Notes from a Conscious Filmmaker, Part 2 by Nikki Luna Williams, Producer/Director of Time of the Sixth Sun
Several years into the making of this film and interviewing wisdom keepers from all over the world, I had what you might call a ‘white light’ moment. For my narration, I had originally intended for an actor to play the part of the unseen ‘collective consciousness’ by way of a voice over, and I had been mulling over in my head who would be best cast in this part. Ben Kingsley, because of course, he will always be Gandhi in our minds eye, and could therefore hold the huge energy of the invisible realms. But then in that moment of white light clarity, I realised that I could go for the real thing instead. I had been following a very grounded ‘channel’ called Geoffrey Hoppe of The Crimson Circle, who had been channeling an angelic being called Tobias for many years. I loved Tobias so much as he had such a warm affection for us human beings. He had a grandfatherly nature, and spoke from the collective overview with both compassion and humour.
Pictured: Geoffrey Hoppe
So I got in touch with Geoffrey and his wife Linda, and arranged to fly over to Colorado the following month. On the 14th of July 2010, we sat in Geoffrey’s living room and I shared the journey I had been on so far, as in who I had already interviewed for the film and the topics we had covered. I then blurted out the question on my lips, and asked Tobias if he would tell our story? Even though I was speaking to Geoffrey, Tobias was never far away and Geoffrey confirmed after a moments reflection, that he would. I turned on the two cameras and the zoom mic I had taken with me and started recording… a couple of minutes passed whilst Geoffrey surrendered into a trance state, and then I heard those beautiful opening words, spoken through the velvety dulcet tones of Geoffrey, who was affectionately known as (*) ‘Cauldra’ by the spirit world. That was their name for the vessel who Tobias would speak through.
Summer’s Twilight 2020