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Sustainability in high performance fibre-based materials Ahlstrom

of producing 10,000–100,000 items per run, and finally to round-table rotary transfer machines which are capable of producing millions of parts at remarkable speeds.

“Outside of the automotive sector, we are also very active in segments such as hydraulics, pumps and motors and material handling. For instance, we produce hydraulic components, quick-release machined parts and parts for general industry where heat transfer specialists such as Alfa Laval can rely on us for a wide range of vital components. However, we are also looking at new market sectors such as marine and renewable energy.”

Mr Frejd added, “As part of the global Bufab Group we benefit from their vast resources and their logistics network, which means that we can serve our overseas customers in close proximity to their manufacturing facilities, whether they are located in Europe, China or America. Another major asset is our access to highly specialised stainless steels which are well-known in the industry under the Bumax label and are unique to the Bufab Group of companies. This gives us, as well as our clients, a significant competitive edge. Unlike many of our competitors, we are able not only to supply a wide range of components but also to manage the whole value chain from start-up to just-in-time delivery anywhere in the world.

“Another point that I would like to stress is that our customers get the same level of

expertise and input, regardless of whether they are small family-run companies or big multinationals. Furthermore, the same applies whether they require prototype runs of 500 items or series runs of millions. Unstinting quality is the theme that runs through everything that we do at Bufab Lann. As far as the future is concerned we will continue to grow with our clients organically, but Bufab also keep a weather-eye open for possible acquisitions, should the company with the right synergy present itself.

“Like all Swedish companies we are very environmentally aware and do everything possible to minimise our carbon footprint. We are certified to ISO 9001 as well as TS 16949 and for environmental considerations are also certified to ISO 14001, which is underscored by our exclusive and efficient special press. This ensures that every scrap of our waste material and cooling oil can be recycled. We have also invested in a further 2000m2 of state-ofthe-art production facilities and new washing equipment with additional cleanliness control equipment, which has boosted our capacity to machine precision parts for pumps, hydraulics and motors.

“The investment of new washing machines takes us to a new level of cleanliness within upgraded fuel component requirements. The act of improving lifetime and reducing friction in car engines will result in tougher demands in terms of cleanliness in the future. The washing equipment developed and sold by Teijo Viverk will give us 10 times cleaner parts.

“All our products are tailor-made to meet our customer’s individual specifications: this, combined with the huge supply of fasteners and standard components within the Bufab Group, is yet another reason why we are different from our competitors and able to provide such a high level of customer service.” n

For further information about Bufab Lann’s range of high-tech products and services visit: www.bufab.com


Long-established manufacturer of high performance fibre-based materials, Ahlstrom, is focused on sustainability, economic, social and environmental. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to Anna Wessman, Ahlstrom’s vice-president of sustainability, to learn more.

High Quality Waterborne Binders and Additives for Nonwoven, Paper & Board and Coatings Industries


Established in Finland in 1851, Ahlstrom has evolved from a diversified conglomerate into a focused specialist. Its core activities are dedicated to the manufacture of high-performance fibre-based materials, speciality nonwovens and papers, from natural and synthetic fibres. The company supplies these materials to industrial customers for further processing, with applications across a range of industries including construction, automotive, healthcare, food and beverages, energy and water.

Ahlstrom has four key business areas, Advanced Filtration, Building and Energy, Food and Medical and Transportation Filtration all offering value added fibre-based materials to their customers. It enjoys a wide customer base; none of Ahlstrom’s customers have a dominating position, with its ten biggest customers constituting just 20 per cent of net sales. This gives the company a very strong, well-balanced position across market segments and has proved to be a profitable strategy during the economic downturn.

In 2012, Ahlstrom employed over 5000 people worldwide and its net sales amounted to approximately €1.6 billion. This year after the Label and Processing business area demerger the sales are some €1 billion with over 3800 employees. With operations in more than 20 countries on six continents, it truly is a worldwide company.

Green and global

Recognising the global megatrends of environmental awareness, resource scarcity and demographics and urbanisation, its unique expertise in fibres, chemistry and materials technology enable Ahlstrom to create products with sustainability as a driver.

Canfor Pulp, Sustainable and Innova ve Products


Canfor Pulp produces pulp and paper products from some of the best managed forests in the world.

We believe forest products have a vital role to play in building a green economy - wood is the only natural and renewable source for building and packaging products, products that contribute to the fi ght against global warming by con nuing to store carbon throughout their service life and beyond. Our pulp mills have reduced the intensity of their carbon dioxide emissions levels by 57% since 1990.

We demonstrate our commitment to sustainability by caring for the forests and minimizing waste at every step. Le over wood chips from sawmills are used to make our pulp and paper. Bark chips and sawdust are used to generate green energy that helps our mills run cleanly and effi ciently. Almost every hectare of the woodlands we source from is third-party cer fi ed under interna onally recognized standards for sustainable forest management, and we pride ourselves on the rela onships we’ve built with communi es and environmental groups. We believe in more value less impact.

Canfor Pulp is unique among many suppliers of NBSK in that it maintains the Canfor Pulp Innova on laboratory, CPI. Prac cing open innova on, CPI maintains a unique network of contractors, suppliers and partners comprising world class consultants in LC refi ning and ssue, research organiza ons dedicated to the development of next genera on fi bre measurement and fi bre products, and University researchers. The annually awarded CPLP Grants Program is connec ng with world class researchers many of whom have not previously prac ced in pulp, paper and related areas. Maintaining an ac ve refi ned pulp quality database of mill performance and compe tor data available to customers throughwww.temap.com, posi ons CPI to ac vely support customers. Development of the world leading “Mihari” advanced fi bre quality management project will deliver new and unique pulp proper es informa on to customers and set CPLP further apart from the compe on in terms of customer support.

Focusing on end-uses our fi bers are best suited for. Iden fying applica ons fi bers have not been used for so far. Maintaining ac ve core competence in the cri cal area of LC refi ning as this is the technical intersec on between Canfor Pulp and our customers. Offering strong exper se and knowhow locally in the markets we operate in. It’s the kind of thinking that has sustained our forests, our products and our company since the 1930’s. Embracing new technologies and building on our commitment to world-leading forest management will keep us strong into the next century.

From forest to customer, we’re the new green economy. Find out more at www.canforpulp.com.

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