Can Frozen Meals Help You Get Your Health On Track?
NUTRITIONIST, BLOGGER, ENTREPRENEUR by Michele Weinstein Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t as those small steps make all the difference in the end. So quick question today… How many of you are working on becoming healthier, but unsure where to start? When you look around, you see what everyone else is suggesting doing to achieve optimal health. -Some suggest eliminating certain food groups while others suggest moderation of all foods. -And some suggest cross-fit while others suggest strength training. -Some suggest adding a certain ingredient into their smoothies while others suggest that doing so is silly. You get the point. There are so many opposing ideas of what is pertinent to optimal health. So, what do you do?
You figure out what works best for YOURSELF and take it one step at a time in order to achieve your best self! But How Do You Know What Works Best for Yourself? While it’s not simple, it is possible. Before starting any new routine, you should start where you are. Keep a food diary of what you eat for three days along with your workout routine. (Once you get this on paper you can have a better idea of your starting point.) Write down what you want to change, how you want to feel, and make a list of any restrictions and/or challenges that may get in the way. (For many, this could be the time spent making meals, the lack of cooking skills, etc.) Write down a few new exercise classes that interest you and/or foods you’d be open to trying or that you’d like to try. Once you establish this list, start small. Try a portion of new food, recipe, or workout and/or slowly increase/decrease your intake (depending on your goal). As you try new things, eliminate what you don’t like to eat or do, and incorporate what you do like to do. As time goes on, keep taking small steps TOWARDS a better you. But Wait… While this is a simplified process, you will find that many criticize the small changes that you do. A small step in the positive direction that’s hard for you, may seem “good enough” for someone else. When this occurs, it’s essential to keep doing what’s best for you… Even if A Small Step for You Means Taking A Step to the Frozen Food Aisle So while I’m a believer in making your own meals and prepping as much as possible, for some, like my mom this isn’t always possible. So, a small and