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Northwind: Innovative green power for Belgium

Tim Hands

Since its founding in 2007, Northwind’s mission has remained unchanging; to develop, finance, construct and operate a windfarm capable of powering 230,000 households on the Bank zonder Naam (Lodewijkbank), located in the North Sea off the Ostend coast.


Parkwind NV Financing for the project was finalised in

by Belgian dredging giant DEME to its

gave Sumitomo sufficient confidence to

June 2012, a financial investment plan

offshore affiliate GeoSea, while, in a move

join this project,” says Biesemans.

that was the result of four months’ work in

guaranteed to inspire the very best results,

total, undertaken by nearly one hundred of

the export cabling will be completed by

it terms the “future-oriented and exciting

the finest minds operating in the fields of

fierce competitor Jan De Nul.

sector of renewable energy,” developing,

The Aspiravi Group specialises in what

Parkwind entered into its strategic

investing in and operating projects for

represents a third of the offshore

partnership with the Japanese industrial

producing green energy. It is this vision

windfarms located on the Lodewijk Bank,

group Sumitomo in May of this year,

that sees it so firmly focussed on wind

37 kilometres from the Ostend coast,

providing the shareholders and

energy projects in Belgium, the North Sea

with its ownership divided up between

management team of Parkwind with a

and abroad.

three main parties: approximately 33.4%

further strong partner to allow for the

is owned by Parkwind, while Aspiravi

continued development of its offshore

management have combined to allow for

Holding NV and Sumitomo Corporation

wind activities.

a healthy growth over the past 10 years,

banking, legal and insurance. Northwind

hold 33.3% each. Northwind CEO Frank

This is a coming-together

A healthy financial situation and sound

and simultaneously enables the group to

Coenen underlined at its announcement

wholeheartedly welcomed by Wim

build at a steady pace on a sustainable

in 2012 how significant this project

Biesemans, CEO of Parkwind, who

future for the next generations. It is mainly

is for the Belgian energy in general,

reaffirms the support it brings to its

due to its participation in offshore wind

crediting the government’s commitment

energy that the Colruyt Group has, since

to this vital development and delineating

2011, managed to achieve the feat of

how Belgium is leading the way in its advancement: “Thanks to the framework created by the government, Belgium is at the top of offshore wind farms. We are the champions. Not only as far as construction of wind farms is concerned, but also as far as know-how in the field is concerned. We can be proud of that.” Construction began in March of the following year, 2013, and completion is currently scheduled to be imminent, in mid-2014. This followed the area

“Thanks to the framework created by the government Belgium is at the top of offshore wind farms. We are the champions.”

generating more power from renewable energy sources, both solar and wind energy, than it consumes. Colruyt Group operates in the food and non-food distribution sector in Belgium, France and Luxembourg, holding some 400 of its own stores and over 500 affiliated stores, and when it comes to constructing or renovating these buildings, it is without fail systematically examined whether solar panels are a feasible upgrade option to further drive its commitment to sustainable development.

concession being granted in 2006, and

An integral aspect of any offshore

the decision that the Belwind 2 project

commitment to innovation: “By teaming

would connect to Northwind, before

up with this partner, Parkwind strengthens

development is the ability to be able to

then connecting directly to the shore.

its ability to develop the production of

monitor, with the highest accuracy, the

The 216 MW park is comprised of 72

sustainable energy at sea. It confirms our

performance of the asset.

individual turbines, the cost of which is

position as a leading company in Europe

likely to top 850 million euros. It is an

in the field of developing, building and

partnering with the SynaptiQ Wind

investment whose majority is backed,

running offshore wind farms.”

monitoring platform, whose advanced

in the main, by the banks who provide

Ever since the Fukushima nuclear

Parkwind recently announced its

SCADA data analysis toolkit will deliver

70% of the necessary finance, with the

disaster in Japan, the country has applied

just this, with its independent reporting

project partners contributing the remaining

an even greater focus to its development

set to even further improve performance

30%. This responsibility will be fulfilled

of renewable energy sources, with the

for the company’s Belwind offshore wind

to the tune of 209 million by the Colruyt

collective know-how within the Northwind


Group, current shareholders of Parkwind,

project clearly appreciated at an

while about 70 million euros will be

international level and drawing Sumitomo

justified its selection of the system as

injected by Aspiravi alongside additional

into its first offshore wind project. “I am

such: “We chose SynaptiQ Wind for

financial investments from the investment

particularly proud that we were able to

our operations and asset management

company Gimv, the Colruyt family and

come to this partnership. The experience

because we trust the robustness of the

the Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen

gained and the reputation of our team

data collection and real-time database.

PMV. The building of the foundations

and our shareholders as well as the actual

We were looking for a customizable,

and turbine cabling has been contracted

coherent regulatory framework in Belgium

flexible tool that would help save time

Eric Antoons, Parkwind COO,


optimised operation.

in reporting. SynaptiQ answers these

for the Northwind project will be provided

needs. The accurate reporting module is

by Vestas, whose products are designed

especially useful to our operations. It will

so that the completed windfarm will

a large number of standard components

also support our ambition to improve the

be fully compliant with the applicable

is excellent news for the ease of

operational performance of the assets by

grid codes at the point of common

maintenance and replacement, as these

an advanced and integrated monitoring.�

coupling. The company prides itself on a

can be easily sourced by several suppliers,

This will prove integral to maintaining and

commitment to innovative design founded

and in turn ensure a high level of both

improving the performance of the 165

on decades of experience in the field and

availability and reliability. The V112-3.0

MW windfarm, located on the Bligh Bank,

the V112-3.0 MW turbine exemplifies this,

MW three-bladed offshore turbine was

about 46 kilometres off the Belgian coast

taking tried and tested technology and

developed to yield the maximum possible

and operational since 2010, which is to be

improving it even further, via significant

output in the conditions to be faced by

extended with another 55 turbines that will

innovations in the areas of both blade

the Northwind park, delivering optimum

double its capacity to 330 MW by 2016.

and nacelle design, as well as its cooling

power in average wind speeds of up to

The turbines selected

systems and load-

That this design is also achieved using

ten metres a second, and this next great stride for modern energy seems the perfect fit for a project so significant to renewable energy as Northwind

Parkwind NV

Innovative marine and offshore solutions

Drilling and piling of large diameter monopiles

Installation works with jack-up platforms

Wind turbine erection

Accommodation units

Grouting activities

EPCI contracts

Offshore site investigation

Directional drilling

Jacket installation (pre-piling / post-piling)

Foundation and wind turbine maintenance and repair services

Foundation and wind turbine logistics

Installation of transition pieces GeoSea nv Haven 1025 – Scheldedijk 30 B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium T +32 3 250 53 12 F +32 3 250 55 41

Š Shell

member of the Deme Group PAGE 5

+44 (0) 1603 411555 East Coast Promotions Ltd, 2 Ardney Rise Norwich, Norfolk NR3 3QH

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