Influential People Magazine Aug 2020

Page 36


MERIDITH POWELL AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR KEYNOTE SPEAKER, BUSINESS STRATEGIST, SALES/LEADERSHIP EXPERT Copyright by Meridith Powell All you have to do is a little googling to find countless articles and videos on why a morning routine is essential and the virtues of why most successful people have one. But have you ever wondered why morning routines matter, why they work, and what impact they have on your day? Nope, me either, until now that is! Chance are if you are reading this article you are one of three kinds of people: someone who has a morning routine and is wholly committed to it, someone who has always wanted to start a morning routine or just a skeptic who is looking for more ammunition to throw darts at the impact of a morning routine. Whoever you are, I am just glad you’re here. And yes, even the naysayers, because this article is not about data, research, and trying to prove to anyone they need a morning routine. It is just to give you ideas, and insight on the difference a morning routine can make, and how to create or improve yours. Because morning routines only work if you believe in them and are committed to them. So, the first hurdle in creating a morning routine is you. So, if you still think they’re hogwash then there’s no need to read further. But if you’re someone who is on board or inclined that way, let’s look further.


Laying the Foundation for Your Routine Morning routines are powerful because they set the tone for your day. So many of us are overscheduled, busy, and spend our entire day in reactive mode just trying to catch up. Morning routines are the one part of your day that you control, where you’re in charge. A time when you get to set an intention, think about your day, and decide what you want to happen, and what you want to create.

Mornings are also the time of the day when you have the most willpower, the most ability to make decisions that are more about what you want to be or become. We all have dreams, habits you want to make, changes in your lives you would like to see. A morning routine creates the space to let you do that. Set an intention, think about that intention, and then really visualize how that intention will come about. Yes, if you believe in morning routines, they can be a great way not only to start your day but a strong investment in yourself. So how do you start a morning routine, or how do you make the one you have even stronger?

How to Create a Morning Ritual that Works Best for You Get Clear – first, you need to think about how you want your

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