Spice Tresure in
ow l of Coto
A bowl of happiness. shutterstock_1982143724 – Tyasindayanti - https:// www.shutterstock.com/g/ Tyas+Indayanti
t is undeniable that
everyone has different
experiences and expressions
when it comes to soups. Different palate, different way of tasting. A soup that is
a strange thing
example, makes it easier for customers to like. Amid the clutches of restaurants
that each person has their own favourite
that serve a variety of regional food and
coto stall.
foreign food, supported by a magnificent or modern building, the coto stall has not
easy to find and one of the favourites for
The taste of the sauce, the meat, the
people, especially in Makassar, is coto.
price, the place, and the service, are
The taste of coto gives rise to subjectivity.
among the determinants of why people
Two or more people often argue with
like one or two or even more coto stalls.
Each coto stall has a distinctive sauce and
each other about which coto stall they like
Beside the taste, precise location also
offers different tenderness of the meat.
is the best. Despite this, coto stalls never
determines whether coto stalls can last
Some serve very thick gravy, some don’t.
lose their prestige. Young and old come
for decades. Being suitably located on
Some offer very tender meat pieces,
to visit to taste this unique food. It’s no
the edge or not far from the highway, for
some are medium, and even a bit tough.
62 INDONESIANA VOL. 11, 2021
been left out by the lovers of exotic soup dishes, even though their setup is simple.