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Notes from a Conscious Filmmaker, Part 2
Notes from a Conscious Filmmaker, Part 2 by Nikki Luna Williams, Producer/Director of Time of the Sixth Sun
Pictured: Geoffrey Hoppe
Several years into the making of this film and interviewing wisdom keepers from all over the world, I had what you might call a ‘white light’ moment. For my narration, I had originally intended for an actor to play the part of the unseen ‘collective consciousness’ by way of a voice over, and I had been mulling over in my head who would be best cast in this part. Ben Kingsley, because of course, he will always be Gandhi in our minds eye, and could therefore hold the huge energy of the invisible realms. But then in that moment of white light clarity, I realised that I could go for the real thing instead.
I had been following a very grounded ‘channel’ called Geoffrey Hoppe of The Crimson Circle, who had been channeling an angelic being called Tobias for many years. I loved Tobias so much as he had such a warm affection for us human beings. He had a grandfatherly nature, and spoke from the collective overview with both compassion and humour. So I got in touch with Geoffrey and his wife Linda, and arranged to fly over to Colorado the following month.
On the 14th of July 2010, we sat in Geoffrey’s living room and I shared the journey I had been on so far, as in who I had already interviewed for the film and the topics we had covered. I then blurted out the question on my lips, and asked Tobias if he would tell our story? Even though I was speaking to Geoffrey, Tobias was never far away and Geoffrey confirmed after a moments reflection, that he would.
I turned on the two cameras and the zoom mic I had taken with me and started recording… a couple of minutes passed whilst Geoffrey surrendered into a trance state, and then I heard those beautiful opening words, spoken through the velvety dulcet tones of Geoffrey, who was affectionately known as (*) ‘Cauldra’ by the spirit world. That was their name for the vessel who Tobias would speak through.
“And so it is. It is I, Tobias. I’m going to speak here for just a moment before we actually get into recording the narration. I’ll just adjust how I sit so (*) Cauldra is comfortable. Now I’m going to make a few comments here and then we’ll get into the taping….. “I am that I am. The voice of spirit manifest in human form, speaking to you across time and space. I Tobias, son of Tobit, have lived here on Earth many lifetimes before, and I will return again. I walk this journey with you, as your guide, as we collectively co-create our future and our potentials.”
Bringing in all of the energies of this intense and high consciousness film into this gathering right now with all of you who are here, of course, but we’re taking a moment to adjust to the energies for all of it’s potentials, for all of those who will ever view this, for all of those who indeed will help to finance this for you. Bringing in the potentials right now of those who are beginning on their journey of awakening, even they don’t know it yet, but something deep within them called out, whether it was years ago in this lifetime, whether it was many lifetimes ago, whether they were in the monasteries or any of the other religious orders, whether they were holders of the energies of Earth for this new awakening……
Let’s bring their consciousness into this film right now. Not just the ones who are on tape, not just I, Tobias, but of all of them because indeed what you are doing here is, you are creating a universal product, you are creating what I’m going to term here and in our discussion….the fruit of the rose. The fruit of the rose is a term that I use….it describes the awakening or the remembering that we all put on Earth for ourselves, knowing that at a certain time the awakening would be here, we would need to remind ourselves or indeed the angelic beings on the other realms help to remind humans. Gaia herself has the energy of remembrance in herself but, ultimately it comes down to each and every individual human, allowing themselves to remember that they put their own awakening message, their own awakening sign on this Earth in their reality, in their physical body for themselves, and we call this “the fruit of the rose.”
It is so easy to get lost in this duality and it’s so easy to forget your way and forget where you came from, and it’s so easy to get immersed in this thing called human reality on Earth, and you forget. So many humans create a type of nightmare for themselves, repeating lifetimes over and over. Coming back to Earth with the same relationships as the ones that they had just left, coming back to the same problems and difficulties and challenges. It is indeed like a bad dream, and they keep trying to find their way out of that prison. They keep trying to discover new ways to break out but all of the time, because they’re using the old human tools, in a way they are just digging themselves in deeper.
There does come a point of surrender, also a point of remembering. When they come across this beautiful symbol, the fruit of the rose, the reminder that they put on Earth for themselves, to awaken, then the awakening process starts unfolding. It doesn’t happen in one day or one year, and for many humans it may not even happen in one lifetime. But the process indeed does start happening. Everything starts changing with the human. The very path that they had been on, the path of what you’d call destiny or karma, starts to change. At that point the human feels that they are out of control because the old systems aren’t working anymore. Their old tricks aren’t working.
Something is happening deep within them. They feel very much like the caterpillar going into it’s cocoon, like the caterpillar going into the cocoon not knowing what’s going to happen next, transforming into what the old caterpillar feels is ‘mush’ - losing all of it’s caterpillar strengths and it’s caterpillar tendencies and it’s caterpillar defences. At this point of course, the caterpillar or the human, is terrorized, frightened, filled with fear, an uncertainty, going into a period of the dark night of the soul, but is it really? Is it really the dark night of the soul or is it the surrendering back unto themselves. Is it the releasing of all of the caterpillar illusions and all of the caterpillar lies, the releasing of the caterpillar mind so that it can emerge into what it truly is - a butterfly.
The humans who are going through their awakening find many many parallels with this. They start to lose their mind, or control of their mind. It’s not that anybody is taking that away from them, rather it is that they are going beyond the limitations of the mind, limitations that were placed there when the angels first came to Earth.
Right now, those who are awakening, are going out of their minds. They’re discovering that there’s something much grander, what you may call the soul, the divine intelligence, the all-knowing mind. It goes far beyond the capabilities of the human mind and unlike the human mind, in the reservoirs of its memories, it contains no
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judgement, it contains no limitation, it contains no duality, the duality of love and hate, masculine and feminine, light and dark. The divine mind does not judge these things, it just understands it’s own experience.
In the awakening, the body starts to transmute, what some may feel is the body falling apart is not at all. The body is releasing it’s old systems to create new systems. It’s transforming at the level of the DNA and even deeper than that, the body is bringing up an element that it’s always had but has long been put away. That is the element of rejuvenation. The ability to cleanse itself without having to overload yourself with vitamins, with systems with programs, but simply giving permission for your body to heal. Giving permission for your body to do what it already knows how to do.
The body has this capability already within it and in the awakening, the body goes through a transformation. A clearing and a cleansing to make way for your own natural healing system. So if you’re not, if it feels like your body is falling apart, fear not those wrinkles that you get on your face, fear not if you end up sick for a period of time because your body is going through an intense cleansing. As fear not, as many of you do, coming in contact with what you consider out of balance energies outside of you, because your body already knows how to transmute, you see energy is just energy. When you go beyond the illusion that there’s good or bad, or healthy and unhealthy, light or dark, you begin to understand that energy is just energy. It was created from a pure space. It was put into motion and put into structure by you, to help solidify your reality and at any time when you come into the place of openness, compassion and surrender to your self, you can transmute ANY energy, no matter how light or dark, no matter how imbalanced because at it’s core, you’ll recognise that it is just energy.
This film is part of the fruit of the rose for so many people. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands or millions who’ll hear the words, see the pictures and feel the essence, the essence of what is contained herein, not just playing on a screen or through speakers but the essence as being brought together by it’s producers, by it’s supporters, by those who are on film. It is a way of bringing together a unified message, a message of awakening, a call to awakening - that is, what the energy and the consciousness of this creation is about.
Allow yourself to sink deep into it because you are in this production as well, even if you don’t appear on the screen, even if you think you have never heard of this production before, if you are listening to it, if you are watching it, you ARE part of the essence. Your energy, your fruit of the rose is in here as well.
So….now that I’ve said my piece, we’ll clear (*) Cauldra’s sinuses a bit and we’ll get on with this other part you’ve asked us to do.”
Over the next hour or so, Tobias told us the story of how the planet was created right up to the eventual ascension of our species… “Through the wall of fire, beyond the limits of the consciousness of the Godhead, we entered the void, and this began the journey of our souls. With great love, this beautiful planet was seeded with the energies of life and all of the potentials for humanity. Angelic beings known as Gaia came here to earth and went deep into it’s consciousness core. Here they embedded the electromagnetic frequencies and the crystalline energies which brought air, fire and water that would give life to the plant and animal kingdoms. It created all life on Earth.”
To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time a feature documentary film has been narrated by spirit, as guide and storyteller.
Tune in to the next article to hear how Nikki Luna and her team navigate their journey of awakening in the making of this movie…
To view the 108min Movie and 8 part Docuseries online for free – Please go to: https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch. com and register to view the 9 day screening
Nikki Luna Williams
Writer/ Producer/ Director
Theo Van Dort
Executive Producer/ Social Media Marketing