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In CASE Volume 49, Number 5 • March–April 2008 President’s Pen




Dr. Christy Chambers

Policy & Legislation. . . . . . . . . 2 Legal Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Leadership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Oh Canada! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Global Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . 10 Just In CASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

E The Newsletter for the

Council of Administrators of Special Education

Recently I was asked to forecast legal implications of IDEA from a Special Education Director’s perspective. This is an interesting question because we are beginning to develop our work groups to prepare for the next reauthorization of IDEA and yet most states are just implementing new state regulations to comply with IDEA 2004. And, some states do not have final regulations at this time. With that in mind, there are some areas that have risen to the top of the heap because of current and potential legal implications. I’d like to present my forecast and invite you reply with your thoughts at the conclusion. Starting with disproportionality, we already have financial implications and I forecast increasing legal implications. Congress has repeatedly stated that current statistics demonstrate disproportional representation of minorities in special education and therefore the belief that the appropriate children are not necessarily being served with federal entitlement dollars is having a negative impact on our efforts to achieve full funding. And, student by student, if we are not mak-

ing eligibility decisions using bias-free and discrimination-free measures, we can reasonably expect increased challenges to IEP eligibility and services. Other areas with potential legal implications include- challenges of effectivenesswhat works, delays in processing eligibility referrals to implement responsiveness to interventions processes, methodology claims due to failure to use methodology that is evidence-based and resulting in achievement gains, disagreement what are scientific, research-based practices, and of course achievement gaps and over and under representation of minority groups. What do you see having legal implications in the field of special education as you gaze into your crystal ball? Won’t you take a moment to share your insights? Please contact me at cchambers@sedom.org and I will be happy to share your thoughts in the next newsletter. Dr. Chambers is the Superintendent of the Special Education District of McHenry County in Northern Illinois and the current president of CASE, Inc.

A Division of the

Awareness, Advocacy, and Action! 6th Annual CASE Educational Leadership Seminar July 13-16, 2008 The CASE Newsletter is published bimonthly by the Council of Administrators of Special Education and Editor Luann L. Purcell, Executive Director, 1005 State University Drive, Fort Valley, GA 31030. Subscription rate is free to members of CASE. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Council for Exceptional Children, Suite 300, 1110 North Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201-5704.

LOOK WHAT YOUR COLLEAGUES ARE SAYING… What a welcoming group of leaders. I felt this experience was invaluable. Carol Scanlan, Director of Special Education, PA This year, as in the previous conferences held, The CASE July Education Leadership Conference was superbly organized, strategically relevant and timely on special education issues, great for networking and included special education information to support “credible” advocacy for visits to Capitol Hill-what could be better than these qualities for professional development learning, participation and outreach at a national level? Carla B. Jentz, Executive Director, The Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE)

Don’t miss out on YOUR chance to be a part of this practical application of advocacy and professional development! See insert for more information and REGISTRATION FORM.

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