August 2017 / Edition 763
Faith overcomes the fear of financial collapse
What is there after death?
Escape from filthiness
The art of effective communication
Your voice can save families
From September
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MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 2 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
to September
9 am - 7 pm
SOVEREIGNTY Rev. Gustavo Martínez International President of the WMM
“And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, the oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them: And the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, the fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them... While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, the Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword… While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house: And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee” (Job 1:14-19).
hen we feel sad, we cry, we are upset and we complain. We read the test that Job faced. It was very hard for him, but he trusted God. What was his attitude before adversity? “Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:2021). However, his wife, who did not have a connection to God and was not religious, said: “Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die” (Job 2:9). A person that has met God does not speak like that. That person needs to have a real encounter with God. Because meeting God changes everything; it makes you obedient, it changes you, it makes you sensitive and helps you become a good
Christian. A man of God does not talk nonsense, does not sow discord, does not criticize and does not complain. God can make the decision whether to bless us or not. As good Christians, we must learn to accept God’s sovereignty, just as Job did. Sometimes, God put us in a crucible so we become pure gold, and real men and women of God. The Lord allows bas things to happen to us not to destroy us but to give us wider knowledge and to make our personalities stronger and different. Our God wants men and women to do what He orders. God wants responsible people, people who accept his sovereignty. Job used to say: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear” (Job 42:5a). And after leaving the crucible, he told God: “But now mine eye seeth thee” (Job 42:5b).
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
evangelistic Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz AUGUST 2017 / EDITION N° 763 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936
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INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS OF WMM INC. Rev. Gustavo Martínez President Rev. José Soto Vice President Rev. Rubén Concepción Secretary Rev. Rodolfo González Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Margaro Figueroa Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Humberto Henao Director Rev. Luis Meza Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Germany Argentina Aruba Australia Austria Belgium Belize Bolivia Bonaire Brasil Cameroon Canadá Chile Colombia Congo Ivory Coast Costa Rica Curacao Dinamarca Ecuador El Salvador Spain United States The Philippines Finland
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The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a religious nonprofit organization duly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in the federal capital, Washington DC, with headquarters in both cities and in every state of the United States and other countries where we have established missionary Works. Important The offerings and donations in cash, equipment, real estate and bequests by will, in the benefit of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc.’s Work, are deductible from the income tax, and receipts issued by the WMM are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the Federal Government of the United States of America and of the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico. n
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If you wish Write to us at our postal address: Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. PO Box 363644 San Juan, P. R. 00936-3644 n
Copyright © 2009 Impacto Evangelistic Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc. (World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc.) All content of this magazine and each subsequent edition are duly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC USA. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction in any form and translation into other languages without prior permission of the Director are prohibited. Under international copyright agreements, they are crimes punishable by law. n
Doctrinal Statement The Worldwide Missionary Movement adheres to the fundamental doctrines of Scripture, such as: n
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• The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21. • The Adorable Godhead in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:16-17, 17: 1-5; 28:19, John 17: 5, 24, 26, 16:32, 14:16, 23, 18:5, 6, 2 Peter 1:17,18; Revelation 5. • Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47, John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, 3:5-7. • The New Birth: John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9. • Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1, Titus 3:7. • Water Baptism by Inmersion, as commanded by Christ: Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:36-39. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in tongues according to: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 2:4. • Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16, 17, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, 15. • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15, 16, 1 John 2:6. • Ministry and Evangelization: Mark 16:15-20, Romans 10:15. • Tithing and Maintenance of the Work: Genesis 14:20, 28:22, Leviticus 27:30, Numbers 18:21-26, Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23, 1 Corinthians 15:5152, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Titus 2:13, Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Kingdom: Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:5-10, Zechariah 9:10, Revelation 19:20, 20:3-10. • New Heavens and New Earth: Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1.
SUMMARY Search us in
14 / INFOGRAPHY. The church and finance 18 / DOCTRINE. What is there after death?
30 / HEROES OF FAITH. Faith that moved millions DEVOTIONALS 40 / CHRIST PUTS EVANGELIZATION FIRST. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz
Life Story
28 / MUSIC. Why should I feel discouraged?
Current news Interview
24 / LITERATURE. The Gospel of Matthew
Cover note
20 / WELL-BEING. Vision impairment
The fear of financial collapse
“Hazte oír” becomes stronger
Escape from filthiness
"Isolation does not prevent growth"
22 16
44 - 64 / INTERNATIONAL EVENTS. Trust in the Lord 65 / OTHER EVENTS.
56 / Events.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
re you filled with terror when you think about your financial future? When you think about it, do you suffer from pounding heart or sweating hands? How do we face the harassing fear that we run out of money or that when we are old we do not have enough resources to serve ourselves? You are not alone! David Jeremiah
Ethelda Lopez was ready to let go and enjoy the golden days of her time on earth. She had been a hard worker her whole adult life, and she had planned well for her retirement. When that pension check arrived each month, she felt a nice sense of security. One month, the check did not come. An accounting firm had managed her investments, but the company was no longer to be found. Ethelda had worked for AT&T for three decades. She had paid into her investment plan all those years, and now she was cut off. She could not make the mortgage payment. She fired off more phone calls, to anyone at all who might be able to shed light on this craziness. But it was all to no avail. Her money was all gone. She was suddenly, unexpectedly destitute. Every night she cried herself to asleep. Financial collapse has inflicted immeasurable sadness and suffering on countless heartbroken families in the last few years. When we have lost our possessions, and the very concept of financial security has been swept away, where do we turn? Does God have anything to say that will give us comfort? Of course, we know He does.
FROM THE ASHES William Carey, the “father of modern missions,” established a large print house in India, where he worked for years translating the Bible into many Indian languages. On March 11, 1812, Carey had to travel to another city. His MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 6 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
cover note
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 8 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
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associate, William Ward, was working late when suddenly he smelled smoke. He leaped up to discover black clouds belching from the printing room. He screamed for help, and workers carried water from the nearby river until 2 am. But it was to no avail; nearly everything
was destroyed. Joshua Marshman entered a Calcutta classroom where Carey was teaching. He placed a gentle hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, “I can think of no easy way to break the news. The print shop burned to the ground last night.”
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
PUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD DECIDE TO TRUST IN THE LORD. “Trust in the Lord...” (Psalm 37:3). If you put your trust in what you have amasses after years of hard work, your sense of security will be unstable. If you put it in the bank, the bank could go bankrupt; if you turn it into gold and put it in your safe, someone can steal it. How is our financial future? Is inflation going to increase? We do not know. I do not put my trust in any of these things, but in God; He will not fail. The Bible says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). DO THINGS THAT HONOR THE LORD. “Trust in the Lord, and do good…” (Psalm 37:3). 1 Timothy 6:17-19 tells us, “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute… that they may lay hold on eternal life.” What an incredible way to deal with the life we lead today: Trust in the Lord and do good. DWELL ON THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE LORD “… and verily thou shalt be fed” (Psalm 37:3). When you trust in God and do good, then you are filled with the truth of God’s faithfulness, which is like storing Bible verses into our spiritual computer. Some kind of personality with spiritual Teflon develops, and bad things do not stick. DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD “Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4). We may be facing loss and oppression, but we can always delight in the Lord. Now this verse brings a promise: “… and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” True believers will never ask for something that does not match what He is. If we truly delight in the Lord, we can ask Him what we want, and He will give us the desires of our heart. COMMIT YOURSELF TO THE LORD “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). We can lay our burdens on Him, we can give Him our lives without fear of what may happen. If you commit to the Lord, when loss comes, He will be there to help and make sense of life. DOWNLOAD YOUR WORRY TO THE LORD. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way…” (Psalm. 37:7). The Bible says, “Do not fret”. The English word “fret” comes from the old English “fretan,” meaning “to devour, to eat, to gnaw into something.” The Hebrew word David used is “charah,” which has at its root the idea of “growing warm” and “blazing up.” In the first metaphor, fretting is seen as a rat inside your soul, gnawing away at your joy and peace. The fire metaphor pictures Satan as the arsonist of hellfire, setting blazes of distress inside your heart. DISCIPLINE YOURSELF TO WAIT ON THE LORD “… and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7). Waiting is what happens between promise and fulfillment. Waiting builds our faith, waiting reminds us that God does not stick to our schedule, but we stick to His, and if we learn to wait, we will see that God does great things.
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 10 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
When we have lost our possessions, and the very concept of financial security has been swept away, where do we turn? Does God have anything to say that will give us comfort? Of course, we know He does.
cover note
Gone was Carey’s massive translation work of nearly twenty years: a dictionary, two grammar books and whole versions of the Bible. Gone were sets of type for fourteen Eastern languages, twelve hundred reams of paper, fiftyfive thousand printed sheets, and thirty pages of his Bengal dictionary. Gone was his complete library. William Ca-
rey had dedicated his life to God, and he trusted Him to bring blessings in the ashes of his dreams. News of the fire caused all England to start talking about William. Money for support flowed in. Volunteers enlisted to help. The print shop was rebuilt and enlarged. By 1812, complete Bibles, New Testaments, or separate
books of Scripture Bible had issued from the press in forty-four languages and dialects. It was beauty that came from the fire.
OVERCOMING THE CRISIS Almost two hundred years ago, our nation went through another economic upheaval: the panic of 1837. Anna and
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
By 1813, complete Bibles, New Testaments, or separate books of Scripture Bible had issued from the press in forty-four languages and dialects. It was beauty that came from the fire.
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 12 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
cover note
Susan Warner and their father, Henry Warner, lived in a mansion filled with art treasures, first-class furnishings, and an army of servants. Then came the deluge. The market crashed and took Henry Warner’s investments down with it. The family lost everything and, deeply in debt, moved to a decrepit old house. Henry’s financial collapse devastated him emotionally, and he was never the same. The daughters, accustomed to expensive parties and the social whirl, now realized they had to pitch in to work down the family staggering debt. All they could think to do was write. Though they struggled to find a publisher, eventually Putnam accepted Susan Warner’s novel The Wide, Wide World. Success followed. The sisters wrote more than a hundred works, all built on the foundation of the Gospel. One of the books, Say and Seal, contained a little poem Anna had woven into the story. It began with the words: “Jesus loves me, this I know.” Songwriter William Bradbury added
The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord, to do good, to dwell on His faithfulness, to delight in God, to commit to the Lord, and to wait on Him.
music, and now “Jesus Loves Me” is loved throughout the world. Untold millions of children have first encountered Christ through its simple yet powerful words. In 1943, when John F. Kennedy’s PT-109 was sunk in the Solomon Islands, local islanders and American marines sang the song as they rescued the survivors. The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord, to do good, to dwell on His faithfulness, to delight in God, to commit to the Lord, and to wait on Him.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
THE CHURCH AND PERSONAL The relation between Christianism and finances has not always been clear and transparent, which is why it is necessary to return to the roots. It is important to remember the choice that God did when he became a man; he did not choose to be born in a wealthy or powerful family. God could have chosen to be born as
the son of the Roman emperor, which would have given him significant possessions, but also great and fast influence to make Christianism the main religion in a short period. However, God chose a humble family, a family that did not have much money but enough to live.
Greed When a person is worried and upset, he could react in a different way as he usually does. “Is it possible to send some money to my mom?”, asks the wife. “Her situation is so bad that she is only eating once a day”. The husband replies: “Well, she can learn to eat once every two days!”
Excessive worry due to financial problems. The person under financial slavery is so stressed that he cannot stop thinking about finance. He is at home and is worried about his finance, he is at work and thinks about finances, he is driving and calculating how much money he has in the bank, he is eating and planning how to pay his debts. He is a bundle of nerves.
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 14 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Resentment. Resentment can be caused by a bad business. It can also be directed to the society or the church because the person does not receive support from them. Resentment leads almost always to bitterness and spiritual misery.
Indulgence. Believe it or not, the person under great financial stress is the first one in falling into indulgence. He knows that he cannot afford luxury, but he spends money for it anyway, because “he deserves it”. “I need some vacations”, he says and buys a ticket to Viña del Mar. He could have also travelled outside the city where his aunt lives two hours away from home and he would have rested just as much. The indulgent person prefers to travel to Viña del Mar, go on a Caribbean cruise, buy a new computer or a brand-new car. Then, he also has to pay for the admission of his wife to an expensive clinic, after she heard the news about his expenses. And everything is part of “what he deserved for suffering too much”.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
The messages of Hazte Oír do not encourage the hate to transsexuals. Phrases such as “Boys have a penis and girls have a vulva. Don’t let them deceive you” or “If you are born a man, you are a man; if you are a woman, you will continue to be one” are part of freedom of expression, according to the verdict of the Hearing of Madrid. The judges consider that the messages profess and express “an ideology”, which must be respected even if it’s from a minority and even if it is extreme. That is how they create jurisprudence MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 16 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
he polemic is over. The Province Hearing of Madrid removed the prohibition to use the Hazte Oír’s bus, based on that it is “freedom of expression” and not a hate crime. In addition, it was announced that a small plane will promote the family defense.
current news
Hazte Oír’s vehicle on February, after it was confiscated by the District’s Council Police of Madrid, shortly after it began to circulate. The situation caused a series of protests not only in Spain but around the world. The circultation of the bus is the collective’s response to the campaign of the Basque association- Chrysallis Euskal Herria, which is in favour of the rights of transsexual children. Currently, this bus is traveling across many South American countries sharing their messages.
THE SMALL PLANE The president of Hazte Oír, Ignacio Arsuaga, announced that a small plane would travel around the beaches of Spain in favour of the right of freedom of education for parents and children, responding to “the gag rule LGBT” of Podemos. Hazte Oír has not revealed the motto of the campaign by air yet, but it assures it will be “impressing”. The objective is to send a message against “the gag law of the LGTB collective”. “We demand that we let children be children without interfering in their development, emotions or sexuality. Minors deserve respect; we are against
“To admit the persecution of ideas that bother some or many people is not democratic; it would be like supporting the biased vision of the politic power as an instrument to impose a philosophy (…)” FOTO: AFP
and doctrine, quoting sentences from other emblematic cases in which the accused were exculpated since there was no “specific degrading intention”. “To admit the persecution of ideas that bother some or many people, is not democratic; it would be like supporting the biased vision of the politic power as an instrument to impose a philosophy that seeks to replace the old theocracy with a new ideocracy”, state the judges in the edict. The messages of Hazme Oír are “not criminal as unpleasant and aggressive as
they might be”, according to the Hearing of Madrid. The judges even referred to the “Tramabus” of the political group “Podemos”, in which there are messages against corruption and “identifiable figures of politicians and some journalist”, whose dignity and alleged innocence must be also respected. Despite of that, no judge has stopped the circulation of the bus. The verdict corrects the resolution of the Instruction Court No. 42 of Madrid, which prohibited the circulation of the
indoctrinating them in classrooms”, says Arsuaga. This movement has risen up against the law, which will “make possible to impose ideologies through education, manipulate web pages and books, and chase down associations considered as homophobic”. In September, after the voting on the law LGBT in the Congress of Deputies, the second part of the protest by bus will begin; the bus’ motto that used to be “The boys have a penis, the girls have a vulva” will have “some modifications”, stated Arsuaga.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
hristians believe in eternal life after death. This life does not fulfill God’s goals nor our desires of immortality.
In the Cathedral of Toledo, so masterfully described by Blasco Ibañez, next to the 200-kilogram monstrance, of which 16 are pure gold and the rest golden silver, near the painting by El Greco portraying the twelve apostles for which, according to Gregorio Marañon, twelve inmates from a madhouse were used as models, is the tombstone of Cardinal Puertocarrero, who was counsellor to Charles II, as told by the guides on duty. The inscription on the tombstone reads, “Here lies dust, ashes and nothing.” These words should be on the gravestone of Voltaire or Nietzsche, not on that of a believer. Because in the tomb, besides dust and ashes, there is always “something”, that on the day of resurrection will turn into a body of glory that will overcome death, break the slabs of the grave and emerge triumphant to receive the Lord in the air. Atheistic materialism and its negative philosophy seek to limit our existence to the depths of a tomb as dark as its own doctrine. The modern apostles of materialism want us to believe that man’s life ends with death, and that life must be governed by a gut philosophy by which people should only eat, drink and have a good time. Christians feel that their whole being rebels and revolts before mortuary inscriptions with a message of hopelessness, of endgame. As the great French astronomer Camille Flammarion said before the tomb of his friend Maron, “If this grave is the ultimate end of existence, and the last word of it, creation has no meaning and the infinite universe, with its suns and moons, with all its beings and all its lights and all its hopes, would make MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 18 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
AFTER DEATH? less sense than the action of the dog and the ant itself.” In the grave, there is more than dust and ashes. Behind the grave lies the glorious hope of resurrection, the dawning of a new life with God, or the sadness of eternal damnation. If all ends
with death, we would be the most miserable in the universe. But this is not so. Like Job, believers are sure that one day, when the end of time comes, they will see God with their own eyes, even if dust and ashes invade Earth. The promise of Christ to the thief
associates the eternity of the Word with eternal life. The prologue of the Gospel that bears his name and that of the first epistle explore this truth. The Word, which is also life, manifested itself to give us eternal life and to open the path that leads to its possession. John and the other apostles had the great fortune of witnessing this life. With their earthly hands, they touched the Word of eternal life. A greater mystery follows a great mystery. Christ is eternal life in himself, but also the means that leads us to it. He is the source from which the living water that quenches the thirst springs. He is the door that the Father opens to lead us to eternal life. The words of John, very simple, within the reach of all minds, are of great eloquence: “God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto
In the grave, there is more than dust and ashes. Behind the grave lies the glorious hope of resurrection, the dawning of a new life with God, or the sadness of eternal damnation.
on the cross, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise,” is the greatest guarantee we have of eternal life. If eternal life were a lie, Christ would not have given vain hope to a man who was at the very brink of death. His words were not words of comfort. On the Cross, he maintained what he had always believed and proclaimed: that there is another life beyond this one. One of his strongest and clearest statements about it is in the Gospel of John. Speaking with the disciples, the Lord said to them, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, belie-
ve also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” ( John 14:1-3). The “Father’s house” is eternal life, and there are countless dwellings for believers. If eternity were a lie, if there was no heaven, no Father, no possibility of continuing to live after death, Christ would have told us. Jesus’ sincerity not only convinces us, but also overwhelms us. Saint John
you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” (1 John 5:11-13). As read in all these New Testament passages, the apostles of Christ had no doubts about the reality of eternal life. Beyond physical death, when their bodies would go down to the grave, they would continue to live, spiritually conscious, in the eternal mansions. What an encouraging conviction for us! We can also say, as the authors of the Apostolic Creed: “I believe in life everlasting... Amen.”
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
n the world, there are approximately 285 million people visually impaired, of which 39 million are blind and the rest have low vision. 90% of them are in low-income countries.
Wálter Menchola Vásquez (*)
A person’s vision depends on the condition of their visual acuity and field of vision. As a result, visual impairment occurs when there is a significant decrease in any of these elements. 82% of people who are blind are 50 years or older. The highest prevalence of blindness and visual impairment are found in rural and marginal urban areas. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in Latin America and the Caribbean, cataracts (clouding of the eye’s lens) are the prevailing cause of blindness; most cases are age related and can be treated with surgery or intraocular lens implants, with very effective results. The rate of blindness caused by cataracts is very high in people over age 50, especially in rural and remote areas. It is, therefore, urgent to improve health services and care for these populations. It should be noted, however, that the number of people with a visual impairment attributable to infectious diseases has declined considerably over the past 20 years, and 80% of global visual impairment cases can be prevented or cured.
PEOPLE AT RISK 65% of the visually impaired are aged 50 or older. As people get older, the risk of suffering from visual impairment increases due to chronic eye diseases and the aging of the eye. Presbyopia, cataract and glaucoma are the most frequent causes. On the other hand, in children below age 15, the most freMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 20 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
IMPAIRMENT quent cause of chronic visual disability is refractive disorders. Refractive disorders cannot be prevented, but they can be easily diagnosed and treated with corrective lenses, contact lenses, or refractory surgery. When refraction errors are not corrected, they hinder people’s performance, e.g. at school, and may cause accidents and injuries in the elderly. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that overall, the prevalence of vision impairment worldwide has decreased since early estimates in the 1990s due to general socioeconomic development, concerted public health action, increased availability and access to eye care services, as well as the awareness of the general population about solutions to visual problems. 80% of all visual impairments can be cured, so periodical check-ups are important to rule out refraction or accommodation disorders, especially in children. If a child blinks too often, stares too frequently, tears up without explanation, has headaches or blurred vision, or lacks eye-hand coordination, they must be examined by a physician and referred to an ophthalmologist, if necessary. Remember that these disorders can be corrected and, in many cases, cured. The prevalence of myopia is greater in
children aged 11 to 15. Many cases of poor school performance or learning problems in children are due to refraction errors.
RECOMMENDATIONS People aged 50 or older must include in their periodic check-ups an eye evaluation to rule out refractive disorders, glaucoma, cataracts, degeneration of the macula, or chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, or others. Prevention is a hundred times cheaper than cure, so it is up to us. The WHO indicates that the main causes of chronic blindness are cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, corneal clouding, diabetic retinopathy, trachoma, and childhood eye conditions such as those caused by vitamin A deficiency. Finally, it is important to emphasize that universal access to health care is a right and need in every society, and eye care services should be included: universal eye health.
The WHO indicates that the main causes of chronic blindness are cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, corneal clouding, diabetic retinopathy, trachoma, and childhood eye conditions such as those caused by vitamin A deficiency. (*) Internist, Master in Management and Public Policies Source: WHO, PAHO.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
Photo: Roberto Guerrero
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 22 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
he Worldwide Missionary Movement reaches the whole world. The island of Bonaire is no exception. Two decades ago, the first missionary arrived there to bring the Word of God. Now, the Work is constantly growing in this small, far-away place.
The island of Bonaire is a special municipality within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and a member of the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) of the European Union. It is located in the south of the Caribbean Sea, just off the Venezuelan western coast, and is part of the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles. To this place surrounded by the sea the Work of the Worldwide Missionary Movement arrived 20 years ago. Pastor George Mensche tells us about the growth of the WMM on this island small in size but big in faith. How long has the Work been in Bonaire? The Work began in Bonaire in 1997. Previously, there was some presence, but nothing established. Ever since then, my wife, children and I have worked for the Lord. More than 20 years have passed. What is the progress that the Work has made all these years? The Work is progressing. Bonaire is an island that is part of the Dutch kingdom, together with other five six islands: Aruba, Curacao, St. Martin, Saba and St. Eustatius. When we first arrived in Bonaire, there were 12,000 inhabitants; now it has 18,000. We started a community from scratch. Over these years, God has allowed us to build our own temple, with a capacity of 300 to 400 people, all of whom work for the Lord. What are the challenges to the progress for the Work in Bonaire? First, the island is very small. We are surrounded by water, very far away, and we spend most of the year isolated. No meeting or retreats for workers are held because there are no nearby churches. The sea keeps us apart from anyone else, so the pastor practically works alone. There are many immigrants who help in the church, but they have their own concerns as well, such as their family and news from their country. With them and with the natives of the island we have worked hard, and God has helped us. There are also brethren from Peru, Santo Domingo and Colombia. We all have grown as people
doing the work that the Lord has entrusted to us. Over the last 20 years, although the island is the smallest in the region, God has given us a very precious growth. What are the projects for the next years? We have many projects. We believe that we will reach the 18,000 souls. That is why we cannot have only one church; we want a big central church and 10 other. That is our vision, our faith. Sometimes they say we are crazy, but we have to be if we want to achieve great things. For now, we have expanded the temple, so that it has a capacity of 400 people. We are about 100 participants, but we will continue to grow. I believe that we do not have to wait for God to do everything and do our part last minute; instead, if we know that God is going to give growth, we must prepare ourselves. We have the place and we want to continue attracting workers. This year we also want to establish white fields that may eventually grow and become churches. How many brethren are there in the church? Between 80 and 100 people, and to us it is a great growth that God has given us. Do you use the media to evangelize? We do. We go every Sunday to the prison, while another group visits the hospital. We post our messages online, and have a halfhour radio program twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We also preach house-to-house and carry out campaigns in order to conquer more souls for Christ. Is there any difficulty for the church in legal or political terms? There is not. Thank God, we have freedom. We ask for the permits in Bonaire, we can carry out the campaigns anywhere. While it is true that we are part of the Netherlands and its laws are also valid for us, we have no restrictions. Are there any other problems? There is no oppression from the people, so maybe the only problem is the size of the island. Are there geographical difficulties? There are. Bonaire is very isolated. Holding united services is necessary even for the pastor, but we cannot have them on the island. Once a year we have a convention and we motivate the congregation to attend, but some cannot afford the trip. We are isolated, but that is no excuse to fail to do the work of our Lord. We have done our part and God has helped us. When the officers allow someone to visit us, it is very refreshing because we share experience.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he book, written by William Hendriksen, explores one of the four books of the Bible in which the Lord presents, through the earthly story of Christ, His message to mankind.
It has been called “the most important book in the world,” “the most successful book ever written.” In addition to being important and successful, it is also truly beautiful. Reading it from beginning to end in one sitting is an exciting experience. The book is simply irresistible. In the very beginning, one is intrigued by the mystery of the three fourteen. Follow the thrilling story of the kings who came “from the east” to worship the child. The Sermon on the Mount, with his beatitudes, the Our Father, and its many other precious passages, gives us a penetrating glance into the very heart of the Master. “The Gospel of Matthew,” which is part of the New Testament Commentaries series written by Christian author William Hendriksen, explores one of the four books of the Scriptures in which God presents, through the earthly life of His only Son, the good news to men. Published in 1979, the volume provides several essential explanations for the evangelical community. Matthew was not only an intelligent Jew; he was also deeply religious, as reflected in the fact that when Jesus called him, he obeyed immediately. As such, we may believe that he had a very complete knowledge of the Old Testament in Hebrew and the Greek translation, the Septuagint. He was certainly well versed in the Scriptures. Hence guided by the Holy Spirit, he was the type of man who could interpret Old Testament passages in such a way that he could apply it to new situations. The Gospel of Matthew agrees with this ability on the part of Matthew.
FOLLOW ME Author of more than seventy books, MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 24 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
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Hendriksen, born in the Netherlands on November 18, 1900, points out in the foreword of his book that the first part of the New Testament is “a Gospel oriented to the past; that is, toward the Old Testament, with its many messianic predictions, which proclaims its fulfillment in the present, i.e., in Jesus Christ. This Gospel is characterized by the thought patterns and spirit of the Hebrews.” In general, it can be said that the purpose of this Gospel was to fully win the Jews for Christ; that is, to win the unconverted and to strengthen the already converted. The Hebraizing character of the Gospel of Matthew, as described in the preceding pages, indicates that this is its goal. To do this, the emphasis is placed on the fact that Jesus is indeed the long-awaited Messiah who is announced in the Hebrew Scriptures. That is why, under the providential guidance of God, the Old Testament prophetic books are immediately followed by the book of the fulfillment of prophecies, Matthew. A necessary reading tool for believers, “The Gospel of Matthew” is a valuable effort by Hendriksen, who in life was one of the most important and respected Bible exegetes. With scientific rigor, and based on new archaeological discoveries, the writer, who studied at Calvin College, clearly presents in his work a series of lucid approaches that contribute to discern the Word of the Lord. The Gospel of Matthew begins with the genealogical tree of Christ. Today many readers will surely consider that list of names sufficiently lacking in interest, as to overlook it. However, we must remember that Matthew wrote primarily for the Jews, as has been shown. This also explains the fact that he begins the line with Abraham, and does not extend it to Adam as Luke does. Now for the Jews, genealogies never lack interest and importance. After the conquest of Canaan, it was important to determine the place of residence of the family. Professor of the John Calvin Theological Seminary between 1942 and MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 26 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
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1952, William Hendriksen served the Almighty in his youth as a pastor in a Christian congregation in the United States for fifteen years. Then, after obtaining his PhD in Theology, he devoted to examining the Scriptures in depth. He then began to bring to life a work that led him to publish a set of books on the New Testament and to win the Gold Medallion Book Award in 1982. Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow me.” He got up and followed him. Thus, in a sober manner and without any credit for himself, the man to whom this unforgettable experience most deeply concerned relates it. For more details, with emphasis on the greatness of the sacrifice, we must turn to the Gospel of Luke, who informs us that
In general, it can be said that the purpose of this Gospel was to fully win the Jews for Christ; that is, to win the unconverted and to strengthen the already converted. The Hebraizing character of the Gospel of Matthew… indicates that this is its goal.
when he rose to follow Jesus, the publican “left everything.” It is almost certain that Matthew, who lived and worked in Capernaum, the same place that Jesus had chosen as the center of operations, had had frequent contacts with the Master and that, when the call came, he had already surrendered his heart to him.
THE TRIAL “The Gospel of Matthew” gives a detailed study on the twenty-eight chapters that make up that part leading to the portion of the Bible composed by the canonical writings and letters written after the death of Jesus Christ. The author once said, “in Matthew all the passages about the fulfillment of
the prophecies are emphasized. It also shows that Jesus came to the earth with a purpose.” The most used method of teaching was “repetition.” The subject that was taught was repeated by the teacher to the student, and then by the student to the teacher. As regulations and opinions grew in number, also the quantity of material to be memorized increased from year to year and decade to decade until it became so enormous that Rabbi Jehuda, about 200 d. C., put in writing this “tradition of the elders” in what is called Mishnah, word formed from a verb that means “to repeat.” There had been several previous attempts, but Jehuda’s work was immediately recognized as the most complete. William Hendriksen, who died on January 12, 1982, is one of the most valued theologians in the evangelical world. His erudition, his spirituality and his faith are a permanent source of knowledge for those who study the Word of God. After his death, his fruitful work for the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures was continued by his compatriot Simon Kistemaker, servant of the Creator who helped to magnify the work of his predecessor. The whole trial was a farce. It was a “mistrial.” There was no intention of giving Jesus a fair hearing to discover in strict accordance with the laws of evidence whether the charges against him were fair or unfounded. In the annals of jurisprudence, there is no parody of a trial celebrated that is more shameful than this. Further, to arrive at this conclusion, it is not necessary to study all the technical details with reference to the Jewish law of that time. Various authors, based on several technical points, have emphasized that the trial of Jesus was illegal.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he hymn by Christian composer Civilla Durfee Martin describes, with subtle beauty and rhetoric, the hope and peace that God grants to all His followers amid the difficulties of earthly life.
One of the most beloved hymns of the twentieth century, “Why should I feel discouraged?” refers, through its poetry, to the words of Jesus Christ contained in the Gospel of Matthew and those of King David contained in Psalms. Written by Christian writer Civilla Durfee Martin in 1905, it describes, with subtle beauty and rhetoric, the hope and peace that the Almighty gives to all His followers amid the difficulties of earthly life. Born on August 21, 1866, in Canada, Civilla Martin composed this song, whose original title was “His eye is on the Sparrow,” after meeting a couple of believers who were happy despite their hardships: “Early in the spring of 1905, my husband and I were sojourning in Elmira, New York. We contracted a deep friendship for a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle—true saints of God. Mrs. Doolittle had been bedridden for nigh twenty years. Her husband was an incurable cripple who had to propel himself to and from his business in a wheelchair. Despite their afflictions, they lived happy Christian lives, bringing inspiration and comfort to all who knew them. One day while we were visiting with the Doolittles, my husband commented on their bright hopefulness and asked them for the secret of it. Mrs. Doolittle’s response was simple: ‘His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.’ The beauty of this simple expression of boundless faith gripped the hearts and fired the imagination of Dr. Martin and me. The hymn ‘His Eye Is on the Sparrow’ was the outcome of that experience.” Married to Pastor Walter Stillman Martin, who encouraged her to develop her creativity, Civilla stood out as a Christian role model who used her musical talent to contribute to spreading the Gospel and praising Christ. Among her most popular songs are “God MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 28 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Why should I feel discouraged? 1 ¿Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home, When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. Refrain I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, For His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. 2 “Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear, And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears; Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. 3 Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise, When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies, I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me; His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!
Will Take Care of You,” “One of God’s Days,” “Going Home” and “The Old-Fashioned Way.” On March 9, 1948, after a lifetime devoted to the Creator, she died. Divided into three verses and a refrain, “Why should I feel discouraged?” is a tacit reference to three biblical passages: Matthew 6:26 (“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap,
nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.”), Matthew 10: 29-31 (“Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”), and Psalms32: 8 (“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”). The praise, associated with the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. and the African
American community, has been performed since the 1950s by a wide variety of Christian and secular singers. Rosetta Tharpe, Marie Knight, Ethel Waters, Mahalia Jackson, Dottie West, Marvin Gaye, Andy Griffith, Shirley Caesar, Jessica Simpson, Gladys Knight and Whiney Houston are some of the artists who have covered the poem by Civilla Durfee Martin.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
ohn Wilbur Chapman was one of the greatest preachers in the United States. He held simultaneous mass campaigns, and was key to the development of Christianity in North America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ed Reese
Considered by preacher Dwight Lyman Moody as one of America’s greatest evangelists, John Wilbur Chapman was key to the expansion of Christianity in North America, Europe, Oceania, and Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Thanks to his missionary work, carried out for more than 37 years and combining the Word of God with music, over 60 million people listened to the good news. Born on June 17, 1859, in Richmond, into a Christian home, John was the son of Alexander Chapman and Lorinda McWhinney. His mother died when he was 13. In his youth, he attended a Quaker First Day School on Sunday mornings and the Grace Methodist Church Sunday School in the afternoons.
FIRST STEPS He recalls that he never could set a date for his conversion, but an incident at age 17 crystallized his beliefs. Mrs. Binkley, a Sunday School teacher, helped him. He united with the local Presbyterian Church in September 1876, and left for Oberlin College soon after. In 1877, he went on to Lake Forest University where he graduated with a B.A. in 1879; then he completed his training at Lane Seminary in Cincinnati in 1882. He was later given a D.D. degree by the University of Wooster and an LL.D. by Heidelberg University. While at Lake Forest studying for the ministry, he attended a Moody MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 30 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
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MILLIONS crusade meeting in Chicago in 1878. Chapman had some doubts about his commitment, sometimes feeling saved, sometimes not. So he went forward and into the inquiry room, where Moody personally dealt with him using John 5:24 to give Chapman the assurance that he needed. Chapman was ordained into the gospel ministry on April 13, 1881 by the Presbytery of Whitewater, Ohio. On May 10, 1882, six days after graduation from Lane, he was married to Irene E. Steddon. The newlywed couple accepted a two-church field at Liberty, Indiana, and at College Corner, Ohio, where they ministered on alternating Sundays. In 1883, he accepted the pastorate of the Old Saratoga Dutch Reformed Church of Schuylerville, New York. In May 1885, he began a ministry at the First Reformed Church of Albany, New York where he stayed until 1890.
DISTINGUISHED PREACHER The Chapmans’ first child, Bertha Irene, was born on April 1, 1886, only to be followed by the death of the new mother a month later. Slightly confused and discouraged, it was at the 1886 summer Northfield (Massachusetts) conference where his life was altered as he listened to F.B. Meyer speak. Said Meyer, “If you are not willing to give up everything for Christ, are you willing to be made willing?” Said young Chapman, “That remark changed my whole ministry; it seemed like a new star in the sky of my life.” Then came the call to Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia in January, 1890. It boasted the largest Sunday School of the world with the church and school plant seating capacity of 4,820. He conducted his own revival soon after assuming the pastorship and
some 400 new members were brought into the church. He built the church into a strong spiritual, educational and social center that attracted hundreds. As the church became nationally known, requests for his evangelistic services multiplied. In 1893, Chapman was in Minneapolis in a great crusade with Mills, and then he was one of Moody’s key evangelists in the World’s Fair evangelistic effort in Chicago. Plus aiding these two men, he had his own revivals in such places as Boston, Montreal, Saginaw, Burlington, Saratoga, Ottawa, Bloomington and Fort Wayne. In 1895, Moody called him the “greatest evangelist in the country.” He served as the vice-president of the Chicago Bible Institute (later Moody Bible Institute), and was later importuned to accept the presidency of the same. He inspired everyone who worked with him. He hired Billy Sunday as his “advance man” in 1893. In December of 1895 the Bethany congregation again extended a call for Chapman to come back “home.” He accepted in 1896 and went back to the pastorship there until 1899. Bethany became the largest Presbyterian Church in North America. About 1895, while Chapman was preaching at the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, Sol C. Dickey approached him about starting a Bible Conference. At first Chapman dismissed the idea, but Dickey later called by telephone urging Chapman to assist him. So Chapman and Dickey gave birth to the Winona Lake Bible Conference, for years the center of evangelism in the United States. In March 1899, Chapman accepted the call to the Fourth Presbyterian Church of New York City, where he remained until 1902. A trip to the Holy
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Land in 1900 was an added blessing.
A REVOLUTIONARY On October 30, 1901, William Henry Roberts, Stated Clerk of the Assembly, whose life was to become inseparable from Chapman’s evangelistic work, informed Chapman of his appointment as corresponding secretary of the denomination’s Committee on Evangelism. New duties had Chapman supervising 51 evangelists in 470 cities. At this time, Chapman found time to write a widely used book, “Present Day Evangelism.” John H. Converse, a lay leader in the denomination, made a strong plea for Chapman to develop his Simultaneous Evangelistic Campaigns and underwrote his expenses until he died in 1910. By 1905, Chapman was ready to promote his new method of urban mass evangelism. It was basically the use of a large staff of assistants with meetings held simultaneously in many sections of a city. The first real attempt at this took place in 1904 when Chapman took seventeen evangelists to Pittsburgh, divided the city into nine districts. The whole city went into action, with some 7,000 professing salvation. In 1906, it was done in Syracuse, New York with good results also. When Charles M. Alexander joined him, he felt ready to try the procedure in the largest cities in the country. From March 12 to April 19, 1908, Chapman divided Philadelphia into 42 districts, and with 21 pairs of evangelists and choristers, conducted meetings for three weeks. Over 400 churches of almost every denomination cooperated in this revival. Total attendance was estimated at 1,470,000. Early in 1909, Chapman collected some 30 evangelists and musicians for the most successful campaign of his career—Boston. He divided the city into 27 districts and tried to awaken the whole city in three weeks. Specific preaching serviMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 32 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
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ces, meeting and talks were held, with total attendance being around 720,000. Chapman and Alexander spent a considerable part of their time on worldwide revival tours. On his first tour, from March 26 to November 26, 1909, he visited Melbourne, Sydney, Manila, Hong Kong, Canton, Nanking, Hankow, Peking, Tientsin, Seoul, Kyoto, Tokyo, and Yokohama. Chapman’s second most successful Simultaneous Revival Campaign was in Chicago from October 16 to November 27, 1910. Four hundred churches cooperated bringing some 800,000 to the meetings. The following year, he visited England, Canada, Ireland and Wales. Through 1912 it was estimated that he had preached 50,000 sermons to some 60 million people. His work in favor of Christianity continued until 1918. At this time, he reached Auckland, Tasmania, Ceylon, Glasgow, Fiji and Hawaii. He also consolidated the presence of Jesus Christ in various parts of the U.S., such as Atlanta, Georgia, Washington, and Pennsylvania. He worked with the National Service Commission and the New Era Movement of the Presbyterian Church, which dealt with reconstruction problems coming out of the First World War. John Wilmur Chapman died after a surgery for gallstones on December 25, 1918, in New York. Thanks to his mass evangelism technique and prolific literary and musical work, he stood out as one of the most outstanding ministers when it comes to the preaching of the Word.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
oneliness, sadness and lack of understanding dragged Juan Carlos down the road of drugs. Dirty and helpless, he would wander the streets looking for drugs to feed his addiction. When he was clearheaded, he wondered if would ever have the opportunity to leave the underworld. The day came when least expected. Susan Amau Photo: Archivo Familiar
Juan Carlos Pozo Muñoz still recalls his unhappy past. Tears come down his cheeks and, without hiding them, he says that they are happy tears. “Only Christ has the power to heal,” he says, feeling grateful for his miraculous transformation. He is the third child in a family of four. His parents, Gloria and Manuel, worked all day to give their children a better future. The Spanish crisis had hit them hard and so they had to do whatever it took to provide for their large family. They were almost never home, so their oldest child Natividad had to watch over her brothers. It was no easy task, as she had to do homework and housework. The children grew up lacking attention and care from their parents. Juan Carlos thought that studying was of little avail and wanted to work. There was certainly a need at home, and he wanted to pitch in and perhaps also to be close to his parents. Fights and problems were an everyday thing that prevented him from focusing on his studies. Besides, he needed affection; he was loved by his brothers, but they paid no attention to him in such a decisive stage of life. At age 14, he dropped out school entirely. His parents were worried, but could no longer control him; his brothers risked the same fate, as they wanted to quit school too. By 1991, Gloria and Manuel worked cleaning pubs and nightMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 34 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
life story
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clubs and Juan Carlos decided to help.
THE BEGINNING Leaving books behind, he was happy about earning a little money and being closer to his parents, something he had long wished for, even if he did not tell them. Juan Carlos had many friends at school and had learned how to smoke, something common among teenagers in Spain. While doing his cleaning job, he would find not only garbage, but also watches, jewelry, money and all kinds of drugs. One day he kept a little for himself to take later with his friends. He barely remembers what happened that day, but he recalls feeling relaxed. That is how his addiction began. He started with hashish; with it, his mood would change, he would let his problems go for a moment, and he would feel “happy.” At the age of 16, he somehow realized that he was ruining his life and wanted to change for himself. He looked for another job away from drugs and so he joined the construction field. Unfortunately, his withdrawal did not last long and he relapsed into his old ways combining alcohol and hashish. SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR Life had lost all meaning for Juan Carlos until he met a girl. He fell in love and thought about changing his life once more. He was 18 at the time and seemed happy to have someone by his side. However, he ruined everything because he was not able to give up his addiction. For four years, he fooled his girlfriend by pretending to be a healthy, happy person. But his addiction grew so stronger that he even stole the money they were saving up to get married. She found out and left him. Juan Carlos was in so much pain that he attempted suicide. He was 22 and had already try the worst drugs available. Together with his brother José Manuel, who was as addicted as him or even more, they would hide in the basement of their house to use drugs without their mother knowing, until one day she caught them. It hurt Gloria to see her children in MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 36 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
such conditions and she deeply regretted not having been there for them when they needed her most. She tried many times to advise them, but they would ignore her. In addition, Juan Carlos was constantly fighting with his father, and one day they almost come to blows. He
could not stand being criticized, and he felt lonely and neglected. He would steal money from the house to spend it all on drugs, hardly eat and wander the streets, hiding in abandoned houses. When he took more drugs than usual, he would suffer epileptic seizures
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and there was no one to help him. He was extremely thin and his bones were visible. That is when he thought about suicide for a second time.
THEN COMES HOPE One day, on the way home, he saw a
young man from his neighborhood who was 10 years older. The man had gone astray, but now he was well dressed in a suit and clean shoes, and he drove a car. There was something different about him, and Juan Carlos was touched by his change. When he got home, he told his
mother about it and wondered how he could follow his example. “I wish I could do it too,� he thought sadly. Some neighbor told her mother that the person who had helped this young man was a Sister, a servant of God. She contacted her immediately and told her
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While doing his cleaning job, he would find not only garbage, but also watches, jewelry, money and all kinds of drugs. One day he kept a little for himself to take later with his friends. He barely remembers what happened that day.
about her eldest son. José Manuel was married by then, but, because of his addiction, he was living in hell and his family was falling apart. The Sister called many times, but he would always say that he did not need any help, that he could stop using drugs any time. Adoración Solís was the name of the servant and she was in charge of a church in the city of Andujar, where they lived. Her long life in the Gospel had allowed her to know all kinds of people, but she particularly cared for young drug addicts, and God used her to help them. A week later, Adoración visited the house of the Pozo Muñoz family to talk about José Manuel. Juan Carlos had come to visit, and was extremely intoxicated when she met him. “He’s my other
son,” said the mother. The Sister looked at him and said, “My son, do you really want to get out of drugs?” Her stare struck the young man, he felt something in his heart and said yes. Then everyone in the room started praying fervently. Something had happened in him, he seemed healthy and could not believe it.
GOD CHANGES Aware of his case, Sister Adoración proposed Juan Carlos to go to Madrid away from his family to a Christian rehabilitation center called Bethel. He stayed there for a year and a half. At first, he was in pain due to the drug withdrawal. He felt like dying, sadness overwhelmed him, and he craved drugs to forget everything, but he was locked up. He fought with
himself until God set him free. As a Christian center, there was praying, fasts, services and worship to God. At first, he thought that if he was crazy, then they were crazier. Two months later, in one of the services, he felt the glory of God, went to the altar, fell on his knees and praised the name of God with all his heart. At that moment, he felt as something came out of him and never felt lonely again. His parents could not visit him because the city was very far away and they could not afford the trip, so they would only write each other or talked on the phone. Six months later, he received an unexpected surprise. Adoración had come to visit with José Manuel, who had accepted the help at last. He joined the group but were not together because of the kinship; they would meet at worship services though. Being there helped them, but after three months, José Manuel could not take it anymore. He felt strong enough to go out into the streets and face his life without drugs. Unfortunately, he relapsed and to this day fights his addiction. A year and a half later, Juan Carlos received an invitation to the wedding of the young man from the neighborhood whom he had changed. He talked to Sister Adoración, and she told him that if he left, he did not have to come back again. Now he was ready to resume his life and go to the church. Juan Carlos returned to his city as a very different man. He gained weight, he physically looked better, and he felt the certainty of Christ in his heart. His parents and sister, who had also suffered greatly from his addiction, were really happy. Juan Carlos was baptized in 2003 in Pila, Seville. He learned to play an instrument and since then he plays for the Lord. Four years ago, he married a Peruvian woman and moved to Martos, in the province of Jaen, where he helps the pastor in the church. He lives in the temple and considers that there is no greater privilege than to be in the house of the Lord.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz
The fast evangelization of the world is the ultimate task of the Church, and all activities and efforts must be oriented towards this end. Any Church or person whose main objective is not the evangelization of the world and missionary work is letting the Lord down and deceiving himself. The Lord puts the evangelization of the world and missionary work in the first place. The first message at the birth of Christ was a missionary message (Luke 2: 10). The first prayer that Christ taught his disciples was a missionary prayer (Matthew 6: 10). The first disciple, Andrew, was the also first missionary (John 1: 41). The first message of the risen Christ was a missionary message (John 20: 17). The first commandment of the risen Christ was a missionary commandment (John 20: 21). Christ’s last wish on earth was a missionary wish (Matthew 28: 19). The first apostolic sermon was a missionary sermon (Acts 2: 17-39). The first coming of Christ was a missionary work (Luke 4: 18-19). The second coming of Christ will be prompted by the missionary work (Matthew 24: 14). Beloved brethren, the signs that Christ gave us for His Second Coming are already contemporary history; everything is ready for the action and dominion of the antiChrist. The night comes; let us make good use of the time we have left. In the world, every human enterprise and activity, whether social, economic, political, technological or scientific, is always busy, always moving in urgency and frenzy. However, for the great enterprise, for the ultimate task of the Church, that is the evangelization of the world, the Church marches at a snail’s pace. What do God have to do with us for us to wake from inaction and self-indulgence? What shock do we have to experience to awaken our ultimate responsibility? If atheistic materialism can communize millions so quickly, why can the Church MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 40 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
not evangelize them just as quickly? If the so-called Jehovah’s Witnesses can win many followers so fast, why can the Church not win converts at the same speed? Beloved brethren, for the Church to move, in its task of evangelization of the world, as fast as this generation moves and as fast as materialism spreads its diabolical propaganda, there must be fire of God in every heart, fire of evangelization in every Church, and fire of the Holy Spirit in every Christian. As a result, we will be given His supernatural power and we will realize how urgent the task is. But this fire of God has come only where there is sacrifice. The Bible says, “And there came a fire out from before the Lord, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering” (Leviticus 9: 24). “Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench” (1 Kings 18: 38). “David built an altar to the Lord there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. He called on the Lord, and the Lord answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering” (1 Chronicles 21: 26). “When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple” (2 Chronicles 7: 1). And, in the New Testament, the fire fell only when the group of believers, leaving everything, sacrificing everything, “... went up to the upstairs... They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers… When the day of Pentecost came... Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where
they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit…” (Acts 1: 13-14; 2: 1-4).
That little group with the fire of God burning in their lives understood that evangelization comes first, and they evangelized almost the whole known world in a very short time. Still today, the fire of God falls upon the believer and the Church –thus enabling them for the rapid evangelization of the world– only by presenting our body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service (Romans 12: 1). Only then will the fire of God descend, and we will not be slothful, but fervent in spirit and serving the Lord, and we will know that it is time to awake out of
sleep and put on the armor of light to cast off the darkness and to evangelize the world (Romans 12:11; 13: 11-12). Brethren, God still demands sacrifice. The fire has never been poured out where there is indifference, laziness, indulgence, comfort, inaction. The fire has always come where there is sacrifice. Do you want the fire of God to evangelize the world? You have to make a sacrifice, there is no other way. You have to present yourself on the altar of sacrifice, repentance, confession, restitution, complete obedience to God and His Word. You have to sacrifice your comfort, your rest, your time,
your money. You have to sacrifice your flesh, your affections, your passions, your desires (Luke 14:26; Matthew 10: 37). You will go down from the pedestal of fame to go up the altar of sacrifice. You will leave the comfort of human life to embrace the abnegation of Christian life. You will not please the desires of the flesh anymore but crucify its affections and lusts. You will leave the throne of unlimited love to your own life, your people, your interests, your money, to take your place on the cross and say: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2: 20).
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
“There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health” Proverbs 12:18 Rev. Rubén Concepción
Beloved brothers, we live in a society that has lost the ability to communicate; communication is necessary to be able to share with each other. When two people meet and start getting to know each other, they find things in common and become friends. However, the society of the 21st century is characterised by violence. Almost everything is adverse, negative and does not make any good to people. We lack effective communication. Dear reader, communication is an art that has three main elements: talk, listen and understand. There is no reason to talk if we do not listen or understand what we say and hear. When a family cultivates good relationships, they stay strong and there is a good communication. When parents communicate effectively with children, when husbands know how to speak to their wives, when workers from a company communicate well with colleagues, an environment of harmony and mutual respect is created. Nowadays, we face situations that affect communication. If we look back, we can remember the family’s lovely custom of gathering around the table. That good habit has been lost with time; only a few families still practice it. Today, children prefer to go out while their parents do not even know where to find them. There are many obstacles to have an effective communication, such as different interests. There is no longer warmth of home, since people tend to have different interests, and obligations make men think about themselves and no one else. They do not care about anybody else’s well-being but his. When we realize what are the obstacles currently existing in the communication of our society, we conclude that they are caused by different persMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 42 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
COMMUNICATION pectives and interests, which is mainly generated by different personalities. Psychology affirms all human beings have their own personality, some are very active, dynamic and quick, but others are more passive, calm and quiet. Some people have a greater ability to think things through and do them according to their conclusions, while other people only see and do not react. The fact of having different personalities affects communication. For example, in a marriage, the husband has a way of being and the wife another one; in a discussion, they both use different words which become arrows and destroy their relationship and the effective communication. One of the arrows that destroys our society is the explosive way of speaking to others; we can even find it in the church. Do not let violence affect your communication. Let God heal your wounds and help y o u s t a n d your burdens. Do not let that arrow break a good communication. When communicating to others, we should ask God to give us selfcontrol to avoid hurting them. A calm conversation even if the topic is delicate will make way for understanding. If you do not feel emotionally stable, the communication will not be effective, because “grievous words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). Another arrow that destroys
communication is criticism. It is one of the main causes of separation in marriages and family relationships. When the Lord met Zacchaeus, he knew he was a thief, but did not criticise him, instead he encouraged him: “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house� (Luke 19:5). Criticism generates enmity in the society, in the family, in the church, everywhere. Ethics and respect are both necessary to cultivate a balance in social, political and religious aspects, in which forgiveness and divine grace play an important role. Silence is also an arrow that destroys communication. Silence does not have a place in a marriage, a home, a life, a friendship, much less in the relationship between parents and children, because it will break communication. In a good communication, there must be somebody speaking and somebody listening; both must understand the importance of a healthy communication. In the art of an effective communication, there must be harmony, no shouting no arguing. God wants the 21st-century man to learn how to communicate with Him, with himself and with his fellow men. In order to have an effective and healthy communication, it is necessary to meet the greatest communicator of all: Jesus Christ. His sacrifice opened the door to heaven and gave us the privilege of having communion with God and our fellow men.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
A quick report of the work that Worldwide Missionary Movement is making in America and throughout the world. The Holy Bible states: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved”. (Acts 2:46,47).
he Worldwide Missionary Movement held the 11th Congress of Central America and Mexico in Costa Rica, which was attended by more than 12,000 servants of the Lord. MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 44 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Under the motto “Moving towards Victory with Responsibility,” the Worldwide Missionary Movement held the 11th Congress of Central America and Mexico from July 4 to July 8 in Costa Rica. The event took place at the Casa Oasis auditorium, located in San Mi-
guel, in the city of Santo Domingo, in the province of Heredia. It was attended by more than 12,000 followers of Jesus Christ and by the Board of International Officers, led by Rev. Gustavo Martínez. At the inauguration of the Congress, Rev. Martínez pointed out that
the Church has grown throughout the region and that it must continue spreading no matter the obstacles that may be found along the way. The leader of the Worldwide Missionary Movement analyzed 1 Kings 19: 9 through a message entitled “If You Long for the Holy Spirit, Be Faithful and Serve God,” in which he exhorted to walk with responsibility. At the first service of the second day, Rev. Humberto Henao, Director of the WMM, shared the message of God through a teaching based on Joshua 1: 1-7 called “Let’s conquer the land that is missing.” In his speech, the servant of the Creator stressed that, “it’s time to take the streets and tell the world that there is a God of values who defends principles and family. We are facing many huge challenges. We must plant the Word of God.” Hours later, at the night service, Rev. Álvaro Garavito, Director of the Work, held the speech “Responsible in the Progress.” Based on John 9: 4-5, the preacher said, “We can see a increasing and widespread crisis in the world. Sin is moving forward and taking over all levels of society. And where is the Church, the people of God? The people of God has to return to the path that it diverted from.” Then, at the opening of the third day, the ceremony of Promotion of Workers of the Work was held. The event began with the parade of the participating delegations and the presentation of their history reviews. Afterwards, ten lay preachers, six trained preachers and ten ordained ministers were anointed by the main leaders of the WMW. Later, Sister Carmen Valencia, Rev. Martínez’s wife, announced the Word of the Lord. Based on 1 Timothy 2: 9, the presentation of the missionary was called “Dressing, Reflection of the Heart and Character.” She emphasized that, “the true sons and daughters of God must be governed by a pattern beyond fashion. Short dresses are not necessary. Dressing in decent clothes is a divine order. Being elegant and feminine does
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
Fotos: Gerson Agüero y Paula Guerra
not break biblical commands.” At night, in the evening service, Rev. Rubén Concepción preached to the people of God. The speech of the Director of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, “Obstacles that Prevent Us from Moving Towards Victory,” was based on Hebrews 12: 1-3. “The WMM’s goal is to fight. The whole universe is involved in great conflict and the main battle is fought on earth. This Work must continue to evangelize,” said the pastor. The fourth day of the event began MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 46 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
with a service in which Pastor Martinez presented his message “A Leader without Integrity is a Leader without Credibility.” Based on John 24: 14-15, the Reverend stated that, “Jesus Christ is our leadership role model. Our challenge is to imitate him. Christian leaders must be whole in the exposition of the Word and in their daily life. The Word of God gives life.” At the night worship, Rev. Rómulo Vergara, based on Acts 2: 1-4, the Director of the Work shared the message
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
“Moving forward with the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” In his speech, the minister said, “When there is outpouring of the Holy Spirit people preach the Word. If the Church is stuck, it is because it lacks outpouring. There may be persecution, there may be criticism, but the power of the Holy Spirit makes us stronger.” On the last day of the 11th Con-
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gress of Central America and Mexico, the Board of International Officers of the Work of God introduced the new national representatives of the Church in Costa Rica, led by Carlos Guerra, and thanked Pastor Manuel Zuñiga, who left his position as National Supervisor of the WMM in Costa Rica after a commendable work for the expansion of the Gospel.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 50 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
The closing of the spiritual event was led by Rev. José Soto, who shared the message “Decisive Time,” based on Romans 13:11. In his sermon, the International Vice President of the World Missionary Movement stressed, “Freedom comes from our Creator. It’s time to stop the attacks on religion. We are here to celebrate two values that have always been united: faith and freedom. The Worldwide Missionary Movement is in its time. We must decide today be-
cause tomorrow may be too late.”
LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY GRANTS RECOGNITION TO THE WMM The President of the Congress of Costa Rica, Gonzalo Ramírez, granted recognizition to the WMM through Rev. Gustavo Martínez, President of the Work of the MMM. The hard work done by this Church is honored by God through this glorious Congress and through the authorities of this world. To God be the glory!
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Brazil held its 15th National Convention in the city of Manaus, with the participation of the President of the Work of God.
From June 23 to June 25, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Brazil held its 15th National Convention in Manaus, the most populated city in the Amazon. The event was attended by Rev. Gustavo Martínez, International President of the WMM, who arrived in Brazil to spread the good news of God MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 52 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Photos: Cristian Vela
and talk about the expansion of the Work of the Lord in the world. Together with Pastor Gustavo Martínez, other leaders of the Worldwide Missionary Movement participated in the event, such as Rev. Rómulo Vergara, International Director of the Work of God, and Rev. Gerardo Martínez, National Supervisor of the WMM in Chile and Missionary Supervisor of South
America. Rev. Henry Ramos, National Supervisor of the WMM in Brazil, was responsible for the organization of this spiritual feast held at the Samuel Benchimol Auditorium. On the first day, Rev. Gustavo conveyed the message of the Lord. Then, in the first service of the second day, Pastor Marco Rau, from the WMM in Peru, preached the Word of God. Then, in the
second service, Rev. Vergara shared a teaching with the believers who answered to the call of the WMM in Brazil. Later, in the closing of the event, Pastor Gustavo held a speech entitled “Everyone Decides What to Do with the Voice of God.” Afterwards, the Workers Promotion ceremony was held, and Pastor Gerardo shared a beautiful message “Basic Responsibilities in Our Lives.”
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Colombia brought the Word of the Lord to the villages by the Caduyarí and Querarí rivers and trained indigenous leaders and pastors. Through its church established in the city of Mitú, capital of the department of Vaupés, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Colombia held its third missionary and pastoral trip. From April 7 to April 13, the WMM visited the villages settled by the Caduyarí and Querarí rivers, located in the Colombian AmazoMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 54 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Photos: Eduard Sánchez
nia, whose population belongs mostly to the Cubeo ethnic group. During the seven-day missionary trip, the Work of the Lord spread the Gospel in various parts of the Colombian rainforest and visited several Christian communities with a message of faith and hope. In addition, a large number of pastors and evangelical leaders were strengthened. In the region of the Caduyarí and Querarí rivers, the WMM in Colombia, as part of its missionary work, handed out copies of Impacto Evangelistic, Christian books, treatises and family material donated by the United Bible Society of Colombia. Likewise, children, adolescents and young people from the villages were evangelized. The communities of Pacuativa, Barranco Colorado, Querarí-Mirí, Puerto Casanare, Puerto Llano, Arara, Puerto Asís and Bocoa were visited by the members of the Work. All these villages received the good news thanks to the messages shared by missionaries Valentín Castañeda, Jorge Perdomo, Maximiliano Calle and Eduard Sánchez, pastor in the temple of Mitú and Presbyter of Zone 81 of the WMM in Colombia. The ministers of Jesus Christ trained indigenous leaders and pastors through workshops and Bible seminars during the missionary trip. Likewise, the WMM in Colombia carried out an indigenous fellowship in the community of Bocoa.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Madagascar held an Evangelistic Campaign aimed at children from the city of Ambohibao. The Work grows around the world.
MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 56 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
IN MY HEART Determined to sow the good news among the children of the kingdom of God, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Madagascar held, on May 20, an Evangelistic Campaign aimed at children from the city of Ambohibao under the motto “God Has the First Place in My Heart.” The campaign, attended by 125 children from different parts of Ambohibao,
was based on Luke 10:27 and focused on our love to the Lord, whom we should adore with all our heart and soul. Sisters from the temple established in Ambohibao organized this campaign, in which they shared the good news through Christian games and dynamics. In addition, Sister Suhé Reenis, head of the WMM in Madagascar, preached the Word of Jesus Christ.
ellington Square, located in the city of Perth, was the place chosen by the WMM in Australia to evangelize the children thirsty for the sound doctrine. On June 24, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Australia held in Perth an evangelization campaign aimed especially at the children of this part of the world. The event took place at Wellington Square, in the eastern part of the city. Throughout the activity, held under the motto “Trust in the Lord,” Pastor Isaí Ríos and Sisters Silvia Lara, Emily Flores, Stephanie Grande and Ruth Flores shared biblical teachings with the children who responded to the call of the Work of God. In addition, the event was attended by brothers from the central temple of the city of Nedlands and the suburb of Dianella, in Perth, who put on the drama “Daniel in the Den of the Lions.” This play was part of the Christian teaching and showed the importance of learning to trust in the Lord as did the prophet Daniel, whom God helped to escape from beasts, as told in Daniel 6: 1.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he children of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Puerto Rico had a National Camp Retreat. The history of the Work was told to the new generations.
More than fifty children from the Worldwide Missionary Movement of Puerto Rico attended the National Camp Retreat from June 5 to June 7. The event took place at the Ebenezer camp, located in the town of Cidra, with the motto “I Will Fulfill My Mission with Responsibility.” On the first day, which began with songs by the children from Zones 1, 3, 4 and 7 of the WMM in Puerto Rico, Sister Elizabeth Maldonado encouraged participants to share the Lord’s message with those who do not have Jesus Christ in their hearts. Based on Matthew 5:14, sisMISSIONARY MOVEMENT 58 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
ter Maldonado shared the message “We Are the Light of the World.” At the first worship of the second day, the little ones and the leaders of the Work of God asked the Lord to guide them in their earthly life. Special talks were also held for adolescents and children; they focused on the responsibility of the Church and the personal relationship with Christ. Later, in the afternoon, the message of the Lord was delivered by Sister Ruth Godén through the message “I Will Fulfill My Mission with Responsibility, in the Church and with God”. In her speech, the missionary highlighted the importance of protecting our testimony and spiritual life. The National Children’s Retreat Camp of the WMM in Puerto Rico ended with the participation of Sister Nadine Lugo, who shared the Word with the message “A Little History about the Worldwide Missionary Movement.” She commented on the importance of bringing the Gospel to the nations.
Photos: Grabaciones Impacto
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama gathered more than 800 children in a camp where the Gospel was shared and healthy values taught.
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With the attendance of more than 800 children, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Panama held a camp for children from June 8 to June 10. It took place at the facilities of the WMM convention center of Villa Unida, in Chilibre, under the motto “For of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven.” The event of the Work of God was led by Rev. Epifanio Asprilla, National Supervisor of the WMM in Panama, along with local officers and a large group of presbyters and pastors from the provinces of Panama and Colon. Grace Ortiz, from the church of Villa Unida; Jared Adrián Smith, from the church of Llano de Jesús; Amir Valdés, from the church of Villa del Caribe, and a representative from the church of Arraigán were the children who shared the good news of the Lord. Their messages focused on issues related to Christian childhood. The activity was organized by Sisters Loyra de Terrientes, Elizabeth de Ríos, Janeth Allen, Nimia de Smith and other servants of Jesus Christ who did their best to hold a camp in which the teaching of the Gospel was the priority.
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Spain opened a new temple of the Work of God in the heart of Zaragoza.
With joy and anticipation, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Spain opened, on June 11, a new temple
of the Work of God in the heart of the city of Zaragoza, in the municipality of Delicias. The presence of the Work in Spain is thus strengthened. The ceremony, which took place under the motto “Faith and Patience to Inherit the Promises,” began with the opening of the church by Rev. Carlos Medina, National Supervisor of the WMM in Spain. Together with the attending pastors and faithful, he pro-
claimed the new place of the WMM as “house of God and gateway into Heaven.” After the inauguration, Pastor Medina shared the Gospel through a preaching based on Corinthians 14: 8 entitled “Beware of the Uncertain Sound.” In addition, he introduced Esther Torrejón Molina, daughter of host Pastors Fisher Torrejón and Mac-dory Molina, and prayed for God to guide her life.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
he Worldwide Missionary Movement in Curaçao held an Evangelistic Campaign in the neighborhood of Seri Domi in Willemstad to show attendees the way. The sports field of the neighborhood of Seri Domi, in the city of Willemstad, hosted the Evangelistic Campaign of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Curacao from May 18 to May 19. The event was aimed at the Christian community of this autonomous territory within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and had as motto “Christ breaks All The Chains.” MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 62 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
On the opening day of the campaign, Brother Junny Camelia proclaimed the Gospel through the preaching “I Want to Be Touched by Jesus.” In his speech, based on Mark 5: 25, brother Camelia said that a life without Christ is an empty life, and that by having an encounter with the Lord you can experience new things. On the first night of the event, the people of God, made up of members from the central church of the WMM in Curaçao and workers from the white fields, worshiped the Creator and showed their love for sound doctrine. On the second day, the Word was shared by Pastor Mitch Ilario through the message “Beyond Death.” Based on Luke 16: 19-31, the servant emphasized that Jesus shows us the way.
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
Photos: Dorcas Cuero
he Work of the Lord in Ecuador fulfilled the sacrament established by Jesus Christ and baptized twelve brothers. Their testimonies of rebirth were the highlight of this encounter with the Lord. MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 64 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Twelve followers of the Lord from the Ecuadorian city of Quevedo, heart of the banana industry, joined the flock of Jesus Christ and sealed their union with Christianity through their baptism on July 1. They are now members of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in
Ecuador and the Work of God. At the baptism ceremony, held in the temple of Quevedo, the church of the WMM in Ecuador ratified its commitment to the precepts established by the Almighty. Thus, the twelve new brothers shared their testimony about their devotion to Jesus Christ before a crowd gathered at the church facilities. Minutes later, once at where they would descend into the waters, Pastor Lorenzo Cuero, leader of the temple in Quevedo, thanked God for the lives rescued from the world. Then the Word was read and some praises were given to the Creator. In addition, Pastor Cuero urged the members of the church to be faithful to Jesus.
Other events
9th National Fellowship of Women
Offender Reentry Day
The city of Geneva hosted the 9th National Fellowship of Women of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Switzerland from May 12 to May 14. The event was held under the motto “A Woman’s Testimony” and was led by Pastor Jimmy Ramírez, head of the Work in Switzerland. The Fellowship was attended by more than 200 believers and a significant number of ministers of the Lord, and was broadcast live by Radio Ebenezer and other digital platforms of the WMM in Switzerland. During the three-day event, the Lord’s people experienced the power and glory of Jesus Christ. On the first day, Sister Martha Barros shared the message “What Is a Woman’s Testimony?” Then, at the beginning of the second day, Sister Elizabeth Vanegas shared the Word with the followers of God through the message “A Woman of Testimony.” Later, in the second service, Sister Patricia Almache delivered the message “Amid opposition, the Testimony of a Woman Remains Faithful.” At the closure of the Fellowship, Sister Fanny Miranda preached the Gospel.
On July 11, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Peru celebrated the Offender Reentry Day in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, located in the Peruvian capital. The event of the Work of God was attended by ex-offenders from different Peruvian prisons who knew the Lord while incarcerated. The meeting was also attended by brothers from the churches of the Presbytery 6 of the WMM in Peru. In this activity, held under the motto “Prison Does Not Change, Jesus Christ Does,” the attendees listened to the stories of people who saw their lives change thanks to Jesus Christ. The story of how God saved the sheep who went astray from sin and pain was told. The campaign caught the attention of the inhabitants of San Juan de Lurigancho, and Christ manifested himself through the repentance of a group of families who embraced the Gospel and publicly committed to defend Christianity.
ITALY Youth Meeting in Florence
On March 11, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Italy held a Youth Meeting in the city of Florence, with the participation of the Board of Youth of the WMM in Italy. The spiritual celebration was attended by a large number of followers of the Lord who gathered to worship and praise the name of Christ. Sister Zenaida Espinoza, leader of the church in the town of Vimercate, shared the message of God with the teaching “God’s Fire Sets You Free.” In her speech, Sister Espinoza said that young people must resolve to not be contaminated by this world, and that the Lord honors believers who show respect.
MEXICO National Retreat of Pastors
The La Fortaleza convention center, located in the town of Almecatla, in Puebla, hosted the National Retreat of Pastors of the Worldwide Missionary Movement of Mexico from April 27 to April 28. The activity of the WMM in Mexico was attended by Rev. Álvaro Garavito, International Officer of the WMM, who shared various teachings with the servants from the states of Nayarit, Nueva León, Veracruz, Tabasco, Sinaloa, Chiapas, Tlaxcala, Oaxaca, Mexico and Puebla and the Federal District, among others. At the beginning of the first day, Pastor Garavito shared the Word of God with the attendees. In his preaching, “Good Things Go Bad in Our Hands,” he referred to Deuteronomy 30:15 and 19. At the second service, Pastor Ysidro Bello evangelized the Lord’s people and, based on Revelation 3: 2, developed the theme “Break from Stagnation.” On the last day, in the morning, Pastor Ricardo Bocanegra shared the Gospel through the message “Awakening a Revival.” Later, in the afternoon, Rev. Garavito preached again the Word of God through the message “No Weapon Will Prevail over You.”
August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
LETTERS TO US... cartas@impactoevangelistico.net
GLOBAL AGENDA 2017 JANUARY 2-5 National in Puerto Rico 9-16 National Convention in Colombia 26-29 National Convention in Bolivia (Cochabamba) FEBRUARY 3-5 Convention in Paraguay (Asunción) 9-12 Convention in Argentina (Rosario) 25-28 Convention in Panama MARCH 2-5 Convention in Honduras (San Pedro de Sula) 9-12 Convention in Australia (Sidney) APRIL 13-16 Convention in Guatemala (Guatemala City) 13-16 Convention in the Guianas, Trinidad and Martinique (Surinam)
LUIS LÓPEZ JOSÉ PEREA God bless all the brothers of this wonderful team for making this amazing magazine, which is a blessing for the members of the Church and for many people. May God continue to enlighten you. From El Carmen de Bolívar, Colombia.
I’ll never stop thanking God for the beautiful blessing and great privilege of been part of the ministry of this Work. I wanted to tell you that I always receive the magazine and I’m very happy to read its edifying messages. I also enjoy seeing the pictures of the several activities that the brothers do in Puerto Rico as well as in different places in the world. From Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
LUIS SILVA MARÍA TAUTIVA I’ve read this magazine and it’s been a gratifying and blissful experience for my life. It’s certainly a great spiritual nourishment, and I’ve even learned very interesting things about missionary work. Let’s go forward in the Lord. From Meta, Colombia.
JUAN ROJAS Brothers in Christ, I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for the magazines that you’ve sent me. They’ve been a blessing for me, a prisoner sentenced to life. I’ve found some precious testimonies of people who share their experiences, which are blessings to others. I’m very grateful to God. I treasure these magazines. From Peñuelas, Puerto Rico.
FRANCISCO SOTO God bless the brothers and sisters who work for this great magazine. From Massachusetts, USA.
MAY 4-7 Convention in Japan (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka) 17-20 Convention in India 26-28 Convention in Holland JUNE 21-24 Convention in Brazil (Manaos) JULY 4-8 11-14
Central American Convention in Costa Rica (San José) Convention in the United States (Woodbridge, Virginia) Convention in Netherlands Antilles (Curaçao) National Fellowship in Canada Convention in Mexico (Puebla)
Dear brothers and sisters, God bless you in a special way. May God continue to give you wisdom and grace for this ministry, which is a blessing for all of us. Its publication and its doctrinal information have motivated many people to go to church. I invite the brothers in Christ to hand out this magazine in public places so that this spiritual information reaches everyone. Let’s invest in the salvation of souls, God will reward us. May the Lord bless your spiritual support. From Lima, Peru.
13-16 16-18 27-30
SEPTEMBER 17-19 Convention in Peru (Lima) Saturday 30 Mission World Day
God bless all who work in the Impacto Evangelistic magazine, you’re a great inspiration. Brothers, may God continue to bless you, keep moving forward. From Quito, Ecuador.
CLARA CÓRDOBA You’re a great blessing to the world. May God continue to give you wisdom and understanding to bring this message of faith to many more people. From Arauca, Colombia.
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AUGUST 3-6 Convention in Spain & Block A, Europe (Madrid) 8-11 Convention in Venezuela (Barquisimeto) 10-13 Convention in Italy (Milano) 16-19 Convention in Africa ( Equatorial Guinea) 24-27 Convention in Haiti (Port-au-Prince) 24-27 Convention in Ecuador (Guayaquil) 24-27 Convention in Belize
OCTOBER 20-22 Fellowship in Madagascar 26-28 Convention in Dominican Republic 26-29 Convention in Chile (Santiago) 27-29 Convention in Mauritius NOVEMBER 9-12 Convention in El Salvador 16-19 Convention in Uruguay (Montevideo) 23-26 Convention in Nicaragua DECEMBER
n Past events n Future events MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 66 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
Bethel Television, the Worldwide Missionary Movement channel, broadcasts the Word of God’s message through cultural and educational programs from Lima - Peru to the world by 7 satellites and the Internet. August 2017 / Impacto evangelistic
From September
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MISSIONARY MOVEMENT 68 WORLDWIDE America • Europe • Oceanía • África • Asia
to September Chiclayo - Arequipa - Lima 9 am - 7 pm