Industrial automation from Lubawa A
lthough Intek was officially launched in 2003, its history goes back as far as 1952 when a local State-Owned Machinery Centre was established in Lubawa. However, the political and economic transformations that took place in Poland at the turn of the 1990s found the Centre, inefficient and unprepared for competition, slowly losing its raison d’être. Intek was established on the site of the previous Centre, where it took over existing production and the entire workforce. Since then, the company has been fully owned by private capital. In its first year of operation Intek doubled its sales and increased its employees by 80 to more than 200 people. In 2006 its first turnkey contract was completed. At the same time Intek established a new welding hall 36 Industry Europe
Intek, a company from Lubawa, Poland, is a specialist in the design of lines and devices that are elements of industrial automation systems. It offers a wide range of products including a complete supply of technological transport equipment along with turnkey industrial automation systems for various industries. Dariusz Balcerzyk reports.
covering an area of some 800m2. In 2008 the company purchased numerically controlled manufacturing machines. Four years later, a welding workshop with an area of 1200m2 was refurbished.
Slowly but surely The company has developed step by step. “We adhere to the principle that first you need to build sturdy foundations and only when they are well embedded can you build a first floor. Once it’s ready, you can get on to the next floor. Another word: we have been developing slowly but surely. Our main aim is to develop the company so that each specific team could independently negotiate, plan and execute projects both in Poland and abroad. To achieve it we imple-