Indonesiana Vol. 11 The Charms of Indonesian Culture

Page 60

JALUR REMPAH Photo: Gorontalo before 1880, Woodbury & Page (Batavia), KITLV 26755.

Spice Trading Network in Tomini Bay


omini Bay is not very popular with millennials or Indonesians in general. We are more familiar

with Manado, Gorontalo, Makassar, Sulawesi, and other land-oriented areas. Tomini Bay is not well known not because of its position, which is quite far from the centre of Indonesia, but because, for some reasons, historians are not that interested in telling the stories of Tomini Bay when, in fact, Tomini Bay is one of the largest bays in the world and was an important part of the spice trade network.


58 INDONESIANA VOL. 11, 2021

Tomini Bay is a marine area that connects

Shipping and trade in Tomini Bay have

the provinces of North Sulawesi, Goron-

a different character from the shipping

talo, and Central Sulawesi. This area acts

and trade of the other parts of the

as the “launchpad” for commodity trade

archipelago. The differences in character

trajectories in the three regions. Tomini

are caused by geographical factors and

Bay has 56 islands spread over an area

various commodities, including turtle

of ​​about 59,500 km2, with a coastline of

shells, resin, rattan, salt, gold, and various

about 1,179 km2. With a fairly large area,

land products including spices. Geo-

Tomini Bay holds quite a lot of historical

graphical factors and the wealth of these

complexity, especially regarding shipping

commodities have invited many traders

and trade.

from various places; even Chinese traders often visit Tomini Bay.

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