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Many of the drug industries have R&D laboratories but corresponding library facilities are lacking. Nowadays literature survey is being carried out via the internet - Reaxys, Scifinder, MedPub, Patent search. However, these internet surveys are supplementary but not complimentary to Journals. Bielstein, Gmelin, Dictionary of organic compounds and chemical abstracts from 1906’s, standard monographs and books are CHIEF SCIENTIST & HEAD - CENTRE a must for a library. Often these R&D FOR NATURAL PRODUCTS AND laboratories are mere development labTRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE, oratories for a trial synthesis of generic CSIR - INDIA INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL drugs before going to manufacturing/ TECHNOLOGY, HYDERABAD production. And here also the research component is missing. So far, no new drugs are developed in India nor industry has any plan for new drug discovery. Apart from the organic synthesis of biochemistry knowledge topics include DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, hormones, etc. The challenges of new drug discovery involve medicinal chemistry which means a constant dialogue between chemists and biologists, including computational studies is necessary. On the Drug industry should provide appropriate training to personnel web internet, the 3D-structures of many working as chemists in drug synthesis and analytical chemists enzymes and proteins which cause diseases are available. A virtual study involving many organic molecules (generndia has become a generic drug centre since it exports ated on a computer) and at which docks drugs to all countries. During COVID-19, India export- protein enzyme. Thus by hydrogen ed Hydroxychloroquine to Brazil, the USA and other bonding, docking studies or molecular countries. Presently, India is exporting COVID-19 vac- modelling or receptor-ligand interaction cines to many countries globally but the Indian drug will be the first step. Such studies in Inindustry often complains they are not able to recruit skilled dian drug R&D centres are not-existent chemists as universities do not train students to make besides regular laboratories necthem industry-ready. essary to conduct pharmacy “Drug If we look at the curriculum of our univerand pharmacological, industry sities with chemistry reference, they cover pharmaceutical studies. should make some typical branches like organic, inorganic and The recent pandemic kind of consortium to physical chemistry. On the other hand, the revealed we don’t have teach additional subjects Indian drug industry has to provide addienough life scientists on the synthesis of drug tional training in the concerned branches of and biochemists, videvelopment, name organic chemistry like drug synthesis which rology and epidemiolreactions, a literature includes practical experiments also. ogy as unfortunately search on experiments Not only this, the drug industry should many universities don’t suitable to drug also form a consortium to teach additional subhave these courses. synthesis” jects on the synthesis of drug development, name For a new drug discovreactions, and literature search on experiments suitable ery laboratory, the assistance of for drug synthesis. Even if they recruit PhD’s for the job, they life scientists is a must. For a new drug have to be provided specialised training. synthesis series of compounds taking