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“√ π‡∑»ªï 2547 ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬·¡àøÑ“À≈«ß 3 Mae Fah Luang University

ª√–«—µ‘¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬ (‚¥¬ —߇¢ª) / History of the Mae Fah Luang University æ.». 2543-2537 §≥–°√√¡°“√√≥√ߧ宗¥µ—Èß¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬√à«¡°—∫Àπ૬√“™°“√®—ßÀ«—¥ §.». 1991-1994 ‡™’ ¬ ß√“¬·≈–ª√–™“™π™“«‡™’ ¬ ß√“¬‡√’ ¬ °√â Õ ß„Àâ ¡’ ° “√®— ¥ µ—È ß ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬¢÷Èπ∑’Ë®—ßÀ«—¥‡™’¬ß√“¬ The University Establishment Campaign Committee, in conjunction with government agencies and people of Chiang Rai, demanded that a university be established in Chiang Rai. 5 ¡’.§. 2539 5 March 1996

§≥–√—∞¡πµ√’¡’¡µ‘„Àâ®—¥µ—Èß ∂“∫—πÕÿ¥¡»÷°…“∑’Ë®—ßÀ«—¥‡™’¬ß√“¬ ‚¥¬¬° ∞“π– ∂“∫—π√“™¿—Ƈ™’¬ß√“¬¢÷Èπ‡ªìπ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬°Á ‰¥â ‡æ◊ËÕ‡ªìπÕπÿ √≥å ∂“π·Ààߧ«“¡®ß√—°¿—°¥’¢Õߪ√–™“™π∑’Ë¡’µàÕ ¡‡¥Á®æ√–»√’π§√‘π∑√“ ∫√¡√“™™ππ’ The Cabinet reached a consensus to establish a university in Chiang Rai, with the idea of upgrading the Rajabhat Institute, in loyal memory to H.R.H. Princess Mother.

20 .§. 2539 ∑∫«ß¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‰¥â‡ πÕ√à“ßæ√–√“™∫—≠≠—µ‘¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬·¡àøÑ“À≈«ß 20 August 1996 ‚¥¬¬° ∂“∫—π√“™¿—Ƈ™’¬ß√“¬¢÷Èπ‡ªìπ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬µàÕ§≥–√—∞¡πµ√’ ·µà ‰¥â¡’°“√¬ÿ∫ ¿“ºŸâ·∑π√“…Æ√°àÕπ ∑”„Àâ√à“ßæ√–√“™∫—≠≠—µ‘‰¡à ‰¥â√—∫°“√ æ‘®“√≥“ The Ministry of University Affairs submitted a draft of Mae Fah Luang University Charter, which proposed a project to upgrade the Rajabhat Institute to be a university. However, the draft charter was not processed because the parliament was dissolved.

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