the city of Bucaramanga during these two days to address issues related to the Work in the Republic of Colombia, and it was used to make two amazing services with other pastors and members of the WMM in that city . On Tuesday, May 7th, the service took 52

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Carmenza Rueda, widow of Gonzalez, is the pastor. The Rev. Joaquín Parra was the messenger of the Word through which God spoke to His people about the need to rebuild the altar of prayer, to make a stop along the way to find their presence before moving forward because nothing makes sense in this life if you don’t have God. This service was also attended by Rev. Ricardo Villamizar, National Supervisor of the Work in Australia, who was born in Bucaramanga and visited with his wife and children the Work in Colombia. On Wednesday, May 8th it was the turn of the Church of “La Concordia” where pastors Rev. Samuel David Mejía Ibáñez. The preacher of the Word of God was Rev. Aris Solis, who preached based on the theme:

“Warnings for people leaving the desert�. God reminded all attendees their conditions when they started their life with the Lord and when this Work started. He reminded them how at the beginning were great material needs and how later God has been blessing many and multiplying their goods. However, the Lord also urged them not to forget Him, to continue being faithful the same way they were when there was shortage and He urged them not to abandon the biblical principles. If people is able to remain humble, simple and loyal to God, now that there is abundance, bigger and better things will come. These cults were an extraordinary blessing that strengthened the spiritual life of all participants. To God be the glory! u july 2013



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New pastors in

Puerto Rico

Eight churches gathered in the temple of the WMM, in the city of Fajardo, to celebrate a beautiful worship where new pastors were included at the service of the Lord. the work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Puerto Rico has several churches in the eastern part of the beautiful Island of Enchantment. These churches belong to the Zone 2, which is led by Rev. Rubén Velázquez, and which are located in the towns of Ceiba, Humacao, Naguabo, Vieques, Rio Grande, Canovanas, Luquillo and Fajardo. On Wednesday, May 1st, these eight churches met in the Pentecost Evangelistic Center of the WMM in the city of Fajardo in order to celebrate a beautiful worship where new pastors were introduced. Since the beginning of the worship and while Rev. Ruben Velazquez, priest in Zone 2, chaired the meeting, the attendees felt the presence of God in a special way. The devotional and spiritual songs were also proof that God was there. Rev. Ruben Concepcion, international

board member, was responsible for bringing the message with the subject: “Leadership’s tests”, based on the Epistle to the Romans 8:28. In his sermon, he mentioned the various tests that a leader must aprove, such as: test of trust, test of security, test of rejection, test of betrayal and the test of forgiveness. At the end of the message, Rev. Luis Ayala, National Supervisor, thanked the outgoing pastors Rev. Edgar De Jesus and sister Jacqueline Rovira, who worked tirelessly for a period of 7and a half years in the Work of that place. Then, Rev. Luis Ayala, National supervisor of Puerto Rico and Haiti, introduced the new pastors, brother Alberto Ortiz and his wife, and sister Laura Villegas, who promised God and His work to continue working and preaching the Gospel to every creature in that place. May God help them! u july 2013


Fellowship of Children in


This service was led by kids and the glory of God appeared in a special way in the midst of the praises and worships to our Lord. the worldwide Missionary Movement of the Zone 2 in Georgia, United States of America, gathered on May 25th in the city of Calhoun, GA, to celebrate a beautiful Fellowship of Children. This service was carried out by kids, and, as expected, the glory of God appeared in a special way in the midst of praises and worships to our God. The message of the Word of God was brought by the evangelist Jiovany Jimenez, from Dominican Republic. The message focu-


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sed on taking care of our children and dedicating them time in their childhood. After the glorious service, the children were taken to a park where they and adults played some games together since it was a time of fellowshipping as a family. This beautiful event was lived in this way: talking to each other. At the end of the activity the Rev. Leonel Velasquez, Priest of Zone 2 in Georgia, was pleased for the blessings that God showered that day. Glory to God! u

july 2013


Evangelistic Campaign in


A group of brothers, together with the pastor, preached the Word of God to many families, young people and foreigners, and talked about the news of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Impacto evangelistic

we thank god for having allowed the Church of Rome to perform a powerful Evangelistic Campaign the last Sunday, June 9th, in disparate places of the city such as King of Rome, Coliseum, Mancini Park and train station Roma Termini. A group of brothers, together with the pastor Daniel Ortega, could preach the word of God to many lives which generally gathered on Sundays afternoon in open places: families, young people and foreigners who look for amusement in the pleasures of this world and who haven’t received yet the message of salva-

tion, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. The vision that the person of God has -perseverant in their effort- is to maintain this city and nation and see them changed by the power of the Gospel. Also, this vision pretends to rescue lives from sin and destruction to renew them with the precious blood of Christ and to maintain them strong in the faith until the end. God is working powerfully and He will keep strengthening and holding His church in order to fulfill His plans. To God be the glory through the eternity u


july 2013


Anniversary and Fellowship in Church of


During these five days, God ministered and strengthened His people of Italy through praises, through the His Word and through the move of the Holy Spirit. from last may 21st to May 25th, the First Anniversary of the Church in Novara, Italy, was celebrated under the motto: “ And he sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work” (Nehemiah 6:3). During the five days of celebration, the Church of Novara was visited by different pastors and brothers of the North Presbytery, to finish it with glory on Saturday 25th with a Fellowship at level of Zone “A” formed by the Churches of Milan , Milano Certosa, Casalpusterlengo, Monza, Vercelli, Novi Ligure, Busto Arsizio and the host Church Novara. On this day, the Word of God was ministe-


Impacto evangelistic


red through the lips of the National Officers in Italy. In the morning worship Pastor Cedeño Leonel preached the theme: “And the Philistines envied him” (Genesis 26:1-3). And on the second evening service, the Rev. Hugo Lope ministered under the theme: “What my God saith, that will I speak” (2 Chronicles 18:12-13). During these precious worships, God ministered and strengthened His people through praises, through His Word and through the move of the Holy Spirit, which we give thanks for and keep doing the work of God by bringing His Word to the lives that don’t know Him yet u

july 2013


Glorious Fellowship in


Activity in the African town of Mbe was stressed by the presence of different Gospel preachers and approximately 240 believers that received God’s blessing.

the worldwide Missionary Movement celebrated on May 3rd and 5th a glorious fellowship in the town of Mbe, in the district of Micomeseng, Equatorial Guinea, in Africa. This activity was covered by the powerful presence of the Creator, which gathered believers of the different Work’s congregations, such as Anisok, Ikunde, Ebebiyin, among others. It was attended by various preachers of the Gospel and by approximately 240 believers who were present at the meeting with God. The first day of this activity, pastor Paulino


Impacto evangelistic


from Ebebiyin City preached about the theme “Objectives of the Celebration.” It was glorious because he expressed the glorious power of God. The meeting of workers took place the next day with an attendance of 27 people. There was time for intercession, worship and teaching of God’s word. Pastor Benjamin Engono presented the advice of the Word of God, and pastor Nze, priest of the place, preached the theme “Faithfulness in little things”. In the afternoon that day, churches of

Ikunde and Anisok presented special choirs. Then the evangelist Philip Aseko expressed the message of the Word of God. The theme to be preached that day was “Life”. A total of 25 souls came to the altar where God healed them, freed them and restored their lives. The attendance reached 202 people, and due to the reduced space in the temple, the meeting was carried out outdoors. On the third day, Sunday, May 5th, the churches of Anisok, Ndjonmelen and Ebebiyin brought special choirs. That day the Priest

of the area, pastor Nze, preached about “The Great Commission”. Many people were touched, saved, healed and freed by the Lord. That day 242 people attended. In order to finish the worship, the hosts brought gifts for the pastors. Benjamin Engono, pastor of Ngolo, promoted an offering for the trip to the Congress of Panama. Thanks to the support of each church with an offering added to the hosts’, they were able to cook for all and to eat together. God bless the work in Africa u july 2013



Child camping retreat


Retreat of Priests in Zaragoza


Armenia under the Power of God


Third Anniversary in Antwerp


Impacto evangelistic


“leaving the ark” was the slogan of the Fourth Camping Retreat of the Child Brotherhood “Stars of the Nations” carried out in June 3rd, 4th, and 5th at the Retreat Center Eben-ezer in the neighborhood of Cidra, Puerto Rico. In the opening night, the children and their leaders marched representing each one of the zones. The first service had the entrance into the ark as main topic, while in the second service the children could learn about the time of the Flood, and the last one dealt with leaving the ark. On Tuesday morning the children participated in several biblical dynamics and could also enjoy taking part in recreational activities. At night, the service was in charge of the Young people. The service of Wednesday morning was devoted to the Mission. The event counted on the presence of Rev. Margaro Figueroa and Rev. Rubén Concepción, members of the International Board. Rev. Luis Ayala, Supervisor in Puerto Rico, Sister Jacqueline Rovira, General Manager, and the Board of Officers of Puerto Rico took also part in this activity.

from april 25th to 27th the World Missionary Movement in Spain carried out an edifying Retreat of Priests in Zaragoza. This activity was blessed with the glory of God, and harmony reigned among the workers of God. The event counted on the participation of priests coming from the three Zones the country is divided into: 1) North zone: Rev. Carlos Medina, National Supervisor, in charge of churches Barcelona, Tarrassa, Tarragona, Elche, Castellón, Mollerussa, Hospitalet, Girona, Oviedo, Pamplona, Isla Palma de Mallorca, and three annexes: La Coruña, Sorc, and San Cugat; 2) Central Zone: Rev. Juan Castaño, Presbiterian. This zone includes the churches of Madrid-Useras, Madrid-Ciudad Lineal, Madrid-Entrevías, Fuenlabrada, Segovia, Salamanca, Arnedo, Burgos, Zaragoza; 3) South Zone: Rev. Wilfredo Alvarado, Presbiterian. This zone is built up by the churches of Sevilla, Valdepeñas, Valencia, Valencia-Torre Fiel, Jaén, Andujar, Isla Gran Canarias, Isla Tenerife, and an annex in Granada. The Work in Spain is making big progress. In five years of missionary work and of supervision by Rev. Carlos Medina Herrera twelve churches and 5 annexes were created.

from april 16 to 18 a wonderful District Confraternity Event of Zones 12, 30, 33, 47, 63, and 64 took place. The blessings of the Highest showed up in a very special way in this event that counted on the presence of Rev. Joaquín Parra, National Vice-President, Rev. Jorge Jurado, National Treasurer; Rev. José Elí Quiroga, Member of the National Board; and Rev. Samuel David Mejía, National Supervisor of the Work in Colombia. The Word of God was especially present in this activity carried out in a coliseum with capacity for around two thousand people. The priests who are members of the National Board were entrusted the responsibility of spreading the Word day and night. To see the hand of God and the very large number of souls taking Jesus Christ as their Lord was a joyful occasion. We could also witness great miracles and healings.

past june 8th the Church of the World Missionary Movement in Antwerp, Belgium, celebrated its third anniversary with a crowded temple. The guest pastor was Rev. Jimmy Ramírez, who came from Geneva, Switzerland. He preached around the topic “Labor pains”. His sermon was a great blessing from God. Reverend Ilario Vergara together with his wife and the church of Antwerp declared themselves in victory.


july 2013


1).- COMMUNION: Union or agreement on the ideas, opinions, or feelings. Believers have communion with the Father and the Son (1Jn.1: 3) with the Holy Spirit (2col.13: 13) and each other (1Jn.1: 7). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2008. ANSWER: C. 2).- MULTIPLICATION: Increase, growth in the amount or number of a thing or person. In the word of God, we find that Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand people. (S. Marcos 6. 30:44). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2006. ANSWER: D. 3).- FIDELITY: Steadiness and constancy in the affections, ideas and obligations. The original meaning is linked to a person's loyalty to a lord or god. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1987. ANSWER: A. 4).- PERSEVERANCE: Dedication and determination in attitudes, ideas or conduct of affairs. The Bible tells us that as believers we must be persistent in prayer (Acts.1: 14), in doctrine (Acts 2: 42), in grace (Acts 13:43), to do good (Romans 2:7 ). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1993. ANSWER: B. 5).- FORTITUDE: Physical or spiritual strength that consists of overcoming fear and fleeing from fear. The apostle Paul, conscious of his faith in God and that God is the one that meets all the needs, exclaimed loudly: I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1998. ANSWER: C. 6).- WILL: Desire to do something. It is the

faculty that allows humans to govern their actions, decide freely and opt for a certain type of conduct. Power of choice with consciousness. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2010. ANSWER: D. 7).- STEADINESS: Integrity, perseverance, moral strength of someone who is not mastered or disheartened. The apostle Paul, in one of his letters, and this time speaking to the Ephesians' church gives these words in order to stand against the wiles of the devil (Eph.6: 11).Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1992. ANSWER: D. 8).- MISSION: Authority that is given to someone in order to play some role. Specific work to be met by a person, group or organization. To take Jericho, Joshua secretly sent two spies and these spies went ahead with the mission to spy out the land (Joshua 2:1). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2003. ANSWER: A. 9).- SINCERITY: Simplicity, truth, way of expressing without dissimulation. A sincere person is someone who expresses his thoughts without disguise, says things without malice. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2007. ANSWER: C. 10).- EFFORT: Vigor, courage to get something by overcoming difficulties. It is the aggressive use of force against any physical or spiritual impulse or resistance, or the aggressive use of force or activity of the mind to get something by overcoming difficulties. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1978. ANSWER: D.

11).- CLAMOR: Cry or voice that is uttered with force or effort. It is an expression that comes from Latin and refers to the expression or cry pronounced with vehemence and force. Another use refers to the prayer that is made with passion and devotion to God. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1980. ANSWER: B. 12).- HARVEST: Season in which the fruits are collected. To speak of spiritual harvest, ie after preaching or proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, the souls come to the knowledge of the word, then these souls are converted to Christ. Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1982. ANSWER: A. 13).- TRIUMPH: Success in any endeavor. The triumph is a concept based on shared happiness together with principles and values, away from selfishness. When Jesus died on the cross, he won a great victory, because he cast out Satan with his demons (Juan 12:31). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 2000. ANSWER: C. 14).- PROGRESS: Advancement, improvement. When the word of God tells us that we should not look back, but we must move forward and be able to snatch the kingdom of God, we see that Lot's wife looked back and she became a pillar of salt, instead of advancing it looked back (Genesis 19:26).Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1971. ANSWER: C. 15).- VICTORY: Superiority or advantage achieved over the opponent. David defeated the giant Goliath, dropped him without a battle armor and cut off his head, thus he obtained victory in God (1 Samuel 17:49-50). Working Motto for the Worldwide Missionary Movement in 1977. ANSWER: D.

Answers: 1. - Communion: c.) - Persecution. a.) - Life that pleases God. d). - Act righteously. b.) - Forgive your neighbor. 5.- Fortitude: c.) - Union or agreement on the a.) - Fidelity to God. ideas, opinions, or feelings. b.) - One of the fruits of the Holy d). - Glorify God. Spirit. 2.- Multiplication: c). - Physical or spiritual strength a.) - Be generous. that consists of overcoming fear b). - Consecration. and fleeing from fear. C. - Atonement. d.) - Anointing of the Holy Spirit d). - Increase, growth in the amount 6.- Will: or number of a thing or person. a.) - Sustain. 3.- Fidelity: b). - Sent to preach. a) - Steadiness and constancy c.) - Obedience. in the affections, ideas and d). - Desire to do something. obligations. 7.- Steadiness: b.) - Repentance of sins. a.) - Sincerity. c.) - Act honestly. b.) - A spiritual gift. d). - Meekness. c.) - Holocaust. 4.- Perseverance: d). - Integrity, perseverance, moral a.) - Help your neighbor. strength of someone who is not b.) - Dedication and determination mastered or disheartened. in attitudes, ideas or conduct of 8.- Mission: affairs.

a.) - Authority that is given to someone in order to play some role. b.) - Call of God. c.) - Anointing with oil. d). - Circumcision. 9.- Sincerity: a.) - Persevere in the ways of God. b). - Know the mysteries of God. c.) - Simplicity, truth, way of expressing without dissimulation. d). - Overcome fears. 10. - Effort: a.) - Pledging fidelity to God. b.) - Snatch the Kingdom of Heaven. c). - Consecration to God. d). - Vigor, courage to get something by overcoming difficulties. 11. - Clamor: a.) - Intercede for someone. b.) - Cry or voice that is uttered with force or effort.

c.) - Affliction. d). - Ask for help. 12. - Harvest: a.) - Season in which the fruits are collected. b.) - Feast of the crops. c). - The mana. d). - Preaching the Word of God. 13). - Triumph: a.) - Goodness of the Lord. b.) - Sacrifices of Christ. c.) - Success in any endeavor. d). - Sovereignty of God. 14).- Progress: to.) - Strength, strength. b.) - Persevere in victory. c). - Advancement, improvement. d). - Walking with God. 15). - Victory: a.) - Straighten paths. b.) - Exalt a person. c.) - Living in holiness. d). - Superiority or advantage achieved over the opponent.


They write to us... cartas@impactoevangelistico.net AKIRA TAKAHASHI Congratulations for the new stage of Impacto Evangelistic, which is a more modern format and has a very interesting content for all kind of reader. Just one remark: I searched in the publication the names of the people who work on it, but I couldn’t find them. It would be convenient to include all who are part of the team that makes possible this publication. God bless you. From Lima, Peru

MARIBEL SERRANO God bless you! You have been a blessing for me, I´ve learned several biblical truths with this magazine. You have been helpful to my spiritual life, go on. From Venezuela.

CECILIA HERNÁNDEZ I rejoice in the Lord that I can read this magazine. God continue blessing and leading you. From Santiago de Chile, Chile.

ELISABETH REYES God Bless you. I find this magazine awesome, keep it up on and don’t stop. From Colombia.

FRANCISCO SOTO God bless the brothers and sisters who collaborate in this magazine with such a great significance. From Springfield, Massachusetts, United States of America.

SERGE ITURRIAGA Thanks to God for the work that you’re doing. God continue blessing you, I’m one of the members of the Church in Grenoble. We keep praying and persevering in the good doctrine of our Lord Jesus. From Grenoble, France.

EZEQUIEL Hi! I belong to a Church of Jesus Christ in Cordoba. I want to send greetings to the brothers who make this magazine, which is more than a simple magazine and has led lots of people to God. Blessings. From Cordoba, Argentina

CARLOS FONSECA C. One day I got the magazine Impacto Evangelistic and when I read it, I found in its pages a case of a person who had been operated in order to change his gender, and he had transformed into a woman. I found the reading interesting and it made me reflect on it. I was meditating about this case, because this person, who looked like a woman, had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus which made him the happiest man on earth. I thank God for this mean of communication put at the Lord’s service, which has been a great impact in my life. From Lima, Peru.

RAMÓN SANTIAGO Brothers of the WMM, I thank God for giving me the privilege of receiving the magazine Impacto Evangelistic in its extended version. The magazine is more that pretty, it is inspiring and informative. I’ll never forget the moment when I got this magazine, I felt a special joy. God bless you. From Brooklyn, New York, United States of America.

GLOBAL AGENDA 2013 JANUARY 2-5 Puerto Rico Convention 7-14 Colombia Convention

FEBRUARY 11-13 Meeting of supervisors in Central America 14-17 Belice Convention 14-17 Paraguay Convention (Asuncion) MARCH 4-7 International Board meeting in Panama MAY 14-19 International Congress in Panama JUNE 18-21 Convention in Colombia (Pastors and youth) 26-29 India Convention JULY 4-6 Mexico Convention 24-27 Republica Dominicana Convention AUGUST 6-10 Venezuela Convention 15-18 Ecuador Convention (Santo Domingo Tsachilas) 15-18 Convention Haiti 28-31 Africa Convention OCTOBER 3-6 Convention Australia (Melbourne) 4-6 Canada National Fellowship 8-11 Ladies Colombia National Convention 22-24 Convention Rodrigues Island 24-27 Uruguay Convention (Montevideo) 25-27 Mauritius Convention 31 – 3 nov Chile (Santiago) NOVEMBER 5-10 Peru Convention 20-24 Guatemala Convention DECEMBER 5-8 Brazil National Convention (Manaus)

NÉLIDA RUIZ Beloved Brothers, I thank God for all the saintly men who dedicate their time to this precious magazine. This is a unique magazine.Let’s pray for all its team and for this beautiful work and support it. And never forget the Rev. Luis M. Ortiz and his vision. God bless you. From Swan Lake, New York, United States of America.

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