IOL Diwali Feast Edition Nov 2020

Page 22

BURFEE MACARONS (Makes 16) INGREDIENTS 100g ground almonds 180g icing sugar pinch of salt 90g egg whites 25g sugar pinch of cardamom red gel food colouring Filling 60ml fresh cream 100g white chocolate, chopped 60g burfee, finely chopped METHOD Preheat your oven to 160°C. Draw 4cm circles on silicone baking paper and turn it on to a baking sheet. Put almonds in a coffee grinder and process until fine. Sift the icing sugar with the ground almonds into a bowl, and then add salt. Whisk the egg whites

ROSE AND PISTACHIO BURFEE (Makes 14-16) INGREDIENTS 175ml tinned dessert cream 500g full cream milk powder 375ml castor sugar 250ml cold water 7.5ml rose essence 2.5ml ground cardamom 25ml butter a few drops of red food colouring 50g ground pistachios gold leaf, to garnish whole pistachios, to garnish METHOD Use non-stick spray to grease a silicone mould. In a bowl, rub the dessert cream into the milk powder

until it resembles bread crumbs. Leave aside for an hour to dry out. Put the milk powder mixture in a food processor and pulse for 30 seconds or until the crumbs are fine. Combine the sugar and water, and boil to make a thick syrup. Add the rose essence, cardamom, butter and colouring to the syrup. Mix the ground pistachios into the milk powder, then add the syrup. Stir well to combine. Working quickly, press the mixture into the moulds. Refrigerate until firm. Unmould and garnish with gold leaf and pistachios.

until foamy and gradually add the sugar. When stiff peaks form, add the cardamom and red colouring. Gently fold the almond mixture into the egg whites. Pipe mixture on the baking paper. Gently tap the tray to remove air bubbles. Leave aside for an hour so that the macarons set. Bake for 12-15 minutes and then leave the oven door ajar for 5 minutes. Leave to cool and then remove from the baking paper. FILLING: Heat the cream and then add the chocolate. Whisk until the mixture is smooth, and then add the chopped burfee. Stir the mixture until smooth and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Sandwich the macarons together with the filling. Serve at room temperature once the filling has set.

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Articles inside

DIWALI menu (drinks) -Jaljira spritzer

page 24

DIWALI menu (drinks) - Puneri mastani

page 23

DIWALI menu (sweets) - Burfee macaroons

page 22

DIWALI menu (sweets) - Rose and pistachio burfee

page 22

DIWALI menu (sweets) - Phiri

page 21

DIWALI menu (sweets) - Coconut and pistachio burfee

page 21

DIWALI menu (sweets) - Soji

page 20

STAY HEALTHY while you feast on laddoos

page 18

DIWALI menu (mains) - Paneer makhani

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DIWALI menu (mains) - Tamarind dhal

page 16

DIWALI menu (mains) - Paneer & chickpea curry

page 16

DIWALI menu (mains) - Lamb pilau

page 15

DIWALI menu (mains) - Tamarind seafood curry

page 14

DIWALI menu (mains) - Beetroot and ruby chard thoran

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DIWALI menu (mains) - Fish and prawn breyani

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page 11

DIWALI menu (starter) - Paneer / Tofu satay

page 10

DIWALI menu (starter) - Roti Paratha

page 9

DIWALI menu (starter) - Tandoori cauliflower

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DIWALI menu (starter) - Mini paneer kathi rolls

page 8

DIWALI menu (starter) - Brinjal rolls

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My Diwali memories - Sacha van Niekerk

page 6

My Diwali memories - Debashine Thangevelo

page 5

My Diwali memories - Alyssia Birjalal

page 4

How to get clever for eco-friendly Diwali festivities

page 3


page 2
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