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Awilco LNG

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Excellence in LNG transportation Editorial: Tim Hands

Norway-based LNG transportation provider, Awilco LNG both owns and operates LNG vessels intended for international trade. Its founding shareholder Awilco AS boasts extensive experience within the shipping and offshore sector, with the two forces combining to deliver marine transportation through safety and environmental excellence.


Awilco LNG Liquefied Natural Gas, or LNG, is natural

2011 was never been involved in LNG,”

gas converted to liquid form for ease of

explains Jon Skule Storheill, Awilco LNG

storage or transportation, which takes up


annual growth rate. “Like many others, we were looking for investments and interesting areas in which

about 1/600th of the volume of natural gas

“The company has been involved in a

to invest and thus expand our business,

in its original gaseous state. Natural gas is,

great variety of ship types over the years –

and while LNG was an area that looked

undeniably, a major source of energy, but

predominantly tankers, but also car carriers,

set to continue to grow, the barriers to its

with the majority of towns and cities located

supply ships, offshore rigs and vessels of all

entry are phenomenal. For a start, it is very

far from gas fields and transporting gas

shapes and fashions.” Skule Storheill began

difficult to buy second-hand vessels and

by pipeline so costly and impractical, this

his own career with the company in 2008, as

start trading them, because the owners and

shrinking of its volume makes it infinitely

the Managing Director of Awilco, responsible

the vessels tend to be locked into long-term

easier to store and ship.

for heading up the shipping and offshore

contracts, often for the vessels expected

investments, with the original purchase of

lifetime. Compared to tankers and other

is then returned to a gas via regasification

the three LNG vessels made through Awilco.

commodity carriers it is a very industrialised

facilities, and subsequently piped to homes,

“When we decided to raise equity and order

sort of shipping, and so there are very few

businesses and industries. Its benefits

new builds, as well of course as listing the

transactions,” explains Skule Storheill.

are numerous and centre around it being

company, I took on the job of founding the

the cleanest burning fossil fuel, producing

company and CEO in 2011, which is where

order new vessels, at a cost of around $200

fewer emissions and pollutants than either

I still find myself today having helped build it

million, which is clearly a huge investment.

coal or oil, providing a price-competitive

up to its current position.”

“After having studied the market for a few

When LNG reaches its destination, it

As a result, the only real option is to

years, in the end, we were able to buy three

source of energy that could help meet future burgeoning economic needs across the


second generation LNG carriers from a


Awilco identified Liquid Natural Gas

consortium of Japanese owners, at what

as an interesting, viable opportunity in

we found to be a viable price.” At the time,

which is the shipping and offshore side of

2008, looking to enter into a profitable

the plan was to trade these vessels in the

the A Williamson family business. Awilco

transportation market which has been

market while developing infrastructure

has been a ship owner since 1939, but until

steadily expanding with an impressive 7%

projects involving the conversion of these

“Awilco LNG was founded by Awilco,



Awilco LNG

WilForce Year built Yard Manager Flag Capacity (m3) DWT Draft

| | | | | | |

2013 DSME ALNG TM NIS 156,007 87,750 mt 12.521 m PAGE 5

vessels into storage or terminal vessels. “The

idea of infrastructure projects - these are

and as such it is our aim to grow in line with

company has a strong history of undertaking

extremely slow moving, but we’re very

the industry as a whole.”

major conversions, such as transforming

hopeful of adding something in the near

tankers into heavy lift vessels, and so this

future,” the CEO explains.

The second of Awilco LNG’s newbuilds, WilPride has in recent months been delivered to join its sister vessel WilForce, and while

was a real opportunity for us.”


these two ships from Korea’s Daewoo

for every eventuality in a project of this

As well as these infrastructure projects

Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering join its

scale, and in Awilco’s case the vessels

whose development can take many years,

original three vessels, Skule Storheill adds:

were purchased only a few weeks before

expansion looks set to come via various

“We don’t see five ships as an optimal size,

the Fukushima disaster. “This of course

aspects of the business.

and want to grow when the opportunity is

It is, of course, impossible to plan

increased dramatically the need for

“We certainly have ambitions to grow,”

there and timing is right.”

transportation with LNG vessels, and so we

states Skule Storheill, “we’ve been fortunate

put our ambition of conversions on hold and

in being able to place one of our vessels on


traded them. In addition to this, we were able

a mid-term contract, with the other trading

It is the old age of many of the existing

to order two new builds in 2011 on the basis

very successfully in the spot market for the

global fleet (30 of which are over 35 years

of issuing about $100 million worth of equity


old) which negates the potential risk of

and listing the company.

“We would certainly, though, like to find a

overcapacity in the LNG shipping sector,

“From that point, we’ve basically built the

contract on WilPride, which is ship number

an issue that has been raised by some:

organisation into a fully-integrated LNG ship

two, and ideally land a longer-term contract

“Many players talk about the number of

owner. Today, we have in-house technical

to which we can build the vessel.

unemployed newbuilds,” admits Skule

management, alongside our own crew, and

“Although the LNG market is not growing

Storheill, “but when you analyse the

of course the commercial and operational

in a linear fashion, there is no question that

orderbook you will find that there are today

side is in place. While the organisation is

2017-18 is looking extremely lucrative and

maybe 30 available, and in total maybe 100

complete, we’ve never really dropped the

will entail a huge demand for more vessels,

newbuilds delivering over the next three


Awilco LNG

question, and the biggest LNG market today

notoriously difficult to penetrate, Awilco LNG

is in Japan and Korea, as well as the Far

now finds itself with an established fleet

tankers are tri-fuel diesel electric ships,

East as a whole. China is growing very fast

of five vessels, certainly not a small fleet,

incorporating induction-based electric

and steadily, a trend that is set to increase

competing with some owners with as much

propulsion motor technology from Wärtsilä

phenomenally going forwards, and so all of

as 40 years of experience in trading LNG.

and GE’s Power Conversion business.

these are our key focus areas,” says Skule

It is a technology which GE claims to be


years which should be very manageable.” Both of Awilco LNG’s newly delivered

among the most environmentally friendly

Of course, the real value in such business

“I think we’re going from being a newcomer to a more seasoned and accepted partner for most major clients,

for sea-going vessels, and supports

growth is in it being undertaken in a

as evidenced by our client list. This is ever-

Awilco LNG’s concerted efforts to boost

responsible manner, an issue that Awilco

growing, and contains the names of most of

its environmental and reliability credentials.

LNG has worked hard to tackle.

the biggest players in LNG transportation.”

Both these new carriers were delivered

“The major benefit to LNG transportation

Projects like Shell’s Prelude floating

on time and on budget after concluding

is that the fuel that we consume is gas, the

liquefied natural gas facility can only help

successful sea trials, with Skule Storheill

cleanest of all fossil fuels with a considerably

to further increase the viability of LNG as

evidently delighted with the results: “We are

smaller CO2 emission than both coal and oil,

a burgeoning energy resource, as Skule

very pleased to take delivery of the vessels,

and one which releases no particles when

Shoreheil details: “It gives producers an

which are built to the highest standard and

burned. In addition, we are just as focussed

economically viable way to extract or

utilise the latest eco-friendly technology

on safety and environmental improvements

produce gas in remote areas, with a floating

that we are looking forward to presenting to

as the whole shipping world in general –

solution meaning you are less dependent

the market.” Wärtsilä and GE’s innovative

there is no waste from the vessels, that’s all

on getting the gas into shore for processing

motor technology also has offers some of

taken care of and recorded in the correct

and shipping, so this is certainly a very

the lowest maintenance costs compared to

manner – and it’s a major focus for LNG

positive sign for the LNG industry. Swathes

alternative solutions, alongside a long service

shipping as a whole, perhaps even more

of other players are now looking at LNG

life and resulting key environmental benefits.

than with tankers and boat carriers. The

and seeing it as a viable alternative for

clients are, to a large extent, more focussed

smaller, and undoubtedly, remote areas,

by Awilco LNG as central to its continued

on this kind of environmental issue,” says

which can only help to further its cause


Skule Storheill.

and see its usage become more and more

There are several key markets identified

“We are certainly worldwide orientated, no

Having broken its way into an LNG market


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