Robin Penzato Arnold Jennifer Cassisa and Hailie Scharfenstein
A-LIST ROOFING “Exceeding client expectations and taking care of our customers by paying
If it were inherently easy, it wouldn’t be meaningful. The key is deep investment in what matters most to maintain a balance. Robin Penzato Arnold is a businesswoman, mom, and lawyer in our community. Maintaining a thriving family law practice is only one side of the coin. She’s also a mother to Eleanor,
close attention to details are what set us apart from other roofing companies,”
Cecilia, Luke, Henry, Vivian, and Claire, making her hands full both in her work life
say Jennifer Cassisa and Hailie Scharfenstein of A-List Roofing. Not only do these
and her personal life.
women specialize in roofing, but they also do insurance restoration work and help
“It is done with a lot of help, professional courtesy, and in partnership
mitigate the cost of full-roof replacements. After working together for a local roofing
with my husband. When you work hard, and you also are respectful to those
company and seeing the need for better customer service in the roofing industry,
you work with or even… against… it makes your practice and the ability to
Jennifer and Hailie knew they could be the team to bring that to the table.
juggle things a lot easier.”
Once starting A-List Roofing, the pair began building relationships with the
Robin is truly passionate about what she does because she definitely
community by making sure clients’ needs are taken care of even when it may
considers herself “a family person.” Her family law practice centers on complex
be a tougher case. They say, “It is easy for other roofing companies to go after
issues of community property partitions, spousal and child support, and custody.
vulnerable clients just hit by a storm—that’s just not us. We have always been
Being assertive yet empathetic has proven valuable for her maintaining her
dedicated to working with real people in our community who need assistance,
practice as well as the responsibilities of motherhood.
even when it may not be the easiest case.” Being licensed in Louisiana is also an important factor when finding a reputable roofing company. Not only does A-List Roofing serve the northshore area, but they also travel all over the state. With a combined work experience
“When you’re working for people rather than corporations and institutions, you get to see your clients’ lives change right before your eyes. It can be truly inspiring.” Arnold has been in the law field since 2008. She spent her first two years
of 8 years, it’s easy to see why clients continue to choose this company. Clients
clerking for a New Orleans Civil District Judge and has been in private practice
recommend A-list Roofing because they make the roofing process EASY.
ever since. “Working within the court system provided a great foundation of actual
Work may take up a lot of Jennifer and Hailie’s time, but they still make
application of the law, not just the theoretical. It also solidified my relationships with
time for CrossFit, dancing, antiquing and being local foodies at many of the
other family law attorneys, which helps me meet my clients’ needs. The family law
northshore’s hotspots. They have also started a female networking group called
niche is small; those professional relationships really matter.”
“Woman Up.” If you are a female entrepreneur and would like to meet with other business women, check out their page for upcoming events.
Robin considers her biggest inspiration to be her mother. “My mother was an attorney before she became a judge. That was a time when women–especially in the law–weren’t able to have strong careers while also devoting themselves to their family. Women can now do both.”
For more information, alistroofing.com, @alist_roofing on Instagram,
The attorney responsible for this advertisement is Steve Pizzo, who can be
alistrenovations.com, 614-0527.
reached at 3421 N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 831-4091. May-June 2021 81