Indonesiana Vol. 11 The Charms of Indonesian Culture

Page 80


Beautiful Prehistoric Rock Art in P


rehistoric rock art is a relic of

thousands or even tens of thousands of

a painting of a pig in Leang Timpuseng,

early human art found all over the

years old. However, most of the rock arts

Maros, South Sulawesi. The painting is

world. The term rock art is used

in the world are not recognised as a pure

estimated to be around 35,400 years old.

to describe a work of art in the form of

relic of prehistoric times by local people.

Another one is a painting of an animal

a painting, sculpture, or a sketch that is

Based on observations made by modern

resembling a bull in Saleh Jeriji Hole (East

inscribed in an immovable place, such as

science in the 19th-20th centuries AD, the

Kutai, East Kalimantan), which is believed

on the walls of a cave, cliff, or boulder. In

indigenous people of Australia and Amer-

to be around 40,000 years old. Further-

general, rock art is made by traditional

ica are peoples who are still practising the

more, there is the painting of scenes

hunter-gatherer communities, although

tradition of rock art.

depicting hunting activities in Leang Bulu

there are some rock arts originating from farming communities or cultivators. Laboratory analysis of rock art painting materials shows that these paintings are



Sipong 4, Maros-Pangkep Region, South It was only in recent years that Indone-

Sulawesi, that is believed to be around

sian prehistoric rock arts began to attract

43,900 years old. The results of the study

international attention. One of them is

show that during the ice age around

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