Joyful Giving Annual Report 2022

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The Impact of Philanthropy at Indiana State University 2021-2022

Bridge the Gap Scholarships directly support those who need it most: academically motivated students who are unable to register for classes the next semester due to financial constraints. These need-based scholarships give students in good academic standing the ability to continue their studies, providing each recipient the opportunity to earn a degree that they may have never been able to achieve without the generous support of our donors.

“I’m proud to be a Sycamore because I’ve been given the opportunity to grow, not only as a student, but as a person here at ISU.
I want to thank the donors of my scholarship for giving me a second chance to pursue my passion for photography and get that degree.”
— Khalil Pierce ’22 | Fine Arts Graphic Design Major Recipient of the Bridge the Gap Scholarship
TABLE OF CONTENTS | 3 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................5 DONOR FEATURE, Don Dudine, Marching Sycamores Scholarship...............................................................6 DONOR FEATURE, Jim and Sue Pajakowski, Michal Grant Pajakowski Endowed Scholarship..........................7 YEAR IN REVIEW ................................................................................................8 DONOR FEATURE, Yang Family University Art Gallery.................................................................................10 GIVE TO BLUE DAY......................................................................................................................................12 DONOR FEATURE, Hulman-George Family, Video Score Boards..................................................................14 PHILANTHROPY IMPACT, Endowment Snapshot..........................................................................................16 STUDENT FEATURE, Corey Christman, Scholarship Recipient .18 PHILANTHROPY IMPACT, Tim and Bobbie O’Neill, Online MBA Scholarship...............................................20 STUDENT FEATURE, Satya Arcot, Endress+Hauser......................................................................................22 DONOR FEATURE, Burns Senseman Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Technology...........................23 PHILANTHROPY IMPACT, GEODIS Logistics 4.0 Innovation Hub .24 PHILANTHROPY IMPACT, Larry and Buffy Boulet, Scott College of Business Mentoring Program .26 DONOR FEATURE, Dr. Robert and Susan Guell, Bridge the Gap Faculty and Staff Scholarship..........................28 PHILANTHROPY IMPACT, Trustee Cynthia Powers and Mamon Powers, Jr., The Quentin P. Smith, Sr. Observation Deck...............................................................................................30 DONOR FEATURE, Mike and Mary Blackwell .32 DONOR FEATURE, Paul and Nancy Edgerton “Bridge the Gap” Endowed Scholarship.............................33 ANNUAL DONOR HONOR ROLL.....................................................................................................................34 MOORE LEVEL....................................................................................................................................36 HOLMSTEDT LEVEL....................................................................................................................... .....36 TIREY LEVEL................................................................................................................................. .....36 HINES LEVEL......................................................................................................................................36 PARSONS LEVEL.................................................................................................................................37 BROWN LEVEL....................................................................................................................................38 JONES LEVEL................................................................................................................................ .....38 GIVING SOCIETIES......................................................................................................................................43 BOOK AND TORCH SOCIETY................................................................................................................44 1865 SOCIETY....................................................................................................................................46 CORNERSTONE SOCIETY....................................................................................................... .............47 DALE McKEE SOCIETY.......................................................................................................... .............53 DONOR FEATURE, Trustee Troy Woodruff and Melissa Woodruff, The Benny E. Woodruff Research Lab and The RQAW Civil Engineering Classroom..............................................................................................57 STUDENT FEATURE, Emma Donnahoe, Scholarship Recipient.....................................................................58 BE SO BOLD ..............................................................................................................................................60

TOGETHER, we are making an impact at Indiana State University. Our alumni, corporate partners, and friends are coming together to generously give and boldly transform the lives of our students who they support.

TOGETHER, Sycamores around the world gave more than $21.5 million last year to the Indiana State University Foundation. For the first time in the history of our institution, donors gave more than $20M in two consecutive years. For this, we are grateful.

TOGETHER, we will continue to Be So BOLD for this great university. Your gift matters! As you read this year’s annual report, you will realize that our mission is to match donors with their passion to create joyful gifts each time they give. Enjoy these stories of donor generosity and student success. Together, we are boldly transforming lives.

Boldly yours,

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Don Dudine, ’67 continues to generously support students at Indiana State University. Most recently, he funded the Don Dudine Marching Sycamores Scholarship to financially assist members of the marching band who are not music majors in the School of Music.


Jim Pajakowski, a 1982 graduate of ISU, and his wife Sue made an estate gift of $900,000 to fund in perpetuity the existing Michael Grant Pajakowski Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship was established in honor of the couple’s late son and will aid students from lower-income areas in Chicago who need financial assistance to continue their education at ISU. The Pajakowskis also pledged $325,000 over 10 years to support scholarship awards, totaling a $1.22 million gift.

“We have many blessings, including a quality education that resulted because we had the means, a strong support system, and people that believed in us and encouraged us along the way. Our gift to ISU is designed to give others some of the same blessings so they can achieve their dreams.”

Jim Pajakowski, ’82

2022 Fiscal Year End Fundraising Snapshot (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)

Indiana State University raised more than $21.5 million for the second consecutive year in 2021-22, with $15.5 million donated by residents in the state of Indiana.

More than 6,800 donors made contributions supporting 731 funds and initiatives. Nearly 1,300 donors were recognized as members of the President’s Society, contributing at least $1,000 in the fiscal year.

Gifts to the University’s endowment totaled more than $5.9 million, a 37% increase from the previous year. Thirty-two new endowed funds were created, which continually enhance scholarship support and help our students achieve their dreams of earning a college degree.


Brother and sister, Neng Chiang Yang and Yanya Yang have given ISU more than $277,000 in support of the arts. They established the Yang Family Art Scholarship in 2019 and the Yang Family Enrichment Fund in 2022. The funds enhance

overall experience for art students through scholarship support and professional development and funding exhibitions, programming, and infrastructure enhancement in the newly named Yang Family University Art Gallery.

10 | DONOR
“My passion is from our father’s encouragement of learning art when we were very young, and I believe that art is a passion and love beyond race, religion, and nationality. Art can bring people together.”
— Neng Chiang Yang, GR ’97
“While studying at ISU as an international student, I had a sense of belonging. I was warmly welcomed and strongly supported by my professors and the ISU community. Moreover, I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and develop talents I never knew I had.”
— Yanya Yang, GR ’99
Give to Blue Day in 2022 brought together 1,845 Sycamores across the world who gave more than $1.3 million in 24 hours to support Indiana State University students and programs. The more than $1 million raised in 24 hours makes Give to Blue Day the single largest fundraiser in ISU history.


The Hulman-George family made a $2 million gift to Indiana State University for a new scoreboard and an array of other high resolution video boards at the Hulman Center. In the middle of the arena, the Hulman Center now has two hanging video boards measuring more than 14 by 24 feet and two hanging boards measuring more than 9 by 16 feet. For basketball, the 14 by 24 boards will face the sidelines and the 9 by 16 boards will face the baselines.

The 9 by 16 boards are bigger than the current boards and can be moved to hang from other parts of the arena for different events. New boards were also installed above the floor-level openings at the four corners of the arena and there are two new scorers tables with video boards in front. The north and south ends of the arena, between the two levels of seating, now has ribbon boards measuring more than 96 feet wide.

These enhancements will make a significant impact on the experience of attendees in the Hulman Center.

“On behalf of the entire Hulman-George family, we are proud of our long-standing commitment to the community through the Hulman Center. It was the passionate commitment of Tony Hulman for the community to have a place for public meetings and gatherings. Over the past 50 years, great memories have been created, and the recent renovations will ensure another 50 years of guest experiences enjoyed. We are happy to provide support for the information and communications system that will enhance the experience for all who attend events at the Hulman Center.”

— Tony George, ’85

“SteveandIareproudtosupportIndianaState University,theInsuranceandRiskManagementprogram, andtheinsuranceindustrywhichIhaveservedthroughoutmy entirecareer.Wehopethatthisfacultyfellowwillbeacatalystfor otherstobeestablishedatourgreatuniversity.”—KimSmith,’77 IndianaStateUniversityTrusteeKimSmithandherhusbandSteveSmithhavegiven$200,000 toestablishanamedfacultyfellowintheInsuranceandRiskManagementDepartmentatthe ScottCollegeofBusiness. JackandJoyceRentschlerarebothISUalumni(’55and’54).Aftergraduating,bothwentontohavesuccessfulcareers beforepurchasingRentschler’sStandardTruckPlazainSiouxFalls,SouthDakotain1973.AvidsupportersofSycamore Athletics,thecoupledonated$50,000inthepasttorenovatetheISUfootballpracticefield,nowknownastheRentschler PracticeField,and$300,000on2022’sGivetoBlueDaytosupportSycamoreAthletics,theAlumniAssociation,andthe BayhCollegeofEducation.JackandJoyceRentschlerarebeinghonoredwiththe2022MarchOn!AwardtorecognizetheirphilanthropicsupportofISU.The MarchOn!Awardhasbeenpresentedannuallysince2015torecognizeexceptionalalumniwhoassistintheadvancementof IndianaStateUniversity.
“Johnwasalsounderpressurefromhisfamilytoconsiderworkinginsteadofcontinuinghiseducation.Therecipientsof theBridgetheGapScholarshipshavealreadyovercomesimilarcharges.Theyjustneedalittleextrahelptogetover thefinishline.Johnwouldbethrilledwiththeideathatascholarshipinhisnamewillhelpthesedeservingstudents completetheirdreams.”—NancyMoore,wifeofJohnW.Moore Ananonymousdonorgifted$1milliontocreatethePresidentJohnMooreandNancyMooreBridgetheGapEndowedScholarship. Moore,whoservedasIndianaStateUniversity’sPresidentfrom1992to2000,passedawayinMarch2022. “IfIhadnotgainedtheknowledgeandexperiencethatIhadattheScottCollegeofBusiness,Idon’tthinkIcouldhave achievedthethingsIdidinmycareerandbusinesslife.Iknowtherearestillatremendousnumberofyoungpeoplewho arejustasnaiveasIwaswhenIcametoIndianaStatein1974thataregoingtogainfromtheseexperiencesandgoon anddowonderfulthingsinlife.Butthey’vegottohaveastartingpoint.TheScottCollegeofBusinessdidthatforme, andIknowitcandothatforalotofotherpeopleaswell.””—MikeAlley’78 MikeandAmyAlleycommittedmorethan$150,000insupportofvariousprogramsincludingtheLindaEldredStudentSuccess Center,theAlleyProfessionalDevelopmentFellowsEndowment,thePorterCancerResearchCenter,andSycamoreAthletics. ScottWatsonofChicagocommitted$125,000toestablishtheSouth VermillionHighSchoolClassof’81EndowedScholarship.Watsonis originallyfromClinton,IndianaandcurrentlyservesontheFoundation BoardofDirectors.ScottWatson,‘85graduatedfromIndianaStateUniversitywithadegree inEnglish.Hehasservedtheuniversityinvariouscapacitiesandhasa contagiousenthusiasmforitsadvancement.

“I stand before you in my ISU nursing scrubs, without a tie, without a jacket, and with shoes that don’t shine. But in these scrubs, I have held infants minutes after birth, consoled grieving families, and travelled to distant countries to provide free care to the less fortunate.

ISU didn’t just provide me with a scholarship, they provided me with the ability to make sure that their generosity and care doesn’t stop with me.”



The Scott College of Business MBA Online is a highly-respected, affordable, and flexible advanced business degree with top accreditation for students seeking an accelerated career track. It is designed to promote a work-life balance while offering the flexibility to graduate in 12 to 24 months.

Tim and Bobbie O’Neill donated $200,000 to create the Tim and Bobbie O’Neill Online MBA Scholarship. There will be 25 O’Neill Scholars each year, all of whom will receive $1,000 scholarships.

Tim O’Neill served on ISU’s Board of Trustees from 1987 to 1995 and received the university’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2007. He graduated in 1969 with a business degree and was a scholarship swimmer for ISU, serving as team captain his senior year. Bobbie O’Neill graduated in 1972 with a degree in elementary education.

“The term ‘pay it forward’ perfectly describes what we all need to do to make sure that future generations enjoy the same resources that we enjoyed in our lifetime. We realize that something as valuable and productive as Indiana State University does not happen without decades of committed leaders and the sharing of necessary financial resources.”

— Tim O’Neill, ’69 “Our three sons were able to advance their careers as well with continuing their education while employed. However, we understand that the availability of time and financial resources are limited for our MBA candidates, so we are pleased that the Scott College of Business MBA Online program will address those needs.”

— Bobbie O’Neill, ’72

“Endress+Hauser inspires other companies to understand that if you want to make a difference, then you have to be the one starting that process.

For Indiana State University, Endress+Hauser provides the projects and the necessary equipment to help students learn. That’s a true investment in the future workforce.”

’22 | College of Technology Graduate Rotational Engineer | Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services, and solutions for industrial process engineering. Their Greenwood, Indiana location works closely with the College of Technology to create opportunities for students by offering them internships that progress into full-time positions.

Recently, the company partnered with the Scott College of Business to offer assistance to a wider range of scholars and further support the career success of ISU students. Along with experiential learning opportunities, Endress+Hauser has provided significant donations to support student scholarships and faculty support.

“As the parents of three daughters who have chosen analytical careers, it’s very important to us to assist other young women as they pursue careers in STEM. We are delighted to honor Rita’s father and mother while also promoting the advancement of women in engineering and technology.”
— Ken Senseman, ’80 A legacy gift to ISU created the Burns Senseman Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Technology. The gift honors emeritus faculty member Dr. Richard Lyons Burns and his wife Ruth Virginia Naber Burns. The couple’s daughter, Rita Burns Senseman, ’83, and her husband Ken Senseman, made their gift to support students in the College of Technology.

GEODIS Logistics of Plainfield, Indiana committed $150,000 to support experiential learning projects and to provide scholarships for the Operations and Supply Chain Management program through the creation of the ISU/GEODIS Logistics 4.0 Innovation Hub. The purpose of this partnership is to create opportunities for post-secondary education and, for people currently in the workforce, enhanced skills and credentialing.

This space will train people in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the management of logistics companies. It is expected that early 2023, there will be a mini-prototype of a warehouse using robotics ready for student tours, research, and teaching.


The Larry and Buffy Boulet Scott College of Business Mentoring Program was established in 2021 to create a dedicated mentoring program for students in the Scott College of Business.

The Boulet Mentoring Program elevates the educational experience for students by providing resources dedicated to engaging a robust network of business professionals who are committed to supporting our students. The program offers peer-to-peer mentoring, young alumni engagement, professional mentoring, executive coaching, and other opportunities designed to promote career readiness.

Larry Boulet was a first-generation college student, earning a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from ISU in 1974. He is an emeritus member of the ISU Foundation Board and received the ISU Distinguished Alumni Award in 2011. Buffy Boulet has served ISU in numerous volunteer leadership roles, including the ISU Foundation Board of Directors.

“Throughout our business careers, we learned the life changing value of good mentoring relationships. Mentors are always there in your corner to provide support and guidance. Through this gift, we hope every Scott College of Business student will have an excellent mentoring relationship to help them launch their career and reach their goals.”
— Larry, ’74 and Buffy Boulet

Dr. Robert and Susan Guell are well-known across campus. Bob is a professor of economics and Susan is the assistant payroll manager. They have generously donated to and supported multiple initiatives to better the lives of Sycamores.

With 50% first generation college goers, and the same percentage with significant financial need, Indiana State’s Bridge the Gap scholarships are all about helping students overcome the financial hurdles of higher education. For most of students, that insurmountable obstacle can be as little as $1,500. With support of donors like the Guells, students can bridge the gap and thrive.

Bob and Susan Guell committed $100,000 to support need-based student scholarships and the Economics program. Their support will permanently endow the ISU Faculty and Staff Bridge the Gap Scholarship.

In addition, their commitment will create the Department of Economics Student Travel Fund and to provide Economics majors with experiential learning opportunities.



“ISU faculty, past and present, have been the instruments of student success and experiential learning. Current and future faculty will continue that legacy.
you consider your gifts to ISU, strongly consider supporting excellent faculty through endowed position donations, research fellowships, research and travel grants, and anything you and your favorite faculty member can imagine.”
— Bob Guell


The Quentin P. Smith, Sr. Observation Deck was established in 2022 by Indiana State University Trustee Cynthia Powers (’69) and her husband, Mamon Powers, Jr., to honor their friend and mentor, Quentin P. Smith, Sr. (’40). This space celebrates his legacy as a member of the Tuskegee Airmen and an influential educator and civil leader in Northwest Indiana.

In 1940, Smith graduated from Indiana State Teacher’s College (now ISU) with a degree in social studies education, and taught for two years at Roosevelt High School in Gary. As a college student, Smith played football, served on the Union Board and as vice president of the senior class, and challenged racial segregation on campus.

He went on to join the Army at the start of World War II and, following the advice of fellow Sycamore and aviator Willa Brown, was assigned to the squadron that will become the Tuskegee Airmen.

While stationed at Freeman Field in Seymour, Indiana in 1945, First Lieutenant Smith and 100 black officers were imprisoned for defying

an unlawful order barring black officers from entering the officers’ club.

Thurgood Marshall, an NAACP attorney who went on to become the first African-American Supreme Court justice, won the release of Smith and fellow officers. Two years later, President Truman integrated the military but it took more than 50 years for their service records to be cleared.

Later in 1945, Smith returned to Gary where he worked for more than four decades as a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, and eventually as director of secondary education for the Gary Community School Corporation. During his long career as an educator, Smith also served as president of the Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority Board, the Chicago Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, chair of the Calumet College Board of Trustees, a member of the Gary City Council, and in numerous other civic, charitable, and religious organizations.

Throughout his life, Smith was a true champion for aspiring black pilots with his support of scholarships, training programs, and mentorship.

Smith was recognized by the Indiana State University Alumni Association with its Distinguished Alumni Award in 2013.

“It is our goal to exemplify the lessons we learned from the life and legacy of Quentin Smith, Sr., and continue to pay it forward.”
— Trustee Cynthia Powers, ’69


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“I just want to give back to Indiana State for the initial investment they made in me as a scholarship athlete. This gift will be a lasting tribute to my family and also to my many teammates, teachers, and coaches who inspired, encouraged, and motivated me along the way.”
— Mike Blackwell, ’71 Indiana State University alumni Mike and Mary Blackwell made a $300,000 philanthropic commitment to support ISU’s baseball, football, and strength and conditioning programs as well as the Sycamore Athletics general fund. The Mike and Mary Blackwell Sports Performance Center is located in the Health and Human Services Building.

“When I was a senior in high school, my family had limited means and could not contribute significantly to my continuing education,” Paul Edgerton said. “I also saw a lot of students who had difficulty meeting the financial obligations to continue their enrollment. My wife and I thought that this would be a way to help students graduate from the university.”

— Paul Edgerton, ’60

“I have worked many years in the mental health field with families who lacked resources, and I know that the discouragement of not having enough to get through a semester makes it very easy to drop out,” she said.

“I want very much to encourage people to finish, and this [scholarship] perhaps provides a way for that to happen. I hope to help students be successful. I hope the gift will help students reach their dreams and have new dreams.”

— Dr. Nancy Edgerton, ’61 ’GR ’68

A $150,000 gift from former Indiana State University vice president and his wife has established the Paul and Nancy Edgerton “Bridge the Gap” Endowed Scholarship to help Sycamore students facing financial, not academic, obstacles to finishing a degree. Paul Edgerton served as ISU’s Vice President of Student Affairs for 17 years until his retirement in 2000, and Dr. Nancy Edgerton served as an ISU faculty member for three years.




The Division of University Advancement annually publishes a donor honor roll recognizing donors who make annual contributions at the Jones level and above during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

*Denotes deceased donors


MOORE LEVEL | $100,000+

Dr. Lucky J.* and Mrs. Susan Abernathy

John W. Anderson Foundation

Anonymous Donor

Ms. Marjorie Z. Ashby*

Mr. Steve and Mrs. Gloria J. Bailey

Mr. Michael L. and Mrs. Mary Blackwell

Dr. William J.* and Mrs. Judith L. Brett Mrs. Sandra K. Senior-Dauer and Mr. Keith N. Dauer Endress+Hauser Inc

ESKO-Graphics Inc. FedEx Corporation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Forte’ Sports Medicine and Orthopedics

Mr. Anton H. and Mrs. Laura George

Ms. Josie George

Hulman Public Building Trust

Mrs. Cynthia W. and Mr. Ronald W. Laporte Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Mr. Darwin J. McCallian, Jr.

Dr. David C. Mitchell* and Mrs. Geraldine F. Penman Mitchell*

Mr. Timothy J. and Mrs. Bobbie M. O’Neill

Mr. Jack G. and Mrs. Joyce Rentschler

Dr. Thomas G.* and Mrs. Kathleen P. Sauer

Mrs. Kimberly O. and Mr. Stephen L. Smith Trayak LLC

Mr. Troy A. and Mrs. Melissa D. Woodruff

Mr. Neng C. Yang

Ms. Yanya Yang

HOLMSTEDT LEVEL | $50,000 - $99,999

Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Amy L. Alley

Amped Software USA Inc.

Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Deborah J. Bareford

Dr. David L. and Mrs. Carolene Bash

The Best Management Trust

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Della I. Best

Mr. Troy L. and Mrs. Pam Biddle

Mr. Larry S. and Mrs. Elizabeth Boulet

President Deborah J. and Mr. Lynn R. Curtis

Mr. Paul T. and Dr. Nancy Edgerton

Mrs. Lois M. “Jo” Einstandig

Mr. Steven B. and Mrs. Julie A. Heck Holthouse Foundation for Kids

Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Lisa M. Holthouse LEVA International, Inc.

Mr. Charles McCullaugh*

Mrs. Jennifer L. and Mr. Travis L. Norris Hollie and Anna Oakley Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Todd A. Osburn and Ms. Caroline C. Howe

Mr. Bud and Mrs. Annie Perry

Mr. Jeffrey J. and Mrs. Jennifer L. Perry Refreshment Services Pepsi

Mr. Kenneth P. Senseman and Ms. Rita M. Burns Senseman

Mr. Rob B. and Mrs. Elizabeth L. Sisk

Dr. Kenneth L. Smith

Dr. Mary Kay L. and Dr. Lee E. Sommers Therabody

Mrs. Laura L. and Mr. Jim M. Wittman

TIREY LEVEL | $25,000 - $49,999

Dr. Marian K. and Mr. James R. Abbott Anonymous

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Julie J. Baesler Baesler’s Market Blue River Foundation Inc.

Mr. Walter Botich, Jr.

Mr. Edward R. and Mrs. Lorna G. Brett Mr. Brent A. and Mrs. Jennifer R. Compton Dorsett Automotive

Mr. Brian R. and Mrs. Gina M. Dorsett

Mr. Donald J. and Mrs. Linda S.* Dudine Eli Lilly and Company

Mr. Gerald J. Ferguson First Financial Bank Forever Buildings Geodis

Mrs. Amy M. and Mr. Gregory L. Gibson

Gregory L. Gibson Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Mr. James P. and Mrs. Sharon C. Hellmann

Mrs. Christine M. and Mr. Jason D. Hill

The Hometown Savings Bank

Mr. Ward M. and Mrs. Rosemary Hubbard Mr. Bradley K. Hummer ISU Credit Union

Mr. R. Scott and Mrs. Tana Jaeger Mrs. Lisa G. and Dr. Gregory N. Larkin Mr. James M. and Mrs. Lafaye A. Lewis Mr. Norman L. and Mrs. Sally J. Lowery Ms. Mildred M. McCrea*

Dr. Dale F.* and Dr. Nancy J.* McKee Mrs. Diann E. and Mr. Craig M. McKee Missouri Valley Conference, Inc. Mr. Bruce E. and Mrs. Rebecca S. Moon Ms. Amanda C. Moon

North American Lighting, Inc Pacesetter Sports Inc.

Mr. James D. and Mrs. Sue A. Pajakowski Patriot Investments, LLC Mrs. Joanna R. Pease Mrs. Cynthia R. and Mr. Mamon M. Powers Richard Jenkins Construction, Inc. Mrs. Jane A. Rosa*


Ruoff Home Mortgage Schwab Charitable Fund

Mr. Frederick J. and Mrs. Kathryn Shorter Smith Fuqua Foundation

Mr. Craig A. and Mrs. Susan E. Smith

Mr. Gregory M. and Mrs. Cheryl A. Steenberg

Mr. Curtis W. and Mrs. Marilyn Stephens

Mr. Gordon O. and Mrs. Peggy R. Tanner

Mr. John T. and Mrs. Marilyn A. Thyen Toyota of Terre Haute Tribune Star Publishing Company Jerry E. and Dorothy A. Vaughn Weston Wabash Foundation

Mr. Shannon R. and Mrs. Florann B. White Dr. Tony and Mrs. Beth Zeiss Dr. Steven D. and Mrs. Lois C. Zink

HINES LEVEL | $10,000 - $24,999

7th & Elm Bar & Grille Mrs. Susan E. and Mr. Norman V. Abazoris The Norman and Susan Abazoris Foundation AMAC Association (DBA McDonalds) Anonymous Arrow Container LLC Bank of America Charitable Foundation Mrs. Susan J. and Mr. Victor F. Becker Mr. Kris A. and Mrs. Leslie E. Bilyeu Mr. Bradley T. and Mrs. Jeanne T. Bilyeu Bob Bowen Ford

Mr. Bob A. and Mrs. Lynn Bowen Mr. Melvin L. Burks Ms. Patricia Butwin

Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Leslie A. Casey Charities Aid Foundation of America - CAF America Mrs. Dawn M. and Mr. Mark A. Clinkenbeard

Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group

Cosmo’s 659 LLC DBA Cosmo’s Pizza Dr. Catharine Crockett

Mr. John C. and Mrs. Linda M. Crouch Mr. Erik Dalton

Gertrude and Theodore Debs Trust - First Financial Bank Dennis Trucking Company, Inc. Mrs. Evelyn M. Dixon

The John K. Dixon Jr and Evelyn Revocable Living Trust Mrs. Mary B. and Mr. Robert E. Doti Rob & Mary Doti Family Fund of the BoA Charitable Gift Fund

EPIC Insurance Midwest Ernst & Young Foundation

ESL Spectrum

Mr. Joseph H. and Mrs. Michele F. Evelo Geico Indianapolis Regional Office

Mr. Max L. and Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson Mr. R. T. and Mrs. Susan E. Green

GTB - Ford

Dr. Robert C. and Mrs. Susan D. Guell Hamilton Center, Inc. Mr. John M. and Mrs. Susan K. Hanley III


Haute Hospitality LLC (DBA Culvers)

Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Carla R. Hay

Mrs. Michelle D. and Mr. Todd A. Hein

Mr. Jerome J. and Mrs. Mary A. Hellmann

Mr. Thomas M. and Mrs. Mary C. Hellmann

Mr. Kevin J. Hellmann

Mr. Troy D. and Mrs. Bernice J. Helman

Hendricks County Community Foundation Hillcrest Asset Management

Mr. Patrick T. and Mrs. Jayne Hopkins

Mr. Jerry J. and Mrs. Sharon S. Hsu

JBT FoodTech - John Bean Technologies Corporation

Johnson County Community Foundation, Inc. (JCCF)

Dr. David N* and Mrs. Kathy M. Kelsey

Mr. Raymond R. and Mrs. Cynthia Kepner

Mr. W. Steven and Mrs. Sherry L.* Kidwell

Labor Link, Inc.

Mrs. Linda K. and Mr. Roger K. LaCosse

Mrs. Shelly M. and Mr. Stephen M. Langona Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm

Ms. Janice Lawrence

Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Robin R. Lowe

Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Jean A. Marra

Marvin Johnson & Associates (MJA) Max and Jacqueline Gibson Foundation

Mrs. Judith A. McConchie

Mrs. Mary E. McGuire

Mr. Jay M. and Mrs. Elizabeth McHargue

Mr. Christopher J. McKee

Mrs. Diann E. and Mr. Craig M. McKee

Ms. Elizabeth A. McKee

Mr. Edwin W. and Mrs. Mary Ann C. Miller

Mrs. Sandra H. and Mr. Bernie Miller Mr. Michael H. Miller

Miller-Caballero Foundation, Inc.

NECA - I.B.E.W. 725

Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.- WTWO-TV WAWV-TV Old National Bank

Mr. Clifford S. Orloff and Ms. Olga M. Shalygin Parnassus Investments

Mr. Edward A. Pease

Mr. Norman and Mrs. Linda Jo Pellegrini

Dr. Keith E.* and Mrs. Phyllis A. Perry Mr. David L. and Mrs. Jennifer* J. Piker

Mrs. Cindee A. and Mr. Jim Porter

Mr. Richard R. and Mrs. Robin Porter

Mr. Eric S. and Mrs. LeeAnna J. Powell

Prime Risk Partners (Formally ONI)

Ms. Leslie A. Proksa

Quality Connection of the Greater Wabash Valley, Inc. Ratio

Mr. Roscoe E. and Mrs. Mary Reeve Republic Airways Riddell National Bank

RJE Business Interiors, Inc.

Mr. Craig and Mrs. Lisa Roeder Mrs. Christine A. Schellenberg

Mr. Timothy L. and Mrs. Lisa Schoolman Jane A. Brichford Credit Shelter Trust

Mr. Fritz H. Shorter

Mr. N. Joseph Sinha

Sinha-Gertz Family Fund

Mr. William G. and Mrs. Jamie A. Smock

Sodexo, Inc.

Mr. Dennis Sponsel

Ms. Linda J. Stanley

State Safety & Compliance

State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation

Mr. Lee M. and Mrs. Susan J.* Stewart Tabco Business Forms

Mr. Jeffrey W. and Mrs. Penny F. Taylor Terre Haute Chevrolet

Thompson Thrift Development, Inc.

Mr. John G. and Mrs. Jennifer L. Thompson

Mr. Paul M. and Mrs. Angela H. Thrift

Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Mary J. Tom Tops Software Corporation

U.S. Lawns

University Village Apartments

Vigo Dodge, Inc.

Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. D. Scott Watson

Welch Packaging Group, Inc.

Wholesale & Specialty Insurance Association (WSIA)

Mrs. Susi H. and Mr. Bruce E. Willis

Mr. Ryan A. and Mrs. Amy L. Willman

Mr. Robert K. and Mrs. Karyn L. Willmann Paul A. Witty Trust

Mr. Michael Wood and Mrs. Joanne Yaeger-Wood

PARSONS LEVEL | $5,000 - $9,999

Mr. Kash Ahmadi

Mr. Eugene D. and Mrs. Linda Aimone Mr. Eric Albert Anonymous

Mr. J. Robert and Mrs. B. Kaye Ardrey Arlington/Roe & Company, Inc. Mrs. Jennifer L. and Mr. Todd A. Atterson Auto House

The Ayco Charitable Foundation Dr. Daniel J. and Mrs. Cheri Bradley Mrs. Kathleen G. and Mr. Edward G. Cabello Mr. Jacob D. Carpenter Mr. Ron D.* and Mrs. Julia A. Carpenter Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Leslie A. Casey Mr. Paul A. and Mrs. Susan L. Chaney, Sr. Chick-fil-A at Terre Haute

Dr. Jerry W. and Mrs. Jan M. Cockrell Complete Outdoor Equipment Company

Mr. Robert Q. Cordell II

Mr. James M. and Mrs. Charmaine Cota Mrs. Dee A. and Mr. Robert L. Crowell Culligan of Terre Haute

Dr. Keith W. and Mrs. Peggy G. Dickey Mr. Daniel E. and Mrs. Lynn A. Dimond Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Frances A. Druley Mr. Donald B. and Mrs. Terry E. Edwards Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC Mr. Jerald B. Fifer

Mr. Stephen W. Finzel

Mr. G. Steven and Mrs. C. Kathleen Fleschner Mr. Mitchell D. Fuqua

Mr. Mark J. and Mrs. Susan L. Fuson Mr. W. Anthony and Mrs. Lynn Gamron Gartner, Inc

Ms. Theresa D. Haverkamp HEF Services, Inc.

Mr. James P. and Mrs. Sharon C. Hellmann Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ms. LaDonna Howard HSN Enterprise Inc. DBA, Pet Supplies Plus, Inc. Mr. Jerry J. and Mrs. Sharon S. Hsu Hurst Charitable Trust

Mr. David D. and Mrs. Jeanne J. Husain Husain Family Foundation, Inc. Dr. Robert L.* and Mrs. Barbara J. Kellems Mr. Travis A. and Mrs. Alyssa A. Kendall Mr. Duane M. and Mrs. Mary Alice* Klueh Dr. Mildred G. Lemen

Mr. Charles J. and Mrs. Helen T. Lentz Mr. Joseph A. and Mrs. Jennifer J. Mascari Mr. Jeffrey D. and Mrs. Beth P. Mattfolk Mr. Dennie A. and Mrs. Teresa L. McGuire

McGuire Excavating and Trucking

Mr. Quintin P. and Mrs. Donna J. Mikell

Mrs. Susan L. Mills

Mr. Mervin J. Nolot

Mr. Jaye P. Norris

Mr. James A. and Mrs. Susan E. Novack

Pepsico Foundation

Mr. Douglas E. and Mrs. Connie J. Pipes Planet Fitness

PNC - The Fund for Charitable Giving Premier Auto Source, Inc. R.E. Dimond and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael R. and Mrs. Amanda E. Rady Rare Bird, Inc.

Mr. Daniel J. and Mrs. Lisa J. Riley

Mr. James A. Roe

Mr. Mark A. and Mrs. Cyndi S. Roman

Royal on the Eastside Schmidt Associates

Mr. Wayne S. Schmidt

Ms. Ann C. Schneider

Mr. Gary W. and Mrs. Judy A. Schomer

SMC, Inc.

Dr. Nancy J. Smith

Somerset CPAs and Advisors

Mr. Paul M. Stanley, Jr.

Mr. Gregory M. and Mrs. Cheryl A. Steenberg

Mr. Trever F. and Mrs. Lindsay L. Stergar

Sullivan Automotive Group

Mrs. Carol A. and Mr. Jr. L. Sumner

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Mr. Daniel P. and Mrs. Ann Felice Thiel

Thompson’s Honda Union Health Foundation

Mr. Joel M. and Mrs. Connie G. Updike

Anonymous Donor

Mr. Joel S. and Mrs. Danielle J. Viewegh Wabash Capital

Dr. Thomas G. Waldon III

WaterTower Estates Winery

Mr. Stephen L. and Mrs. Carole L. Williams

Mr. Daniel Wolfe

Wolfe’s Auto Auction, Inc. Mr. Rob York

York Automotive Group YourCause, LLC

BROWN LEVEL | $2,500 - $4,999

1045, LLC

Dr. Lowell D. and Mrs. Karen M. Anderson

Anonymous AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP

Barnes & Noble College Booksellers

Mr. Matthew J. and Mrs. Renee L. Bilyeu

Dr. Pamela S. and Mr. Chuck Blesch

Mr. Bob A. and Mrs. Lynn Bowen

Mrs. Nancy L. Brentlinger

Mr. William E. Briggs and Mr. Jeffrey Chinski

Mr. W. Curtis and Mrs. Linda Brighton

Dr. Elizabeth M. Brown and Mr. Andreas M. Kummerow

Ms. Bridget K. Butwin

Ms. Madonna Butwin

BYD Wellness LLC

Mr. David C. and Mrs. Margaret L. Campbell

Mr. Joseph B. Card

Ms. Julie A. Cernel

Charity Golf International Clements Worldwide

Dr. Denise E. Collins

Mr. J. Bart and Mrs. Debra L. Colwell

Ms. Monica J. Conrad and Mr. Christopher H. Hoham

Dr. Robert L. and Mrs. Corinne L.* Cowden

Mrs. Robin R. and Mr. Timothy R. Crumrin

Ms. Margie G. Curry

Mr. Walter J. and Mrs. Pat Cyburt

Mr. Danny R. and Mrs. Deborah K. Dean

Mrs. Susan C. Decker and Mrs. Vicki L. Kosowsky

Mr. Christopher S. and Mrs. Bridgett Y. Doll

Mr. David M. Driver, III

Mr. George M. Dunlap

Dr. Lindsey E. Eberman

Mr. Douglas V. Egly

Mr. Garry D. Elder

Mrs. Karen M. and Mr. Niel Ellerbrook

Niel C. and Karen M. Ellerbrook Family Foundation, Inc.

Mr. O. Earl and Mrs. Christina Elliott

Mr. Joseph K. and Mrs. Gretchen H. Etling

Finzel’s Mastertech, Inc.

Fleschner Stark Tanoos Newlin

Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Kelly J. Ford

Mr. Phillip J. and Mrs. Kelly J. Ford

Dr. Paula E. and Mr. Richard T. Frank

Ms. Amanda Fritz

Mr. David E. Fuson

Mr. Mark J. and Mrs. Susan L. Fuson

Fuson Automotive

Garzo Tire Inc

Mr. Justin R. and Mrs. Amanda J. Garzolini

Mr. Bud and Mrs. Karen Garzolini

Dr. Samuel N. and Mrs. Susan J. Goward

Mr. Claude D. Grimes

Mr. Richard A. and Mrs. Carol Hahn

Mr. John M. and Mrs. Susan K. Hanley III

Mr. Marshall S. and Mrs. Nancy Hanley

The Harrington Family Foundation

Dr. Ross C. and Dr. Joyce A. Hemphill

Mr. Rex A. and Mrs. Carla A. Henry

Mrs. Judy L. and Mr. Terry L. Hogan

Hurco Companies, Inc.

Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Linda S. Huser

Indiana Center for Nursing, Inc. PP Indiana Workers’ Compensation Institute, Inc. The Indianapolis Aero Club

Inspire Brands

Integrated Packaging Resources, Inc.

J. Ford’s Black Angus Restaurant

Dr. Donald L. and Mrs. Gretchen B. Jennermann

Mr. Scott D. Jones and Mrs. Lucy L. Billings-Jones

Dr. Robert L.* and Mrs. Barbara J. Kellems

Mrs. Joan M. Kicklighter

Mr. Thomas W. and Mrs. Jessica Kirchner

Mr. Kent A. and Mrs. Jamei R. Kramer

Mr. Justin T. and Mrs. Kimberly A. Kunz

Mr. Gary E. and Mrs. Ruth N. Leman

Mr. Patrick A. and Mrs. Toni L. Lima

MacAllister Rentals

Ms. Judy K. Mace

Mr. Damian T. and Mrs. Eleanor J. Macey

Dr. Caroline M. Mallory and Dr. Darin M. Eastburn

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Angel Marsh, Jr. Dr. Linda S. Maule

Mr. Marcus McChristian

Mr. Stephen E. and Mrs. Josephine A. McGrew Mrs. Alane A. Meis

Mr. Richard C. Meyer Dr. Mardel E. Miller

Mitsos Foundation

Mrs. Patricia J. Murphy and Mr. Gregory P. Firkus Ms. Andrea L. Myers Dr. J. Laurence and Dr. Barbara A. Passmore Dr. Julie A. Payne-Kirchmeier

Mr. Donald R. and Mrs. Donna J.* Prior Mr. William Reisinger Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Georgine M. Riley

RJL Solutions

Mr. Jon C. and Mrs. Cheryl A. Roberson Mr. Adam Roberts Mrs. Michelle E. and Mr. Joe Robinson Mr. Thomas A. and Mrs. Sharon K. Ruder Thomas A. & Sharon K. Ruder Foundation, Inc. Mr. Christopher A. and Mrs. Amanda D. Sapp Mr. Robert J. Sauer Ms. Theresa A. Secondino Lt. Col. David B. and Mrs. Amy W. Seitz Mrs. Sam and Mr. Ted Shanks Sidearm Sports, LLC. Mr. Billy J. Southard Southard Homes LLC

Dr. Richard D.* and Mrs. Beverly S. Spear

The Steenberg Family Foundation Mrs. Sally A. and Mr. William P. Stewart Mr. James E. and Mrs. Kathleen M. Sunday Mr. Timothy J. and Mrs. Stacey J. Swanson Sycamore Insurance Associates, LLC

Terre Haute Lady Rex

Thyssen-Krupp Presta

Mr. James D. and Mrs. Judith E. Tribble

United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local Union 133

Mr. Frank R. and Mrs. Janet R. Volkers

Dr. William J. and Mrs. Debra J. Warfel

Mr. Robert A. and Mrs. Bonnie Warn

Mr.s Lindsay R. and Mr. Zachary S. Wilhoyte

Mr. Stephen L. and Mrs. Carole L. Williams Ms. Angela Williams

Williams Law Firm

Mr. Ryan A. and Mrs. Amy L. Willman Mr. William F. Zlatos, Jr.


LEVEL | $1,000 - $2,499

5th St Nutrition

Dr. Ramachandra B. and Mrs. R.R. Abhyankar Ms. Esther L. Acree Dr. Mary Ellen Adams


Mr. Jeff Adamson

Mr. Alexander Allen and Mr. Ronald W. Hodge

Alliance Sport Marketing

Dr. Neslihan and Mr. Birol Alp

Mrs. Priscilla M. Alston

American Endowment Foundation

American Tile and Sales Co., Inc.

Dr. Glenn E. and Mrs. Jennifer J. Andis

Mr. Dennis D. Andrews

Mr. Edward L. and Mrs. Fran B. Andrews

Mrs. Andrea L. and Mr. David C. Angel

Mrs. Marie A. and Mr. Charles L. Anstead Anonymous

Mr. David G. DelColletti and Mrs. Barbara D. Austin B & S Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Mr. Jamie Baisley

Mr. G. Ryan and Mrs. Stacy E. Baker

Dr. Bradley V. and Dr. Tonya J. Balch

Mr. Alan R. and Mrs. Ann E. Barcus

Dr. Craig S. and Mrs. Sandra Barkley

Dr. William R. and Dr. Leslie B. Barratt

Dr. Daniel W. Barwick

Mr. Christopher J. Bayh

Dr. Thomas E. and Mrs. Susan M. Bear

Mr. Thomas E. and Mrs. Sandra P. Beck

Mr. J. Richard Becker, Jr.

Mr. R. Brent and Mrs. Cinda L. Beeler

Mr. Patrick E. and Mrs. Susan D. Bell

Dr. Lloyd W. Benjamin and Dr. Wieke Van Der Weijden Benjamin

Mr. John D. and Mrs. Kathleen M. Berchild, Jr.

Berry Global

Dr. Todd D. and Mrs. Tonya Bess

Mr. Alex J. Bettag

Mrs. Karin S. Beymer

Dr. C. Lawrence and Mrs. Norma Beymer

Dr. Gregory D. and Mrs. Susan Bierly

Mr. James D. and Mrs. Sheila Bierly Anonymous

Dr. Jane E. Blyth

Mr. David B. and Mrs. Joyce E. Boeglin

Ms. Kristin N. Booe

Mr. Richard E. and Mrs. Kathleen S. Booe

Mr. Robert J. Bosse

Mr. Bradley A. and Mrs. Susan K. Bough

Dr. Michele C. Boyer

Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Mamie M. Briggs Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation

Ms. Janet R. Brosmer

Mr. R. Steven Brown and Mrs. Anna E. Christensen

Mr. Gordon L. and Mrs. Polly A. Bryan

Mr. Larry D. and Mrs. Norma L. Bryan

Mrs. Ellen M. and Mr. James L. Burdick

Mr. John M. and Mrs. Courtney M. Butkiewicz Mr. Ken Butler

CAD Services Plus, Inc.

Capco Crane & Hoist Inc.

Ms. Sue L. Card

Mr. M. Austin Carr

CDI, Inc.

Central Indiana Community Foundation, Inc.

Central Indiana CPCU Society Chapter, Inc.

Ms. Angela K. Chamberlain

Mrs. Jane B. and Mr. John S. Chappell

Mr. Ronald E. and Mrs. Jennifer A. Cheatham

Mr. R. Michael and Mrs. Lori Cheatham

Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Mr. Dominic and Mrs. Tammy L. Cinotto

Mrs. Dawn M. and Mr. Mark A. Clinkenbeard

Mr. L. Sherard Clinkscales and Mrs. Monica Love Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Cobblestone Crossings Health Campus

Mr. William T. and Mrs. Dorothy P. Coffey Colgate-Palmolive Company

Mrs. Sallee G. and Mr. John Collett

Mr. James M. and Mrs. Susan M. Colligan

Mr. Darin H. and Mrs. Jeannie M. Collignon

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

Community Foundation Alliance, Inc.

Dr. Devon R. and Mrs. Robin M. Cook

CRC Group

Mr. Bruce W. Cress

Mr. Kevin T. and Mrs. Yevette L. Cress Mr. Landon D. Curry

Mr. Paul H. Dachota

Mrs. Nancy A. and Mr. Scott Daffer

Ms. Jessica D’Alimonte Dr. Cynthia K. Damer Dr. Diana Damer

Mr. William J. and Mrs. Kathryn L. D’Andrea Dr. Andre and Mrs. Marilyn Danesh

Mr. Steven L. and Mrs. Lori A. Danielson

Dr. Terry M. and Mrs. Julie L. Daugherty

Ms. Lori Davenport

Mr. Christopher M. Davis

Mr. Gregg A. and Mrs. Nancy J. Davis Mrs. Susan R. and Mr. Robert E. Davis

Mr. Rich K. and Mrs. Julie G. Dawson Mr. Wayne E. and Mrs. Patricia J. Deig Deloitte Foundation

Delta Pi Epsilon

Mr. Robert G. Denman

Dentistry Just For Kids P.C. Mrs. Beverly J. and Mr. Frankie DeOcampo Ms. Lora E. Devault

Mr. Gary W. Devillez

Mrs. Gail L. and Dr. Archie L. Devore Mr. John W. and Mrs. Rolanda Dinkel, Jr. Mrs. Patricia A. and Mr. Bruce H. Doelling

Ms. Bonnie J. Dolick Ms. Patricia Donald Mr. Todd A. and Mrs. Patricia A. Dorman Mr. Brian R. and Mrs. Gina M. Dorsett Double G Seeds LLC Dr. Max E. Douglas

Duke Energy Foundation

Mr. Richard S. and Mrs. Theresa J. Dunkin Mr. Robert J. and Mrs. Nicole C. Dunn Mr. Scott E. Durr

Mr. Rick M. and Dr. Martha J. Dwenger Mr. Keary S. and Mrs. Simone Dye Mr. David R. and Mrs. Linda K. Eades Dr. Richard J. and Mrs. Linda L. Easton

Edward Jones Ms. Nicole Edwards

Mr. Donald B. and Mrs. Terry E. Edwards Dr. Jan A. and Mrs. Monna Jo Eglen

Jeremy Einstandig Credit Trust

Mr. Logan F. and Mrs. Kassie Eitel Mrs. Donna S. Elbrink Ms. Linda L. Eldred

Elite Baseball Training, LLC Mr. Kaleel M. and Mrs. Christine R. Ellis Mr. Michael T. Ellis

Ellis Law Office Ellis Ventures

Mrs. Melinda J. Emery Enterprise Holdings

Mr. Joseph K. and Mrs. Gretchen H. Etling Mr. John J. and Mrs. Lori M. Evanich Evelo Family Fund

Ms. Teresa D. Exline Mr. Dennis E. and Mrs. Lillian L. Faulkenberg

FCCI Insurance

Ms. Mary R. Feiler

Mr. Roger L. and Mrs. Ann Fierst

First Financial Corporation

First Insurance Group

Mr. Adam G. Fischer

Flutes, Inc.

Fond du Lac Area Foundation

Four Point Wellness LLC

Mrs. Lori L. Frederick and Mr. Franklin Cancel French Lick Resort & Casino

Mr. David P. and Mrs. Janet R. Friedrich Frontstream (TRUIST)

The Fund for American Studies Mrs. Marjorie M. and Mr. James G. Gallt Dr. Larry J. and Mrs. Helen E. Gambaiani Dr. Kenneth Games

Mr. Dennis J. and Mrs. Diane M. Gannon Mr. Phillip E. and Mrs. Ann Gardner

Judge Charnette D. Garner

Mrs. Joanne Garross

Mr. Gary R. and Mrs. Jan Garzolini

Mr. Andrew L.R. and Mrs. Emily A. Gauer George and Normal Purvis Donor Advised Fund of Fremont Area

Community Foundation

Mr. Adam D. Kirschner and Mrs. Pritha T. Ghosh

Mr. David D. Gibson

Gibson Foundation, Inc.

Gibson Services Co.

Ms. Jill L. Giffin

Ms. Raelynn Gilbert

Mr. Terry L. and Mrs. Kristina P. Gillispie

Mr. James A. and Mrs. Catherine A. Gingerich

Mrs. Sanae S. and Dr. Eric Glendening

Dr. Rusty A. Gonser

Mr. Gregory J. and Mrs. Leslie J. Goode

Gordon Riley LLC

Mr. Mark J. and Mrs. Nala Gradkowski

Mr. Andrew D. and Mrs. Brittany L. Graman

Mr. Thomas R. and Mrs. Amber D. Gray

Dr. Holly W. and Mr. Kevin Greene

Mr. Rodger D. Grinley

Mr. Harold P. and Mrs. Laura L. Gutzwiller

Guy Roofing, Inc.

Mr. Andrew S. and Mrs. Jane A. Hadley

Mr. David and Dr. Barbara Hagerman

Mr. Gerald W. and Mrs. Babs B. Hajdusiewicz

Mrs. Cris S. Halter and Mr. William T. Fraser

Mrs. Denise Hampton

Mr. Robert J. Hanlon

Hannig Construction, Inc.

Dr. Mark A. Haring

Mr. Rick J. and Mrs. Sarah L. Harruff

Mrs. Monica S. Hawkins

Dr. April M. and Mr. Jason A. Hay

Mr. David D. and Mrs. Nancy T. Haynes

Mr. Steven C. and Mrs. Deann W. Heinekamp

Mr. John Heintz

Mr. Russell and Mrs. Melinda Henderson

Dr. Barbara F. Herman

Mr. Thomas R. Hershberger

Ms. Jennifer L. Higginbotham and Mr. Larry Yargus

Mr. William L. and Mrs. Celest M. Higgins

Mr. Todd J. and Mrs. Lisa K. Higgins

Dr. Jerry L. and Mrs. Nancy A. Hile

Dr. William C. and Mrs. Elizabeth N. Hine

Ms. Susanne P. Hoagland

Mr. Robert C. and Mrs. Linda D. Hochstetler

Mr. Michael D. and Mrs. Suzanne Hoke

Dr. Edwyna R. Hord

Mr. Gary and Mrs. Jane Hosking

Mr. Harold V. and Mrs. Susan C. House

Mr. Mark A. Howell and Mrs. Lana K. Frazier

Mr. Edward A. and Mrs. Kim A. Hughes

Ms. Atara S. Hunter

Mr. Robert J. and Mrs. Michelle L. Huser

IN, KY, OH Regional Council of Carpenter’s Market Recovery

Indiana State University

Mr. Michael R. and Mrs. Katherine F. Ireland

Mr. D. Michael Jack and Mrs. Judith S. Sanford Jack

Dr. James A. Jacobs

Dr. Robert H. and Mrs. Lisa N. Jerry

Dr. Frank W.* and Mrs. Dorothy W. Jerse

Mr. Jason Johnson and Dr. Kelley Woods-Johnson

Mrs. Jennifer Jones

Mr. Scott B. Jones

K and H Greene Trust

Mrs. Jennifer and Mr. Greg Keller

Mr. Rex J. Kendall

KH Complete Advertising

Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Jennifer L. Kilian

The Kilian Family Foundation

Mr. Jeffrey J. and Mrs. Devon Kinne

Mr. Adam D. Kirschner and Ms. Pritha T. Ghosh

Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Julia Kistler

Mr. Kenneth S. and Mrs. Terri Klein

Mr. Ronald D. Knoblett

Mr. John R. and Mrs. Tracy E. Krutz

Mr. Jeremy A. and Mrs. Kayla D. Kunz

Mr. Christopher A. and Mrs. Karen L. Kyle

Dr. Francis E. and Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lafave

Mrs. Kimberly H. and Mr. Terrance D. LaGrange

Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Bonnie K. Lane

Ms. Angela M. Lansing

Mrs. Amy K. and Mr. Wayne Laswell

Dr. Donald L. and Mrs. Martha D.* Layton Mrs. Martha D. Layton*

Dr. Kil S. Lee

Mr. Timothy D. and Mrs. Kimra M. Leman

Charles J. Lentz Revocable Living Trust

Mr. Paul A. and Mrs. Cami L. Little

Little Mill Creek

Mr. Shane and Mrs. Mendy Litz Mr. Brian A. Llewellyn

Mr. Eric Y. and Mrs. Melissa V. Long

The Lubrizol Foundation

Ms. Freda K. Luers

Mr. Joseph J. and Mrs. Robyn R. Lugar, Jr. Mrs. Karen E. and Mr. John Lukens Dr. Kamlesh Lulla Dr. Christine D. MacDonald

Mr. Daniel R. and Mrs. Stephanie S. Maehler

Magnet Forensics

Mr. William J. and Mrs. Tina Maher Mrs. Eleanor Mallory

Mr. Michael C. and Mrs. Susan L. Mardis

Mr. Jeffrey S. and Mrs. Angela L. Martin

Mr. Bradley J. and Mrs. Jill A. Martz

Mr. Don Matejko

Mr. Paul E. McAuliffe and Ms. Roberta Heiman Dr. Janet L. McCarthy

Dr. William G.* and Mrs. Susan McCarthy Mr. Nicholas A. and Mrs. Makayla N. McCollum Mr. Rodney S. and Mrs. Renee S. McDougalle

The Hon. Denise McDuffie Martin and The Hon. LerRoy Martin McGraw Hill LLC

Mrs. Tanya R. and Mr. Cartier D. McKinzie Mr. James A. and Mrs. Jennifer L. Menser Mr. Michael R. Mercier

Mervis Industries, Inc.

Mr. Mark A. and Mrs. Gina C. Metheny Dr. Eleanor K. Meurer

Mr. Bradford K. and Mrs. Kathy A. Miley Mr. E. Brian and Mrs. Jennifer A. Miller Mrs. Stacy D. and Mr. Michael D. Miller Mr. George S. and Mrs. Selma M. Mills Mr. Gregory J. and Mrs. Denise R. Mimms Mr. Matthew J. and Mrs. Michelle L. Misterka Mrs. Sheila G. and Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell MJ Insurance

Mrs. Janice L. Modesitt

Mr. Lindsey L. Montgomery Jr. Dr. John W.* and Mrs. Nancy A. Moore Dr. Robert A. and Mrs. Connie Morgan Morgan Stanley

Mr. George W. Morrell

Mr. James T. and Mrs. Jackie H. Morris

Mr. Darrell E. and Dr. Crystal H. Morton, Jr. Mrs. Valentine K. Muyumba

Needham House Farms Inc. Mr. David W. and Mrs. Connie Nell Mrs. Sharon L. and Mr. Neil M. Nelson

Mr. John P. and Mrs. Kim A. Newton

Ms. Hazel Nguyen

Mr. William G. Niederer

Mr. Ryan P. Niemiller

Ms. Analyssa Noe

Mr. Kellen C. and Dr. Jayme M. Norris

Northwestern Mutual Foundation Dr. Susan C. Nurrenbern and Dr. William R. Robinson

Old National Bank

Dr. Christopher J. and Mrs. Jennifer Olsen

Mr. John O’Mara

Mr. Michael L. Ornstein

Mr. Andrew Pajakowski

Mr. Stephen P. and Mrs. Traci L. Panagouleas

Mr. Rick W. and Mrs. Joni A. Parks

Parks Family Charitable Fund

Mrs. Georgianne B. and Mr. James H. Parshall

Ms. Christina Parsons

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Jill Pearre II

Pepper Construction Mr. Alfred C. Perone Dr. David H. Perrin

Mr. John W. and Mrs. Karen S. Perry


Mrs. Theodora M. and Mr. Robert C. Perry

Personalized Promotions

Mr. Rick E. and Mrs. Susan Peters

Pi Kappa Alpha

Mr. David L. and Mrs. Jennifer J.* Piker

Dr. Steven M. and Mrs. Sandra S. Pilipovich

Pilson Chevrolet Buick GMC

Mr. Keith W. Pittman and Dr. Bridget J. Roberts-Pittman Poplar Pub

Mr. Douglas G. and Mrs. Donna J. Power

Dr. Susan M. and Joshua B. Powers

Mrs. Elise M. and Mr. John K. Pratt

Mr. Robert J.* and Mrs. Lavona M. Pakko

Dr. George A. and Mrs. Norma L.* Purvis

Drs. J. Robert* and Diana J. Quatroche

R. Booe & Son Hardwoods Inc

Dr. Robert H.* and Mrs. Nellie M. Rainier

Dr. Michael L. and Mrs. Renita Raisor

Dr. Leah B. Ramer and Dr. John C. Ramer

Mr. Tad H. and Mrs. Barbara G. Randolph

Mr. Ronald R. Ranola

Rapid Reproductions, Inc.

Mrs. Paula A. Reed

Mr. Thomas E. and Mrs. Rhonda J. Reed

Reeds Construction, Inc.

Mr. Michael E. Reese

Renaissance Charitable Foundation Republic Services, Inc.

Mr. Dale F. Resch

Mrs. Susan L. Resch

Retec Corporation

Mr. Gerald S. and Mrs. Jean M. Reynolds

Mr. Rick L. and Mrs. Carolyn A. Rhoten

Mr. Charles T. Richardson

Mrs. Sue S. Richardson

Mrs. Donna L. and Mr. William A. Robinson

Dr. Nancy B. and Dr. Don Rogers

Ms. Toni A. Roloff

Mr. Matthew A. and Mrs. Amy L. Roman

Mr. Randolph and Mrs. MaryAnn Rompola

Dr. Herbert L. and Mrs. Norma C. Ross

Mr. William A. Rottman

Mr. Richard L. Rowe

Mrs. Delores A. Russell

Mrs. Ann M. and Mr. Paul G. Ryan Mr. Samuel Sacco

Mrs. Janeen L. and Mr. Todd A. Sackett

Sackrider and Company, Inc. - Matching Gift

Mr. Brian R. and Mrs. Carolee A. Samuels

Dr. Joe C. and Mrs. Sandy Sanders

Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Penny G. Schafer

Mr. Stephen Schellenberg

Mr. Douglas W. Schimmel

Mr. Douglas M. and Mrs. Melanie Schindler

Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Katherine Schmitt

Mrs. Laurie A. and Mr. Brad Schrader

Dr. Jeffrey L. and Mrs. Frances Schrink

Mr. Steve and Mrs. Julie A. Schrohe

Ms. Marilyn F. Schultz

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Anita G. Schulz

Ms. Sidney K. Schuttrow

Mrs. Cathy L. and Dr. Robert A. Schwab

Mrs. Beverly A. and Mr. Jeffrey L. Schwier

Mr. Don R. and Mrs. Susan K. Scott

Donald W. Scott Foundation

Mrs. Dorothy Scott

Mr. Michael D. Scott, Jr.

Mr. Harry and Mrs. Rosaline L. Secrest

Selective Insurance

Mrs. Kathy L. and Mr. Jeffrey S. Sexton

Mr. Charles R. and Mrs. Darhis Shacklee

Mr. Jon and Mrs. Vicki J. Shade

Mr. Richard J. and Mrs. Candace M.* Shagley

Mr. Bryan R. and Mrs. Judith A. Sharpe

Ms. Linda Shaw

Dr. Virgil L. Sheets

Mr. Gregory Barker Shepard

Dr. William C. and Mrs. Nancy L. Shriner

Ms. Vona E. Sinclair

Dr. Sharon K. Slack

Mr. Jack L. Slaughter*

Mr. Craig A. and Mrs. Heidi B. Smith

Mr. Kevin L. and Mrs. Karla J. Smith

Ms. Rebecca S. Smith

Mr. Walter K. and Mrs. Debra K. Smith Smock & Etling - Attorneys At Law Dr. Michele Soliz

Mr. Michael A. Sotak Dr. Jayne L. Sowers

Dr. James H. Speer and Ms. Karla M. Hansen-Speer

Dr. Linda L. and Mr. Douglas Sperry Mrs. Shilaja Srikantiah

Mr. Henry W. and Mrs. Natali J. Stadler

Mr. Jason B. and Mrs. Jessica L. Starr

State Auto State Farm Companies Foundation Mr. C. Thomas and Mrs. Cheryl K. Steiner Mr. Colm and Mrs. Mary Ann Stephens Dr. Charles J. and Mrs. Jane F. Stewart Dr. Felicia D. Stewart Mr. Michael W. Stokes Ms. Gloria Stverak

Mr. Stephen E. and Mrs. Linda J. Sullivan Mrs. Carol A. and Mr. Ray L. Sumner Ms. Trudi A. Sutherlin

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Kathie* Swaim Sycamore Country Club

Mr. Daniel J. and Mrs. Allison F. Taladay Ms. Rosemarie Tanoos

Mr. Jeremiah Q. Turner and Mrs. Jennifer L. Tanoos-Turner Mr. Larry A. Taylor and Mrs. Kathlyn B. Dinkel-Taylor Mr. Alan R. Tehan

Mr. W. Peter and Mrs. Angel A. Templeton Mr. Hollis J. and Mrs. Catherine Thomas Mr. Paul E. and Mrs. Barbara Elaine Thomas

Mr. David M. and Mrs. Micah E. Thompson

Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Judith A. Thompson Mr. James M. and Mrs. Angela H. Till Ms. Glenna J. Timmons

Mr. Michael C. Todt

Mr. Joseph D. and Mrs. Nancy L. Trout Mrs. Emily Troxell

Mr. Thomas B. Tucker and Dr. Sheron J. Dailey Dr. Gregory R. and Mrs. Denise K. Ulm Dr. Lloyd W. and Dr. Wieke Van Der Weijden Benjamin Vanguard Charitable

Mr. Allen D. and Mrs. Geraldine L. Varner Mr. Gilbert D. and Mrs. Rita S. Verkamp Mr. Richard C. Vining Wabash Valley Asphalt Company Wabash Valley Health Center

Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Marianne E. Warthan Mr. William S. and Mrs. Kelli J.* Watson Mrs. Eula H. Webb

Mr. Clint L. and Mrs. Trudy A. Weddle Mr. Robert B. and Mrs. Margaret C. Wente Mr. Paul T. and Mrs. Cathy A. Wessel Mr. Charles J. and Mrs. Sue Wettrick Mr. Daniel E. and Mrs. Rachel J. Wilbur Mr. Dan and Mrs. Rachel J. Wilbur B. Curtis Wilkinson, Attorney at Law Mr. B. Curtis and Mrs. Leslie A. Wilkinson Wilkinson Goeller Modesitt Wilkinson and Drummy, LLP Ms. Teri F. Willey

Mr. Chad L. and Mrs. Misty D. Williams Williams Aviation, LLC Mr. Curtis A. Winkle Mrs. Carol H. Wood Mr. Barry R. and Mrs. Phyllis A. Woodward Woodward Enterprises, LLC. Mr. Michael J. Wright

Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Cheryl J. Wright Wright Shagley and Lowery

Dr. Lian I. Yao and Mrs. Ping Lu Mr. Larry M.* and Dr. Dorothy C. Yaw Mr. Robert A. and Mrs. Tamara K. York, Jr. Mr. Norman J. Young Mr. David R. and Mrs. Joan M. Zaun Zimmer Biomet Foundation, Inc. Ms. Linda M. Zuffa

Mr. Brian L. and Mrs. Kelly R. Willett


The Division of University Advancement recognizes the generosity of our donors through various giving societies and awards celebrating philanthropy to Indiana State.


Recognizes donors whose lifetime contributions to Indiana State reach $100,000 or more.


Honors donors who include Indiana State in their estate plans.


Recognizes donors who establish endowment funds benefiting University scholarships and programs.


Recognizes donors who make philanthropic gifts consecutively at 5, 10, and 25-year milestones.



TRUTH LEVEL $1,000,000+

Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Amy L. Alley John W. Anderson Foundation


Lt. Margaret L. Boyce

Gayle and Bill Cook Foundation

Dr. Edmund J. and Dr. Mary Dede* Ms. Lenore R. Dill*

Mr. Richard H. Dugdale* Eli Lilly and Company

ESKO-Graphics Inc.

Mr. Peter S. and Dr. Susan S.* Feibleman First Financial Bank

Forte’ Sports Medicine and Orthopedics

Mr. Max L. and Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson

Mr. Donald F. and Mrs. Patricia R. Gongaware

Mrs. Norma R. Grosjean*

The Hulman Family

Thomas H. and Marjorie L. Lake Charitable Remainder Unitrust Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Magnet Forensics

Dr. David C. Mitchell* and Mrs. Geraldine F. Penman Mitchell* Hollie and Anna Oakley Foundation, Inc.

The Bernard Osher Foundation

Dr. Chapman S. Root*

Mr. Donald W. and Mrs. Susan Scott Sherwin Williams Company

Siemens PLM Software Inc.

Mr. Michael Simmons*

Mrs. Mary J. Stanley* Mrs. Carolyn A. Steinbaugh

Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc.

INSPIRATION LEVEL $500,000-$999,999

Mr. A. Elwood and Mrs. Juneth Adams*

Ms. Ruth Collicott Arps*

Dr. William J. * and Mrs. Judith L. Brett Mr. Harold H. Carson*

Ms. Cathy A. Cook

Mr. Donald J. and Mrs. Linda S.* Dudine

EAC Product Development Solutions

Marion J Eller Living Trust

Mr. James Elrod*

Mr. Charles and Mrs. Lucile D. Failing*

Mrs. Marian George*

Dr. Charlotte W. Ghurye*

Mrs. Lavelda M. Goble*

Dr. Paul W. Hagan*

Halapy Family Trust - Grantor Carolyn Diane Halapy

Mr. Shelton M. and Mrs. Muriel Hannig*

Mr. H. Peter Hudson*

Hurco Companies, Inc.

Mr. Karl P. Joehrendt*

Mrs. Zelda Landsbaum*

Mr. Morris Landsbaum*

Ms. Thelma F. Mills*

Dr. Spiro B.* and Mrs. Patricia S. Mitsos

Dr. Jack and Mrs. Betty Munsee*

Dr. Brian R. and Mrs. Bettie N. Phillips*

Mrs. Catherine Polson*

PSI Energy, Inc.

Refreshment Services Pepsi

Mr. Jack G. and Mrs. Joyce Rentschler

Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Georgine M. Riley

Mr. Joseph S. Schick*

Schwab Charitable Fund

State Farm Companies Foundation

Mr. Earl and Mrs. Hazel E. Travioli*

Mr. Thomas B. Tucker and Dr. Sheron J. Dailey

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Paul A. Witty Trust

KNOWLEDGE LEVEL $100,000-$499,999


Mrs. Susan E. and Mr. Norman V. Abazoris Dr. Lucky J.* and Mrs. Susan Abernathy Analytical Graphics, Inc. Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Mr. Frank L. and Mrs. Gladys B. Archer* Mr. J. Robert and Mrs. B. Kaye Ardrey Ms. Marjorie Z. Ashby* Auto House

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Julie J. Baesler Baesler’s Market

Mr. Steve and Mrs. Gloria J. Bailey Dr. Walter X. and Mrs. Elizabeth I. Balcavage Mr. Alan R. and Mrs. Ann E. Barcus Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Deborah J. Bareford Barnes & Noble College Booksellers

Dr. David L. and Mrs. Carolene Bash Mrs. Dorothy Becherer* Mr. R. Brent and Mrs. Cinda L. Beeler Bemis Company Foundation Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Della I. Best Mr. Troy L. and Mrs. Pam Biddle Blue River Foundation Inc. Bob Bowen Ford

Mr. Bob G. Bonnewell

Mr. Larry S. and Mrs. Elizabeth Boulet Mr. Bob A. and Mrs. Lynn Bowen Mr. Herman L. and Mrs. Fern Boyle* Dr. William J. Brett Brooks Sports, Inc. Mr. Bob and Mrs. Jo Brown Mrs. Carol A. Brush* Ms. Patty Butwin Mr. Michael D. Buzash Mr. David C. and Mrs. Margaret L. Campbell Chally Group Worldwide

Mr. Stephen W. and Mrs. Bonnie Clinton Dr. Robert G.and Dr. Bonnidell A. Clouse* Mr. William K. and Mrs. Anna S. Cochrane* Mr. Warren R. Coffman* Mrs. Lisa M. and Mr. Robert K. Caldwell Mr. Brent A. and Mrs. Jennifer R. Compton Conseco Capital Management, Inc. Dr. Bob L. Cowden

President Deborah J. and Mr. Lynn R. Curtis Mrs. Julie B. Cutter* Mr. Ralph A. and Mrs. Jan S. Cutter, Jr. Gertrude and Theodore Debs Trust - First Financial Bank Mrs. Elizabeth V. Dempsey* Mr. Phelix and Mrs. Catherine P. Dinelli* Mr. Brian R. and Mrs. Gina M. Dorsett Mrs. Mary B. and Mr. Robert E. Doti Ms. Patricia J. Drake* Dun and Bradstreet Corporation Foundation Mr. David L. Duncan* Mr. Richard and Mrs. Denise Duwelius* Mr. Paul T. and Dr. Nancy Edgerton Mr. Jerry* and Mrs. L. Marlene Einstandig Mr. O. Earl and Mrs. Christina Elliott

Endress+Hauser Inc

Ernst & Young Foundation

Mrs. Elizabeth Essex

Mr. Joseph H. and Mrs. Michele F. Evelo Farm Bureau Insurance

Mr. James C. Farmer* Federal Aviation Administration FedEx Corporation

Mr. Gustave and Mrs. Marian R. Frutiger* Mr. W. Anthony and Mrs. Lynn Gamron Mr. J. Richard and Mrs. Ruby M. Giacoletto Mrs. Amy M. and Mr. Gregory L. Gibson Mr. George M. and Mrs. Lois E. Graesch* Gregory L. Gibson Charitable Foundation, Inc. GTB - Ford Hamilton Center, Inc. Hannig Construction, Inc.

Mr. Richard C. and Mrs. Carla R. Hay Mr. Kenneth E. and Mrs. Jane C. Hazeldine


Mrs. Michelle D. and Mr. Todd A. Hein

Mr. Noah and Mrs. Ida G. Heller*

Mr. James P. and Mrs. Sharon C. Hellmann

Mr. Larry D.* and Mrs. Susan Helman

Herbert Simon Family Foundation

Mrs. Christine M. and Mr. Jason D. Hill

Mr. William* L. and Mrs. Shirley D. Hitch

Ms. Sherrill L. Hockemeyer*

Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Lisa M. Holthouse

Holthouse Foundation for Kids

Mr. Patrick T. and Mrs. Jayne Hopkins

Mr. Jacob R. Huffman*

Mr. Hoyt E. W. Hurst*

Hurst Charitable Trust IBM Corporation

Intel Corporation International Corrugated Packaging Foundation ISU Credit Union

Mr. R. Scott and Mrs. Tana Jaeger

Dr. Donald L. and Mrs. Gretchen B. Jennermann

Ms. Lillian F. Jones*

Mrs. Mildred M. Jones*

Mr. Vivian L. and Mrs. Daisy M. Jones*

Dr. Charles J. Justice

Mr. Raymond R. and Mrs. Cynthia Kepner

Kimball International, Inc.

Mr. Duane M. and Mrs. Mary Alice* Klueh

Mr. Clarence and Mrs. Norene K.* Kurth

Labor Link, Inc.

Mr. Herbert I. and Mrs. Bernice I. Lamb*

Mrs. Cynthia W. and Mr. Ronald W. Laporte

Dr. Richard A. Lenon*

Mrs. Rea Jane Linville

Mrs. Jean V. Luce*

Lumina Foundation

Mallinckrodt Veterinary Mr. Jerry R.* and Mrs. Barbara Marlette

Dr. Ralph E. and Mrs. Ann S. Mason*

Masterbrand Cabinets, Inc.

Dr. Charles S. Mayer

Mr. Earl E. and Mrs. Josephine E. Pierson Maynard*

Mr. Darwin J. McCallian, Jr.

Dr. Janet L. McCarthy

Ms. Mildred M. McCrea*

Mr. Jerry W. McCullough*

Mr. Dennie A. and Mrs. Teresa L. McGuire

Mrs. Mary E. McGuire

McGuire Excavating and Trucking

Dr. Dale F. and Dr. Nancy J. McKee*

Mrs. Diann E. and Mr. Craig M. McKee

Dr. Robert W. McKinney*

Mr. Lucien H.* and Mrs. Alane A. Meis, Jr.

Mr. Ronald J. and Mrs. June Milewski*

Mr. Edwin W. and Mrs. Mary Ann C. Miller

Mrs. Sandra H. and Mr. Bernie Miller

Mrs. Wilma W. Miller*

Mr. Randall K. and Mrs. Nancy M. Minas

Missouri Valley Conference, Inc.

Monroe Guaranty Insurance Company

Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.- WTWO-TV WAWV-TV

Mrs. Charlotte R. Nicholson*

North American Lighting, Inc

Old National Bank

Old National Bank Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Timothy J. and Mrs. Bobbie M. O’Neill

Mr. Todd A. Osburn and Ms. Caroline C. Howe

Mr. Chad J. and Mrs. Natalie J. Overton

Pacesetter Sports Inc.

Mr. James D. and Mrs. Sue A. Pajakowski

Ms. Hildegard E. Pang*

Dr. J. Laurence and Dr. Barbara A. Passmore

Mr. Edward A. Pease

Mr. Norman and Mrs. Linda J. Pellegrini

Dr. Keith E.* and Mrs. Phyllis A. Perry

Mr. Fred B. and Mrs. Ursula P. Pettengill*

Pfizer Foundation

Pfizer, Inc

Mr. John and Mrs. Jacqueline H. Phillips*

Mr. Richard R. and Mrs. Robin Porter

Mrs. Cynthia R. and Mr. Mamon M. Powers

Primavera Systems, Inc

Dr. George A. and Mrs. Norma L.* Purvis PXI Digital Solutions

Dr. Dale S.* and Mrs. Sarah E. Raines Realm Business Solutions, Inc. Dr. Jerry R. and Mrs. Joan Reel Ms. Helen Reitzel*

Richard Jenkins Construction, Inc. Ms. Margaret R. Riddle* Rockefeller Foundation Mr. Mark A. and Mrs. Cyndi S. Roman Mr. Richard W. Ruby* Sackrider and Company Safeco Insurance Companies Sage Software, Inc. Dr. Thomas G.* and Mrs. Kathleen P. Sauer Ms. Wilhelmina H. Schaufler* Mr. Wayne S. Schmidt Schmidt Associates

Mrs. Sandra K. Senior-Dauer and Mr. Keith N. Dauer Mr. Kenneth P. Senseman and Ms. Rita M. Burns Senseman Dr. Martha P. Sharp* Mr. N. Joseph Sinha Sinha-Gertz Family Fund Mr. Donald E. and Mrs. Mary F. Smith* Mr. Harry and Mrs. Mary Ann Slevin* Dr. Kenneth L. Smith Mrs. Kimberly O. and Mr. Stephen L. Smith Mrs. Marguerite H. Smith* Mr. William G. and Mrs. Jamie A. Smock Sodexo, Inc.

Dr. Mary Kay L. and Dr. Lee E. Sommers

South Central Education Association Mrs. Beverly S. Spear

Spencer Educational Foundation, Inc. Mr. Paul M. Stanley, Jr. Dr. W. Max Stark*

State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation Mr. Curtis W. and Mrs. Marilyn Stephens Dr. J. Lewis and Mrs. Florence E. Stoelting* Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. Sullivan Automotive Group Mrs. Carol A. and Mr. Jr. L. Sumner Sycamore Chevrolet Nissan Mr. Kenneth M. Syphax* Tabco Business Forms

Mr. Gordon O. and Mrs. Peggy R. Tanner Mr. Jeffrey W. and Mrs. Penny F. Taylor Terre Haute Convention and Visitors Bureau

The Hometown Savings Bank Thompson Thrift Development, Inc. Mr. John T. and Mrs. Marilyn A. Thyen TIAA, FSB

Toyota of Terre Haute Trayak LLC

Tribune Star Publishing Company

Mr. Roger L. Trueblood* Mr. Thomas B. Tucker and Dr. Sheron J. Dailey Mr. Patrick F. and Mrs. Helen A. Tully* Mr. Arnold E. Turner* Mr. Edward T. Turner, Jr.*

Union Health (Formerly Union Hospital) Mr. William E. and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Updike USA Group

Verizon Foundation

Mr. Gilbert D. Verkamp Mrs. Irma E. Vesser* Vigo County Public Library Vigo Dodge, Inc.

Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Dora M. Walker* Dr. Nancy Walters

Mr. William G. and Mrs. Alice L. Wert* Weston Wabash Foundation

Dr. Todd C. and Dr. Margaret E. Whitaker Dr. Darrell E. Wible*

Mr. B. Curtis and Mrs. Leslie A. Wilkinson

Mrs. Marie Wilkinson*

Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. Genevieve Willis* WinEstimator, Inc. Mrs. Laura L. and Mr. Jim M. Wittman

Mr. Daniel T. Wolfe

Wolfe’s Auto Auction, Inc.

Mr. Troy A. and Mrs. Melissa D. Woodruff

Wright Industries, Inc.

Mr. Neng C. Yang

Ms. Yanya Yang

Mr. Rob York

York Automotive Group

Dr. Charlotte T. Zietlow


Dr. Lucky J. Abernathy*

Dr. Mary Ellen Adams

Mr. Todd E. Alberts

Dr. Nicole L. and Mr. Jason Allee

Mr. Ronald E. and Mrs. Barbara Allen

Mr. Michael J. and Mrs. Amy L. Alley

Mr. Paul E. Anderson*

Ms. Marjorie Z. Ashby*

Mr. David G. DelColletti and Mrs. Barbara D. Austin

Dr. James G.* and Mrs. Marja Lee Backes

Mrs. Nancy L. Badaluco

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Julie J. Baesler

Dr. Bradley V. and Dr. Tonya J. Balch

Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Deborah J. Bareford

Dr. David L. and Mrs. Carolene Bash

Mr. Bruce R. and Mrs. Linda S. Baumgartner

Mr. Thomas E. and Mrs. Sandra P. Beck

Mrs. Gwen A. Behrens-Burt

Mr. Dean A. Black

Mr. Michael L. and Mrs. Mary Blackwell

Dr. Pamela S. and Mr. Chuck Blesch

Mr. Robert G. Bonnewell

Dr. Philip L. and Mrs. Wilma I.* Borders

Mr. Larry S. and Mrs. Elizabeth Boulet

Dr. Michele C. Boyer

Mr. Ross D. and Mrs. Barbara J. Bretz

Mrs. Jane A. Brichford*

Mr. William E. Briggs and Mr. Jeffrey Chinski

Ms. Patricia Butwin

Mr. Michael D. Buzash

Mr. David C. and Mrs. Margaret L. Campbell

Mr. Ron D.* and Mrs. Julia A. Carpenter

Mr. Paul A. and Mrs. Susan L. Chaney, Sr.

Mr. Stephen W. and Mrs. Bonnie Clinton

Dr. Seth Cohen

Dr. Aaron T. and Dr. Stefanie L. Conley

Mr. James A. and Mrs. Mary A. Cook

Dr. Robert L. and Mrs. Corinne L.* Cowden

Mr. Lynn R. and Mrs. Judith A. Coy

Mrs. Helen H. Coy

Mr. Bruce W. Cress

Mr. John C. and Mrs. Linda M. Crouch

Mr. E. Ronald and Mrs. Sandra B. Culp

Ms. Susan E. Cunningham

Dr. Delores M. Curtis

Mr. Ralph A. and Mrs. Jan S. Cutter, Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Tucker and Dr. Sheron J. Dailey

Mr. Erik Dalton

Mrs. Myra J. Daniels*

Mr. Danny R. and Mrs. Deborah K. Dean

Mr. David G. Delcolletti and Mrs. Barbara D. Austin

Mr. Charles P. and Mrs. Carol D. DeMaio

Dr. Keith W. and Mrs. Peggy G. Dickey

Dr. Angelo J. DiSalvo

Mr. Thomas F. and Mrs. Frances A. Druley

Mr. Donald J. and Mrs. Linda S.* Dudine

Dr. Roger K. Duncan

Dr. Richard J. and Mrs. Linda L. Easton

Mrs. Lois M. “Jo” Einstandig

Mrs. Melinda J. Emery

Mr. Philip Ewoldsen and Mr. David Rose

Mr. Gerald J. Ferguson

Dr. Dale G. Findley and Ms. Carolyn J. Gardner

Dr. Suzy H. Fletcher

Mrs. Cris S. Halter and Mr. William T. Fraser

Mr. Mark A. Howell and Mrs. Lana K. Frazier

Mr. Mike and Mrs. Janet L. Fread

Mrs. Sara J. Garthwaite

Mr. Max L. and Mrs. Jacqueline Gibson Mr. Jerald W. and Mrs. Jo Goldsmith Mr. Roy B. Gonas

Dr. Robert C. and Mrs. Susan D. Guell Mr. Harold P. and Mrs. Laura L. Gutzwiller Mrs. Cris S. Halter and Mr. William T. Fraser Mr. Larry R. Hamilton*

Ms. Lisa M. Hammill

Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Carol J. Hanna Ms. Kathie J. Harrison

Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Sharon K. Haverkamp Dr. Edward J. and Dr. Ruth M. Heinig Mr. John Heintz

Mr. Troy D. and Mrs. Bernice J. Helman Dr. Jerry L. and Mrs. Nancy A. Hile Mr. William* L. and Mrs. Shirley D. Hitch Mr. Michael E.* and Mrs. Barbara S. Hochgesang Mr. Todd A. Osburn and Ms. Caroline C. Howe Mr. Mark A. Howell and Mrs. Lana K. Frazier Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Linda S. Huser Mr. Paul M. and Mrs. Vicki M. Isenstadt Mrs. Mary K. Jensen

Dr. Robert H. and Mrs. Lisa N. Jerry Dr. Charles J. Justice Mr. Stephen M. Kash Mr. Randall P. and Mrs. Mary Ann Keko Mrs. Marsha and Mr. David Kelliher Dr. David N* and Mrs. Kathy M. Kelsey Mr. Larry B. and Mrs. Diane H.* Kerkhove Mr. Duane M. and Mrs. Mary Alice* Klueh Dr. Joseph G. Koval

Mr. Edward J. and Mrs. Sherri Kuehn Mr. Douglas J. and Mrs. Marnie J. Lafevor Mrs. Linda S. and Mr. Richard C. Larson Dr. Mildred G. Lemen

Mr. Charles J. and Mrs. Helen T. Lentz Mr. Joseph D. and Mrs. Cheryl D. Little Mr. Norman L. and Mrs. Sally J. Lowery Mrs. Karen E. and Mr. John Lukens Mr. Damian T. and Mrs. Eleanor J. Macey Dr. Janet L. McCarthy Mr. Christopher D. McFail Mrs. Mary E. McGuire Dr. Dale F.* and Dr. Nancy J.* McKee Mrs. Diann E. and Mr. Craig M. McKee Dr. Harriet M. McNeal Ms. Ruth F. Mead Mrs. Susan M. and Mr. Kenneth I. Menefee Mr. Daniel L. and Mrs. Melinda L. Miller Dr. Mardel E. Miller Mr. Randall K. and Mrs. Nancy M. Minas Dr. David C. Mitchell* and Mrs. Geraldine F. Penman Mitchell* Dr. Spiro B.* and Mrs. Patricia S. Mitsos Dr. John W.* and Mrs. Nancy A. Moore Dr. Gregory E. and Mrs. R. Elisa Moreland Ms. Andrea L. Myers Mr. John P. and Mrs. Kim A. Newton Mr. Todd A. Osburn and Ms. Caroline C. Howe Mr. James D. and Mrs. Sue A. Pajakowski Mr. Robert J.* and Mrs. Lavona M. Pakko Mr. Norman and Mrs. Linda Jo Pellegrini Dr. David H. Perrin Mr. Richard R. and Mrs. Robin Porter Mrs. Cynthia R. and Mr. Mamon M. Powers Mr. Robert J.* and Mrs. Lavona M. Pakko Dr. Jerry R. and Mrs. Joan Reel Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Georgine M. Riley Dr. Maryanne E. Roehm* Mr. Philip Ewoldsen and Mr. David Rose Dr. Sudipto Roy and Mrs. Sikha G. Chatterjee Mr. Fred P. and Mrs. Nancy H. Rubey Dr. Thomas G.* and Mrs. Kathleen P. Sauer Mrs. Brenda F. Saunders Mr. Gary W. and Mrs. Judy A. Schomer Mr. Roger J. and Mrs. Glenda C. Schorr Mr. Donald W. and Mrs. Susan Scott Mrs. Sherry K. and Mr. Kenneth C. Scott


Mr. Kenneth P. Senseman and Ms. Rita M. Burns Senseman

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. E. Joan Shenberger

Mrs. Kimberly O. and Mr. Stephen L. Smith

Dr. Kenneth L. Smith

Dr. Nancy J. Smith

Mr. Robert J. and Mrs. Carol A. Solon

Dr. Mary Kay L. and Dr. Lee E. Sommers

Dr. Cherrie L. Soper

Dr. Richard D.* and Mrs. Beverly S. Spear

Mrs. Carolyn A. Steinbaugh

Dr. Teri L. Stockham

Dr. James C. Stroud

Mr. Gordon O. and Mrs. Peggy R. Tanner

Mr. Thomas L. Tengen

Mr. Hollis J. and Mrs. Catherine Thomas

Mr. Paul M. and Mrs. Angela H. Thrift

Mr. J. Michael and Mrs. Vicki L. Touhey

Mr. Thomas B. Tucker and Dr. Sheron J. Dailey

Mr. Jerry E. and Mrs. Dorothy A. Vaughn

Mr. Andy and Mrs. Joni Wallman

Mr. Kenneth R. and Mrs. Catherine J. Warner, Jr.

Mr. D. Scott Watson

Mr. B. Curtis and Mrs. Leslie A. Wilkinson

Mrs. Laura L. and Mr. Jim M. Wittman

Mr. Timothy W. and Mrs. Nanette E. Wolfe

Ms. Nancy H. Wood

Mr. David R. and Mrs. Joan M. Zaun

Mr. William F. Zlatos, Jr.

Ms. Linda M. Zuffa


“That’s Packaging” Endowed Scholarship

1978-79 Men’s Basketball Anniversary Scholarship

A. Elwood and Juneth S. Adams Memorial Fund

A. Gertrude Garrell Adams Scholarship

Ada Dolores Turner Memorial Scholarship

Al & Susan Stout Scholarship

Alan and Ann Barcus Track & Field Endowment

Alan C. Rankin Library Collection Fund

Allan Harrison Graham Memorial Scholarship

Allen T. Hamilton Scholarship in Technology

Alpha Kappa Alpha Endowed Scholarship

Alpha Phi Alpha Endowed Scholarship

Alta Bolenbaugh Memorial Scholarship

Alton D. and Juanita S. Andrews Memorial Scholarship

Alumni Association Dues Endowment

Alumni Association Endowment Fund

Alyce L. and Michael M. Williamson Scholarship

Andrea Ardrey Memorial Scholarship

Andrea Myers Scholarship

Anita and David Pankake Scholarship

Ann & Vance England Scholarship for Educational Leadership

Ann P. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Anna Adkins Scholarship

Anna Hulman Memorial Piano Scholarship

Anne Bauer Jackson, M.D. Memorial Honors Book Scholarship

Anonymous Scholarship for Vigo County Students

Arab Student Aid International Scholarship

Arthur D. Hill Scholarship

Arthur L. Lucas and Cora Lucas Chestnut Fund

Ashton W. and Anna Belle Williams Farmer Memorial Award

Aviation Alumni Endowed Scholarship

B. Curtis and Leslie Wilkinson Presidential Scholarship

Barbara Booe Bushong Flute-Piccolo Award

Barbara J. Leminger Scholarship

Barbara Kane Award in Educational Psychology

Beck Endowed Scholarship in Theater

Becker Award in School Psychology

Ben F. Small Memorial Scholarship

Benjamin and Susan Krause Memorial Scholarship

Benjamin Blumberg Memorial Fund for Gifted and Emotionally Disturbed Children

Benjamin Moulton Geography Award

Bert M. Raines and Paul Siebenmorgen Academic Scholarship

Bertha Baldwin Scholarship

Beth Konrad Endowment Fund for WISU

Betsy Hine International Travel Scholarship

Betty and Leon Wills Endowed Technology Scholarship

Betty Chadwick Sullivan Memorial Scholarship

Betty Schobert Scholarship

Bill and Toni Biddle Endowed Construction Management Scholarship

Blackwell Scholars

Bledsoe Bush Markle Endowed Scholarship

Bonnie Boyd Safranek Endowment

Bonnie J. Peters Scholarship

Boulet President’s Scholarship

Boyce Scholarship in Choral Music

Braxton H. Duvall Scholarship for Industrial Education

Brenda Howell Spirit Award

Brenda Murray Memorial Fund

Brian Randall Hogue Memorial Scholarship

Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship

Bridget L. Hert Memorial Scholarship

Briggs-Chinski Scholarship in Education

Bruce Allen Brentlinger Memorial Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship

Bruce McCormick Scholarship

Bryant Spann Memorial Scholarship

Burns Senseman Endowed Scholarship in Engineering and Technology

Business Permanent Art Collection

Butwin Family Endowed Scholarship

C. Weir and Etta B. Kirk Memorial Scholarship

Caleb Mills Memorial Scholarship

Carl and Margaret Koile Scholarship

Carl E. Parks Scholarship

Carl N. Miller, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

Caroline C. Howe and Todd A. Osburn Career Professional Readiness Fund

Caroline C. Howe and Todd A. Osburn Endowed Scholarship

Carpenter/Ilkin Football Endowment

Carson Collection Endowment

Catherine Polson Education Scholarship

Chapman Endowment for Education

Charles and Betty Jean Blaney Memorial Scholarship

Charles C. Lester Scholarship in Athletics

Charles E. Brown Endowment

Charles H. Spencer Memorial Scholarship

Charles J. Hopkins Memorial Scholarship for Varsity Tennis Team

Charles Nicol Graduate Scholarship

Charles Roll History Award

Charlotte Schweitzer Burford Memorial Scholarship

Charlotte W. Ghurye Memorial Scholarship

Charlotte Zietlow Endow. for Women Faculty Research Grants

Chasteen Pickerl Memorial Scholarship

Cheer Team - ISU Scholarships

Cheryl Slaughter Memorial Scholarship

Chester G. Taylor Blue Key Award

Chi Omega Scholarship Fund

Chi Sigma Student Leaders and Alumni Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Cindee (Tobin) Porter “Bridge the Gap” Scholarship

Clara Rathfon Memorial Scholarship

Clarence E. and Maxine M. Chambers Fauber Scholarship

Class of 1936 Alumni Scholarship

Class of 1937 Alumni Scholarship

Class of 1965 Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1986

Coach Duane Klueh International Student Scholarship

Congressman John Myers Scholarship

Continuing the Legacy Scholarship

Cork McHargue Scholarship

Curtis F. Brown Memorial Scholarship

Cynthia R. (Berry) Powers & Mamon M. Powers Jr. Scholarship

D. J. Reuland Scholarship

Damian T. and Eleanor J. Macey Endowed Scholarship

Daniel R. Winchell Endowed Athletic Scholarship

Daniel S. Lucky Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

Daniel T. Tanoos Education Leadership Scholarship

Darwin McCallian Endowment

David and Carolyn Thomas Scholarship

David and Miriam Turney School of Education Endowment

David C. and Margaret L. Campbell Endowed Scholarship

David G. and Kyle M.E. DelColletti Scholarship

David G. Graesch Memorial Trumpet Music Education Scholarship

David H. Watkins Music Scholarship

David K. Wilson Memorial Scholarship

David Lee Duncan Endowed Scholarship

Deborah Barnhart Student Nurses Assistance Fund

Delores M. Curtis Student Travel Fund

Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship

Delta Sigma Theta Endowed Scholarship

Dennis J. Hunter Memorial Scholarship

Dennis Raetz Football Scholarship

Department of Music Scholarship

Department of Social Work Endowed Fund

Dick Hay Memorial Fund

Dinelli/Posocco Scholarship

DKG-Beta Omicron Chapter

Donald and Marlowe Owen Memorial Scholarship

Donald E. & Mary Jo Stanley Schol. in Math/Chemistry/Physics

Donald E. and Mary Jo Stanley Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

Donald E. and Mary Jo Stanley Scholarship for the THCFME

Donald G. Brown Endowed Scholarship

Donald L. and Martha D. Layton Study Abroad Fund

Donald R. and Joyce M. (Mattice) Ottinger Award

Donald R. Mighell Scholarship

Doris D. Green Memorial Scholarship

Doris M. Dailey President’s Scholarship

Doris Stevenson Warren Scholarship

Dorothy Becherer Memorial Scholarship

Dorothy F. Comer Memorial Endowment Fund

Doug and Dale Orman Scholarship Fund

Dr. Akhtar H. Siddiqi Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Alfred L. and Juanita L. Harding and Family Scholarship

Dr. Alva W. “Mike” Petty Scholarship

Dr. Ann Eppert Scholarship

Dr. Anne Lee Scholarship

Dr. Belgen and Cecil Wells Scholarship

Dr. Betsy and Richard Frank Distance Education Nursing Scholarship

Dr. Bonnidell Clouse Research Award

Dr. Bradley V. and Dr. Tonya Christman Balch Faculty Development Fund

Dr. Brian R. Phillips and Bettie Neckar Phillips Endowed Music Scholarship

Dr. Carolyn L. Fakouri and Family Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Charlotte S. Harker Scholarship

Dr. Cloyd Anthony Scholarship

Dr. Dale Findley Professional Development Award

Dr. David W. Pease Award for Secondary Student Teacher

Dr. Donald L. Reed Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Doris Williams Outstanding Student Teacher in Special Ed

Dr. Elaina M. Tuttle Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Elizabeth Weller Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Eurico J. Ferreira’s Finance Scholarship

Dr. Florence M. Thompson Memorial Scholarship for Women

Dr. Floyd Riggs Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Gail M. W. Huffman-Joley Scholarship

Dr. Gregory R. and Denise K. Ulm Endowment in Educational Leadership

Dr. Harriet Reeves Scholarship in Nursing

Dr. Herald Rea Cox Memorial Fund

Dr. Herbert J. Klausmeier Scholarship in Education

Dr. Ivan and Opal Gilbert Scholarship

Dr. Jing Chen Memorial Scholarship

Dr. John T. Reed, Jr. Scholarship

Dr. Kenneth Walker Outstanding Educational Specialist Award

Dr. L. Michael Trapasso Research Grant

Dr. Larry Coleman/H. Peter Hudson Endowed Professorship of Insurance

Dr. Leah B. Ramer Scholarship in Nursing

Dr. Leland and Ruth Moore Scholarship

Dr. Leon and Ernestine Blum Scholarship

Dr. Liam K. Grimley Professional Development Award

Dr. Linda K. Damer Music Education Fund

Dr. Lucky Abernathy Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Martha Pearman-Sharp Endowment for the Integrated Arts

Dr. Marvin Henry Legacy Scholarship

Dr. Max E. Douglas Servant Leadership Scholarship

Dr. Maxwell E. Britton Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Michele C. Boyer Legacy Fund

Dr. Mildred Lemen Distinguished Speaker Fund

Dr. Mildred Lemen Faculty Excellence Award

Dr. Paul H. Asher and Irene E. Asher Scholarship

Dr. Paul W. Mausel, EES Graduate Research/Travel Award

Dr. Peggy Sankey Medical Equipment Fund

Dr. Ray A. Miller Scholarship

Dr. Richard D. Spear Scholarship

Dr. Robert Meyne Memorial Scholarship in Recreation Studies

Dr. Robert O. Williams PDS Educators Service Award

Dr. Roger K. Duncan Scholarship for Music Education Graduate Students

Dr. Ronald L. Baker English Scholars Endowment

Dr. Ruthann Harrison Vocal and Choral Scholarship

Dr. Theodore Bakerman Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Thomas G. Sauer and Kathleen P. Sauer College of Arts and Sciences “Bridge the Gap” Scholarship

Dr. Vesper D. Moore Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Waldo F. Mitchell Scholarship - 70483

Dr. Walter Ney Scholarship Dr. Wayne A. and Helen Crockett Scholarship

Dr. William “Bill” Brett Center for Science Research Endowment

Dr. William B. Bunger Scholarship

Dr. William E. James Memorial Scholarship

Dr. William G. and Susan Gans McCarthy Endowment

Dr. William G. Kessel Memorial Scholarship

Dr. William L. Veach Memorial Scholarship Dr. William Littlejohn Professional Development Award

Duane and Mary Alice Klueh Endowment

Duane M. Klueh Scholarship

Dwaine and Martha Woolsey - Charles and Phyllis Campbell Memorial E. Leon and Roberta L. Sackrider Memorial Scholarship

Earl Cooper Smith Chemistry Award

Earl E. Maynard and Josephine E. Maynard Memorial Scholarship

Earle C. and Noel S. McBride Scholarship

ECT Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Edgar L. Morphet Research Scholarship in Education

Edgar M. Tanruther Scholarship

Edgerton & Elsey Student Program in Student Affairs

Edward A. Pease Outstanding PIKE Award

Edward C. Roeber Memorial Scholarship

Edwin and Mary Ann Miller Endowed Scholarship in Business Einstandig Endowed President’s Scholarship

Elbert F. and Wilbur E. Morgan Scholarship

Eleanor Forsythe St. John Scholarship

Eleanor Reid Justice Piano Scholarship

Elisha A. Bourn Scholarship in Education

Elizabeth V. Demsey Scholarship

Elliott and Estelle Nelson and Family Scholarship

Elmer J. Porter Memorial Fund

Elsie Downs Memorial Scholarship

Elsie E. Taylor Memorial Scholarship in Business

Emery Becker Theater Design and Technology Memorial Scholarship

Emily Salter Brett Memorial Scholarship

Emma Truitt Memorial Scholarship

Endowed Professorship in Insurance and Financial Services

Endowment for Excellence

Epsilon Pi Tau - Chester G. Taylor Scholarship

Erik Dalton Myoskeletal Massage Therapy Endowed Scholarship

Ernest Peter Moselle ‘37 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Estate of Agnes C. LeMaire

Estate of Rachel Lehman Fund

Esther P. Hamilton Scholarship

Ethan A. T. Svendsen Industrial Arts Student Professional Development Fund

Ethel Closson Smith Vocal/Artist Lectureship

Eugene L. Herbst Chemistry Award

Eva Chipper Memorial Scholarship

Evelyn M. Dixon and Thomas A. Clark Education Scholarship

Evelyn Reynolds Wible Nursing Scholarship

Faculty Scholarship

Failing Family Scholarship

Family and Consumer Sciences Diamond Anniversary Scholarship

Fannie Blumberg Memorial in Special Education Fund

Felstein Family Scholarship Financial Planning Advisory Board Scholarship


Florence Curtis Memorial Scholarship

Floyd M. and Margaret A. Dickey Pre-Dental Scholarship

Focus Indiana Scholarship Endowment

Forrest Sherer Scholarship

Fort Harrison Chapter of the D.A.R. Scholarship -

Francis V. and Marguerite E. Higgins Memorial Fund

Frank Edward Lash Memorial

Frank L. Miklozek, Sr. and Louise Miklozek Memorial Scholarship

Fred A. and Joyce Snyder Award

Fred and Mildred Crapo Theater Scholarship

Fred Brengle Memorial Scholarship

Fred E. and Hilda I. White Memorial Scholarship in Athletics

Fred H. Nicholson Scholarship

Fred Swalls Award in Educational Administration

Frederica L. Kramer Study Abroad Scholarship

Friends of Nursing Scholarship

G. David Koch Memorial Award

Garland E. Raley Memorial Scholarship

Gary Erwin Memorial Scholarship

General Telephone Electronics Scholarship

George and Marion Johnson Management Scholarship

George Budd Endowed Fund

George E. Smock Award

George E. St. Clair Memorial Scholarship

George J. Eberhart-Delta Sigma Pi Award for Leadership

George L. Carey Scholarship Award

George M. Graesch Wind Performance Scholarship

Gerald W. and Janet Meyer Cockrell Scholarship

Geraldine Penman and David C. Mitchell Scholarship

Geraldine Rice Sherrell Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Gertrude and Ralph Horton Scholarship

Gertrude E. Soules Scholarship

Gertrude Ewing Latin Scholarship

Gertrude F. Meyer Music Scholarship

Gertrude Florence Knight Memorial Scholarship

Gertrude McComb Memorial Scholarship

Ghosh Research Scholarship Fund

Gibson ISU Alumni Scholarship

Gilbert D. and Catherine C. Verkamp Scholarship

Gladys B. Archer Memorial Scholarship

Gladys Gillman Taylor Scholarship

Gladys Rohrig Scholarship in Theater

Gladys Rohrig Theater Scholarship-Bonus for Excellence

Gongaware Center Endowment Fund

Grace DeVaney Scholarship

Greg Steenberg Endowed Fund for Aviation Faculty Development

Gretchen N. Weston Endowed Scholarship

GTE School of Technology Scholarship

Hal and Elizabeth Kesler President’s Scholarship

Hamilton Center Endowed Social Work Fund

Hannah Schlueter Memorial Scholarship

Harold A. Dodd Memorial Scholarship

Harold and Edythe Lloyd Scholarship

Harold J. and Mary E. Miller Scholarship

Harriet L. Paddock Memorial Scholarship

Harry and Grace Mason Memorial Scholarship

Harry Carlton Reid Memorial Scholarship

Harry O. and Norma C. Miller Scholarship

Harry R. and Marjorie W. Hesler Scholarship

Harry Smith Memorial Scholarship

Harry T. Barrick Scholarship

Hattie Wyman R.N. Fund

Hazel Nelson Lobb Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

Hazel Tesh Pfennig Fund

Helen Boswell Robinson Nursing Scholarship

Helen E. Nixon Endowed Scholarship

Helen E. Reeve Faculty Development Fund

Helen Ederle Fund -

Helen Kennedy Fund

Helen Layman Dix Memorial Scholarship

Henry G. Reifsnyder Memorial Scholarship in English

Herbert I. and Bernice Lamb Alumni Scholarship

Herbert I. and Bernice Lamb President’s Scholarship

Herman L. and Fern Hansen Boyle Alumni Scholarship

Hilda Maehling Memorial Scholarship

Hildegard E. Pang Library Endowment

Hildegard Pang Anthropology and Art Scholarship

Hildegard Pang Art and Anthropology Scholarship

Hillis Hubert Wilson Memorial Scholarship

Hollie and Anna Oakley Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Holly Wilson Greene Athletic Training Scholarship

Holmstedt Memorial Scholarship

Horace (Pete) Lingenfelter Scholarship

Huie and Dova Anderson Memorial Scholarship

I Love to Read Program Scholarship

I-Women’s Memorial Scholarship Fund

Imogene E. Okes Scholarship

India Association Fund for India Awareness

Indiana Artist-Craftsmen/Talbot Street Art Fair Scholarship

Indiana State University Unrestricted Endowment Insurance Advisory Council Scholarship Insurance Program Endowment in ISU School of Business

Ione Shaul Nehf Memorial Scholarship

IPS to ISU: Blue Road Scholarship

Irma Ehrenhardt Scholarship

Israel H. and Amanda L. Love Memorial Scholarship

ISU Early Childhood Education Center Endowment

ISU Experiential Learning Endowment

ISU Programmatic Support Endowed Fund

ISU Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship

Ivah Rhyan Memorial Scholarship

J. A. Gremelspacher Scholarship

J. Fred Shepherd Memorial Scholarship

J. Richard and Lois Becker Scholarship

J.J. Maehling - ATO Basketball Honor Award

J.K. and Thelma Hawkins Distance Learning Endowed Scholarship

Jack E. and Virginia Carpenter Bradbury Fine Arts Scholarshp

Jack R. & Betty Beron Munsee Scholarship in Ecology

Jack T. Johnson Memorial Fund

Jacob G. and Lydia Gemmer Collicott Mem. Post-Graduate Sch.

Jacob G. and Lydia Gemmer Collicott Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

Jacob R. Hines Memorial Scholarship

Jacob R. Huffman Endowed Scholarship

Jacques M. J. LaForge Scholarship

James and Wanda Lear Family Business Scholarship

James C. Farmer Alumni Fund for Leadership and Scholars

James D. Acher Memorial Scholarship

James M. Lewis Endowed Business Scholarship

James McGregor Memorial Scholarship

James R. Nelson Memorial Fund for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes

James W. Barnes Lectureship in Music Endowment

Jan McCarthy University Speakers Series

Jan Meyer and Gerald W. Cockrell Scholarship

Jane Bakerman Library Endowment

Jason and Christine Hill Family Scholarship

Jean Vrydagh Luce Endowment

Jeanette & Emory Benson Endowed Scholarship

Jeff Wolz Memorial Scholarship -

Jeffrey Hardaway Memorial Scholarship

Jeffrey L. Schrink Scholarship

Jeffrey Liametz Memorial Fund

Jennie U. Parker Memorial Scholarship

Jennifer J. Piker Endowed Technology Scholarship

Jerry and Joan Reel STEM Scholarship Endowment

Jessie N. House Memorial Scholarship

Jim and Judy Poisel Graduate Student Endowed Scholarship

Jim and Kay Cruse Abbott Scholarship

Jim and Shana Bowman Aviation Endowed Scholarship

Joan Jacob Award for Execellence in Secondary Education

Joan Utterback Memorial Fund for Children’s Theater

John A. Boyd Journalism Scholarship

John and Linda Crouch Student Life Fund

John C. and Jennie J. Figg Scholarship

John C. Geyer/Sherer Agency Scholarship

John Charles Fauber Memorial Scholarship

John Charles Geekie Memorial Scholarship

John D. Turner Memorial Scholarship

John E. and Jacqueline H. Phillips Endowed Scholarship

John E. Booth, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

John H. McCarthy Scholarship

John K. Jones Memorial Scholarship

John Luce Endowed Award

John McNichols Memorial Fund

John Merritt Memorial Scholarship

John Michael Danek, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

John Michael Wood Memorial Aviation Endowed Scholarship

John P. Newton Scholarship

John Robert McCrea Scholarship

John Thompson Moore Memorial Scholarship

John Truitt Fund

John W. Ward-Montgomery County Scholarship

John, Carl E., and Mark E. Vukusich Memorial Scholarship

Jonathan and Helen Peters Scholarship

Jonathan K. Baker Memorial Prize

Jones Safety Management Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Joseph A. Gremelspacher Memorial Band Music Education Scholarship

Joseph L. Quinn, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Joseph R. Morford Insurance Scholarship

Joseph R. Siefker Memorial Scholarship

Joseph S. Schick Blue Key Scholarship

Joseph S. Schick Memorial Fund

Josephine D. Merrill Unrestricted Endowment

Josephine Evans Harrod Education Memorial Scholarship

Joyce Bertram Memorial Scholarship

Judith G. and Warren F. Housley Endowed Scholarship

Judy A. and Gary W. Schomer Scholarship

Julia E. Hall Vocal Music Scholarship

Julie Bevilacqua Cutter Memorial Scholarship

Juliette A. Wilson Endowed Scholarship in Elementary Education

Kappa Alpha Psi Endowment Fund

Karen Drake Memorial Scholarship

Karen Graesch Lukens Scholarship in Cross-Linguistics

Karl and Lorene Joehrendt Educational Trust

Karl E. and Carol A. Brush Special Education Scholarship

Karl H. Wedemeyer Memorial Scholarship

Kathlyne Morris Sparks Scholarship

Kathryn Brumfield Morris Memorial Award

Kelley L. Bledsoe Memorial Scholarship

Kendall Family Endowed Scholarship

Kenneth and Lavern Smith Scholarship

Kenneth and Zorah Syphax-Rapid Reproductions, Inc. Scholarship

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Economics Scholarship

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Magna Carta

Courtroom Program Fund

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith Masters in History Scholarship

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith MBAConcentration in Accounting Scholarship

Kenneth L. Smith and Theresa Kathryn (Klein) Smith MBAConcentration in Finance Scholarship

Kenneth Papkoff Alpha Tau Omega Outstanding Pledge Award

Kenneth R. Badertscher Memorial Scholarship

Kenneth S. Papkoff Memorial Scholarship

Kevin Thompson Memorial Scholarship

Kikas Kazi Scholarship

Kim and Steve Smith Faculty Fellow in Insurance and Risk Management

L. J. and E. K. Loyd Memorial Scholarship

Lamb Preservation Endowment Fund

Lambda Chi Alpha Alumni Scholarship

Lane-Longfield Scholarship

Lanny Turner Memorial Award

Larry Bird Springs Valley Scholarship

Larry J. Miltenberger Scholarship

Larry Legend Endowment

Laura Bryant Scholarship in Music

Laurie and John Heintz Endowed Scholarship

Lavelda Johnson Goble Scholarship

Laverne K. McMillan Memorial Scholarship

Lawrence and Norma Beymer Endowed Scholarship

Lawrence Family Scholarship

Lawson Technology Scholarship

Lectures in Modern American Literature

Lee Rees Fund

Lela Meres Gill Memorial Scholarship

Leland S. Hults Memorial Scholarship

Leman Family Endowed Scholarship

Lenore R. Dill and Christine A. Reising Memorial Scholarship

Leonard C. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Leroy and Mary Morris Scholarship

Leslie A. Proksa Endowed Scholarship

Lester W. Hale Vocational-Trade and Industrial Student Professional Development Fund

Letha Eberhart Porter Memorial Scholarship

Lewis W. “Jack” Gilfoy Memorial Scholarship

Lewis W. Yoho Dean’s Scholarship/Development Fund

Liebermann Family College of Technology Endowed Scholarship

Life Sciences Department Undergrad Research Scholarship

Life Sciences Teaching Scholarship

Lilith Baur-Children’s Theater Memorial Scholarship

Lillian Gay Berry Memorial Award

Lillian Miller Scholarship

Linda Eldred Distinguished Service Award

Linda Eldred Student Leadership Center

Linda L. Frye Easton Endowed Education Scholarship -

Linda M. Zuffa Memorial Scholarship

Linda Owens Parker Scholarship

Linnaeus N. Hines Memorial Award

Lloyd Long Memorial Scholarship

Lloyd N. and Marguerite H. Smith Graduate Assistantship in Education

Lloyd N. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Lloyd W. Benjamin III and Wieke van der Weijden Benjamin Sch

Lorraine E. Brett Memorial Scholarship

Lois “Jo” Einstandig Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship

Lois E. Graesch Nursing Education ScholarshipLois M. Brown Scholarship

Louis A. Giovanini Scholarship

Louis and Opal Adkisson Endowed Minority Scholarship

Louis D. Nattkemper and Jane H. Nattkemper Journalism Fund

Louis E. Dailey, Jr. President’s Scholarship

Louis F. Keifer Scholarship

Louise F. Barton Memorial Scholarship

Lowell Mason Tilson Music Education Memorial Scholarshp

Lucia K. and Donald W. Bolt Scholarship

M. Dale McConchie Memorial Scholarship

M. Frances Bliss-Hill Endowed Scholarship

Madonna Owen and Linda Owen Scholarship

Mafalda Brooks Memorial Scholarship

Margaret A. Kruse Nursing Scholarship

Margaret Ann Gantner Scholarship

Margaret I. Reed Presidential Scholarship

Margaret L. Rowe Scholarship

Marian George Memorial Teaching Scholarship

Marian J. Frutiger Scholarship in Art

Marian Johnson Frutiger Scholarship Award

Marian L. Danek Violin Scholarship

Marie Bettenbrock Scholarship

Marie Orton Allen Fund

Marilyn C. Brummett Memorial Fund

Marilyn Cunningham Hannoy Memorial Fund

Mariposa Award

Marjorie Z. Ashby College of Health and Human Services Endowment Fund

Mark and Ozzie Williams Memorial Scholarship

Mark E. Stoffel Poetry Scholarship

Mark H. Williams Scholarship

Mark S. Hannig Scholarship in Art

Mark S. Hannig Scholarship in Music

Martha Pipes Memorial Scholarship

Martha Royse Memorial French Prize

Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Marvin R. Bell Memorial Fund

Mary Alice Banks Scholarship

Mary Ann Slevin and Harry H. Slevin Scholarship

Mary Ann Stadler Memorial Tennis Endowment

Mary Card Harbaugh Scholarship for Nursing

Mary E. White Elementary Teacher Scholarship

Mary Elizabeth Owens Dailey Women’s Studies Scholarship

Mary Fuller Day Award


Mary Kay Sommers Scholarship

Mary Olga Peters Scholarship

Mary Reid McBeth Memorial Award

Mary Spivey Quinn Scholarship

Mary Wharry Memorial Scholarship

Maryanne E. Roehm Nursing Endowment

Master’s in Social Work Endowed Scholarship

Mauri and Janice Modesitt Education Administration Endowed Scholarship

Maurice and Marian Kessel Scholarship

McComb Broadcasting Award

McKee Family President’s Scholars Academic Experience Fund

McKee Family Scholarship

McKinney Educational Scholarship

Melvin Memorial Fund

Meredith Miklozek, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Scholarship

Merle M. Ohlsen Scholarship

Michael and Amy Alley Endowed President’s Scholarship

Michael and Amy Alley Student Professional Development Fellows

Michael and Mary McGuire Scholarship for Excellence

Michael D. Buzash Romance Languages Scholarship - French

Michael D. Buzash Romance Languages Scholarship - Spanish

Michael Grant Pajakowski Endowed Scholarship

Michael L. Phillips Student Emergency Endowment

Michael Simmons Student Activity Endowment

Mildred (Brown) and Kehrt Cochrane Scholarship

Mildred R. Bennett Sscholarship

Millie Coogan Memorial Scholarship

Minas Family Scholarship

Minerva Pepinsky Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker Memorial Scholarship

Muyrel M. Blaikie Memorial Scholarship

Myrl O. Wilkinson Scholarship

Myrna Zoan Diehl Memorial Scholarship

N. Sue Clark Memorial Award

Nancy J. Smith Faculty Award

Nancy Sauer Endowed Scholarship

Naomi H. Baker Memorial Scholarship

Neihart Business Education Scholarship

Nellie Margreta Harr Scholarship

Nellie Stephenson Memorial Scholarship

Noah C. Heller Memorial Fund

Norma Grosjean Graduate Assistantship in Education

Norma Grosjean Scholarship in Education

Norma Henerberg Purvis Education Scholarship

Northwest Indiana Endowed Minority Accounting Scholarship

Nursing Student International Travel Fund

O. Earl and Tina Elliott Scholarship

O’Neill Unrestricted Endowment

Officer Brent Long and Fallen Officers Memorial Scholarship

Oland Hanner Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Schol.

Old National Bank Scholarship

Olis G. and Ruth B. Jamison Scholarship

Osher Lifelong Learning Endowment

Otis J. Aggertt Memorial Scholarship

Otto J. Shipla Elementary Student Teaching Award

Pamela and Earl Godt Scholarship

Panhellenic Council Scholarship

Pansy Beatrice Bryant Walker Memorial Scholarship

Passmore Family Supplemental Endowed Fellowship

Patricia J. Drake Memorial Scholarship

Patricia Polen Clinton Scholarship

Patricia S. and Spiro B. Mitsos President’s Scholarship

Patrick and Helen Tully Unrestricted Endowment

Paul A. Kinser Faculty Development Award in Education

Paul A. Williams and Flossie J. Williams Memorial Scholarship

Paul and Nancy Edgerton “Bridge the Gap” Endowed Scholarship

Paul and Susan Chaney Family Legacy Endowed Scholarship

Paul D. Wilkinson Memorial Scholarship

Paul F. and Belvie J. Muse School of Business-ISU Scholarship

Paul L. Wolf Scholarship

Paul Merton Stanley, Jr. Developing Leader Scholarship

Paul Merton Stanley, Jr. MBA Endowed Scholarship

Paul Selge Scholarship

Pearman Sharp Endowed Scholarship

Permelia Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Pete Hudson Scholarship in Insurance

Pete Oltman II Athletic Scholarship

Phyllis Elaine Lesnick Landini Memorial Scholrs Endowm Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni Scholarship in Teaching Pi Kappa Alpha Boy Scout Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha Developing Leaders Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Jeffrey D. Osborne Pi Kappa Alpha Scott G. Coleman Technology Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha-Alfred C. Perone Leadership Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha-Andrew G. Baer Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha-Brian J. Freyberger Award Pi Kappa Alpha-Christopher M. Davies Communication/Involve Pi Kappa Alpha-David A.P. Stowe Fitness Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha-Fukumitsu Scholarship in Insurance Pi Kappa Alpha-Gary P. Walker Business Scholarship Pi Kappa Alpha-James A. Woodard Community Service Award Pi Kappa Alpha-Skillman Award in the Arts Pi Kappa Alpha-Thieman Scholarship in Business Pi Kappa Alpha-Todd M. Jochem Scholarship in Technology Pierre H. Miller CPCU Endowed Scholarship by Nash Property Claims President John Moore and Nancy Moore Bridge the Gap Endowed Scholarship

Priscilla Alice Smith Memorial Scholarship Professional Piloting Endowed Scholarship Professor A. C. Payne Memorial Scholarship Project Success Endowment

Quentin P. Smith, Sr. Endowed Aviation Scholarship Quentin R. Beecher Memorial Scholarship in Aviation R. Christopher Perry Memorial Scholarship

R. Gordon Spelbring Psychology Scholarship

R. Paul Lightle Scholarship

R. W. Holmstedt Distinguished Professorship Ralph and Janie Berry Scholarship

Ralph C. Miller Memorial Scholarship

Ralph E. Mason Marketing Education Endowment

Ralph E. Mason Vocal Music Endowment

Ralph F. Box and Family Insurance Scholarship

Ralph N. Tirey Grant-In-Aid Memorial Scholarship Rankin Scholarship

Ransom Bramblet Memorial Tennis Scholarship Ray and Adelaide Hahn Memorial Scholarship Ray Asbury Scholarship

Raymond F. Boose, CLU, ChFC Insurance Scholarship

Raymond J. King Memorial Scholarship

Raymond J. Reece and Frances R. Kepner Scholarship

Raymond L. and Lillian Farmer Jones Memorial Scholarship

Rebecca A. Johnson Honors Program Award

Rector Rockhill Scholarship Rees Unrestricted Endowment Reno and Adele Foli Scholarship Rex E. Breeden Endowment

Rex Magner Scholarship in Music

Rich and Robin Porter Endowed Master’s in Nursing Scholarship Rich and Robin Porter Research Fellows Endowment

Richard and Margaret Gemmecke Memorial Scholarship

Richard E. Kirk Memorial Scholarship

Richard F. Duwelius Geology Equipment Fund

Richard F. Duwelius Geology Field Camp Scholarship

Richard F. Duwelius Geosciences Scholarship

Richard H. Dugdale Endowed Scholarship

Richard J. Brett Memorial Scholarship

Richard Landini Scholars Endowment

Richard Willey Memorial Faculty Development Fund

Rick H. Spear Memorial Scholarship

Rick H. Spear Safety Management Endowed Scholarship

RJE Business Interiors’ Scott College of Business Executive Dining Endowed Fund

Robert and Lela Lemmon Scholarship

Robert Behnke Athletic Training Endowed Scholarship

Robert Bradford, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Robert C. Adamson Memorial Scholarship

Robert C. Amos Memorial Scholarship

Robert C. Schacht Scholarship

Robert D. and Hazel M. Dickson Scholarship

Robert D. and Sondra S. Harris Scholarship

Robert D. Humphrey Memorial Scholarship

Robert E. Gilbert Memorial Scholarship

Robert E. Pace Memorial Scholarship

Robert H. and Marjorie C. Jerry Educational Travel Scholarship

Robert J. Templeton Memorial Scholarship

Robert L. and Corinne L. Cowden Faculty Development Fund

Robert L. Fisher Memorial Scholarship

Robert M. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Robert Maehling Athletic Scholarship -

Robert R. Drummond Undergraduate Geography Scholarship Fund

Robert “Rob” Abbinett, Jr. Nursing Scholarship

Robert Sprenkle Oboe Scholarship

Robyn R. and Joseph J. Lugar Honors College Social Work Scholarship

Rodger D. Grinley Political Science Endowed Scholarship

Ron and Sandra Culp Student Leadership Scholarship

Ronald K. Moon Endowed Scholarship in Secondary Education

Rose Griffy R.N. Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Rose M. Hein Leminger Scholarship

RQAW Civil Engineering Scholarship

Ruby J. East Scholarship in Physical Education

Russell and Mae McCracken Memorial Scholarship

Ruth Anna Bourne Elrod Scholarship in Education

Ruth Bammer Bain Memorial for Women’s P.E.

Ruth Loveall Curtis Memorial Scholarship

Ruth Skelton Memorial Scholarship

Ruth V. Holzman Alumni Scholarship

Ruth Zenor and Helen Zenor Brez Scholarship

Sallie Dawson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Saltsburg Book Fund

Sandra Cave Insurance Scholarship

Sandy and Bernie Miller Endowed Education Scholarship

Sandy K. Alberts Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Sandy Senior-Dauer and Keith Dauer Department of History Study-Abroad Scholarship Endowment

Sarah Bence Memorial Scholarship

Sarah Shew Merritt Memorial Scholarship

Sawyer Family Athletic Scholarship

Schellenberg Social Justice and Community Endowed Fund

Scoop Fund for Elementary Education

Scott College of Business Student Success Mentoring Program

Sean T. Whiten ‘83 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

SGA Kurt Thomas Scholarship

Shagley Family Scholarship

Shane Viewegh Endowed Scholarship in Special Education

Shannon and Florann White Endowed Scholarship in Special Education

Sharon Volpert Sheets Memorial Scholarship

Shepherd Young Memorial Scholarship

Sigma Gamma Rho Endowed Scholarship

Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni Scholarship

Social Justice Awareness Endowment

Social Work Scholarship

South Vermillion High School, Class of ‘81 Endowed Scholarship Spirit Groups at ISU

Staff Scholarship

Stanley Petrulis Scholarship in Bassoon

State Farm Scholarship

Stella Ringer Memorial Scholarship

Stella V. Tatlock Fund for Piano Pedagogy

Stephen W. Clinton Scholarship

Steven D. Zink Excellence in History Scholarship

Sue House Salmon Memorial Scholarship

Sue Pernice Memorial Scholarship

Susan Dauberman Abazoris Scholarship

Susan E. Cunningham Endowed Aviation Scholarship

Susan McCue Reid Memorial Scholarship

Susie Thurman Dewey Scholarship in Education

Sycamore Alumni Legacy of Change Endowment

Sycamore Series Endowment

Syd S. and Marian S. Husain Memorial Scholarship

Sylvan A. Yager Memorial Scholarship

Sylvia Laska Memorial Scholarship

Tabco - Tom and Dotty Bilyeu Bridge the Gap Scholarship

Tau Kappa Epsilon-Gamma Rho Chapter Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Terre Haute Literary Club Award

Terre Haute South Lions Club Scholarship

The Florence Crittenton Home of Terre Haute Scholarship

The Gillum Memorial Award

Thelma Biddle Nolte & Elmer J. Biddle Mem Schol in Art

Thelma Biddle Nolte & Elmer J. Biddle Mem Schol in Arts & Sciences

Thelma Biddle Nolte & Elmer J. Biddle Mem Schol in Music

Thelma Biddle Nolte & Elmer J. Biddle Mem Schol in Theater

Thelma F. Mills Scholarship

Thelma Niemeyer Memorial Scholarship

Theodora J. Rowe Memorial Fund

Thomas and Eva Stirling Memorial Scholarship

Thomas G. Sauer Scholarship Fund for Study Abroad

Thomas J. and Mary K. Conway Scholarship

Thomas J. and Norma L. Reynerson Davies Scholarship in Elementary Ed.

Tim and Bobbie O’Neill Online MBA Scholarship

Todd E. Alberts Drafters, Designers and Craftsmen MET Scholarship

Tom and Helen Headley Scholarship

Tony and Beth Zeiss Endowed Scholarship for Education

Trischa J. O’Hanlon Memorial Scholarship

Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) Scholarship

Urmila Fund for India Studies

V.E. Breidenbaugh Accounting Scholarship

Van Til Graduate Student Award in Writing

Vanita Gibbs Endowed Scholarship

Violet Helen Rich Scholarship

Virginia O’Conell Grob Memorial Scholarship

Virginia Pettinato Hogg Scholarship

Vivian L. and Daisy Marvel Jones Scholarship

Vyron L. Jones Memorial Scholarship

W. Max Stark Endowed President’s Scholarship

W.A. Trinler Scholarship

W.L. Loewenstein Scholarship

Wally Marks Athletic Endowment Fund

Walter E. Marks Scholarship

Warren N. Cordell Research Fellowship

Warren P. Baugh Memorial Scholarship

Warren R. Coffman Memorial Scholarship

Wayne E. Schomer Scholarship

Wayne O. McHargue, CHFC, CLU Scholarship

Welby M. and Frances C. Frantz Athletic Scholarship

Welby M. and Frances C. Frantz Scholarship in Business

Wernsing Memorial Scholarship

Wesley J. Lyda Scholarship

Whit Morris Award

Wilburn T. Elrod Secondary Education Scholarship

Wiley High School Alumni Scholarship

Wilhelmina H. Schaufler Scholarship

Willa Brown Chappell and Quentin P. Smith Legacy Endowment

William & Frankalene Gough and Frank W. Gough Scholarship for the College of Technology

William “Bill” Zlatos Scholarship in Communication

William B. Pack Insurance Education Scholarship

William G. “Bill” Riley Endowed Scholarship in Business

William H. Bell Award in Chemistry

William H. Harader Memorial Scholarship

William J. and Rea Jane Linville Scholarship in Elementary Education

William J. Brett Scholarship in Biology

William J. Mankin, M.D. and M. Jayne Mankin Scholarship

William Matthews Memorial Scholarship

William P. Allyn Science Scholarship

William R. Mendenhall Scholarship

William Sweeney Scholarship

Willis Endowment Fund for Technology

Wilson M. House Memorial Scholarships

Wilson Naylor Cox, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Winifred Wittenberg Miller Memorial Scholarship

Yang Family Art Scholarship

ZhengZhong & YaoZhang Lai (ZZYZL) Scholarship

Z.M. Blickenstaff Athletic Scholarship

Zeberl Family Community Health Endowed Scholarship




Mr. W. Curtis and Mrs. Linda Brighton

Mr. Joseph B. Card

Mr. Richard S. and Mrs. Theresa J. Dunkin

Mr. Francis J. and Mrs. Nancy N. Gootee

Mr. John M. and Mrs. Susan K. Hanley III

Dr. Jerry L. and Mrs. Nancy A. Hile

Mr. David L. Hileman

Mr. Larry R. and Dr. Marylin T. Leinenbach

Mr. Samuel R. and Mrs. Jo Ann Ligget

Dr. Steven M. and Mrs. Sandra S. Pilipovich

Mr. Douglas G. and Mrs. Donna J. Power

Drs. J. Robert* and Diana J. Quatroche

Mr. Tad H. and Mrs. Barbara G. Randolph

Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Georgine M. Riley

Mrs. Donna L. and Mr. William A. Robinson

Mr. Kenneth D. and Mrs. Claudia L. Schneider

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. E. Joan Shenberger

Mrs. Rebecca M. and Mr. J. Steven Smith

Mr. John T. and Mrs. Marilyn A. Thyen

Mr. Paul D. Willhouse

Mr. Stephen L. and Mrs. Carole L. Williams

Mr. William F. Zlatos, Jr.


Dr. Nicole L. and Mr. Jason Allee

Mr. Darrel J. and Mrs. Myra G. Anderson Aon Foundation

Mr. Joseph A. and Mrs. Donna Aquino

Ms. Beverly S. Armstrong-Baltzell

Mrs. Patricia Arthur Lowe and Mr. Jay A. Lowe

Mr. Richard P. Attonito

Mrs. Michelle R. and Mr. Troy E. Bennett

Mr. Gregory G. and Mrs. Sarah S. Ber

Mr. Charles H. and Mrs. Lavinia A. Biltimier

Mrs. Nancy L. Brentlinger

Mr. Michael L. Burger

Mrs. Barbara A. and Mr. John P. Burkhardt

Mrs. Kathleen W. and Mr. Raymond Butkiewicz

Mr. John M. and Mrs. Courtney M. Butkiewicz

Mr. Steve and Mrs. Donna Canty

Mr. Donald R. and Mrs. Rachel E. Carver, Jr.

Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Carolyn J. Case

Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Leslie A. Casey

Ms. Sara A. Clark

Mr. Derek R. and Mrs. Abby J. Cleghorn

Mrs. Theresa E. and Mr. Stephen Coyner

Mrs. Donna L. and Mr. A. Michael Crider

Mr. Steven L. and Mrs. Lori A. Danielson

Mr. Christopher M. Davis

Mrs. Mary W. and Mr. James P. Delaney

Mrs. Phyllis P. Dowe

Dr. Robert E. and Mrs. Melva M. English Mr. Eric K. Eslinger

Capt. Bruce M. and Mrs. Sandra L. Etchison

Mr. Joseph K. and Mrs. Gretchen H. Etling

Anonymous Donor

Mr. Thomas R. and Mrs. Mary J. Finicle

Mr. Jason R. Floyd

Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Kelly J. Ford

Mr. Ronald F. and Mrs. Susan Foys

Mr. Gary R. Galey

Mr. Justin R. and Mrs. Amanda J. Garzolini

Mr. Donald R. and Mrs. Betty J. Geozeff

Dr. Philip Glende

Mr. John M. and Mrs. Conna L. Gooding

Mr. Thomas R. and Mrs. Amber D. Gray

Dr. James L. McDonald and Dr. Reesa M. Greenberg

Hamilton Center, Inc.

Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Carol J. Hanna

Mr. Louis W. and Mrs. Janet A. Harmening

Mr. Louis W. and Mrs. Janet A. Harmening, Jr.

Mr. David W. and Mrs. Donna E. Heinekamp

Mr. Gordon W. and Mrs. Joyce E.* Henriott

Mr. Thomas R. Hershberger

Mrs. Alyce K. and Mr. John R. Hochhalter

Mr. Edward A. and Mrs. Kim A. Hughes

J. Ford’s Black Angus Restaurant

Mr. James K. and Mrs. Susan Jensen Ms. Diana M. Joslin

Mr. Maulik K. and Mrs. Valerie A. Khatadia Mr. David and Mrs. Kimberly M. Kimbler Mr. Garry L. and Mrs. Emma L. Knowling

Dr. Elizabeth M. Brown and Mr. Andreas M. Kummerow Mr. Justin T. and Mrs. Kimberly A. Kunz Mr. Richard C. Kyrouac and Mrs. Pearl Kyrouac Mrs. Linda K. and Mr. Roger K. LaCosse Mr. Joseph J. and Mrs. Robyn R. Lugar, Jr. Dr. Christine D. MacDonald Mr. Ronald D. and Mrs. Judy C. Maxwell Mrs. Sandra A. Miller

Mrs. Sandra H. and Mr. Bernie Miller Mr. Bruce E. and Mrs. Rhonda Milner Ms. Patty L. Milner

Mr. J. Brooks and Mrs. Lisa R. Moore Mr. James T. and Mrs. Jackie H. Morris Ms. Andrea L. Myers Mr. Stephen J. and Mrs. Kathleen Newton Mr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Maria Nickels Dr. Susan C. Nurrenbern and Dr. William R. Robinson

Old National Bank

Paul A. Witty Trust Mrs. Theodora M. and Mr. Robert C. Perry Mr. Yancy D. and Mrs. Karen S. Phillips Ms. Kelly A. Pierce

Mr. Donald R. and Mrs. Donna J.* Prior Mr. Paul L. and Mrs. Kay P. Ridenour Ms. Ruth A. Ross

Mrs. Dixie Ruggles Dr. Peter P. and Mrs. Grace M. Sakalowsky, Jr. Mr. Nicholas E. Schafer Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Katherine Schmitt Mr. Jeffery S. and Dr. Jennifer L. Schriver Miss Jacquelyn A. Schultze Dr. Darby C. Scism Mr. Jeremiah L. Sheeder Mr. John D. and Mrs. Tina L. Siefert Mr. Gregory A. Smiley Mr. Henry W. and Mr. Natali J. Stadler Mrs. Phyllis A. Stewart Mrs. Michelle B. and Mr. Jonathan M. Stodden Mrs. Carol A. and Mr. Ray L. Sumner Mr. Jason R. and Mrs. Jada N. Svoboda Mr. William M. and Mrs. Elizabeth L. Tislow Mr. Robert C. Todd Mrs. Roseann Toulson Mrs. Linda J. and Mr. Danny D. Vore Dr. Thomas G. Waldon III Mrs. Margaret M. and Mr. James J. Welch Mr. Robert B. and Mrs. Margaret C. Wente Mr. Steven G. and Mrs. Rebecca R. Whitman Mr. Caleb D. and Mrs. Jodi A. Whitted Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Katlin A. Winger Mr. Timothy W. and Mrs. Nanette E. Wolfe Mr. William M. Wood Mr. Robert L. Wood Mrs. Constance S. and Mr. John T. Woods


Mrs. Maryalice and Mr. Edward A. Achbach Mr. Eric Albert Mrs. Libby A. Allen Amazon Smile Mr. Thomas R. Anderson Mrs. Julie J. Anderson-Beasley Dr. Eric C. and Dr. Rebecca A. Apfelstadt Mr. Neil A. and Mrs. Elizabeth Archibald Mrs. Jennifer L. and Mr. Todd A. Atterson B & S Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Mr. Kristopher M. and Mrs. Amanda R. Babic Dr. James G.* and Mrs. Marja Lee Backes Mr. William L. and Mrs. Lisa D. Baker Dr. Carrie R. Ball Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Kristi M. Barley Mrs. Kendra K. and Mr. Ryan D. Barney Mr. James A. Baysinger

Ms. Barbara K. Beadle

Mr. Brian and Mrs. Jennifer E. Bean

Dr. Linda S. Behrendt

Mr. Jeffrey L. and Mrs. Shari Bell

Mrs. Carol S. Bell

Mrs. Della R. and Mr. Robert Benefiel

Ms. Yvonne D. Berlew

Dr. Gregory D. and Mrs. Susan Bierly

Mr. Michael L. and Mrs. Mary Blackwell

Mrs. Jane F. and Mr. John S. Blair

Mr. Max E. Blessing

Ms. Trisha C. Blunt

Dr. Jane E. Blyth

Ms. Marcia J. Bolinger

Mr. John M. Boomershine

Mr. Timothy M. and Mrs. Carol B. Borowski

Mr. Walter Botich, Jr.

Mrs. Claudia S. Bouchie

Ms. Megan E. Bowers

Mr. Lance C. and Mrs. Sherry Brenn

Dr. Kenneth L. Brighton and Mrs. Maryanne Newsom-Brighton

Mr. Martin R. and Mrs. Aurelia Britt

Ms. Elizabeth A. Brown

Mr. Jeffrey S. and Mrs. Melinda Brown

Mr. R. Steven Brown and Mrs. Anna E. Christensen

Mrs. Renae M. and Mr. Mark Brunner

Dr. Scott R. and Mrs. Brenda S. Buchanan

Ms. Melody A. Bueker

Mr. John L. and Mrs. Nancy J. Burkett

Mr. Melvin L. Burks

Mr. Danny B. and Mrs. Carol A. Bush

Mrs. Andrea M. and Mr. Robert J. Butcher

BYD Wellness LLC

Mr. James A. Byers


Capco Crane & Hoist Inc.

Mrs. Jane B. and Mr. John S. Chappell

Mr. Dale R. Charlton

Mrs. Julia M. Cheatham-Kimble

Mr. Dominic and Mrs. Tammy L. Cinotto

Mr. Tyler J. Clements

Ms. Rhonda E. Coffman

Mr. Matthew and Mrs. E. A. Cohen

Mr. Clint H. Coleman

Mrs. Sallee G. and Mr. John Collett

Rev. Joseph M. and Mrs. Adrienne R. Colquitt

Mr. Glendon M. Compton

Ms. Rebecca M. Conley-Masters

Ms. Monica J. Conrad and Mr. Christopher H. Hoham

Ms. Deborah C. Corbin

Miss Theresa L. Cordes

Mr. Kenneth H. Cottle

Mr. Christopher L. Craft

Mr. Brent J. and Mrs. Rebecca L. Crider

Dr. James W. and Mrs. Beverly W. Cristee

Mr. Gary W. Davis and Mrs. Felisa L. Crossgrove Davis

Mr. Jay V. and Dr. Cynthia L. Crowder

Mr. W. Timothy and Mrs. Sandra C. Crowley

Mr. Eudahnas Crutchfield

President Deborah J. and Mr. Lynn R. Curtis

Mr. Nicholas W. and Mrs. Jessica R. Dachota

Dr. Cynthia K. Damer

Dr. William A.* and Mrs. Caroline Dando

Mr. Timothy P. and Mrs. Candace A. Daupert

Ms. Brandie A. Davis

Ms. Britany D. Dean

Mr. Jason H. Dehner

Mr. Jon A. Schaefer and Mrs. Jennifer J. Dennis Schaefer

Mr. Wayne and Mrs. Angela Dennison

Mrs. Kathryn M. and Mr. James Dimos

Mrs. Stacy C. Doane-Selmier and Mr. James R. Selmier

Mrs. Patricia A. and Mr. Bruce H. Doelling

Mr. Thomas A. and Mrs. Peggy J. Donovan

Mr. David E. and Mrs. Kimberly R. Doster

Mr. Jordi J. and Mrs. Angela R. Douglas

Mr. John S.* and Mrs. Susan G. Douthit

Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Robin Duncan

Mr. Richard F. and Mrs. Jami C. Dunkin

Mr. Rick M. and Dr. Martha J. Dwenger Dr. Lindsey E. Eberman Ms. Brittany M. Edmondson Mrs. Donna S. Elbrink

Mrs. Brooke A. and Mr. Jared T. Ell Mr. Mark E. and Mrs. Brooke A. Elliott

Mr. Michael C. and Mrs. Nancy R.* Ellis Mr. Joshua L. Elmore

Mr. Charles E. and Mrs. M. Louise Emlund Ms. Chelsea B. Eslick

Mr. Robert B. and Mrs. Genevive A. Evans Mr. Joseph H. and Mrs. Michele F. Evelo Dr. Barbara A. Eversole Mr. Nicholas P. and Mrs. Jessica M. Eye Mr. Nicholas F. Fasbinder IV Mr. Jerald B. Fifer Mr. G. Steven and Mrs. C. Kathleen Fleschner Mr. Michael B. and Mrs. Gayla Foote Ms. Janann L. Frame Mrs. Kimberly S. Frame Ms. Laura E. Froelicher Mr. Jason R. and Mrs. Anne E. Frome Mr. Roger L. Fromer

Frontstream (TRUIST) Mr. Christian N. and Mrs. Rachel L. Frye Mrs. Megan M. Furer Dr. Kenneth Games Judge Charnette D. Garner Dr. Jay D. Gatrell Ms. Kathleen Gaul General Electric Foundation

Mr. Richard A. and Mrs. Tania L. Glass Susan E. Goode Ms. Laura E. Goodrich

Mr. Mark A. and Mrs. Janna E. Graf Mr. Dennis W. and Mrs. Sharlyn Grauer Ms. Rebecca Graves Mrs. Kathleen A. Gray Mrs. Cynthia A. Greene Mr. Claude D. Grimes Mr. John J. and Mrs. Kim M. Guercio Dr. Charlene C. and Mr. Robert Gyurko Mr. David and Dr. Barbara Hagerman Mr. Gerald W. and Mrs. Babs B. Hajdusiewicz Mrs. Sharon K. Hale Roger D. and Kathleen Hall Mrs. Megan R. Hamand Mr. John O. and Mrs. Marcella Hansford Dr. Darlene M. Hantzis Mrs. Sheri L. Harden Dr. Molly K. Hare Mr. John F. Hatton Dr. Ernest C. Hauser Ms. Theresa D. Haverkamp Mrs. M. Elizabeth and Mr. Richard Hayward Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Jill Hearns Mrs. Patricia L. Heidenger-Smith Mrs. Michelle D. and Mr. Todd A. Hein Mr. Martin L. and Mrs. Carol Henderson Ms. Rita R. Hendrix Mr. William J. Henry Dr. Barbara F. Herman Mr. Brett M. Higgins Mr. Todd J. and Mrs. Lisa K. Higgins Mrs. Beverly L. Hildebrand Dr. Thomas G. Hitcho

Ms. Tabitha B. Hodges Mr. Michael H. and Mrs. Lisa M. Holthouse Holthouse Foundation for Kids Mr. Michael and Mrs. Anita Hudson Dr. Lisa R. Hughes Mr. Douglas W. Huntsinger and Mr. Bryan McHugh Mrs. Kathleen M. Huun Mrs. Stephanie M. Jeffers Mr. Jacob T. Jenkins Dr. Frank W.* and Mrs. Dorothy W. Jerse Mr. Jeffrey D. Jewell Mr. Jason Johnson and Dr. Kelley Woods-Johnson Mr. Ryan A. Jones Mr. Mark R. Jones


Mr. Christopher R. and Mrs. Heather L. Jones

Mrs. Barbara J. Keesey

Mr. Matthew D. and Mrs. Tiffany S. Kelly

Mrs. Ann L. McNair and Mr. William G. Kemp

Mr. Jeffrey J. and Mrs. Devon Kinne

Mr. David M. and Mrs. Carol L. Kline

Mr. Kevin W. Kling

Mr. Harold J. and Mrs. Marjorie E. Knue

Ms. Lori A. Koch

Miss Ronda Kozik-Mount

Mr. Joseph A. and Mrs. Kathy S. Kwasny

Mr. Matthew H. Lackner

Mrs. Shelly M. and Mr. Stephen M. Langona

Mrs. Cynthia W. and Mr. Ronald W. Laporte

Ms. Kristi M. Lawson

Dr. Ronald G. and Mrs. Joy A. Leach Ms. Adrienne Lenoir

Mr. Deon and Mrs. Angela K. Levingston Dr. Xiaolong Li

Mrs. Barbara and Mr. Richard E. Lidster

Mr. Richard E. and Mrs. Barbara Lidster

Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Veronica Lindley

Mr. Stanley and Mrs. Kellie N. Liponoga

Mr. Jared W. Livingston

Mr. Cory R. and Mrs. Mary M. Lookebill

Mr. David K. and Mrs. Christine Lowe

Mr. Evan A. and Mrs. Lucy M. Lunsford

Dr. Lori A. and Mr. Jody P. Magee

Dr. Caroline M. and Dr. Darin M. Mallory

Mr. Joshua P. Mannix

Mr. Michael C. and Mrs. Susan L. Mardis

Mr. Paul W. Marlowe

Mr. Kyle R. and Mrs. Laura B. Marshall

Mr. Austin J. and Ms. Jessica L. Mason

Mr. Austin J. and Mrs. Jessica L. Mason

Mr. Gary L. McDaniel

Ms. Ellen M. McFaul

Mrs. Nicole R. and Mr. Toby L. McGregor

Mr. Mark D. and Mrs. Tradara D. McLaurine

Mr. Derek D. and Mrs. Lacey J. McMillan

Mr. Jared R. Messmann

Mr. Gregory C. Meyer

Mrs. Diane S. and Mr. Thomas Miller

Mr. Arthur D. and Mrs. A. Elaine Miller

Mrs. Sheila G. and Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell

Mr. Vaughn G. Mitchell

Mr. Joshua A. and Mrs. Courtney R. Montfort

Dr. John W.* and Mrs. Nancy A. Moore

Dr. Stephen K. Moore

Mr. Timothy J. Murdock

Mr. William D. Myer

Mr. Marcus D. Neely

Mrs. Sherry M. and Mr. Tim J. Newton

Ms. Carissa A. Newton

Mr. Mark A. Norman

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Mrs. Melissa M. and Mr. Adam Nowotarski

Mrs. Kimberly K. and Mr. William A. Oliver

Mr. Michael L. Ornstein

Mrs. Dimetria and Mrs. Nicci J. Orr

Mr. Daniel T. Palmer

Ms. Courtney R. Patberg

Mr. John R. and Mrs. Andrea M. Patterson

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Jill Pearre II

Mrs. Jill and Mr. David A. Pearre

Dr. Samantha D. Penney

Mr. Pete D. Perez

Mr. Gerald A. and Mrs. Cindy L. Perrill

Mr. Mark L. and Mrs. Susan Perry

Mr. David R. and Mrs. Carol A. Persohn

Dr. Randell W. and Mrs. Tami L. Peters

Mr. Marc D. and Mrs. Stacia A. Phillips

Mrs. Dorothy K. Phillips and Mr. Stephen G. Free

Mrs. Cynthia E. Phillips-Sabla

Mr. James L. and Mrs. Susan E. Pike

Ms. Laura E. Ping

Mr. Zachary M. Polgar

Mr. William J. Pollock

Mr. John E. Pollock

Mr. Matthew R. Porter

Mr. Eric S. and Mrs. LeeAnna J. Powell

Premier Auto Source, Inc. Ms. Emily C. J. Price

Mr. Zachariah D. Pullum Mr. Robert W. Puma

R.E. Dimond and Associates, Inc. Mr. Gregory A. and Mrs. Lyn Race

Mr. Scott E. and Mrs. Sinwon Lee Racop Mrs. Carol A. and Mr. Mark D. Raetz

Mrs. Lisa A. and Mr. Art Rangel Mrs. Mary A. Ray

Mr. Jack W. and Mrs. Francetta M. Rayce Mr. Joseph D. Reed Ms. Cassie L. Reeser

Mr. Roscoe E. and Mrs. Mary Reeve Ms. Reid

Renaissance Charitable Foundation Mrs. Janet N. Reschke Ms. Cathy J. Ressinger Retec Corporation

Mr. Mark A. Richards Ms. Rachel M. Riegle

RJE Business Interiors, Inc. Mr. Juan R. Roa

Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Traci P. Robison Dr. Ryan R. Rompola Mr. Gregory A. Roshel Mr. Aaron L. and Mrs. Tina N. Rue Mr. William L. Sadler Jr. Mr. John F. and Mrs. Dawn J. Sahm

Anonymous Donor

Mr. Richard G. and Mrs. Andrea J. Sappenfield Dr. Terry R. and Mrs. Terri L. Sargent Mr. Nicholas R. and Mrs. Kristine H. Sauter Mr. Daniel M. and Mrs. Hannah J. Savka Mr. Jeromey S. Schabel Mr. Douglas W. Schimmel

Mr. David K. and Dr. Dawn Schneider Mr. Jeffrey T. and Mrs. Emily J. Schnierle Mrs. Judith E. and Mr. Allen H. Schuessler Mr. Michael D. Scott, Jr. Mr. Andrew H. Seitz Mrs. Sandra K. Senior-Dauer and Mr. Keith N. Dauer Dr. Judith A. Sheese Mr. Zachary A. and Mrs. Kayley J. Sibrel Mr. Paul S. and Mrs. Marilyn S. Siebenmorgen Mr. Michael J. Silver Ms. Jenna E. Silvey Mr. Roy L. Simmons Mr. John A. and Mrs. Debra A. Sims Mr. Paul R. and Mrs. Shari L. Sinders Mr. Mark L. Smiley Dr. Terry E. Smith and Mrs. Maryanne K. Wingo-Smith Mr. Garrett J. Smith Smith Fuqua Foundation Dr. Samuel S. and Mrs. Debra M. Snideman Mr. Brent A. and Mrs. Christina K. Sparks Mr. Briar A. Sparks Dr. Linda L. and Mr. Douglas Sperry Mr. Howard P. and Mrs. Patricia A. Spicer Mr. Dennis Sponsel

Mr. Carl L. and Mrs. Jennifer A. Spruill Mrs. Stephanee D. Squires-Roberts Mrs. Kelly F. and Mr. Jody Stafford Mr. Jesse D. and Mrs. Kayla M. Stallings Ms. Charlyn J. Stath Mr. Cody R. Steele Mr. John P. Stefanski Mr. Timothy and Mrs. Connie L. Steigmeyer Mrs. Neily D. Steng Mrs. Jill Zschau Stock Mr. Stephen J. and Mrs. Susan B. Stocker Mr. Kenneth M. and Mrs. Lisa R. Stout Mr. David A. Stowe

Strode Construction, LLC Mrs. Trisha A. and Mr. Mark A. Stuckey Mr. and Mrs. Szabo Mr. Gordon O. and Mrs. Peggy R. Tanner Mr. Jeffrey W. and Mrs. Penny F. Taylor

Mr. Troy N. and Mrs. Andrea M. Taylor

Mrs. Angela J. Thomas

Mr. Hollis J. and Mrs. Catherine Thomas

Mr. Joshua Thompson

Thompson’s Honda

Mr. Todd A. Thorlton

Mr. James T. Trimble

Mr. Cody J. Triscik

U.S. Lawns

Mr. Ryan Van Hoveln

Mr. Matt M. and Mrs. Kelsey A. Van Scyoc

Mrs. Sarah A. and Mr. Gary A Van Valin

Mr. Kyle S. Varble

Mrs. Julie A. Vescovi

Ms. Rebecca S. Earl

Mr. Richard L. and Mrs. Brenda J. Voll

Dr. Anthony E. Vukusich, Jr.

Mrs. Lisa K. Wade-Sibley

Ms. Marlene Wagner

Dr. Alina M. Waite

Dr. Kenneth P. and Mrs. Carol A. Walker

Mr. Michael J. Wallace

Mr. David L. and Mrs. Sara N. Walters

Dr. Linda K. Walters

Ms. Lianfang Wang

Mrs. Janice K. Watson

Mrs. Diana L. and Mr. Zachariah L. Weatherly

Mr. Austin R. Wesolowski

Dr. Jan P. Weust

Mrs. Eileen T. and Mr. John F. Whalen

Mrs. Melanie J. White

Ms. Lynne D. White

Ms. Judith B. Williams

Mr. Michael E. Williamson

Mr. Bradley Wilson

Mrs. Faye E. and Mr. James D. Wilson

Mr. Ralph D. and Mrs. Patricia L. Winkler

Mr. Clyde J. and Mrs. Priscilla E. Wolfe

Mr. Jeffrey J. Wonser

Ms. Ann K. Wooden

Mr. James N. and Mrs. Karen J. Wright

Zink Distributing Company

Mr. Jeffrey P. and Mrs. M Susan Zinkan Jill Zschau Stock


wife, Melissa, and I have known so many people that have been impacted by cancer, not just in our own family but so many others. Our hope is that eventually there will be a cure for cancer, and that the next breakthrough comes from the work of Porter Research Fellows at Indiana State.”

— Trustee Troy Woodruff, ’98

Troy Woodruff is a 1998 graduate of Indiana State University with a degree in Communication Studies and a minor in Marketing. He served in the Indiana House of Representatives from 2004-06, during which time he was a member of the House Ways and Means Committee. Following his service in the House, he was a leader at the Indiana Department of Transportation. He was appointed to the Indiana State University Board of Trustees by Governor Eric Holcomb in 2021.

The Benny E. Woodruff Research Lab has been established through the generosity of Troy and Melissa Woodruff. Their gift to support the Porter Cancer Research Center at Indiana State University honors the memory of Troy’s father, Benny E. Woodruff, who passed away from cancer in 2018.

The Woodruff’s gift enhances the Porter Cancer Research Center Fellowship, which is focused on recruiting the best and brightest graduate students from around the world and to provide them with state-of-the-art research facilities that will allow them to pursue their fight against cancer.

In addition, the Woodruffs and RQAW, a Fishers, Indiana based architecture and design firm, established The RQAW Civil Engineering Classroom and an endowed scholarship to support students studying Civil Engineering Technology and Engineering with a Civil Concentration in the College of Technology at Indiana State.

RQAW specializes in services relating to architecture, engineering, construction inspection, transportation, environmental services and water infrastructure. They were inspired to support civil engineering programs at Indiana State after hiring ISU graduates and experiencing the value they bring to the company and to their profession in Indiana.

“I grew up with not a lot financially. I really didn’t know how college was going to work out. Scholarships allowed me to not have to work two or three part-time jobs outside of school just to pay for my education. I can use all that time to grow as an educator and as a student.”
— Emma Donnahoe | Music Education Major Recipient of the Mark S. Hannig Scholarship in Music and the Chasteen Pickerl Memorial Scholarship

’88 Be So BOLD Campaign Co-Chair

Indiana State University publicly launched Be So BOLD, a $100-million fundraising campaign in fall 2022. While in the quiet phase of the campaign, more than $62 million has been raised with an emphasis on student scholarships, experiential learning, faculty excellence, and Sycamore Athletics. Paul and Susan Chaney and Larry and Buffy Boulet have volunteered their time and resources to serve as Be So BOLD Campaign Co-Chairs.

At the campaign kickoff, students, faculty, and alumni spoke to the high-quality education and experiences that Indiana State provides and the importance of donors in continuing to enhance their time on campus and beyond. To get more involved and make a gift to the Be So BOLD campaign, visit to learn how your generosity will better the lives of Sycamores.


“We need more BOLD transformations.
Therefore, our ask is for you to take that BOLD step and inspire the next generation of Sycamores to fulfill their dreams.”
30 North Fifth Street Terre Haute, IN 47809 812-237-6100

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