Sakson group

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Sakson Holding | + 971 44 579 366

Trailblazing where the going is tough Editorial: Colin Chinery

Outstanding quality management systems and diligent HSE adherence are guiding principals behind the Sakson Group’s exceptional drilling performances. And there is another characteristic - a willingness to take on and succeed with projects in challenging locations. To say that Sakson Drilling & Oil Services sends its rigs where others fear to tread might be an exaggeration, but in the seven years since its formation, the Dubai-based business has won a reputation as an accomplished oil field First Mover. Serving the oil and gas industry with quality equipment, reliable services, and highly skilled personnel, Sakson’s core activity is in the drilling sector in which it provides the rig and the operational team.


“We are – currently – focused on exploration drilling in logistically challenging basins. And this is our strength,” says Erik Houlleberghs, Vice President Corporate Affairs and New Business Development. Established in 2006 as an independent drilling contractor specialising in the management of drilling rigs and tubular running services provision, Sakson then expanded its geographical operational reach first into Iraqi-Kurdistan.

It was a pioneering feat in a region then considered unchartered and challenging: “We were one of the first companies brave enough to move there and were pretty successful.” In 2011 Sakson went into East Africa, - Tanzania and Kenya – and moved its headquarters from Cairo in 2013 - where it still has a presence - to Dubai, from where it manages its expanding operations in the Middle East,

Sakson Holding Norther n & Easter n Africa and Central Asia.

UNIQUE CONCEPT The Sakson Holding consists of three subsidiaries; Sakson Egypt Petroleum, Sakson Drilling and Oil Services and Saknafta Egypt Petroleum Services, a diversity creating value with and for its customers through a unique customised service concept. Today the Sakson Drilling and Oil Services operates and manages a fleet of eleven rigs, eight of which it owns. Altogether these range from 1,000 HP truck-mounted units to 3,000 HP land rigs, with the capability to reach a depth of 7,000 meters.

“In Kurdistan we represent about 15 - 20% of the market. In Turkmenistan we are the only foreign entity drilling there. In East Africa we are good for about 10% of the market, whilst in Algeria we representing a small percentage, but growing.” said Mr Houlleberghs. Outstanding quality management systems and diligent HSE adherence are guiding principals behind the firm’s exceptional drilling performances. And with its excellent relationships with rig manufacturers, Sakson has built a solid reputation for delivering on what it promises: on time, first time, and every time. To ensure that newly built rigs

are up to the highest of standards, Sakson Drilling & Oil Services has developed its own protocols for quality assurance upon acceptance of a unit. Its engineers are present at the manufacturers’ sites during every stage to audit and the entire process is overseen. And before shipping, the unit is fully assembled to reassure a client that the rig will be operational on delivery.

FORMIDABLE ABILITIES Sakson’s ability to perform in the most demanding and challenging circumstances is formidable. From the operational issues in an environmentally sensitive area off Tanzania, to the non-


solution that meets the industry ISO-specifications.

COST-EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS “This is something we are very proud of. Together with our client we looked at the situation and came up with a cost effective solution by thinking a little out of the box. Putting expertise and knowledge

infrastructure challenges in Kenya and the serial logistical complexities in Turkmenistan, its adaptability and ingenuity delivers premium results in impressive time scales. A nice example of Sakson Drilling & Oil Services’ determination to create value for its client is a project it is carrying out in the Turkmenistan sector of the Caspian, working in water depths of up to 30 metres. “Normally you would deploy a rig used to working offshore, but to get such a structure into the Caspian is not easy. First you have to bring the rig into the Black Sea via the Bosporus and from there to cross Russia into the Volga-Don channel and into the Volga River to reach the Caspian Sea.” Meantime the large off-shore drilling structures are throwing up problems: “The first difficulties are the bridges on the Bosporus, which are fairly low. So to get


beneath you have to partly dismantle your jack-up rig. Once that’s sorted out, the narrowness of the Don Volga channel means that to reach the Volga river you have to further dismantle the installation to get it onto the boats. “Then, once on location in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, you have to start assembling everything. Building a jack-up rig in the Caspian Sea, is – currently – not an option, because there are no yards available capable of fabricating a jack up rig.” “So together with our client, we went for a creative solution. They designed and built an off-shore installation capable of housing a rig (and all its support equipment including living quarters for the crew). We designed a ‘land’ rig to fit the off-shore structure and ensured it was ‘sea-water / salt’ resistant. Combining the engineering strength of our own people with that of our client, we came up with a cost effective

“Our dedication to delivering top quality service while maintaining HSE standards has been the driving force behind our success”

on the table to find a cost effective solution is, I would say, something we are very good at.” To reach an East African project Sakson moved a rig some 600km into parts of Kenya were the local transport infrastructure was very limited and supporting industry was very much in its infancy. Accessibility was also an issue in Tanzania, with Sakson winning complimentary feedback from its client on the co-operation between Sakson and its team. “In respect of a client, we certainly don’t see an ‘Us and

Sakson Holding Them,’ much more a joint approach in which by putting all the available expertise on the table we come up with the most cost-effective solution,” says Mr Houlleberghs. “And in this current price environment, cost efficiency is, more than ever, extremely important.” “The best way of giving our clients cost efficiency is by ensuring our drilling teams perform to the very best of their capabilities and ‘deliver’ a well compliant to the specifications of the client ahead of its drilltime schedule. Each day a well is completed ahead of time our customer saves between, let’s say, well over 50,000 US dollars depending on location and type of rig. If we can terminate a week earlier by performing our work to the

“In Kurdistan at the moment we have five rigs making up perhaps 20% of the market, three in Algeria, representing a small percentage, in East Africa one rig accounting for 10% of the market”

nth degree of professionalism, then the customer saves a very significant amount of money.” Sakson’s commitment says Mr Houlleberghs, is to constantly develop and advance its performance-driven culture, reinforced by a relentless diligence in the planning and execution of its operations. “We are pushing hard to make sure that drilling proceeds as smoothly as possible, ensuring that spare parts are delivered on time and repairs completed immediately.” The Sakson Drilling & Oil Services’ organisational structure making this possible is characterised by a continuous push towards greater individual productivity levels through intensive recruiting, training and retention.

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SAKSON PEOPLE KEY “The quality of our people is a further reason for our success, with our training ensuring they stay on top of their skill sets. Another major key is that being a young company our equipment is also young and state of art. “And with our teams working in quite remote areas, we use new and highly maintained accommodation camps close to the vicinity of the rig. We need good people, and to keep them, we offer a living environment that is up to standard.” Sakson Drilling & Oil Services is home to a multi-cultural workforce, with employees from various Middle Eastern countries, as well as from European, African and Asian countries. This multiethnicity helps the company is complying with requests from local Governments to hire local nationals as drill crew members, train them and share experiences with them. “In Algeria, we operate rigs with a full Algerian crew. In Tanzania and Turkmenistan, the ratio local versus expat employees outscores the levels set by the Government.” Sakson’s strategy, says Mr Houlleberghs, is one of portfolio diversification, with a growing emphasis on building sufficient name recognition to expand into development & production drilling. “We have a solid reputation as ‘exploration drillers’. We are now starting to target the big players in the industry like Saudi-Aramco, Shell, and ExxonMobil. It is our intention to acquire over the next couple of years sufficient name renegotiation within the industry


Sakson Holding to work for the big boys as well, including various Middle Eastern national oil companies.” “We have a very solid anchorage within the Middle East and the Arab world. W ith many business opportunities in the Middle East – for instance in Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Oman – this is an asset we want to explore further.”

PROBLEM SOLVER With the oil and gas industry evolving at a rapid pace and w i t h i t t h e i n c re a s i n g c h a l l e n g e of anticipating and solving t h e p ro b l e m s o f t h e f u t u re , Sakson is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve to meet t h e g ro w i n g d e m a n d s o f t h e market. “Our dedication to delivering a top quality service while

“In respect of a licence owner, we certainly don’t see an ‘Us and Them,’ much more a joint approach in which by putting all the available expertise on the table we come up with the most cost-effective solution”

m a i n t a i n i n g H S E s t a n d a rd s h a s b e e n t h e d r i v i n g f o rc e behind our success. And this commitment to constantly develop and advance our p e r f o r m a n c e - d r i v e n c u l t u re i s re i n f o rc e d b y a c e a s e l e s s diligence in the planning and execution of our operations. “At the moment we own eight r i g s a n d m a n a g e a n o t h e r t h re e , and our eight to ten year target ( a m b i t i o n ) i s t o re a c h u p t o 3 0 rigs. “Our business strategy is to provide our clients with world-class quality services, equipment and products, operational cost efficiency and fit-for-purpose applications of advanced technology. And it is one that I believe defines the Sakson Drilling and Oil Services and its operations.”

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