JA N UA RY /D EC EM B ER 2 0 1 8 /1 9
On the Move Nissan LEAF tops electric car sales in Europe
Page 24
Resilient and Robust
Kuwait Oil Company have a fascinating history and phenomenal foresight into the future, Pg 38
The ‘Preferred Shipyard'
N-KOM has made a big splash in the world for ocean freights within a few years., Page 44
Morocco’s Ambitious Energy Aim
Masen's goal is to secure 52% of the country’s energy from renewable sources by 2030, Page 50
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editors totalworld.energy
DECEMBER/JANUARY Managing Editor Gert Le Roux editor@total-world-energy.com Sub-Editor Jean Atlantagana Editorial Writer Kien Ingate Editorial Writer Mike Garwin Editorial Writer Victoria South Editorial Writer Mike Garwinnn
“Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people.” David Sarnoff
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© East Coast Promotions Ltd 2018
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A competitive business is one that performs better than the competition – ideally in a sustainable way rather than just over the short-term. In order to be competitive, a business needs to have one or more competitive advantages. Competitive advantages are those factors that enable a business to outperform the competition. For those advantages to work effectively, they need to be sustainable.
Gert La Roux
totalworld.energy editor www.total-world-energy.com |
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In the final edition of what has been a fantastic year of us speaking to some of the true industry pioneers in the sector, Europe has faced some of its most stringent economic-, social- and political challenges during Brexit and we are still unaware how it will turn out. However, business within the sector has stayed strong and we prove this once again in the December/ January edition. Our focus this month is “Business men on the move” and how battery-operated vehicles are becoming a huge influence on the daily commute. What do we mean by “Competitiveness”?
totalworld.energy contents
editors note
06. 14.
the month's news
the view from Gert La Roux
selected news from the month
watch this space
On the Move
Nissan Leaf makes a breakthrough
contents totalworld.energy
contents 32.
Kuwait Oil
Bauer Maschienen
Kaombo Project
Oman Drydock
Royal Boskalis Westminister
Ingenio Magdalena
Celebrating World AIDS month
Exibitions in Africa
A global giant with the local touch
Resilient and Robust
Why N-KOM has become the ‘preferred shipyard in the Middle East.
Morocco’s aim of ‘52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030.’
The Story for Quality from Bauer Maschinen
Smulders aim to ‘make our client’s wishes a reality
In deep water
A world leader in dry dock facilities
Singapore “award of this sizable project marks a historic moment” for Boskalis
Sustainability at the core
The Events this month
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SANAC discusses the power of sport in tackling HIV
totalworld.energy news roundup
OGA Highlights Greater Buchan Area
The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has initiated a new area plan to maximize economic recovery (MER) from the Greater Buchan area of the North Sea and is asking oil and gas operators to work together to develop the 150-300 MMboe estimated to be present in the area. The Greater Buchan area, situated in the Outer Moray Firth, features considerable open, currently unlicensed acreage, including several undeveloped discoveries. To maximize recovery of the potential recoverable resources in the area, the OGA will open a supplementary licensing round in 1Q 2019 which will be supported by newly available data. The OGA is encouraging companies to partner with each other and collaborate to progress exploration and new developments in the area. In advance of the round, the OGA will host an information session in Aberdeen for interested oil and gas companies on Nov. 15, 2018. At the event, the OGA will provide an overview on the timing and process of the supplementary license round and give further details on the supporting information which will be made available. Andy Samuel, OGA chief executive, said: “A number of companies have already been showing high interest in the Greater Buchan Area, the exciting exploration potential and the many undeveloped discoveries. That’s why we’ve taken the decision to use a supplementary licensing round coupled with an area plan to help unlock the progression of what could be significant remaining resources. “There’s much to play for across this whole region so we are strongly encouraging prospective operators to look beyond individual opportunities and actively partner with other likeminded companies to potentially bring forward mutually beneficial clusters of developments.” 6 | total-world-energy.com
Oil Slump Highlights Anxiety Over Weak Emerging Markets in 2019
Just weeks after oil traders were touting $100/bbl, those predictions now seem a distant memory. Oil is trading more than $10/bbl lower than it was earlier this month, when it reached a four-year high. More Saudi and Russian crude, higher-than-expected Iranian exports and a sharp drop in gasoline refinery margins are playing a part in the sell-off. Lurking in the background is a much bigger threat: the possibility of the global economy heading into trouble in 2019, curtailing oil demand growth. “Next year’s oil balance is bearish, let’s face it,” said Tamas Varga, an analyst at PVM Oil Associates Ltd. “The dump is understandable, and if the Saudis are actually going to increase production, I don’t think the market will recover.” Here’s a look at the main factors behind the price tumble in recent weeks. Who will buy? Traders have pointed to a broader selloff in equity markets as putting pressure on oil prices, spurring concerns about sluggish global economic growth. For emerging markets, that’s especially painful. Crude has reached record prices in the local currencies of Brazil and Turkey this year, while others including India have seen soaring fuel bills. The recent price drop “comes as little surprise with attention now clearly being focused on the weakening economic situation and gloomy demand outlook,” JBC Energy GmbH said in a research note. Pump all you can OPEC and its allies are in a “produce as much as you can mode” in order to replace any looming shortages, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih told an energy conference in Riyadh this week, adding that his country will likely lift output in the coming months. Add to that higher Russian production, a return
of Libyan output, and the market is finding healthy supply just at a time when demand is waning. Iran worries U.S. sanctions snap back on Iran in less than two weeks, and traders have banked on a steep drop in crude supplies from the Islamic Republic. However, buyers of Iranian crude are said to be increasingly confident that they will get at least some waivers when the U.S. measures return on Nov. 4. At the same time, tracking Iranian exports has become trickier as the country’s oil tankers switch off transponders, leading to a higher revision of previous exports as the ship signals reappear. Margin call Refineries are feeling the slump in demand as well. In Europe gasoline cracks this month dropped to the lowest level since 2013, while those margins in the U.S. reached a two-year low. Add to that a market structure that indicates shortterm weakness, and there are plenty of signs of stress on physical supplies. “The refinery margins are hurting, and that is just because there is not enough demand to absorb all the products, especially gasoline,” said Petromatrix GmbH Managing Director Olivier Jakob. Technical tumble Compounding oil’s suddenly bleaker outlook was a sudden crash through major technical hurdles. Brent slumped quickly through its 50-day and 100-day moving averages on Tuesday for the first time since August. That could pave the way lower to the next major psychological barrier, the 200-day moving average, which is around $74/bbl, according to CMC markets analyst Michael Hewson. It’s a move that may have room to run, with Brent not yet oversold on its 14-day Relative Strength Index.
news roundup totalworld.energy
Majors Pursue China with $24-billion Spending Spree A Chinese archipelago that served as a pirate’s den in centuries past and was governed by President Xi Jinping in the new millennium is luring the world’s energy giants. State-run Saudi Arabian Oil and U.S. behemoth Exxon Mobil were among firms that signed $24 billion in preliminary deals last Thursday at the International Petroleum and Natural Gas Enterprises Conference in Zhoushan -- the main island in a group of over 1,300 off China’s east coast. In the evening, billionaire Li Shuirong hosted a reception, where guests from BP to Glencore sipped on Chateau Latour claret while sampling Peking duck and barbecued local seafood. Li had reason to celebrate. Saudi Arabia’s state oil company agreed to buy a stake in a refinery that his firm, Rongsheng Petrochemical Co., is building there. The high-profile deal illustrated the potential for Zhoushan and the wider Zhejiang province, in which the archipelago is located, to play an outsize role in energy markets. The local government’s ambition for a processing, storage and trading hub is spurring a rush for a piece of the pie. “China’s paramount position in the oil market today” is an important reason why almost 800 attendees were present at the IPEC gathering, said Janet Kong, who heads BP’s Asia trading business. “This position will become even bigger and heavier,” she said in a speech at the Oct. 18 event. While China is currently engaged in a trade war with the U.S. and its economy has slowed from the breakneck speeds of the previous decade, its demand for energy is still growing. It overtook America last year as the world’s biggest buyer of overseas crude and is now also
the top importer of natural gas, ahead of Japan. As part of plans to revamp the economy, China has set up several free trade zones that typically feature fewer regulatory hurdles, greater transparency over government rules and looser restrictions for foreign investment. One such FTZ was established last year at Zhoushan in the province where Xi served as governor in the 2000s before he ascended to the nation’s presidency. Xi has designated the development of FTZs as a way to advance its reform and open up policies, according to state news agency Xinhua on Wednesday. “This is where incremental demand can be seen for the foreseeable future, and with its ambition to build a global trading hub, it could potentially rival Singapore,” said Li, an analyst with Shanghai-based commodities researcher ICIS China. “It will remain as a hot spot of focus in the oil market.” A total of 25 deals with a total potential value of 165.6 billion yuan were signed at Zhoushan on Oct. 18, the provincial government said in a statement. Most of the pacts during IPEC were framework agreements that may be subject to changes later. Pirates lair The archipelago was a haunt for pirates, including legendary buccaneer Wang Zhi, in the 15th and 16th centuries, and was also embroiled in the Opium Wars of the mid-1800s, when the British gave it up in exchange for Hong Kong. Now, after other cities such as Hangzhou and Ningbo turned Zhejiang into an affluent manufacturing hub, Zhoushan is seeking to take advantage of its location to become an energy-trading center. It’s also home to a part of China’s
Strategic Petroleum Reserve. One of the biggest projects in the works is Rongsheng’s energy and petrochemical complex, which will process about 400,000 bopd and is set to start operations by the end of 2018. There are plans to double the plant’s capacity by 2020, which would elevate it to the ranks of the largest refineries in the world. Apart from taking a stake in the project, Saudi Arabia’s state oil giant -known as Aramco -- will also supply crude via a long-term contract to the plant. That’s part of the Middle East kingdom’s strategy of investing in Asian refineries to lock in demand for its supplies and secure market share in the region. LNG deal While Rongsheng is preparing to start its refinery, ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. has begun operations at an LNG receiving terminal in Zhoushan. The project will be able to handle 3 MM metric tons a year in its first phase, with annual capacity to increase to 5 MM tons by 2021. Exxon Mobil signed a preliminary deal to supply 1 MM metric tons of LNG to Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group for 20 years beginning in the early 2020s. BP was said to be in the process of forming an oil-trading venture with Wuchan Zhongda Group, which is controlled by the local government, while a collaboration between Zhejiang Petroleum and Glencore is planning to trade 10 MM tons of oil a year. “Unlike other conferences that tend to be forums for discussing regional or global market trends, this one is more narrowly focused on the Zhejiang market, which is where there are new opportunities,” Michal Meidan, an analyst at industry consultant Energy Aspects, said during the IPEC event. total-world-energy.com | 7
totalworld.energy news roundup
8 | total-world-energy.com
news roundup totalworld.energy
Anglo-Dutch energy giant Royal Dutch Shell on Tuesday appointed Ben van Beurden, director of the group's refining and marketing operations, as chief executive to replace outgoing head Peter Voser. The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has initiated a new area plan to maximize economic recovery (MER) from the Greater Buchan area of the North Sea and is asking oil and gas operators to work together to develop the 150-300 MMboe estimated to be present in the area. The Greater Buchan area, situated in the Outer Moray Firth, features considerable open, currently unlicensed acreage, including several undeveloped discoveries. To maximize recovery of the potential recoverable resources in the area, the OGA will open a supplementary licensing round in 1Q 2019 which will be supported by newly available data. The OGA is encouraging companies to partner with each other and collaborate to progress exploration and new developments in the area. In advance of the round, the OGA will host an information session in Aberdeen for interested oil and gas companies on Nov. 15, 2018. At the event, the OGA will provide an overview on the timing and process of the supplementary license round and give further details on the supporting information which will be made available. Andy Samuel, OGA chief executive, said: “A number of companies have already been showing high interest in the Greater Buchan Area, the exciting exploration potential and the many undeveloped discoveries. That’s why we’ve taken the decision to use a supplementary licensing round coupled with an area plan to help unlock the progression of what could be significant remaining resources. “There’s much to play for across this whole region so we are strongly encouraging prospective operators to look beyond individual opportunities and actively partner with other likeminded companies to potentially bring forward mutually beneficial clusters of developments.” total-world-energy.com | 9
totalworld.energy news roundup
Leading supply chain voice to join OGUK board Oil and Gas UK has appointed a new member to its board to further bolster the industry body’s ongoing efforts to maximise economic recovery from the North Sea and reaffirm strong competitive conditions. Sian Lloyd Rees, UK country manager and SVP of customer management at Aker Solutions, has been appointed to represent the services sector as the leading trade association looks to boost supply chain opportunities both at home and abroad. With over 25 years’ experience, Sian Lloyd Rees joined Aker Solutions following several key leadership roles in blue chip and start-up companies. Her career began in the oil and gas industry at Stena Offshore and Halliburton before progressing into the IT industry with positions at Petrocosm and Oracle. In her current role, Sian is country manager for the UK and leads the customer management function for Europe and Africa as senior vice president. Commenting on her new position, Sian Lloyd Rees said: “I’m delighted to join the board of Oil & Gas UK and look forward to championing our industry as we look to realise our ambitions outlined in Vision 2035. “Our industry is still facing many challenges and our continued efforts 10 | total-world-energy.com
to deliver safe, reliable and affordable energy for the UK will be ensured through improved efficiencies, application of technology, and collaboration. “I look forward to being part of the board, working alongside Oil & Gas UK’s leadership team as they seek to deliver tangible results.” Chief Executive of Oil & Gas UK, Deirdre Michie said: “I am really pleased to welcome Sian to Oil & Gas UK’s board as she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience – particularly in digital areas – that will be hugely beneficial. “We have experienced some positive news this year after industry’s collective hard work in attracting investment, increasing efficiencies and remaining competitive – with more projects approved in 2018 than in the last three years combined. “Our focus now is to build on our achievements to ensure we tackle the challenge of maximising economic recovery from the basin, whilst helping to boost opportunities for our globally renowned supply chain. I look forward to working with our board to ensure we deliver on that objective in what remains a tough business environment for many.”
news roundup totalworld.energy
total-world-energy.com | 11
totalworld.energy news roundup
Two Small Towns in Germany Seek to Realize Trump’s LNG Dream
Downstream from Hamburg, two small ports on the Elbe River are competing to build Germany’s first liquefied natural gas import terminal and help shake up Europe’s biggest gas market. Hugging opposite banks of the river before it arcs into the North Sea, Stade and Brunsbuettel are battling for federal approval and hundreds of millions of euros in investment. The government may announce a winner next year, ending dithering about the need for such a facility and pressure by President Donald Trump to import U.S. fuel to cut reliance on Russian gas. Both sites tout their advantages but the main winner will be Germany, said Oliver Grundmann, Stade’s constituency lawmaker from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, on the phone Monday. The nation is also considering other sites, such as Wilhelmshaven in the northeast, after decades of reliance on pipelines to Russia, Norway and the Netherlands. “The strategic relevance of diversifying our gas supplies via LNG is, I hope, by now a given,” Grundmann said. “The big question is who can build it fast and run it cost-effectively.” Pressure by Trump on Germany this summer to dump its support for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline project in favor of U.S. shale gas in ships is a boon to ports 12 | total-world-energy.com
jockeying to become a LNG hub. Federal aid is seen as critical to the project’s structured finance, enabling the winner to speed up construction. Supplies of gas to Germany from the rest of Europe are drying up, boosting Russia’s position as the primary source for heating, industry and power plants. Russia accounted for about 45% of Germany’s imports in 2017, an increase of almost 4 percentage points from the previous year, according to data from McKinsey & Co. Germany needs LNG capacity fast, said Grundmann, citing the need for shipping to switch from dirtier fuels after 2020, when International Maritime Organization limits on sulfur emissions kick in. Germany seeks a significant slice in building LNG-powered ships too, he said, citing initial success in attracting contracts for cruise and special-purpose vessels. Co-financed by Macquarie Group Ltd. and China Harbour Engineering Co. and costing as much as 500 million euros ($575 million), closely held consortium LNG Stade GmbH plans a terminal that will eventually be able to handle as much as 15% of Germany’s gas imports. Brunsbuettel Project On the other side of the Elbe and further downstream, Brunsbuettel’s bid is being led by a joint venture of gas infrastructure company NV Nederlandse
Gasunie, Vopak LNG Holding BV and Oiltanking GmbH, bundled together as “German LNG Terminal.” It’s sited at the North Sea end of Germany’s “Ostsee Kanal” channel, giving it shipping access to the Baltic. The group signed an agreement last month with RWE AG that guarantees the utility access to a substantial chunk of the prospective terminal’s annual capacity of 5 Bcm, compared with Stade’s planned 8 Bcm. German LNG Terminal has already asked for subsidies from the Federal Ministry for Transport, a spokeswoman said by email, declining to elaborate. The developers are in negotiations with other “interested parties” after singing the RWE deal, she said. A final investment decision is envisaged in late 2019, making the facility operational by the end of 2022. LNG Stade is looking to U.S. LNG exporters to strike long-term supply contracts that offer attractive price models for the German market, project head Martin Schubert said in a note to Bloomberg. Germany is also looking at other suppliers, such as Qatar, and Uniper SE is mulling a terminal at Wilhelmshaven, about 55 mi west of Stade, while Russia’s Novatek PJSC and Belgium’s Fluxys SA plan a midscale facility at the Baltic Sea port of Rostock.
news roundup totalworld.energy
Shell Adds New, Deepwater Production in Brazil OPEC Should Boost Crude Production at Next Meeting, the IEA Says
total-world-energy.com | 13
New, deepwater production is underway today at Lula Extreme South in the Brazilian Santos basin. Royal Dutch Shell plc, through its subsidiary Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda. (Shell) and consortium partners, announces that the FPSO P-69 is now producing. Operated by Petrobras, P-69 is a standardized vessel that can process up to 150,000 bbl of oil and 6 MMcm of natural gas daily. It will ramp up production through eight producing and seven injection wells. “The Brazilian pre-salt fields are some of the best deepwater provinces in the world,” said Andy Brown, upstream director for Shell. “With significant flowrates, deepwater Brazil projects are breaking even under $40/bbl. We commend Petrobras on this production milestone, and we look forward to progressing additional development plans with our consortium partners as well as for our recently-acquired, deepwater Brazil blocks.” Following Lula Extreme South, the next FPSO is P-67 for Lula North. The Libra product sharing agreement continues to progress with an extended well test as well as the Mero 1 FPSO, and additional FPSOs are planned. Shell also has development drilling planned for its operated, Gato do Mato South field in 2019. Shell has a 25% stake in the Lula consortium, operated by Petrobras (65%). Galp, through its subsidiary Petrogal Brasil, holds the remaining 10% interest.
OPEC must decide to boost oil output at its next meeting to “comfort” a tightening market, said the head of the International Energy Agency. “Global oil markets are going through a very sensitive period -- global economic growth as well,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in an interview in London Thursday. “If the oil producers care about the health of the growth of the global economy, which I believe they do, they should take the steps to further comfort the market.” Without an increase in output from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Birol reiterated his warning the global economy will enter “a red zone” because momentum is already slowing amid trade disputes. The world still needs more oil to compensate for losses from Iran and Venezuela, he said. While the oil market is well supplied right now “the next few months might be difficult if the producers don’t increase production or give the signal for it.” Birol’s warning came in contrast to a statement from ministers from Saudi Arabia, Russia and other producers. They gave the clearest sign yet that they could return to cutting production, highlighting the need to prepare “options” for how much oil the group should produce next year to prevent the market slipping back into imbalance. Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih said in an interview with state-owned television Al Arabiya that he is concerned about rising oil inventories and will monitor output levels in producing countries including Iran, Venezuela, Libya and Nigeria. In its latest oil market report the IEA cut forecasts for oil demand growth this year and next because of increasing threats to global economic growth. However it also warned that dwindling spare production capacity will keep prices high. Swiss bank UBS Group AG said in a recent report that it sees global oil demand growth slowing to 1.2 MMbpd in 2019, from 1.5 MMbpd this year and last year. Supplyside risks will remain in focus until mid-2019, potentially pushing spare capacity to a 10-year low, it said. After surging almost 7% in September, Brent crude futures are almost back to where they started due to high U.S. inventories, rising shale output and a stock market rout. Birol said he was encouraged by indications that Saudi Arabia would increase output if needed. “This provides comfort to the markets which is much appreciated and is the reason that we see markets are more relaxed now,” Birol said. “But this shouldn’t mean that the challenges are over. We still see strong oil demand growth, Venezuela’s production continues to be in free fall and Iranian exports are declining.”
totalworld.energy Time.Zone
totalworld.energy Time.Zone
Salzburg 2972 - CHF 1300 RRP £275.00
Charmex of Switzerland™ Elegant & classical dress watches Montres Charmex SA is a Switzerland based, family-owned and –run boutique manufacturer of Swiss Made® quartz and automatic wrist watches established over 80 years ago with three separate Strategic Business Units:
Private Label (OEM) Watches
With their Swiss Made® OEM division they have worked with various international army and police units such as SEK, Cologne, CPU UN troops Kosovo, Singapore Armed Forces & companies such as BMW, Coutts Bank, Saecco as well as HNW individuals. The Austrian city of Salzburg has a history dating back to the year 696 and is best known as the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the most prominent musician and composer of 16 | total-world-energy.com
the First Viennese School of classical music. The subtle elegance and unpretentious aristocracy of the model SALZBURG embodies the spirit of this beautiful medieval city in the heart of Europe: the paved interior of the dial gives way to the unstructured hour ring and its applied indices. The moon phase, the day and date indications add functional value to the SALZBURG and both the blue lug-end screws as well as the case decor typical for the brand Charmex of Switzerland™ show the attention to detail.
Salzburg 2972 - CHF 1300
M’s multi-function watch SALZBURG, Ronda cal. 706.1 quartz mvt., 5 jewels, blue dial, stainless steel case/bracelet (length 180mm, width 20mm, with double pusher
butterfly buckle 20 mm), sapphire crystal, 5 ATM. Case: diameter 42,0 mm, thickness 8.5mm, weight: 108gr. HS Code: 9102.1100.116
Our Review:
The first thing which strikes you upon receiving the watch is the immaculate presentation of the timepiece, displayed in a polished mahogany box which gives a resounding quality look and feel. The moon phase on the watch is visually whimsical and can often be downright dazzling – tracking the phases of the moon in a small aperture on the wrist. We would say that this is a watch for those who want the celestial touch of a moon phase complication at a more attainable cost. Defiantly a conversation starter!
Time.Zone totalworld.energy
A-2T Original Classic™ RRP €189.00
Prisma, Over 70 years of innovation including Dutch celebrities such as Johan Cruijff and Irene Moors. Prisma is named after the shape of a cut diamond. The diverse light that falls through a stunning diamond represents the variety of the brand. Every person has his own abilities and dreams. A watch is therefore one of the most determining accessory to show the world a little more about you.
Our review:
Simple, handsome, and modern. In a day of vintage throwbacks and overthe-top complexity, sometimes all you want are those three things—a good
watch that is simple, handsome and modern. With the Model One, Alkin have achieved just that, and they’ve done so in an affordable package with a final retail price around $200One thing that really stands out to us about this timepiece is its durability, being equipped with Bertucci’s legendary U.S. Patented solid titanium Unibody™ give this watch a solid platform to perform, that’s before we even mention the 10-year battery life and the 3-year warranty. If you want a watch that is going to stand the test of time, then this timepiece should be right at the top of your shopping list! total-world-energy.com | 17
Dutch watch brand Prisma stems from a collaboration of watchmakers. They wanted to introduce a new watch line that was accessible to everyone. For people who appreciate style and quality, but who do not need a watch of thousands of euros. This dream came true after the war in the year 1948. The first Prisma watch was made to offer high quality, elegant watches for a good price. Since the creation of the brand almost 70 years ago, these are the fundamental core values. Our passion is deeply rooted in Dutch culture. Simple, honest and reliable. This gave Prisma a place in the heart of many people,
totalworld.energy Time.Zone
Rs1-By-Automatic RRP $1,390.00
DWISS Swiss watches in modern form DWISS stands for Design Watch Independent Switzerland and was born out of its founder passion for watches, and it has revealed to be a real business opportunity. DWISS creates and produces limited edition Swiss made watches with innovative designs sold at prices that represent good value for money. The sales are made mainly through the company’s website and crowdfunding platforms directly to end consumers. Its founder and leading designer is Rafael Simoes Miranda, a Brazilian born naturalized Italian designer. He has been designing watches for more than a decade. With a portfolio of more than 300 different watches designed for 15 different brands, he won important international 18 | total-world-energy.com
design awards, like the Red Dot Design Award, and was also a watch design teacher in Milan, Italy, before founding the company in 2011. We were recently afforded the opertunity to review one of the DWISS R1 limited edition collection
About the Watch:
DWISS RS1 Automatic are Swiss made watches using calibre ETA 2824-2 with innovative and design awarded time display systems. They come with scratch-resistant sapphire crystal with double anti-reflection coating and Italian leather straps or stainless-steel metal bracelet. Limited-edition to 199 pieces per colour, they have a two (2) Year International Warranty and are water resistant to 20 ATM (200m).
Our thoughts on the Watch:
In terms of design, DWISS watches shape the definition of the modern-elegant gentlemen’s timepiece. The innovative award-winning time display system that this watch utilises is second to none and offers a different perspective to any other respectable Swiss watch brand, which we feel really makes this time piece stand out from the rest. When watch aficionados start throwing around four-digit numbers, then you might be witnessing a discussion about a different luxury watch brand, however we’ve made our way to the absolute high-end scale of the luxury watch world in reviewing this stunning time piece. A real conversation starter and great watch if you want something different to your everyday wrist watch.
Time.Zone totalworld.energy
Thomas Earnshaw – BAUER - ES-8801-01 RRP £480.00
Thomas Earnshaw A Legend and Pioneer their detail and workmanship. A fluid round case with an exhibition case back has but slimmest frame to mark out the minutes exposing the full glory of the complex and beautifully machined individual parts that create this stunning timepiece from Earnshaw. Beautifully honest in its representation of the mechanics of time – this is truly the timepiece for the connoisseur of horology. The watch is strapped with a genuine leather strap tanned in Italy and offers a luxurious accompaniment to an already outstanding timepiece.
Our thoughts on the Watch:
For watch lovers on a budget in search of a good-looking skeletonized watch, Earnshaw offers
up the Bauer ES- 8801-01. With its Japanese automatic Skeleton movement and genuine leather strap you really should look no further than this elegant time piece. For the price bracket this watch really is up there with the best we have reviewed. we have seen much worse movements in timepieces at this price, and most business men wanting a cool skeletonized automatic movement will be quite happy with it. The level of skeletonization is impressive, but what I like is that wearing it doesn’t feel like a window to your arm. While you can technically see through the entire case, there is more than enough bridges, gears, and springs to look at which offer the main view as opposed to your wrist underneath. total-world-energy.com | 19
Flinders and his crew mapped the Australian coastline, studying plants and animals along the way the voyage of the HMS Investigator from 1801 – 1803, shed new light on the natural history of Australia. Aboard the Investigator was Ferdinand Bauer (1760-1826) who was appointed natural history artist for the voyage. Franz and Ferdinand Bauer achieved great acclaim and contributed immensely to the study, record and understanding of botany and nature. Stunningly precise works that were almost photo realistic in their accuracy were their hallmark. This range of mechanical timepieces created in tribute is no less stunning and intricate in
totalworld.energy Time.Zone
Stellar Series – Imperial RRP HKD49,800
Memorgin Hong Kong Heritage Curiosity drives human to strive for seeking the truth. Once upon a time, there is a similar idea appearing in East and West debating the shape of the planet. Parts of the people believe that it is sphere and others believe it is a cube. Up until now, all the fact is clear by proofing of science. In Chinese culture, this philosophy of China – round shaped sky and flat ground drives different philosophies coming across, enhancing the civilization. Every year, Memorigin aims to develop an innovative idea for the watch design to break the traditional appearance of tourbillon watch. By spending a long time for preparation, the engineer, designer, production department and, the technique and the equipment support from the Memorigin Tourbillon R&D Center 20 | total-world-energy.com
jointly create a special sapphire glass only for this series – Stellar Series – Imperial to optimize the stunning effect of the rotating tourbillon and parts while visualizing through the sapphire glass from different angles. To look deeply, a highlight area is hidden in the tourbillon and part that a symbol of dragon is engraved. The dragon seems to be flying while the tourbillon rotated featuring the phoenix symbol on the dial. This is the area that Memorigin designer leaves for all watch collectors to discover the Chinese culture. The form of sapphire glass is not easy to be transformed or cut. As this reason, Memorigin spend a long period to cut a one-piece and curved sapphire glass to finish this challenging task. The production time
is above expectation. By consuming and damaging over hundred pieces of cutter, this challenge is finally completed. In Chinese culture, “round” implies moving and “square” implies science clam. The together of “round” and “square” means the harmony. The design of the watch is applied with the idea of harmony. A 18K solid gold square boarder links 4 elements on the dial together with the flying tourbillon displayed at 3 o’clock position, the sphere-shaped GMT Indicator located at 6 o’clock, the time reading subdial at 9 o’clock position and the Chinese ancient planetarium featured decoration at 12 o’clock position, projecting the merge of philosophy of China – round shaped sky and flat ground and Western World view.
Time.Zone totalworld.energy
Our thoughts on the Watch:
What you will first notice about this watch is the unique asymmetrical front sapphire crystal and back sapphire crystal
combined with it’s beautiful 18k white gold plated stainless steel case, blue alligator strap, logo’d buckle and heavy polished push button release. This allows the watch to be taken on and off quickly without damaging any of the adjustment holes in the strap. All leather straps should operate like this, in our opinion. The face has 12 raised rectangular indices and combined with the GMT globe and the Chinese ancient planetarium make this watch as aesthetically pleasing as any tourbillion on the market. The case back shows the skeleton “Memorigin” on the tourbillon, mostly blued screws as well as scrollwork and gold coin on the rotor with the brand logo. In addition, the beautifully polished piano wood finished display box with polished hinges and hardware contains a built-in electric watch winder, so this
watch can be worn at a moment’s notice. This is a very desirable option to have with a mechanical watch that is really a special occasion piece that won’t be worn daily. This is the kind of watch that is collected for its beauty, unique engineering, workmanship and details that you do not find on a typical fine timepiece. It does not really represent current conventional watch engineering where many different qualities such as water resistance, shock resistance, readability day or night and resistance to all kinds of environments and ease and speed of manufacturing are the priority. To summarise this timepiece is a truly elegant and defiantly not your everyday wrist watch. This is the pinnacle of what a dress watch should be. And comes highly recommended from us at Time Zone. total-world-energy.com | 21
For more attention, Memorigin specially invented an automatic tourbillon movement for this Stellar Series; it provides 40 hours of power reserve, with frequency of 28,800 Oscillation/ Hour. The flying tourbillion at 3 o’clock position, engraved with Memorigin’s logo on the tourbillon. Without affecting the stability of the tourbillon working, this unique feature differentiates the Memorigin’s tourbillon watch from the others in the market. It remains a remarkable tourbillon history of Hong Kong.
totalworld.energy Time.Zone
Raketa "Amphibia" N122 RRP €900.00
Thoroughbred Russian character excelling in tough conditions Founded by Peter the Great in 1721 the factory has been producing the watches under the brand name "Raketa" since 1961 after the flight of Yuri Gagarin. Existing for already 300 years, the factory has changed many names and has evolved from a small lapidary factory to a giant of the watch industry, exporting watches to more than 30 countries. Ruby stars of the Moscow Kremlin, marble stones for St. Isaac's Cathedral, precious stones for the imperial crown of Catherine the Great, precious stones for the Faberge house - all these were produced at the Petrodvorets factory. Located beside the naval bases of Saint Petersburg, the Raketa Watch Factory has been making watches for the Russian navy and Russian 22 | total-world-energy.com
divers for a long time. The Raketa “Amphibia” watch was conceived on the basis of mythical soviet Raketa diver model from the 1970s. The watchmakers of the Raketa Watch Factory have now perfected this diver’s watch. The case is in stainless steel; the hands and the figures on the dial have luminous paint, and are protected by a sapphire glass. The maximum permissible depth is 400 metres (40 ATM). A scale on the rotating ceramic bezel marked in 15 minutes intervals enables the diver to control the level of oxygen in his bottle. The special screw-in crown prevents the diver from accidentally opening it underwater. The engine of the Raketa “Amphibia” watch is a Russian automatic movement made in-house
by the Raketa Watch Factory in Saint Petersburg. This automatic watch for divers is inspired by a Raketa diver watch design from the 1970s.
Our thoughts on the Watch:
This watch is a fantastic timepiece with a rich and interesting history behind it. As an owner of several classic and modern russian watches, this one is by far the best of the bunch with great craftmanship and style. The Orange is striking and is unlike any of the watches we have recieved so far, but adds a degree of sportiness, activity and fitness which the additional bracelets help enforce. The Amphibia is one of the most striking and exciting watches that has ever come across my desk and would reccomend it wholeheartedly.
Time.Zone totalworld.energy
BulBul – Facette RRP ₏249
BulBul Danish Dynamic its wings over a diverse range of languages, nationalities and continents, much like the willful, nomadic bird that the company is named after. Bulbul have a long-term, holistic perspective; every design relates to the entire design family, each family member plays its own distinctive role in their growing range of meticulously crafted timepieces. Bulbul watches are made from the best, most resilient materials and components available. Merging a design philosophy seeking the iconic, the bold and the timeless with highgrade, durable materials, creates
lasting watches that resonate, yet transcend the here and now.
Our thoughts on the Watch:
Minimalism in design is a constant struggle to create something clean without overstepping into sterility. Too far in one direction, and the piece loses focus. Too far in the other, and it can become indistinct and just plain boring. BulBul understands this extremely well, the Facette, is a perfect example. Elegant simplicity with a robust body and swiss movement, makes this timepiece not only comfortable and practical to wear but also hardwearing and long lasting. total-world-energy.com | 23
Bulbul Watches is a contemporary, Danish watch brand dedicated to merging time-honored craft with forward-thinking design innovation. Bulbul was founded in 2013 by globetrotting design enthusiast, Jacob Juul. After an extensive designand development process spanning several years, the unconventional, asymmetric Pebble inspired by the pebbles found along Scandinavian shorelines was finally launched into the attentive media spotlight of the heritage-driven watch industry. In the wake of Pebble’s global success, Facette, Ore and Oblong followed suit, and today Bulbul has spread
totalworld.energy On the Move
On the Move
On the Move totalworld.energy
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totalworld.energy On the Move
Nissan LEAF tops electric car sales in Europe new Nissan LEAF is the bestselling electric vehicle in Europe for the first half of this year, as the zero-emission car continues to win over customers across the region. More than 18,000 new Nissan LEAF vehicles were registered in Europe between January and June. European customers have now placed more than 37,000 orders for the new LEAF since it first went on sale last October 2017. The new Nissan LEAF offers the exhilarating acceleration and environmental performance of an all-electric powertrain, dynamic exterior styling, and advanced driver assistance technologies. The car’s larger, 40 kilowatt-hour battery delivers a combined driving cycle range of 270 kilometers under Europe’s new WLTP emissions and economy standard. The 100% electric vehicle has won several awards for its cutting-edge technology and performance. It won the “2018 World Green Car” award at the New York International Auto Show and has received 5-star safety ratings from both the European New Car Assessment Program and the Japan New Car Assessment Program. The new LEAF is the flagship model for Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s vision for changing how cars are powered, driven and integrated into society. It features a host of new, innovative technologies such as Nissan ProPILOT, ProPILOT Park and e-Pedal, which are proving popular with customers. So far, 72% of new LEAF buyers have chosen the optional ProPILOT semi-autonomous driving system. The strong demand for the new Nissan LEAF in the first six months of this year reinforces its status as the bestselling electric car on the planet, with more than 340,000 global sales since the first LEAF was launched in 2010. Recently, Nissan delivered the 100,000th Nissan LEAF to a European customer. “The momentum continues to build for electric cars,” said Gareth Dunsmore, electric vehicle director at Nissan Europe. “The new LEAF has transformed the experience of driving, with technologies like e-Pedal, capable of reducing braking interaction by up to 90%, showing more customers the benefits of electric mobility that Nissan offers.”
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We were making products for electrical cars long before they became the latest trend. automotive@vonroll.com
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New test laboratory for e-mobility in Breitenbach, Switzerland
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totalworld.energy On the Move
Von Roll Institute for High Voltage Insulation in Breitenbach, Switzerland, recently expanded its already extensive test facilities with a new eDrive test laboratory, which tests insulation systems for electric motors in electric cars. Von Roll has been a specialist in electrical insulation systems for over 100 years. The newly established laboratory tests all elements of the insulation in electric drives to meet the high demands placed on e-Drive systems for the next generation of electric vehicles. “Electric mobility is on the advance worldwide. The trend in electric vehicle drive systems is increasingly toward voltage of 800 volts and higher,” says Christoph Herold, Director and Head of the Von Roll Institute. When the voltage is increased, additional effects occur, such as the partial discharge phenomenon, which in combination with high operating temperatures increases the stress on the material used. Partial discharges are electrical spark discharges that locally damage the insulation and can lead to machine failure. “This of course makes this area of application interesting for us and our research at the institute.” Herold also notes that many automobile
“Electric mobility is on the advance worldwide. The trend in electric vehicle drive systems is increasingly toward voltage of 800 volts and higher,”
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On the Move totalworld.energy
Christoph Herold, Director and Head of the Von Roll Institute
sinusoidal voltages up to 7 kVeff up to 1000 Hz and rectangular voltages up to 5 kVpeak and a pulse repetition rate of up to 30 kHz are available. These highfrequency test systems were developed and built in-house and can simulate and accelerate the ageing effect caused by partial discharges on the machine insulation. Thus test times can be shortened and the service life of such drives can be increased by appropriate measures. In addition, a variety of other test procedures can be carried out, including vibration tests, measurement of partial discharges under surge voltage stress, insulation resistance measurement and mechanical tests, such as tensile and compression tests up to 100 kN. The Von Roll Institute in Breitenbach also offers various
courses based on interactive learning. These courses are a mixture of formal lectures and practical laboratory work and factory visits. Product and application knowledge is exchanged and deepened between lecturers and training participants. The team of the Von Roll Institute Academy comprises several engineers and experts as well as laboratory staff with long-standing experience in the fields of electrical engineering, chemistry and electrical insulation. Further information on tests, consulting and training programs is available on the Institute’s website at www.vonroll.institute Contact: Von Roll Institute for High Voltage Insulation, contact@vonroll. institute total-world-energy.com | 31
manufacturers already rely on the facilities and expertise of the Institute for their e-mobility products. The institute has a wide range of equipment at its disposal for testing insulation materials for electric motors. This enables simulation of different climatic environmental conditions, such as low or high temperatures (e.g. –45°C or 350°C) and very high humidity. The effects of thermal aging can be tested using one of 15 furnaces that accommodate parts up to 750 mm in length and up to 30 kg in weight. The Von Roll Institute also maintains facilities that are especially well suited to conducting endurance voltage tests on test specimens and motor prototypes that are operated at high switching frequencies. For this purpose, voltage sources for
totalworld.energy TenneT
Taking power further Victoria South
A bright light in the electricity industry, TenneT is on a mission to consistently improve the experience of customers throughout the Netherlands and Germany and it’s starting by offering a seriously reliable energy supply.
TenneT totalworld.energy
an impressive 41 million people, TenneT has a lot of eyes sharply focussed on the electricity that it supplies. There really isn’t room for an unreliable or interrupted supply when both domestic and commercial customers are fully reliant on a seamless service, but being a “leading European electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO)”, TenneT is more than up to the challenge. With end users being the main priority, TenneT remains aware of the importance of operating within certain parameters, “We strive to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity in our high-voltage grid for some 41 million people. In doing so, we make every effort to meet our stakeholders' needs by being responsible, engaged and connected.” This is far from mere hyperbole, as the TenneT grid availability currently stands at 99.9999% and with over
3,000 employees in place, all striving to maintain the ‘very good’ reputation of the company, as assessed by a survey, customer satisfaction is all but guaranteed. That’s an enviable position to be in, in a world where no company can hide from dissatisfied clientele.
Maintaining the balance
Supplying electricity is a complicated business and relies on a very delicate balance being maintained; at least it does for TenneT, “TenneT continuously monitors and maintains the balance between the electricity supply and demand on the Dutch and part of the German grid. If this balance is disrupted it may result in a power outage or even a black-out, depending on the length and severity of the imbalance.” It’s not simply a case of ‘keeping an eye on things’ and hoping for the best here, as the balance hinges on critical factors, such as everyone (other electricity companies) being
honest about how much electricity they expect to put into and take from the grid. TenneT is in a position to take emergency measures when it identifies a tangible threat to the power supply and that’s a huge responsibility. It is interesting to note that operations differ dramatically between the Netherlands and Germany, however. In the Netherlands, “TenneT provides services to guarantee the flow of electricity, resolve largescale disruptions and maintain the balance between electricity supply and demand.” There is a singular responsibility here, as TenneT is the only TSO actually operating within the Netherlands, but in Germany, it is one of four, “In case prognoses fall short, TenneT will have to settle the difference with its own energy reserves. In order to keep the need for regulating capacity as small as possible, TenneT coordinates matters closely with the other German TSOs.”
“We strive to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity in our high-voltage grid for some 41 million people.”
total-world-energy.com | 33
totalworld.energy TenneT
Getting it to where it needs to be
It’s a strange concept to think about how electricity is physically transported, but this is a key facet of everyday operational activities over at Tennet. Alongside system services and market facilitation, transportation is a real priority and it requires a huge amount of proven infrastructure to be in place. After all, transporting electricity from where it is made to where is it to be used doesn’t happen automatically and doing so incurs a huge maintenance responsibility as well, “The infrastructure that TenneT manages makes it possible to transport electricity via high-voltage power lines and substations, in almost all weather conditions. TenneT is responsible for the upkeep of the entire infrastructure in the Netherlands above 110 kV and for the international connections. In a large part of Germany TenneT is responsible for the upkeep of the infrastructure above 220 kV and the offshore connections. To guarantee a reliable electricity supply we have to carry out regular inspections and maintenance work, which we plan in consultation with the regional grid operators and our connected customers.” Taking the time to always keep end users informed and involved in the process of planning a maintenance schedule is a key element that is sure to have contributed to the great reputation and overall levels of customer satisfaction that TenneT enjoys. It’s the surprise element of an electricity supply disruption that leads to anger and disappointment, so by circumnavigating the issue
“Innovation of systems, services and technology is critical to enable TenneT to deal with the challenges in the energy market.”
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TenneT totalworld.energy
with pre-planned maintenance endeavours, not only will everyone be informed and happy, there will be far less chance of emergency repairs being necessary too.
Staying ahead of the curve
You might believe that electricity is something that has little room for evolution, but you would b wrong. TenneT has a firm grasp on the fact that consistently moving with the times and actively seeking out new and innovative technology is key to not only staying on top, but also being able to always offer the very best supply to its end users, “Innovation of systems, services and technology is critical to enable TenneT to deal with the challenges in the energy market. For us, innovation is about successfully utilizing new ideas to create value for TenneT and society.” Innovation sounds impressive, but what does it mean, specifically, for TenneT? Inroads are already being made into a greener future, with electricity hopefully being created from more sustainable sources such as wind, water and solar power. In a bid to really encourage
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totalworld.energy TenneT
environmental progress, TenneT has created its ‘green Bonds’ system, “One of the ways in which TenneT finances its extensive investment portfolio is by issuing so-called ‘green bonds’. This issuance programme has resulted in investments totalling 2 billion euros 36 | total-world-energy.com
from parties interested in supporting sustainable projects that benefit the common good. Green bonds are an attractive way for TenneT to fund the energy transition.” In some ways, TenneT seems almost too good to be true and yet, it is a tangible energy sector leader,
thanks to certain guiding principles. Committed to customers, aligned with finding greener energy sources and operating alongside a comprehensive transparency policy, there is nothing to hide and little to disappoint, which is exactly why TenneT will continue on taking power further.
TenneT totalworld.energy
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"One of the ways in which TenneT finances its extensive investment portfolio is by issuing so-called ‘green bonds’. Green bonds are an attractive way for TenneT to fund the energy transition."
totalworld.energy Kuwait Oil Company
Resilient and Robust Victoria South
Any organisation that can rise from the ashes of partial devastation and come back stronger than ever is inspiring, but the Kuwait Oil Company is chief amongst them, with a fascinating history and phenomenal foresight into the future.
Kuwait Oil Company totalworld.energy
back in 1934, it’s fair to say that the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is an operation with some serious heritage, as well as empirical experience of how the industry as a whole has evolved and changed over time. This in itself could be enough to set KOC apart from its nearest competitors, yet there is much more to that story, as you’ll see.
“KOC places much emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility as it constantly seeks to ensure sustainable and balanced development.”
An impressive rise to fame
Having discovered commercial quantities of oil in 1938, KOC went on to become a particularly viable entity, with the Kuwait Government taking 100% control in 1975 and finally, bringing all state-owned similar operations under one KOC umbrella, but there was a huge problem on the horizon. 1990 saw the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait that left many operations totally devastated, with LOC being one of them. All production and storage facilities were obliterated and while this might have been the time for lesser companies to call it a day, KOC simply saw it as the next challenge. Just months after the liberation of Kuwait in February 1991, full capacity production had resumed and organic growth was even being witnessed as well. With this in mind, it’s little wonder that the company has continued to go from strength to strength, becoming something of an industry giant.
The makings of a master
To understand exactly what KOC is so special, an overview of the everyday activities is essential. In its own words, “Kuwait Oil Company's Responsibilities under the KPC's umbrella involve the exploration, drilling and production of oil and gas within the State of Kuwait. The Company is also involved in the storage of crude oil and delivery to tankers for export.” This might sound like a relatively simple roster of operations, but the oil and gas sector has always been anything but straightforward. It takes courage, resilience and expertise to carve a niche in such a hypercompetitive market and these are qualities that every member of the KOC team has in spades. For this reason, a number of significant discoveries have been made in the history of the company, leading to the enviable market leading position that total-world-energy.com | 39
totalworld.energy Kuwait Oil Company
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Kuwait Oil Company totalworld.energy
“KOC has set very challenging and ambitious objectives for its Exploration Group as part of the 2030 strategy.” total-world-energy.com | 41
totalworld.energy Kuwait Oil Company
"The search for gas and light oil in the Jurassic and Permian plays is taking us into unconventional reservoirs."
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it currently enjoys, but nothing has come at the detriment of the region.
Staying true to stewardship
There’s a lot of pressure on the oil and gas industry to look into greener technologies and more sustainable operating methodologies, but KOW doesn’t align with social responsibility out of necessity. Rather, the team is active in looking for better, more progressive and inspirational ways to carry out its business. In order to focus on these endeavours effectively, concern areas have been split into four separate divisions of HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment), social responsibility, oil lakes and soil remediation,
“KOC places much emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility as it constantly seeks to ensure sustainable and balanced development. This is evident in a series of activities that the Company embarks upon to instil the CSR concept as enshrined in the KOC Strategy.” It would be easy to wax lyrical about everything KOC has already done, but shining a light on a select few really highlights the positive impact that is being had. KOC is the first oil company in the world to create a marine colony and has also created nature reserves and oasis’, which takes care of the HSSE element, while countless community programmes, including sports and
Kuwait Oil Company totalworld.energy
medical facilities, more than account for social responsibility. The oil lakes issue and soil remediation efforts are intrinsically linked, as both are the result of the 1990 violence, which left oil wells spilling dangerous amounts of liquid all over the landscape. Understanding that the environmental disasters needed to be deal with, KOC took full responsibility and clean up efforts are still on-going.
Tomorrow’s fuel, planned today
With a spectacular reputation already in place and some of the world’s leading experts making up the professional team, KOC is more than ready for whatever the future brings, but by embracing the fact that higher volumes of product will be at the top of the priority list, it is one step ahead of everyone else, “Our main role is to explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons within the State of Kuwait, promote the care and development of our people and deliver on our commitments to our stakeholders
in a compliant, profitable, safe and environmentally responsible manner.” The need for evermore exploration sites will never cease, but by making safety a key priority, alongside successful drillings, KOC is ensuring not only the security of its future profits, but more importantly, its staff, who are considered to be exceptionally valuable, especially with the 2030 strategy in place, “KOC has set very challenging and ambitious objectives for its Exploration Group as part of the 2030 strategy. The search for gas and light oil in the Jurassic and Permian plays is taking us into unconventional reservoirs with increased drilling risk through higher temperatures and pressures and the complexities of fractured carbonates. All of these projects will present us with new and complex technical, logistical and management challenges. We believe KOC can achieve extraordinary efficiencies when all disciplines are fully involved and informed throughout the exploration cycle.”
Reading between the lines, this means that exploration processes are becoming more intricate, necessitating everyone to pool their skills and expertise together to get the job done in a timely, sustainable and safe fashion, “Various strategies with the objective of causing no harm to employees, contractors, customers, the general public or to the environment are in place. Those strategies are in line with various national and KOC Health, Safety and Environmental standards and include training of the staff, safety audits and rig site visits and emergency exercises with full commitment and awareness of every employee.” KOC is destined to not only reach but also design new heights and standards within the oil and gas industry. Working towards the 2030 strategy will certainly maintain a steely focus and with an exceptional body of staff on-board, there is no doubt that when it comes to industry evolutions, KOC is going to remain both resilient and robust.
"We believe KOC can achieve extraordinary efficiencies when all disciplines are fully involved and informed throughout the exploration cycle."
total-world-energy.com | 43
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totalworld.energy N-KOM
Why N-KOM has become the ‘preferred shipyard in the Middle East.’ Kien Ingate
From just a collaborative idea of two experienced companies, N-KOM has made a big splash in the world for ocean freights within a few years.
N-KOM totalworld.energy
this current age of exponential growth from new technologies, new products designed from those within the biggest brands to the unheard and unrecognised are created every day. Within the last two decades especially after the financial crisis of 2008, titans of established companies has buckled and passed into history whilst the stable companies take over the remaining gaps; such examples are the Lehman Brothers whose assets were of equivalence $691.1 billion with Barclays Capital buying out its best assets whilst Nomura took over the remaining assets. It has been hailed as the largest bankruptcy for a corporation within the US history. This highlights the current age. The old establishment of companies’ no longer hegemonies the productions of their products with the advent of personalised technology such as smart phones. Big companies are almost assuredly no longer safe as well. It is then that in the most basic
of terms, those with the right contacts and tools could compete against an established team of a company. To match with these growths of personalised product creation that is a global event, more items have to produced and transported all over the world. Whilst air transport is quick, it is still not as established and more expensive in general than the marine transportation of products. To this end, the forefront of maintaining this important artery of the modern economy for marine trade and transport is the company N-KOM. Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM) is a company that was created by the collaboration of its parent companies Qatar Gas Transport Company (Nakilat) and Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM). The aim of N-KOM is to provide repair, conversion and construction services for marine vessels, offshore and onshore structures. It is in a location that is ‘strategically located at the heart of oil and gas activities
in the Arabian Gulf’. The site is not just located in an impressive location but boasts 50 hectares of a comprehensive facility. It is equipped with two graving docks and a floating dock that accommodates ‘VLCCs, quays and piers offering a total berthage capacity of 3,150m, a range of workshops ideally situated in front of the drydocks, more than 500,000sqm of fabrication area and sub-contractor facilities onsite’. In terms for the common layman, these facilities are able to handle any type of ships be they the largest or the smallest and provide the best quality service for them in turn. The teams on site are amongst the most experienced professionals within their industry that is enhanced by the investment of the very extensive infrastructure in place. These combinations has created a reputation and proven track records of quality, time and safety. In a relative short amount of time, N-KOM has firmly placed itself as the
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total-world-energy.com | 45
totalworld.energy N-KOM
‘preferred shipyard in the Middle East.’ To understand the basis of N-KOM, one has to know how and what created this company which has led them to such a successful state as they are now. As mentioned before, N-KOM is a collaborative subsidiary company of both Qatar Gas Transport Company (Nakilat) and Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM) which both have their pedigrees within their trade. Nakilat is a Qatari LNG transport company providing an essential transportation link in the State of Qatar’s LNG supply chain. Their ‘LNG shipping fleet is the largest in the world, comprising of 63 LNG vessels’. Keppel Offshore & Marine (KOM) is a Singapore based company that has diverged into the specialities of designing, building and repairing both mobile offshore rigs and ships. These two with their incredible foresight and vision in 2007 for a joint venture to create a shipyard in Qatar for the world. On the 23rd November 2010, the nation of Qatar celebrated for a historic moment in its maritime affairs when the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, inaugurated the shipyard named ‘Erhama Bin Jaber Al Jalahma’. The shipyard complex of ‘Erhama Bin Jaber Al Jalahma’ is strategically close to gas terminals and offshore activities within the Arabian Gulf. It is for this reason why N-KOM is in such a position to provide the necessary quality service of the needs of the
"Strategically located at the heart of oil and gas activities in the Arabian Gulf, NakilatKeppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM) combines a wealth of experience and expertise from its parent companies Qatar Gas Transport Company"
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marine and offshore industry. N-KOM heritage of both companies allows them access to the depths of ‘Nakilat’s experience as the world’s leading transporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and KOM’s expertise and leading industry position in ship repair, ship conversion and construction of offshore drilling rigs’. For this reason, it is why their teams are already initially experienced and of an exceptional quality as such a wellspring of people with experience would help develop the employees within N-KOM itself. If there is a requirement of distillation of a single hallmark for N-COM, it is their admirable belief in ‘safety’ for both workers and the stakeholders helping to support N-COM. The modern age is increasingly aware of abuse and dangers of such vigour’s of work. For this day and age, a hallmark 48 | total-world-energy.com
of a successful and good company is the treatment of workers and stakeholders. Work within this industry could be particularly dangerous and N-COM believes in their system of ‘Safety Starts With Me, Together We Care’, which is an educative awareness programme to ensure the safety and stability of the employees at work. The concept ‘Our Yard, Our Home’ is also amongst their aim to minimise their impaction to the environment with their environmental management program. This is further explained in their own words that ‘(Our) strong HSE culture is largely attributed to the success of our Safety Excellence Programme, which aims to create safety ownership and cultivate socially and environmentally responsible work behaviour through empowerment, recognition and involvement of all our stakeholders. This, in addition
to our relentless pursuit of service excellence, has garnered us industrywide recognition for our capabilities, not only from clients but also from reputable international bodies such as ASME and API.’ This is in line with their parent company, Nakilats, who fully supports in both safety and ‘Our yard, Our home’ initiative by donating IT equipment to rhe Qatar Red Crescent as an ongoing charity commitment; Nakilat’s Chief Administration Officer Rashid Al Marri said: “With this contribution, Nakilat aims to empower the communities through technology and supporting Qatar Red Crescent Society initiatives towards enabling better services towards improving the social development, awareness and educational initiatives”. It is no surprise then that N-COM has the same aims for sustainable initiatives and values.
N-KOM totalworld.energy
relationship to combine each company's strengths to benefit our clients in Qatar and increase Qatari local content. With both our Dubai- and Saudi-based facilities, McDermott is well positioned to address the continued growth for the entire Middle East market. And now with this cooperative agreement, we have an even higher level of capacity and availability." Whilst N-COM had not previously established a relationship with McDermott, Keppel has collaborated with McDermott such as assisting in the creation of their flagship vessel, the DLV 2000, from Keppel's Singmarine Shipyard. Eng. Abdullah Fadhalah Al Sulaiti, Managing Director of Nakilat when asked about this productive relationship replied "We are pleased to partner with McDermott, one of the leading EPCI contractors in this region, to enhance our standing
as a premier marine and offshore service provider in Qatar. N-KOM has delivered several offshore construction projects, including a newly built liftboat. This agreement will further add value to our expertise in this area to better support the local oil and gas industry in Qatar." N-COM shows plenty of promise and within the short years it has been established, it has proven both a lucrative venture and a site for many mariners all over the world. The aims of charity and safety within the company are both admirable as is an ethical standard that should and is placed high above the list of the company culture. The extensive deals of expansion also suggest further entrenchment for N-COM in the future. With its quality, speed, and size it is little wonders why it N-COM had become the ‘preferred shipyard in the Middle East.’ total-world-energy.com | 49
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The potential for N-COM is still growing. On July 2016, McDermott and N-KOM in a joint venture will develop an integrated approach to projects in Qatar utilising McDermott’s qualified track record in offshore projects and N-KOM's world-class ship repair and offshore construction facility at the Erhama Bin Jaber Al Jalahma Shipyard, strategically located in Qatar under a five year agreement. McDermott is a company that specialised in the selective field of integrated engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) services for upstream field developments worldwide. Linh Austin, McDermott's Vice President, Middle East when questioned about this shrewd deal said "Through this exclusive agreement, McDermott and Keppel build upon our long-standing
totalworld.energy Masen
Morocco’s aim of ‘52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030.’ Kien Ingate • • •
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Morocco’s representing renewables for Africa. Masen and its involvements. Capabilities and sovereign expectations match. The diversification plan. Surplus and its future ties to Europe.
Masen totalworld.energy
In the most basic of foundations, human society develops with each advent of energy storage, development and usage. Whilst kinetic energy (movement) is the most basic in the use of our development, it is limited by our own biological capabilities. When fire was discovered and harnessed by early man, it spiralled our progression into the current age we live in. Thermal energy usage ranges from the most intrinsic habits such as making a hot drink to the wide ranges of combustive machinery that drives our complex industrial economy. A startling truth is that energy can easily exist without us, but our society without major regressions would not survive without it. The current usage of nonrenewable sources of energy is a momentous event within our society. The harnessing of coal to power engines was both lucrative and relatively inexpensive for comparisons. In terms of energy conversion, much more energy could be utilised from coal than unprocessed wood due to energy compaction of biomass from the Earth. This is also in the most basic of explanations how all fossil fuel works. The high density and heat
"Royal vision of a synergy in renewable energy. It becomes Morocco’s key partner in the development, funding and management of all renewable energy projects, including solar, wind and hydro, on a continental and global scale."
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compaction of degradable biomass. Without it, inefficient engines of those in late 1700s to late 1800s would not work at such a rate. However, times have revealed the cost of using fossil fuels. The global awareness of the greenhouse gases impaction to the climate of the world has not yet reached its absolute zenith, but it is a growing knowledge within the global population that we have to be aware of it. Many countries and companies have invested in sectors of renewable energies in hope to one day supplant the reliance of fossil fuels. In this case, Morocco and the company, Marsen, is keenly showing the world their capabilities and being amongst the ideal model of what it means to harness renewable energy. Masen in harnessing its renewable energy primarily utilises three methods, solar, wind and hydropower. As a mainly Moroccon based energy company, they understand the strengths of Morocco’s topography and geography thereby able to maximise its efficiency using current era technology. In the Masen site overview for its assessment for Morocco, it states “Globally, Morocco is ranked 9th in terms of rate of sunshine: its 710,000 km2 receive between 2,800 and 3,400 hours of sunshine a year; the national technical potential of solar energy is evaluated to be 20,000 MW. Installed solar capacity in Morocco in 2016 is 180 MW. In terms of wind energy, the country is ranked 31st globally for its potential. Its 3,500 km of Atlantic coastline register wind speeds of 7.5 up to 11 m/s, equating to an estimated technical potential of 25,000 MW. Installed wind power in Morocco is 800 MW in 2016. As far as hydropower is concerned, the policy of dams which has been pursued from independence right up to the present day has allowed to install a capacity of 1,770 MW, out of a national technical potential of 3,800 MW.” This is an impressive amount of pwer that can be generated and as more investment into these sources of energy is used, the more efficient they become thereby able to generate even more energy. Masen is the main group within Morocco responsible for managing renewable energy that is in line with His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, may God bless him. On the 6th March 2009 in Rabat, His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco for the first national energy conference announced “Based on Our 52 | total-world-energy.com
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"The goal is to secure 52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030"
and hydro, on a continental and global scale’ as the overview of Masen says. These energies in Morocco are also a further economic boom for the coming future. Masen has the capabilities to not only do well in the African continent but also compete and supply to Europe as well. This interest and acknowledgement of Morocco’s achievement has been noted especially by Gilles Pargneaux, an European Member of Parliament representative at COP 21 who had said “Morocco has become the African hub for renewable energy…15% of European energy consumption will come from power produced by Morocco in the years ahead.” This is an important admission as it shows how capable Masen is able to achieve a surplus of energy that is able to be sold to Europe. It is little wonders why Morocco had
announced its ambitions and with the planning capabilities of Masen, they are on their target to reach their goals. In these coming years where clean, efficient energy is of the most importance, Masen seems to be perfect organisation to be the leading player of clean energy not just in Morocco but in the rest of Africa. Masen is an example of how to utilise the strength of a nation and how to benefit Morocco, Africa and the rest of world. This is realised by His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco at the Moroccan-Ivorian Economic Forum in Abidjan on February 24, 2014 where he had said “Africa is a great continent, because of its vital strengths, resources, and potential. It must empower itself”. It’s truly impressive how Masen had helped them achieve that belief.
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long-term vision, which accounts for trends and developments in the global energy situation that will emerge over the course of the coming decades, We are making energy availability, security of supply and environmental protection Our top priorities. Therefore our country must constantly prepare itself for, and adapt to, the various changes that will come, so that we can ensure social and economic development whilst meeting our growing energy needs sustainably. We are focused on the need to diversify our energy sources, to mobilize our renewable resources.” Morocco’s admirable desire to further renewable energy in its hope to replace fossil fuels in its entirety with the current technology of this era is possible. It is in this case that Masen is entrusted to help Morocco reach this aim. Through Masen the integrated projects aims at ‘creating an additional 3,000 MW of clean electricity generation capacity by 2020 and a further 6,000 MW by 2030.The goal is to secure 52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030.’ This aim is in the direct match to the announcement by His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco in the Paris Climate convention in 2015 “Since the world became aware, in Rio in 1992, of the urgent need to address climate change, the Kingdom of Morocco has resolutely sought to ensure that its proactive policy on sustainable development and environmental protection is in line with the international community’s global effort. To this end, it has introduced a series of constitutional, legislative, institutional and regulatory reforms. Therefore, the objective of securing 42% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2020 has recently been increased to 52% by 2030.” This suggests Morocco’s confidence in Masen has shaped its own expectation in the future for renewable energy which was certified on 13th October 2015 as Masen is key for ‘Royal vision of a synergy in renewable energy…Morocco’s key partner in the development, funding and management of all renewable energy projects, including solar, wind
totalworld.energy BAUER Maschinen
The Story for Quality from Bauer Maschinen Kien Ingate
Before BAUER Maschinen was created, there were limitations in the market for what could be done. How did one gap in the market for machines create a company that is revered universally in the energy and industrial world? Both quality and quantity is what BAUER Maschinen answers.
BAUER Maschinen totalworld.energy
development of the world is often usually shaped through many factors. This be the geography, cultural views, and sites of importance and among a plethora of other factors. However, the thrum that beats under all these factors is one singular note; the economy. No matter the scenario be it a company, nation or individual, most often you require money to help develop. A personal example could be paying for a language course so that you could communicate with more people in the world. A more secular and national example is a national health service being invested so that citizens could be treated and hopefully allow them to contribute back to the economy without additional burdens. In times of great economic wealth, great infrastructural developments starts. When more developments start and finish, it further expands the market and businesses. This cannot be more typified as an example with the Netherlands where beautiful infrastructures were developed
during the 17th century during the Dutch Golden age. In the case of Germany, the economic policies of the Zollverein that laid the foundations for growth meant by the 1900s, Germany was the industrial powerhouse of Europe leading to rapid expansions. Of course, to expand infrastructure, there has to be a starting point. For BAEUR Maschinen, their story starts in the very beginning of the 1790’s. BAEUR Maschinen is among the leading organisational company for equipment within the BAUER Group. How the BAUER Group started was in the town of Schrobenhausen located in Upper Bavaria within Germany. Sebastian Bauer in 1790 bought the right to set up a copper smithy and thereby since then, it remains a business with a family tradition that spans over 200 years. The copper smithy eventually expanded into an international construction which has then diverged into manufacturing construction. The company's traditional core for excellence in
specialist foundation engineering expanded to encompass three distinct business segments: Construction, Equipment and Resources. For BAEUR Maschinen, they represent the equipment segment for business. When Karlheinz Bauer joined the company in 1952, his interest and pursuit for specialising in foundation construction resulted in an upturn for the business for the company. Instead of just water supplication, movement and foundation that the BAUER were renowned for, deep construction of even loose sediment soils were created with such innovative ideas of using grout tieback anchors. This did not stop. In 1967, a new factory building on Pöttmeser Strasse was constructed kick-starting the development of BAEUR Maschinen. The famous UBW 01 was the first anchor drilling rig created and developed by BAEUR. This came from a time when there were a lack of anchor drilling and pile driving equipment suitable on the market to meet Bauer's construction activities and demands.
“The remediation project has been accident-free so far,” Jochen Kaspar, project manager for Bauer Umwelt, and Tobias Hampel, site manager for Bauer Spezialtiefbau,
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In 1976 came the first rotary drilling rig, the BG 7. Both rigs designed by within BAUER were major innovations, propelling forward the applications of construction methods with significant results in efficiency. These were originally intended solely for in-house use but in the mid-1980s Bauer began selling them on the open market. Such reasons were of course an acute assessment 58 | total-world-energy.com
of the value of their content. Major construction companies were asking for Bauer equipment which attests to their quality. The high development cost could only recuperate quickly by producing high volumes. In turn, companies using such machinery provide awareness to those in their industries that they are a symbol of quality in the market. In recent years, BAUER Maschinen
has contributed to several key projects with their equipment and expertise with their other respective divisions. The foundational construction of the Kingdom Tower (expected to be the world’s tallest building in the world), Lakhta centre (tallest building in Europe in 2018), Burj Khalifa and other projects. These projects are high profile requiring major trust and belief in a company
BAUER Maschinen totalworld.energy
“The remediation project has been accident-free so far,� Jochen Kaspar, project manager for Bauer Umwelt, and Tobias Hampel, site manager for Bauer Spezialtiefbau"
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Jochen Kaspar, "The enclosure also ensures that no surface water comes into contact with the old waste deposits. A multistage groundwater filtering system treats the contaminated groundwater and directs it in a controlled manner into the adjoining Rhein"
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for their skills to endeavour in these projects. The good reputation, equipment and hiring for their skills speak for themselves. A key player in industry, BAUER Maschinen is also a leading example on technical providers of their equipment to improve environmental affairs. An example is the 2016 Kesslergrube remediation project. This project is designed to rehabilitate former landfill sites that had been fully contaminated. These soils are hazardous to the environment in the long term and therefore BAUER machinery and specialists had been involved in this project. The long term is to remove all form of commercial and industrial waste be it chemical or otherwise in nature and allow safe development for humans to use in the future. It is an admirable project that would not be feasible without advanced technology. These sort of quality, reliable and innovative technology is what BAUER Maschinen is famed for. BAUER Spezialtiefbau began drilling large-diameter boreholes
for the construction of a secant pile wall in July 2016 and has completed their tasks with their own in house equipment provided by BAUER Maschinen. Jochen Kaspar, project manager for BAUER Umwelt, and Tobias Hampel, site manager for Bauer Spezialtiefbau reported in 2016 “The remediation project has been accident-free so far.� Works within the enclosure are carried out under protection level 2. This protection level maintains a mandatory independent respiratory air supply due to the toxic chemicals involved. The machines used within the remediation hall in the black area are equipped with a compressed air system for respiratory air supply of the driver which is nearly a form of specialist equipment. The times which the employees must carry out manual activities is reduced to an absolute minimum and thereby wear protective suits and respiratory protection equipment. This evokes many ideas akin to the spacesuit or firesuit where an independent air system and protective hazard
BAUER Maschinen totalworld.energy
The right pump for every application
NETZSCH Positive Displacement Pumps For each application there is an optimum pump principle: that is why we offer you as a leading manufacturer of three different pump technologies the right kind of pump for your individual application. NETZSCH rotary lobe, progressing cavity and multi screw pumps (also when
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NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH Tel.: +49 8638 63-0 info.nps@netzsch.com www.netzsch.com
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suits are provided thereby providing how dangerous the work could be. Jochen Kaspar, project manager for BAUER Umwelt explains. "The enclosure also ensures that no surface water comes into contact with the old waste deposits. A multistage groundwater filtering system treats the contaminated groundwater and directs it in a controlled manner into the adjoining Rhein." Few companies such like BAUER have both the expertise and resources to deal with these projects on this scale. Overall BAUER Maschinen like its parent company built its base slow but has developed into an integral part of the overall BAUER Group Company with its equipment utilised all over the globe within some capacity. The company is seen in exhibitions ranging from Bauma to Moscow with many in house. These exhibitions are very popular with many deals taking place. In a more humorous observational note, in terms of marketing, BAUER Maschinen also has fantastic presentation with their videos for their equipment which are highly informative, uplifting and professionally done. With BAUER Maschinen history and high standards, it is little wonder they are amongst the top in the global field.
totalworld.energy Smulders
Smulders aim to ‘make our client’s wishes a reality Mike Garwin
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Steel – the firm foundation of construction Important company, important projects. Passion drives excellence. ‘Perfect Partnership’ to reach the goal. What it means to be the perfect partners.
Smulders totalworld.energy
are an important facet in human life; so much so that the development of human technology uses metal mastery as a gauge of complexity in which a society can become. From school, the most common three ages as a broad umbrella to encompass society is the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Whilst it has its own limitations on explaining how human societies will and usually develop, when C.J Thomsen initially developed the three-age system, it was both simplistic and romantic for contemporaries to use in its time. By now the Iron Age has ended a long time ago, but its impact has reached us for generations. It’s direct offspring, Steel, has been sought, forged and used. All manners of constructs throughout history has seen its usage thereby making it one
of the few materials in the human world that has been amongst the changes of the human story. Steel has many usages. From the most basic design of a nail, knife or even a railway track to part of a mechanism such as a clock or a gun, steel has been a part of it. Before the invention of plastics, metals and glass were used for storage devices. These include bottles and steel cans. These were used throughout socie ty from storing food to the lamp post which was how pervasive steel was within society. In this modern period, while plastic has taken over due to its relative ease of disposability, hygiene and price, for the foundations of the modern society, steel is amongst the most trusted material. In this case, the foundation would be Smulders. Smulders is an international steel construction company which
has its roots based in France. It’s a member of the infrastructure branch of the Eiffage Group which in itself is a figure leading in European concessions and public works. The main four overall branches in its effective business line models is in Construction, Infrastructure, Energy and Concessions. As part of the Infrastructure branch, it has involved itself in many successful projects. For example, on the 3rd of July 2014, Smulders was contracted the supplies of 67 Transition Pieces for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm. A plethora of other impressive records is within Smulders repertoire such as construction, engineering, supplication and assembly of heavy, technical and architectonic steel constructions. Due to their varied range of techniques and construct works, they are important within the markets they are involved in.
"Besides internal cooperation, realising active collaboration with our clients is by far the most important core value of Smulders. Our drive is to bring projects to a good result, together."
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The main markets that they are in are: Civil & Industry, Offshore Oil & Gas and Offshore Wind. Due to its extensive size, it boasts an employment of 900 employees working across offices in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland. Amongst the companies key mottos is "to make our client's wishes reality". This highlights what Smulders focus is all about. Their passion for steel with their deep expertise in its formation and shaping enables their clients to develop the creation they would like to design rather than just be happy with the setting standards. It’s in this case why many of its projects have been inspiring. Such an example is the recent project finished in Hoboken on the 19th June 2018. The project is the construction of the biggest substation ever built in Hoboken. The consortium comprises of Smulders, ENGIE Fabricom, and CG who were contracted in December 2015 to design, supply and install an offshore substation. The contractor was by (EnBW) Energie Baden-Württemberg. The specifications are gargantuan for a civilian based engineering. It is 55 metres in length and 30 metres height, weighs 4,500 tonnes and includes 3 transformers including 3 shunt reactors. Such a construction warrants a name which is the Hohe See. Whilst built in Hoboken, the substation jacket foundation built by Smulders on their site in Vlissingen in the Netherlands is its new home in the future. Smulders was in charge of the steel construction of the topside and jackets. These sort of big projects that require great technical skills as the minimal requirements is a perfect textbook case to be given to Smulders to help create. As an international steel construction company, Smulders are usually amongst the best working within consortiums. How is that so? The simple truth lies in the ability to communicate and cooperate. For some companies, this is just a list of manners for cohesion. For Smulders, it is their core tenet. A singular belief for them is ‘The power of cooperation’. ‘The power of cooperation’ is a motto that applies all facilities within and to all of its employees in an unconditional manner. This is to utilise all the talents within the company to truly harmonise and maximise each 64 | total-world-energy.com
Smulders totalworld.energy
"Simply because they were realised with a true passion for steel"
THE POWER BEHIND THE WIND FOR OFFSHORE APPLICATION WITHOUT ANY COMPROMISE TRUE TO OUR MOTTO ”Lichtgitter – Everything from one source” we offer you the range to meet your wind energy plant requirements with all types of industrial floor coverings. We give you an all inclusive package backed up by the established Lichtgitter quality. Due to our long lasting experience you can be assured that we will ensure quality and safety at all levels.
PRODUCT RANGE + forge-welded gratings + pressure-locked gratings + perforated metal planks + GRP-gratings + combi-deck + chequer plates
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individuals or groups potential. Specialist individuals mixed with internally shared experience forms a steady source of expertise for any application of steel that all branches of the company can use if required. The five international branch offices that Smulders own highly 66 | total-world-energy.com
benefit with this tight and unique cooperation partnerships that allows a level of mastery within all the aspects of steel constructions. ‘Besides internal cooperation, realising active collaboration with our clients is by far the most important core value of Smulders.
Our drive is to bring projects to a good result, together.’ To Smulders, their wish and aim are to be the perfect partners. To Smulders, the idea of a ‘Perfect Partnership’ means becoming proactive and contributing to plans whilst offering solutions to
Smulders totalworld.energy
performance products that fully meet the requirements of their chosen client. Smulders stand out in terms of technical and knowledge skills because of their singular goal driven promise to fulfil client’s wishes. Their four core values: Decisiveness, Respect, Customer Orientation and
Teamwork ultimately shows with their end product including the journey that transpires. So, why is Smulders important as a steel construction company? It’s because each project they take is matched ‘simply because they were realised with a true passion for steel’. total-world-energy.com | 67
problems. The very foundation of solid project management requires ample attention to planning, transparency, flexibility, safety and service orientation which Smulders has shown to be capable of doing. Their key success is their eye on the prize by providing high-
totalworld.energy Kaombo Project
In deep water Victoria South
Total has never been a group to do things by halves and having initiated an exciting ultra-deep-water offshore project, the oil and gas industry may never be the same again.
Kaombo Project totalworld.energy
is the fourth largest oil and gas operation in the world, with diversified interests in a number of areas, including low-carbon initiatives. With almost a century of successful enterprise behind it, the global group is always looking for new and viable ways to source the affordable, reliable and clean energy that it promises its end users. While a deepwater offshore endeavour will never be the simplest option, Total is not afraid of a challenge, which is how the Kaombo project came into being. Acknowledging the challenges of the industry, leading to complex projects such as Kaombo, Total reveals that, “Energy has a key role to play in addressing the complex challenges facing the world today. As a major energy operator, we must contribute to meet them. We are taking action in all areas to deliver energy that is affordable and reliable, in compliance with the highest environmental standards.”
Innovation in unchartered territory
If deep-water exploration and extraction was simple, everybody would be doing it, but thanks to Total’s experience, knowledge and capabilities, it is able to make progress where others are not, including, but not limited to, the ultra-deep-waters offshore from Angola. The estimated reserves make it more than just an exciting prospect however, as Kaombo could be one of Total’s most definitive discoveries, “Launched in April 2014, Kaombo is the first project on ultra-deep offshore Block 32, located off the Angolan coast. With 658 million barrels of estimated oil reserves situated at depths of up to 1,950 meters and spread across 800 square kilometres, Kaombo is one of Total’s greatest technical feats ever.” This should give a little insight into the extraordinary challenge that Kaombo poses, but being in Block
32, which is a concession that Total is pleased to have a 30% stake of, the rewards promise to far outweigh any initial logistical difficulties or infrastructure complications, of which there must have been many. Aiming to release the oil reserves located across six fields, 300 kilometres of specialist underwater pipelines had to be installed first, in order to seamlessly connect the raw material to two floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels that are anchored nearby. While the Kaombo Norte and Kaombo Sul are both adequately equipped to make efficient work of the processing, once the material is on-board, the sheer scale and complexity of the overall project still promises to muddy the (deep) waters.
A site fraught with difficulties Starting with the most obvious stumbling block, it’s the deep water that is sure to require some on-the-
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spot thinking. Up to 1,950 metres deep, there will be both temperature and pressure concerns to address, which will necessarily require the use of incredibly specialist and rigorously benchmarked equipment. Cyril de Coatpont, the project director, acknowledged these difficulties himself, “Kaombo is twice as big as any previous Total oil project in the Gulf of Guinea. We are going deeper – from 1,400 to 1,950 metres and we are going further – 200 kilometres farther offshore. It is our largest development to date, covering an area nearly eight times the size of Paris.”
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“…Kaombo is one of Total’s greatest technical feats ever.”
Bigger, more complicated and deeper than ever before, this project heralds a new era for Total, but it’s not just the location that is proving to be thought-provoking; it’s the sheer volume of material as well. With an estimated 658 million barrels ready to be harvested and a current production capacity of 230,000 barrels per day, that equates to just shy of eight years of operation, based on 365-day working and no unforeseen problems or delays. That translates into a lot of pressure, particularly on the equipment being used and in turn, means that regular maintenance will need to be factored in as well.
Kaombo Project totalworld.energy
Aker Solutions Enterprises Lda (AKSEL) is proud to have supported the development of Total’s Kaombo field, one of the world’s largest subsea developments, which successfully reached First Oil earlier this year. Beyond Kaombo, AKSEL has an ongoing commitment to Angola, and will continue to support future major engineering, procurement and commissioning projects and services in-country, and help to secure vital skills for the future of the energy industry in Angola. AKSEL is an Angola-based joint venture between Angolan Prodiaman Oil Services SA and global energy services company Aker Solutions. It was formed in 2014 to support the in-country engineering, procurement, fabrication and supply contract for the Kaombo project. Aker Solutions was contracted to deliver 20 subsea manifolds and 65 vertical subsea trees, as well as controls, work-over and tie-in systems. Aker Solutions’ contracts also included: engineering, procurement, fabrication and supply (EPFS), in-country EPFS, drilling support assistant services, and life-of-field services. Local construction of equipment enabled reduction of imported materials, as well as support of local employment. In order to support the Kaombo project and develop local content and project execution capabilities in Angola, the AKSEL joint venture invested in training for its staff. It also invested in Angolan educational institutions, something that AKSEL, and Prodiaman Oil Services’ president Pedro Godinho Domingos, is committed to. Investments have been made in new laboratory facilities in Angola, at the National Institute of Petroleum (Instituto Nacional de Petróleos) and the University of Agostinho Neto, which includes relevant training in operation and maintenance of the equipment, to provide long-term benefits for both laboratory facilities. In addition, AKSEL’s technology center in the Angolan city of Viana will be an important base for an extensive local training program designed to develop strong in-country engineering competence for both subsea lifecycle services and topside maintenance, modifications and operations services.
Proud to have supported the development of the Kaombo field.
Joint Venture
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The final issue facing Total is the rather unique and complicated production system in place. Being hundreds of kilometres offshore, transporting daily simply isn’t an option, which is why a network of 59 wells has been expertly installed. Spanning the 800 square kilometre site, the wells are connected by a system of subsea pipeline, which in turn, facilitates the easy movement of material to the waiting FPSO vessels. It probably won’t come as a surprise, given the enormous scale of the project, that this is the largest subsea operation in Angola, but who better to take it on than Total? The company clearly has the manpower and requisite knowledge, not to mention that certain extra quality that makes for a standout organisation; courage in the face of complexity.
Innovation at every stage
“Energy has a key role to play in addressing the complex challenges facing the world today. As a major energy operator, we must contribute to meet them.”
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Not a company to overlook an opportunity to maintain budget control or add a little extra ingenuity into a project, Total has taken the unusual move of modifying existing tankers into something a whole lot more useful, “In an effort to control costs and in line with its policy of continuous improvement, Total decided not to build new FPSO vessels for this project. Instead, two oil tankers were converted into FPSO units with internal turrets - this central structure is the nerve centre of the FPSO - a first for Total. The first FPSO, Kaombo Norte, will develop three of the six fields – Gengibre, Gindungo and Caril – and the second FPSO, Kaombo Sul, the other three – Canela, Mostarda and Louro. Kaombo Norte is scheduled to produce first oil in 2018 and Kaombo Sul in 2019. Once operational, each vessel will produce and store up to 115,000 barrels per day.” It’s this final example of genius and unique infrastructure solutions that really cements the Kaombo project, as well as Total, into the history books, in terms of innovation within the energy sector. A recognised and respected name in the oil and gas industry, Total is building on an already incredible reputation. By not only taking on, but actually masterminding and leading a project as complex as Kaombo, one thing is certain: Total is one of the strongest swimmers in the industry, even in deep water.
totalworld.energy Oman Drydock
A world leader in dry dock facilities Victoria South
Oman Drydock Company is on a mission to be the biggest, brightest and best dry dock facility in the entire Middle East and there looks to be nothing holding it back.
Oman Drydock totalworld.energy
Oman Drydock Compny (ODC), founded in 2006, had a fortuitous start, receiving 100% funding from the Government of the Sultanate of Oman. Initially, the operation was taken under the wing of the Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Company (DSME), though this arrangement expired in 2016, with a fantastic working relationship maintained between the two interests as ODC went out on its own. Today, ODC stands as a seriously impressive operation, being one of the largest but also most contemporary and fit-forpurpose ship repair facilities in the entire world and a premium location certainly helps to ensure a steady stream of business. Built in Duqm, the dry dock is found on the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, allowing for fast and easy access from the exceptionally busy trade routes that span Oman’s scenic coastline, Operating alongside a vision of becoming the best dry dock facility in the Middle East is a desire to contribute to the good of the local economy as well. Organic growth in Oman is an important factor, with many large corporations striving to do their bit and ODC is not shirking its responsibility to join in.
“ODC’s strategic location, climate, world-class shipyard facilities and integrated services will provide ODC’s customers with great advantages and merit.”
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Moreover, the team is looking for opportunities to not only contribute to the wider economic stability, but also to raise the standards of dry dock services as a whole, treat the customer like royalty, strive for Oman business innovation and appreciate staff in a genuine and not affected way. It’s all really coming together in terms of meeting that goal of being the best of the best, “ODC’s strategic location, climate, world-class shipyard facilities and integrated services will provide ODC’s customers with great advantages and merit. ODC can serve owners/operators trading within the Arabian Gulf as well as those whose fleets transit east to west along the Omani coastline and the west coast of India. The Port of Duqm is expanding and, once the new refinery has been built in Duqm, the port will become an attractive end port for many shipping lines in the oil business.”
Services to meet every need
There’s no question that ODC has built a phenomenal location, equipped to handle the needs of any and all clients, but the question has to be asked; what services are actually on offer? It can’t just be a case of ship repairs, as that wouldn’t be enough to make ODC rise above every other dry dock facility in the world. Of course, there is so much more on offer, though vessel repairs are a main offering, “The main backbone of any ship repair yard’s annual turnover is the general repair market. Known in the trade as ‘haircut and shave’ this market segment covers all the regular repairs, maintenance and refurbishments, normally during Class Survey dry dockings.” From small through to truly enormous ships, ODC has the ability to carry out repairs and maintenance to an exceptionally high standard, with many clients fast becoming repeat customers thanks to the adaptability of the teams on-site. In addition to general repairs, more specialist services are also on offer. Complex vessel conversions are not uncommon, nor are in-port repairs, whereby vessels are left in the water during a period of anchorage. Rig repairs and conversions are happily taken on an d there’s even the opportunity for other industries to come in and take advantage of ODC’s enviable facilities. The steel workshop has every conceivable piece total-world-energy.com | 77
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of equipment necessary for industrial projects, such as making sections for bridges and RSJs.
A plethora of facilities and manpower
With such a huge portfolio of potential service son offer, the ODC site needs to be up to task of accommodating a wide variety of different clients, simultaneously, if need be. With this in mind, the site has become a multifaceted arena of preparedness, “ODC yard occupies over 1,277,000 square metres of land and 1,139,000 square metres of sea surface with 2,800 metres of quays.” To put this into context, that means there is enough room for 200 ships per year to come into dry dock, with quays attached for convenience and anchorage work, while not forgetting the numerous workshops on-site, a working plant, tugs, cranes and even offices all being ready to use at the drop of a hat. To say that ODC is well equipped would be watering down the impact of the gargantuan site, but the management team is quick to reveal
“Our work practices are designed to consider and respect local employees' cultures and traditions.” that modern equipment and fancy facilities are not the most important elements in play. That title goes to the exemplar human resources that make the operation run like clockwork, every single day, “ODC takes pride in being a responsible employer, dedicated to treating every employee with respect and dignity and providing a safe, healthy and high-quality work environment. Every aspect of our business is guided by ODC's ethical, environmental and human rights commitments as well as our strong commitment to safety. The primary factor in our success is ODC's multicultural, global workforce. We recognise that a motivated, welltrained and diverse workforce is a strong competitive advantage and we expect our employees to communicate and work effectively with people from many different countries and cultures.”
It almost sounds too good to be true that an operation of such a huge size could retain a sharp eye when it comes to the welfare, development and happiness of each and every member of the team, but it’s an intrinsic part of ODC and the values it adheres to, “As a socially responsible company, ODC is committed to respecting cultural norms and values. Our work practices are designed to consider and respect local employees' cultures and traditions.” ODC has tapped into a winning formula for success. By combining world-class facilities with a varied portfolio of services, all carried out by a workforce that feels safe and appreciated, ODC will not struggle to achieve global recognition. In fact, it would be shocking if competitors, clients and suppliers alike, didn’t already consider it to be a world leader in dry dock facilities.
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totalworld.energy Royal Boskalis Westminister
Singapore “award of this sizable project marks a historic moment� for Boskalis Kien Ingate
Royal Boskalis Westminster is amongst the leading global company for maritime repair, construction and towage. With over 10,700 employees, how it set itself for the future and prosperity of a global trading nation is something to be admired.
Royal Boskalis Westminister totalworld.energy
maritime world is both a wondrous place of imagination and yet the focus of many fears. The sea evokes many responses ranging from benign figures such as the little Mermaid to the lurking horrors of sharks such as Jaws. In many regards, some people view the sea in both equal regard for that viewpoint of both joy and fear. Underlying these points, from the oceans perspective, how terrifying human kind must be over the last 200 years and more? Much of human waste in much greater proportions had been unceremoniously dumped into the sea which also includes some industrial grade waste. For the ocean, it is home to many creatures and sea plants but humans are scarily polluting, acidifying and warming the oceans to kill the inhabitants. How scary must humans be? Luckily in the modern age of science, we understand and regret the damage that had been done to the world. It is therefore, one of the key aims of many lobbyists to big companies to provide less impact to the environment and in many cases, find methods to harmonise with nature. Whilst there is a plethora of methods to develop over land, the oceans are still more difficult to deal with due to its nature. Luckily for the oceans, one organisation dedicated to both improve humanities capital outgrowth and care for the ocean is present. It is Royal Boskalis Westminster (Boskalis). Royal Boskalis Westminster is foremost a prestigious global dredging, offshore contractor and maritime services provider. It offers a diverse thereby unique combination of vessels, activities and experts. The company is over a 100 years old thereby steeped in trust and tradition especially within the Netherlands. In its inception from 1910, Boskalis was established by a group of families in Sliedrecht, creating the cradle of the Dutch dredging industry. Luckily it had cumulatively a large quantity of boats creating a form of a fleet. This would be a prelude to its current day incarnation forms. After the First World War, it partook in the national affair of the Zuider Zee project from 1914-1930 in the Dutch effort to reclaim more land. Due to its popularity and success of the project, in 1930s Boskalis expands especially to the United Kingdom where it established Westminster Dredging Company in London in 1933.
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On the lead up to 1953 where Boskalis becomes a proper global company, it had used the first diesel electric bucket dredger, introduced a trailer suction hopper dredger (James 47) into Europe for the first time and was a major contributor to the Delta Works project which is considered amongst the 7 Wonders of the Modern world. It is from then that global contracts for its experience in coast line defences were achieved. By 1971, it was designated the regal title of ‘Royal’ due on its part to its contribution to its home country and becoming public thereby acquiring more companies. In 2018, the three main impressive acquisition, Dockwise, VBMS and Fairmount provide their services under the brand name Boskalis. This name change is a representation for the combined knowledge, strength and expertise on logistics, installations and heavy maritime transportations. For Singapore, Royal Boskalis Westminster is the perfect company to help deal and realise the goals for the country. Since the first independence for Singapore with Lee Kuan Yew as the founding father, Singapore’s
'The nearly 30 meter high caissons designed for this project will be amongst the largest ever used in the world.’
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government has shown its decisive and effective strategies of solving the nation’s problems. This can’t be more emphasised during the time of crisis with the incident of the Bukit Ho Swee Fire (May 25th 1961) where 400,00m2 was razed, 4 people were sadly killed and the burden of 16,000 people driven homeless. During this period of Singapore, many of its inhabitants were already suffering from a housing crisis with many living in squalor. Within 1 year, all victims were rehoused and in another 5 years, the fire struck area had been completely redeveloped with additional housings for the people. This is a moment pride for Singaporeans who showed the world how effective their planning and actualisation is which till this day is still famed with this reputation. Due to Boskalis prestigious history, size and number of talents, they have been hired and contracted to assist and help Singapore. As Singapore plans for its future, it realises that whilst their management of land has been carefully allocated and used, to match the growing population and demands in a comfortable manner, land acquisition is paramount. Boskalis is uniquely suited for this job. Its history within the Netherlands dating as far back as the Zuider Zee project to reclaim land to the modern wonder of the Delta Works project makes them perfect for the task that Singapore has planned. On the 3rd of April 2018, the Housing & Development Board of Singapore awarded the contract for developing the north western tip of Pulau Tekong with a polder. This is recognised by Peter Berdowski, CEO Boskalis who commented "The award of this sizable project marks a historic moment. Our company has a rich heritage of building dikes and developing polders in the Netherlands, and the creation of this first polder in Southeast Asia is an important new milestone. Over the past decades Boskalis have been active in Singapore reclaiming land enabling the country to grow. The use of polders however creates new opportunities to expand. Through this project we look forward to pushing back boundaries and demonstrating our global leadership position as dredging and marine experts." Boskalis is responsible for dike closures and reinforcement of the existing dike to create Singapore's first polder. The difference between previous projects and this case is that previous reclamation of land is by filling an area above sea level. However for this case, total-world-energy.com | 83
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a more advanced means of reclaiming land is through draining off the water by means of pumps and canals. The contract value for the consortium of this project is approximately EUR 800 million of which Boskalis has the share of approximately EUR 400 million. Due to their history for projects that are unique, there is a reason why they were awarded this contract. Before this project had been awarded, Boskalis had helped Singapore in another project known as the expansion of Tuas Mega Port. Whilst Shanghai takes the global seat, Singapore handles 50% of global crude oil production, the world’s most busy transit port and amongst the world's largest container port. Understandably, the port is the economic motor of Singapore, which is constantly struggling with a shortage of land. Boskalis is part of the consortium that won a contract related to the construction of the Tuas Mega Port in Singapore. The client, Jurong Town Corporation, granted the first phase of
the project to them and has completed since this article. Due to Boskalis exemplary role and work in the project, they were hired again for phase 2 of the project. These ‘include the design and construction of 387 hectares of land reclamation works bounded by 9.1 kilometers of caisson walls. The nearly 30 meter high caissons designed for this project will be amongst the largest ever used in the world.’ Noted for their skills in dredging and land reclamation in this project, it is little wonder the Housing & Development Board of Singapore awarded the contract to Boskalis consortium. For Singapore, Royal Boskalis Westminster has served for not just the Netherlands but other countries around the world in a great manner. All have been satisfied and happy with the work and services provided by them and in complicated cases, even became a wonder of the Modern world. In the case for Singapore, perhaps Boskalis will remind the world why the country is so admired.
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totalworld.energy Ingenio Magdalena
Sustainability at the core Victoria South
Ingenio Magdalena is a processing plant with a difference, as it not only develops and markets viable food products, it is also a major energy supplier in Latin America with a keen interest in environmental innovations.
Ingenio Magdalena totalworld.energy
might sound like a strange combination of interests, but Ingenio Magdalena (IM) has masterfully combined its first speciality of producing sugar with the secondary interest of sustainable energy supply and today, the company is renowned for both, “With 33 years of history, Ingenio Magdalena has become the largest Central American sugar producer and the second in Latin America, with the largest refinery in the world attached to a mill. It is also the third largest power generator in the country and a major international alcohol producer.” Diversification is clearly the name of the game for IM, but everything has a natural evolution to it. While at first, sugar and energy might not sound particularly connected, look a little deeper and it makes perfect sense that a huge plant should be able to find a way to create energy while in operation, as well as using it. After all, that’s how mills of the past worked, so why not extend the practice into the modern era?
For the good of the people
Before looking at the how, it’s important to understand why IM sought to produce energy and the answer is staggeringly simple: “To improve people’s quality of life.” A mantra of such simple selflessness comes as no surprise, given that IM has a strategy and vision that mirrors it perfectly, “We want to grow sustainably in the present and potential businesses through innovation, efficiency and productivity, ensuring the quality of its products and the best customer service. For 2022, Magdalena will be a world-class company, leader in costs and productivity, driven by innovation and creating added value. It will develop and commercialise sustainable agricultural, food and energy products for the benefit of its stakeholders.”
Powering the nation
It’s no revelation that people need power, but it’s the way that IM is consistently looking for new, sustainable and environmentally responsible ways to produce it that sets it apart from competitors. While many companies seek to pay lip service to greener operating practices and environmental stewardship, IM can demonstrate total-world-energy.com | 87
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a clear and transparent timeline of energy production evolution that points towards renewable clean options that are fast becoming a major priority. Having been in the power generation game since 1990, it’s safe to say that IM knows what it is doing. From a plant that had a capacity of 12.5 megawatts, regular expansion programmes lead to an increase in capacity, not to mention the addition of transmission lines and substations. It was in 2010 that IM really took things up a notch, in terms of the energy side of the company, with 20 years of successful operating firmly under its belt, “In 2010, we began the construction of a thermal power generating plant that works with biomass and coal, adding 62.4 MW to our capacity in 2012. In that same year, we began the construction of a similar block with a capacity for 61.5 MW, completed in 2014 and in 2016 another 61.5 MW project was launched (San Isidro), located in the southwest of the country.” Considering that 12.5 megawatts was the initial capacity, these giant leaps are significant, to say the least and have all been building up to some fantastically impressive feats, one of which is being the second largest energy exporter in Guatemala, “In 2011, we created the Power Marketer for Development - CED (for its acronym in Spanish), in order to meet the demands of power purchasing from industrial customers and distributors in Central America.”
Creating a sustainable future
With CED in place, IM was in a position to really capitalise on the demand from other businesses and secured its place in history as a serious player in the energy industry, which left just one more goal to crush: becoming more sustainable, “The development of new projects with renewable energy sources has become a priority and we have a hydroelectric power project capable of generating 9.5 MW, which is part of our constant search for new technologies that are environmentally friendly.” With a heartfelt understanding of the fact that future generations have the right to a good quality of life, total-world-energy.com | 89
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free from rationed natural resources, IM is explicit in its desire to develop renewable energy technologies, which is great, considering how much energy the other interests of the company use. If the sugar production arm could take advantage of renewable energy, produced in-house, not only will be IM be offering the country a better way to power its homes and businesses, it will actually be leading by example, “In Ingenio Magdalena we are committed to sustainable development, the rational and responsible use of natural resources, the reduction of the impact of our activities, guaranteeing continuous improvement and compliance with national legislation.”
A global impact
It wouldn’t be going too far to suggest that if more large corporations took a leaf out of the IM operational handbook, by looking for ways to operate more sustainably
and responsibly, the world would be a better place. What’s really interesting here, however, is the way that IM hasn’t waited for commercial environmental policies to become mandatory. Instead, it has lead the charge and decided for itself that a change needs to happen, if future generations are to be left a world that they can take pride in and enjoyment from. Given how quickly IM grew from having just a 12.5 megawatts capacity to multiple blocks capable of creating so much more, it stands to reason that the modest 9.5 megawatt hydroelectric programme being developed right now will grow exponentially. And who knows? Perhaps after that, even more renewable energy sources will be considered for inclusion as well. One thing is certain and that’s the fact that regardless of the direction IM moves in or how it seeks to evolve its environmental interests, there will always be sustainability at the core.
"The goal is to secure 52% of the country’s energy mix from renewable sources by 2030"
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totalworld.energy World AIDS month
Celebrating World AIDS month – SANAC discusses the power of sport in tackling HIV
Gert La Roux
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works to increase knowledge, empower individuals, change attitudes, drive demand for health services, improve adherence, build self-esteem and build confidence amongst youth,” noted Western Cape MEC for Health Nomafrench Mbombo, who delivered the keynote address at the dialogue. Speakers at the dialogue also highlighted the importance of dealing with social and structural drivers of HIV, and challenged all South Africans to address gender inequalities and rethink gender stereotypes that contribute to the spread of HIV. Soccer player Thandani Ntshumayelo participated in the dialogue, raising awareness about substance abuse and sharing his story of turning his life around. “More than ever, sport can be a catalyst in our society to improve quality of life and human well-being and help us move closer to ending HIV and TB,” concluded SANAC’s Dr Nevilene Slingers.
“A sports-based approach is a unique and innovative way to address adolescents’ evolving needs, engage them on their health, and support them to plan for their futures. We have evidence to show that sport works to increase knowledge, empower individuals, change attitudes, drive demand for health services, improve adherence, build self-esteem and build confidence amongst youth,”
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the world is recognizing and celebrating December as World AIDS month, South Africa is very much on board with many campaigns and activations taking place around the country, helping to acknowledge and support those living with HIV. The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) has come to the party and took the initiative to host an amazing high level national dialogue on sport and its impact, role and opportunity for HIV prevention. Many youth and motivational speakers came together to share knowledge and encourage one another. The event, held at Brackenfell, was an opportunity to focus on and harness the power of sport to reduce stigma and discrimination, increase education and empower young people to adopt healthy behaviours to prevent HIV in South Africa. SANAC recognizes that HIV incidence in youth, especially young women, is stubbornly high at around 1700 new infections per week. Research has found that knowledge of HIV amongst school learners is decreasing and we know that stigma and stereotypes persist amongst the youth. Now is the time to invest in what works. “Millions of sports fans take part or watch sport every week in South Africa. Sport stimulates passion and has the capacity to unite us. It is also a powerful force for change and information sharing on issues such as HIV and tuberculosis (TB)” said Dr. Nevilene Slingers, SANAC Executive Manager for Resource Mobilisation. In recent years an increasing array of projects have been leveraging the power of sport to promote inclusion, life skills, health, and educational messaging, to accelerate progress towards the sustainable development goals. Global development partners, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria attended the dialogue, acknowledging the potential of sport as an impact booster for wider development interventions, particularly with vulnerable youth. “A sports-based approach is a unique and innovative way to address adolescents’ evolving needs, engage them on their health, and support them to plan for their futures. We have evidence to show that sport
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