Jakarta as a Symbolic Space
of its elements and problems. One urban
The history of the city is local because
problem and its people can be examined
the city is a small institution under the
through the concept of modernity, to
province and the state. Therefore, the
explain more diversely about urban
chronology of urban history is different
history in Indonesia, as said by urban
from the chronology of national history.
planning expert Ilham Makkelo. From the
Changes in the context of the state may
perspective of history and archaeology,
have an impact on the city so that the
cities are a representation of national
chronology of the city’s history must be
identity and identity because of their
independent – not necessarily dependent
material culture.
on the chronology of national history.
ince the beginning of the 19th century, the urban landscape has grown rapidly with the complexity
86 INDONESIANA VOL. 11, 2021
Cities can also be seen as non-geographical spaces. Post-structural scholars see the city as a more complex space. Henri Lefebvre views space not merely as a geographical space, but also a social space that is not only produced through the relations of production and reproduction but also complex social relations. Simultaneously, space is production,