International Fitness Fashion Magazine

Page 42


Copyright by Melissa Hull When it comes to infant mortality, it is something that remains rela-


tively high in the USA among many other countries out there with a

data has been

very high standard of living. When looking at the standard of living


out there it is very shocking since the USA has a double rating when

the world bank

comparing to other country out there like Ireland or Norway. What

and has been ana-

that means is that there is a very high number in the USA which is

lyzed for many years to try and figure out what the USA is doing so differ-

6/1000 who will pass in the USA and the rate has not really gone

ently. Part of the reason that the mortality rate is so high is the fact that

down very much since 2012 and that is a cause for concern. The high-

there are many doctors who are not paying attention to guidelines. Doc-

est rates of issues are always in the southern states such as: Alabama,

tors may be inducing pregnancies too soon; they may also be in the mid-

Mississippi, and Louisiana. The lowest rates of infant mortality are in

dle of something that is unplanned and there is not equal healthcare that

states where there are more expensive healthcare options like Iowa

is available across the USA.




and Vermont. What that also means is that there needs to be more dedication to making What makes this statistic so high? The real reason for the high num-

sure that there is plenty of time for gestation. In addition, to that there

ber comes from many reasons but one of them is that there is a very

are also many locations that will implant a woman with more than one

high number of births that are below weight and that means that

embryo which also leads to many issues. That happens all the time with

there are many babies that die from not weighing enough. In 2003,

IVF and can lead to a situation in which there is going to be a very high

the number of children who were underweight accounted for 36% of

rate of death. A death is 4 times as likely when there is more than one

premature deaths in children. The number is the highest in African

baby I the womb at a time. That gets very high when there are twins,

American women who have a death rate of 11 in 1,000 births and that

triplets, and quintuplets, it can be as many as 26 times higher.

also means that there is a very low rate in the world with other countries like Cuba who have around 3 our of every 1,000 babies who pass. In the rest of the world there are very low numbers. In France, the

Melissa Hull Gallemore


infant mortality rate is 4 out of 1,000 which in Ireland, Israel, and


Greece it is around 3 out of 1,000. Norway and Japan have reached

Melissa Hull Gallemore

record low numbers at 2 out of 1,000.


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