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A unique decommissioning project

Editorial: Tim Hands

Situated in the Visaginas municipality of

At the time of its construction in 1978, the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) was the most powerful in the world, built to cater for the power needs not only of Lithuania, but also those of the North West of the former Soviet Union. Despite significant modification and upgrades to its reactors in recent years, however, the plant could not reach a required level of guaranteed safety, leading to the permanent closure of the last of its two units in December 2009.

Lithuania, the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) is a closed two-unit RBMK-1500 nuclear power station, Unit 1 of which was brought online in 1983. The restitution of Lithuania’s independence in 1990 saw the INPP become of even greater importance to the national energy system, producing in 1991 some 60 percent of the country’s energy, and recording a record figure in 1993 of 88 percent of the electricity necessary for the state, the largest contribution to the common electricity production in world nuclear history. Its 26 years of operation has seen the plant produce, with its two Units combined,




307,9 billion kWh of electricity, selling in total

not be feasibly upgraded to an appropriate

restructuring, environmental upgrading and

279,8 billion kWh of this. Construction of a

level of safety. The significant upheaval

modernisation of the energy production,

third Unit did in fact begin at the plant during

associated with the decommissioning of

transmission and distribution sectors in

the 1980s, at which point the operation

a plant of this scope has been somewhat

Lithuania, as well as to enhancing the

of Unit 1 and construction of other units

mitigated by large-scale assistance from

security of energy supply and improving

accounted for the employment of 13,573

the EU, whose aid is foreseen not merely

energy efficiency in the country. The Ignalina

persons. Construction of a third Unit did in

for the decommissioning of the reactors,

Programme includes in addition measures to

fact begin in 1985, with the project reaching

but equally importantly to address issues

support plant personnel in maintaining a high

approximately 60 percent completion by

with maintaining adequate safety levels

level of operational safety at the INPP, both

the time of the Chernobyl disaster. This was

at the plant, primarily through promoting

in the period prior to closure and during the

brought to a halt in 1988 and demolition

responsibility and retraining at the INPP.

decommissioning exercise.

completed in 2009. A construction huge


European Union, the closure of Unit 2 at

in scale, some 142 km of roads, 50 km of

Between the years of 1999 and 2013

the plant represented the termination of

railway, 390 km of communication lines, 334

Lithuania had been in receipt of a total of

Lithuania’s nuclear power generation, whose

km of electricity lines, 133 km of sewerage

€1.367 billion of community support for

electricity had provided the country with a

lines, as well as a colossal 3,544,000 m3

decommissioning, while further, much

major export as well as around 70% of the

of concrete and reinforced concrete and

smaller scale, funds have also been donated

electricity required by its population. The last

76,480 tonnes of reinforcement were

by many Member States through the Ignalina

of the years in which the plants two reactors

necessary to bring the INPP into operation.

International Decommissioning Support

were both online, 2004, saw the country

Fund. The Ignalina Programme covers many

produce 13.9 billion kWh out of a total 19.3

INPP came in large part due to concerns

different aspects of this task, all geared

billion kWh which its 3.5 million population

relating to weaknesses in the design of

toward supporting the decommission of

called for, still maintaining a production of 9.8

the containment, meaning that the RMBK

the INPP, and implementing measures

billion kWh in 2007 from its only remaining

reactors in use at the Ignalina plant could

following its closure to assure the necessary

operational nuclear reactor.

A condition of Lithuania’s entry into the

ordered in 1989, with the dismantling work

The decision to cease operations at the


the European Union stated that, “the new

5650 tonnes of equipment to be dismantled

has meant that Lithuania has been forced to

nuclear power plant project has become

over the course of this year. The hope here

rely on importing over 60% of its electricity,

a very important goal of the Lithuania

is that such efficient assets realisation,

alongside bringing in almost 90% of the

government’s policy,” with the first of its

undertaken so as to assure the most efficient

gas it needs from Russia, at a significantly

reactors potentially coming online by 2018.

use of the enterprise funds and asset

The 2009 closure of this second reactor

management, will encourage Lithuanian and

higher price than that paid by other EU countries. Lithuania has however proposed


foreign business representatives to pursue

building a new power plant to replace

The decommissioning activities around

more active participation in INPP public

the generation power of Ignalina, with the

the INPP were structured in such a way as

procurement and asset sale auctions. The

participation of its neighbouring countries,

to earn nearly six million Litas through the

generation of this additional income was in

Poland, Estonia and Latvia. Another two-

sale of various steel and electronic scrap,

turn supplemented by massive reductions

unit plant with a capacity of up to 3,400

redundant equipment, written off vehicles,

in expenditure on energy resources at the

megawatts, it would be sited at Visaginas,

office equipment, building materials and

Plant, with outgoings around 13 million Litas

near to Ignalina, at an estimated cost of €6.7

timber in 2013. This material was sold via

less than had been expected. This reduction

billion. The government’s notice of public

a series of 57 auctions, and is likely to be

was primarily achieved due to the technical

work concession in the Official Journal of

supplemented by a similar profiting from the

and organisational measures of then Energy


INPP process.”

Resources Saving Programme at the Plant,

of the existing Ignalina NPP’s cranes at the

which brought about savings of nine percent

spent fuel storage pool halls is necessary

with regards electricity, 14 percent in heat

to satisfy the technical preconditions of one

Ignalina was approved in 2005 by the order

consumption and ten percent less gas and

of the key decommissioning projects. This

of the Minister of Economy of the Republic

water, respectively in comparison with the

project is specifically important because

of Lithuania and loosely follows three stages,

figures of 2012.

introducing a single-failure-proof system will

from initial suspension, followed by the

ensure the safe handling of spent fuel during

most technically-challenging dismantling,

operations at the units.”

through to the demolition or re-use of the

HEAVY LIFTING In February of this year, the INPP issued

With over 50 years of nuclear experience,

The Final Decomissioning Plan (FDP) at

buildings. The site is expected to reach

a crane modernisation project order to

and one of the most experienced and

brownfield status by 2029, in such a way as

Konecranes, with a view to upgrading

diversified engineering teams in the nuclear

to allow for a rehabilitation of the territory and

two existing spent fuel cask cranes to the

material handling business at its disposal,

economic development while preserving the

superior Konecranes SuperSafe single-

Konecranes is perfectly equipped to

infrastructure currently in place

failure-proof trolley design.

undertake this vital work, as details Nicholas

A key part of the decommissioning

Bellwood, Konecranes’ Sales Director

process, nuclear spent fuel needs to

Nuclear in Europe: “We understood the high

be moved from the power plant to a

safety requirements that INPP had for the

storage facility, and this modernisation by

nuclear power plant and it was the perfect

Konecranes will move casks with spent fuel

match to our SuperSafe single-failure-proof

from the pool and allow the casks to be

crane technology. We also understood that

relocated to the other facility.

INPP has very important schedules that

Darius Janulevicius, Director General of

must be adhered to for the decommissioning

INPP, spoke of the central safety concerns

to carry on as planned, as the cranes are

the upgrade will address. “Modernisation

an integral part of the decommissioning

“The new nuclear power plant project has become a very important goal of the Lithuania government’s policy”


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