Bilfinger Industrier | T: +47 48 02 4444
Increasing performance in the ISP
market Editorial: Rosie DeWinter
With a new range of Passive Fire Protection that will significantly help to increase performance and efficiency in the ISP market, Bilfinger Industrier Norge, first founded over a century ago, is further improving its position on the offshore and onshore oil & gas market. Based in Stavanger, Norway, Bilfinger Industrier has a long and successful history which now spans across 100 years, evolving to its current form from a series of mergers and acquisitions and expansion of market share. Bilfinger Industrier is the largest of
several businesses within the oil and gas division of Bilfinger SE, a major inter national engineering and services company. Following a rebranding to BIS in the early part of 2007, it then re-branded to Bilfinger Industrier in February
last year. Starting off in the insulation space, the company has early expanded into surface protection, scaffolding and related services over the years. Total World Energy speaks to J端rgen Liedl, Commercial Director at Bilfinger Industrier
Bilfinger Industrier Norge and Tor Minsaas, Director Technology & Support Systems, who explain the core business of the company today is ISP (Insulating, Scaffolding and Painting services) and rope access, with an increasing focus on related products like passive fire protection or habitats. Its product range includes prefabricated solutions for fire, acoustic, cryogenic and thermal protection, which have been tested and developed to meet the NORSOK requirements. The company holds ISO:9001, ISO:140001 and OHSAS 18001 certification. “We have increased our focus on developing new
products in the last few years,” explains Minsaas. “We have had our range of products for a number of years but now we have an increasing focus on creating new products that add increasing value to our customers.”
PRODUCT INNOVATION One of the most recent developments is a special product aimed at the insulating market, the Lambda Cryo Box. This is a prefabricated cryogenic
insulation system which has been designed and tested to insulate valves with operating temperatures down to -163°C. The solution can be removed and reinstalled multiple times, resulting in significant cost savings. The installation of the Lambda Cryo Box requires minimal heavy work which helps to result in the involvement of fewer personnel, so a more efficient installation and a safer working environment is met. “Over the last couple of
“Our staff have got trade certificates in individual trades such as insulation, surface protection or scaffolding”
years we have introduced and worked with a couple of new materials which are fairly strong. Our main focus of activity in our new product range is a polymer based material called Favuseal,” Minsaas explains. F a v u s e a l i s e x t re m e l y slim building and is able t o w i t h s t a n d t h e e x t re m e conditions that our c u s t o m e r s d e m a n d i n t o d a y ’s m a r k e t . “ I m p ro v i n g t h e p e r f o r m a n c e i n a j e t f i re , ” F a v u s e a l g e n e r a t e s e x t re m e l y low smoke development
Bilfinger Industrier w h e n i t re a c t s . E q u a l l y a s important, it is much easier to transport, easier to i n s t a l l a n d p ro v i d e s b e t t e r insulation whilst being a m u c h m o re e n v i ro n m e n t a l l y friendly option. The technology that has been used in developing Favuseal also helps to p ro t e c t w o r k e r s o n s i t e a s i t i s h a l o g e n - f re e a n d d o e s n o t g e n e r a t e c o r ro s i v e o r t o x i c g a s e s i n t h e e v e n t o f a f i re .
THE NEW HABITAT SYSTEM I n a d dition to th e i n t ro du ctio n of n ew a nd i n n o v ative mater ials, Li e d l an d Min s aas ex plai n t ha t B i l fi n ger In du s tr ier ha s a l so an n ou n ced a n ew p re ssuri z e d
“We see global potential for our product range and customers in all regions of the oil & gas industry are giving us excellent feedback on its performance”
ha bi ta t sy ste m ; w hi c h i s po rta bl e , fl e xi bl e a nd m o re c o st e ffe c ti v e tha n pre v i o us so l uti o ns a nd i s H SE e ffi c i e nt a t the sa m e ti m e . “ We ha v e ta k e n e xi sti ng te c hno l o g y a nd i m pro v e d i t so the ne w ha bi ta t i s m o re fl e xi bl e a nd e a si e r to ha ndl e ” e xpl a i ns M i nsa a s. T he sy ste m i s si m pl e a nd stra i g htfo rw a rd. As a n e xa m pl e , the sta ti o na ry c o ntro l uni t c a n be m o v e d o utsi de the ha bi ta t te nt a nd the re fo re ha bi ta t m a nni ng c a n be ha l v e d. T he so l uti o n c o m e s w i th ba tte ri e s tha t a re po w e rful e no ug h to run a 2 4 v o l t c o ntro l uni t, w hi c h o ffe rs si g ni fi c a ntl y hi g he r fl e xi bi l i ty i n o pe ra ti o ns c o m pa re d to a
SAL Offshore
t y p i cal 230 Volt s ys tem . A l so, t h e c o n t rol u n it o f th e ne w h ab i t at sys tem weigh onl y 20 k g a nd a re eas y to tr ansp ort an d i ns t a ll.
THE BEST PRODUCTS? W i t h so man y u n iqu e m a t e r i a l s in pro du ction, h o w d o Bilf in g er In du s t ri e r en s ure i t remain s amongst t h e t o p i n du s tr y leaders i n an i ncre a s in gly co mpet i t i v e in d u s t r y ? “ We believe o ur p ro d u cts are th e b es t – b ecau s e th ey are ! ” ex p l a i ns Min s aas . “ We ha v e sup er b d ocu men tation , for ex a m p l e o n th e Pas s ive F i re Pro tection , th ey are ex t rem e l y well tes ted. The y ’re t es t e d with dr ain plu g s a nd in s p e c t i on h atch es an d t he d o c um e ntatio n co ver s a ra nge
“We have an agreement with Statoil on a number of installations in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea as well as the big Kalundborg refinery in Denmark”
Global providers of high performance anti-corrosive coatings and passive fire protection
o f surfa c e a re a a nd m a ss, a s w e l l a s a bro a d ra ng e o f te m pe ra ture s o f the o bj e c t. ” D e spi te c o m pe ti ti v e m a rk e ts, Li e dl e xpl a i ns: “ We be l i e v e w e ’ v e g o t g re a t pro duc ts a nd a g re a t se rv i c e tha t w e de l i v e r. T he c o m bi ne d o ffe ri ng o f the se tw o pl us o ur stro ng m a rk e t po si ti o n g i v e us a n e xc e l l e nt ba si s fo r suc c e ssful furthe r de v e l o pm e nt. ”
DEDICATED MANUFACTURING In 2011, Bilfinger Industrier opened its existing head office in Stavanger and consolidated all the pre-fabrication works to this location. “We have a very advanced prefabrication workshop and we continuously invest in machinery and
Bilfinger Industrier equipment to ensure efficiency and quality of our production,” says Liedl. “This summer we then moved out what we call the flexible product to an additional workshop in Bergen. This gives us additional capacity and room to grow and develop the business,” Minsaas explains. W ith big frame agreements and ongoing installation and maintenance works, Liedl explains the bulk of the company’s business still lies with typical ISP services for key industry customers including Statoil and BP. “We have an agreement with Statoil on a number of installations in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea as well as the big Kalundborg refinery in Denmark. They’re a major customer and we have a very close and professional relationship with them.”
Mama’s Boys Because men listen to their mothers, Bilfinger Industrier is hanging life-size portraits of employee’s mothers on the walls at workplaces in Norway. In dozens of workshops, factories, refineries, industrial buildings and offshore installations, the portraits look down benevolently from their gilded frames. The portraits are part of a health and safety campaign developed by Kirsti Gerhardsen to ensure workers take their work seriously and pay attention. The accompanying brochures say it all: “Think carefully about everything that could happen. Love, Mom.”
W ith high expectations from its customers, it is vital that Bilfinger Industrier’s employees maintain the highest skillset. The company currently has 1,700 skilled employees working across Norway. “Our staff have got trade certificates in individual trades such as insulation, surface protection and scaffolding primarily,” Liedl explains. “We have well over 1,000 employees with trade certificates now and we are providing training to many people every year, both for our employees and external candidates too. These skills are very important for the ways in which we operate.”
Looking to the future, Bilfinger Industrier will concentrate on its large market share and expand further into other oil regions. “We aim to consolidate where we are, retain our large market share in our core markets and successfully grow our product portfolio further to meet the demands from the market and the needs of our customers.” explains Liedl. “We are looking to push our products on a global scale,” Minsaas adds. “We see global potential for our product range and customers in all regions of the oil & gas industry are giving us excellent feedback
on its performance.” “We are part of a global business group with about 1 billion Euro in revenue in the oil & gas market,” explains Liedl. “We work together with our sister companies to expand our portfolio in other relevant oil & gas industries like the UK, the Middle East or South East Asia.” W ith a century old history behind it and much to focus on over the coming years, it seems Bilfinger Industrier knows exactly what it is doing. “Not only are we able to take on large projects and large customers but our staff and our delivery skills definitely remain one of our key strengths,” concludes Liedl
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