Influential People Magazine March/April 2020

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Magazine March/April 2020

Are Customer Complaints Good News For Your Business? HEIDE DANGELO


10 Things to Increase

Your Productivity While Working at Home





14 Reasons to be Grateful

for Staying at Home During the Pandemic MIKEY ADAM COHEN

Are There No Correlation Between How Smart People Are and How Successful They Can Become? SOULAIMA GOURANI

Dr. Lance Patak MD, MBA Offers Communication Devices For Coronavirus Patients DR LANCE PATAK MD,MBA



Passover and the Coronavirus Pandemic MIKEY ADAM COHEN


Contents 8


Photography by: Doug Ferguson Doug Ferguson



Are Customer Complaints Good News For Your Business?





The 3 Strategies to Ensure Your Team is Using the Important Words in Customer Service MERIDITH POWELL


Passover and the Corona Virus Pandemic MIKEY ADAM COHEN


Interview with the World’s Greatest Motivators


14 Reasons to be grateful for staying home during the pandemic

42 45


50 54

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3 Steps to a “Perfect 2020 Mastermind Event Are There no correlation between how smart people are and how successful they can become? SOULIMA GOURANI

Tired of being exposed to workplace bullying advice for victims and managers GITTE RANDRUP

14 Keys to working from home successfully CARMA SPENCE



Few reasons why you are missing the mark in digital marketing DARRELL STERN



10 Things to Increase Your Productivity While Working From Home

Dr. Lance Patak MD, MBA Offers Communication Devices for Coronavirus Patients DR LANCE PATAK MD, MBA


W elcome to the world of influential people. From social media, business, health/fitness to transformational leaders like self-help gurus, educators, authors, speakers, artists, coaches, trainers, and mentors all are heroes too often invisible heroes. All are visionaries coming forward to bring a message of hope and possibilities and developing a platform for creativity and excellence. Our definition of an influential person is someone who chooses to impact those around them for the better, someone who encourages people to think beyond their own life so that they will aspire to inspire others. Influence is not enforced but gently led by personal example and. education. While big media would convince us that the world’s influencers are all on the ‘main’ stage we at Influential People Magazine disagree. Yes, we may read a book or see someone in a news report, but those people are too distant from our own sphere to make them relatable. We know, it is those in our communities who truly influence us, who teach us and inspire us, not by one deed but by how we see them live. The team at Influential People believes passionately in spreading that message and understands the need to provide exposure for people on a local level. We work hard to provide a forum for coaches, mentors, authors, writers, trainers, speakers, business owners, entrepreneurs, photographers, event producers, health & wellness practitioners, teachers, icons, heroes. We consider these people to be leaders whose voice and a story has still to be told to the world. Influential People Magazine is known as a place for emerging Influencers. Will you be one or will you find your next mentor in our pages? Join us to find out.



elcome back grab a chair and some coffee. It’s finally March then April—the first exciting months of the year. Why is it exciting, you ask? Let me tell you. March signifies spring, April is the beauty of spring. Do you love someone with autism? I do. My 28-year-old son has high functioning autism and it’s because of him that I’m passionate about helping individuals with autism, people with all kinds of disabilities, and the families who love them get the supports they need to lead full lives. Of course, part of getting that support is knowing where to turn, and that is where this special issue comes in, our cover feature is Brenton Tyler Hoffmann, who has autism, the ability of resilience to become “The Walking Miracle Warrior”. World Autism Month is celebrated each April along with March disability month and includes outreach, education and autism-friendly events throughout the month to increase understanding of autism and foster worldwide support. The focus of the 2020 campaign is the Year of Kindness. Autism is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. The learning, communication, and problem-solving abilities of people with autism can range from gifted to severely challenged. Those living with autism and their families may face a number of obstacles, often needing various supports and accommodations in their daily lives. As many households are juggling work, childcare, school, and daily life at home during the coronavirus quarantine face many difficulties. However, many people with autism and their families face unique challenges, including disruption in routines and in services, and in coping with the uncertainty of what comes next. Transitions can be difficult and frightening for all of us and sometimes even more so for kids with autism. However, as I write this, most everything has been canceled or postponed because of coronavirus pandemic, being self-quarantine and isolation. People are freaking out on social media, more of us are being asked to work from home and everything just feels surreal and uneasy. We’re all so busy all the time, what will it be like to have nowhere to go for a while? It is a chance for you to have time for self-care, exercise, reading, home repairs, and etc… many ask what will I do with being forced to stay at home? How can I manage to work at home or ways to work at home, or do and etc… While working at home you have the feeling of being scattered and overwhelmed that causes your productivity to decrease or to burn out and etc…The possibilities feel endless. In this issue, we have several articles that can give you some resources. As you know, this magazine is all about featuring influential people around the world who are making an enduring impact on people lives, uniting entrepreneurs and our readers around the world great and small by giving them a platform to connect to the services and resources needed to grow and improve their business or lives to the next level. It’s about being together, united, influence others into greatness. I pray that you’ll have plenty of time to check out what we have in our March/April issue: featuring various articles to read while you’re self-quarantined. I trust you find each page informative and inspiring. ~Heide Dangelo POI FB: InfluencerHeideDangelo

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Special thanks to God, our partners, advertisers, community partners, contributors, sponsors, subscribers, and readers for making this magazine possible. The Publisher does not assume responsibility for statements or work by advertisers. The contents in Influential People Magazine, such as text, graphics, and other material. (“Contents”) are intended for educational purpose only. The Content or articles are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with an questions you have regarding your medical condition. Events and the articles are presented are provided as a service, and do not represent an endorsement or recommendation of specific events or sponsors.

Influential People Magazine is published monthly. All rights are reserved. The entered contents of Influential People Magazine, are copyright 2017 by Sharing Our Fields of Dreams Publishing. Reproduction in whole or part, or sue without written permission of the publisher, or editorial, pictorial, or design content, including electronic retrieval systems is prohibited in the United States & International countries. The trademark and trade name, Influential People Magazine, is owned by Heide Dangelo. Disclaimer: The written, video contents, views, information, ideas, expression, advice, and suggestions expressed in this magazine are solely in part or whole of those individuals providing them which do not reflect on the opinions, ideas, or advisement of Influential People Magazine or it’s parent , affiliates or subsidiary companies. FB: @influentialpeoplemagazine Lkn: @company/influentialpeoplemagazine Instagram: @Influentialpeoplemagazine Twitter: @influentialPeo1



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Publishing Team Publisher: Heide Hargreaves Speaker/Author FB: @Influentialpeoplemagazine

Contributing Writer: Melissa Hull E360tv Creative Content Producer, Host of The Ripple Effect Tv Show, International Keynote Speaker &Author FB: @melissahullgallemoreus/

Social Media/Media : Eric Zuley Radio/TV show Host, Speaker, Consultant, CEO of eZWay Network FB: ezuley

Contributing writer: Yoram Baltinester

Contributing Writer: Tony Durso

Contributing Writer: Nancy Anderson

Radio/Tv Host FB: @Tony Durso

Speaker, Coach, Writer, Author, Teacher FB: @nancy.r.anderson.3

Contributing Partner: Chris Salem

Contributing Writer: Meridith Powell

Speaker, Author, Radio Show Host FB: @Chris Salem

Editorial Staff/Contributing Writer Laine Dakiin Chief Editor of IPM & IFFM ,Writer, FB: @LaineDakin

Interviewing Writer: Kelly Berman Contributing Writer FB: @Kelly M Berman

Contributing Writer/Editor: Janine Holman Writer & Digital Nomad FB: @janine.l.holman

Social Media Marketer: Janet Whitworth Public Relations, Social Media Marketer FB: @findyourpassiontobesuccessful


Speaker/Trainer/Coach- The Ultimate Workshop FB: @yoram.baltinester

Speaker, Author, Coach FB: @MeridithElliotPowell/

Contributing Writer: Trish Rock Modern Day Intuitive, Inspirational Speaker/Author FB: @TrishRock7

Contributing writer: Carma Spencce Editor, Author, Speaker, Digital Marketer, Content Developer FB: Carma Spence

Contributing Writer: Marley Baird Owner, Marely Baird Media FB: @MarleyBairdMedia

Contributing Writer: Ben Baker Author, Speaker, Coach FB: Ben Baker

Contributing Writer: Dr David Friedman Speaker, Author, Health Expert, Radio & Tv Show Host FB: @drdavidfriedman

Contributing Writer: Gitte Randrup HR Business Partner, Consultant, Recruiter, Blogger FB: @Gitterandrup

Contributing Writer: Mikey Adam Cohen Writer, Influencer, Interviewer FB: @Mikey Adam Cohen

Contributing Writer: Patti Sadler Talk Show Host, Speaker/Author FB: @PattieSadler

Contributing Writer: Jenny Mulks CEO/Founder of Along Comes Hope, Speaker, Author, Humanitarian, Advocate

FB: @Jenny Mulks

Contributing Writer: Soulaima Gourani Speaker, Author, Investor, Advisor, Life Leadership & Design Coach FB: @soulaimagourani/

Contributing Advertiser: Tom Turner Brand Ambassador, Entrepreneur, Marketer, Advocate for the Disabled. FB: @Tom Turner

Contributing Writer: Michelle Winder 3 is Enough is an organization that is committed to helping you accomplish your goals, building your dreams and ambitions by helping you discover you. You, the person you were uniquely designed to be from the beginning of time, but for some reason, you charted off course or maybe someone told you, you’d never be able to do what you know you were designed to do. Through one on one spiritual advisement, or mentorship/leader development, or through conferences/seminars, 3 is Enough encourages you to connect to your source of strength the One True God, the I Am that I AM to help you accomplish and overcome life’s challenges. 3 is Enough is designed for everyone. Edie Darling’s unique approach teaches you to love yourself and others beyond boarders, to help you see yourself as God see’s you, through the eyes of love. If you are wanting to unearth your innate gifts and talents, look no further, 3 is Enough is all you need.

Speaker, Author, Artist, Business Consultant FB: @Michelle Moore Winder

Contributing Writer: Dannella Burnett Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur FB: @DannellaBurnett




Photography by: Doug Ferguson Doug Ferguson


Brenton Tyler Hoffmann is a resilience expert, co-author, consultant,

world amongst many influential alumni such as digital media mogul

and spiritual wealth coach on resilience and inner strength. He teaches

Eric Zuley as well as Frank Shankwitz of the Make a Wish Founda-

and helps people lives from all different lifestyles how to heal, overcome,


and bounce back from life’s inevitable setbacks, adjust to changes to

performed at the House of Blues on the main stage with former Hip

another perspective, and to become the “Walking Miracle Warrior” for

Hop group “Lost Theory” in Hollywood, California, in a documentary

maximum productivity inspired based from his own accomplishments. He

called “The Real Hollywood” Film; sponsored by FYASKO Clothing,

is not just a problem solver, moreover the ultimate solution finder. He

Guess, Samsung Electronics for world tour, however, due to the

has far exceeded many client expectations vanishing their phobias and

creative direction the group broke up.

fears rapidly to have success in their life including mind, body, spirit,

in the movie “Mansion of Blood” with Gary Busy

relationships, and finances.

done numerous radio/podcast interviews, LA Talk Radio and EZ Way

Brenton is a very engaging, dynamic, entertaining, natural-born and


inspiring communicator and empath that transcends the “fired up” feel-

been featured on multiple blogs.

ing, where he delivers high impact training and consulting to build emo-

been an Award-winning skateboarder, Martial

tional intelligence and develop an unstoppable resilience which has been

Artist, Elite Gymnast, professional Ag-

Influential in the lives of countless dreamers. He has coached, trained,

gressive-Inline-Skater, pro dancer and

advised and inspired clients to get massive results quickly, from movie

perspective Artist. Musician- Guitarist/

roles to winning “Toast Masters Top Speaker” Awards, getting more

pianist, Celebrity Hip-Hop recording

speaking gigs, getting featured on ABC, CBS USA NBC, FOX & The CW, making more money, overcoming fears, running their first marathon, getting their next belt in Martial Arts, even getting invited to the United Nations with greater success. Brenton Hoffmann is the founder of “Walking Miracle Warrior”, Harmonik Consulting, and Sleight of Rhymes Music. You can find his music on all the major online music distribution outlets, such as Spotify, I Tunes, I Heart Radio, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Amazon Store, Google Play Store, Deezer, Tidal, YouTube plus many more. Etc. Brenton Tyler Hoffmann has:

won, the “2019 Resilience Soldier of The Year” Award, for his relentless resilience to keep going and continue to live his dreams even when death tried to intervene

artist, Magician/Illusionist, TV co-host, Actor, sales expert, energy healer master, and professional networking expert and B2B Global Award-winning lead generation marketing expert and Growth Hacker/Digital Marketer & Sales Trainer, throughout his life. He has achieved all this success with all of the challenges he has in his life, including having ADHD, Autism spectrum and complex learning disabilities. We hear a lot about resilience these days. When a person is said to be

resilient when it overcomes injuries or defeats. Resilience is sometimes attributed to a person who survives negative onslaughts from the opposition. The word resilience has many definitions. Miriam Webster’s online dictionary defines it as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” When most people think of the word resilience, they think of the ability to bounce back from challenge and adversity, or how

been inducted into the “eZWay Wall of Fame” with Celebrities such

well someone can adapt to adversity or crisis. Some researchers feel that

as Christopher Loyd from “Back to the Future”, Bill Duke, plus many

the heart of resilience is the belief in one’s power, whether or not one

more including Social media Influencers and business tycoons.

has the power According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is the “process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy,

threats, or even significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors.” Resilient people still experience a full range of emotions, including sadness and stress. But they can walk through the process of facing life’s challenges and their own emotions that sets them apart. has built strong relationships and connections with all kinds of fa-

Resilience is critical to our overall well-being. It affects everything from

mous celebrities and has been featured in JT Foxx The World's #1

our mental and financial health to our intimate relationships to our abil-

Wealth Coach's, Amazon best-selling book success Stories "Results

ity to handle trauma and loss. Taking the time to bolster resilience is

Don't Lie"

probably one of the single best things you can do to improve your health,

been featured in celebrity media publications such as The Examiner,

relationships, and happiness levels.

eZWay, Actors Reporter, LA Talk Radio, Star Pulse, WIRE/Getty Imag-

Resilience affects psychological health, which is critical to our physical

es & AP The Associated Press. And on the cover Influential People

health. Resilience can therefore play an important role in determining

Magazine recognized as one of the top influential people in the

how well we physically recover from adversity.


What exactly is resilience?

coach, and to name a few. I also learned from JT Foxx; the power of

Resilience is the ability to bounce back and grow and thrive during

branding and started to properly brand and build my consulting and

myriad of stress, challenge and change. Resilience is actually a set of

coaching company while helping others have success in all areas of their

basic skills that can be learned, practiced and improved.

lives. I even trained people on how to build resiliency in their Intellectual

The higher levels of resilience they had; leads them to a better out-

mind, I’m considered an expert on the topic. From my head, I can rattle

comes of managing chronic disease and chronic pain; improved emotion-

off statistics about risk and protective factors, internal and external as-

al and physical health; better relationships; and a better ability to handle

sets, personal strengths and the different theories underpinning resilien-

the myriad challenges, big and small, that life puts in our way. Indeed,

cy research.

life is a test. It’s a test of our convictions and priorities. It’s a test of our patience and steadfastness. It’s a test of, well, of our resilience. Resilience is when you decide to give up on giving in.

Shortly after working with my coach I reconnected with my mother and brother after years of not seeing them after an unfortunate event. Through my relentless perseverance, persistence, and patience, I kept going not even death could stop me.

IPM: What makes you a resilience expert? Brenton:

I have endured and bounced back countless times through

IPM: What was your Turning Point?

horrific tragic events in my life and have turned my Tragedy into tri-

Brenton: Being Homeless was one of the biggest turning points in my

umphs and helped many do the same.

life. It was right there in that moment —homeless and all alone with no support and no friends or family by my side or even calling me or check-

I have been privileged to share my story and my “heart” expertise in

ing in on me to see if I was still alive, I decided enough was enough and

resiliency with thousands of

there had to be more to life, than a

people who struggled on

life of suffering. All of the profession-

bouncing back. This is an

al learning converged when I real-

honor and a privilege for me

ized that I had only two choices: Give

to share here with all who

up and give in to the challenges I

are seeing this today. If

was facing, or get up and get on with

what I have learned from

building the life I wanted to live de-

the challenges, I have faced

spite them. I chose the latter; mine

in my own life can help oth-

would not be a sad life, I chose to

ers improve the quality of

become the "Walking Miracle Warri-

theirs, then it has all been


worth it. IPM: Why resilience matters?

My “heart” learning

Brenton: Resilience Matters because

about resiliency came after I was diagnosed with a rare blood infection at 4 months old, severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Disability, and Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum later on in my adult life. Growing up I survived over 13 years of childhood abuse, being bullied & beaten up by gangs, had guns pointed at my face, chased by knives, had the worst case of gangrenous appendicitis and peritonitis at the age of 26, latestage chronic Lyme Disease, loss of close friends, heavy depression, anxi-

ety, TBI stroke at the age of 32, "Hypokalemia" low potassium, lost the love of life, loss of relationships, homeless in the cold weather, job loss and family betrayal. Also at age 18, I shattered my C6 vertebrae paralyzing me from my neck and down from a major car accident on Thanksgiving day 1998, miraculously 12 hours later I walked away after the Doctors told me I would never walk again, and I did it without surgery or any physical therapy.

it’s what allows you to keep loving and fighting for your life and what you believe in, without it you give up and die and when you end your life you never know what could have been because you gave up before the results showed. Resilience is the ultimate FAITH, it is knowing that everything will work out for you for the greater good even when the bad evidence around you tells you it won’t and you keep moving ahead and persevering anyways no matter how many times you get knocked down or knocked out

in life. IPM: What is your greatest failure? How did you move on from it? Brenton: My greatest failure was when I was never paid my $36,000 commission check on a 3.6 Million Dollar Deal because the company decided to lay me off and keep the check for themselves. That was the day I said goodbye to corporate America and said I will never let a company decide

Throughout my life, I’ve read about resiliency, attended workshops and trainings on it, went to many conferences, and was trained by top leaders Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Tim Zim-

merman of SM3 Success & JT Foxx The Worlds #1 Wealth Coach, my


my worth ever again. Also being cheated on by my Fiancé at 19 was the ultimate heartbreak, I believe there will be someone better, as life is a learning lesson.

IPM: Have you ever been in a situation where you were close to giving up? How did you overcome this? Brenton: Yes, many times but two of the main times were when I was 17 after my grandfather passed away from a brain aneurism, I was devastated also at 36 when I lost my home of 14 years, I ended up homeless living in my car for a year, living out of my suitcase for nearly 500 days while battling Lyme disease, hypokalemia (Low Potassium) and respiratory infections. It was a nightmare, I hung on for my dear life. I hyper-focused on the little bit of good that I could see like a dim star out in the distance where all the bad was a dark sky covering up most of the good with a cloudy mind, instead I chose to see the light and turned the negative situation into a positive one. At the time I was homeless I asked God to

Photo contributed by: Brenton Tyler Hoffmann

use me for the greater good, so he told me to go help the homeless, to feed them.

Eventually, I turned my life around, Got a new home went from terrible credit to tier one, met my amazing success coaches JT Foxx the World’s #1 Wealth and Business Coach and Tim Zimmerman from SM3 Success Tim showed me how to eliminate disempowering beliefs from my subconscious mind in a way I never knew before. Now, nothing can stop me from living my dream. I have dedicated time to work on my heart and mind while paying it forward feeding the homeless, sharing my


meals with them while listening to their stories. But what I’ve learned over the years is that there is a tremendous difference in understanding something intellectually and experiencing it in your heart.


Do you have any message to give our readers?


No matter what your current circumstance or situation may

be, just know there is always a way to overcome. You can overcome anything, and I don't care how big it is even if it's death itself. Don't Give up or give in to the voice inside your head telling you to quit before your big win. Follow the 5 Steps to Overcome Anything: 5 Steps to Overcome Anything: Pray from your present

If you are not able to reach your goals at a quick enough pace… If you're constantly frustrated with those around you… If you find it hard to recover from your set backs..

You Want to Improve Your Emotional Resilience

Program your Perception Produce a Passion Plan Progress not Perfection Persistently Persevere until you get it.

~Benton Tyler Hoffman sleightofrhyme sleightofrhymethemc

Brenton Tyler Hoffmann HarmoniK Consulting



Brenton Tyler Hoffmann is a “Walking Miracle Warrior” resilience expert in professional and personal reinvention. A co-author and speaker, walking miracle warrior, rapid breakthrough coach and consultant; a spiritual teacher/healer, and a visionary, he guides individuals and businesses to recover from their adversity, setbacks and to leverage it by changing it to reduce their impact. His unique expertise is in combining practical tactics with rapid learning strategies to embrace change and encourage innovation. Brenton Tyler Hoffman inspires, empowers and guides people to achieve massive and lasting personal and professional growth, whether it be as a speaker or mentoring individuals.

Thankfully, emotional resilience—or the ability to bounce back quickly From adversity and to leverage it— can be taught. In fact, that’s exactly What I can teach you at HarmoniK Consulting

Schedule Your FREE Consulting Call Now!


New Mind New Body provides the inner transformation to support your weight loss goals. It is the Anti-Diet Diet because until you have your inner world in consistency with your goals, you'll just fall back into the yo-yo diet syndrome. Don't let your next diet fail you. Use Dr. Greg's own experience in losing over 60 pounds to short cut your journey Dr. Gregory P. Brown, shares that writing this book has helped him share some of the works of some amazing visionaries and how they went from good to great. From Socrates to Carl Jung, many have explored how the conscious and unconscious mind dictates our experiences in life. This books gives you the tools, for figuring out how to find patterns in your life where you feel totally stuck and find your inner genius. 12 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE






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MAGAZINE We are also taking bookings for our next publication. Want to share your story to a international audience? Want massive success with Influential Marketing? Want to be feature inside our magazine? Advertise your new products? Affordable Rates Email us at:




Yes, it is good news for your business. Have you noticed when things go wrong, your customers will complain? And it makes you want to deny it,


however, the complaint would be good for you to help you to find the


solution. Here are 10 ways customer complaints can benefit you and your company, it can help...

your staff members to read – Heide Dangelo is one of the inspirational

1. Improve Customer Communication

with your replies, improve- consultants, business thought-leaders and ments and recovery action on the topic of achieving superior human

· Complaints from customers can help to point out important information that could be in error, lacking, out of date, a need to update, or missing. 2. Identify Areas for Improvement · Customer complaints can help to identify workers who need closer supervision, more training, or a refresher course. · Customer complaints usually help to highlight important areas where

your product or services needs improvement, either your planning system or services needs updating or upgrading.

speakers and most influential educators,

steps. · Customer complaints help to give you valuable content and an insightful case for your service programs. 7. Find New Opportunities for Your Business

communication. Heide is Founder of Influential People Magazine, International Fitness Fashion Magazine, Influential Doctors Magazine, Influential People Media Group, Influential People TV show (coming soon) and Undercover Investor Show (coming soon). She is author of several books and the bestselling pocket-sized guidebook Statements of Power and is ranked #1 Human Communicator Guru in the world.

· Sometimes through the complaints from the custom-

· Customer complaints can help you monitor service levels and con-

ers can give your business more opportunities to increase the value,

sistency between shifts, departments, locations, and teams.

revenue, operation cost, and solving more problems with ease.

3. Keep Management Informed:

8. Obtain More Information in the Competitive Market

· Customer complaints often elevate important complaints that will

· Customer comments and complaints can provide you with valuable

need top management to service them, at the same time they learn

competitive intelligence, letting you know what others are doing that

more service issues that are important to your customers.

you are not ding yet.

4. Identify Policies and Procedures That Needs Improvement

9. Understand Your Customers Better

· Customer complaints can help you to identify which policies and proce-

· When customers complain, you learn which customers are willing to

dures are not working or not needed or not clear.

speak up. These customers can (and should) be invited to participate in

5. Give More Insights to Uplift Your Services Culture

customer focus groups, surveys, panels, beta-tests, on-site visits, and

· Sharing customer complaints within the company to educate everyone

other research activities.

to understand what your customers experienced, expect and wants.

10. Build Customer Loyalty

· Keeping up with records more frequently to review customer com-

· Most upset customers simply walk away and then complain about you

plaints helps you and your team to focus on the company priorities and

to their friends, colleagues, acquaintances and family members. Those


who complain are giving you another chance!

· Complaints can act as trigger to take new action and make a catalyst

· Customer complaints provide an opportunity to reply, respond and win

positive change within the company.

back customer loyalty.

~Heide Dangelo

· Complaints prevent complacency. New problems keep humility high and teammates on their toes. 6. Improve Education for Your Service · Customer complaints can also provide rich information to publish for


InfluencerHeideDangelo @AngelHeide Heide Hargreaves Heide Dangelo Influential People Magazine

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The World is not going to know my name, it’s going to know our name ~ Skyway!

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At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The “why” is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. “How” is what sets us apart from other companies How The Umbrella Syndicate differs from other PR/Marketing Firms At the end of the day public relations, marketing and advertising are about communicating a story. The “why” is identical: Get customers. Move product. Drive revenue. “How” is what sets us apart from other companies. The lines between the various forms of mass communications have definitely blurred in recent times, as more and more of our lives migrate online. The Umbrella Syndicate’s mission is to amplify good people, good messages, and good causes through social media.




3 Strategies to Ensure Your Team Is Using It. I just finished one of those weeks; you know – those weeks I am sure you have them on occasion – the kind of week where nothing seems to go

calm when I can’t control the situation when forces beyond my control are causing the issues. But not this time – I was livid.

right. I left home without my wallet, accidentally double booked a meeting, and had multiple travel delays and issues.

However, I take the flight attendant’s advice, and I jump on the phone with the gate agent. Again, she is nice, has a few ideas, but I get off that

After the long week, I was on my last nerve, when my flight home was grounded. The flight attendant kept coming going on air and telling us

that we would be taking off any moment. Then we would sit for another

call even more mad than I was before. After I hang up the phone and start to think about why I am so angry? What is it that has me so irritated? When both of these people have tried to help me? It takes me a while, but then it hits me. Both of these

twenty minutes until she

representatives forgot the most im-

came back on and made

portant word in customer service — the

the same announcement.

most valuable word in the customer experience.

When we had been on the tarmac for more than

That word is SORRY. When a customer is

two hours, I was getting

frustrated, when things go wrong, when

well, let’s say, frustrated.

there are issues, this is the most power-

I was getting frustrated

ful word you can use.

because I was tired of sitting on this plane, but more than frustrated because I was dangerously close to missing my connection. A connection that I had purposely chosen, so I would have plenty of time between flights.

Why Saying Sorry Works Customer Feels Heard – when you say you’re sorry, your unhappy customers feel heard. See, both of these associates jumped right to solving my problem. That made me feel as they didn’t understand how big a

Has Empathy gone A.W.O.L? So, I track the flight attendant down and share my dilemma with her. She was perfectly nice, let me know there was not much she could do, but she offered to connect me to a gate agent who could help me. As I listened to her, I realized I was furious. I was kind of surprised, I mean, I

know I was in a tight spot, but I am pretty good at letting things go. Pretty


problem this was for me. Customers Know You Care – when you tell them that you sympathize with where they are coming from, you’re showing empathy, they know you care. Customer's service is emotional; empathy is a way to connect. When you say you’re sorry – you are letting customers know you understand what they are going through.

Customer Relaxes and Is Ready To Learn – when you say sorry, you are

Meridith Powell was voted Top 15 Business

taking care of your customers’ urgent need – which is to be heard. When

Growth Experts to Watch by Currency Fair, and Top 41 Motivational Speakers, Meridith Elliott Powell is a is an award-winning author, keynote speaker and business strategistwho helps her clients learn the techniques they need to turn uncertainty to competitive advantage. An awardwinning author, Meridith’s latest book, with coauthor Mary Kelly, Ph.D., is Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Planning Made Easy. With a background in corporate sales and leadership, her career expands over several industries including banking, healthcare, and finance. Meridith worked her way up from an entrylevel position to earn her seat at the C-Suite table. Meridith is a Certified Speaking Professional ©, a designation held by less than twelve percent of professional speakers. She is passionate about helping her clients learn the sales and leadership strategies they need to succeed no matter what this marketplace does.

they feel they have been listened to and understood, the customer begins to relax, then they will open up to the ideas, solutions, and strategies for solving their problem.

3 Steps to Build Empathy in the Workplace To get your employees to use the word, “sorry” consistently, authentically, and make it the cornerstone of any customer challenge, here are three steps:

Help Them Understand Why – your team members need to under-

Meridith Elliot Powell CSP

stand why the word “sorry” is so important. You need


to explain the power behind that word, what it means to cus-


Meridith Elliott Powell


tomers and the impact that it has. Reward and Recognize – notice those employees you have that are using it, who are authentically listening to and feeling what your customers are going through. Put your energy into recognizing and rewarding those team members who follow this strategy, and the more you do this, the more the rest of your

The Best Sales/Sales Leadership Book Ever! Read the First Three Chapters

team will follow suit. Role Model – last but not least role model the behavior you want. If you want your team members to exhibit empathy for customers, then begin by doing it yourself. Employees will pay far more attention to what you do even more so than what you say.. ~Meredith Powell

Voted One of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to Watch –

A conference keynote speaker who delivers it all – motivation, entertainment, powerful content! -



Anyone can be Jewish or play at it Jason Alexander, best known for his turn as George Costanza on “Seinfeld,” launches the proceedings with

Passover will be one of the many things celebrated this night from other

an upbeat ditty called “Dayenu” and welcomes co-choristers Darren

nights previously. When circumstances abruptly change … we need to

Criss, Josh Groban, and Rachel Brosnahan.

adapt and serve effectively & so many Jews conducted virtual Passover seders for members of congregations, friends, and family and broad-

Darren And Chris News

casted it on YouTube and internet dial-in connections. For centuries, on the first and second nights of the Jewish holiday of Passover, the young-

Darren Criss, Josh Groban, Jason

est child has asked his or her elders, “Why is this night different from all

Alexander, Rachel Brosnahan -

others? ”This year, the nights are truly different. And Rabbi Shlomo

Saturday Night Seder

Segal is among the spiritual leaders who are adapting to a Passover in

After Groban does a cantorial

the shadow of COVID-19. California's stay-at-home order and the need

turn, Alexander praises him as “the

for social distancing caused by the coronavirus outbreak is prompting

greatest Jewish voice since Zero Mostel,” and Groban has to explain that

changes to the eight-day celebration of Passover, which begins at sun-

no, he is not Jewish. Neither is Criss or Brosnahan. Is that a problem?

down Wednesday.

Brosnahan asks.

Individuals are planning to use such online platforms as Zoom to connect with families and friends who are unable to attend their Seders,

Not at all, Alexander responds. “Tonight it doesn’t matter if you are or aren’t a Jew,” he says. Of

Passover's ritual meal, which means order.

course, the concept of cultural appropriation complicates matters.

Various congregations and organizations have organized virtual Seders

Should the abled play people with disabilities? Should cisgender people

and not just on the first two nights as is traditional. the Zoom Seder you

be cast in transgender roles? Criss is a straight man whose best-known

wished you had.

role, Blaine Anderson on “Glee,” was gay. It’s been an issue for non-

The Saturday Night Passover Seder that aired on YouTube over the

Jewish actors who play Jews as well — as Brosnahan, an Irish American

weekend brought together dozens of celebrities and raised $2.6 million

whose signature role is “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” well Groban espe-

for the CDC Foundation, the nonprofit wing of the Centers for Disease

cially is a complicated story: His father is a Jew who converted to Christi-

Control and Prevention, the government agency guiding America

anity when he married Groban’s mother. (Groban and Criss played

through the coronavirus pandemic.

Tevye in high school productions of “Fiddler on the Roof.”)

The broadcast, which drew more than 1 million viewers, had a dis-

The producers of the Saturday Night Seder seem to conclude that

tinctive liberal coastal Jewish outlook, informed by entertainment biz

appropriation is something to celebrate, not condemn. It’s not exactly a

sensibilities, which was natural enough: No one on the webcast claimed

new phenomenon: Jews in the 1970s cheered Valerie Harper’s portrayal

to speak for all Jews, or all American Jews, or for Jews in any frame as

on TV of Rhoda Morgenstern, even though Harper was not Jewish be-

the Jewish community’s most visible Jews, the event offered insights

cause the role was so positive. And if you’re of a certain age, you’ll re-

about where American Jews are in the national thinking, or perhaps

member dusty albums in your parents’ collection of Harry Belafonte and

more precisely, where a lot of American Jews want to believe they are.

Pete Seeger singing Jewish songs.


Belafonte and Seeger, notably, also were progressives, and their embrace of Jewish culture stems from a period when being Jewish was, at least in the public mind, identified with being on the left. Much of the Saturday Night Passover Seder includes nods to progressive politics. For the Hollywood Jews who put together this Seder, the opening is a callback to time, perhaps more imagined than real, when Jews had a clear political home. ~ Mikey Adam Cohen Mikey Adam Cohen




Shah and Brian Tracy who was introduced and interviewed by Erik Swanson at a taping at the Habitude Warriors Conference. I asked my cousin Psychologist, Dr. Michael Mantel, what skill set I needed to win the competition to be The Next Global Impactor. He said, "You need persistence and flexibility to calm your conscious & unconscious mind as this is where motivation comes from." He went on to say that persistence beckons you with eternal hope, while flexibility enables you to get through the obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. If you can understand and apply the positive psychology of persistence and flexibility, then nothing can prevent you from achieving success. The but it is impressive how the psychology of persistence and flexibil-

Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen

ity of one's inner strength, determination, perseverance, and failing is

Great motivators take action before others do, leading from out front,

not an option for this group of motivators in any aspect of their different

where the risk is often dire and their own future least absolute. Everyone

lives. Be it in business, government, education, sports, spirituality… these

has something to lose, and many on our list risk possessions that most

Motivators take action before others do, leading from out front, where

people value highly: reputation, career, fortune, self-esteem. This group

the risk is often dire and their own future least specific. We all have

of The World’s Greatest Motivators initially didn't know for sure if their

something to lose, and many have to take their passion to that extreme.

plans will work, but they pave the way anyway. This article recognizes

They have put their reputation, career, fortune, and esteem on the line.

their dedication to their craft.

They never know for sure if their plan will work, but they pursue no

Lynn Kitchen and Julie Hamilton of Kitchen Hamilton Productions,

matter what!

along with David Meltzer of Meltzer Enterprises, are the executive pro-

These motivators have helped their audiences reach new levels of

ducers of "The World's Greatest Motivators," which is a 13-week televi-

success and much more. They focus on achieving personal and profes-

sion series with a distribution of over 370 million household viewers

sional goals, breaking through barriers, and stepping into greatness. They have motivated me to take action and reprioritize my goals. So I am now creating social good, global change, paradigm disruption movement. I had the privilege to talk to the World’s Greatest Motivators separate about their life, hopes, dreams, how they got started, what makes them tick and everything about the life they’ve experienced. You’ll find them inspirational, spiritual, heart-warming, with a raw authenticity that’s not found in most people as these are spoken words from a place of gratitude. All of them expressed the gratitude they have for everything in life,

that can-do spirit, the get-up and go attitude - the motivation that makes you wake up and want to live each day as if it’s your last. shown across the globe. The television premiered on WGN TV in January

Please enjoy these as we go through all of the motivators featured on

of 2020 as well as online and other such as Fox Sports West, BNC, Biz

The World’s Greatest Motivators!

Television, as well as Family Channel, DOVE, as well as on their World’s


Greatest Motivators Podcast on iTunes, Google, iHeart Radio, Stitcher

Jack has personally taught millions of individuals

and more.

his unique and modernized formula for success and

The first filming took place in Newport Beach, CA, on July 30th, which

is an internationally recognized leader in personal

featured Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, David Meltzer, and

development and peak performance strategies.

special guest Sugar Ray Leonard. The second filming, held at the Balboa

Jack holds the Guinness World Record for having

Bay Resort on November 13th and 14th, 2019, had nine stats. They were

seven books on the New York Times best-seller list at the same time. I sat

Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith,

down with Jack briefly to ask him a few questions, he had to catch a

Blaine Bartlett, Sharon Lechter, Cynthia Kersey, Shanda Sumpter, Spars

flight early flight out


of LAX but honored me with a few important questions.

imagine sitting at home.” - Brian Tracy said this when

Mikey Adam Cohen: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask you a

I asked him a question during Erik Swansons,

few questions today, can you tell me about, Chicken Soup For The Soul,

Habitude Warrior Conference in San Diego. I decided

Congratulations on your success with it, that’s pretty incredible.

to create a movement based on his answer. Several

Jack Canfield: I was a high school teacher way back when in Chicago,

things he told me that day impacted my life & for the first time have elim-

teaching in an all-black inner-city high school and I quickly learned that

inated my Abundance Blocks.

my students mostly paid attention when I was telling a story rather than

Mikey Adam Cohen: Brian thanks for being my mentor, what motivates

just teaching some intellectual concept. So, I started doing that. I also


noticed that they weren’t very motivated, so I started collecting stories of

Brian Tracy: I’m here to help you step into Greatness it’s my pleasure

successful African Americans who would motivate them to believe that it

Mikey, thanks for the soup today it was delicious. Back to your question,

is possible for them to get out of the ghetto and have a successful life.

it is very much the same as being a good singer. If you are a good singer,

Then I started training teachers. I just kept using stories to illustrate the

you spend your whole life developing your singing ability. I read an article

points that I want to teach what I was teaching, which was self-esteem.

about Petula Clark. You may not remember her, but she is a singer from

Eventually, I moved over into doing a lot of public seminars and corporate

the 60s and 70s. She was equal with the Beatles and with the Rolling

training as well, and I just always was telling stories. Then, there was this

Stones. I liked her, and since then I have bought her “Best of Petula

period of about a month where after almost every talk I gave, someone

Clark.” She is 81 years old now, and she is back in studios in Hollywood

would come up and say, “That story about the puppy you told us, the

recording her new album. The experts are saying that it is as good as

story about the girl scout who sold all the girl scout cookies, is that in a

anything she has ever done. At the age of 81! And they asked her the

book anywhere? My daughter needs to read it, my son needs to read it,

same question. She says she just loves to sing. And she has a great voice,

my sales team needs to read it.” I’d say, “No, it’s not.”

she is a perfectionist, and so … why would you stop? And I love to speak

About after about a month, I was coming home on a plane from Bos-

— I am very good at it. And if you love to do something, you’re very good

ton to LA where I was living at the time, and I just felt like someone was

at it, and also you are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you

knocking on my head saying, “Put these stories in a book.” I made a list of

stop? I can’t imagine sitting at home.

all the stories I knew, about 70 stories, and that’s how it kind of came into

Mikey Adam Cohen: Brian, how important is it to do what you love re-

being. I made a commitment that I would write 2 stories a week. Every

gardless of how successful you are?

two-and-a-half days, I would complete a story. My wife would go to bed

Brian: First of all, you have to love what you do. You have to love your

around 10 pm, I would go to bed around midnight because I’d stay up

result and you have to work hard to be successful. Anybody who tells you

writing, and that’s how the first book came into being.

that you can have lots of fun at work and have balance and have your

And then, what happened also is right toward the end of that, when I

personal life is a mediocre person. They will never accomplish very much.

had about 70 stories, I went to a health conference where I was a speak-

What they will do is surround themselves with the other people and tell

er. One of the other speakers was Mark Victor Hanson, the co-author of

this to them: “You know, you should be able to have your life, and what

the series, and he said, “You want to have lunch?” And I said, “Sure,” and

you love and those you love in balance, you should have lots of fun.” This

we start talking and he asked me what I was up to. I told him that I was

way, you will never make more than enough to survive. To be successful,

doing this book and he said that he wanted to do it with me. I said that

you need to work hard. And every study in the last 50 years says that

he’s coming in a little late, you know. He said, “You have to have 101

successful people say, “I am not smarter than anybody else. I just want to

stories…101 is a spiritual number.” He’d been a student ambassador way

work harder and longer.”

back when in the 60’s I think. In the end, I said, “Okay, if you can find 31

Let’s take a tightrope walker. How often does the tightrope walker

stories, I’ll let you do it,” ‘cause he’s a really good marketer and sales guy

balance when walking across the tightrope? All the time! It is the same

and so we did it and ended up at about 140 stories, which we thought

thing if you want to have a successful career, and you want to have a

was too many.

happy home life. It is a matter of balance.

Apparently, we tripped on to something that became the lifeblood and


the success of the series; we asked about 15 people to read all 140 stories

Mikey: What are you most afraid of?

and grade them on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being goosebumps, made me

Les: One of my biggest fears stems from

cry, beautiful story and 5 beings are you kidding me. However, we took in

not understanding when I am living in an

all those stories and their feedback and I wrote down the names of the

ego-based consciousness because when I don’t realize

stories along with the average of their scores. Only the top-scoring stories

that my ego is getting in the way, I can’t get back to center

went into the book. And then, we took the book


to New York.

Mikey: Getting your way or not getting your way? Or get in your way from


creating the life you want?

“If you love to do something, you’re very

Les: Getting in your way, for sure! So many people are consistently

good at it, it will follow your purpose, then you

getting in their way without realizing it, and I think part of my job is to

are paid well, why would you not do it? Why would you stop? I can’t

help them understand the ways that they are limiting their success and

strategies to avoid getting in their way in the future.


Les: Bob Proctor is someone that I’ve always looked up to and getting to

to do it". It takes mentorship.

work with him in recent years has been a very rewarding experience.

I believe in the Power of Mentorship to change lives and accelerate

Wayne Dyer is another mentor that I looked up to, but my biggest hero is

growth. That is the basis of the World's Greatest Motivators Series - a

certainly my mother.

broadcast of finely crafted motivational messages from the finest master

Mikey: What do you spend most of your time doing?

mentors of our time, designed to help spark a greater desire in the hearts

Les: I categorize my time in two ways: activity I get paid for and activity I

of audiences worldwide.

don’t get paid for. I work to make the most of the activity I get paid for so

Mikey: What and whom do you love best?

that I can enjoy the activity I don’t get paid for even more thoroughly.

Lynn: I love MY LIFE best. I love the people I love best. I am at the center

Mikey: When are you most fully yourself? What and where are yours?

of my own life's circumference, and I generate from within outward and

Les: I would say that I am most fully myself when I am being of service to

experience my life, hopefully with increased awareness and spiritual

others, giving myself, my knowledge, and my resources to help them

maturity year after year. To appreciate and be IN a state of awareness of

pursue their potential.

gratitude and positive energy is the source of my strength. The core of


my tribe, the glue that holds this grand constellation of people in my life

Mikey: How has the motivational industry changed in

is "appreciation".....appreciation of what is and of the wonder and gran-

the past 5 years? What do you predict will happen in

deur of the gift of each day to wake up again and live out our dreams.

the next 5 to 10 years?


David: The ever-increasing popularity of social media

Mikey: What motivates you to do what you do?

has changed the ways that motivators interact with

Julie: I love people. I love learning from others. I

their fans and followers. I expect the mediums of com-

love being in service to others. I’m curious and in-

munication to continue to change and shift over the next decade, which

quisitive and love to hear more.

is why we need to continually evaluate how to most effectively com-

Mikey: Where does your passion for motivation

municate our message.

come from?

Mikey: What is the biggest challenge in the motivational world at the

Julie: It comes from looking for the best in others


and situations, knowing it’s there if I look for it, no exceptions.

David: The biggest challenge is simply having a message

Mikey: What and whom do you love best?

that stands out and makes an impact, as there is more

Julie: I love feeling the overwhelming warmth of a like-minded communi-

“noise” than ever before to contend with.

ty doing good things in the world that supports all of humanity. I believe

Mikey: What are the most critical changes that we must

this is an abundant universe with enough love, provisions, and supply for

make to transform our lives effectively?

all. Those of us who believe in this, it becomes our responsibility to share

David: I think consistency is one of the most critical components of

this with others.

change. When we are consistent and persistent, meaning that we do

Mikey: What are you most afraid of?

things every day without quitting, we can build positive habits. Those

Julie: I’m more curious than afraid.

positive habits are what empower us to transform.

Mikey: Getting your way or not getting your way?


Julie: Being the cause of my effects, I’ve learned it’s my thinking that

Mikey: What motivates you to do what you do?

shows me the way to create what I desire to experience in life and in

Lynn: I recognize I have an innate "drive" that impels

being patient, it will unfold perfectly. Knowing this, for me, I’m less

me toward my dreams, my visions, my futuristic


achievements and my "best yet to be" self. I love the

Mikey: Or getting in your way from creating the life you want?

feeling of being motivated toward something that gives

Julie: Being in the now and more curious pretty much supports me in the

me more life, that feels good and results in an expanded feeling of ac-

complishment, well-being, and meaning. I desire to "love" my life, as well

life I love.

We will continue our discussion with more World’s Greatest Motiva-

as I can, WHILE I'm living it!

tors in our continuing series. Stay

Mikey: Where does your passion for motivation come from?


Lynn: My passion for motivation comes from my desire to be better and make my life better in every way as my life unfolds and help others do the same. The truth is all humans everywhere aspire to a better life. Life itself is seeking a fuller, more expanded expression utilizing each of us. That pull to the greater is an innate motivation, shared by us all. It feels good to grow! It's energizing. It's Life.


My passion is to grow and help others grow and create more awareness for the Power of Positivity and the Can-Do Attitude to create and live our true potential. There is so much more we can all be, do, have,

and give. It takes a greater awareness. It takes motivation and "the will


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future. You will have good points to show that it is possible and does not impact productivity. 10. Rethinking your life. I know this sounds far-fetched, but I do believe this crisis will have many impacts on us that we do not even foresee yet. Maybe you will have time to rethink your career path. Or your relationship, maybe you want to get closer to your family or get a


divorce (ok less positive). Maybe you want a more rewarding job

Copyrighted by Mikey Adam Cohen 1. You are saving money. Sure, I know this will have disastrous effects

#onpurposecre8tv #mikeyadamcohen #pink

on many businesses and I am sorry about that. You can support your local restaurant by ordering online if possible, and you might even buy a few clothes and items online, but all in all, being in quarantine will most probably make you spend less. And maybe you will make a pattern out of that and save more? You might even realize that you can live well with so much less 2.

This is good for the planet. So good! No tourism, no ferries, so few planes. Carbon emissions are sinking at the speed of light and in China, in the quarantined areas, Forbes says 77,000 lives were saved by reducing pollution. In Sardinia, dolphins are swimming in harbors in the absence of ferries. I am hoping that this is the silver lining to

this crisis, that people see that we can mitigate climate change if we want to. 3.






open for positive impacts of this crisis. #HappyQuarantine

11. Let's be grateful 12. A chance to be grateful for having to cancel your trips and hotels to and from another country (either for a vacation or for work). Thankful for not being able to host that soccer match, or for not being able to go to the gym. 13. Grateful for being one of those lucky people who experiences all sorts of “luxury problems”. Trips? Working out every week? Be GRATEFUL. Because there is a very large group of people that don’t even have this option, people who need to make ends meet with a small salary. Or who are working in health care and need to work LIKE MAD to keep our hospitals up and running? Shout-out and much love to these heroic people! And a lot of other people who are

struggling. These people are currently struggling even more, which brings us back to our first point: be kind to others. Help where you

You can enjoy time with your children. Your kids love to be with you

can. Because, the biggest opportunity the Coronavirus is giving us, is

24/7 although it may be tiring for you, they will probably remember

the chance to get closer to one another. It is forcing us to work to-

this as a wonderful time with their parents. Maybe this is the time

gether. More than ever in the past few years, this situation is mak-

you realize that you want to work less in the future and spend more

ing sure that mankind is caring for one another and we’re recon-

time with your family.

necting on a deeper level with each other and the world around us.

Cherish your elders. We realize how much we love our elders and

There is hope

our families in general, and don’t want to lose them. 5.

even though you might earn less. Good luck! And keep your eyes

14. This gives me hope for the future. Trust that on a global scale, we

Creative cooking. You can start using the time to empty your cup-

CAN accomplish things together. Together we are fighting to flatten

boards of food and cook creatively with what you have in order not

the curve and slow the speed with which the virus is spreading. I

to go to the shop too often.

believe in us. That we - when this Corona storm has passed - can

Decluttering. You can do all the things you never have time to do:

also tackle other problems like the global climate crisis, together.

sort the old clothes that you want to give away, clean your home,

We should take this virus seriously. Don’t be overconfident, thinking

read those books lying on your shelf for a year. Take that online

‘it won’t get me!’. Help those close to you. But above all, stay calm


and see the opportunities ahead. I'm on a mission to bring people

Focus on yourself. You can start being creative again: start writing

closer to each other and themselves. Under the name Corona Carl

that book you’ve been talking about for years or start drawing again.

my initiatives have inspired people from all over the world to build

Start doing yoga every morning and meditating.

stronger connections with themselves and others. It is more im-

Fix your home. You can fix things in your home. For once you are

portant than ever before to have meaningful conversations and to

home when it is allowed to make noise. Repair that squeaky kitchen

reflect. I have a contest for artists, writers, everyday heroes to post

door. You can even start making a small project to build shelves or

positivity and the winners will be featured in the next issue of our

other things you need.

magazine. Feeling inspired? Spread the word! ~Mikey Adam Cohen

More remote work in the future? Your boss might realize that re-

mote working works and might allow you to do that more in the


Mikey Adam Cohen

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Today’s Job Market is Competitive. Stand out above the competition with a customized resume, cover letter and one-onone consultation to prepare you for your desired position. Resume Makeover (314) 616-5007 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 31



Copyrighted by Gitte Randrup In my article “How to overcome workplace bullies,”[1] I shared my personal story of grown-up bullying. I told you that I have been yelled at, that tasks have been kept away from me, and that I haven’t been invited to meetings. Also, I shared how I tried to handle the situation. Using 20/20 hindsight, I realize that I probably could have handled it better. I ended up telling my manager and one colleague about what was going on, and they helped me. That was good, but I also had to realize that the bad working relationship I had with my colleague didn’t improve. We still didn’t get along and we never did while working together.

Therefore, I sat down with psychologist Thomas Markersen to talk about solutions to this problem, which is quite serious. According to the 2017 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey, 19% of Americans are bullied, while another 19% are witnesses to bullying. Of those who are bullied, 40% said that the experience has negatively affected their health. According to Markersen, it may be difficult to determine whether you’re being bullied. Often, grown-up bullying takes place in the dark, among others, because the bully is aware that what he or she is doing is not nice. He says, “It’s a natural part of life to feel rejected now and then. But if you’re constantly having a feeling of rejection and not being good enough, and if you’re continually concerned about it, it may be a sign that you’re being bullied. Over time, your stress level will increase. Another sign is that your focus changes. You’re a lot more concerned about the fact that your everyday working life is not working. Furthermore, you feel that you’re not able to resist it. You’re trapped in a situation you cannot escape.” Does the above scenario seem familiar to you? If so, you must have actual examples of the bullying. If you cannot describe it to yourself, you won’t be able to describe it to others. Following are more of Markersen’s tips: If you sense that you’re being bullied, handle it strategically. Find allies in your workplace; ask them if they have been bullied and if this is a company norm. If it’s a norm, you need to find a new job.


When you’re away from work, try not to think too much about the bullying. You deserve a break from it. Talk about the bullying to only a very few family members and friends. Otherwise, it’ll consume too much of your time. Your manager isn’t necessarily the right person for you to talk to. It may just as well be another person you trust from your workplace. When you are bullied, you may want to isolate yourself at work to protect yourself. If you do this, do it for a short time. In time, isolation will make you weaker, because most of us cannot be alone in it. As human beings, we are always stronger in a group. Visualizing techniques can be effective. They make you take a step back from the bully and see what he or she is doing to you. Be aware that we, as human beings, are prone to staying in bad situations because we tend to believe that what we have is better than an insecure future. Also, we like to get justice, which makes us stay at our workplaces, even if we are treated badly. But take care! You may face negative consequences if you stay too long in a bad working relationship. For example, you may experience posttraumatic stress and allergies. When you’re over it, consider what you’ll do differently next time. Can you stand up for yourself earlier and in a different way? Or will you decide to not withdraw from the group? It’s easier to bully someone who is on the margins, so try to engage in activities at your workplace. Though each victim of bullying can act to improve his or her situation, workplaces must also take responsibility. According to psychologist Markersen, we must be better at preventing bullying by establishing better workplace cultures. To him, it’s about prevention, meaning that good relationships are on the agenda on an ongoing basis. “It’s important,” he says, “that management takes responsibility for solving the issues related to bad relationships among coworkers.” In surveys, a lot of managers state that they know how to

handle bullying. However, it’s Markersen’s experience that managers are uncertain about what to do. They need a manual to learn how to handle it. Therefore, it’s essential to work on creating a culture with crystalclear values. We must treat each other with respect and dignity, and we’re all responsible for this. “It has come to a point where both employees and employers expect that you bring your psychological self to work. This can cause problems,” says Markersen. “Things have changed, and nowadays the professional and private spheres are blending into what you could call ‘well-intended overinvolvement’. It has several advantages, but it also makes us more vulnerable at work.”

Gitte Randrup is an HR expert based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the founder of GR Consult.

She is an advisor and HR Business Partner to managers on a wide range of HR subjects, such as recruiting, onboarding and organization and management. Her vision is to create mutually satisfactory long-term working relationships between employers and employees combining business needs and strategy with the wants of the employees. Gitte holds university degrees within HR, Organization & Management and Languages. She has worked with HR in companies, such as GEA and Nordea. She is also an HR expert blogger on the Danish online debate forum Amino with more than 100,000 debaters and readers. LinkedIn: Gitterandrup FB: @Gitterandrup

He adds, “And some people need to learn how to control their feelings. It’s about common decency towards other people. We’re all obliged to be present and polite towards people in our surroundings, both private and professionally.” Furthermore, workplaces must have clear settings, rules, and roles so that no power vacuums and related power struggles emerge. According to Markersen, many workplaces forget about managerial responsibilities because they are so busy taking care of their duties and tasks. We can do more to reduce grown-up bullying in the workplace, among both employees and employers. Bullying is a big problem, but with effort, we can work on solving it. ~Gitte Randup [1]

Influential People Magazine January 2019 issue

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Oleander PR, Public Relations is a Texas based Freelance PR agency serving the Entertainment, Fashion, Luxury Lifestyle, Non Profit, LGBTQ & Military Communities - handling Traditional & Digital PR, Marketing, Event Promotions and Social Media Campaigns. INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 35



About Yoram Baltinester leverages his multi-disciplinary experience with technology and personal development to partner with highperforming entrepreneurs and leaders to drive better results in their businesses, develop their teams, and increasing their level of leadership.

it does not distract you. 2. Plan your day.

Define your start and end time, just like you would do in a job. You may tweak your schedule to match the hours when you know you are the

A lot of people find themselves these days working from home. Work-

most effective. To make the most out of this defined time, you must plan

ing for a home for a few days would be fine for most people. The prob-

it using whatever tool you normally use: A planner, an app, or just a to-

lem is that no one knows how temporary this kind of distancing is. This

do list written by hand. At home, it becomes more important because of

temporary situation might take longer than expected; way longer.

the higher likelihood of distractions.

In 2011, I found that it would be beneficial, financially speaking, to let go

3. Dress for work. Shave. Get ready.

of our corporate office

There is something subliminal that gets

and ask our small team of

triggered when we get up and dress for

I.T. professionals to work

work, shave, or put on your make-up. You

from home. I've never

get into an energetic "work mode". Not to

gone back to having an

say that your energy is higher than normal,

office. After I sold the

it is simply the energy of working, that

company, I started doing

comes along with behavioral and thought

everything from my home

patterns that belong in that work context.

office, and I still do.

It isn't just the office that induces it, it's

Here are ten things to

your pre-work rituals. When you are at

think of. Each one of

home, repeating that ritual is helpful.

these creates a real impact on your productivity working from home. 1. Create a workspace.

4. Develop an evening routine. We all know how our morning routine affects our day. But so is the lesser noticed evening routine. As the day winds down in the office you do cer-

Find a space to use consistently for work. If you believe that the situation

tain things: shut down the computer, say goodbyes, and go home. When

is temporary it could well be the kitchen table. but dedicate it to work

you work at home, there is nowhere to go at the end of the day, and this

and while you work, make sure to remove all your home "stuff" from it so

alone could trap you in working mode. Develop a routine that signals to


your subconscious mind that the workday is over.

9. Exercise and move your body.

5. Minimize distractions. You are at work, after all.

This is not exclusive to working from home but since so few remember to

To be as productive as you can, you must avoid distractions, positive and

do it and since it is an important component of our immune system, I

negative. Because during these times the entire family may also be at

add it to this list. You MUST move your body. Evolution did not develop

home, you will need to disengage and be able to focus on your work.

Human beings into a species that can sit around for a lengthy period of

Close the door to your workspace if you can. Have the TV off and do not

time. We need movement and exercise to stay healthy. Take short and

use the home phone so you do not get distracting phone calls. If possible,

frequent breaks to move, walk outside (where you also get sunlight and

keep your children and pets away.

fresh air) or do light exercises such as some jumping jacks or pushups.

6. Set expectations with the others at home

10. If you get sick – take sick days.

You find yourself at home alongside your children, your pets and perhaps

This is also counter intuitive, but I have seen it happen and I have been

tenants and others. Make sure to communicate your expectations. If you

guilty of mishandling the situation. Hear me out. When we get a cold at

want to be left alone during the workday, tell them. If you like to set up a

work, we take sick days to rest and heal and stay home so we don't

sign that says, "Do not Disturb", create an agreement about how it

transfer the cold to others. Do not mistake the fact that you can work

works. I have been heard saying "honey, I'm home" at the end of a work-

from home to mean that you must do it even when you are sick. Not only

day in the other room!

will you be ineffective, but you will also take longer to get better ` Yoram Baltinester

7. Use technology to stay connected. As you make the shift from office to work make sure to let people know

Yoram.Baltinester Yoram Baltinester

email and work files. In many cases, this step involves working with your

[To go beyond these 10 tips and be even more productive at home, call him at 858.356.6751 or email and mention the Influential People Magazine]

corporate I.T. department to create VPN connections and special access

Yoram Baltinester has been training entrepreneurs and busi-


ness professionals since the 1980's while operating in the High-

Also, this is a great time to get on-board with free, on-line collaboration

tech world in various capacities. His fast, fierce and focused

how they can find you. Change your phone voicemail greeting as necessary. Forward the work phone to your cellular phone. Get access to your

tools such as Asana and Trello to keep you and your co-workers on the same








as Zoom or Skype to keep the face-to-face communications going.

approach has earned him the nickname of “The Personal Development Samurai”.

Through decades of trial and error, success and failure, and many transitions that life has taken him through, Yoram collected his insights and

8. Stay out of the kitchen.

crafted a proven protocol he calls Decisive Action. Using this protocol people can

I am dead serious about this one. That little coffee break in the kitchen

make quality decision when the matter at hand is life changing or effects the

might turn into a very, very long break. Put the kettle on and while the

future of their businesses.

water boils, get the coffee ready, clean the counter, wash the breakfast

Some of Yoram’s business and personal accomplishments using Decisive Action

plates and so on. A very long break indeed!

protocol were crossing the Gobi Desert, into Tibet and proceeding to cross the Himalayas overland into Nepal. In the wake of September 11 (same week!)

A great way to avoid the kitchen at lunchtime is to prepare your lunch

Yoram started an Information Technology management firm which he grew year-

the night before, just like you would for work. This way you do not need

over-year for 12 years until he sold it in 2013. In the personal development

to go in there halfway through your day and risk losing your momentum.

space, he was involved in three startups all of which still operate and one has been in business since 1985.




Copyrighted by Darrell Stern

I’m celebrating 30 years in B2B and B2C digital marketing, and it’s quite a celebration.

The second is marketing is the art of starting meaningful conversations.

And over the years, I’ve developed a few philosophies and ethics in and around digital marketing that I wanted to share with you today, because if you believe and honestly understand these methodologies and these philosophies, then perhaps and maybe you, your company and your brand would be a perfect fit to work with us because we have to be in sync not just in terms of what we want to accomplish, but also what our core philosophies and our core values are. I’m going to go over a few of them, and I hope that you agree that these make sense to you and you’ll contact me, and we can work together.

Now those conversations with the right people as your prospects, as your potential vendor partners, as anyone in terms of growing your network, business partners, our job working with you is to start communications between you and conversations with you and those right people, your target market, those who would need you the most.

The first is that marketing is the theater. It must be dramatic and move your target audience to take action. What does that mean? Well, we live in a media-driven world, and if your media that you’re creating is not somehow emotionally moving the person towards working with you, towards communicating with you, towards engaging with you, that could be the reason why your marketing is falling flat. The first is marketing is theater. Other people don’t want any drama in their lives, and I say let’s bring on the drama. 38 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

The next is … and I love this one … To market what you do you must tell people what you do, and you must tell them over and over and over again in hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of different creative ways. Just sitting there with a one-page website or one blog or one Facebook post or some random type of thing that you’re putting out there does not tell your story, and we’ve got to tell people what you do, how you do it, prove confidence in your brand, and get people to believe and trust and have confidence in you. That will raise your value. That will raise your sales. And that will show off your value proposition in your B2B or B2C business.

Here’s another one that I love this because this is fun.

Your story is repeatable. Now do you ever meet somebody and they say you’ve got to hear the story about this or can I tell you about this or can I tell you about this story that I heard from Stern Marketing the other day, this blog that I read or this video that I saw? It was fantastic. This is what happened in it. One of our main goals is to make your story so clear and so valuable to the people that will fall in love with you the most that they will be able to repeat it to others. You might call it word of internet, word of mouth marketing. Hey, you’ve got to see this video. Guess what? That also transfers over into sharing, people saying hey, you’ve got to see this. Guys, you’ve got to see this. Tagging all their friends and your amazing videos and media and all of those different kinds of things. We want to make it so that your story is so crystal clear and memorable that others can repeat it by heart.

core philosophy, a core strategy that matches up with these core philosophies and values, we are perfect to work together.

I invite you to register for my six free classes. We’re adding more to it. Just some great advice and information to get you to change your thinking a little bit, so that we’re setting the right intention and that we have the right philosophy in our marketing of your business. This is Darrell Stern. I look forward to going Stern Storming with you and working with you in my exciting marketing agency, Stern. Marketing. Have a great day. For more download, your lessons and schedule 30 minutes of Stern Storming at ~Darrell Stern Darrell Stern

Darrell Stern Darrell Stern

And finally, our ultimate goal is to have your company and your brand, and your products and your services be known, and not just seen. Our goal is to tap into your business, what your business should be known for so that over time your reputation precedes you and people from all over the world come to find you from different sources to work with you. Isn’t it amazing, when you get to this point where all of a sudden someone says, well, I gosh I don’t know where I found you, but I see you everywhere? You are omnipresent, and we all know, me and my friends and my colleagues and the people that I work with and everybody else knows that you are the best at the blank. That you are the best at what you do, being it fixing cars or being a chiropractor or being a funeral home director or being a health coach or a life coach or an inspirational speaker or a motivational speaker. Whatever it is, whatever industry you’re in. If you know a lot about installing Epicor, a giant ERP software in big manufacturing divisions, let’s make you known for that. Then, when we have a

Darrell Stern Sternstorming Sternmarketing

Darrell Stern is known around the world as the Digital Marketing Jedi and a world-class public speaker; he has brought great influence and success to business owners around the world since the late ’90s. He has seen the web develop into what it is today. There is so much confusion on how to fully master digital inbound, content, SEO, video, and social marketing. Darrell through his agency Stern. Marketing and his academy bring a comprehensive logic and creativity to digital marketing like nothing else in the world today. Darrell has been determined to create the most comprehensive course and accountability program available online to drive his client business to profits and influence.

Every Weekday at 10 AM, MST





CARMA SPENCE Copyrighted by Carma Spence


Whether you have a traditional job in an office or own your own workat-home business, working from home productively is an important life, career and business skill. Telecommute and partial telecommute positions have been on the rise for years, but with the current COVID-19 pandemic, many people are having to adjust to working from home when they were used to working from an office. In this post, I’m going to share with you some work from home best practices that I’ve learned from research, talking to others and from more than a decade of personal experience. Many of the tips I’m about to share I learned the hard way. I have ADD, so maintaining focus and productivity while at home – especially during the years where I shared my space with an abusive husband – came with a lot of challenges. But I’ve jumped those hurdles and developed some ways to manage the numerous distractions that come with working from home. Perhaps, I’ll save you from jumping some of these hurdles.

thentic and try — or a bluff — anyway? Relationships Especially in these times of social distancing, it is important to nurture your relationships. Talk to people on the phone. Set up Skype or Zoom calls. Interact with people via social media. Don’t isolate yourself so much that you become a hermit. You need this not only for your sanity, but also because you may need your network for help, assistance, pointers, and more. Maintaining healthy relationships is never more important than when you work from home.

Apply the C.A.R.M.A. Code to Working from Home The C.A.R.M.A. Code is a set of “keys to success” in life and business, and they can easily be applied to working at home successfully. Creativity Mindset There is no one-size-fits-all guide to working remotely effectively. You have to experiment with the tips provided in this post, as well as other you learn from Internet research, friendly advice, and possibly even books. Some advice will work for you just as described. Some will work with some customization to your personality or situation. And some just plain won’t work. But you won’t know if you don’t try and apply your creativity to develop solutions that work for you. Authenticity This ties into creativity. You need to find telecommute tools and techniques that you can easily use. Don’t use methods and software just because I or someone else says they work. Try them out. Make sure they work well with your personality, situation, goals and technical know-how. And don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We all have our strengths, as well as areas that we’ll never be great at. So why be inau-


Working from home requires a different, yet similar mindset to working outside the home. To be productive, you’ll have to be your own accountability partner in many areas. And you’ll need to make yourself take the steps you need for self-care. I’ll go into these ideas a bit more later. Action Have you noticed that there is a common word used in the phrases “work from home” and “work remotely”? Yep, the keyword here is “work.” You need to actually take action to get things done! You’ll need to: Set and maintain a workable schedule Take breaks Answer emails Talk to people

Accomplish tasks Maintain balance These are all actions. And they don’t involve sitting on the couch watching TV and eating bonbons! They are all goal-oriented actions. More on this later, too. Self-Management for Telecommuters Before you sit down at your computer to accomplish your work, you need to make sure that you set up a good environment in which to work. Here are some tips for creating space—both mentally and physically—for being productive while working at home. Set a Schedule – and Stick to It When do you work your best? Are you a morning person? Or do you find you are your most productive in the afternoon? Create a schedule that consistently has you working on your most mind-intensive tasks during your best mentally focused time of day. For example, when I first started working from home, I tried to set a schedule similar to what I had at work. Start at 9 am and ends at 6 pm. However, I found that that was less effective for me. I was more likely to start late, or dilly dally in the morning.

into your inbox, but this distraction reduces your productivity and can actually reduce your I.Q.!

That said, you still want to keep on top of important messages, so schedule times that you’ll take a break and check your email. In general, I check my email 3-4 times a day: In the morning, after I’ve completed my first most important task. Just before my lunch break. About mid-afternoon when I experience a slump and need to give my brain a rest. Just before shutting down in the evening. Of course, if I’m working on something where keeping on top of my email is important, I’ll check more often. But I no longer check just because the alert sound went off. Some people go a step further and turn off the alert sound.

Establish a Morning Routine How you start your workday sets the tone for the rest of the day, so develop a mourning routine that starts you off on the right foot. My morning routine goes something like this: Check my daily to-do list and complete one or two important tasks. Eat breakfast.

However, after a night of insomnia, I decided to give up on going back to sleep and start working sometime between 5 am and 6 am. I had the most productive day! I was amazed. I’ve found that if I focus on tasks that require me to be my best during the hours of 6 am to 10 am, I will get more done. Also, set times when you will walk away from your computer. You need to take breaks and you need to have an “end of day” time. I like taking an hour for lunch. I relax, catch up on my binge-watching show du jour, and stop thinking about work. And, I always end my day sometime between 5 and 6 pm. This assures that I have quality time to spend with my husband, something that is very important in the “Relationship” area of the C.A.R.M.A. Code.

Take a show and dress for the day. Go through my email. Work on the next important task. Sometimes this schedule is disrupted due to meetings or errands or other things that are beyond my control. And, I’ve found that on those days where my routine is disrupted, I’m less productive. So I know from experience how important this routine is. Create an Environment that Is Conducive to Productively Working from Home Once you’ve got your self-management in order, it is time to create an environment that supports you in being a productive virtual worker.

Get Dressed for Work In my webinar about acts of self-kindness, I talked about the importance of making your bed in the morning. This small act is a psychological trigger that not only can help you feel more organized and together in the morning but much more comfortable when you go to bed at night. Getting dressed for work, even you aren’t leaving the house is a similar psychological trigger. The act of self-grooming — taking a shower, putting on decent clothes, etc. — improves your sense of self-confidence and can actually help you be more productive. Schedule Time to Check Your Email

It can be quite enticing to check your email every time something pops

Decide on a Dedicated Workspace Having a dedicated workspace helps with more than just your taxes. It also helps you be more productive because all the things you need to do your work are in one place. Depending on your particular situation, this can be a 100% dedicated space, like a spare room or a desk in the corner of a room. Or it can be space that you need to set up and take down every day (not optimal, but sometimes unavoidable.) If the latter is your situation, invest in a plastic box or crate where you can keep all your work stuff together, making it easier to set up and take down. Once you’ve got your dedicated workspace, don’t tie yourself to it. Sometimes, you’ll need a change of scenery for mental clarity. Some people like to move to another room. Others will go to a library or café. When I need to read or edit, I like to sit in my comfy chair in the living



My final piece of advice: Do your best. Learn as you go. And take time off

Set Guidelines with Those You Share Space With

when you need to. Don’t work when you’re sick and take time to smell the roses and interact with your fellow humans.

If you’re single and live alone, this isn’t something you’ll have to deal with. But if you have roommates, children, or a significant other who is home during your work hours, you will need to set guidelines, so they don’t disrupt your workflow. What these guidelines are will be different for any given person’s situation, but here are two areas that you will want to consider having them fore: When you can be interrupted When you need the house to be quite For example, my husband knows not to bother me during my morning work hours, for that’s when I’m concentrating the most. We break for lunch together, so we catch up on things that come up then. In addition, if he does need to interrupt me, he asks permission first. And I do the same for him. Integrate Work and Life Tasks For me, Monday is laundry day. Therefore, I work in doing the laundry in between tasks. This helps me get my important household chore done and makes me take regular movement breaks. Win, win in my book! Are there things you need to get done around the house? Why not schedule them into your day, alternating business work with life work. Things get done and you break up computer time, which is better for your health overall. Make Sure You Have the Right Tools There are a number of tools you may need to work effectively from home. Here are some of the most common ones: A laptop: This lets you take work with you wherever you need to take it. Most of the time, it will be in your dedicated workspace, but you can take it to a client meeting, café or library – or even the living room – when you want to. Another option is to have a stationary computer and a tablet, from which you can access important things, such as your email, when on the move. Virtual communication software and devices: I use Skype and Zoom for virtual meetings. A cell phone is a must, as well. These let you communicate with others in real-time. And having video conferencing capability adds in the facetime that can be critical for some work, as well as your sanity. A strong Internet connection: None of the above will work without it!

Other tools that are helpful for collaboration include: Google Suite: This suite of applications, very similar to Microsoft Office Suite, empowers online collaboration in real-time and is easy to track. Slack or Trello: These are project management tools that help teams work and communicate virtually.

Follow this advice you’ll not only survive working remotely, you even have some fun, too! ~ Carma Spence CarmaSpenceConsultant Carmaspence

Carmap cspothitt

Carma Spence is an International best-selling author and award-winning speaker who helps women, introverts and shy people unleash their content creation superpowers and communicate their message with confidence so that they can create a meaningful and fulfilling legacy. With 20+ years experience in marketing communications and public relations, natural intuitive skills and certification in using some of the most effective transformational coaching tools available, Carma’s mission and commitment is to unleash the inner power her clients' possess so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of people’s lives in meaningful and positive ways.

Do You Want More Success and Happiness? Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible… in turning ideas, dreams, and desires into reality. But even S.M.A.R.T. goals won’t work if they aren’t right for you. This is the missing piece in most goal-setting training. Set the Right Goals for You provides you with a 6-step process that helps you choose the right goals, articulate them clearly, and create a plan of action that will move you toward your goals and keep you on track. Available in ebook or spiral-bound workbook formats. A VIP miniretreat package is also available.

There are others, but what I’ve listed above should get you started. Conclusion How can I work remotely effectively? Develop a plan and then work the plan. The tips for working remotely I’ve provided in this post are a great start.





MICHELLE MOORE WINDER ☆ C E L E B R I T Y Copyrighted by Michelle Winder Masterminds are NOT just another conference or meet up. If you’ve ever thought about running your mastermind event, here are some things you should know to make it a memorable experience for all. To paraphrase something Paulo Coelho says in ‘The Alchemist’, “Follow your heart; for it is the language of God” Masterminds empower us to do just that! *** 1) Leverage the Power of Rockstar's! Always invite people to apply for a seat at the table. The best masterminds are strategically created with the attendees in mind. You want to make sure everyone in the group is a Rockstar and has something to contribute. Begin with activities that engage the entire group. For example, have everyone share the #1 business strategy they use to get or keep more clients. Or how they manage to keep or invest more money. Or share new ad tactics that improve conversion.

more than three important topics of discussion. People who thrive on ‘overwhelm’ can get all they need online. The purpose of your 2020 Mastermind should be to create actionable steps to achieve specific goals.

3) Make it Memorable! Most people join masterminds to grow their business, but they also want to make connections while having fun! Never hold your Mastermind in a hotel or other stuffy place. When the weather is nice, meet outdoors. When you have to stay indoors, you might add karaoke or board games afterward. Outside the conference room fun things happen! Be passionate about making sure this is a memorable experience for every Rockstar. They’ll tell their friends to apply for your NEXT one! ! ~ Michele Winder Moore

M A K E R ☆

AUTHOR, SPEAKER, BUSINESS CONSULTANT, & COACH Michelle Winder is an engaging author, coach and speaker who is authentic and entertaining. Her life experiences, including being raised from the dead, provide a wealth of wisdom for her dynamic, informative, speaking topics. She’s the first to tell you that TIME is not Money. TIME is LIFE- and we cannot waste it as though it’s loose change! Michelle believes too many people waste their lives watching other people and she’s passionate about showing people how to make the most of their own stage. She demonstrates how to walk through the challenges we all face, head on, without fear. She emphasizes that YOU are the LEAD on YOUR Stage in Life- she’ll show you how so you can Rock YOUR Red Carpet!

Michelle Moore Winder Michelle Winder

2) Simple Rules! Have you ever been to a conference where you’re so bombarded with content that your mind is about to explode? Leaders often cram in too much information so attendees will feel like it was worth it- but the opposite is true. They leave, confused about where to start implementing, so they do nothing at all.


Make your Mastermind Simple. Focus on no


CREDITS: Photography by: Ngoc Nguyen of G&G Studios MUAH: Hair & Makeup by Karen Huynh of Melbourne’s Beautiful Bridal Gown by Arlene D’Monte Lulusecret is an on take, interviews, insight & sharing of inspiring & successful people’s secrets on the topics of Health, Wealth & Happiness. Video Interviews Blogs Articles Product Reviews Fitness Group Classes Seminars







Project Karma

was established in 2016, to focus on combating child sex exploitation. Project Karma is

based in Melbourne, Australia but works to combat child sex exploitation both within Australia and in key regions of South East (SE) Asia where the majority of these crimes occur.

SUPPORT PROJECT KARMA Since it started, Project Karma has relied on donations from individuals as its main source of funding, and we still rely enormously on individual donations. Any amount, however small, helps us to protect vulnerable children. If you are interested in fundraising or volunteering your time (particularly if you are based in Melbourne, Bali or Cebu) or have a company that you believe would be able to provide pro-bono support for Project Karma’s activities, then please contact Project Karma at Or go to: 48 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE



HOW MAY I SERVE YOU ? BUSINESS Breakthroughs: Strategies for

Bringing back the HEART: Nurturing your

BALANCE and fulfillment: Achieving success

boosting your revenues

relationships at work and home

and fulfillment at the same time?

YOU CAN HAVE IT. I CAN HELP. LET’S MEET FOR A (VIRTUAL) COFFEE. Yoram Baltinester is known as The Personal Development Samurai for his unique ability of cutting straight to the epicenter of any issue. Why this is important to you? It shortens the time needed to course correct your life, your relationships, your money and your health. Let’s find out together, in a COMPLEMENTARY CHAT : 1.

Which area in your life is actually your weakest link? (It may not be what you think it is)


How fulfillment can co-exist with success and, not at the expense of other areas of life?


What is the biggest roadblock right now?


What are the best strategies for you to catapult to the next level of your success?


Photography by: Debbie Lefever





Copyrighted by Soulaima Gourani ‘Soft’ skills are in high demand

By 2017, three generations will be working together. In 2020, it will be approximately five generations.

Do you intend to become a success? Then you should understand/find your specialized knowledge and it must be combined with the ability to collaborate, motivate, and communicate with other people. Many less educated and “self-made” people do far better in the business world than you might expect even though their IQ is average. These people can arouse confidence in others, and they can get others to agree with them. They can sell a good idea and get people to support them, and their ideas and suggestions. Professionals that are in demand know that emotional intelligence is one of the three strongest and most sought-after competencies. The other two are integrity and creativity. One’s Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a measure of how effective one is at understanding themselves and others to adapt to and cope with the immediate surroundings to successfully deal with environmental demands. Employees who possess and continually develop their EQ, integrity, and creativity will increase their value to their managers, companies, and customers.

A good leader must understand himself/herself to understand others.


This will be the first time that so many generations will be living and working together. It will be an enormous challenge to understand one another and get the best out of one another’s differences, strengths, and challenges. In many organizations, there is still much ignorance on how to attract, retain, and develop employees of different generations. This is with good reason because there is no single recipe. Age diversity and generational understanding is your, your boss’s, and your company’s next big challenge. It will place huge demands on your overall EQ.

People have become less authoritarian than they were before. The number of younger employees is less than the number of more mature employees. People follow those whom they trust and listen to those who do sensible things. Create something meaningful or significant, as I usually stress out. Your EQ is there—so incredibly central. Use it if you want people to listen and follow you. It may eventually be accepted that a person’s IQ cannot be used to predict a person’s success, either in personal life or in business—a realization that has already made Daniel Goleman an award-winning author. In my recent work with my book Take Control Over Your Career ( ), I have confirmed that there is no correlation between how smart people are and how successful they can become.

After ten years of mapping managers and their business skills to build,

Soulaima Gourani is the founder and CEO of

foster, and expand professional relationships, I find that EQ is more im-

Tradeconductor, a highly successful business, and global trade marketing consultancy that has helped countless major corporations become what they are today and an official expert at World Economic Forum’s (Expert Network) Behavioral Sciences & Education and Skills. She is a frequent motivational speaker at conferences with approximately 200 public talks/year around the world, online coach, corporate advisor to major companies on customer loyalty, sales, service strategies and employee motivation and the future of business + author of several bestseller books and has contributed to more than 14 books on leadership, change mgt, SCM and how to get success in life. Soulaima helps to serve a common purpose: to create more innovators, critical Thinkers, and problem solvers–more peace in the world.

portant than other personality traits and exceeds IQ as the most relevant factor in achieving success in business, and life.~ Soulaima Gourani soulaimagourani/


Join Influential People TV Host l Author l Speaker l Publisher



on her upcoming new show



Featuring Influential People who are making an enduring impact on people lives around the world... Do you have a compelling idea for our show? Come and join our Facebook group for updates, news, idea sharing, to featured in our upcoming shows, and etc… FB: InfluentialPeopleTV Despite all of the obstacles in her way, Heide persisted and went on building 3 successful businesses and 3 magazine companies. Her energetic personality, charm, and sincerity have contributed to her successful magazine company; Influential People Magazine and becoming known as one of the top “Influential People. ” Heide’s business success can largely be credited to her instinctive ability to create an irresistible exposure for people she has helped. Heide will give you the industry insider points for making sure your message gets known throughout Influential People Magazine and Influential People TV show.

FB: @InfluencerHeideDangelo



DR LANCE PATAK, MD, MBA OFFERS COMMUNITION DEVICES FOR CORONAVIRUS PATIENTS In support of scientists' efforts globally. I have dedicated my influence on a cause greater than myself. I believe that we are all connected on this journey called life. I hope that this action will bring something good to someone who walks in the same land like us. Stay up to date on the coronavirus and also consider doing the #AllInThis2Gether @ (share your story on these two Instagrams (@allinthiistogether & @Coronachronicles) #allinthiistogether described in my post) we should all do what we can to slow the spread of the virus and simple knowledge sharing still works in every corner of our communities, locally and globally. Please stay healthy and well, my friend. The world needs you! Thank you I need to raise $200,000.00 The inventor and patent holder of the Vidatak EZ Board, a communication system developed for those patients on mechanical ventilators.YES!!! Many of the #Coronavirus ICU patients need to know about this!!! Prepare to #beinspired! #ServiceHeroShow #BecomeAServiceHero #onpurposecre8tv


Influential People Magazine honors a man who is truly on the frontlines of the #COVID crisis! Dr. Lance Patak best friend to Mikey Adam Cohen reached out to Cohen to partner and get the word out & change the Doctor/Patient passion/purpose treatment that is needed because Dr. Lance is a medical doctor on the frontlines that has invented something that will bring comfort to millions of COVID-19 patients. The inventor and patent holder of the Vidatak EZ Board, a communication system developed for those patients on mechanical ventilators. Dr.Lance Patak, M.D., MBA is the co-founder and current CEO and President of Vidatak, LLC. It was his passion for the communications needs of patients on mechanical ventilation that led him to invent and subsequently patent a communication device now known as the Vidatak EZ Board. Lance continued his education and focus on compassionate care, partnering with Dr. Traughber to refine and launch the Vidatak products. Now, while working at Seattle Children's Hospital in the Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. Patak’s current efforts are to continue expanding Vidatak globally, continue to partner with healthcare organizations to improve bedside practices and to improve overall quality patient care. Highly sought as a speaker, Dr. Patak presents his research findings and his unique processes for changing bedside practice whenever possible. COVID-19 patients with respirators: ventilators on them can now communicate with anyone in the room with this board. Lance Patak & Mikey Adam Cohen believe this should be ordered with masks, gloves, respirators, etc and go to every bed in the hospital. Please watch this clip... videos/2668700333407662/?d=n Please contact Mikey Adam Cohen 310-213-3119

54 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE f/help-for-ventilated-covid19patients?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_linktip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet Mikey Adam Cohen “When I most needed to communicate, I wasn't able to. I couldn't speak, and I couldn't make myself understood.” -Sandra Bluman-COVID-19 Patient. “Our Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic Corona Chronicled-World War C® prides itself on being a “celebration of what’s possible when you share.” At Corona Chronicled we strongly believe that humanity’s greatest superpower is its ability to share. That said, in this truly unprecedented state of the world, when it comes to this dreadful virus, not sharing can be the most powerful thing we can do for one another, for the planet, and ourselves. Corona Chronicled-World War C® is in its corporate fundraising stage, so there is, unfortunately, at this point, nothing we can do to monetarily bolster the nonprofits that in these trying times need support more than ever. we say all the time, “Sharing is humanity's superpower.” And now, more than ever, it is imperative that we all remain mindful of the power we have within us when we share, and most importantly, of how easily this dreadful virus is shared…As a very wise personal advisor this dreadful virus is shared…As a very wise personal advisor once told me, With this in mind, I feel it is important to turn our attention to what we can do, and that is, share with you our wish for you to stay informed, stay safe, and most importantly to diligently practice Social Distancing, not only for your sake, but for the sake of others, and to be mindful now more than ever how we are all truly connected. At Corona Chronicled-World War C® we are keeping a careful eye on the progress of the COVID-19 Pandemic and limiting all of our business interactions online. We are hard at work aligning with socially conscious corporations and social impact investors to secure the funding we need to begin production so we can share with your entertainment and inspiration to support causes like cancer, Alzheimer’s, poverty, education, youth fining their purpose, influencers and more. And as a socially conscious citizen, you already know there is always more, which is why

iCorona Chronicled-World War C® will always be there to support these important initiatives. When we launch, our unique model for generating donations for the world’s nonprofits will allow for you to show up to see what we share, and just by doing so, your presence will help to generate funding for nonprofit organizations. Considering how financially impacted most people will be after this is all over, we anticipate that nonprofits will, in many nstances, have a hard time sustaining the very necessary work they do without the support they relied on in the past. Corona Chronicled-World War C® /Workin4GOOD hopes to be a welcomed addition to the nonprofit community, and an inspiring, uplifting way for the public to continue to support the work such organizations do, while hopefully being informed and entertained in the process. Looking Out For Each Other At Corona Chronicled-World War C®/ Workin4GOOD we say all the time, “Sharing is humanity's superpower.” And now, more than ever, it is imperative that we all remain mindful of the power we have within us when we share, and most importantly, of how easily this dreadful virus is shared. We are sharing what we know to be the most up-to-date data on the global spread of COVID-19, please look out for one another. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun when we launch, without you here to share with. Vidatak EZ Board and VidaTalk App Being Donated to Hospitals and Clinicians to Improve COVID-19 Patients’ Condition EZ Boards and the VidaTalk App allow patients to express their needs and indicate the type of pain they are experiencing. Ann Arbor, MI - Vidatak, a trusted supplier of communication products for hospitalbased patients, and Acuity Medical (Annapolis, MD), Vidatak’s master distributor, have announced they are continuing to provide FREE EZ Boards - a simple to use communication board designed for non-verbal patients, and their VidaTalk App to hospitals during this global health crisis. Both organizations have budgeted funds to support intubated COVID-19 patients by providing these bedside hand-held solutions. Staff can order FREE EZ Boards by email to, or those who have tablets can download the EZ Board on their new app via VidaTalk for a free subscription until June 30, 2020. The EZ Board is a sturdy but lightweight picture and word board that allows weak ventilated patients to express wants, convey needs, and indicate the type, degree, and location of their pain and other concerns. Through the Vidatak EZ Board, intubated patients can reduce their frustration while increasing their satisfaction with the medical attention they receive. It has been reported that 5% of people with COVID-19 infections require intubation. With over 600,000 cases in the US today, that’s more than 30,000 COVID-19 positive patients being intubated so far. Because resources are scarce for many hospitals as they are scrambling to secure lifesaving equipment and protective gear for providers, the company wants to make these communication tools available at no cost to the hospitals and medical workers who need them. Hospitals that have been purchasing the EZ Boards are encouraged to continue purchasing to ensure those facilities in financial need may experience the greatest benefit. Update April 15, 2020, as budgeted funds begin to run out, Vidatak has started a Go Fund Me campaign for help in continuing this valuable patient-centric program. The VidaTalk App available on a tablet is available in multiple languages but the demand for additional languages and platforms is high and costly to develop and implement. They are looking to manufacture 10,000+ EZ Boards and add 10 additional languages to the app to fulfill hospital requests.

The EZ Board was DR. LANCE PATAK M.D., developed by Dr. MBA, is a Co-Founder, CEO, and President of VidaTak, Lance Patak, M.D., LLC, and the inventer , along with Paul Masvipatent holder of the dal, who began transVitatak EZ board, an comlating research about munication system develthe evidence-based innooped for patients on mechanivation. Despite uncertainties cal ventilators. on how to meet the intubated patients’ communication needs, Dr. Patak spent two years of research with these patients conducting careful end-user assessments and testing. “With end-user feedback from 149 critically ill patients who had been intubated, we created the EZ Board to match the specific human factors that enable the board to be an effective tool when critically-ill. One of our patient’s husband owned a printing shop, Media Lithographic in City of Commerce, CA, who helped with early printing of the EZ Board. Our first commercial launched printed the EZ Boards in 1990 in five languages. Now, we have translated the board into twenty languages and have distributed the EZ Board to fifteen countries, and currently, we’ve developed an APP for electronic tablets which has also been rigorously tested and adapted to ensure it is an effective tool for critically-ill patients,” said Dr. Patak. The EZ Board has currently become the standard in health-care for those intubated at thousands of pf hospitals in the U.S., including Sinai Health, Atrium Health, New York-Presbyterian, Penn Health, St. Jude’s, VA Health System, Children’s Health, UPMC, Kaiser, UCLA, Johns Hopkins Health System, and many more. For more information for hospitals to receive an EZ Board or to download the app, visit To help with the Go Fund Me campaign, visit https:// “ says Dr. Lance Patak. For media inquiries, interviews, and appearance requests, please contact Kelly Bennett of Bennett Unlimited PR (949) 4636383 or Mikey Adam Cohen at 310-213-3119 or Mikey Adam Cohen Follow Vidatak and Dr. Lance Patak on social media at Facebook @eloquencecommunications @vidatakezboard; Twitter @LancePatakMD, @EloqComm @vidatak; Instagram @snoozemd and LinkedIn @serialentreprenuer @paradigmdisruptor @coronachonicled About Vidatak LLC: Vidatak LLC is the company behind the different communication tools like EZ Board, VidaTalk. Picture Board, and Spiritual Care Communication Board. The company aims to provide evidencebased, cutting-edge communication resources for patients suffering from communication impairment. For more information visit cocteaumazzy


Founded in 2008 as Organo Gold, ORGANO is dedicated to bringing the benefits of the earth’s nutritional riches to people throughout the world via its premium products that can be used daily to help to achieve a more energetic and healthier lifestyle. ORGANO™ Independent Distributor: INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 57

So you want to lose weight, too? Transform your mind, body, and life with this comprehensive toolkit and easy to use step by step guide New Mind New Body: The Inner Makeover for a New You Paperback $18.99

which takes you through a personal self assessment process unique to you; offers you a clear, concise, and complete system for positive self development; and helps you change your relationship with food by starting from within. Psychiatrists can struggle with life problems, just like you. After years of going through different diets, Dr. Greg Brown recognized that to really change his body, he needed to change his mindset. He succeeded in making fundamental and permanent changes in his own life without sacrificing anything of the lifestyle he wanted to enjoy. He shared his program, The EATT Plan, with friends and family and now offers it to you. Dr. Greg's insights and experiences from his personal journey to health are paired with a fun and engaging set of tools that support any chosen diet plan. FREE ONLINE COURSES Free Course Link: 58 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

#1 National Bestseller: Food Sanity – How to Eat in a World of Fads and Fiction As health expert for Lifetime television’s morning show and syndicated radio host, Dr. Friedman has spent the last fifteen years interviewing hundreds of health advocates, scientists, doctors and New York Times bestselling authors. His goal has always been to share cuttingedge topics and advice to help his audience reach their optimal health. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened. Instead, every guest would end up leaving them (and Dr. Friedman) more and more confused. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day. After becoming frustrated with so much biased (often paid for) and conflicting research, Dr. Friedman created a common science meets common sense approach that finally puts an end to the culinary conundrum!


Amazon—Food Sanity













BRIAN TRASCHER Amazon—Laws And Sausage







Your book will be featured in our Magazine, website, and it’s JV magazines. More exposure for you!!! Inquire within: (Book Placement in Subject line) INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 61







Drive sales and increase visibility with book advertising Whether you’ve published one title or thousands, Influential People Magazine offers unique advertising solutions for the books category through Influential People Magazine Marketing (IPMM). These advertising solutions are currently available to authors and books vendors with a retail relationship.

Promote titles alongside similar books and authors

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What’s Included: Online Ad – Creation of your book’s ad in various formats: Web image ads, Web text ads and mobile Web ads. 6 Months or 1 yr Placement – Your book’s ad will secure placement on our websites and in our magazine that are part of the Influential People Magazine Display Network of your choice 6 Months for $14.95 per month or 1 year for $9.95 per month.. 62 INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE

Learn How to Grow Your Business With Persuasive Speaking! Even If You Have Never Been a Public Speaker Before

Let Arvee Robinson Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker, and Author, teach you to become a Pubic Speaking Superstar in your industry! INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE MAGAZINE 63

Brian Sebastian Movies Reviews & More

Theodosia McLean

Matt J Doyle Actor, Producer, & Entrepreneur

Daniel Faust Relationship Consultant

Heide Dangelo Publisher, Author, TV Host, & Entrepreneur


More listing coming soon, check in our next issue!

Welcome to the eZWay Wall Of Fame. The people you find on this wall have proven to either go above and beyond for the eZWay Family, have researchable and validated credits as a expert in their field, or has celebrity name recognition and has world wide proven influence

(JOIN OUR EZWAY FAMILY) The eZWay Wall Of Fame was made to reward our ezwayfam members, highlight and feature our influencers and celebrity experts. This is not just a wall to look at, visitors can click on any of the members which take you to a special page that showcases, promotes and highlights that particular member. This page features a featured picture, bio, video, builds a subscriber base, share buttons and social media and website promotion buttons. It will also have a rss feed to highlight the members social media posts from their facebook like page. This increases followers. Each member has the option to have their own profile on our social network which is similar to facebook. Want to join our ezway family? Text ezway to # 55678 Call EZWay: 877-399-2929 By Eric Zuley and Pattie Sadler The eZWay Wall of Fame was created by one of the top ten social media influencers in the world. Ranked # 7 of the top ten, by “Hollywood Weekly Magazine,” “Actors Reporter”, “Cold Heat News”, and many more, Mr. Eric Zuley founded eZWay Broadcasting, Inc. His business is now branded as eZWay Network, a multimedia conglomerate affiliated to thousands of other media companies. The eZWay wall of Fame is a platform used to honor their clients, members, and the eZWay Family. This collaborative network creates social proof and assists each other in monetizing their businesses. Digitally, it makes subscribers, clients, and supporters able to find one another. This clever creation promotes relationships and collaborations that were unreachable in the past. The network provides a user login for all visitors to be able to be seen by their 478,000 hits per month. This promotional tool is the only one of its kind and promotes users’ social media, websites, videos, audio and picture galleries. Others have compared it to a digital “Hall of Fame” or digital “Hollywood Walk of Fame”. Who’s Who among celebrities, influencers, and changemakers are promoted on the wall. Over 75 eZWay Fam, Influencers, and Celebrity

experts…all at your fingertip. Literally! There have been hundreds of people that have praised eZWay promotions and the Wall of Fame because of their results after being a part of this new platform! The Wall of Fame features your picture along with top influencers and celebrities which helps edify your brand credibility and gives you social proof. Members can get verified badges as well as what we like to call “Give Back Badges.” This is acquired by how many times you give back and help others. You can earn a certain amount of points that will help you to be awarded badges to get quantified. These points can be redeemed for extraordinary marketing and promotional services. Do you want to be noticed, and get more credibility? Want to be on the wall? Submissions to be on the wall: Subscribe at: Create your own account at: (Click signup/login at top of page)


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IT’S RIGHT INSIDE YOU! Photography by: Doug Ferguson Doug Ferguson



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