Songah traditional music from Citengah Village Alip Purnomo
Songah Art Potency
In Citengah Village
he Covid-19 pandemic that has infected this earth has affected most sectors of our lives and caused unfortunate even misserable impacts on economic, social, and community activities all over the world. One sector that has been heavily impacted is tourism, especially tourist villages. A survey conducted by the Tourism Village Institute in April
2020 showed that the tourist villages that were the respondents had closed their tourism activities. In March 2020, 49% of tourist villages lost potential income of around 25 million rupiah; 35.1% potential loss of income between 25 million rupiah to 100 million rupiah; and 15.5% have the potential to lose more than 100 million rupiah in income.
14 INDONESIANA VOL. 11, 2021